//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::keyPressed(int key){ if( key == 'g' ){ bHide = !bHide; } if (key=='m') { minimised=!minimised; if (minimised) { ofSetWindowShape(300, 30); } if (!minimised) { if (cameras.size()*camHeight<gui.getShape().height+80) { ofSetWindowShape(gui.getWidth()+80+camWidth * cameras.size(), gui.getShape().height+80); } if (cameras.size()*camHeight>gui.getShape().height+80) { ofSetWindowShape(gui.getWidth()+80+camWidth * cameras.size(), cameras.size()*camHeight); } } } if (key=='s') { gui.saveToFile("settings.xml"); } if (key=='r') { gui.loadFromFile("settings.xml"); } }
/* Snippet begin */ void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(500, 500); gif.setup(50); gif.fadeInOut(2, 1, ofColor::red); gif.enableTextOverlay(); layerIncrement = 0.01; maskIncrement = 0.0005; numLayers = 20; numMasksPerLayer = 1; masker.setup(numLayers); layer.setup("rust-tall2.png"); for(int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { scale = ofMap(i, 0, numLayers-1, 0.25, 1); layer.setTextureScale(scale); layer.setTextureOffset(i % 2 == 0 ? TEXTURE_OFFSET_TOP_LEFT : TEXTURE_OFFSET_TOP_RIGHT); layer.setTextureOffsetY(ofRandom(2)); layers.push_back(layer); maskLoader.clear(); scale = ofMap(i, 0, numLayers-1, 0.5, 1.3); mask.setup("circle-feather.png", scale, TEXTURE_OFFSET_MIDDLE_CENTER); for(int j = 0; j < numMasksPerLayer; j++) { mask.setTextureOffsetY(ofRandom(2)); maskLoader.push_back(mask); } masks.push_back(maskLoader); } ofSetWindowShape(1000, 1200); masker.toggleOverlay(); }
/* Snippet begin */ void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(500, 500); gif.setup(40); gif.fadeInOut(1, 2, ofColor::white); gif.enableTextOverlay(); numRoads = 2; masker.setup(numRoads + 1); rectWidth = gif.width / 3; halfRectWidth = rectWidth * 0.5; road.setup("road.png", 1.0, TEXTURE_OFFSET__MIDDLE__RIGHT_TO_CENTER); for(int i = 0; i < numRoads; i++) { scale = ofMap(i, 0, numRoads-1, 5, 1.3); road.setTextureScale(scale); road.setTextureOffsetY(ofRandom(2)); road1s.push_back(road); } road.setup("road.png", 1.0, TEXTURE_OFFSET__MIDDLE__RIGHT_TO_CENTER); for(int i = 0; i < numRoads; i++) { scale = ofMap(i, 0, numRoads-1, 0.7, 2); road.setTextureScale(scale); road.setTextureOffsetY(ofRandom(2)); road2s.push_back(road); } ofSetWindowShape(1200, 1200); masker.toggleOverlay(); }
/* Snippet begin */ void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(500, 500); gif.setup(50); gif.fadeInOut(2, 3, ofColor::darkGray); gif.enableTextOverlay(); numLayers = 8; masker.setup(numLayers + 1); rectSize = 200; rectThickness = 2; speed = 0.1; img.setup("pcb2.png", 1.0, TEXTURE_OFFSET__MIDDLE__LEFT_TO_CENTER); for(int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { scale = ofMap(i, 0, numLayers-1, 0.25, 0.7); img.setTextureScale(scale); img.setTextureOffsetY(ofRandom(2)); textures.push_back(img); } img.setup("road.png", 1.0, TEXTURE_OFFSET__MIDDLE__RIGHT_TO_CENTER); for(int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { scale = ofMap(i, 0, numLayers-1, 1.4, 0.75); img.setTextureScale(scale); img.setTextureOffsetY(ofRandom(2)); masks.push_back(img); } ofSetWindowShape(1200, 1200); masker.toggleOverlay(); }
void HandJesture::keyPressed (int key) { ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, ofToString(key)); switch (key) { case '>': case '.': farThreshold ++; if (farThreshold > 255) farThreshold = 255; break; case '<': case ',': farThreshold --; if (farThreshold < 0) farThreshold = 0; break; case '+': case '=': nearThreshold ++; if (nearThreshold > 255) nearThreshold = 255; break; case '-': nearThreshold --; if (nearThreshold < 0) nearThreshold = 0; break; case 'd': //解析結果の表示の on / off debug ? debug=false : debug=true; break; case 'r': // reboot kinect kinect.close(); kinect.open(); kinect.setCameraTiltAngle(angle); break; case ' ': showConfigUI = !showConfigUI; if (showConfigUI) { ofSetWindowShape(800, 600); } else { ofSetWindowShape(400, 300); kinect.setCameraTiltAngle(angle); } break; case OF_KEY_UP: angle++; if(angle>30) angle=30; kinect.setCameraTiltAngle(angle); break; case OF_KEY_DOWN: angle--; if(angle<-30) angle=-30; kinect.setCameraTiltAngle(angle); break; } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ //ofSetWindowPosition(0,0); #ifdef OCULUS_RIFT ofSetWindowShape(1920*2,1080); #else ofSetWindowShape(1920,1080); #endif ofSetVerticalSync(true); shouldPlayTestVideo = false; ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_NOTICE); CloudsSpeaker::populateSpeakers(); map<string,CloudsSpeaker>::iterator it; for(it = CloudsSpeaker::speakers.begin(); it != CloudsSpeaker::speakers.end(); it++){ speakerKeys.push_back(it->first); } curSpeaker = 0; parser.loadFromFiles(); hud.setup(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// //stringstream questions; //for(int i = 0; i < parser.getAllClips().size(); i++){ // CloudsClip* clip = parser.getAllClips()[i]; // if(clip->isLanguageCompatible() && clip->hasQuestion()){ // map<string,string>::iterator it; // for( it = clip->getAllQuestionTopicPairs().begin(); it != clip->getAllQuestionTopicPairs().end(); it++){ // questions << clip->getLinkName() << " " << it->first << " " << it->second << " " << (clip->hasSpecialKeyword("#oculus") || clip->hasSpecialKeyword("#start") ? "YES" : "NO") << endl; // } // } //} //ofBufferToFile(GetCloudsDataPath() + "TRANSLATED_question_topics.txt", ofBuffer(questions.str())); //////////////////////////////////////////////// testVideoIndex = 0; rgbd.setup(); rgbd.setDrawToScreen(false); #ifdef OCULUS_RIFT // Link the HUD. rgbd.hud = &hud; rgbd.setupHUDGui(); #endif CloudsVisualSystem::getRGBDVideoPlayer().showingLowerThirds = true; //rgbd.forceScreenResolution(1920*2,1080*2); //rgbd.addTransionEditorsToGui(); rgbd.playSystem(); hud.setHudEnabled(true); type = CloudsVisualSystem::FLY_THROUGH; }
/* Snippet begin */ void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(500, 500); gif.setup(50); gif.fadeInOut(3, 6, ofColor::white); gif.enableTextOverlay(); pattern1.setup(&gif); pattern2.setup(&gif); pattern3.setup(&gif); masker.setup(2); masker.toggleOverlay(); ofSetWindowShape(1200, 1200); }
void testApp::setScreenSize(string name) { if (name == "1024x768") { ofSetWindowShape(1024, 768); } else if (name == "960x540") { ofSetWindowShape(960, 540); } else if (name == "1920x1080") { ofSetWindowShape(1920, 1080); } else if (name == "640x480") { ofSetWindowShape(640, 480); } }
/* Snippet begin */ void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(500, 500); gif.setup(60); gif.enableTextOverlay(); pattern1.setup(&gif); masker.setup(1); masker.toggleOverlay(); img1.setup("foil-large.png"); img2.setup("face-full.png", 2000.0, TEXTURE_OFFSET__TOP__LEFT_TO_CENTER); img2.incrementTextureOffsetY(0.27); ofSetWindowShape(1200, 1200); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::windowResized(int w, int h) { if (w < 600) { ofVec2f windowPosition = ofVec2f(ofGetWindowPositionX(), ofGetWindowPositionY()); ofSetWindowShape(600, h); ofSetWindowPosition(windowPosition.x, windowPosition.y); } if (h < 400) { ofVec2f windowPosition = ofVec2f(ofGetWindowPositionX(), ofGetWindowPositionY()); ofSetWindowShape(w, 400); ofSetWindowPosition(windowPosition.x, windowPosition.y); } //hsvGui.setPosition(ofPoint(w-200, 0)); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update() { dir.x = ofRandomf() * 1.57; pos.x = (width / 2.0) + (ofRandomf() * 0.5); if(isDrawS && !isPaused) fluid.addTemporalForce(pos, dir, ofFloatColor(0.12, 0.09, 0.09), rad, temp, den); if(isPaused) pCount += ofGetFrameRate() / 60; if(pCount >= pTime) { pCount = 0; isPaused = false; } if(!isStatA) ofSetWindowShape(width, height); else ofSetWindowShape(width + 85.0, height); // Update // fluid.update(); ofSetWindowTitle(ofToString(ofGetFrameRate())); updateArduino(); if(!isPaused) { irsVal = (float)ard.getAnalog(5); } if(irsVal < 590.0) { isPaused = true; } else { isPaused = false; } }
/* Snippet begin */ void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(500, 500); gif.setupPaused(40, 90); numLayers = 2; masker.setup(numLayers, ISOLATE_LAYERS); masker.toggleOverlay(); img1.setup("pcb-bw.png"); img2.setup("rust-tall2.png", 1.0, TEXTURE_OFFSET__MIDDLE__RIGHT_TO_CENTER); horizontalMasks.setup(200, gif.height); ofSetWindowShape(1200, 1200); }
