void GameObject::sleep() { if (isAwake) { onSleep(); } isAwake = false; }
void GameObject::disable() { if (isEnable) { onSleep(); onDisable(); } isEnable = false; isAwake = false; }
void GuiProgressBitmapCtrl::setBitmap( const char* name ) { bool awake = mAwake; if( awake ) onSleep(); mBitmapName = StringTable->insert( name ); if( awake ) onWake(); setUpdate(); }
void IComponent::putToSleep(bool deepSleep) { if(_tickMask == 0) std::cerr << "Warning! Estas mandando a dormir a un componente que no tiene tick." << std::endl; if(_state != ComponentState::eSLEEPING) { _state = ComponentState::eSLEEPING; this->_deepSleep = deepSleep; _wantsTick = _wantsFixedTick = false; onSleep(); } }
void Window::render() { Eigen::Affine3f transform = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity(); mRenderedHelpPrompts = false; // draw only bottom and top of GuiStack (if they are different) if(mGuiStack.size()) { auto& bottom = mGuiStack.front(); auto& top = mGuiStack.back(); bottom->render(transform); if(bottom != top) { mBackgroundOverlay->render(transform); top->render(transform); } } if(!mRenderedHelpPrompts) mHelp->render(transform); if(Settings::getInstance()->getBool("DrawFramerate") && mFrameDataText) { Renderer::setMatrix(Eigen::Affine3f::Identity()); mDefaultFonts.at(1)->renderTextCache(mFrameDataText.get()); } unsigned int screensaverTime = (unsigned int)Settings::getInstance()->getInt("ScreenSaverTime"); if(mTimeSinceLastInput >= screensaverTime && screensaverTime != 0 && mAllowSleep) { // go to sleep mSleeping = true; onSleep(); } }
void SystemMenu::rebuildMenu(bool dockHiding) { if (menu()) { menu()->clear(); } QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this); about = new QAction("About this computer", this); menu->addAction(about); connect(about, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onAbout())); /* TODO: Removed for now until I found clear way for managing software on different distros QAction *software = new QAction("Software management ...", this); menu->addAction(software); */ menu->addSeparator(); QAction *pref = new QAction("System preferences ...", this); menu->addAction(pref); connect(pref, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onPreferences())); menu->addSeparator(); if (dockHiding) { adock_on = new QAction("Turn Hiding Off", this); } else { int s = app->dock->dockState; if (s == Dockbar::Normal || s == Dockbar::Showing || s == Dockbar::AboutToShow) { adock_on = new QAction("Turn Hiding On", this); } else if (s == Dockbar::Hidden || s == Dockbar::Hiding) { adock_on = new QAction("Turn Hiding Off", this); } } //QAction *adock_magn = new QAction("Turn Magnification On", this); adock_pref = new QAction("Dock Preferences ...", this); QMenu *dock_menu = menu->addMenu("Dock"); dock_menu->addAction(adock_on); connect(adock_on, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onShowHideDock())); connect(adock_pref, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onDockPref())); //dock_menu->addAction(adock_magn); dock_menu->addSeparator(); dock_menu->addAction(adock_pref); menu->addSeparator(); /* TODO: Removed for now until I implement the features QAction *force_quit = new QAction("Force Quit ...", this); menu->addAction(force_quit); menu->addSeparator(); */ sleep = new QAction("Sleep", this); menu->addAction(sleep); connect(sleep, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onSleep())); restart = new QAction("Restart ...", this); menu->addAction(restart); connect(restart, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onRestart())); shutdown = new QAction("Shutdown ...", this); menu->addAction(shutdown); connect(shutdown, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onShutdown())); menu->addSeparator(); logout = new QAction("Logout ...", this); menu->addAction(logout); connect(logout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onLogout())); setMenu(menu); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showMenu())); }