int main(void) { sys_init(); oled_init(); timer_init(TIMER1); timer_set_ms(TIMER1,16); // Initial parameters uint8_t x = OLED_WIDTH / 2; // x initial position uint8_t y = OLED_HEIGHT / 2; // y initial position uint8_t dx = 1; // x speed uint8_t dy = 1; // y speed oled_clearDisplay(); oled_drawPixel(x,y); oled_render(); timer_start(TIMER1); while(1) { if(oledUpdate) { LED ^= 1; oled_clearDisplay(); move(&x, &y, &dx, &dy); oled_render(); oledUpdate = 0; } } return (0); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if( !oled_init() ) { printf("could not find oled\n"); return 1; } //send logo oled_send_fb( up3dwifilogo ); //TEST oled_fb_clear(); oled_fb_writestring( 0, 0, "Hello World!", 1 ); oled_fb_writestring( 0,16, "Hello World!", 1 ); oled_fb_writestring( 0,32, "Hello World!", 1 ); oled_fb_writestring( 0,48, "Hello World!", 1 ); /* oled_fb_setfont(ArialMT_Plain_10); oled_fb_writestring( 0,0, "Hello World!", 1 ); oled_fb_setfont(ArialMT_Plain_16); oled_fb_writestring( 0,11, "Hello World!", 1 ); oled_fb_setfont(DejaVu_Sans_Condensed_Plain_12); oled_fb_writestring( 0,30, "Hello World!", 1 ); */ oled_fb_update(); //oled_deinit(); return 0; }
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_init(void) { uart_init(BIT_RATE_115200, BIT_RATE_115200); os_printf("SDK version:%s\n", system_get_sdk_version()); i2c_init(); #ifdef ESP8266OLED oled_init(); #endif key_and_gpio_init(); #ifdef ESP8266DOOR door_switch_init(); #endif wifi_set_event_handler_cb(wifi_handle_event_cb); mqttstart(); #ifdef ESP8266ENVINFO task_send_environment_info_init(); #endif #ifdef ESP8266CARDREAD pn532_init(); pn532_cb_event_init(); #endif struct station_config s_staconf; wifi_station_get_config_default(&s_staconf); if (os_strlen(s_staconf.ssid) == 0) { wifi_set_opmode(STATION_MODE); smartconfig_set_type(SC_TYPE_ESPTOUCH); smartconfig_start(smartconfig_done); } }
int main (void) { draw_lcd_t lcd; // outputs GPIOSetDir(OLED_SSEL_PORT, OLED_SSEL_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT); GPIOSetDir(OLED_DC_PORT, OLED_DC_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT); GPIOSetDir(OLED_RESET_PORT, OLED_RESET_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT); GPIOSetValue(OLED_SSEL_PORT, OLED_SSEL_PIN, 1); GPIOSetValue(OLED_DC_PORT, OLED_DC_PIN, 1); GPIOSetValue(OLED_RESET_PORT, OLED_RESET_PIN, 1); SSP0Init(6000000); printf("\nInitializing oled driver..."); oled_init(&lcd); rainbow(&lcd); //enter forever loop - while (1) { } return 0; }
void SYS_Initialize ( void* data ) { /* Core Processor Initialization */ SYS_CLK_Initialize( NULL ); sysObj.sysDevcon = SYS_DEVCON_Initialize(SYS_DEVCON_INDEX_0, (SYS_MODULE_INIT*) & sysDevconInit); SYS_DEVCON_PerformanceConfig(SYS_CLK_SystemFrequencyGet()); SYS_DEVCON_JTAGDisable(); SYS_PORTS_Initialize(); ANSELB = SYS_ANSELB; //JT - old ansel doesn't do shit /* Board Support Package Initialization */ BSP_Initialize(); /* Initialize Drivers */ sysObj.drvUsart0 = DRV_USART_Initialize(DRV_USART_INDEX_0, (SYS_MODULE_INIT *) & drvUsart0InitData); SYS_INT_VectorPrioritySet(INT_VECTOR_UART2, INT_PRIORITY_LEVEL4); SYS_INT_VectorSubprioritySet(INT_VECTOR_UART2, INT_SUBPRIORITY_LEVEL0); /* Initialize System Services */ SYS_INT_Initialize(); /* Initialize Middleware */ /* Set priority of USB interrupt source */ SYS_INT_VectorPrioritySet(INT_VECTOR_USB1, INT_PRIORITY_LEVEL4); /* Set Sub-priority of USB interrupt source */ SYS_INT_VectorSubprioritySet(INT_VECTOR_USB1, INT_SUBPRIORITY_LEVEL0); /* Initialize the USB device layer */ sysObj.usbDevObject0 = USB_DEVICE_Initialize (USB_DEVICE_INDEX_0 , ( SYS_MODULE_INIT* ) & usbDevInitData); /* Enable Global Interrupts */ SYS_INT_Enable(); //startup OLED //if first power-up, wait for OLED to warm up int waitii; if (RCONbits.POR) for (waitii = 0; waitii < 2000000; waitii++) { } RCONbits.POR = 0; oled_init(); robot_config_ports(); /* Initialize the Application */ APP_Initialize(); }
static void init() { // OSCCAL = 71; clock_prescale_set(CPU_DIV); // power_twi_disable(); // power_usart0_disable(); // power_timer0_disable(); // power_timer1_disable(); // power_timer2_disable(); // power_adc_disable(); #if !UART_ENABLE power_usart0_disable(); #endif // Pull-up on unused pins pinPullup(D0, PULLUP_ENABLE); pinPullup(D1, PULLUP_ENABLE); pinPullup(D3, PULLUP_ENABLE); pinPullup(D4, PULLUP_ENABLE); pinPullup(B7, PULLUP_ENABLE); #if PIN_DEBUG != PIN_DEBUG_NONE pinMode(PIN_DEBUG_PIN, OUTPUT); #endif // Pin change interrupt on USB power sense pin PCICR |= _BV(PCIE0); PCMSK0 |= _BV(PCINT6); // Everything else uart_init(); spi_init(); i2c_init(); watchconfig_init(); led_init(); buzzer_init(); battery_init(); ds3231_init(); buttons_init(); millis_init(); pwrmgr_init(); time_init(); alarm_init(); oled_init(); }
int main(void) { oled_init(); OLED_Display('G'); switchline(0); //writestring("Hello,World!"); writestring("The Advanced Encryption Standard is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology in 2001"); while(1) { //writestring("Hello,World!"); //TODO:: Please write your application code } return 0; }
