static int
block(const int *gsize_array, int dim, int ndims, int nprocs,
      int rank, int darg, int order, ptrdiff_t orig_extent,
      ompi_datatype_t *type_old, ompi_datatype_t **type_new,
      ptrdiff_t *st_offset)
    int blksize, global_size, mysize, i, j, rc, start_loop, step;
    ptrdiff_t stride;

    global_size = gsize_array[dim];

        blksize = (global_size + nprocs - 1) / nprocs;
    else {
        blksize = darg;

    j = global_size - blksize*rank;
    mysize = blksize < j ? blksize : j;
    if (mysize < 0) mysize = 0;

    if (MPI_ORDER_C == order) {
        start_loop = ndims - 1 ; step = -1;
    } else {
        start_loop = 0 ; step = 1;

    stride = orig_extent;
    if (dim == start_loop) {
        rc = ompi_datatype_create_contiguous(mysize, type_old, type_new);
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) return rc;
    } else {
        for (i = start_loop ; i != dim ; i += step) {
            stride *= gsize_array[i];
        rc = ompi_datatype_create_hvector(mysize, 1, stride, type_old, type_new);
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) return rc;

    *st_offset = blksize * rank;
    /* in terms of no. of elements of type oldtype in this dimension */
    if (mysize == 0) *st_offset = 0;

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
static int
cyclic(const int *gsize_array, int dim, int ndims, int nprocs,
       int rank, int darg, int order, ptrdiff_t orig_extent,
       ompi_datatype_t* type_old, ompi_datatype_t **type_new,
       ptrdiff_t *st_offset)
    int blksize, i, blklens[2], st_index, end_index, local_size, rem, count, rc;
    ptrdiff_t stride, disps[2];
    ompi_datatype_t *type_tmp, *types[2];

    if (darg == MPI_DISTRIBUTE_DFLT_DARG) {
        blksize = 1;
    } else {
        blksize = darg;

    st_index = rank * blksize;
    end_index = gsize_array[dim] - 1;

    if (end_index < st_index) {
        local_size = 0;
    } else {
        local_size = ((end_index - st_index + 1)/(nprocs*blksize))*blksize;
        rem = (end_index - st_index + 1) % (nprocs*blksize);
        local_size += rem < blksize ? rem : blksize;

    count = local_size / blksize;
    rem = local_size % blksize;

    stride = nprocs*blksize*orig_extent;
    if (order == MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN) {
        for (i=0; i<dim; i++) {
            stride *= gsize_array[i];
    } else {
        for (i=ndims-1; i>dim; i--) {
            stride *= gsize_array[i];

    rc = ompi_datatype_create_hvector(count, blksize, stride, type_old, type_new);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) return rc;

    if (rem) {
        /* if the last block is of size less than blksize, include
           it separately using MPI_Type_struct */

        types  [0] = *type_new; types  [1] = type_old;
        disps  [0] = 0;         disps  [1] = count*stride;
        blklens[0] = 1;         blklens[1] = rem;

        rc = ompi_datatype_create_struct(2, blklens, disps, types, &type_tmp);
        /* even in error condition, need to destroy type_new, so check
           for error after destroy. */
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) return rc;
        *type_new = type_tmp;

    /* need to set the UB for block-cyclic to work */
    disps[0] = 0;         disps[1] = orig_extent;
    if (order == MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN) {
        for(i=0; i<=dim; i++) {
            disps[1] *= gsize_array[i];
    } else {
        for(i=ndims-1; i>=dim; i--) {
            disps[1] *= gsize_array[i];
    rc = opal_datatype_resize( &(*type_new)->super, disps[0], disps[1] );
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) return rc;

    *st_offset = rank * blksize;
    /* in terms of no. of elements of type oldtype in this dimension */
    if (local_size == 0) *st_offset = 0;

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Example #3
static ompi_datatype_t* __ompi_datatype_create_from_args( int32_t* i, MPI_Aint* a,
                                                          ompi_datatype_t** d, int32_t type )
    ompi_datatype_t* datatype = NULL;

