int rest_num = num - n; forever { QList<int> handcard_list = target->handCards(); qShuffle(handcard_list); int give = qrand() % rest_num + 1; rest_num -= give; QList<int> to_give = handcard_list.length() < give ? handcard_list : handcard_list.mid(0, give); ServerPlayer *receiver = room->getOtherPlayers(target).at(qrand() % (target->aliveCount() - 1)); DummyCard *dummy = new DummyCard(to_give); room->obtainCard(receiver, dummy, false); delete dummy; if (rest_num == 0 || target->isKongcheng()) break; } } room->broadcastSkillInvoke(objectName(), 2); } } return false; } }; QiceCard::QiceCard() { will_throw = false; handling_method = Card::MethodNone; } bool QiceCard::targetFilter(const QList<const Player *> &targets, const Player *to_select, const Player *Self) const{ CardStar card = Self->tag.value("qice").value<CardStar>(); Card *mutable_card = const_cast<Card *>(card); if (mutable_card)
void Property::setValue(const QVariant &value) { if (m_propertyObject) m_propertyObject->setProperty(qPrintable(objectName()), value); }
bool WeaponSkill::triggerable(const ServerPlayer *target) const{ return target->hasWeapon(objectName()); }
QTlenConfigDialog::QTlenConfigDialog(QWidget * parent):QWidget(parent) { if (objectName().isEmpty()) setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("configDialog")); resize(480, 264); horizontalLayout_2 = new QHBoxLayout(this); listWidget = new QListWidget(this); listWidget ->setFixedWidth(220); listWidget->setIconSize(QSize(64, 64)); stackedWidget = new QStackedWidget(this); new QListWidgetItem(listWidget); new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(QPixmap(":icons/icons/64x64/roster.png")), tr("Roster appearance"), listWidget); new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(QPixmap(":icons/icons/64x64/look.png")), tr("Chat appearance"), listWidget); new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(QPixmap(":icons/icons/64x64/network.png")), tr("Network"), listWidget); connection_page = new QWidget(); roster_page = new QWidget(); chats_page = new QWidget(); network_page = new QWidget(); label = new QLabel(tr("Login"), connection_page); le_login = new QLineEdit(connection_page); label_2 = new QLabel(tr("Password"), connection_page); le_password = new QLineEdit(connection_page); le_password ->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); cb_autoConnect = new QCheckBox(connection_page); label_3 = new QLabel(connection_page); cb_defaultState = new QComboBox(connection_page); QIcon icon = QIcon(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/icons/16x16/online.png"))); QIcon icon1 = QIcon(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/icons/16x16/chatty.png"))); QIcon icon2 = QIcon(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/icons/16x16/away.png"))); QIcon icon3 = QIcon(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/icons/16x16/xa.png"))); QIcon icon4 = QIcon(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/icons/16x16/dnd.png"))); QIcon icon5 = QIcon(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/icons/16x16/invisible.png"))); cb_defaultState->addItem(icon, QString::fromUtf8("Dostępny")); cb_defaultState->addItem(icon1, QString::fromUtf8("Porozmawiajmy")); cb_defaultState->addItem(icon2, QString::fromUtf8("Zaraz wracam")); cb_defaultState->addItem(icon3, QString::fromUtf8("Wracam później")); cb_defaultState->addItem(icon4, QString::fromUtf8("Zajęty")); cb_defaultState->addItem(icon5, QString::fromUtf8("Niewidoczny")); cb_defaultState->addItem(QString::fromUtf8("-- poprzedni --")); cb_defaultState->setEnabled(false); formLayout = new QFormLayout(connection_page); formLayout ->setWidget(0, QFormLayout::LabelRole, label); formLayout ->setWidget(0, QFormLayout::FieldRole, le_login); formLayout ->setWidget(1, QFormLayout::LabelRole, label_2); formLayout ->setWidget(1, QFormLayout::FieldRole, le_password); formLayout ->setWidget(2, QFormLayout::FieldRole, cb_autoConnect); formLayout ->setWidget(3, QFormLayout::LabelRole, label_3); formLayout ->setWidget(3, QFormLayout::FieldRole, cb_defaultState); stackedWidget->addWidget(connection_page); horizontalLayout_2 ->addWidget(listWidget); verticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout(roster_page); cb_showOfflines = new QCheckBox(tr("Show offline users"),roster_page); QIcon icon6; icon6.addPixmap(QPixmap(QString::fromUtf8(":/icons/icons/view-user-offline-kopete.png")), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); cb_showOfflines->setIcon(icon6); verticalLayout->addWidget(cb_showOfflines); cb_showExtendedInfo = new QCheckBox(tr("Show extended info"), roster_page); verticalLayout->addWidget(cb_showExtendedInfo); cb_showAvatars = new QCheckBox(tr("Show contacts avatars"), roster_page); verticalLayout->addWidget(cb_showAvatars); cb_showDescriptions = new QCheckBox(tr("Show contacts descriptions"),roster_page); verticalLayout->addWidget(cb_showDescriptions); cb_showJidInRoster = new QCheckBox(tr("Show contacts IDs"),roster_page); verticalLayout->addWidget(cb_showJidInRoster); gb_expandPolicy = new QGroupBox(roster_page); verticalLayout_2 = new QVBoxLayout(gb_expandPolicy); rb_expandedState = new QRadioButton(gb_expandPolicy); verticalLayout_2->addWidget(rb_expandedState); rb_collapsedState = new QRadioButton(gb_expandPolicy); verticalLayout_2->addWidget(rb_collapsedState); rb_previousState = new QRadioButton(gb_expandPolicy); verticalLayout_2->addWidget(rb_previousState); verticalLayout->addWidget(gb_expandPolicy); stackedWidget->addWidget(roster_page); verticalLayout_4 = new QVBoxLayout(chats_page); scrollArea = new QScrollArea(chats_page); scrollArea->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); scrollArea->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Plain); scrollArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); scrollAreaWidgetContents = new QWidget(); scrollAreaWidgetContents->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 330, 261)); verticalLayout_3 = new QVBoxLayout(scrollAreaWidgetContents); verticalLayout_3->setMargin(0); groupBox = new QGroupBox(scrollAreaWidgetContents); formLayout_4 = new QFormLayout(groupBox); formLayout_4->setFieldGrowthPolicy(QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow); label_5 = new QLabel(groupBox); formLayout_4->setWidget(0, QFormLayout::LabelRole, label_5); le_nick = new QLineEdit(groupBox); formLayout_4->setWidget(0, QFormLayout::FieldRole, le_nick); label_7 = new QLabel(groupBox); formLayout_4->setWidget(4, QFormLayout::LabelRole, label_7); label_6 = new QLabel(groupBox); formLayout_4->setWidget(3, QFormLayout::LabelRole, label_6); pb_myColor = new QPushButton(groupBox); formLayout_4->setWidget(3, QFormLayout::FieldRole, pb_myColor); pb_myBg = new QPushButton(groupBox); formLayout_4->setWidget(4, QFormLayout::FieldRole, pb_myBg); verticalLayout_3->addWidget(groupBox); groupBox_2 = new QGroupBox(scrollAreaWidgetContents); formLayout_5 = new QFormLayout(groupBox_2); label_8 = new QLabel(tr("Contact text color"),groupBox_2); formLayout_5->setWidget(1, QFormLayout::LabelRole, label_8); cb_useJID = new QCheckBox(tr("Use ID instead of contact name"),groupBox_2); formLayout_5->setWidget(0, QFormLayout::FieldRole, cb_useJID); pb_chatColor = new QPushButton(groupBox_2); formLayout_5->setWidget(1, QFormLayout::FieldRole, pb_chatColor); pb_chatBg = new QPushButton(groupBox_2); formLayout_5->setWidget(2, QFormLayout::FieldRole, pb_chatBg); label_9 = new QLabel(tr("Contact text