int odp_queue_term_global(void) { int ret = 0; int rc = 0; queue_entry_t *queue; int i; for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_QUEUES; i++) { queue = &queue_tbl->queue[i]; LOCK(queue); if (LOAD_S32(queue->s.status) != QUEUE_STATUS_FREE) { ODP_ERR("Not destroyed queue: %s\n", queue->; rc = -1; } UNLOCK(queue); } ret = odp_shm_free(odp_shm_lookup("odp_queues")); if (ret < 0) { ODP_ERR("shm free failed for odp_queues"); rc = -1; } return rc; }
static void schedule_common(odp_schedule_sync_t sync, int num_queues, int num_prio, int enable_schd_multi) { thread_args_t args; odp_shm_t shm; test_globals_t *globals; shm = odp_shm_lookup(GLOBALS_SHM_NAME); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID); globals = odp_shm_addr(shm); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(globals); memset(&args, 0, sizeof(thread_args_t)); args.globals = globals; args.sync = sync; args.num_queues = num_queues; args.num_prio = num_prio; args.num_bufs = BUFS_PER_QUEUE; args.num_workers = 1; args.enable_schd_multi = enable_schd_multi; args.enable_excl_atomic = 0; /* Not needed with a single CPU */ fill_queues(&args); schedule_common_(&args); if (sync == ODP_SCHED_SYNC_ORDERED) reset_queues(&args); }
int odp_pool_term_global(void) { int i; pool_entry_t *pool; int ret = 0; int rc = 0; for (i = 0; i < ODP_CONFIG_POOLS; i++) { pool = get_pool_entry(i); POOL_LOCK(&pool->s.lock); if (pool->s.pool_shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID) { ODP_ERR("Not destroyed pool: %s\n", pool->; rc = -1; } POOL_UNLOCK(&pool->s.lock); } ret = odp_shm_free(odp_shm_lookup(SHM_DEFAULT_NAME)); if (ret < 0) { ODP_ERR("shm free failed for %s", SHM_DEFAULT_NAME); rc = -1; } return rc; }
odph_table_t odph_linear_table_create(const char *name, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t ODP_IGNORED, uint32_t value_size) { int idx; uint32_t node_num; odp_shm_t shmem; odph_linear_table_imp *tbl; if (strlen(name) >= ODPH_TABLE_NAME_LEN || capacity < 1 || capacity >= 0x1000 || value_size == 0) { printf("create para input error or less than !"); return NULL; } /* check name confict in shm*/ tbl = (odph_linear_table_imp *)odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_lookup(name)); if (tbl != NULL) { ODPH_DBG("name already exist\n"); return NULL; } /* alloc memory from shm */ shmem = odp_shm_reserve(name, capacity << 20, 64, ODP_SHM_SW_ONLY); if (shmem == ODP_SHM_INVALID) { ODPH_DBG("shm reserve fail\n"); return NULL; } tbl = (odph_linear_table_imp *)odp_shm_addr(shmem); /* clean this block of memory */ memset(tbl, 0, capacity << 20); tbl->init_cap = capacity < 20; strncpy(tbl->name, name, ODPH_TABLE_NAME_LEN - 1); /* for linear table, the key is just the index, without confict * so we just need to record the value content * there is a rwlock in the head of every node */ tbl->value_size = value_size + sizeof(odp_rwlock_t); node_num = tbl->init_cap / tbl->value_size; tbl->node_sum = node_num; tbl->value_array = (void *)((char *)tbl + sizeof(odph_linear_table_imp)); /* initialize rwlock*/ for (idx = 0; idx < tbl->node_sum; idx++) { odp_rwlock_t *lock = (odp_rwlock_t *)((char *)tbl->value_array + idx * tbl->value_size); odp_rwlock_init(lock); } tbl->magicword = ODPH_LINEAR_TABLE_MAGIC_WORD; return (odph_table_t)(tbl); }