        /* should we duplicate d[0]? */
        /* ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, d[0], MPI_COMBINER_DUP ); */
        assert(0);  /* shouldn't happen */
        ompi_datatype_create_contiguous( i[0], d[0], &datatype );
        ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 1, (const int **) &i, 0, NULL, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS );
        ompi_datatype_create_vector( i[0], i[1], i[2], d[0], &datatype );
            const int* a_i[3] = {&i[0], &i[1], &i[2]};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 3, a_i, 0, NULL, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_VECTOR );
        ompi_datatype_create_hvector( i[0], i[1], a[0], d[0], &datatype );
            const int* a_i[2] = {&i[0], &i[1]};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 2, a_i, 1, a, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_HVECTOR );
        ompi_datatype_create_indexed( i[0], &(i[1]), &(i[1+i[0]]), d[0], &datatype );
            const int* a_i[3] = {&i[0], &i[1], &(i[1+i[0]])};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 2 * i[0] + 1, a_i, 0, NULL, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_INDEXED );
        ompi_datatype_create_hindexed( i[0], &(i[1]), a, d[0], &datatype );
            const int* a_i[2] = {&i[0], &i[1]};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, i[0] + 1, a_i, i[0], a, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_HINDEXED );
        ompi_datatype_create_indexed_block( i[0], i[1], &(i[2]), d[0], &datatype );
            const int* a_i[3] = {&i[0], &i[1], &i[2]};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, i[0] + 2, a_i, 0, NULL, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_INDEXED_BLOCK );
        ompi_datatype_create_struct( i[0], &(i[1]), a, d, &datatype );
            const int* a_i[2] = {&i[0], &i[1]};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, i[0] + 1, a_i, i[0], a, i[0], d, MPI_COMBINER_STRUCT );
        ompi_datatype_create_subarray( i[0], &i[1 + 0 * i[0]], &i[1 + 1 * i[0]],
                                       &i[1 + 2 * i[0]], i[1 + 3 * i[0]],
                                       d[0], &datatype );
            const int* a_i[5] = {&i[0], &i[1 + 0 * i[0]], &i[1 + 1 * i[0]], &i[1 + 2 * i[0]], &i[1 + 3 * i[0]]};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 3 * i[0] + 2, a_i, 0, NULL, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_SUBARRAY);
        ompi_datatype_create_darray( i[0] /* size */, i[1] /* rank */, i[2] /* ndims */,
                                     &i[3 + 0 * i[0]], &i[3 + 1 * i[0]],
                                     &i[3 + 2 * i[0]], &i[3 + 3 * i[0]],
                                     i[3 + 4 * i[0]], d[0], &datatype );
            const int* a_i[8] = {&i[0], &i[1], &i[2], &i[3 + 0 * i[0]], &i[3 + 1 * i[0]], &i[3 + 2 * i[0]],
                                 &i[3 + 3 * i[0]], &i[3 + 4 * i[0]]};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 4 * i[0] + 4,a_i, 0, NULL, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_DARRAY);
        /*pArgs->i[0] = i[0][0];
          pArgs->i[1] = i[1][0];
        /*pArgs->i[0] = i[0][0];*/
        ompi_datatype_create_resized(d[0], a[0], a[1], &datatype);
        ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 0, NULL, 2, a, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_RESIZED );
        ompi_datatype_create_hindexed_block( i[0], i[1], a, d[0], &datatype );
            const int* a_i[2] = {&i[0], &i[1]};
            ompi_datatype_set_args( datatype, 2 + i[0], a_i, i[0], a, 1, d, MPI_COMBINER_HINDEXED_BLOCK );

    return datatype;
int32_t ompi_datatype_create_subarray(int ndims,
                                      int const* size_array,
                                      int const* subsize_array,
                                      int const* start_array,
                                      int order,
                                      const ompi_datatype_t* oldtype,
                                      ompi_datatype_t** newtype)
    MPI_Datatype last_type;
    int32_t i, step, end_loop;
    MPI_Aint size, displ, extent;