background"),groupBox_2); formLayout_5->setWidget(2, QFormLayout::LabelRole, label_9); verticalLayout_3->addWidget(groupBox_2); scrollArea->setWidget(scrollAreaWidgetContents); verticalLayout_4->addWidget(scrollArea); stackedWidget->addWidget(chats_page); stackedWidget->addWidget(network_page); horizontalLayout_2->addWidget(stackedWidget); QObject::connect(listWidget, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), stackedWidget, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int))); settings = new QSettings(QDir::homePath() + "/.qtlen4/config", QSettings::IniFormat); le_login->setText(settings->value("/connection/username", "").toString()); le_password->setText(settings->value("/connection/password", "").toString()); cb_autoConnect->setChecked(settings->value("/behaviour/autoconnect", false).toBool()); le_nick->setText(settings->value("/preferences/nick", "").toString()); cb_showJidInRoster->setChecked(settings->value("/roster/show_jid", false).toBool()); cb_showOfflines->setChecked(settings->value("/roster/offlines_visible", false).toBool()); cb_showAvatars->setChecked(settings->value("/roster/show_avatars", false).toBool()); cb_showDescriptions->setChecked(settings->value("/roster/show_descriptions", false).toBool()); cb_showExtendedInfo->setChecked(settings->value("/roster/show_ext_info", false).toBool()); if(!settings->value("/roster/show_ext_info", false).toBool()) { cb_showJidInRoster->setEnabled(false); cb_showAvatars->setEnabled(false); cb_showDescriptions->setEnabled(false); } connect(pb_myColor, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setMyColor())); connect(pb_myBg, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setMyBg())); connect(pb_chatColor, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setChatColor())); connect(pb_chatBg, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setChatBg())); changed.user = false; changed.roster = false; }
/** * \copydoc MythUIType::CreateCopy() */ void MythUIImage::CreateCopy(MythUIType *parent) { QReadLocker updateLocker(&d->m_UpdateLock); MythUIImage *im = new MythUIImage(parent, objectName()); im->CopyFrom(this); }
void AppInstance::setClassId( QString classid ) { AppClass *app_class; if( classid == classId() ) return; if( appLibrary() ) appLibrary()->id().postLibEvent( new EventDestroyInstance(id()) ); class_id_ = classid; app_class = AppLibrary::getClass(classid); if( app_class ) { class_size_ = app_class->size(); setParent( app_class->parent() ); appLibrary()->id().postLibEvent( new EventCreateInstance( app_class->id(), id(), objectName() ) ); } return; }
TexturePreviewEditor::~TexturePreviewEditor() { LogInfo("Deleting TexturePreviewEditor " + objectName()); }
void DnDEventLoggerWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e) { e->accept(); m_log->push_back(objectName() + QLatin1String("::") + QLatin1String("dragLeaveEvent") + QLatin1String(" QDragLeaveEvent")); }
/** * Formats AGI string. * This function turns a AGI string into a real string expanding values * according to the AGI format specifiers. * @param s string containing the format specifier * @param n logic number */ char *AgiEngine::agiSprintf(const char *s) { static char agiSprintf_buf[768]; Common::String p; char z[16]; debugC(3, kDebugLevelText, "logic %d, '%s'", _game.lognum, s); while (*s) { switch (*s) { case '%': s++; switch (*s++) { int i; case 'v': i = strtoul(s, NULL, 10); while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') s++; sprintf(z, "%015i", getvar(i)); i = 99; if (*s == '|') { s++; i = strtoul(s, NULL, 10); while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') s++; } if (i == 99) { // remove all leading 0 // don't remove the 3rd zero if 000 for (i = 0; z[i] == '0' && i < 14; i++) ; } else { i = 15 - i; } safeStrcat(p, z + i); break; case '0': i = strtoul(s, NULL, 10) - 1; safeStrcat(p, objectName(i)); break; case 