static int test_term(void) { char pool_name[ODP_POOL_NAME_LEN]; odp_pool_t pool; int i; int ret = 0; if (gbl_args->pktio_tx != gbl_args->pktio_rx) { if (odp_pktio_stop(gbl_args->pktio_tx)) { LOG_ERR("Failed to stop pktio_tx\n"); return -1; } if (odp_pktio_close(gbl_args->pktio_tx)) { LOG_ERR("Failed to close pktio_tx\n"); ret = -1; } } empty_inq(gbl_args->pktio_rx); if (odp_pktio_stop(gbl_args->pktio_rx)) { LOG_ERR("Failed to stop pktio_rx\n"); return -1; } if (odp_pktio_close(gbl_args->pktio_rx) != 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to close pktio_rx\n"); ret = -1; } for (i = 0; i < gbl_args->args.num_ifaces; ++i) { snprintf(pool_name, sizeof(pool_name), "pkt_pool_%s", gbl_args->args.ifaces[i]); pool = odp_pool_lookup(pool_name); if (pool == ODP_POOL_INVALID) continue; if (odp_pool_destroy(pool) != 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to destroy pool %s\n", pool_name); ret = -1; } } if (odp_pool_destroy(transmit_pkt_pool) != 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to destroy transmit pool\n"); ret = -1; } free(gbl_args->args.if_str); if (odp_shm_free(odp_shm_lookup("test_globals")) != 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to free test_globals\n"); ret = -1; } return ret; }
static void parallel_execute(odp_schedule_sync_t sync, int num_queues, int num_prio, int enable_schd_multi, int enable_excl_atomic) { odp_shm_t shm; test_globals_t *globals; thread_args_t *args; shm = odp_shm_lookup(GLOBALS_SHM_NAME); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID); globals = odp_shm_addr(shm); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(globals); shm = odp_shm_lookup(SHM_THR_ARGS_NAME); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID); args = odp_shm_addr(shm); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(args); args->globals = globals; args->sync = sync; args->num_queues = num_queues; args->num_prio = num_prio; if (enable_excl_atomic) args->num_bufs = BUFS_PER_QUEUE_EXCL; else args->num_bufs = BUFS_PER_QUEUE; args->num_workers = globals->num_workers; args->enable_schd_multi = enable_schd_multi; args->enable_excl_atomic = enable_excl_atomic; fill_queues(args); /* Create and launch worker threads */ args->cu_thr.numthrds = globals->num_workers; odp_cunit_thread_create(schedule_common_, &args->cu_thr); /* Wait for worker threads to terminate */ odp_cunit_thread_exit(&args->cu_thr); /* Cleanup ordered queues for next pass */ if (sync == ODP_SCHED_SYNC_ORDERED) reset_queues(args); }
int odp_thread_term_global(void) { int ret; ret = odp_shm_free(odp_shm_lookup("odp_thread_globals")); if (ret < 0) ODP_ERR("shm free failed for odp_thread_globals"); return ret; }
int ofp_shared_memory_free_raw(const char *name) { odp_shm_t shm_h; shm_h = odp_shm_lookup(name); if (shm_h == ODP_SHM_INVALID) return -1; odp_shm_free(shm_h); return 0; }
static void *run_thread_rx(void *arg) { test_globals_t *globals; int thr_id, batch_len; odp_queue_t pollq = ODP_QUEUE_INVALID; thread_args_t *targs = arg; batch_len = targs->batch_len; if (batch_len > BATCH_LEN_MAX) batch_len = BATCH_LEN_MAX; thr_id = odp_thread_id(); globals = odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_lookup("test_globals")); pkt_rx_stats_t *stats = &globals->rx_stats[thr_id]; if (gbl_args->args.schedule == 0) { pollq = odp_pktio_inq_getdef(globals->pktio_rx); if (pollq == ODP_QUEUE_INVALID) LOG_ABORT("Invalid input queue.