//------------------------------------------------------------------ void creature::draw() { ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(pos.x, pos.y, 0); ofRotateZ(angle * RAD_TO_DEG); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ ofSetColor(ofRandom(255),ofRandom(255),ofRandom(255)); float add = ofNoise(i/10.0f, ofGetElapsedTimef() * 3 * (float)ofGetMouseX() / (float)ofGetWidth()); ofVertex( (50 + 100 * add) * cos((i / 100.0) * TWO_PI), (50 + 100 * add) * sin((i / 100.0) * TWO_PI)); } ofEndShape(); ofPopMatrix(); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(pos.x + 150, pos.y + 150, 0); ofRotateZ(angle * RAD_TO_DEG); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ ofSetColor(ofRandom(255),ofRandom(255),255); float add = ofNoise(i/15.0f, ofGetElapsedTimef() * 3 * (float)ofGetMouseY()/ (float)ofGetWidth()); ofVertex( (50 * add) * cos((i / 100.0) * TWO_PI), (50 * add) * sin((i / 100.0) * TWO_PI)); } ofEndShape(); ofPopMatrix(); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(pos.x + 150, pos.y + 50, 0); ofRotateZ(angle * RAD_TO_DEG); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){ ofSetColor(ofRandom(255),255,ofRandom(255)); float add = ofNoise(i/30.0f, ofGetElapsedTimef() * 3 * (float)ofGetMouseY()/ (float)ofGetWidth()); ofVertex( (20 * add) * cos((i / 100.0) * TWO_PI), (20 * add) * sin((i / 100.0) * TWO_PI)); } ofEndShape(); ofPopMatrix(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::drawRectByVertex(float x, float y, float kwan, float gao){ //draw the square vertex by vertex ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(x, y); ofVertex(x + kwan, y); ofVertex(x + kwan, y + gao); ofVertex(x, y + gao); ofEndShape(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------ void particle::draw(){ ofNoFill(); ofSetColor(80); // ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 3); ofPoint velNormal = vel; velNormal.normalize(); ofPoint velPerp; velPerp.x = -velNormal.y; velPerp.y = velNormal.x; // ofLine(pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + velNormal.x*10, pos.y + velNormal.y*10); float dx = pos.x - prevPos.x; float dy = pos.y - prevPos.y; angle = atan2(dy, dx); float diff; int clampMax = 100; // if (dx<100 && dy < 100) diff = (ofDist(0, 0, dx, dy))*5; diff = ofDist(0,0, vel.x, vel.y)*10; ofClamp(diff, 0, 100); size = diff * 0.1 + size * 0.9; prevPos.x = pos.x; prevPos.y = pos.y; ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofSetColor(c,150); ofFill(); ofSetCircleResolution(3); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(pos.x, pos.y); ofRotateZ((angle * RAD_TO_DEG)+30); ofScale(size, size); // ofCircle(0, 0, size); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(r1*0, r1*1); ofVertex(r2*cos(60), r2*sin(60)); ofVertex(r3*cos(150), r3*sin(150)); ofEndShape(); ofPopMatrix(); ofSetCircleResolution(60); ofDisableAlphaBlending(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void MovingLine::display(){ ofBeginShape(); ofCurveVertex(ptrOfApp->minX, vertices[0].y); for(int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++){ ofCurveVertex(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y); } ofCurveVertex(ptrOfApp->maxX, vertices.back().y); ofEndShape(); }
void ofxShapes :: drawShape( ofxShapesItem *shape ) { ofBeginShape(); for( int i=0; i<shape->vertices.size(); i++ ) { ofVertex( shape->vertices[ i ][ 0 ], shape->vertices[ i ][ 1 ] ); } ofEndShape( false ); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ ofSetColor(ofColor::white); image.draw(0,0); ofSetColor(255, 255, 0, 100); ofBeginShape(); ofFill(); ofVertexes(pointsConvex.getVertices()); ofEndShape(); }
