Example #1
 * Notice any slays on a particular object which are in mask.
 * \param o_ptr is the object on which we are noticing slays
 * \param mask is the flagset within which we are noticing them
void object_notice_slays(object_type *o_ptr, const bitflag mask[OF_SIZE])
	bool learned;
	bitflag f[OF_SIZE];
	char o_name[40];
	int i;

	/* We are only interested in the flags specified in mask */
	object_flags(o_ptr, f);
	of_inter(f, mask);

	/* if you learn a slay, learn the ego and print a message */
	for (i = 0; i < SL_MAX; i++) {
		const struct slay *s_ptr = &slay_table[i];
		if (of_has(f, s_ptr->object_flag)) {
			learned = object_notice_flag(o_ptr, s_ptr->object_flag);
			if (EASY_LEARN && learned) {
				object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_BASE | ODESC_SINGULAR);
				msg("Your %s %s!", o_name, s_ptr->active_verb);

Example #2
 * Checks for additional knowledge implied by what the player already knows.
 * \param o_ptr is the object to check
 * returns whether it calls object_notice_everyting
bool object_check_for_ident(object_type *o_ptr)
	bitflag flags[OF_SIZE], known_flags[OF_SIZE];
	object_flags(o_ptr, flags);
	object_flags_known(o_ptr, known_flags);

	/* Some flags are irrelevant or never learned or too hard to learn */
	flags_clear(flags, OF_SIZE, OF_OBJ_ONLY_MASK, FLAG_END);
	flags_clear(known_flags, OF_SIZE, OF_OBJ_ONLY_MASK, FLAG_END);

	if (!of_is_equal(flags, known_flags)) return FALSE;

	/* If we know attack bonuses, and defence bonuses, and effect, then
	 * we effectively know everything, so mark as such */
	if ((object_attack_plusses_are_visible(o_ptr) || (object_was_sensed(o_ptr) && o_ptr->to_h == 0 && o_ptr->to_d == 0)) &&
	    (object_defence_plusses_are_visible(o_ptr) || (object_was_sensed(o_ptr) && o_ptr->to_a == 0)) &&
	    (object_effect_is_known(o_ptr) || !object_effect(o_ptr)))
		return TRUE;

	/* We still know all the flags, so we still know if it's an ego */
	else if (ego_item_p(o_ptr))
		/* require worn status so you don't learn launcher of accuracy or gloves of slaying before wield */
		if (object_was_worn(o_ptr))

	return FALSE;
Example #3
 * Notice slays on a particular object.
 * \param known_f0 is the list of flags to notice
void object_notice_slay(object_type *o_ptr, int flag)
	const slay_t *s_ptr;
	bool learned = object_notice_flag(o_ptr, flag);

	/* if you learn a slay, learn the ego and print a message */
	if (EASY_LEARN && learned)

		for (s_ptr = slay_table; s_ptr->slay_flag; s_ptr++)
			if (s_ptr->slay_flag == flag)
				char o_name[40];
				object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_BASE);
				msg_format("Your %s %s!", o_name, s_ptr->active_verb);

Example #4
/* XXX Eddie should messages be adhoc all over the place?  perhaps the main
 * loop should check for change in inventory/wieldeds and all messages be
 * printed from one place
void object_notice_on_wield(object_type *o_ptr)
	bitflag f[OF_SIZE], obvious_mask[OF_SIZE];
	bool obvious = FALSE;
	const slay_t *s_ptr;

	flags_init(obvious_mask, OF_SIZE, OF_OBVIOUS_MASK, FLAG_END);

	/* Save time of wield for later */
	object_last_wield = turn;

	/* Only deal with un-ID'd items */
	if (object_is_known(o_ptr)) return;

	/* Wear it */
	if (object_add_ident_flags(o_ptr, IDENT_WORN))

	if (obj_is_light(o_ptr) && ego_item_p(o_ptr))

	if (object_flavor_is_aware(o_ptr) && easy_know(o_ptr))

	/* Automatically sense artifacts upon wield */

	/* Note artifacts when found */
	if (artifact_p(o_ptr))
		history_add_artifact(o_ptr->name1, object_is_known(o_ptr), TRUE);

	/* special case FA, needed at least for mages wielding gloves */
	if (object_FA_would_be_obvious(o_ptr))
		of_on(obvious_mask, OF_FREE_ACT);

	/* Learn about obvious flags */
	of_union(o_ptr->known_flags, obvious_mask);

	/* Extract the flags */
	object_flags(o_ptr, f);

	/* Find obvious things (disregarding curses) */
	flags_clear(obvious_mask, OF_SIZE, OF_CURSE_MASK, FLAG_END);
	if (of_is_inter(f, obvious_mask)) obvious = TRUE;
	flags_init(obvious_mask, OF_SIZE, OF_OBVIOUS_MASK, FLAG_END);

	/* XXX Eddie should these next NOT call object_check_for_ident due to worries about repairing? */

	/* XXX Eddie this is a small hack, but jewelry with anything noticeable really is obvious */
	/* XXX Eddie learn =soulkeeping vs =bodykeeping when notice sustain_str */
	if (object_is_jewelry(o_ptr))
		/* Learn the flavor of jewelry with obvious flags */
		if (EASY_LEARN && obvious)

		/* Learn all flags on any aware non-artifact jewelry */
		if (object_flavor_is_aware(o_ptr) && !artifact_p(o_ptr))


	if (!obvious) return;

	/* Messages */
	for (s_ptr = slay_table; s_ptr->slay_flag; s_ptr++)
		if (of_has(f, s_ptr->slay_flag) && s_ptr->brand)
			char o_name[40];
			object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_BASE);
			msg_format("Your %s %s!", o_name, s_ptr->active_verb);

	/* XXX Eddie need to add stealth here, also need to assert/double-check everything is covered */
	if (of_has(f, OF_STR))
		msg_format("You feel %s!", o_ptr->pval > 0 ? "stronger" : "weaker");
	if (of_has(f, OF_INT))
		msg_format("You feel %s!", o_ptr->pval > 0 ? "smarter" : "more stupid");
	if (of_has(f, OF_WIS))
		msg_format("You feel %s!", o_ptr->pval > 0 ? "wiser" : "more naive");
	if (of_has(f, OF_DEX))
		msg_format("You feel %s!", o_ptr->pval > 0 ? "more dextrous" : "clumsier");
	if (of_has(f, OF_CON))
		msg_format("You feel %s!", o_ptr->pval > 0 ? "healthier" : "sicklier");
	if (of_has(f, OF_CHR))
		msg_format("You feel %s!", o_ptr->pval > 0 ? "cuter" : "uglier");
	if (of_has(f, OF_SPEED))
		msg_format("You feel strangely %s.", o_ptr->pval > 0 ? "quick" : "sluggish");
	if (flags_test(f, OF_SIZE, OF_BLOWS, OF_SHOTS, FLAG_END))
		msg_format("Your hands %s", o_ptr->pval > 0 ? "tingle!" : "ache.");
	if (of_has(f, OF_INFRA))
		msg_format("Your eyes tingle.");
	if (of_has(f, OF_LIGHT))
		msg_print("It glows!");
	if (of_has(f, OF_TELEPATHY))
		msg_print("Your mind feels strangely sharper!");

	/* WARNING -- masking f by obvious mask -- this should be at the end of this function */

	/* learn the ego on any obvious brand or slay */
	if (EASY_LEARN && ego_item_p(o_ptr) && obvious &&
	    flags_test(f, OF_SIZE, OF_ALL_SLAY_MASK, FLAG_END))

	/* Remember the flags */

	/* XXX Eddie should we check_for_ident here? */