void testApp::setup(){ ofSetFrameRate(30); // set our app mode appMode = APP_MODE_TRACKING; // load the movie (The Target by Jacob Dow) // available on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/35391502 source.loadMovie("TheTarget.mov"); // create a CV "map" to show the areas of matching color changedPixelsMap.allocate(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight()); currentFrameCvRGB.allocate(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight()); currentFrameCv.allocate(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight()); previouFrameCv.allocate(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight()); // create a window as big as the image ofSetWindowShape(source.getWidth()*2, source.getHeight()); // how close should the color be to the picked color motionThreshold = 35; // current frame currentFrame = 0; // we haven't saved our data yet bDataExtracted = false; // create a canvas texture to accumulate paint shapes canvas.allocate(source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), GL_RGB); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(100, 100); ofBackground(204); da = Diagonals(0, 80, 1, 2, 0); db = Diagonals(0, 55, 2, 6, 255); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofSetVerticalSync(true); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofEnableSmoothing(); width = 1500; height = 400; ofSetWindowShape(width, height); // SOUND // soundStream.setup(this, 0, 2, 44100, 256, 4); smoothedVol = 0.0; micBar.setLabel("mic"); time = 0.0; zoom = 1.0; angle = 0.0; bDebug = true; ofSeedRandom(0); glyph.create(100); terrain.createFromGlyph(glyph); terrain.resolution = 2; terrain.topAltitud = 300; cameraFocus.pos = glyph.getPathPositionAt(0.0); light.setPosition(ofVec3f(0,0,300)); // light.rotate(54, ofVec3f(1,0,0.0)); // light.setDiffuseColor(ofColor(255)); // light.setAmbientColor(ofColor(50,21,33)); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(5, 5); vector<vector<float> > vals(4, vector<float>(4, 0.25)); ofxMC::Matrix mat(vals); mc.setup(mat, 0); mouse.set(ofGetScreenWidth()/2, ofGetScreenHeight()/2); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ sampleRate = 44100; channels = 2; ofSetFrameRate(60); ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_VERBOSE); vidGrabber.setDesiredFrameRate(30); vidGrabber.initGrabber(640, 480); // vidRecorder.setFfmpegLocation(ofFilePath::getAbsolutePath("ffmpeg")); // use this is you have ffmpeg installed in your data folder fileName = "testMovie"; fileExt = ".mov"; // ffmpeg uses the extension to determine the container type. run 'ffmpeg -formats' to see supported formats // override the default codecs if you like // run 'ffmpeg -codecs' to find out what your implementation supports (or -formats on some older versions) vidRecorder.setVideoCodec("mpeg4"); vidRecorder.setVideoBitrate("800k"); vidRecorder.setAudioCodec("mp3"); vidRecorder.setAudioBitrate("192k"); // soundStream.listDevices(); // soundStream.setDeviceID(11); soundStream.setup(this, 0, channels, sampleRate, 256, 4); ofSetWindowShape(vidGrabber.getWidth(), vidGrabber.getHeight() ); bRecording = false; ofEnableAlphaBlending(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup(){ // set the size of the window ofSetWindowShape(window_w, window_h); size = window_w; position = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*size); velocity = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*size); sand_positions = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*size); for(int x = 0; x < size; x++) { position[x] = window_h/2; velocity[x] = 0.0;//10*ofRandomf(); if(x < size/2) { sand_positions[x] = window_h/3; } else { sand_positions[x] = 0; } } }