void drawPoly(vector<ofVec2f> &poly) { ofBeginShape(); for(int i = 0; i < poly.size(); i++) { //mesh.addVertex(poly[i]); ofVertex(poly[i].x, poly[i].y); } ofEndShape(); }
void Print::draw() { ofSetColor(255); //bg1.resize(ofGetWidth(), 330); //bg2.resize(ofGetWidth(), 470); //reciept.resize(180, 200+pos.val()); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); bg2.draw(0, 800); reciept.draw(350, 350+2*pos.val()); bg1.draw(0,0); ofDisableAlphaBlending(); // Flight Animation ofSetColor(255, 102, 102); if(pp.y < ofGetHeight()) { pp.y += vel; ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(0, ofGetHeight()); ofVertex(0,0); ofVertex(pp.x, pp.y); ofVertex(ofGetWidth(),0); ofVertex(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight()); ofEndShape(); // 飛行機 ofSetColor(255); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); flight.draw(ofGetWidth()/2-60, pp.y); ofDisableAlphaBlending(); }else{ width_x+=7; pp.y += vel; ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(0, ofGetHeight()); ofVertex(-width_x,0); ofVertex(pp.x, pp.y); ofVertex(ofGetWidth()+width_x,0); ofVertex(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight()); ofEndShape(); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ ofSetHexColor(0x000000); ofNoFill(); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < nPts; i++){ ofVertex(pts[i].x, pts[i].y); } ofEndShape(); string info = "speed of rotation (a/z): " + ofToString(speedOfRotation,3) + "\n" + "rotateAmount in x (s/x): " + ofToString(rotateAmount.x,3) + "\n" + "rotateAmount in y (d/c): " + ofToString(rotateAmount.y,3) + "\n" + "rotateAmount in z (f/v): " + ofToString(rotateAmount.z,3); ofFill(); ofSetHexColor(0xE5A93F); ofRect(10,10,300,70); ofSetHexColor(0x000000); ofDrawBitmapString(info,30,30); ofSetColor(50,50,255); ofNoFill(); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(xAxisMin.x, xAxisMin.y, xAxisMin.z); ofVertex(xAxisMax.x, xAxisMax.y, xAxisMax.z); ofEndShape(); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(yAxisMin.x, yAxisMin.y, yAxisMin.z); ofVertex(yAxisMax.x, yAxisMax.y, yAxisMax.z); ofEndShape(); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(zAxisMin.x, zAxisMin.y, zAxisMin.z); ofVertex(zAxisMax.x, zAxisMax.y, zAxisMax.z); ofEndShape(); if (bDrawnAnything == false){ ofSetColor(0,0,0); ofDrawBitmapString("draw something!", ofGetWidth()/2 + 100,ofGetHeight()/2 + 20); } }
void ofApp::drawAudioInput(float x, float y, float scale) { scale /= 4; int resolution = MAX(audioBuffersize / scale, 1); ofPushStyle(); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(x + scale, y + scale); ofScale(scale, scale); ofNoFill(); ofSetColor(255); ofRect(-1, -1, 2, 2); ofBeginShape(); for(int i = 0; i < audioBuffersize; i += resolution) { ofVertex(frontAudioBuffer[i * 2], frontAudioBuffer[i * 2 + 1]); } ofEndShape(); ofPushMatrix(); ofSetColor(magentaPrint); ofTranslate(1, 0); ofScale(2. / audioBuffersize, 1); ofBeginShape(); for(int i = 0; i < audioBuffersize; i += resolution) { ofVertex(i, frontAudioBuffer[i * 2]); } ofEndShape(); ofPopMatrix(); ofPushMatrix(); ofSetColor(cyanPrint); ofTranslate(0, 1); ofScale(1, 2. / audioBuffersize); ofBeginShape(); for(int i = 0; i < audioBuffersize; i += resolution) { ofVertex(frontAudioBuffer[i * 2 + 1], i); } ofEndShape(); ofPopMatrix(); ofPopMatrix(); ofPopStyle(); }
void ofApp::drawShape() { ofBeginShape(); for(int i = 1; i < numPoints; i++) { ofVertex(points[i-1]->screenX(), points[i-1]->screenY()); ofVertex(points[i]->screenX(), points[i]->screenY()); } ofVertex(points[numPoints - 1]->screenX(), points[numPoints - 1]->screenY()); ofVertex(points[0]->screenX(), points[0]->screenY()); ofEndShape(); }