\n"); } odp_barrier_wait(&globals->rx_barrier); while (1) { odp_event_t ev[BATCH_LEN_MAX]; int i, n_ev; n_ev = receive_packets(pollq, ev, batch_len); for (i = 0; i < n_ev; ++i) { if (odp_event_type(ev[i]) == ODP_EVENT_PACKET) { odp_packet_t pkt = odp_packet_from_event(ev[i]); if (pktio_pkt_has_magic(pkt)) stats->s.rx_cnt++; else stats->s.rx_ignore++; } odp_buffer_free(odp_buffer_from_event(ev[i])); } if (n_ev == 0 && odp_atomic_load_u32(&shutdown)) break; } return NULL; }
odph_table_t odph_linear_table_lookup(const char *name) { odph_linear_table_imp *tbl; if (name == NULL || strlen(name) >= ODPH_TABLE_NAME_LEN) return NULL; tbl = (odph_linear_table_imp *)odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_lookup(name)); /* check magicword to make sure the memory block is used by a table */ if (tbl != NULL && tbl->magicword == ODPH_LINEAR_TABLE_MAGIC_WORD && strcmp(tbl->name, name) == 0) return (odph_table_t)tbl; return NULL; }
void *ofp_shared_memory_lookup_raw(const char *name) { odp_shm_t shm_h; void *shm; shm_h = odp_shm_lookup(name); if (shm_h == ODP_SHM_INVALID) return NULL; shm = odp_shm_addr(shm_h); if (shm == NULL) { odp_shm_free(shm_h); return NULL; } return shm; }
int odph_linear_table_destroy(odph_table_t table) { int ret; odph_linear_table_imp *linear_tbl = NULL; if (table != NULL) { linear_tbl = (odph_linear_table_imp *)table; /* check magicword, make sure the memory is used by a table */ if (linear_tbl->magicword != ODPH_LINEAR_TABLE_MAGIC_WORD) return ODPH_FAIL; ret = odp_shm_free(odp_shm_lookup(linear_tbl->name)); if (ret != 0) { ODPH_DBG("free fail\n"); return ret; } return ODPH_SUCCESS; } return ODPH_FAIL; }
/* Initialise per-thread memory */ static per_thread_mem_t *thread_init(void) { global_shared_mem_t *global_mem; per_thread_mem_t *per_thread_mem; odp_shm_t global_shm; uint32_t per_thread_mem_len; per_thread_mem_len = sizeof(per_thread_mem_t); per_thread_mem = malloc(per_thread_mem_len); memset(per_thread_mem, 0, per_thread_mem_len); per_thread_mem->delay_counter = 1; per_thread_mem->thread_id = odp_thread_id(); per_thread_mem->thread_core = odp_cpu_id(); global_shm = odp_shm_lookup(GLOBAL_SHM_NAME); global_mem = odp_shm_addr(global_shm); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(global_mem); per_thread_mem->global_mem = global_mem; return per_thread_mem; }
int odp_pktio_term_global(void) { pktio_entry_t *pktio_entry; int ret = 0; int id; int pktio_if; for (pktio_if = 0; pktio_if_ops[pktio_if]; ++pktio_if) if (pktio_if_ops[pktio_if]->term) if (pktio_if_ops[pktio_if]->term()) ODP_ERR("failed to terminate pktio type %d", pktio_if); for (id = 1; id <= ODP_CONFIG_PKTIO_ENTRIES; ++id) { pktio_entry = &pktio_tbl->entries[id - 1]; odp_queue_destroy(pktio_entry->s.outq_default); } ret = odp_shm_free(odp_shm_lookup("odp_pktio_entries")); if (ret < 0) ODP_ERR("shm free failed for odp_pktio_entries"); return ret; }
