Example #1
int onload_stack_opt_get_int(const char* opt_env, int64_t* opt_val)
  struct oo_per_thread* pt;
  ci_netif_config_opts* opts;
  pt = oo_per_thread_get();
  opts = pt->thread_local_netif_opts;

  if( opts == NULL) {
    opts = &ci_cfg_opts.netif_opts;

  #undef CI_CFG_OPT
  #define CI_CFG_OPT(env, name, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10)    \
    {                                                               \
      if( ! strcmp(env, opt_env) ) {                                \
        *opt_val = opts->name;                                      \
        return 0;                                                   \
      }                                                             \

  #include <ci/internal/opts_netif_def.h>
  LOG_E(ci_log("%s: Requested option %s not found", __FUNCTION__, opt_env));
  return -EINVAL;
Example #2
/* Simply delete the thread local copy of config_opts to revert to
 * using the netif's config_opts. */
int onload_stack_opt_reset(void)
  struct oo_per_thread* pt;

  pt = oo_per_thread_get();
  if( pt->thread_local_netif_opts != NULL ) {
    pt->thread_local_netif_opts = NULL;
  return 0;
Example #3
static citp_fdinfo *
citp_fdtable_probe(unsigned fd)
  citp_fdinfo* fdi;
  int saved_errno;

  ci_assert(fd < citp_fdtable.size);

  if( ! CITP_OPTS.probe || oo_per_thread_get()->in_vfork_child )
    return NULL;

  saved_errno = errno;
   fdi = citp_fdtable_probe_locked(fd, CI_FALSE, CI_FALSE);
  errno = saved_errno;
  return fdi;
Example #4
/* This API provides per thread ability to modify ci_netif_config_opts
 * for future stacks.  If not present, this makes a thread local copy
 * of the default ci_netif_config_opts and updates it as requested.
 * Any future stacks will use the thread local copy of config_opts and
 * if absent, use the default copy.  */
int onload_stack_opt_set_int(const char* opt_env, int64_t opt_val)
  struct oo_per_thread* pt;
  ci_netif_config_opts* default_opts;

  pt = oo_per_thread_get();

  if( pt->thread_local_netif_opts == NULL ) {
    pt->thread_local_netif_opts = malloc(sizeof(*pt->thread_local_netif_opts));
    if( ! pt->thread_local_netif_opts)
      return -ENOMEM;
    default_opts = &ci_cfg_opts.netif_opts;
    memcpy(pt->thread_local_netif_opts, default_opts, sizeof(*default_opts));

  #define ci_uint32_fmt   "%u"
  #define ci_uint16_fmt   "%u"
  #define ci_int32_fmt    "%d"
  #define ci_int16_fmt    "%d"
  #define ci_iptime_t_fmt "%u"

  #define _CI_CFG_BITVAL   _optbits
  #define _CI_CFG_BITVAL1  1
  #define _CI_CFG_BITVAL2  2
  #define _CI_CFG_BITVAL3  3
  #define _CI_CFG_BITVAL4  4
  #define _CI_CFG_BITVAL8  8
  #define _CI_CFG_BITVAL16 16

  #undef CI_CFG_OPT
  #undef MIN
  #undef MAX
  #undef SMIN
  #undef SMAX

  #define CI_CFG_OPTFILE_VERSION(version)
  #define CI_CFG_OPTGROUP(group, category, expertise)
  #define MIN 0
  #define MAX (((1ull<<(_bitwidth-1))<<1) - 1ull)
  #define SMAX (MAX >> 1)
  #define SMIN (-SMAX-1)
  #define CI_CFG_OPT(env, name, type, doc, bits, group, default, min, max, presentation) \
    {                                                                   \
      type _max;                                                        \
      type _min;                                                        \
      int _optbits = sizeof(type) * 8;                                  \
      int _bitwidth = _CI_CFG_BITVAL##bits;                             \
      (void)_bitwidth;                                                  \
      (void)_optbits;                                                   \
      _max = (type)(max);                                               \
      _min = (type)(min);                                               \
      if( ! strcmp(env, opt_env) ) {                                    \
        if( opt_val < _min || opt_val > _max ) {                        \
          LOG_E(ci_log("%s: %"PRId64" outside of range ("type##_fmt":"  \
                       type##_fmt") for %s",                            \
                       __FUNCTION__, opt_val, _min, _max, opt_env));    \
          return -EINVAL;                                               \
        }                                                               \
        pt->thread_local_netif_opts->name = opt_val;                    \
        return 0;                                                       \
      }                                                                 \

  #include <ci/internal/opts_netif_def.h>
  LOG_E(ci_log("%s: Requested option %s not found", __FUNCTION__, opt_env));
  return -EINVAL;
Example #5
citp_fdinfo *
citp_fdtable_lookup(unsigned fd)
  /* Note that if we haven't yet initialised this module, then
  ** [inited_count] will be zero, and the following test will fail.  So the
  ** test for initialisation is done further down...
  ** This is highly performance critial.  DO NOT add any code between here
  ** and the first [return] statement.
  citp_fdinfo* fdi;