void Tile::fill() const { ofFill(); ofBeginShape(); for (auto& pt : vertices) { ofVertex(pt.x, pt.y); } ofEndShape(); ofNoFill(); }
void SpringStroke::drawSurface() { vector<Particle*> pars = line->getPoints(); ofBeginShape(); for (int i=0; i<pars.size(); i++) { ofVertex(pars[i]->x, pars[i]->y); } ofEndShape(); }
void FboMaskShape::drawShape(){ ofBeginShape(); int max = points.size(); for(int i = 0; i < max; ++i){ ofxVec2f& point = points[i]; ofVertex(point.x, point.y); } ofEndShape(true); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw() { ofBackground(255); if (dragPtsLeft.size() >0) { ofNoFill(); ofSetLineWidth(1); ofSetColor(0); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < dragPtsLeft.size(); i++) { ofVertex(dragPtsLeft[i].x, dragPtsLeft[i].y,0); ofSetColor(255, 0, 0); ofCircle(dragPtsLeft[i].x, dragPtsLeft[i].y,5); } ofEndShape(true); } if (dragPtsRight.size() >0) { ofNoFill(); ofSetLineWidth(1); ofSetColor(0); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < dragPtsRight.size(); i++) { ofVertex(dragPtsRight[i].x, dragPtsRight[i].y,0); ofSetColor(0,255,0); ofCircle(dragPtsRight[i].x, dragPtsRight[i].y,5); } ofEndShape(true); } ofSetColor(0, 0, 0); ofFill(); ofRect(0, ofGetHeight()-70, ofGetWidth(), 70); ofSetColor(255); stringstream s; s << "Click in window to start making points. Use Left and Right Clicks." << endl; s << "Number of Points Left " + ofToString(dragPtsLeft.size()) + " Number of Points Right " + ofToString(dragPtsRight.size()) << endl; s << "Click 'r' to reset points" << endl; s << "Click 'w' to write points to File" <<endl; ofDrawBitmapString(s.str(), 10,ofGetHeight()-50); }
void scrollingGraph::draw(float height) { ofNoFill(); ofBeginShape(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < valHistory.size(); j++){ float valNormalized = ofMap(valHistory[j], minVal, maxVal, 0.0, 1.0); ofVertex(j + 100, height - valNormalized * height); } ofEndShape(false); ofFill(); }
void defense::ArrowsDraw(){ ofRectangle RectOut; RectOut = OneBigRect(); ofSetColor(0, 0, 0 ); Fuentes[1].drawString("Example 1. The gradient of an image", RectOut.x,RectOut.y + RectOut.height*.1); ofRectangle RectLimits; RectLimits.x =(RectOut.getCenter()).x - 1.5*RectOut.width/4.0; RectLimits.y=(RectOut.getCenter()).y - 1.2*RectOut.height/4.0; RectLimits.width=RectOut.width/2.0; RectLimits.height=RectOut.height/2.0; glPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(RectLimits.x, RectLimits.y); ofScale(1.5*RectLimits.width/Nx,1.5*RectLimits.height/Ny); short SX,SY; ofSetColor(0, 0, 0 ); for (int k=0;k<MeshX;k+=2) { for (int q=0; q < MeshY; q+=2) { //lines SX = ((short*)(G_Gx->imageData + (Ny/MeshY)*G_Gx->widthStep*q))[(Nx/MeshX)*k]; SY = ((short*)(G_Gy->imageData + (Ny/MeshY)*G_Gy->widthStep*q))[(Nx/MeshX)*k]; ofLine(G_posX[k][q], G_posY[k][q], G_posX[k][q] - (.2)*(float)SX, G_posY[k][q]- (.2)*(float)SY); // // arrows float tipX = G_posX[k][q]-(.2)*(float)SX; float tipY = G_posY[k][q]-(.2)*(float)SY; float f = tan(PI/9.0)*sqrt((.2)*(float)SX*(.2)*(float)SX+ (.2)*(float)SY*(.2)*(float)SY)/5.0; float alfa = atan2((.2)*(float)SY, (.2)*(float)SX); ofFill(); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(tipX, tipY); ofVertex(tipX+(.2)*(float)SX/5.0+f*sin(alfa), tipY+(.2)*(float)SY/5.0 - f*cos(alfa)); ofVertex(tipX+(.2)*(float)SX/5.0-f*sin(alfa), tipY+(.2)*(float)SY/5.0 + f*cos(alfa)); ofEndShape(true); } } glPopMatrix(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------- void