/* This handles the setup and GIF rendering, etc */ void ofApp::setup(){ //Gif render values slowMode = false; width = 400, height = 400; duration = 0.2, colors = 256; saveOnFrame = -1; filename = ofGetTimestampString("%Y-%m-%d") + ".gif"; framerate = slowMode ? 5 : 10; //Init ofSetFrameRate(framerate); ofSetWindowShape(width, height); gifEncoder.setup(width, height, duration, colors); renderingNow = false; renderMessage = ""; fbo.allocate(width, height, GL_RGB); fbo.begin(); ofClear(255, 255, 255, 0); fbo.end(); //Begin patch setupAnim(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup() { ofSetWindowShape(1280, 960); /* Currently init() takes two boolean parameters, i.e. init(true, true) The first parameter tells ofxRSSDK to stream color frames as well as depth frames (default: true) The second parameter tells ofxRSSDK to populate internal texture structures from the raw depth and color frames. If this is false, the ofApp itself will need to define ofTextures and load the data manually (if ofTextures are desired) (default: true) */ if (!mRSSDK.init()) { ofLogError("Unable to create ofxRSSDK object"); } else { int cW = static_cast<int>(mRSSDK.getWidth()); int cH = static_cast<int>(mRSSDK.getHeight()); mDepthColorTex.allocate(cW, cH, GL_RGB); mDepthColorPixels = new uint8_t[cW*cH * 3]; mNearColor = ofColor(255, 0, 0); mFarColor = ofColor(20, 40, 255); for (int i = 0; i < cW*cH*3; i++) { mDepthColorPixels[i] = 0; } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup(){ sampleRate = 44100; /* Sampling Rate */ bufferSize = 512; /* Buffer Size. you have to fill this buffer with sound using the for loop in the audioOut method */ fftSize = 1024; bufferDuration = 4.0f; // Duration in seconds frameWidth = 1024*2; frameHeight = 104*2; inputMode = INPUT_LIVE; doFind = false; // samplePlayer.load(ofToDataPath("03_Prelude_op67no1_mono.wav")); // ofToDataPath tells the load function to look in the data folder ofBackground(10,10,10); ofSetWindowShape(2400, 1600); ofSoundStreamSetup(2,2,this, sampleRate, bufferSize, 4); /* this has to happen at the end of setup - it switches on the DAC */ ofxMaxiSettings::setup(sampleRate, 2, bufferSize); source.setup( sampleRate, bufferSize, fftSize ); live.setup( bufferDuration, sampleRate, bufferSize, fftSize ); finder.setup(); keys.setup(); tracks.setup( &keys ); lights.setup( &keys ); // temp(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_VERBOSE); ofSetWindowShape(ofGetScreenWidth(), ofGetScreenHeight()); ofBackground(0, 0, 0); ofSetFrameRate(60); ofSetVerticalSync(true); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //ofEnableLighting(); eachWidth = ofGetScreenWidth()/NUM_DEVICE; timeline.setup(); timeline.setWidth(ofGetScreenWidth()); timeline.setLoopType(OF_LOOP_NORMAL); timeline.enableSnapToBPM(120.f); timeline.enableDrawBPMGrid(true); waveform.setup(); waveform.loadSoundfile("6)219 - Howlin' Wolf - Spoonful (full).wav"); timeline.setDurationInSeconds(waveform.getDuration()); timeline.addElement("Track", &waveform); for(int i = 0 ; i < NUM_DEVICE ; i++) { string device_name = "Device_"+ofToString(i,0); //timeline.addPage(device_name+" Page"); //timeline.addKeyframes(device_name+"_birghtness", device_name+"birghtness.xml", ofRange(0, 255)); timeline.addKeyframes(device_name+"_Red", device_name+"Red.xml", ofRange(0, 255)); timeline.addKeyframes(device_name+"_Green", device_name+"Green.xml", ofRange(0, 255)); timeline.addKeyframes(device_name+"_Blue", device_name+"Blue.xml", ofRange(0, 255)); } timeline.getColors().loadColors("defaultColors.xml"); timeline.setCurrentPage(1); ofAddListener(ofxTLEvents.trigger, this, &testApp::receivedTrigger); //setup serial serial.listDevices(); vector <ofSerialDeviceInfo> deviceList = serial.getDeviceList(); //----------------------------------- note: // < this should be set // to whatever com port // your serial device is // connected to. // (ie, COM4 on a pc, /dev/tty.... on linux, /dev/tty... on a mac) // arduino users check in arduino app.... ofxXmlSettings xml("config.xml"); serial.setup(xml.getValue("DEVICE", "/dev/tty.usbserial-11U3V4KS"), 57600); //serial.setup("/dev/tty.usbserial-A4001JgX", 57600); //serial.setup("/dev/tty.usbserial-11U3V4KS", 57600); serial.setVerbose(false); //startThread(); //ofThread::verbose = false; //serial.setVerbose(false); }
