Example #1
void Route::CalculateDCRect( wxDC& dc_route, wxRect *prect, ViewPort &VP )

    // Draw the route in skeleton form on the dc
    // That is, draw only the route points, assuming that the segements will
    // always be fully contained within the resulting rectangle.
    // Can we prove this?
    if( m_bVisible ) {
        wxRoutePointListNode *node = pRoutePointList->GetFirst();
        while( node ) {

            RoutePoint *prp2 = node->GetData();
            bool blink_save = prp2->m_bBlink;
            prp2->m_bBlink = false;
            ocpnDC odc_route( dc_route );
            prp2->Draw( odc_route, NULL );
            prp2->m_bBlink = blink_save;

            node = node->GetNext();

    //  Retrieve the drawing extents
    prect->x = dc_route.MinX() - 1;
    prect->y = dc_route.MinY() - 1;
    prect->width = dc_route.MaxX() - dc_route.MinX() + 2;
    prect->height = dc_route.MaxY() - dc_route.MinY() + 2;
Example #2
void Route::CalculateDCRect( wxDC& dc_route, wxRect *prect )

    wxRect update_rect;

    // Draw the route in skeleton form on the dc
    // That is, draw only the route points, assuming that the segements will
    // always be fully contained within the resulting rectangle.
    // Can we prove this?
    if( m_bVisible ) {
        wxRoutePointListNode *node = pRoutePointList->GetFirst();
        while( node ) {

            RoutePoint *prp2 = node->GetData();
            bool blink_save = prp2->m_bBlink;
            prp2->m_bBlink = false;
            ocpnDC odc_route( dc_route );
            prp2->Draw( odc_route, NULL );
            prp2->m_bBlink = blink_save;

            wxRect r =  prp2->CurrentRect_in_DC ;
            r.Inflate(m_hiliteWidth, m_hiliteWidth);        // allow for large hilite circles at segment ends

            update_rect.Union( r );
            node = node->GetNext();

    *prect = update_rect;