Example #1
op_plan *op_plan_core(char const *name, op_set set, int part_size, int nargs,
                      op_arg *args, int ninds, int *inds, int staging) {
  // set exec length
  int exec_length = set->size;
  for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
    if (args[i].opt && args[i].idx != -1 && args[i].acc != OP_READ) {
      exec_length += set->exec_size;

  /* first look for an existing execution plan */

  int ip = 0, match = 0;

  while (match == 0 && ip < OP_plan_index) {
    if ((strcmp(name, OP_plans[ip].name) == 0) && (set == OP_plans[ip].set) &&
        (nargs == OP_plans[ip].nargs) && (ninds == OP_plans[ip].ninds) &&
        (part_size == OP_plans[ip].part_size)) {
      match = 1;
      for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
        if (args[m].dat != NULL && OP_plans[ip].dats[m] != NULL)
          match = match && (args[m].dat->size == OP_plans[ip].dats[m]->size) &&
                  (args[m].dat->dim == OP_plans[ip].dats[m]->dim) &&
                  (args[m].map == OP_plans[ip].maps[m]) &&
                  (args[m].idx == OP_plans[ip].idxs[m]) &&
                  (args[m].acc == OP_plans[ip].accs[m]);
          match = match && (args[m].dat == OP_plans[ip].dats[m]) &&
                  (args[m].map == OP_plans[ip].maps[m]) &&
                  (args[m].idx == OP_plans[ip].idxs[m]) &&
                  (args[m].acc == OP_plans[ip].accs[m]);

  if (match) {
    if (OP_diags > 3)
      printf(" old execution plan #%d\n", ip);
    return &(OP_plans[ip]);
  } else {
    if (OP_diags > 1)
      printf(" new execution plan #%d for kernel %s\n", ip, name);
  double wall_t1, wall_t2, cpu_t1, cpu_t2;
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1);
  /* work out worst case shared memory requirement per element */

  int halo_exchange = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
    if (args[i].opt && args[i].idx != -1 && args[i].acc != OP_WRITE &&
        args[i].acc != OP_INC) {
      halo_exchange = 1;

  int maxbytes = 0;
  for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
    if (args[m].opt && inds[m] >= 0) {
      if ((staging == OP_STAGE_INC && args[m].acc == OP_INC) ||
          (staging == OP_STAGE_ALL || staging == OP_STAGE_PERMUTE))
        maxbytes += args[m].dat->size;

  /* set blocksize and number of blocks; adaptive size based on 48kB of shared
   * memory */

  int bsize = part_size; // blocksize
  if (bsize == 0 && maxbytes > 0)
    bsize = MAX((24 * 1024 / (64 * maxbytes)) * 64,
                256); // 48kB exactly is too much, make it 24
  else if (bsize == 0 && maxbytes == 0)
    bsize = 256;

  // If we do 1 level of coloring, do it in one go
  if (staging == OP_COLOR2)
    bsize = exec_length;

  int nblocks = 0;

  int indirect_reduce = 0;
  for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
    indirect_reduce |=
        (args[m].acc != OP_READ && args[m].argtype == OP_ARG_GBL);
  indirect_reduce &= (ninds > 0);

  /* Work out indirection arrays for OP_INCs */
  int ninds_staged = 0; // number of distinct (unique dat) indirect incs
  int *inds_staged = (int *)op_malloc(nargs * sizeof(int));
  int *inds_to_inds_staged = (int *)op_malloc(ninds * sizeof(int));

  for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
    inds_staged[i] = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < ninds; i++)
    inds_to_inds_staged[i] = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
    if (inds[i] >= 0 &&
        ((staging == OP_STAGE_INC && args[i].acc == OP_INC) ||
         (staging == OP_STAGE_ALL || staging == OP_STAGE_PERMUTE))) {
      if (inds_to_inds_staged[inds[i]] == -1) {
        inds_to_inds_staged[inds[i]] = ninds_staged;
        inds_staged[i] = ninds_staged;
      } else {
        inds_staged[i] = inds_to_inds_staged[inds[i]];

  int *invinds_staged = (int *)op_malloc(ninds_staged * sizeof(int));
  for (int i = 0; i < ninds_staged; i++)
    invinds_staged[i] = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
    if (inds[i] >= 0 &&
        ((staging == OP_STAGE_INC && args[i].acc == OP_INC) ||
         (staging == OP_STAGE_ALL || staging == OP_STAGE_PERMUTE)) &&
        invinds_staged[inds_staged[i]] == -1)
      invinds_staged[inds_staged[i]] = i;