void ofApp::setup() { ofxDatGuiLog::quiet(); // create a simple circle and position it in the middle of the screen // circle = new Circle(150); // instantiate our gui and a couple of range sliders // gui = new ofxDatGui( ofxDatGuiAnchor::TOP_RIGHT ); gui->addHeader("ofxDATGUI DATA BINDING EXAMPLE"); sx = gui->addSlider("CIRCLE X", 0, ofGetWidth()); sy = gui->addSlider("CIRCLE Y", 0, ofGetHeight()); // bind the circle's x & y properties to the gui sliders // sx->bind(circle->x); sy->bind(circle->y); ofSetWindowPosition(0, 0); ofSetWindowShape(1920, 1080); // center the circle onscreen // circle->x = ofGetWidth() / 2; circle->y = ofGetHeight() / 2; }
void MouseResponseColor::setup(){ ofSetWindowShape(700,700); max_distance = ofDist(0, 0, 700, 700); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup() { ofSetWindowShape(800, 600); ofSetVerticalSync(true); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); scene = new testScene(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- bool ofxDetectDisplays::placeWindowOnDisplay(int displayID, bool borderless) { #if defined(TARGET_OSX) ofSetFullscreen(false); ofSetWindowPosition(displays[displayID]->left, displays[displayID]->top); ofSetWindowShape(displays[displayID]->width, displays[displayID]->height); #elif defined(TARGET_WIN32) HWND hwnd = ofGetWin32Window(); DWORD EX_STYLE; DWORD STYLE; if (borderless) { EX_STYLE = WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; STYLE = WS_OVERLAPPED; } else { EX_STYLE = WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; STYLE = WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; } SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, EX_STYLE); SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, STYLE); SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, displays[displayID]->left, displays[displayID]->top, displays[displayID]->width, displays[displayID]->height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); #endif return true; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofSetCircleResolution(50); ofSetWindowTitle("openframeworks gvf visualiser"); ofSetWindowShape(1024, 768); ofSetFrameRate(60); // if vertical sync is off, we can go a bit fast... this caps the framerate at 60fps. ofPoint wSize = ofGetWindowSize(); scrW = wSize.x; scrH = wSize.y; printf("w: %d h: %d\n", scrW, scrH); drawArea = ofRectangle(ofPoint(0, 0), ofGetWindowWidth(), ofGetWindowHeight()); currentGesture.setDrawArea(drawArea); isMouseDrawing = false; viewYRotation = 0; viewXRotation = 0; initializeGui(); initColors(); //leap: open the controller leap.open(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofEnableAlphaBlending(); //ofSetDataPathRoot("data/"); context.setup(); depth.setup(&context); user.setup(&context, true); context.toggleMirror(); string host = "localhost"; int port = 3333; ofxXmlSettings XML; if (XML.loadFile("config.xml")){ host = XML.getValue("HOST", "localhost"); port = XML.getValue("PORT", 3333); thresholdDistance = XML.getValue("THRESHOLD", 400); trackedUser = XML.getValue("TRACKEDUSER", 0); } else cout << "config.xml file not found" << endl; hManager.setup(host.c_str() ,port); hManager.numberUsers(MAXUSER); logo.loadImage("logo.png"); ofSetWindowShape(640, 480); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofSetWindowShape(640, 480); // Initial Allocation // fluid.allocate(640, 480, 0.5); // Seting the gravity set up & injecting the background image // fluid.setGravity(ofVec2f(0.0,-0.098)); fluid.setDissipation(0.99); fluid.setVelocityDissipation(0.99); // Set obstacle // fluid.begin(); ofSetColor(255); ofCircle(640*0.5, 480*0.7, 10); ofCircle(640*0.5-30, 480*0.7-60, 5); ofCircle(640*0.5+30, 480*0.7-60, 5); ofCircle(640*0.5+50, 480*0.7-120, 2); ofCircle(640*0.5-50, 480*0.7-120, 2); fluid.end(); // Adding constant forces // fluid.addConstantForce(ofPoint(640*0.5,480*0.85), ofPoint(0,-3.), ofFloatColor(0.5,0.1,0.0), 5.f); //fluid.addConstantForce(ofPoint(640*0.5,480*0.85), ofPoint(0,-1), ofFloatColor(0.0,0.3,0.0), 3.f); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofSetFrameRate(60); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofSetWindowShape(640, 480); water.loadBackground("fondo.jpg"); }