int main(void) { sys_init(); oled_init(); oled_clearDisplay(); oled_prints(35, 4, "Hello world"); // print on center of the screen oled_render(); while(1) { LED ^= 1; __delay_ms(100); } return (0); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { oled_port_prepare(); oled_reset(); oled_init(); oled_clear(); oled_flip_horizontal(0); oled_flip_vertical(0); oled_brightness(0xFF); /* oled_print(0,0,0,"1234567890"); oled_print(1,0,0,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMN"); oled_print(2,0,0,"OPQRSTUVWXYZ"); oled_print(3,0,0,"abcdefghijklmn"); oled_print(4,0,0,"opqrstuvwxyz"); oled_print(6,0,0,"^`_{|}:'<=>?@"); */ /* for(r=0; r<7; r++) // KAZKODEL SUSIGADINA STATIC VAIZDAS!!! { oled_write_cmd(0x10); oled_write_cmd(0x00); oled_write_cmd(0xB0+r); for (i=0;i<128;i++) { oled_write_data(picwilibox[pos++]); } } */ oled_print2(0, 0, "Wilibox"); oled_print2(0, 2, "-------"); oled_print2(0, 4, "1234567890"); oled_print(7,0,0,"123456789012345678901"); read_bit(BUTTON); write_bit(LED2_GRN, 0); oled_close(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i, i2, row = 127; char bmp_hdr[54]; unsigned char buff[3]; FILE *file; oled_init(); oled_write_c(0xae); /* Display off */ oled_clear(); file = fopen("/root/splash.bmp", "rb"); fread(&bmp_hdr, 1, 54, file); for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < 128; i2++) { fread(&buff, 1, 3, file); frame_buffer[row][i2][0] = buff[2] / 4; frame_buffer[row][i2][1] = buff[1] / 4; frame_buffer[row][i2][2] = buff[0] / 4; } row--; } gui_textbox_t txtLoading; strcpy(txtLoading.text, "Loading..."); txtLoading.x = oled_screenwidth / 2; txtLoading.y = 100; txtLoading.maxwidth = 0; txtLoading.align = 2; txtLoading.mode = 0; txtLoading.color[0] = 17; txtLoading.color[1] = 27; txtLoading.color[2] = 45; gui_textbox_init(&txtLoading); //gui_textbox_draw(&txtLoading); oled_flush(); oled_write_c(0xaf); /* Display on */ return 0; }
int main(void) { // Activate external memory MCUCR |= (1 << SRE); // Initialize USART_init(MYUBRR); joy_init(); oled_init(); can_init(); menu_init(); // Starts the FSM while(1) { menu_fsm(); _delay_ms(20); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; oled_port_prepare(); oled_reset(); oled_init(); oled_clear(); oled_flip_horizontal(0); oled_flip_vertical(0); oled_brightness(0xFF); if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \"string1\" \"string2\"..\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { oled_print2(0, 2 * (i - 1), argv[i]); } oled_close(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
// Application Start void main(void) { // Prepare Application; MCC generated code SYSTEM_Initialize(); // Custom Initializations /* * watchdog timer * configured for 131s timeout * */ //WDTCONbits.SWDTEN = 1; // enable watchdog //ClrWdt(); oled_init(); // Dispaly USBDeviceInit(); // usb_device.c. Initializes USB module SFRs and firmware // variables to known states. USBDeviceAttach(); // Interrupts Enabled PEIE = 1; GIE = 1; // Test Hardware moteApp_delayms(300); modemResync(); moteApp_delayms(300); // moteApp_clearCommand(); // moteApp_delayms(100); powerOnStatus = DATAEE_ReadByte(0x00); #if 0 if ( powerOnStatus != 0x55) { test_powerup(); DATAEE_WriteByte(0x00, 0x55); } #endif // Default to USB operationType = USB; // Mode State USBapp_handlerState(USB_STARTUP); // Initial Display Print oled_clear(); oled_putString("Scriptr IoT-X",0,0); oled_putString(" Dev: S1 ",0,1); oled_putString(" build 006 ",0,3); moteApp_delayms(700); // Application Loop while(1) { // Handle USB or Solo Mode switch (operationType) { default: // Invalid while(1); // Hold For Error; break; case USB: USBapp_Handler(); // It is held in here. // USB escaped; Cable is unplugged; Change OPERATION mode. operationType = MOTE; MOTEapp_handlerState(MOTE_STARTUP); // Initial state for startup break; case MOTE: if (moteHandler() == MOTE_SWAP) { // Return to USB Operation operationType = USB; // Mode State USBapp_handlerState(USB_STARTUP); } break; } } }
void oled_main(void) { int fd; int result; uint8_t mode = SPI_MODE_0; uint8_t bits = 8; //uint32_t speed = 4000000; uint32_t speed = 8000000; // on the spec,SCLK max freq=4[MHz] uint16_t delay; fd = open("/dev/spidev0.0",O_RDWR); if(fd == -1){ printf("Device open error\n"); return; } /* set SPI read/write mode */ result = ioctl(fd,SPI_IOC_WR_MODE,&mode); if(result < 0){ printf("error(L%d)\n",__LINE__); return; } result = ioctl(fd,SPI_IOC_RD_MODE,&mode); if(result < 0){ printf("error(L%d)\n",__LINE__); return; } result = ioctl(fd,SPI_IOC_WR_BITS_PER_WORD,&bits); if(result < 0){ printf("error(L%d)\n",__LINE__); return; } result = ioctl(fd,SPI_IOC_RD_BITS_PER_WORD,&bits); if(result < 0){ printf("error(L%d)\n",__LINE__); return; } result = ioctl(fd,SPI_IOC_WR_MAX_SPEED_HZ,&speed); if(result < 0){ printf("error(L%d)\n",__LINE__); return; } result = ioctl(fd,SPI_IOC_RD_MAX_SPEED_HZ,&speed); if(result < 0){ printf("error(L%d)\n",__LINE__); return; } oled_init(fd); { unsigned char buff[96*64*2]; bool r; while(1){ r = fb_getTopLeftBuff_for_OLED(buff,96,64); if(r == false){ printf("%s : fb_getTopLeftBuffer_for_OLED returns error\n",__func__); return; } r = oled_transmitFullScreen(fd,buff); if(r == false){ printf("%s : oled_transmitFullScreen returns error\n",__func__); return; } } } close(fd); }