  int prev_offset = 0;
  int next_offset = 0;

  while (next_offset < exec_length) {
    prev_offset = next_offset;
    if (prev_offset + bsize >= set->core_size && prev_offset < set->core_size) {
      next_offset = set->core_size;
    } else if (prev_offset + bsize >= set->size && prev_offset < set->size &&
               indirect_reduce) {
      next_offset = set->size;
    } else if (prev_offset + bsize >= exec_length &&
               prev_offset < exec_length) {
      next_offset = exec_length;
    } else {
      next_offset = prev_offset + bsize;

  // If we do 1 level of coloring, we have a single "block"
  if (staging == OP_COLOR2) {
    nblocks = 1;
    prev_offset = 0;
    next_offset = exec_length;

  /* enlarge OP_plans array if needed */

  if (ip == OP_plan_max) {
    // printf("allocating more memory for OP_plans %d\n", OP_plan_max);
    OP_plan_max += 10;
    OP_plans = (op_plan *)op_realloc(OP_plans, OP_plan_max * sizeof(op_plan));
    if (OP_plans == NULL) {
      printf(" op_plan error -- error reallocating memory for OP_plans\n");

  /* allocate memory for new execution plan and store input arguments */

  OP_plans[ip].dats = (op_dat *)op_malloc(nargs * sizeof(op_dat));
  OP_plans[ip].idxs = (int *)op_malloc(nargs * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].optflags = (int *)op_malloc(nargs * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].maps = (op_map *)op_malloc(nargs * sizeof(op_map));
  OP_plans[ip].accs = (op_access *)op_malloc(nargs * sizeof(op_access));
  OP_plans[ip].inds_staged =
      (op_access *)op_malloc(ninds_staged * sizeof(op_access));

  OP_plans[ip].nthrcol = (int *)op_malloc(nblocks * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].thrcol = (int *)op_malloc(exec_length * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].col_reord = (int *)op_malloc((exec_length + 16) * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].col_offsets = NULL;
  OP_plans[ip].offset = (int *)op_malloc(nblocks * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].ind_maps = (int **)op_malloc(ninds_staged * sizeof(int *));
  OP_plans[ip].ind_offs =
      (int *)op_malloc(nblocks * ninds_staged * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].ind_sizes =
      (int *)op_malloc(nblocks * ninds_staged * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].nindirect = (int *)op_calloc(ninds, sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].loc_maps = (short **)op_malloc(nargs * sizeof(short *));
  OP_plans[ip].nelems = (int *)op_malloc(nblocks * sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].ncolblk =
      (int *)op_calloc(exec_length, sizeof(int)); /* max possibly needed */
  OP_plans[ip].blkmap = (int *)op_calloc(nblocks, sizeof(int));

  int *offsets = (int *)op_malloc((ninds_staged + 1) * sizeof(int));
  offsets[0] = 0;
  for (int m = 0; m < ninds_staged; m++) {
    int count = 0;
    for (int m2 = 0; m2 < nargs; m2++)
      if (inds_staged[m2] == m)
    offsets[m + 1] = offsets[m] + count;
  OP_plans[ip].ind_map =
      (int *)op_malloc(offsets[ninds_staged] * exec_length * sizeof(int));
  for (int m = 0; m < ninds_staged; m++) {
    OP_plans[ip].ind_maps[m] = &OP_plans[ip].ind_map[exec_length * offsets[m]];

  int counter = 0;
  for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
    if (inds_staged[m] >= 0)
      OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m] = NULL;

    OP_plans[ip].dats[m] = args[m].dat;
    OP_plans[ip].idxs[m] = args[m].idx;
    OP_plans[ip].optflags[m] = args[m].opt;
    OP_plans[ip].maps[m] = args[m].map;
    OP_plans[ip].accs[m] = args[m].acc;

  OP_plans[ip].loc_map =
      (short *)op_malloc(counter * exec_length * sizeof(short));
  counter = 0;
  for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
    if (inds_staged[m] >= 0) {
      OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m] = &OP_plans[ip].loc_map[exec_length * (counter)];