static void chaos_run(unsigned int qtype) { odp_pool_t pool; odp_pool_param_t params; odp_queue_param_t qp; odp_buffer_t buf; chaos_buf *cbuf; test_globals_t *globals; thread_args_t *args; odp_shm_t shm; int i, rc; odp_schedule_sync_t sync[] = {ODP_SCHED_SYNC_PARALLEL, ODP_SCHED_SYNC_ATOMIC, ODP_SCHED_SYNC_ORDERED}; const unsigned num_sync = (sizeof(sync) / sizeof(odp_schedule_sync_t)); const char *const qtypes[] = {"parallel", "atomic", "ordered"}; /* Set up the scheduling environment */ shm = odp_shm_lookup(GLOBALS_SHM_NAME); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID); globals = odp_shm_addr(shm); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(globals); shm = odp_shm_lookup(SHM_THR_ARGS_NAME); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID); args = odp_shm_addr(shm); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(args); args->globals = globals; args->cu_thr.numthrds = globals->num_workers; odp_queue_param_init(&qp); odp_pool_param_init(¶ms); params.buf.size = sizeof(chaos_buf); params.buf.align = 0; params.buf.num = CHAOS_NUM_EVENTS; params.type = ODP_POOL_BUFFER; pool = odp_pool_create("sched_chaos_pool", ¶ms); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(pool != ODP_POOL_INVALID); qp.type = ODP_QUEUE_TYPE_SCHED; qp.sched.prio = ODP_SCHED_PRIO_DEFAULT; = ODP_SCHED_GROUP_ALL; for (i = 0; i < CHAOS_NUM_QUEUES; i++) { uint32_t ndx = (qtype == num_sync ? i % num_sync : qtype); qp.sched.sync = sync[ndx]; snprintf(globals->chaos_q[i].name, sizeof(globals->chaos_q[i].name), "chaos queue %d - %s", i, qtypes[ndx]); globals->chaos_q[i].handle = odp_queue_create(globals->chaos_q[i].name, &qp); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(globals->chaos_q[i].handle != ODP_QUEUE_INVALID); rc = odp_queue_context_set(globals->chaos_q[i].handle, CHAOS_NDX_TO_PTR(i), 0); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(rc == 0); } /* Now populate the queues with the initial seed elements */ for (i = 0; i < CHAOS_NUM_EVENTS; i++) { buf = odp_buffer_alloc(pool); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(buf != ODP_BUFFER_INVALID); cbuf = odp_buffer_addr(buf); cbuf->evno = i; cbuf->seqno = 0; rc = odp_queue_enq( globals->chaos_q[i % CHAOS_NUM_QUEUES].handle, odp_buffer_to_event(buf)); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(rc == 0); } /* Run the test */ odp_cunit_thread_create(chaos_thread, &args->cu_thr); odp_cunit_thread_exit(&args->cu_thr); if (CHAOS_DEBUG) printf("Thread %d returning from chaos up\n", odp_thread_id()); drain_queues(); exit_schedule_loop(); for (i = 0; i < CHAOS_NUM_QUEUES; i++) { if (CHAOS_DEBUG) printf("Destroying queue %s\n", globals->chaos_q[i].name); rc = odp_queue_destroy(globals->chaos_q[i].handle); CU_ASSERT(rc == 0); } rc = odp_pool_destroy(pool); CU_ASSERT(rc == 0); }
void scheduler_test_chaos(void) { odp_pool_t pool; odp_pool_param_t params; odp_queue_param_t qp; odp_buffer_t buf; chaos_buf *cbuf; odp_event_t ev; test_globals_t *globals; thread_args_t *args; odp_shm_t shm; odp_queue_t from; int i, rc; uint64_t wait; odp_schedule_sync_t sync[] = {ODP_SCHED_SYNC_NONE, ODP_SCHED_SYNC_ATOMIC/* , */ /* ODP_SCHED_SYNC_ORDERED */}; const int num_sync = (sizeof(sync) / sizeof(sync[0])); const char *const qtypes[] = {"parallel", "atomic", "ordered"}; /* Set up the scheduling environment */ shm = odp_shm_lookup(GLOBALS_SHM_NAME); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID); globals = odp_shm_addr(shm); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(shm); shm = odp_shm_lookup(SHM_THR_ARGS_NAME); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID); args = odp_shm_addr(shm); CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL_FATAL(args); args->globals = globals; args->cu_thr.numthrds = globals->num_workers; odp_queue_param_init(&qp); odp_pool_param_init(¶ms); params.buf.size = sizeof(chaos_buf); params.buf.align = 0; params.buf.num = CHAOS_NUM_EVENTS; params.type = ODP_POOL_BUFFER; pool = odp_pool_create("sched_chaos_pool", ¶ms); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(pool != ODP_POOL_INVALID); qp.sched.prio = ODP_SCHED_PRIO_DEFAULT; for (i = 0; i < CHAOS_NUM_QUEUES; i++) { qp.sched.sync = sync[i % num_sync]; snprintf(globals->chaos_q[i].name, sizeof(globals->chaos_q[i].name), "chaos queue %d - %s", i, qtypes[i % num_sync]); globals->chaos_q[i].handle = odp_queue_create(globals->chaos_q[i].name, ODP_QUEUE_TYPE_SCHED, &qp); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(globals->chaos_q[i].handle != ODP_QUEUE_INVALID); rc = odp_queue_context_set(globals->chaos_q[i].handle, CHAOS_NDX_TO_PTR(i)); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(rc == 0); } /* Now populate the queues with the initial seed elements */ odp_atomic_init_u32(&globals->chaos_pending_event_count, 0); for (i = 0; i < CHAOS_NUM_EVENTS; i++) { buf = odp_buffer_alloc(pool); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(buf != ODP_BUFFER_INVALID); cbuf = odp_buffer_addr(buf); cbuf->evno = i; cbuf->seqno = 0; rc = odp_queue_enq( globals->chaos_q[i % CHAOS_NUM_QUEUES].handle, odp_buffer_to_event(buf)); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(rc == 0); odp_atomic_inc_u32(&globals->chaos_pending_event_count); } /* Run the test */ odp_cunit_thread_create(chaos_thread, &args->cu_thr); odp_cunit_thread_exit(&args->cu_thr); if (CHAOS_DEBUG) printf("Thread %d returning from chaos up\n", odp_thread_id()); /* Cleanup: Drain queues, free events */ wait = odp_schedule_wait_time(CHAOS_WAIT_FAIL); while (odp_atomic_fetch_dec_u32( &globals->chaos_pending_event_count) > 0) { ev = odp_schedule(&from, wait); CU_ASSERT_FATAL(ev != ODP_EVENT_INVALID); cbuf = odp_buffer_addr(odp_buffer_from_event(ev)); if (CHAOS_DEBUG) printf("Draining event %" PRIu64 " seq %" PRIu64 " from Q %s...\n", cbuf->evno, cbuf->seqno, globals-> chaos_q [CHAOS_PTR_TO_NDX(odp_queue_context(from))]. name); odp_event_free(ev); } odp_schedule_release_ordered(); for (i = 0; i < CHAOS_NUM_QUEUES; i++) { if (CHAOS_DEBUG) printf("Destroying queue %s\n", globals->chaos_q[i].name); rc = odp_queue_destroy(globals->chaos_q[i].handle); CU_ASSERT(rc == 0); } rc = odp_pool_destroy(pool); CU_ASSERT(rc == 0); }
/* * Main packet transmit routine. Transmit packets at a fixed rate for * specified length of time. */ static int run_thread_tx(void *arg) { test_globals_t *globals; int thr_id; odp_pktout_queue_t pktout; pkt_tx_stats_t *stats; odp_time_t cur_time, send_time_end, send_duration; odp_time_t burst_gap_end, burst_gap; uint32_t batch_len; int unsent_pkts = 0; odp_packet_t tx_packet[BATCH_LEN_MAX]; odp_time_t idle_start = ODP_TIME_NULL; thread_args_t *targs = arg; batch_len = targs->batch_len; if (batch_len > BATCH_LEN_MAX) batch_len = BATCH_LEN_MAX; thr_id = odp_thread_id(); globals = odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_lookup("test_globals")); stats = &globals->tx_stats[thr_id]; if (odp_pktout_queue(globals->pktio_tx, &pktout, 1) != 1) LOG_ABORT("Failed to get output queue for thread %d\n", thr_id); burst_gap = odp_time_local_from_ns( ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS / (targs->pps / targs->batch_len)); send_duration = odp_time_local_from_ns(targs->duration * ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS); odp_barrier_wait(&globals->tx_barrier); cur_time = odp_time_local(); send_time_end = odp_time_sum(cur_time, send_duration); burst_gap_end = cur_time; while (odp_time_cmp(send_time_end, cur_time) > 0) { unsigned alloc_cnt = 0, tx_cnt; if (odp_time_cmp(burst_gap_end, cur_time) > 0) { cur_time = odp_time_local(); if (!odp_time_cmp(idle_start, ODP_TIME_NULL)) idle_start = cur_time; continue; } if (odp_time_cmp(idle_start, ODP_TIME_NULL) > 0) { odp_time_t diff = odp_time_diff(cur_time, idle_start); stats->s.idle_ticks = odp_time_sum(diff, stats->s.idle_ticks); idle_start = ODP_TIME_NULL; } burst_gap_end = odp_time_sum(burst_gap_end, burst_gap); alloc_cnt = alloc_packets(tx_packet, batch_len - unsent_pkts); if (alloc_cnt != batch_len) stats->s.alloc_failures++; tx_cnt = send_packets(pktout, tx_packet, alloc_cnt); unsent_pkts = alloc_cnt - tx_cnt; stats->s.enq_failures += unsent_pkts; stats->s.tx_cnt += tx_cnt; cur_time = odp_time_local(); } VPRINT(" %02d: TxPkts %-8" PRIu64 " EnqFail %-6" PRIu64 " AllocFail %-6" PRIu64 " Idle %" PRIu64 "ms\n", thr_id, stats->s.tx_cnt, stats->s.enq_failures, stats->s.alloc_failures, odp_time_to_ns(stats->s.idle_ticks) / (uint64_t)ODP_TIME_MSEC_IN_NS); return 0; }
/* * Main packet transmit routine. Transmit packets at a fixed rate for * specified length of time. */ static void *run_thread_tx(void *arg) { test_globals_t *globals; int thr_id; odp_queue_t outq; pkt_tx_stats_t *stats; uint64_t next_tx_cycles, end_cycles, cur_cycles; uint64_t burst_gap_cycles; uint32_t batch_len; int unsent_pkts = 0; odp_event_t tx_event[BATCH_LEN_MAX]; uint64_t idle_start = 0; thread_args_t *targs = arg; batch_len = targs->batch_len; if (batch_len > BATCH_LEN_MAX) batch_len = BATCH_LEN_MAX; thr_id = odp_thread_id(); globals = odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_lookup("test_globals")); stats = &globals->tx_stats[thr_id]; outq = odp_pktio_outq_getdef(globals->pktio_tx); if (outq == ODP_QUEUE_INVALID) LOG_ABORT("Failed to get output queue for thread %d\n", thr_id); burst_gap_cycles = odp_time_ns_to_cycles( (ODP_TIME_SEC * 999) / (1000 * targs->pps / (targs->batch_len))); odp_barrier_wait(&globals->tx_barrier); cur_cycles = odp_time_cycles(); next_tx_cycles = cur_cycles; end_cycles = cur_cycles + odp_time_ns_to_cycles(targs->duration * ODP_TIME_SEC); while (cur_cycles < end_cycles) { unsigned alloc_cnt = 0, tx_cnt; if (cur_cycles < next_tx_cycles) { cur_cycles = odp_time_cycles(); if (idle_start == 0) idle_start = cur_cycles; continue; } if (idle_start) { stats->s.idle_cycles += odp_time_diff_cycles( idle_start, cur_cycles); idle_start = 0; } next_tx_cycles += burst_gap_cycles; alloc_cnt = alloc_packets(tx_event, batch_len - unsent_pkts); if (alloc_cnt != batch_len) stats->s.alloc_failures++; tx_cnt = send_packets(outq, tx_event, alloc_cnt); unsent_pkts = alloc_cnt - tx_cnt; stats->s.enq_failures += unsent_pkts; stats->s.tx_cnt += tx_cnt; cur_cycles = odp_time_cycles(); } VPRINT(" %02d: TxPkts %-8"PRIu64" EnqFail %-6"PRIu64 " AllocFail %-6"PRIu64" Idle %"PRIu64"ms\n", thr_id, stats->s.tx_cnt, stats->s.enq_failures, stats->s.alloc_failures, odp_time_cycles_to_ns(stats->s.idle_cycles)/1000/1000); return NULL; }