void main(void) { byte i,bear_count,dog_count; M8C_DisableGInt; PORTA = 0x00; DDRA = 0x00; PORTB = 0x00; DDRB = 0x00; PORTC = 0x00; //m103 output only DDRC = 0x00; PORTD = 0x00; DDRD = 0x00; MCUCR = 0x00; GICR = 0x00; GLCD_SHDN_Dir |= GLCD_SHDN_bit; GLCD_RES_Dir |= GLCD_RES_bit; GLCD_DC_Dir |= GLCD_DC_bit; GLCD_CS_Dir |= GLCD_CS_bit; GLCD_WR_Dir |= GLCD_WR_bit; GLCD_EN_Dir |= GLCD_EN_bit; GLCD_SHDN_oPort &= ~GLCD_SHDN_bit; GLCD_RES_oPort |= GLCD_RES_bit; GLCD_DC_oPort &= ~GLCD_DC_bit; GLCD_CS_oPort |= GLCD_CS_bit; GLCD_WR_oPort |= GLCD_WR_bit; GLCD_EN_oPort |= GLCD_EN_bit; OLED_interface = BS_iPort & (BS_2|BS_1); SPIM_1_Start(SPIM_1_SPIM_MODE_3); // Init /// SPI1M_Speed(1); // 1-250, 2-62, 3-31 SPI1M_Speed(0); // 1-250, 2-62, 3-31 GLCD_Data_oPort = 0; GLCD_Data_Dir = 0; M8C_EnableGInt; GLCD_Data_Dir |= 0xFF; GLCD_WR_oPort &= ~GLCD_WR_bit; // WR=0 - write oled_init(); while (1) { bear_count++; if (bear_count >= 13) bear_count = 0; img_out(32,8,&bear[bear_count][0]); delay_ms(100); dog_count++; if (dog_count < 20) i = 0; else if (dog_count < 21) i = 1; else if (dog_count < 27) i = 2; else if (dog_count < 28) i = 3; else if (dog_count < 29) i = 4; else if (dog_count < 54) i = 5; else if (dog_count < 55) i = 6; else if (dog_count < 56) i = 7; else if (dog_count < 57) i = 7; else dog_count = 0; img_out(0,14,&dog[i][0]); delay_ms(100); } }
uint16 SensorTag_ProcessEvent(uint8 task_id, uint16 events) { VOID task_id; // OSAL required parameter that isn't used in this function /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // system event handle // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (events & SYS_EVENT_MSG) { uint8 *msg; if ((msg = osal_msg_receive(sensorTag_TaskID)) != NULL) { sensorTag_ProcessOSALMsg((osal_event_hdr_t *) msg); // release the OSAL message osal_msg_deallocate(msg); } // return unprocessed events return (events ^ SYS_EVENT_MSG); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // start device event // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (events & EVT_START_DEVICE) { // start the device GAPRole_StartDevice(&sensorTag_PeripheralCBs); // start bond manager #if !defined(GAPBONDMGR_NO_SUPPORT) GAPBondMgr_Register(&sensorTag_BondMgrCBs); #endif // start peripheral device oled_init(); adxl345_softrst(); // adxl345_self_calibration(); steps = 0; BATCD_PXIFG = ~(BATCD_BV); BATCD_IEN |= BATCD_IENBIT; osal_start_reload_timer(sensorTag_TaskID, EVT_RTC, PERIOD_RTC); pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S0, 0); fmsg(("\033[40;32m\n[power on]\033[0m\n")); return (events ^ EVT_START_DEVICE); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // key long press handle // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (events & EVT_MODE) { if (key1_press) { oled_clr_screen(); if ((opmode & 0xF0) == MODE_NORMAL) { opmode = MODE_WORKOUT | MODE_TIME; workout.steps = normal.steps; workout.time = osal_getClock(); fmsg(("\033[40;32m[workout mode]\033[0m\n")); } else { opmode = MODE_NORMAL | MODE_TIME; fmsg(("\033[40;32m[normal mode]\033[0m\n")); } pwmgr_state_change(pwmgr, TIME_OLED_OFF); } return (events ^ EVT_MODE); } if (events & EVT_SLEEP) { if (key1_press) { oled_clr_screen(); opmode = MODE_SLEEP; fmsg(("\033[40;32m[sleep mode]\033[0m\n")); pwmgr_state_change(pwmgr, TIME_OLED_OFF); } return (events ^ EVT_SLEEP); } if (events & EVT_SYSRST) { if (key1_press) { fmsg(("\033[40;32m[system reset]\033[0m\n")); HAL_SYSTEM_RESET(); // adxl345_self_calibration(); } return (events ^ EVT_SYSRST); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // display handle // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (events & EVT_DISP) { if (pwmgr == PWMGR_S1) { sensorTag_HandleDisp(opmode, acc); } else { // display battery only sensorTag_BattDisp(batt_get_level()); } if (pwmgr != PWMGR_S6) { osal_start_timerEx(sensorTag_TaskID, EVT_DISP, PERIOD_DISP); } return (events ^ EVT_DISP); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // g-sensor handle // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (events & EVT_GSNINT1) { adxl345_exit_sleep(); pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S3, TIME_GSEN_OFF); return (events ^ EVT_GSNINT1); } if (events & EVT_GSNINT2) { unsigned char sampling; unsigned char i; sampling = adxl345_chk_fifo(); for (i=0; i<sampling; i++) { adxl345_read(acc); #if (DEBUG_MESSAGE & MSG_STEPS) { unsigned long tmp = algo_step(acc); if (normal.steps != tmp) { stepmsg(("\033[1;33mstep=%0lu\n\033[0m", tmp)); } normal.steps = tmp; } #else normal.steps = algo_step(acc); #endif } normal.distance = calc_distance(normal.steps, pi.stride); workout.distance = calc_distance((normal.steps - workout.steps), pi.stride); normal.calorie = calc_calorie(normal.distance, pi.weight); workout.calorie = calc_calorie(workout.distance, pi.weight); return (events ^ EVT_GSNINT2); } if (events & EVT_GSENSOR) { adxl345_exit_sleep(); return (events ^ EVT_GSENSOR); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RTC handle // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (events & EVT_RTC) { // performed once per second // record data if ((pwmgr != PWMGR_S5) && (pwmgr != PWMGR_S6)) { #if defined(HAL_IMAGE_A) || defined(HAL_IMAGE_B) if ((osal_getClock() - mark.time) >= (12UL*60UL)) { #else if ((osal_getClock() - mark.time) >= (12UL)) { #endif if (!hash_is_full()) { unsigned short tmp = normal.steps - mark.steps; switch (opmode & 0xF0) { case MODE_WORKOUT: tmp |= 0x8000; break; case MODE_SLEEP: tmp |= 0x4000; break; } hash_put(&tmp); } mark.time = osal_getClock(); #if defined(HAL_IMAGE_A) || defined(HAL_IMAGE_B) if ((mark.time % (24UL*60UL*60UL)) <= (13UL*60UL)) { #else if ((mark.time % (24UL*60UL*60UL)) <= (13UL)) { #endif dmsg(("reset steps...\n")); normal.steps = 0; workout.steps = 0; STEPS = 0; } mark.steps = normal.steps; } } // power management switch (pwmgr) { case PWMGR_S0: pmsg(("\033[40;35mS0 (power on)\033[0m\n")); if (pwmgr_saving_timer()) { adxl345_enter_sleep(); osal_pwrmgr_device(PWRMGR_BATTERY); pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S4, 0); } break; case PWMGR_S1: pmsg(("\033[40;35mS1 (rtc+gsen+ble+oled)\033[0m\n")); if (pwmgr_saving_timer()) { oled_enter_sleep(); osal_stop_timerEx(sensorTag_TaskID, EVT_MODE); osal_stop_timerEx(sensorTag_TaskID, EVT_SLEEP); osal_stop_timerEx(sensorTag_TaskID, EVT_SYSRST); pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S3, TIME_GSEN_OFF); } break; case PWMGR_S2: pmsg(("\033[40;35mS2 (rtc+gsen+ble)\033[0m\n")); if (gapProfileState == GAPROLE_WAITING) { // enable key interrupt mode InitBoard(OB_READY); pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S3, TIME_GSEN_OFF); } break; case PWMGR_S3: pmsg(("\033[40;35mS3 (rtc+gsen)\033[0m\n")); if (steps == normal.steps) { if (pwmgr_saving_timer()) { adxl345_enter_sleep(); pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S4, 0); } } else { steps = normal.steps; pwmgr_state_change(pwmgr, TIME_GSEN_OFF); } break; case PWMGR_S4: pmsg(("\033[40;35mS4 (rtc)\033[0m\n")); dmsg(("$")); break; default: case PWMGR_S5: pmsg(("\033[40;35mS5 (shutdown)\033[0m\n")); adxl345_shutdown(); osal_stop_timerEx(sensorTag_TaskID, EVT_RTC); break; case PWMGR_S6: pmsg(("\033[40;35mS6 (rtc+oled)\033[0m\n")); if (pwmgr_saving_timer()) { oled_enter_sleep(); // enable key interrupt mode InitBoard(OB_READY); pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S5, 0); } break; } // battery measure if ((!batt_measure()) && (pwmgr != PWMGR_S6)) { pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S5, 0); } return (events ^ EVT_RTC); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // battery charge detect handle // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (events & EVT_CHARGING) { if (pwmgr != PWMGR_S1) { if (!BATCD_SBIT) { dmsg(("[charging]\n")); oled_exit_sleep(); if ((pwmgr == PWMGR_S5) || (pwmgr == PWMGR_S6)) { osal_start_reload_timer(sensorTag_TaskID, EVT_RTC, PERIOD_RTC); pwmgr_state_change(PWMGR_S4, 0); } } else { dmsg(("[no charge]\n")); oled_enter_sleep(); } } return (events ^ EVT_CHARGING); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // discard unknown events // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return 0; }
/** * \brief Audio Class intialization function * * \param None * * \return None */ void CSL_acTest(void) { I2sInitPrms i2sInitPrms; CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig; PSP_Result result; Int16 status; HWI_Attrs attrs; LOG_printf(&trace, "USB ISO FULL SPEED MODE\n"); /* Initialize audio module */ result = AIC3254_init(); if(result != 0) { LOG_printf(&trace, "ERROR: Unable to configure audio codec"); } else { #if !defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB) || !defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_REC) DMA_HwInit(); DMA_DrvInit(); #endif /* Initialize I2S and associated DMA channels for Playback and Record */ i2sInitPrms.enablePlayback = TRUE; i2sInitPrms.enableStereoPb = TRUE; #ifdef SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB i2sInitPrms.sampleBySamplePb = TRUE; #else /* Configuration untested since ASRC only works with I2S in sample-by-sample mode */ i2sInitPrms.sampleBySamplePb = FALSE; i2sInitPrms.enableDmaPingPongPb = FALSE; i2sInitPrms.pingI2sTxLeftBuf = ping_i2sTxLeftBuf; i2sInitPrms.pongI2sTxLeftBuf = pong_i2sTxLeftBuf; i2sInitPrms.pingI2sTxRightBuf = ping_i2sTxRightBuf; i2sInitPrms.pongI2sTxRightBuf = pong_i2sTxRightBuf; i2sInitPrms.zeroBuf = ZeroBuf; #endif i2sInitPrms.i2sPb = PSP_I2S_TX_INST_ID; i2sInitPrms.enableRecord = TRUE; i2sInitPrms.enableStereoRec = FALSE; #ifdef SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_REC i2sInitPrms.sampleBySampleRec = TRUE; #else i2sInitPrms.sampleBySampleRec = FALSE; i2sInitPrms.enableDmaPingPongRec = TRUE; i2sInitPrms.pingI2sRxLeftBuf = (Int16 *)ping_pong_i2sRxLeftBuf; i2sInitPrms.pongI2sRxLeftBuf = NULL; i2sInitPrms.pingI2sRxRightBuf = (Int16 *)ping_pong_i2sRxRightBuf; i2sInitPrms.pongI2sRxRightBuf = NULL; #endif