  OP_plans[ip].name = name;
  OP_plans[ip].set = set;
  OP_plans[ip].nargs = nargs;
  OP_plans[ip].ninds = ninds;
  OP_plans[ip].ninds_staged = ninds_staged;
  OP_plans[ip].part_size = part_size;
  OP_plans[ip].nblocks = nblocks;
  OP_plans[ip].ncolors_core = 0;
  OP_plans[ip].ncolors_owned = 0;
  OP_plans[ip].count = 1;
  OP_plans[ip].inds_staged = inds_staged;


  /* define aliases */

  op_dat *dats = OP_plans[ip].dats;
  int *idxs = OP_plans[ip].idxs;
  op_map *maps = OP_plans[ip].maps;
  op_access *accs = OP_plans[ip].accs;

  int *offset = OP_plans[ip].offset;
  int *nelems = OP_plans[ip].nelems;
  int **ind_maps = OP_plans[ip].ind_maps;
  int *ind_offs = OP_plans[ip].ind_offs;
  int *ind_sizes = OP_plans[ip].ind_sizes;
  int *nindirect = OP_plans[ip].nindirect;

  /* allocate working arrays */
  uint **work;
  work = (uint **)op_malloc(ninds * sizeof(uint *));

  for (int m = 0; m < ninds; m++) {
    int m2 = 0;
    while (inds[m2] != m)
    if (args[m2].opt == 0) {
      work[m] = NULL;

    int to_size = (maps[m2]->to)->exec_size + (maps[m2]->to)->nonexec_size +
    work[m] = (uint *)op_malloc(to_size * sizeof(uint));

  int *work2;
  work2 =
      (int *)op_malloc(nargs * bsize * sizeof(int)); /* max possibly needed */

  /* process set one block at a time */

  float total_colors = 0;

  prev_offset = 0;
  next_offset = 0;
  for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
    prev_offset = next_offset;
    if (prev_offset + bsize >= set->core_size && prev_offset < set->core_size) {
      next_offset = set->core_size;
    } else if (prev_offset + bsize >= set->size && prev_offset < set->size &&
               indirect_reduce) {
      next_offset = set->size;
    } else if (prev_offset + bsize >= exec_length &&
               prev_offset < exec_length) {
      next_offset = exec_length;
    } else {
      next_offset = prev_offset + bsize;

    if (staging == OP_COLOR2) {
      prev_offset = 0;
      next_offset = exec_length;
    int bs = next_offset - prev_offset;

    offset[b] = prev_offset; /* offset for block */
    nelems[b] = bs;          /* size of block */

    /* loop over indirection sets */
    for (int m = 0; m < ninds; m++) {
      int m2 = 0;
      while (inds[m2] != m)
      int m3 = inds_staged[m2];
      if (m3 < 0)
      if (args[m2].opt == 0) {
        if (b == 0) {
          ind_offs[m3 + b * ninds_staged] = 0;
          ind_sizes[m3 + b * ninds_staged] = 0;
        } else {
          ind_offs[m3 + b * ninds_staged] =
              ind_offs[m3 + (b - 1) * ninds_staged];
          ind_sizes[m3 + b * ninds_staged] = 0;
      /* build the list of elements indirectly referenced in this block */

      int ne = 0; /* number of elements */
      for (int m2 = 0; m2 < nargs; m2++) {
        if (inds[m2] == m) {
          for (int e = prev_offset; e < next_offset; e++)
            work2[ne++] = maps[m2]->map[idxs[m2] + e * maps[m2]->dim];

      /* sort them, then eliminate duplicates */

      qsort(work2, ne, sizeof(int), comp);

      int nde = 0;
      int p = 0;
      while (p < ne) {
        work2[nde] = work2[p];
        while (p < ne && work2[p] == work2[nde])
      ne = nde; /* number of distinct elements */

         if (OP_diags > 5) { printf(" indirection set %d: ",m); for (int e=0;
         e<ne; e++) printf("
         %d",work2[e]); printf(" \n"); } */