  /* In some cases, we'll lock fdtable.  Assert that it is possible: */

  if( fd < citp_fdtable.inited_count ) {

    volatile citp_fdinfo_p* p_fdip = &citp_fdtable.table[fd].fdip;
    citp_fdinfo_p fdip;

    /* Swap in the busy marker. */
    fdip = *p_fdip;

    if( fdip_is_normal(fdip) ) {
      if( citp_fdtable_not_mt_safe() ) {
	if( fdip_cas_succeed(p_fdip, fdip, fdip_busy) ) {
	  fdi = fdip_to_fdi(fdip);
	  ci_assert_gt(oo_atomic_read(&fdi->ref_count), 0);
	  ci_assert(fdip_is_closing(fdip) || fdip_is_reserved(fdip) ||
		    fdi->fd == fd);
	  /* Bump the reference count. */

          if( ! citp_fdinfo_is_consistent(fdi) ) {
            /* Something is wrong.  Re-probe. */
            fdi = citp_reprobe_moved(fdi, CI_FALSE, CI_TRUE);
          else {
            /* Swap the busy marker out again. */
            citp_fdtable_busy_clear(fd, fdip, 0);
	  return fdi;
	goto again;
      else {
	/* No need to use atomic ops when single-threaded.  The definition
         * of "fds_mt_safe" is that the app does not change the meaning of
         * a file descriptor in one thread when it is being used in another
         * thread.  In that case I'm hoping this should be safe, but at
         * time of writing I'm really not confident.  (FIXME).
	fdi = fdip_to_fdi(fdip);
        if( ci_is_multithreaded() )

        if( ! citp_fdinfo_is_consistent(fdi) )
          fdi = citp_reprobe_moved(fdi, CI_FALSE, CI_FALSE);

	return fdi;

    /* Not normal! */
    if( fdip_is_passthru(fdip) )  return NULL;

    if( fdip_is_busy(fdip) ) {
      citp_fdtable_busy_wait(fd, 0);
      goto again;

    goto probe;

  if (citp.init_level < CITP_INIT_FDTABLE) {
    if (_citp_do_init_inprogress == 0)
      CI_TRY(citp_do_init(CITP_INIT_FDTABLE)); /* get what we need */

  if( fd >= citp_fdtable.size )  return NULL;

  fdi = citp_fdtable_probe(fd);

  return fdi;
Example #6
int citp_ep_close(unsigned fd)
  volatile citp_fdinfo_p* p_fdip;
  citp_fdinfo_p fdip;
  int rc, got_lock;
  citp_fdinfo* fdi;

  /* Do not touch shared fdtable when in vfork child. */
  if( oo_per_thread_get()->in_vfork_child )
    return ci_tcp_helper_close_no_trampoline(fd);

  /* Interlock against other closes, against the fdtable being extended,
  ** and against select and poll.
  got_lock = 1;


  if( fd >= citp_fdtable.inited_count ) {
    rc = ci_sys_close(fd);
    goto done;

  p_fdip = &citp_fdtable.table[fd].fdip;
  fdip = *p_fdip;
  if( fdip_is_busy(fdip) )  fdip = citp_fdtable_busy_wait(fd, 1);

  if( fdip_is_closing(fdip) | fdip_is_reserved(fdip) ) {
    /* Concurrent close or attempt to close reserved. */
    Log_V(ci_log("%s: fd=%d closing=%d reserved=%d", __FUNCTION__, fd,
		 fdip_is_closing(fdip), fdip_is_reserved(fdip)));
    errno = EBADF;
    rc = -1;
    goto done;

  /* Need to check in case this sucker's cached */
  if( fdip_is_unknown(fdip) ) {
    fdi = citp_fdtable_probe_locked(fd, CI_FALSE, CI_FALSE);
    if( fdi == &citp_the_closed_fd ) {
      citp_fdinfo_release_ref(fdi, CI_TRUE);
      errno = EBADF;
      rc = -1;
      goto done;
    if( fdi )
      citp_fdinfo_release_ref(fdi, CI_TRUE);

  ci_assert(fdip_is_normal(fdip) | fdip_is_passthru(fdip) |

  /* Swap in the "closed" pseudo-fdinfo.  This lets any other thread know
  ** that we're in the middle of closing this fd.
  if( fdip_cas_fail(p_fdip, fdip, fdip_closing) )
    goto again;

  if( fdip_is_normal(fdip) ) {
    fdi = fdip_to_fdi(fdip);

    got_lock = 0;

    if( fdi->is_special ) {
      Log_V(ci_log("%s: fd=%d is_special, returning EBADF", __FUNCTION__, fd));
      errno = EBADF;
      rc = -1;
      fdtable_swap(fd, fdip_closing, fdip, 0);
      goto done;