i2sInitPrms.i2sRec = PSP_I2S_RX_INST_ID; status = i2sInit(&i2sInitPrms); if (status != I2SSAMPLE_SOK) { LOG_printf(&trace, "ERROR: Unable to initialize I2S"); } #ifdef C5535_EZDSP_DEMO // initialize the OLED display oled_init(); #endif /* Initialising the Pointer to the Audio Class Handle to the Buffer Allocated */ AC_AppHandle.pAcObj = &ACAppBuffer[0]; usbConfig.devNum = CSL_USB0; usbConfig.opMode = CSL_USB_OPMODE_POLLED; #ifdef APP_USB_SELF_POWERED usbConfig.selfPowered = TRUE; #else usbConfig.selfPowered = FALSE; #endif usbConfig.maxCurrent = APP_USB_MAX_CURRENT; usbConfig.appSuspendCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)CSL_suspendCallBack; usbConfig.appWakeupCallBack = (CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)CSL_selfWakeupCallBack; usbConfig.startTransferCallback = StartTransfer; usbConfig.completeTransferCallback = CompleteTransfer; USB_init(&usbConfig); USB_setFullSpeedMode(0x40); /* parameter is EP0 data size in bytes */ USB_resetDev(CSL_USB0); /* Calling init routine */ /* Giving all the table hanldes and the buffers to the Audio Class module */ AC_AppHandle.strDescrApp = (char **)&string_descriptor[0]; AC_AppHandle.lbaBufferPbApp = &lbaBufferPbApp[0]; AC_AppHandle.lbaBufferRecApp = &lbaBufferRecApp[0]; AC_AppHandle.lbaBufferHidReportApp = &lbaBufferHidReportApp[0]; AC_AppHandle.acReqTableApp = USB_ReqTable; AC_AppHandle.pId = pId; AC_AppHandle.vId = vId; #ifndef ENABLE_PLAYBACK_TWO_SAMPLE_RATES #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_TX_48kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 48KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = EP_PB_MAXP; // max packet size for 48K stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x60; // max packet size for 48K mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_TX_48kHz #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_TX_44_1kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 44.1KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0xB0; // max packet size for 44.1 stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x58; // max packet size for 44.1 mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_TX_44_1kHz #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_TX_32kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 32KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x80; // max packet size for 32K stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x40; // max packet size for 32K mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_TX_32kHz #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_TX_16kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 16KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_STEREO; // max packet size for 16K stereo rx_pkt_size_16K_playback = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_STEREO; // max packet size for 16K stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_MONO; // max packet size for 16K mono rx_pkt_size_16K_playback = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_MONO; // max packet size for 16K mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_TX_16kHz #else /* ENABLE_PLAYBACK_TWO_SAMPLE_RATES */ LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 48KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = EP_PB_MAXP; // max packet size for 48K stereo #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); AC_AppHandle.rxPktSize = 0x60; // max packet size for 48K mono #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK LOG_printf(&trace, "PLAYBACK: 16KHZ "); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK rx_pkt_size_16K_playback = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_STEREO; // max packet size for 16K stereo LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO\n"); #else // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK rx_pkt_size_16K_playback = RX_PKT_SIZE_16K_PLAYBACK_MONO; // max packet size for 16K mono LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); #endif // ENABLE_STEREO_PLAYBACK #endif /* ENABLE_PLAYBACK_TWO_SAMPLE_RATES */ AC_AppHandle.txPktSize = EP_REC_MAXP; // max packet size for 16K mono AC_AppHandle.hidTxPktSize = EP_HID_MAXP; // max packet size for HID output report /* All Function Handlers need to be Initialised */ AC_AppHandle.playAudioApp = appPlayAudio; AC_AppHandle.recordAudioApp = appRecordAudio; AC_AppHandle.initPlayAudioApp = appInitPlayAudio; AC_AppHandle.initRecordAudioApp = appInitRecordAudio; AC_AppHandle.stopPlayAudioApp = appStopPlayAudio; AC_AppHandle.stopRecordAudioApp = appStopRecordAudio; AC_AppHandle.mediaGetPresentStateApp = AppGetMediaStatus; AC_AppHandle.mediaInitApp = AppMediaInit; AC_AppHandle.mediaEjectApp = AppMediaEject; AC_AppHandle.mediaLockUnitApp = AppLockMedia; AC_AppHandle.getMediaSizeApp = AppGetMediaSize; AC_AppHandle.getHidReportApp = appGetHidReport; AC_AppHandle.ctrlHandler = appCtrlFxn; AC_AppHandle.isoHandler = appIsoFxn; AC_AppHandle.hidHandler = appHidFxn; AC_AppHandle.numLun = 2; /* Initialize End point descriptors */ AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)deviceDescriptorB, CSL_AC_DEVICE_DESCR, sizeof(deviceDescriptorB)); AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)deviceQualifierDescr, CSL_AC_DEVICE_QUAL_DESCR, 10); AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)configDescriptor, CSL_AC_CONFIG_DESCR, sizeof(configDescriptor)); AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)stringLanId, CSL_AC_STRING_LANGID_DESC, 6); AC_initDescriptors(AC_AppHandle.pAcObj, (Uint16 *)acHidReportDescriptor, CSL_AC_HID_REPORT_DESC, sizeof(acHidReportDescriptor)); /* Initialize HID */ AC_AppHandle.acHidIfNum = IF_NUM_HID; // HID interface number AC_AppHandle.acHidReportId = HID_REPORT_ID; // HID report ID AC_AppHandle.acHidReportLen = HID_REPORT_SIZE_BYTES; // HID report length (bytes) genHidReport(UI_PUSH_BUTTON_NONE, gHidReport); // init. HID report for Get Report /* Call Init API */ AC_Open(&AC_AppHandle); /* Enable CPU USB interrupts */ CSL_FINST(CSL_CPU_REGS->IER1, CPU_IER1_USB, ENABLE); /* Initialize active sample rate */ initSampleRate(RATE_48_KHZ, &active_sample_rate, &i2sTxBuffSz); /* Initialize ASRC */ Init_Sample_Rate_Converter(active_sample_rate); /* Reset codec output buffer */ reset_codec_output_buffer(); #ifdef ENABLE_RECORD #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_RX_48kHz LOG_printf(&trace, "RECORD: 48KHZ "); #else LOG_printf(&trace, "RECORD: 16KHZ "); #endif // SAMPLE_RATE_RX_48kHz // start the rx DMAs DMA_StartTransfer(hDmaRxLeft); #ifdef ENABLE_STEREO_RECORD LOG_printf(&trace, "STEREO NOT SUPPORTED - RECORD WILL BE MONO\n"); DMA_StartTransfer(hDmaRxRight); #else LOG_printf(&trace, "MONO\n"); #endif #endif // ENABLE_RECORD #ifdef STORE_PARAMETERS_TO_SDRAM initSdram(FALSE, 0x0000); #endif // STORE_PARAMETERS_TO_SDRAM #ifdef SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB /* SampleBySample, init interrupt */ /* Use with compiler "interrupt" keyword */ //IRQ_plug(I2S_TX_EVENT, i2s_txIsr); /* Use with dispatcher, no "interrupt" keyword */ attrs.ier0mask = 0xFFFF; attrs.ier1mask = 0xFFFF; HWI_dispatchPlug(I2S_TX_EVENT, (Fxn)i2s_txIsr, &attrs); IRQ_enable(I2S_TX_EVENT); /* SampleBySample, enable IRQ for I2S Tx */ #endif #if defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_REC) && !defined(COMBINE_I2S_TX_RX_ISR) /* SampleBySample, init interrupt */ /* Use with compiler "interrupt" keyword */ IRQ_plug(I2S_RX_EVENT, i2s_rxIsr); /* Use with dispatcher, no "interrupt" keyword */ //attrs.ier0mask = 0xFFFF; //attrs.ier1mask = 0xFFFF; //HWI_dispatchPlug(I2S_RX_EVENT, (Fxn)i2s_rxIsr, &attrs); IRQ_enable(I2S_RX_EVENT); /* SampleBySample, enable IRQ for I2S Rx */ #endif #if defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB) || defined(SAMPLE_BY_SAMLE_REC) DDC_I2S_transEnable((DDC_I2SHandle)i2sHandleTx, TRUE); /* SampleBySample, enable I2S transmit and receive */ #endif #ifndef SAMPLE_BY_SAMPLE_PB i2sTxStart(); // - moved from appPlayAudio() #endif #ifdef C5535_EZDSP_DEMO // clock gating usused peripherals ClockGating(); #endif } }
static uint8_t moteApp_GoToSleep(void) { uint8_t status = 0; while (SWITCH_2_PORT == 0); // Hold for Button Release modemSleep(); oled_displayOff(true); ADCON0bits.ADON = 0; // ADC Off INTCONbits.GIE = 0; GIE = 0; PEIE = 0; // Prepare USB Detect USB_DET_ANSEL = 1; // Prepare IOC to wake us up USB_DET_EN = 1; // Enables CMP1 interrupt. SWITCH_1_IOC = 1; SWITCH_2_IOC = 1; MODEM_WAKE_IOC = 1; IOC_ENABLE = 1; // Dummy Reads to Establish IOC level status = SWITCH_1_PORT; status = SWITCH_2_PORT; status = MODEM_WAKE_PORT; if (periodicState) { //WDTCONbits.SWDTEN = 1; } IOC_FLAG = 0; USB_DET_FLAG = 0; NOP(); SLEEP(); NOP(); // Reconfigure Critical peripherals //WDTCONbits.SWDTEN = 0; EUSART_FlushBuffer(); // Disable IOC IOC_ENABLE = 0; SWITCH_1_IOC = 0; SWITCH_2_IOC = 0; MODEM_WAKE_IOC = 0; PIE2bits.C1IE = 0; GIE = 1; PIN_MANAGER_Initialize(); EUSART_Initialize(); // Process Wake Up Event if (IOC_FLAG) { // PushButton or Module IOC woke us IOC_FLAG = 0; status = 1; } // TODO: // else if (Comparator) // USB EVENT // { // status = 2; // } else { // Time woke us. Reload; so wake from sleep is short secTicker = 10; status = 0; } USB_DET_ANSEL = 0; oled_displayOff(false); oled_init(); // Dispaly modemResync(); return status; }
int main() { // return i2c_test(); UioMmap um_pl_peri("my_pl_peri", 0x00200000); if ( !um_pl_peri.IsMapped() ) { printf("map error : my_pl_peri\n"); return 1; } UioMmap um_pl_mem("my_pl_ddr3", 0x10000000); if ( !um_pl_mem.IsMapped() ) { printf("map error : my_pl_ddr3\n"); return 1; } // normalizer stop um_pl_peri.WriteWord32(0x00011000, 0); usleep(1000); while ( um_pl_peri.ReadWord32(0x00011004) != 0 ) { usleep(1000); } // demosaic param_phase um_pl_peri.WriteWord32(0x00012000, 0); oled_init(&um_pl_peri); oled_main(); // volatile uint32_t *peri_addr = (volatile uint32_t *)um_pl_peri.GetAddress(); // printf("hello:%x\n", peri_addr[0]); // cv::Mat img(IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, CV_16U); int w = 640; int h = 132; I2cAccess i2c; if ( !i2c.Open("/dev/i2c-0", 0x10) ) { printf("I2C open