Example #1
void omxInitRowFitFunction(omxFitFunction* oo) {

	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Initializing Row/Reduce fit function."); }

	SEXP rObj = oo->rObj;
	SEXP nextMatrix, nextItem;
	int numDeps;

	omxRowFitFunction *newObj = new omxRowFitFunction;

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {mxLog("Accessing data source."); }
	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("data")));
	newObj->data = omxDataLookupFromState(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->data == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No data provided to omxRowFitFunction.");

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("rowAlgebra")));
	newObj->rowAlgebra = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->rowAlgebra == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No row-wise algebra in omxRowFitFunction.");

		ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("units")));
		oo->setUnitsFromName(CHAR(STRING_ELT(nextMatrix, 0)));

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("filteredDataRow")));
	newObj->filteredDataRow = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->filteredDataRow == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No row results matrix in omxRowFitFunction.");
	// Create the original data row from which to filter.
	newObj->dataRow = omxInitMatrix(newObj->filteredDataRow->rows,
					newObj->filteredDataRow->cols, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	omxCopyMatrix(newObj->filteredDataRow, newObj->dataRow);

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("existenceVector")));
	newObj->existenceVector = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
    // Do we allow NULL existence?  (Whoa, man. That's, like, deep, or something.)
	if(newObj->existenceVector == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No existance matrix in omxRowFitFunction.");

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("rowResults")));
	newObj->rowResults = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->rowResults == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No row results matrix in omxRowFitFunction.");

	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("reduceAlgebra")));
	newObj->reduceAlgebra = omxMatrixLookupFromState1(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if(newObj->reduceAlgebra == NULL) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "No row reduction algebra in omxRowFitFunction.");
	if(OMX_DEBUG) {mxLog("Accessing variable mapping structure."); }
	{ScopedProtect p1(nextMatrix, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("dataColumns")));
	newObj->dataColumns = omxNewMatrixFromRPrimitive(nextMatrix, oo->matrix->currentState, 0, 0);
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { omxPrint(newObj->dataColumns, "Variable mapping"); }

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {mxLog("Accessing data row dependencies."); }
	{ ScopedProtect p1(nextItem, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("dataRowDeps")));
	numDeps = LENGTH(nextItem);
	newObj->numDataRowDeps = numDeps;
	newObj->dataRowDeps = (int*) R_alloc(numDeps, sizeof(int));
	for(int i = 0; i < numDeps; i++) {
		newObj->dataRowDeps[i] = INTEGER(nextItem)[i];

	/* Set up data columns */
	EigenVectorAdaptor dc(newObj->dataColumns);
	omxSetContiguousDataColumns(&(newObj->contiguous), newObj->data, dc);

	oo->computeFun = omxCallRowFitFunction;
	oo->destructFun = omxDestroyRowFitFunction;
	oo->canDuplicate = true;
	oo->openmpUser = true;

	oo->argStruct = (void*) newObj;
Example #2
static void omxRowFitFunctionSingleIteration(omxFitFunction *localobj, omxFitFunction *sharedobj, int rowbegin, int rowcount,
					     FitContext *fc) {

    omxRowFitFunction* oro = ((omxRowFitFunction*) localobj->argStruct);
    omxRowFitFunction* shared_oro = ((omxRowFitFunction*) sharedobj->argStruct);

    omxMatrix *rowAlgebra, *rowResults;
    omxMatrix *filteredDataRow, *dataRow, *existenceVector;
    omxMatrix *dataColumns;
	omxData *data;
	int isContiguous, contiguousStart, contiguousLength;
    int numCols, numRemoves;

	rowAlgebra	    = oro->rowAlgebra;
	rowResults	    = shared_oro->rowResults;
	data		    = oro->data;
    dataColumns     = oro->dataColumns;
    dataRow         = oro->dataRow;
    filteredDataRow = oro->filteredDataRow;
    existenceVector = oro->existenceVector;
    isContiguous    = oro->contiguous.isContiguous;
	contiguousStart = oro->contiguous.start;
	contiguousLength = oro->contiguous.length;