    Log_V(ci_log("%s: fd=%d u/l socket", __FUNCTION__, fd));
    ci_assert_equal(fdi->fd, fd);
    ci_assert_equal(fdi->on_ref_count_zero, FDI_ON_RCZ_NONE);
    fdi->on_ref_count_zero = FDI_ON_RCZ_CLOSE;

    if( fdi->epoll_fd >= 0 ) {
      citp_fdinfo* epoll_fdi = citp_epoll_fdi_from_member(fdi, 0);
      if( epoll_fdi ) {
        if( epoll_fdi->protocol->type == CITP_EPOLL_FD )
          citp_epoll_on_close(epoll_fdi, fdi, 0);
        citp_fdinfo_release_ref(epoll_fdi, 0);

    citp_fdinfo_release_ref(fdi, 0);
    rc = 0;
  else {
    ci_assert(fdip_is_passthru(fdip) ||
    if( ! fdtable_strict() ) {
      got_lock = 0;
    Log_V(ci_log("%s: fd=%d passthru=%d unknown=%d", __FUNCTION__, fd,
		 fdip_is_passthru(fdip), fdip_is_unknown(fdip)));
    fdtable_swap(fd, fdip_closing, fdip_unknown, fdtable_strict());
    rc = ci_tcp_helper_close_no_trampoline(fd);

  if( got_lock )  CITP_FDTABLE_UNLOCK();
  return rc;
Example #7
** Why do these live here?  Because they need to hack into the low-level
** dirty nastiness of the fdtable.
int citp_ep_dup(unsigned oldfd, int (*syscall)(int oldfd, long arg),
		long arg)
  /* This implements dup(oldfd) and fcntl(oldfd, F_DUPFD, arg). */

  volatile citp_fdinfo_p* p_oldfdip;
  citp_fdinfo_p oldfdip;
  citp_fdinfo* newfdi = 0;
  citp_fdinfo* oldfdi;
  int newfd;

  Log_V(log("%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, oldfd));

  if(CI_UNLIKELY( citp.init_level < CITP_INIT_FDTABLE ||
                  oo_per_thread_get()->in_vfork_child ))
    /* Lib not initialised, so no U/L state, and therefore system dup()
    ** will do just fine. */
    return syscall(oldfd, arg);

  if( oldfd >= citp_fdtable.inited_count ) {
    /* NB. We can't just pass through in this case because we need to worry
    ** about other threads racing with us.  So we need to be able to lock
    ** this fd while we do the dup. */
    ci_assert(oldfd < citp_fdtable.size);

  p_oldfdip = &citp_fdtable.table[oldfd].fdip;
  oldfdip = *p_oldfdip;
  if( fdip_is_busy(oldfdip) )
    oldfdip = citp_fdtable_busy_wait(oldfd, 0);
  if( fdip_is_closing(oldfdip) | fdip_is_reserved(oldfdip) ) {
    errno = EBADF;
    return -1;
  /* Need to check in case this sucker's cached */
  if( fdip_is_unknown(oldfdip) ) {
    oldfdi = citp_fdtable_probe_locked(oldfd, CI_FALSE, CI_FALSE);
    if( oldfdi == &citp_the_closed_fd ) {
      citp_fdinfo_release_ref(oldfdi, CI_TRUE);
      errno = EBADF;
      return -1;
    if( oldfdi )
      citp_fdinfo_release_ref(oldfdi, CI_TRUE);
  if( fdip_cas_fail(p_oldfdip, oldfdip, fdip_busy) )
    goto again;

  /* May end up with multiple refs to this, don't allow it to be cached. */
  if( fdip_is_normal(oldfdip) )
    fdip_to_fdi(oldfdip)->can_cache = 0;

  if( fdip_is_normal(oldfdip) &&
      (((oldfdi = fdip_to_fdi(oldfdip))->protocol->type) == CITP_EPOLL_FD) ) {
    newfdi = citp_fdinfo_get_ops(oldfdi)->dup(oldfdi);
    if( ! newfdi ) {
      citp_fdtable_busy_clear(oldfd, oldfdip, 0);
      errno = ENOMEM;
      return -1;

    if( fdtable_strict() )  CITP_FDTABLE_LOCK();
    newfd = syscall(oldfd, arg);
    if( newfd >= 0 )
      citp_fdtable_new_fd_set(newfd, fdip_busy, fdtable_strict());
    if( fdtable_strict() )  CITP_FDTABLE_UNLOCK();
    if( newfd >= 0 ) {
      citp_fdtable_insert(newfdi, newfd, 0);
      newfdi = 0;
  else {
    if( fdtable_strict() )  CITP_FDTABLE_LOCK();
    newfd = syscall(oldfd, arg);
    if( newfd >= 0 && newfd < citp_fdtable.inited_count ) {
      /* Mark newfd as unknown.  When used, it'll get probed.
       * We are not just being lazy here: Setting to unknown rather than
       * installing a proper fdi (when oldfd is accelerated) is essential to
       * vfork()+dup()+exec() working properly.  Reason is that child and
       * parent share address space, so child is modifying the parent's
       * fdtable.  Setting an entry to unknown is safe.
      citp_fdtable_new_fd_set(newfd, fdip_unknown, fdtable_strict());
    if( fdtable_strict() )  CITP_FDTABLE_UNLOCK();

  citp_fdtable_busy_clear(oldfd, oldfdip, 0);
  if( newfdi )  citp_fdinfo_free(newfdi);
  return newfd;