     * If the oldtype contains the original MPI_LB and MPI_UB markers then we
     * are forced to follow the MPI standard suggestion and reset these 2
     * markers (MPI 3.0 page 96 line 37).  Otherwise we can simply resize the
     * datatype.
    ompi_datatype_type_extent( oldtype, &extent );

    /* If the ndims is zero then return the NULL datatype */
    if( ndims < 2 ) {
        if( 0 == ndims ) {
            *newtype = &ompi_mpi_datatype_null.dt;
            return MPI_SUCCESS;
        ompi_datatype_create_contiguous( subsize_array[0], oldtype, &last_type );
        size = size_array[0];
        displ = start_array[0];
        goto replace_subarray_type;

    if( MPI_ORDER_C == order ) {
        i = ndims - 1;
        step = -1;
        end_loop = -1;
    } else {
        i = 0;
        step = 1;
        end_loop = ndims;

    /* As we know that the ndims is at least 1 we can start by creating the
     * first dimension data outside the loop, such that we dont have to create
     * a duplicate of the oldtype just to be able to free it.
    ompi_datatype_create_vector( subsize_array[i+step], subsize_array[i], size_array[i],
                                 oldtype, newtype );

    last_type = *newtype;
    size = (MPI_Aint)size_array[i] * (MPI_Aint)size_array[i+step];
    displ = (MPI_Aint)start_array[i] + (MPI_Aint)start_array[i+step] * (MPI_Aint)size_array[i];
    for( i += 2 * step; i != end_loop; i += step ) {
        ompi_datatype_create_hvector( subsize_array[i], 1, size * extent,
                                      last_type, newtype );
        ompi_datatype_destroy( &last_type );

        displ += size * start_array[i];
        size *= size_array[i];
        last_type = *newtype;

      * We need to shift the content (useful data) of the datatype, so
      * we need to force the displacement to be moved. Therefore, we
      * cannot use resize as it will only set the soft lb and ub
      * markers without moving the data. Instead, we have to create a
      * new data, and insert the last_Type with the correct
      * displacement.
    *newtype = ompi_datatype_create( last_type->super.desc.used );
    ompi_datatype_add( *newtype, last_type, 1, displ * extent, size * extent);
    ompi_datatype_destroy( &last_type );

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
int32_t ompi_datatype_create_subarray(int ndims,
                                      int const* size_array,
                                      int const* subsize_array,
                                      int const* start_array,
                                      int order,
                                      const ompi_datatype_t* oldtype,
                                      ompi_datatype_t** newtype)
    MPI_Datatype last_type;
    int32_t i, step, end_loop;
    MPI_Aint size, displ, extent;

     * If the oldtype contains the original MPI_LB and MPI_UB markers then we
     * are forced to follow the MPI standard suggestion and reset these 2
     * markers (MPI 3.0 page 96 line 37).  Otherwise we can simply resize the
     * datatype.
    ompi_datatype_type_extent( oldtype, &extent );

    /* If the ndims is zero then return the NULL datatype */
    if( ndims < 2 ) {
        if( 0 == ndims ) {
            *newtype = &ompi_mpi_datatype_null.dt;
            return MPI_SUCCESS;
        ompi_datatype_create_contiguous( subsize_array[0], oldtype, &last_type );
        size = size_array[0];
        displ = start_array[0];
        goto replace_subarray_type;

    if( MPI_ORDER_C == order ) {
        i = ndims - 1;
        step = -1;
        end_loop = -1;
    } else {
        i = 0;
        step = 1;
        end_loop = ndims;

    /* As we know that the ndims is at least 1 we can start by creating the
     * first dimension data outside the loop, such that we dont have to create
     * a duplicate of the oldtype just to be able to free it.
    ompi_datatype_create_vector( subsize_array[i+step], subsize_array[i], size_array[i],
                                 oldtype, newtype );

    last_type = *newtype;
    size = (MPI_Aint)size_array[i] * (MPI_Aint)size_array[i+step];
    displ = (MPI_Aint)start_array[i] + (MPI_Aint)start_array[i+step] * (MPI_Aint)size_array[i];
    for( i += 2 * step; i != end_loop; i += step ) {
        ompi_datatype_create_hvector( subsize_array[i], 1, size * extent,
                                      last_type, newtype );
        ompi_datatype_destroy( &last_type );

        displ += size * start_array[i];
        size *= size_array[i];
        last_type = *newtype;