ofxVectorGraphics::endShape(bool bClose){ if(bDraw){ ofEndShape(bClose); } if(bRecord){ //catmull roms - we need at least 4 points to draw if( whichShapeMode == 1 && curvePts.size() > 3){ //we go through and we calculate the bezier of each //catmull rom curve - smart right? :) for (int i = 1; i< curvePts.size()-2; i++) { ofPoint3 prevPt( curvePts[i-1][0], curvePts[i-1][1]); ofPoint3 startPt(curvePts[i][0], curvePts[i][1]); ofPoint3 endPt( curvePts[i+1][0], curvePts[i+1][1]); ofPoint3 nextPt( curvePts[i+2][0], curvePts[i+2][1]); //SUPER WEIRD MAGIC CONSTANT = 1/6 //Someone please explain this!!! //It works and is 100% accurate but wtf! ofPoint3 cp1 = startPt + ( endPt - prevPt ) * (1.0/6); ofPoint3 cp2 = endPt + ( startPt - nextPt ) * (1.0/6); //if this is the first line we are drawing //we have to start the path at a location if( i == 1 ){ creeps.startPath(startPt.x, startPt.y); bShouldClose = true; } creeps.addCurve( cp1.x, cp1.y, cp2.x, cp2.y, endPt.x, endPt.y); } } if(bShouldClose){ //we close the path if requested if(bClose)creeps.closeSubpath(); //render the stroke as either a fill or a stroke. if(bFill){ creeps.endPath(CreEPS::FILL); }else{ creeps.endPath(CreEPS::STROKE); } bShouldClose = false; } //we want to clear all the vertices //otherwise we keep adding points from //the previous file - cool but not what we want! clearAllVertices(); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw() { ofSetColor(0,0,0); ofNoFill(); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) { ofVertex(pts[i].x, pts[i].y); } ofEndShape(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void AudioAnalyzer::draw() { int plotHeight = 128; //ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofSetColor(0xffffff); ofPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(panel. boundingBox.x,panel.boundingBox.y+10,0);//16, 16, 0); ofDrawBitmapString("Audio Input", 0, 0); plot(audioInput, bufferSize, plotHeight / 2, 0); glTranslatef(0, plotHeight + 16, 0); ofDrawBitmapString("FFT Output", 0, 0); plot(fftOutput, fft->getBinSize(), -plotHeight, plotHeight / 2); ofSetColor(255,0,0,200); //ofLine(0,-averageVal*plotHeight+plotHeight,fft->getBinSize(),-averageVal*plotHeight+plotHeight); ofSetColor(255,255,255,255); ofPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(fft->getBinSize(), 0, 0); ofDrawBitmapString("EQd FFT Output", 0, 0); plotPeaks(fft->getBinSize(), -plotHeight, plotHeight / 2);//plot(avgBands, numAvgBands-1,-plotHeight, plotHeight / 2); plot(eqOutput, fft->getBinSize(), -plotHeight, plotHeight / 2); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(0, plotHeight / 2 + (plotHeight / 2), 0); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < numAvgBands; i++) ofVertex(i * 2, avgBands[i] * (-plotHeight)); ofEndShape(); glPopMatrix(); ofPopMatrix(); glTranslatef(0, plotHeight + 16, 0); ofDrawBitmapString("IFFT Output", 0, 0); plot(ifftOutput, fft->getSignalSize(), plotHeight / 2, 0); glTranslatef(0, plotHeight + 16, 0); ofDrawBitmapString("Blend FFT Output", 0, 0); plot(blendfft, fft->getSignalSize(), plotHeight / 2, 0); ofPopMatrix(); //ofDrawBitmapString( "pitch is : " + ofToString((int)aubio.pitch) + "\namplitude is : " + ofToString(aubio.amplitude,3), 10,600); //stats_pitch.draw(16,460,100,100,10); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { ofVertex(points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z); } ofEndShape(); }
void testApp::plot(float* array, int length, float scale, float offset) { ofNoFill(); ofRect(0, 0, length, plotHeight); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(0, plotHeight / 2 + offset, 0); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) ofVertex(i, array[i] * scale); ofEndShape(); glPopMatrix(); }