      /* store mapping and renumbered mappings in execution plan */

      for (int e = 0; e < ne; e++) {
        ind_maps[m3][nindirect[m]++] = work2[e];
        work[m][work2[e]] = e; // inverse mapping

      for (int m2 = 0; m2 < nargs; m2++) {
        if (inds[m2] == m) {
          for (int e = prev_offset; e < next_offset; e++)
            OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m2][e] =
                (short)(work[m][maps[m2]->map[idxs[m2] + e * maps[m2]->dim]]);

      if (b == 0) {
        ind_offs[m3 + b * ninds_staged] = 0;
        ind_sizes[m3 + b * ninds_staged] = nindirect[m];
      } else {
        ind_offs[m3 + b * ninds_staged] =
            ind_offs[m3 + (b - 1) * ninds_staged] +
            ind_sizes[m3 + (b - 1) * ninds_staged];
        ind_sizes[m3 + b * ninds_staged] =
            nindirect[m] - ind_offs[m3 + b * ninds_staged];

    /* now colour main set elements */

    for (int e = prev_offset; e < next_offset; e++)
      OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e] = -1;

    int repeat = 1;
    int ncolor = 0;
    int ncolors = 0;

    while (repeat) {
      repeat = 0;

      for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
        if (inds[m] >= 0 && args[m].opt)
          for (int e = prev_offset; e < next_offset; e++)
            work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] + e * maps[m]->dim]] =
                0; /* zero out color array */

      for (int e = prev_offset; e < next_offset; e++) {
        if (OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e] == -1) {
          int mask = 0;
          if (staging == OP_COLOR2 && halo_exchange && e >= set->core_size &&
              ncolor == 0)
            mask = 1;
          for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++)
            if (inds[m] >= 0 && (accs[m] == OP_INC || accs[m] == OP_RW) &&
              mask |=
                      [maps[m]->map[idxs[m] +
                                    e * maps[m]->dim]]; /* set bits of mask */

          int color = ffs(~mask) - 1; /* find first bit not set */
          if (color == -1) {          /* run out of colors on this pass */
            repeat = 1;
          } else {
            OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e] = ncolor + color;
            mask = 1 << color;
            ncolors = MAX(ncolors, ncolor + color + 1);

            for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++)
              if (inds[m] >= 0 && (accs[m] == OP_INC || accs[m] == OP_RW) &&
                work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] + e * maps[m]->dim]] |=
                    mask; /* set color bit */

      ncolor += 32; /* increment base level */

    OP_plans[ip].nthrcol[b] =
        ncolors; /* number of thread colors in this block */
    total_colors += ncolors;

    // if(ncolors>1) printf(" number of colors in this block = %d \n",ncolors);

  /* create element permutation by color */
  if (staging == OP_STAGE_PERMUTE || staging == OP_COLOR2) {
    int size_of_col_offsets = 0;
    for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
      size_of_col_offsets += OP_plans[ip].nthrcol[b] + 1;
    // allocate
    OP_plans[ip].col_offsets = (int **)op_malloc(nblocks * sizeof(int *));
    int *col_offsets = (int *)op_malloc(size_of_col_offsets * sizeof(int *));

    size_of_col_offsets = 0;
    op_keyvalue *kv = (op_keyvalue *)op_malloc(bsize * sizeof(op_keyvalue));
    for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
      int ncolor = OP_plans[ip].nthrcol[b];
      for (int e = 0; e < nelems[b]; e++) {
        kv[e].key = OP_plans[ip].thrcol[offset[b] + e];
        kv[e].value = e;
      qsort(kv, nelems[b], sizeof(op_keyvalue), comp2);
      OP_plans[ip].col_offsets[b] = col_offsets + size_of_col_offsets;
      OP_plans[ip].col_offsets[b][0] = 0;
      size_of_col_offsets += (ncolor + 1);

      // Set up permutation and pointers to beginning of each color
      ncolor = 0;
      for (int e = 0; e < nelems[b]; e++) {
        OP_plans[ip].thrcol[offset[b] + e] = kv[e].key;
        OP_plans[ip].col_reord[offset[b] + e] = kv[e].value;
        if (e > 0)
          if (kv[e].key > kv[e - 1].key) {
            OP_plans[ip].col_offsets[b][ncolor] = e;
      OP_plans[ip].col_offsets[b][ncolor + 1] = nelems[b];
    for (int i = exec_length; i < exec_length + 16; i++)
      OP_plans[ip].col_reord[i] = 0;