'g': i = strtoul(s, NULL, 10) - 1; safeStrcat(p, _game.logics[0].texts[i]); break; case 'w': i = strtoul(s, NULL, 10) - 1; safeStrcat(p, _game.egoWords[i].word); break; case 's': i = strtoul(s, NULL, 10); safeStrcat(p, agiSprintf(_game.strings[i])); break; case 'm': i = strtoul(s, NULL, 10) - 1; if (_game.logics[_game.lognum].numTexts > i) safeStrcat(p, agiSprintf(_game.logics[_game.lognum].texts[i])); break; } while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') s++; break; case '\\': s++; // FALL THROUGH default: p += *s++; break; } } assert(p.size() < sizeof(agiSprintf_buf)); strcpy(agiSprintf_buf, p.c_str()); return agiSprintf_buf; }
void KexiDBSubForm::setFormName(const QString &name) { if (m_formName == name) return; m_formName = name; //assign, even if the name points to nowhere if (name.isEmpty()) { delete m_widget; m_widget = 0; updateScrollBars(); return; } QWidget *pw = parentWidget(); KexiFormView *view = 0; QSet<QString> names; while (pw) { if (KexiUtils::objectIsA(pw, "KexiDBSubForm")) { if (names.contains(pw->objectName())) { //! @todo error message return; // Be sure to don't run into a endless-loop cause of recursive subforms. } names.insert(pw->objectName()); } else if (! view && KexiUtils::objectIsA(pw, "KexiFormView")) { view = static_cast<KexiFormView*>(pw); // we need a KexiFormView* } pw = pw->parentWidget(); } if (!view || !view->window() || !KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection()) return; KexiDB::Connection *conn = KexiMainWindowIface::global()->project()->dbConnection(); // we check if there is a form with this name int id = KexiDB::idForObjectName(*conn, name, KexiPart::FormObjectType); if ((id == 0) || (id == view->window()->id())) // == our form return; // because of recursion when loading // we create the container widget delete m_widget; m_widget = new QWidget(viewport()); m_widget->setObjectName("KexiDBSubForm_widget"); m_widget->show(); addChild(m_widget); m_form = new KFormDesigner::Form(m_parentForm); m_form->setObjectName(QString("KFormDesigner::Form_") + objectName()); m_form->createToplevel(m_widget); // and load the sub form QString data; tristate res = conn->loadDataBlock(id, data, QString()); if (res == true) res = KFormDesigner::FormIO::loadFormFromString(m_form, m_widget, data); if (res != true) { delete m_widget; m_widget = 0; updateScrollBars(); m_formName.clear(); return; } m_form->setMode(KFormDesigner::Form::DataMode); // Install event filters on the whole newly created form KFormDesigner::ObjectTreeItem *tree = m_parentForm->objectTree()->lookup(QObject::objectName()); KFormDesigner::installRecursiveEventFilter(this, tree->eventEater()); }
void DnDEventLoggerWidget::formatDropEvent(const char *function, const QDropEvent *e, QTextStream &str) const { str << objectName() << "::" << function << " at " << e->pos().x() << ',' << e->pos().y() << " action=" << e->dropAction() << ' ' << quintptr(e->mimeData()) << " '" << e->mimeData()->text() << '\''; }
QString AirspyGui::getName() const { return objectName(); }
void XDateEdit::parseDate() { QString dateString = text().trimmed(); bool isNumeric; if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::parseDate() with dateString %s, _currentDate %s, _allowNull %d", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), qPrintable(dateString), qPrintable(_currentDate.toString()), _allowNull); #ifdef GUIClient_h QDate today = ofmgThis->dbDate(); #else QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); #endif if (_parsed) { if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::parseDate() looks like we've already parsed this string", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName())); return; } _valid = false; if (dateString == _nullString || dateString.isEmpty()) setNull(); else if (dateString == "0") // today checkDate(today); else if (dateString.contains(QRegExp("^[+-][0-9]+"))) // offset from today { int offset = dateString.toInt(&isNumeric); if (isNumeric) checkDate(today.addDays(offset)); } else if (dateString[0] == '#') // julian day { int offset = dateString.right(dateString.length() - 1).toInt(&isNumeric); if (isNumeric) checkDate(QDate(today.year(), 1, 1).addDays(offset - 1)); } else if (dateString.contains(QRegExp("^[0-9][0-9]?