error\n"); return 1; } // printf("0x00 : %02x\n", i2c.ReadAddr16Byte(0x00)); // printf("0x01 : %02x\n", i2c.ReadAddr16Byte(0x01)); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0103, 0x01); usleep(10000); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0103, 0x00); usleep(10000); printf("0x00 : %02x\n", i2c.ReadAddr16Byte(0x00)); printf("0x01 : %02x\n", i2c.ReadAddr16Byte(0x01)); printf("%02x\n", i2c.ReadAddr16Byte(0x0103)); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0102, 0x01 ); // ???? (Reserved) // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0100, 0x00 ); // mode_select [4:0] (0: SW standby, 1: Streaming) i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x6620, 0x0101); // ???? i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x6622, 0x0101); /* i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x30EB, 0x0C ); // Access command sequence Seq. No. 2 i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x30EB, 0x05); i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x300A, 0xFFFF); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x30EB, 0x05); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x30EB, 0x09); */ i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x30EB, 0x05); // Access command sequence Seq. i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x30EB, 0x0C); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x300A, 0xFF); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x300B, 0xFF); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x30EB, 0x05); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x30EB, 0x09); i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0114, 0x01 ); // * CSI_LANE_MODE (03: 4Lane 01: 2Lane) i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0128, 0x00 ); // DPHY_CTRL (MIPI Global timing setting 0: auto mode, 1: manual mode) i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x012a, 0x1800); // * INCK frequency [MHz] 6,144MHz i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0x00 ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x015A, 0x09BD); // 0x9bd=2493 COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0160, 0x0372); // 0x372= 882 FRM_LENGTH_A #if 0 i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0162, 0x0D78); // 0xD78=3448 LINE_LENGTH_A (line_length_pck Units: Pixels) i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0164, 0x0000); // X_ADD_STA_A x_addr_start X-address of the top left corner of the visible pixel data Units: Pixels i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0166, 0x0CCF); // 0xccf=3279 X_ADD_END_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0168, 0x0000); // Y_ADD_STA_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x016A, 0x099F); // 0x99f=2463 Y_ADD_END_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x016C, 0x0668); // 0x668=1640 x_output_size i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x016E, 0x04D0); // 0x4d0=1232 y_output_size #else i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0164, 3280/2 - w); // X_ADD_STA_A x_addr_start X-address of the top left corner of the visible pixel data Units: Pixels i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0166, 3280/2 + w-1); // 0xccf=3279 X_ADD_END_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0168, 2464/2 - h); // Y_ADD_STA_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x016A, 2464/2 + h-1); // 0x99f=2463 Y_ADD_END_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x016C, w); // 0x668=1640 x_output_size i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x016E, h); // 0x4d0=1232 y_output_size #endif i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0170, 0x0101); // X_ODD_INC_A Increment for odd pixels 1, 3 // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0170, 0x0303); // r X_ODD_INC_A Increment for odd pixels 1, 3 // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0174, 0x0101); // BINNING_MODE_H_A 0: no-binning, 1: x2-binning, 2: x4-binning, 3: x2-analog (special) binning i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0174, 0x0303); // r BINNING_MODE_H_A 0: no-binning, 1: x2-binning, 2: x4-binning, 3: x2-analog (special) binning i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x018C, 0x0A0A); // CSI_DATA_FORMAT_A CSI-2 data format i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0301, 0x05 ); // * VTPXCK_DIV Video Timing Pixel Clock Divider Value i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0303, 0x0103); // * VTSYCK_DIV PREPLLCK_VT_DIV(3: EXCK_FREQ 24 MHz to 27 MHz) i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0305, 0x0300); // * PREPLLCK_OP_DIV(3: EXCK_FREQ 24 MHz to 27 MHz) / PLL_VT_MPY 区切りがおかしい次に続く // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0307, 0x39 ); // * PLL_VT_MPY // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0307, 84 ); // r PLL_VT_MPY i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0307, 87 ); // r PLL_VT_MPY i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0309, 0x0A ); // * OPPXCK_DIV i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x030B, 