  /* color the blocks, after initialising colors to 0 */

  int *blk_col;

  blk_col = (int *)op_malloc(nblocks * sizeof(int));
  for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++)
    blk_col[b] = -1;

  int repeat = 1;
  int ncolor = 0;
  int ncolors = 0;

  while (repeat) {
    repeat = 0;

    for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
      if (inds[m] >= 0 && args[m].opt) {
        int to_size = (maps[m]->to)->exec_size + (maps[m]->to)->nonexec_size +
        for (int e = 0; e < to_size; e++)
          work[inds[m]][e] = 0; // zero out color arrays
    prev_offset = 0;
    next_offset = 0;
    for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
      prev_offset = next_offset;

      if (prev_offset + bsize >= set->core_size &&
          prev_offset < set->core_size) {
        next_offset = set->core_size;
      } else if (prev_offset + bsize >= set->size && prev_offset < set->size &&
                 indirect_reduce) {
        next_offset = set->size;
      } else if (prev_offset + bsize >= exec_length &&
                 prev_offset < exec_length) {
        next_offset = exec_length;
      } else {
        next_offset = prev_offset + bsize;
      if (blk_col[b] == -1) { // color not yet assigned to block
        uint mask = 0;
        if (next_offset > set->core_size) { // should not use block colors from
                                            // the core set when doing the
                                            // non_core ones
          if (prev_offset <= set->core_size)
            OP_plans[ip].ncolors_core = ncolors;
          for (int shifter = 0; shifter < OP_plans[ip].ncolors_core; shifter++)
            mask |= 1 << shifter;
          if (prev_offset == set->size && indirect_reduce)
            OP_plans[ip].ncolors_owned = ncolors;
          for (int shifter = OP_plans[ip].ncolors_core;
               indirect_reduce && shifter < OP_plans[ip].ncolors_owned;
            mask |= 1 << shifter;

        for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
          if (inds[m] >= 0 && (accs[m] == OP_INC || accs[m] == OP_RW) &&
            for (int e = prev_offset; e < next_offset; e++)
              mask |= work[inds[m]]
                          [maps[m]->map[idxs[m] + e * maps[m]->dim]]; // set
                                                                      // bits of
                                                                      // mask

        int color = ffs(~mask) - 1; // find first bit not set
        if (color == -1) {          // run out of colors on this pass
          repeat = 1;
        } else {
          blk_col[b] = ncolor + color;
          mask = 1 << color;
          ncolors = MAX(ncolors, ncolor + color + 1);

          for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) {
            if (inds[m] >= 0 && (accs[m] == OP_INC || accs[m] == OP_RW) &&
              for (int e = prev_offset; e < next_offset; e++)
                work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] + e * maps[m]->dim]] |= mask;

    ncolor += 32; // increment base level

  /* store block mapping and number of blocks per color */

  if (indirect_reduce && OP_plans[ip].ncolors_owned == 0)
    OP_plans[ip].ncolors_owned =
        ncolors; // no MPI, so get the reduction arrays after everyting is done
  OP_plans[ip].ncolors = ncolors;
  if (staging == OP_COLOR2)
    OP_plans[ip].ncolors = OP_plans[ip].nthrcol[0];

  /*for(int col = 0; col = OP_plans[ip].ncolors;col++) //should initialize to
    zero because op_calloc returns garbage!!
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[col] = 0;

  for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++)
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[blk_col[b]]++; // number of blocks of each color

  for (int c = 1; c < ncolors; c++)
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c] += OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c - 1]; // cumsum

  for (int c = 0; c < ncolors; c++)
    work2[c] = 0;

  for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
    int c = blk_col[b];
    int b2 = work2[c]; // number of preceding blocks of this color
    if (c > 0)
      b2 += OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c - 1]; // plus previous colors

    OP_plans[ip].blkmap[b2] = b;

    work2[c]++; // increment counter

  for (int c = ncolors - 1; c > 0; c--)
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c] -= OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c - 1]; // undo cumsum

  /* reorder blocks by color? */

  /* work out shared memory requirements */
  OP_plans[ip].nsharedCol = (int *)op_malloc(ncolors * sizeof(int));
  float total_shared = 0;
  for (int col = 0; col < ncolors; col++) {
    OP_plans[ip].nsharedCol[col] = 0;
    for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
      if (blk_col[b] == col) {
        int nbytes = 0;
        for (int m = 0; m < ninds_staged; m++) {
          int m2 = 0;
          while (inds_staged[m2] != m)
          if (args[m2].opt == 0)

          nbytes +=
              ROUND_UP_64(ind_sizes[m + b * ninds_staged] * dats[m2]->size);
        OP_plans[ip].nsharedCol[col] =
            MAX(OP_plans[ip].nsharedCol[col], nbytes);
        total_shared += nbytes;