$"))) // date in month { int offset = dateString.toInt(&isNumeric, 10); if (isNumeric) { if (offset > today.daysInMonth()) offset = today.daysInMonth(); checkDate(QDate(today.year(), today.month(), 1).addDays(offset - 1)); } } else // interpret with locale { QString dateFormatStr = QLocale().dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat); if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::parseDate() trying to parse with %s", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), qPrintable(dateFormatStr)); QDate tmp = QDate::fromString(dateString, dateFormatStr); bool twodigitformat = !(dateFormatStr.indexOf(QRegExp("y{4}")) >= 0); if (tmp.isValid()) { if (twodigitformat && tmp.year() < 1950) // Qt docs say 2-digit years are 1900-based so { qDebug("%s::parseDate() found valid 2-digit year %d", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), tmp.year()); tmp = tmp.addYears(100); // add backwards-compat with pre-3.0 DLineEdit qDebug("%s::parseDate() altered year to %d", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), tmp.year()); } } else if (twodigitformat) { // try 4 digits, ignoring the possibility of '-literals in the format str dateFormatStr.replace(QRegExp("y{2}"), "yyyy"); if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::parseDate() rewriting 2-digit year format string to %s", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), qPrintable(dateFormatStr)); tmp = QDate::fromString(dateString, dateFormatStr); if (tmp.isValid()) { if (tmp.year() < 10) tmp = tmp.addYears(today.year() - today.year() % 100); if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::parseDate() after changing to 4-digit year, year = %d", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), tmp.year()); } else if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::parseDate() after changing to 4-digit year, date still isn't valid", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName())); } else { // try 2 digits, ignoring the possibility of '-literals in the format str dateFormatStr.replace(QRegExp("y{4}"), "yy"); if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::parseDate() rewriting 4-digit year format string to %s", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), qPrintable(dateFormatStr)); tmp = QDate::fromString(dateString, dateFormatStr); if (tmp.isValid() && tmp.year() < 1950) // Qt docs say 2-digit years are 1900-based so { qDebug("%s::parseDate() found valid 2-digit year %d", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), tmp.year()); tmp = tmp.addYears(100); // add backwards-compat with pre-3.0 DLineEdit qDebug("%s::parseDate() altered year to %d", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), tmp.year()); } } if(!tmp.isValid()) { // still no match -- we will decompose the format and input and // build a date based on that information QRegExp rx("(\\d+)"); QRegExp rx2("(m+|y+|d+)"); rx2.