	Eigen::VectorXd oldDefs;

	numCols = dataColumns->cols;
	int *toRemove = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * dataColumns->cols);
	int *zeros = (int*) calloc(dataColumns->cols, sizeof(int));

	for(int row = rowbegin; row < data->rows && (row - rowbegin) < rowcount; row++) {

		data->handleDefinitionVarList(localobj->matrix->currentState, row, oldDefs.data());

		omxStateNextRow(localobj->matrix->currentState);						// Advance row
        // Populate data row
		numRemoves = 0;
		if (isContiguous) {
			omxContiguousDataRow(data, row, contiguousStart, contiguousLength, dataRow);
		} else {
			omxDataRow(data, row, dataColumns, dataRow);	// Populate data row

		markDataRowDependencies(localobj->matrix->currentState, oro);
		for(int j = 0; j < dataColumns->cols; j++) {
			double dataValue = omxVectorElement(dataRow, j);
			if(std::isnan(dataValue)) {
				toRemove[j] = 1;
                omxSetVectorElement(existenceVector, j, 0);
			} else {
			    toRemove[j] = 0;
                omxSetVectorElement(existenceVector, j, 1);
		// TODO: Determine if this is the correct response.
		if(numRemoves == numCols) {
			char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
			sprintf(errstr, "Row %d completely missing.  omxRowFitFunction cannot have completely missing rows.", omxDataIndex(data, row));

		omxCopyMatrix(filteredDataRow, dataRow);
		omxRemoveRowsAndColumns(filteredDataRow, 0, numRemoves, zeros, toRemove);

		omxRecompute(rowAlgebra, fc);