0x0100); // * OPSYCK_DIV PLL_OP_MPY[10:8] / 区切りがおかしい次に続く i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x030D, 0x72 ); // * PLL_OP_MPY[10:8] i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x455E, 0x00 ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x471E, 0x4B ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x4767, 0x0F ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x4750, 0x14 ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x4540, 0x00 ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x47B4, 0x14 ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x4713, 0x30 ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x478B, 0x10 ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x478F, 0x10 ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x4793, 0x10 ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x4797, 0x0E ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x479B, 0x0E ); // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0172, 0x00 ); // IMG_ORIENTATION_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0160, 0x06E3); // FRM_LENGTH_A[15:8] // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0162, 0x0D78); // LINE_LENGTH_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x015A, 0x0422); // COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0x00 ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0x00 ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0160, 0x06E3); // FRM_LENGTH_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0162, 0x0D78); // LINE_LENGTH_A (line_length_pck Units: Pixels) // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x015A, 0x0422); // COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME_A i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0100, 0x01 ); // mode_select [4:0] 0: SW standby, 1: Streaming // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0x00 ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0160, 0x06E3); // 0x06E3=3330 FRM_LENGTH_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0162, 0x0D78); // 0x0D78=3448 LINE_LENGTH_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x015A, 0x0421); // 0x0421=1057 COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME_A #if 0 i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0x00 ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0160, 0x0D02); // 0x0D02=3330 FRM_LENGTH_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0162, 0x0D78); // 0x0D78=3448 INE_LENGTH_A (line_length_pck Units: Pixels) i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x015A, 0x0D02); // 0x0D02=3330 COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME_A i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0xE0 ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A #else i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0x00 ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0160, 80); // 0x0D02=3330 FRM_LENGTH_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0162, 0x0D78); // 0x0D78=3448 LINE_LENGTH_A (line_length_pck Units: Pixels) i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x015A, 50); // 0x0D02=3330 COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME_A i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0xE0 ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A // i2c.WriteAddr16Byte(0x0157, 0xFF ); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A i2c.WriteAddr16Word(0x0158, 0x0FFF); // ANA_GAIN_GLOBAL_A #endif // int width = 640; // IMAGE_WIDTH; // int height = 120; // IMAGE_HEIGHT; // int width = 0x48e; // 640; // IMAGE_WIDTH; // int height = 0xD78; // 120; // IMAGE_HEIGHT; int width = w; int height = h; // IMAGE_HEIGHT / 2; int mnist_th = 127; int mcol_mode = 2; int mcol_th = 3; void* mem_addr = um_pl_mem.GetAddress(); { int frame_num = 1; int key; while ( (key = (cv::waitKey(10) & 0xff)) != 0x1b ) { cv::Mat img(height*frame_num, width, CV_8UC4); memcpy(, (void *)mem_addr, width * height * 4 * frame_num); cv::imshow("img", img); cv::imwrite("img.png", img); cv::createTrackbar("width", "img", &width, IMAGE_WIDTH); cv::createTrackbar("height", "img", &height, IMAGE_HEIGHT); // cv::createTrackbar("frame", "img", &frame_num, 10); cv::createTrackbar("m_th", "img", &mnist_th, 255); cv::createTrackbar("mode", "img", &mcol_mode, 3); cv::createTrackbar("col_th", "img", &mcol_th, 8); width &= 0xfffffff0; if ( width < 16 ) { width = 16; } if ( height < 2 ) { height = 2; } capture_still_image(um_pl_peri, width, height, frame_num); um_pl_peri.WriteWord32(0x00018000, mnist_th); um_pl_peri.WriteWord32(0x00019000, mcol_mode); um_pl_peri.WriteWord32(0x00019004, mcol_th); if ( key == 'r' ) { printf("record\n"); capture_still_image(um_pl_peri, width, height, 100); char* p = (char*)mem_addr; for ( int i = 0; i< 100; i++ ) { char fname[64]; sprintf(fname, "rec_%04d.png", i); cv::Mat imgRec(height, width, CV_8UC4); memcpy(, p, width * height * 4); p += width * height * 4; cv::Mat imgRgb; cv::cvtColor(imgRec, imgRgb, CV_BGRA2BGR); cv::imwrite(fname, imgRgb); } } } } return 0; }