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); QStringList numberList; QStringList formatList; int pos = 0; while ((pos = rx.indexIn(dateString, pos)) != -1) { numberList << rx.cap(1); pos += rx.matchedLength(); } pos = 0; while((pos = rx2.indexIn(dateFormatStr, pos)) != -1) { formatList << rx2.cap(1); pos += rx2.matchedLength(); } if (DEBUG) qDebug("%s::parseDate() aligning numberList %s with formatList %s", qPrintable(parent() ? parent()->objectName() : objectName()), qPrintable(numberList.join(":")), qPrintable(formatList.join(":"))); // if we don't have exactly 3 and the numberList is not 2 or 3 then don't bother if(formatList.size() == 3 && (numberList.size() == 2 || numberList.size() == 3)) { int year = today.year(); int day = -1; int month = -1; pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < formatList.size(); ++i) { QChar ch =; if(ch == 'y' && numberList.size() == 3) { year =; pos++; } else if(ch == 'm') { month =; pos++; } else if(ch == 'd') { day =; pos++; } } // if single digit year, move it to the current century if (year < 10) year += today.year() - today.year() % 100; if(day > 0 && month > 0 && year > 0) tmp = QDate(year, month, day); } else if(formatList.size() == 3 && numberList.size() == 1) { QString ns =; bool isNumber = false; (void)ns.toInt(&isNumber); if(isNumber && (ns.length() == 6 || ns.length() == 8)) { int year = today.year(); int day = -1; int month = -1; pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < formatList.size(); ++i) { QChar ch =; if(ch == 'y') { if(ns.length() == 8) { year = ns.mid(pos, 4).toInt(); pos+=4; } else { year = ns.mid(pos, 2).toInt(&isNumber); pos+=2; if(isNumber) { if(year < 50) year += 2000; else year += 1900; } } } else if(ch == 'm') { month = ns.mid(pos, 2).toInt(); pos+=2; } else if(ch == 'd') { day = ns.mid(pos, 2).toInt(); pos+=2; } } if(day > 0 && month > 0 && year > 0) tmp = QDate(year, month, day); } } } checkDate(QDate(tmp.year(), tmp.month(),; } if (!_valid) setText(""); _parsed = true; }
/*! * \copydoc MythUIType::CreateCopy() */ void MythUIButtonTree::CreateCopy(MythUIType *parent) { MythUIButtonTree *bt = new MythUIButtonTree(parent, objectName()); bt->CopyFrom(this); }
virtual QStringList triggerable(TriggerEvent, Room *, ServerPlayer *player, QVariant &, ServerPlayer * &) const{ return (TriggerSkill::triggerable(player) && !player->isKongcheng()) ? QStringList(objectName()) : QStringList(); }
DimstackCustomization::DimstackCustomization(XmdvToolMainWnd *mainwnd, QMdiSubWindow *window) : QDialog(window) { //save references to main window, viewManager and pID mainWnd = mainwnd; viewManager = mainWnd->getViewManager(); pID = viewManager->getActiveViewWindow()->getPipelineID(); //get the VisDimstack ViewDisplay *vd = viewManager->getActiveViewWindow()->getViewDisplay();; assert(typeid(*vd) == typeid(VisDimstack)); VisDimstack *visDimstack = dynamic_cast<VisDimstack *>(vd); //use it to set the lengths of the arrays selectionCardinalityLabels.resize(visDimstack->m_dim_size); selectionSliders.resize(visDimstack->m_dim_size); //set default value of 10 for maximum bins in a dimension maxBins = 10; //set up the dialog if (objectName().isEmpty()) setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("dimstackCustomizationDialog")); resize(300,360); //setFixedSize(QSize::QSize (300, 360)); setWindowTitle(QString::fromUtf8("Dimension Stacking Customization")); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, false); windowLayout = new QGridLayout(this); maxBinsLabel = new QLabel(this); maxBinsLabel->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("maxBinsLabel")); maxBinsLabel->setText(QString::fromUtf8("Maximum Number of Bins")); //maxBinsLabel->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 121, 16)); windowLayout->addWidget(maxBinsLabel, 0, 0); binSelectionArea = new QScrollArea(this); binSelectionArea->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("binSelectionArea")); //binSelectionArea->setGeometry(QRect(9, 39, 290, 280)); windowLayout->addWidget(binSelectionArea, 1, 0, 1, -1); selectionAreaContents = new QWidget(binSelectionArea); selectionTable = new