		omxCopyMatrixToRow(rowAlgebra, omxDataIndex(data, row), rowResults);
Example #3
void omxInitWLSFitFunction(omxFitFunction* oo) {
	omxMatrix *cov, *means, *weights;
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Initializing WLS FitFunction function."); }
	int vectorSize = 0;
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Retrieving expectation.\n"); }
	if (!oo->expectation) { Rf_error("%s requires an expectation", oo->fitType); }
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Retrieving data.\n"); }
	omxData* dataMat = oo->expectation->data;
	if (dataMat->hasDefinitionVariables()) Rf_error("%s: def vars not implemented", oo->name());
	if(!strEQ(omxDataType(dataMat), "acov") && !strEQ(omxDataType(dataMat), "cov")) {
		char *errstr = (char*) calloc(250, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(errstr, "WLS FitFunction unable to handle data type %s.  Data must be of type 'acov'.\n", omxDataType(dataMat));
		if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("WLS FitFunction unable to handle data type %s.  Aborting.", omxDataType(dataMat)); }
	omxWLSFitFunction *newObj = (omxWLSFitFunction*) R_alloc(1, sizeof(omxWLSFitFunction));
	OMXZERO(newObj, 1);
	oo->argStruct = (void*)newObj;
	/* Get Expectation Elements */
	newObj->expectedCov = omxGetExpectationComponent(oo->expectation, "cov");
	newObj->expectedMeans = omxGetExpectationComponent(oo->expectation, "means");
	// FIXME: threshold structure should be asked for by omxGetExpectationComponent
	/* Read and set expected means, variances, and weights */
	cov = omxDataCovariance(dataMat);
	means = omxDataMeans(dataMat);
	weights = omxDataAcov(dataMat);
	newObj->observedCov = cov;
	newObj->observedMeans = means;
	newObj->weights = weights;
	newObj->n = omxDataNumObs(dataMat);
	// NOTE: If there are any continuous columns then these vectors
	// will not match because eThresh is indexed by column number
	// not by ordinal column number.
	std::vector< omxThresholdColumn > &oThresh = omxDataThresholds(oo->expectation->data);
	std::vector< omxThresholdColumn > &eThresh = oo->expectation->thresholds;
	// Error Checking: Observed/Expected means must agree.  
	// ^ is XOR: true when one is false and the other is not.
	if((newObj->expectedMeans == NULL) ^ (newObj->observedMeans == NULL)) {
		if(newObj->expectedMeans != NULL) {
			omxRaiseError("Observed means not detected, but an expected means matrix was specified.\n  If you  wish to model the means, you must provide observed means.\n");
		} else {
			omxRaiseError("Observed means were provided, but an expected means matrix was not specified.\n  If you provide observed means, you must specify a model for the means.\n");
	if((eThresh.size()==0) ^ (oThresh.size()==0)) {
		if (eThresh.size()) {
			omxRaiseError("Observed thresholds not detected, but an expected thresholds matrix was specified.\n   If you wish to model the thresholds, you must provide observed thresholds.\n ");
		} else {
			omxRaiseError("Observed thresholds were provided, but an expected thresholds matrix was not specified.\nIf you provide observed thresholds, you must specify a model for the thresholds.\n");
	/* Error check weight matrix size */
	int ncol = newObj->observedCov->cols;
	vectorSize = (ncol * (ncol + 1) ) / 2;
	if(newObj->expectedMeans != NULL) {
		vectorSize = vectorSize + ncol;
	for(int i = 0; i < int(oThresh.size()); i++) {
		vectorSize = vectorSize + oThresh[i].numThresholds;
	if(OMX_DEBUG) { mxLog("Intial WLSFitFunction vectorSize comes to: %d.", vectorSize); }
	if(weights != NULL && (weights->rows != weights->cols || weights->cols != vectorSize)) {
		omxRaiseError("Developer Error in WLS-based FitFunction object: WLS-based expectation specified an incorrectly-sized weight matrix.\nIf you are not developing a new expectation type, you should probably post this to the OpenMx forums.");
	// FIXME: More Rf_error checking for incoming Fit Functions
	/* Temporary storage for calculation */
	newObj->observedFlattened = omxInitMatrix(vectorSize, 1, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	newObj->expectedFlattened = omxInitMatrix(vectorSize, 1, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	newObj->standardExpectedFlattened = omxInitMatrix(vectorSize, 1, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	newObj->P = omxInitMatrix(1, vectorSize, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	newObj->B = omxInitMatrix(vectorSize, 1, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	newObj->standardExpectedCov = omxInitMatrix(ncol, ncol, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	if (oo->expectation->thresholdsMat) {
		newObj->standardExpectedThresholds = omxInitMatrix(oo->expectation->thresholdsMat->rows, oo->expectation->thresholdsMat->cols, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
		newObj->standardExpectedMeans = omxInitMatrix(1, ncol, TRUE, oo->matrix->currentState);
	omxMatrix *obsThresholdsMat = oo->expectation->data->obsThresholdsMat;
	flattenDataToVector(newObj->observedCov, newObj->observedMeans, obsThresholdsMat, oThresh, newObj->observedFlattened);
	flattenDataToVector(newObj->expectedCov, newObj->expectedMeans, oo->expectation->thresholdsMat,
				eThresh, newObj->expectedFlattened);

Example #4
void omxInitFIMLFitFunction(omxFitFunction* off)
	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Initializing FIML fit function function.");
	off->canDuplicate = TRUE;
	SEXP rObj = off->rObj;

	int numOrdinal = 0, numContinuous = 0;
	omxMatrix *cov, *means;

	omxFIMLFitFunction *newObj = new omxFIMLFitFunction;
	omxExpectation* expectation = off->expectation;
	if(expectation == NULL) {
		omxRaiseError("FIML cannot fit without model expectations.");

	cov = omxGetExpectationComponent(expectation, "cov");
	if(cov == NULL) { 
		omxRaiseError("No covariance expectation in FIML evaluation.");

	means = omxGetExpectationComponent(expectation, "means");
	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("FIML Initialization Completed.");
    newObj->cov = cov;
    newObj->means = means;
    newObj->smallMeans = NULL;
    newObj->ordMeans   = NULL;
    newObj->contRow    = NULL;
    newObj->ordRow     = NULL;
    newObj->ordCov     = NULL;
    newObj->ordContCov = NULL;
    newObj->halfCov    = NULL;
    newObj->reduceCov  = NULL;
    off->computeFun = CallFIMLFitFunction;
    newObj->corList = NULL;
    newObj->weights = NULL;
    newObj->SingleIterFn = omxFIMLSingleIterationJoint;

	off->destructFun = omxDestroyFIMLFitFunction;
	off->populateAttrFun = omxPopulateFIMLAttributes;