     * Resized will only set the soft lb and ub markers without moving the real
     * data inside. Thus, in case the original data contains the hard markers
     * (MPI_LB or MPI_UB) we must force the displacement of the data upward to
     * the right position AND set the hard markers LB and UB.
     * NTH: ompi_datatype_create_resized() does not do enough for the general
     * pack/unpack functions to work correctly. Until this is fixed always use
     * ompi_datatype_create_struct(). Once this is fixed remove 1 || below. To
     * verify that the regression is fixed run the subarray test in the Open MPI
     * ibm testsuite.
    if(1 || oldtype->super.flags & (OPAL_DATATYPE_FLAG_USER_LB | OPAL_DATATYPE_FLAG_USER_UB) ) {
        MPI_Aint displs[3];
        MPI_Datatype types[3];
        int blength[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };

        displs[0] = 0; displs[1] = displ * extent; displs[2] = size * extent;
        types[0] = MPI_LB; types[1] = last_type; types[2] = MPI_UB;
        ompi_datatype_create_struct( 3, blength, displs, types, newtype );
    } else {
        ompi_datatype_create_resized(last_type, displ * extent, size * extent, newtype);
    ompi_datatype_destroy( &last_type );

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
int32_t ompi_datatype_create_subarray(int ndims,
                                      int const* size_array,
                                      int const* subsize_array,
                                      int const* start_array,
                                      int order,
                                      const ompi_datatype_t* oldtype,
                                      ompi_datatype_t** newtype)
    MPI_Datatype last_type;
    int32_t i, step, end_loop;
    MPI_Aint size, displ, extent;

    ompi_datatype_type_extent( oldtype, &extent );

    /* If the ndims is zero then return the NULL datatype */
    if( ndims < 2 ) {
        if( 0 == ndims ) {
            *newtype = &ompi_mpi_datatype_null.dt;
            return MPI_SUCCESS;
        ompi_datatype_create_contiguous( subsize_array[0], oldtype, &last_type );
        size = size_array[0];
        displ = start_array[0];
        goto replace_subarray_type;

    if( MPI_ORDER_C == order ) {
        i = ndims - 1;
        step = -1;
        end_loop = -1;
    } else {
        i = 0;
        step = 1;
        end_loop = ndims;

    /* As we know that the ndims is at least 1 we can start by creating the
     * first dimension data outside the loop, such that we dont have to create
     * a duplicate of the oldtype just to be able to free it.
    ompi_datatype_create_vector( subsize_array[i+step], subsize_array[i], size_array[i],
                                 oldtype, newtype );

    last_type = *newtype;
    size = size_array[i] * size_array[i+step];
    displ = start_array[i] + start_array[i+step] * size_array[i];
    for( i += 2 * step; i != end_loop; i += step ) {
        ompi_datatype_create_hvector( subsize_array[i], 1, size * extent,
                                      last_type, newtype );
        ompi_datatype_destroy( &last_type );
        displ += size * start_array[i];
        size *= size_array[i];
        last_type = *newtype;

     * We cannot use resized here. Resized will only set the soft lb and ub markers
     * without moving the real data inside. What we need is to force the displacement
     * of the data upward to the right position AND set the LB and UB. A type
     * struct is the function we need.
        MPI_Aint displs[3];
        MPI_Datatype types[3];
        int blength[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };

        displs[0] = 0;
        displs[1] = displ * extent;
        displs[2] = size * extent;
        types[0] = MPI_LB;
        types[1] = last_type;
        types[2] = MPI_UB;
        ompi_datatype_create_struct( 3, blength, displs, types, newtype );
    ompi_datatype_destroy( &last_type );

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;