QFormLayout(); selectionTable->setFieldGrowthPolicy(QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow); //add the top row to the selection table nameTitle = new QLabel(selectionAreaContents); nameTitle->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("nameTitle")); nameTitle->setText(QString::fromUtf8("Fieldname")); nameTitle->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised); numBinsTitle = new QLabel(selectionAreaContents); numBinsTitle->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("numBinsTitle")); numBinsTitle->setText(QString::fromUtf8("Number of Bins")); numBinsTitle->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised); //selectionTable->setVerticalSpacing(0); selectionTable->addRow(nameTitle, numBinsTitle); //dynamically add the rest of the rows here //(and while we're at it we set maxBins to the highest cardinality // of a dimension if it exceeds the default of 10) initRows(visDimstack); //set the layout after it has been populated //and set the contents of the scroll area selectionAreaContents->setLayout(selectionTable); binSelectionArea->setWidget(selectionAreaContents); //now maxBins is equal to the maximum number of bins of all dimensions in the dataset //generate the field for specifying max number of bins maxBinsEdit = new QLineEdit(this); maxBinsEdit->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("maxBinsEdit")); maxBinsEdit->setText(QString::number(maxBins)); //maxBinsEdit->setGeometry(QRect(140, 10, 113, 20)); windowLayout->addWidget(maxBinsEdit, 0, 1); //connect the max number of bins specified to the max range of the slider connect(maxBinsEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateSliderRange())); applyButton = new QPushButton(this); applyButton->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("applyButton")); applyButton->setText(QString::fromUtf8("Apply")); applyButton->setDefault(false); //applyButton->setGeometry(QRect(10, 330, 161, 24)); windowLayout->addWidget(applyButton, 2, 0); connect(applyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(applyChanges())); windowLayout->setVerticalSpacing(4); setLayout(windowLayout); }
virtual QStringList triggerable(TriggerEvent, Room *room, ServerPlayer *player, QVariant &data, ServerPlayer * &) const{ if (MasochismSkill::triggerable(player)) { DamageStruct damage = data.value<DamageStruct>(); const Card *card = damage.card; if (damage.card == NULL) return QStringList(); QList<int> table_cardids = room->getCardIdsOnTable(card); return (table_cardids.length() != 0 && card->getSubcards() == table_cardids) ? QStringList(objectName()) : QStringList(); } return QStringList(); }
QString Skill::getDescription(bool yellow) const{ QString des_src = Sanguosha->translate(":" + objectName()); if (des_src == ":" + objectName()) return QString(); return QString("<font color=%1>%2</font>").arg(yellow ? "#FFFF33" : "#FF0080").arg(des_src); }
virtual bool triggerable(const ServerPlayer *i) const{ return !i->hasSkill(objectName()); }
QString Skill::getNotice(int index) const{ if (index == -1) return Sanguosha->translate("~" + objectName()); return Sanguosha->translate(QString("~%1%2").arg(objectName()).arg(index)); }
virtual bool isEnabledAtPlay() const{ return !Self->isKongcheng() && !ClientInstance->turn_tag.value(objectName(), false).toBool(); }
bool WeaponSkill::triggerable(const ServerPlayer *target) const{ if (target == NULL) return false; if (target->getMark("Equips_Nullified_to_Yourself") > 0) return false; return target->hasWeapon(objectName()); }