  OP_plans[ip].nshared = 0;
  total_shared = 0;

  for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
    int nbytes = 0;
    for (int m = 0; m < ninds_staged; m++) {
      int m2 = 0;
      while (inds_staged[m2] != m)
      if (args[m2].opt == 0)

      nbytes += ROUND_UP_64(ind_sizes[m + b * ninds_staged] * dats[m2]->size);
    OP_plans[ip].nshared = MAX(OP_plans[ip].nshared, nbytes);
    total_shared += nbytes;

  /* work out total bandwidth requirements */

  OP_plans[ip].transfer = 0;
  OP_plans[ip].transfer2 = 0;
  float transfer3 = 0;

  if (staging != OP_COLOR2 && staging != OP_STAGE_INC) {
    for (int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++) {
      for (int m = 0; m < nargs; m++) // for each argument
        if (args[m].opt) {
          if (inds[m] < 0) // if it is directly addressed
            float fac = 2.0f;
            if (accs[m] == OP_READ ||
                accs[m] == OP_WRITE) // if you only read or write it
              fac = 1.0f;
            if (dats[m] != NULL) {
              OP_plans[ip].transfer +=
                  fac * nelems[b] * dats[m]->size; // cost of reading it all
              OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac * nelems[b] * dats[m]->size;
              transfer3 += fac * nelems[b] * dats[m]->size;
          } else // if it is indirectly addressed: cost of reading the pointer
                 // to it
            OP_plans[ip].transfer += nelems[b] * sizeof(short);
            OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += nelems[b] * sizeof(short);
            transfer3 += nelems[b] * sizeof(short);
      for (int m = 0; m < ninds; m++) // for each indirect mapping
        int m2 = 0;
        while (inds[m2] != m) // find the first argument that uses this mapping
        if (args[m2].opt == 0)
        float fac = 2.0f;
        if (accs[m2] == OP_READ || accs[m2] == OP_WRITE) // only read it
          fac = 1.0f;
        if (staging == OP_STAGE_INC && accs[m2] != OP_INC) {
          OP_plans[ip].transfer += 1;
          OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += 1;
        OP_plans[ip].transfer +=
            fac * ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] *
            dats[m2]->size; // simply read all data one by one

        /* work out how many cache lines are used by indirect addressing */

        int i_map, l_new, l_old;
        int e0 = ind_offs[m + b * ninds];       // where it starts
        int e1 = e0 + ind_sizes[m + b * ninds]; // where it ends

        l_old = -1;

        for (int e = e0; e < e1;
             e++) // iterate through every indirectly accessed data element
          i_map = ind_maps[m][e]; // the pointer to the data element
          l_new = (i_map * dats[m2]->size) /
                  OP_cache_line_size; // which cache line it is on (full size,
                                      // dim*sizeof(type))
          if (l_new > l_old) // if it is on a further cache line (that is not
                             // yet loaded, - i_map is ordered)
            OP_plans[ip].transfer2 +=
                fac * OP_cache_line_size; // load the cache line
          l_old = l_new;
          l_new = ((i_map + 1) * dats[m2]->size - 1) /
                  OP_cache_line_size; // the last byte of the data
          OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac * (l_new - l_old) *
                                    OP_cache_line_size; // again, if not loaded,
                                                        // load it (can be
                                                        // multiple cache lines)
          l_old = l_new;

        l_old = -1;

        for (int e = e0; e < e1; e++) {
          i_map = ind_maps[m][e]; // pointer to the data element
          l_new = (i_map * dats[m2]->size) /
                  (dats[m2]->dim * OP_cache_line_size); // which cache line the
                                                        // first dimension of
                                                        // the data is on
          if (l_new > l_old)
            transfer3 +=
                fac * dats[m2]->dim *
                OP_cache_line_size; // if not loaded yet, load all cache lines
          l_old = l_new;
          l_new =
              ((i_map + 1) * dats[m2]->size - 1) /
              (dats[m2]->dim * OP_cache_line_size); // primitve type's last byte
          transfer3 += fac * (l_new - l_old) * dats[m2]->dim *
                       OP_cache_line_size; // load it
          l_old = l_new;

        /* also include mappings to load/store data */

        fac = 1.0f;
        if (accs[m2] == OP_RW)
          fac = 2.0f;
        OP_plans[ip].transfer += fac * ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] * sizeof(int);
        OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac * ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] * sizeof(int);
        transfer3 += fac * ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] * sizeof(int);