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Accessing data source.");
	newObj->data = off->expectation->data;

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Accessing row likelihood option.");
	newObj->returnRowLikelihoods = Rf_asInteger(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("vector")));
	newObj->rowLikelihoods = omxInitMatrix(newObj->data->rows, 1, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
	newObj->rowLogLikelihoods = omxInitMatrix(newObj->data->rows, 1, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Accessing row likelihood population option.");
	newObj->populateRowDiagnostics = Rf_asInteger(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("rowDiagnostics")));

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Accessing variable mapping structure.");
	newObj->dataColumns = off->expectation->dataColumns;

	if(OMX_DEBUG) {
		mxLog("Accessing Threshold matrix.");
	numOrdinal = off->expectation->numOrdinal;
	numContinuous = newObj->dataColumns->cols - numOrdinal;

	omxSetContiguousDataColumns(&(newObj->contiguous), newObj->data, newObj->dataColumns);
    /* Temporary storage for calculation */
    int covCols = newObj->cov->cols;
	if(OMX_DEBUG){mxLog("Number of columns found is %d", covCols);}
    // int ordCols = omxDataNumFactor(newObj->data);        // Unneeded, since we don't use it.
    // int contCols = omxDataNumNumeric(newObj->data);
    newObj->smallRow = omxInitMatrix(1, covCols, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
    newObj->smallCov = omxInitMatrix(covCols, covCols, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
    newObj->RCX = omxInitMatrix(1, covCols, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
//  newObj->zeros = omxInitMatrix(1, newObj->cov->cols, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);

    omxCopyMatrix(newObj->smallCov, newObj->cov);          // Will keep its aliased state from here on.
    if (means) {
	    newObj->smallMeans = omxInitMatrix(covCols, 1, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
	    omxCopyMatrix(newObj->smallMeans, newObj->means);
	    newObj->ordMeans = omxInitMatrix(covCols, 1, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
	    omxCopyMatrix(newObj->ordMeans, newObj->means);
    newObj->contRow = omxInitMatrix(covCols, 1, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
    omxCopyMatrix(newObj->contRow, newObj->smallRow );
    newObj->ordCov = omxInitMatrix(covCols, covCols, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
    omxCopyMatrix(newObj->ordCov, newObj->cov);
    newObj->ordRow = omxInitMatrix(covCols, 1, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
    omxCopyMatrix(newObj->ordRow, newObj->smallRow );
    newObj->Infin = (int*) R_alloc(covCols, sizeof(int));

    off->argStruct = (void*)newObj;

    //if (strEQ(expectation->expType, "MxExpectationStateSpace")) {
	//    newObj->SingleIterFn = omxFIMLSingleIteration;  // remove this TODO

    if(numOrdinal > 0 && numContinuous <= 0) {
        if(OMX_DEBUG) {
            mxLog("Ordinal Data detected.  Using Ordinal FIML.");
        newObj->weights = (double*) R_alloc(covCols, sizeof(double));
        newObj->corList = (double*) R_alloc(covCols * (covCols + 1) / 2, sizeof(double));
        newObj->smallCor = (double*) R_alloc(covCols * (covCols + 1) / 2, sizeof(double));
        newObj->lThresh = (double*) R_alloc(covCols, sizeof(double));
        newObj->uThresh = (double*) R_alloc(covCols, sizeof(double));
    } else if(numOrdinal > 0) {
        if(OMX_DEBUG) {
            mxLog("Ordinal and Continuous Data detected.  Using Joint Ordinal/Continuous FIML.");

        newObj->weights = (double*) R_alloc(covCols, sizeof(double));
        newObj->ordContCov = omxInitMatrix(covCols, covCols, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
        newObj->halfCov = omxInitMatrix(covCols, covCols, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
        newObj->reduceCov = omxInitMatrix(covCols, covCols, TRUE, off->matrix->currentState);
        omxCopyMatrix(newObj->ordContCov, newObj->cov);
        newObj->corList = (double*) R_alloc(covCols * (covCols + 1) / 2, sizeof(double));
        newObj->lThresh = (double*) R_alloc(covCols, sizeof(double));
        newObj->uThresh = (double*) R_alloc(covCols, sizeof(double));