void Matrix::save(const QString &fn, const QString &info, bool saveAsTemplate) { QFile f(fn); if (!f.isOpen()){ if (! return; } bool notTemplate = !saveAsTemplate; QTextStream t( &f ); t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); t << "<matrix>\n"; if (notTemplate) t << QString(objectName()) + "\t"; t << QString::number(numRows())+"\t"; t << QString::number(numCols())+"\t"; if (notTemplate) t << birthDate() + "\n"; t << info; t << "ColWidth\t" + QString::number(d_column_width)+"\n"; t << "<formula>\n" + formula_str + "\n</formula>\n"; t << "TextFormat\t" + QString(txt_format) + "\t" + QString::number(num_precision) + "\n"; if (notTemplate) t << "WindowLabel\t" + windowLabel() + "\t" + QString::number(captionPolicy()) + "\n"; t << "Coordinates\t" + QString::number(x_start,'g',15) + "\t" +QString::number(x_end,'g',15) + "\t"; t << QString::number(y_start,'g',15) + "\t" + QString::number(y_end,'g',15) + "\n"; t << "ViewType\t" + QString::number((int)d_view_type) + "\n"; t << "HeaderViewType\t" + QString::number((int)d_header_view_type) + "\n"; if (d_color_map_type != Custom) t << "ColorPolicy\t" + QString::number(d_color_map_type) + "\n"; else t << ColorMapEditor::saveToXmlString(d_color_map); if (notTemplate){//save data t << "<data>\n"; double* d_data = d_matrix_model->dataVector(); int d_rows = numRows(); int d_cols = numCols(); int cols = d_cols - 1; for(int i = 0; i < d_rows; i++){ int aux = d_cols*i; bool emptyRow = true; for(int j = 0; j < d_cols; j++){ if (gsl_finite(d_data[aux + j])){ emptyRow = false; break; } } if (emptyRow) continue; t << QString::number(i) + "\t"; for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){ double val = d_data[aux + j]; if (gsl_finite(val)) t << QString::number(val, 'e', 16); t << "\t"; } double val = d_data[aux + cols]; if (gsl_finite(val)) t << QString::number(val, 'e', 16); t << "\n"; } t << "</data>\n"; } t << "</matrix>\n"; }
bool ArmorSkill::triggerable(const ServerPlayer *target) const{ if (target == NULL || target->getArmor() == NULL) return false; return target->hasArmorEffect(objectName()); }
void Correlation::addResultCurve() { ApplicationWindow *app = (ApplicationWindow *)parent(); if (!app) return; QLocale locale = app->locale(); if (d_n > d_table->numRows()) d_table->setNumRows(d_n); int cols = d_table->numCols(); int cols2 = cols+1; d_table->addCol(); d_table->addCol(); int n = d_n/2; #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC QVarLengthArray<double> x_temp(d_n), y_temp(d_n); #else double x_temp[d_n], y_temp[d_n]; #endif for (int i = 0; i<d_n; i++){ double x = i - n; x_temp[i] = x; double y; if(i < n) y = d_x[n + i]; else y = d_x[i - n]; y_temp[i] = y; d_table->setText(i, cols, QString::number(x)); d_table->setText(i, cols2, locale.toString(y, 'g', app->d_decimal_digits)); } QStringList l = d_table->colNames().grep(tr("Lag")); QString id = QString::number((int)l.size()+1); QString label = objectName() + id; d_table->setColName(cols, tr("Lag") + id); d_table->setColName(cols2, label); d_table->setColPlotDesignation(cols, Table::X); d_table->setHeaderColType(); if (d_graphics_display){ if (!d_output_graph) createOutputGraph(); DataCurve *c = new DataCurve(d_table, d_table->colName(cols), d_table->colName(cols2)); #ifdef Q_CC_MSVC c->setData(,, d_n); #else c->setData(x_temp, y_temp, d_n); #endif c->setPen(QPen(ColorBox::color(d_curveColorIndex), 1)); d_output_graph->insertPlotItem(c, Graph::Line); d_output_graph->updatePlot(); } }
bool Skill::isVisible() const{ return !objectName().startsWith("#"); }
bool TriggerSkill::triggerable(const ServerPlayer *target) const{ return target->isAlive() && target->hasSkill(objectName()); }
bool Scene::save(QString &dir) { if (_canvas) return _canvas->save(dir + "\\" + objectName()); return false; }
bool ArmorSkill::triggerable(const ServerPlayer *target) const{ return target->hasArmorEffect(objectName()) && target->getArmor()->getSkill() == this; }
bool Skill::isVisible() const{ return !objectName().startsWith("#") && !inherits("SPConvertSkill"); }