  /* print out useful information */

  if (OP_diags > 1) {
    printf(" number of blocks       = %d \n", nblocks);
    printf(" number of block colors = %d \n", OP_plans[ip].ncolors);
    printf(" maximum block size     = %d \n", bsize);
    printf(" average thread colors  = %.2f \n", total_colors / nblocks);
    printf(" shared memory required = ");
    for (int i = 0; i < ncolors - 1; i++)
      printf(" %.2f KB,", OP_plans[ip].nsharedCol[i] / 1024.0f);
    printf(" %.2f KB\n", OP_plans[ip].nsharedCol[ncolors - 1] / 1024.0f);
    printf(" average data reuse     = %.2f \n",
           maxbytes * (exec_length / total_shared));
    printf(" data transfer (used)   = %.2f MB \n",
           OP_plans[ip].transfer / (1024.0f * 1024.0f));
    printf(" data transfer (total)  = %.2f MB \n",
           OP_plans[ip].transfer2 / (1024.0f * 1024.0f));
    printf(" SoA/AoS transfer ratio = %.2f \n\n",
           transfer3 / OP_plans[ip].transfer2);

  /* validate plan info */

  op_plan_check(OP_plans[ip], ninds_staged, inds_staged);

  /* free work arrays */

  for (int m = 0; m < ninds; m++)
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2);
  for (int i = 0; i < OP_kern_max; i++) {
    if (strcmp(name, OP_kernels[i].name) == 0) {
      OP_kernels[i].plan_time += wall_t2 - wall_t1;
  /* return pointer to plan */
  OP_plan_time += wall_t2 - wall_t1;
  return &(OP_plans[ip]);
op_plan * op_plan_core(char const *name, op_set set, int part_size,
                     int nargs, op_arg *args, int ninds, int *inds){

  // first look for an existing execution plan

  int ip=0, match=0;

  while (match==0 && ip<OP_plan_index) {
    if ( (strcmp(name,        OP_plans[ip].name) == 0)
             && (set       == OP_plans[ip].set       )
             && (nargs     == OP_plans[ip].nargs     )
             && (ninds     == OP_plans[ip].ninds     )
             && (part_size == OP_plans[ip].part_size ) ) {
      match = 1;
      for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++) {
        match = match && (args[m].dat == OP_plans[ip].dats[m])
                      && (args[m].map == OP_plans[ip].maps[m])
                      && (args[m].idx == OP_plans[ip].idxs[m])
                      && (args[m].acc == OP_plans[ip].accs[m]);

  if (match) {
    if (OP_diags > 3) printf(" old execution plan #%d\n",ip);
    return &(OP_plans[ip]);
  else {
    if (OP_diags > 1) printf(" new execution plan #%d for kernel %s\n",ip,name);

  // work out worst case shared memory requirement per element

  int maxbytes = 0;
  for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++) {
    if (inds[m]>=0) maxbytes += args[m].dat->size;

  // set blocksize and number of blocks;
  // adaptive size based on 48kB of shared memory

  int bsize   = part_size;   // blocksize
  if (bsize==0) bsize = (48*1024/(64*maxbytes))*64;
  int nblocks = (set->size-1)/bsize + 1;

  // enlarge OP_plans array if needed

  if (ip==OP_plan_max) {
    // printf("allocating more memory for OP_plans \n");
    OP_plan_max += 10;
    OP_plans = (op_plan *) realloc(OP_plans,OP_plan_max*sizeof(op_plan));
    if (OP_plans==NULL) {
      printf(" op_plan error -- error reallocating memory for OP_plans\n");

  // allocate memory for new execution plan and store input arguments

  OP_plans[ip].dats      = (op_dat *)malloc(nargs*sizeof(op_dat));
  OP_plans[ip].idxs      = (int *)malloc(nargs*sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].maps      = (op_map *)malloc(nargs*sizeof(op_map));
  OP_plans[ip].accs      = (op_access *)malloc(nargs*sizeof(op_access));