//------------------------------------------------- void timePointRecorder::draw(){ ofSetColor(255); ofNoFill(); ofSetLineWidth(1.5); ofBeginShape(); for (int i = 0; i < pts.size();i++){ ofCurveVertex(pts[i].x, pts[i].y); } ofEndShape(); }
void Subdivision::drawDiamond() { ofSetColor(*color); ofFill(); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(x, y+height/2); ofVertex(x+width/2, y); ofVertex(x+width, y+height/2); ofVertex(x+width/2, y+height); ofEndShape(); ofNoFill(); ofSetColor(0); ofSetLineWidth(1); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(x, y+height/2); ofVertex(x+width/2, y); ofVertex(x+width, y+height/2); ofVertex(x+width/2, y+height); ofEndShape(); }
void Bubble::draw(){ ofSetColor(color); if (mouseOver == true) { ofSetColor(mouseOverColor);} ofBeginShape(); ofEllipse(xPos, yPos, width, height); ofEndShape(); // ofPopMatrix(); // cout << xPos << "," << yPos << "..." << xPosLeft << "," << yPosLeft << "..." << xPosRight << "," << yPosLeft << endl; }
void ofxARToolkitPlus::draw(int x, int y, int w, int h) { float scaleX = (float)w / width; float scaleY = (float)h / height; glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0); glScalef(scaleX, scaleY, 1); ofSetLineWidth(1); int numDetected = tracker->getNumDetectedMarkers(); for(int i=0; i<numDetected; i++) { ARToolKitPlus::ARMarkerInfo marker = tracker->getDetectedMarker(i); // Draw the center point ofFill(); ofSetColor(255, 0, 255 ); ofDrawRectangle(marker.pos[0]-1, marker.pos[1]-1, 2, 2); // Draw the inner rectangle ofNoFill(); ofSetColor(255, 255, 0 ); ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(marker.vertex[0][0], marker.vertex[0][1]); ofVertex(marker.vertex[1][0], marker.vertex[1][1]); ofVertex(marker.vertex[2][0], marker.vertex[2][1]); ofVertex(marker.vertex[3][0], marker.vertex[3][1]); ofEndShape(true); // Draw the marker ID ofSetColor( 255, 255, 255 ); ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(marker.id), marker.pos[0], marker.pos[1]); // Draw the outer rectangle // ofPoint center(marker.pos[0], marker.pos[1]); // ofNoFill(); // ofSetColor(255, 0, 0 ); // ofBeginShape(); // for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { // ofPoint corner(marker.vertex[j][0], marker.vertex[j][1]); // corner -= center; // corner *= BORDER_SCALE; // corner += center; // ofVertex(corner.x, corner.y); // } // ofEndShape(true); } glPopMatrix(); }
void Line::draw(){ cout << "draw" <<endl; ofNoFill(); ofSetColor(0,0,0); ofBeginShape(); ofSetLineWidth(width); ofVertex(posBeg.x, posBeg.y); ofVertex(posEnd.x, posEnd.y); ofEndShape(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::drawDiamond(float centerX, float centerY, float kwan, float gao){ ofBeginShape(); ofVertex(centerX, centerY - gao/2); ofVertex(centerX+ kwan/3, centerY - gao/3); ofVertex(centerX + kwan/2, centerY); ofVertex(centerX, centerY + gao/2); ofVertex(centerX - kwan/2, centerY); ofVertex(centerX, centerY - gao/2); ofEndShape(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ModuleImageAnalyzer::drawHistogram(vector<float> & h) { ofBeginShape(); ofNoFill(); ofSetLineWidth(3); for (int i=0; i<h.size(); i++) { float x = ofMap(i, 0, h.size(), 0, 320); float y = ofMap(h[i], 0, 0.3, 240, 0); ofVertex(x, y); } ofEndShape(); }
// declare methods/getters/setters void MyPoly::draw() { ofSetColor(200, 100, 200); ofFill(); ofBeginShape(); for(int i=0; i<pointCount; ++i){ ofVertex(vecs[i].x, vecs[i].y); } ofEndShape(); }