  OP_plans[ip].nthrcol   = (int *)malloc(nblocks*sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].thrcol    = (int *)malloc(set->size*sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].offset    = (int *)malloc(nblocks*sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].ind_maps  = (int **)malloc(ninds*sizeof(int *));
  OP_plans[ip].ind_offs  = (int *)malloc(nblocks*ninds*sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].ind_sizes = (int *)malloc(nblocks*ninds*sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].nindirect = (int *)calloc(ninds,sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].loc_maps  = (short **)malloc(nargs*sizeof(short *));
  OP_plans[ip].nelems    = (int *)malloc(nblocks*sizeof(int));
  OP_plans[ip].ncolblk   = (int *)calloc(set->size,sizeof(int)); // max possibly needed
  OP_plans[ip].blkmap    = (int *)calloc(nblocks,sizeof(int));

  for (int m=0; m<ninds; m++) {
    int count = 0;
    for (int m2=0; m2<nargs; m2++)
      if (inds[m2]==m) count++;
    OP_plans[ip].ind_maps[m] = (int *)malloc(count*set->size*sizeof(int));

  for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++) {
    if (inds[m]>=0)
      OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m] = (short *)malloc(set->size*sizeof(short));
      OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m] = NULL;

    OP_plans[ip].dats[m] = args[m].dat;
    OP_plans[ip].idxs[m] = args[m].idx;
    OP_plans[ip].maps[m] = args[m].map;
    OP_plans[ip].accs[m] = args[m].acc;

  OP_plans[ip].name      = name;
  OP_plans[ip].set       = set;
  OP_plans[ip].nargs     = nargs;
  OP_plans[ip].ninds     = ninds;
  OP_plans[ip].part_size = part_size;
  OP_plans[ip].nblocks   = nblocks;
  OP_plans[ip].count     = 1;

  // define aliases

  op_dat    *dats = OP_plans[ip].dats;
  int       *idxs = OP_plans[ip].idxs;
  op_map    *maps = OP_plans[ip].maps;
  op_access *accs = OP_plans[ip].accs;

  int  *offset    = OP_plans[ip].offset;
  int  *nelems    = OP_plans[ip].nelems;
  int **ind_maps  = OP_plans[ip].ind_maps;
  int  *ind_offs  = OP_plans[ip].ind_offs;
  int  *ind_sizes = OP_plans[ip].ind_sizes;
  int  *nindirect = OP_plans[ip].nindirect;

  // allocate working arrays

  uint **work;
  work = (uint **)malloc(ninds*sizeof(uint *));

  for (int m=0; m<ninds; m++) {
    int m2 = 0;
    while(inds[m2]!=m) m2++;

    work[m] = (uint *)malloc((maps[m2]->to)->size*sizeof(uint));

  int *work2;
  work2 = (int *)malloc(nargs*bsize*sizeof(int));  // max possibly needed

  // process set one block at a time

  float total_colors = 0;

  for (int b=0; b<nblocks; b++) {
    int bs = MIN(bsize, set->size - b*bsize);

    offset[b] = b*bsize;    // offset for block
    nelems[b] = bs;         // size of block

    // loop over indirection sets

    for (int m=0; m<ninds; m++) {

      // build the list of elements indirectly referenced in this block

      int ne = 0;  // number of elements
      for (int m2=0; m2<nargs; m2++) {
        if (inds[m2]==m) {
          for (int e=b*bsize; e<b*bsize+bs; e++)
            work2[ne++] = maps[m2]->map[idxs[m2]+e*maps[m2]->dim];

      // sort them, then eliminate duplicates

      int e = 0;
      int p = 0;
      while (p<ne) {
        work2[e] = work2[p];
        while (p<ne && work2[p]==work2[e]) p++;
      ne = e;  // number of distinct elements

      if (OP_diags > 5) {
        printf(" indirection set %d: ",m);
        for (int e=0; e<ne; e++) printf(" %d",work2[e]);
        printf(" \n");

      // store mapping and renumbered mappings in execution plan

      for (int e=0; e<ne; e++) {
        ind_maps[m][nindirect[m]++] = work2[e];
        work[m][work2[e]] = e;   // inverse mapping

      for (int m2=0; m2<nargs; m2++) {
        if (inds[m2]==m) {
          for (int e=b*bsize; e<b*bsize+bs; e++)
            OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m2][e] =

      if (b==0) {
        ind_offs[m+b*ninds]  = 0;
        ind_sizes[m+b*ninds] = nindirect[m];
      else {
        ind_offs[m+b*ninds]  = ind_offs[m+(b-1)*ninds]
                             + ind_sizes[m+(b-1)*ninds];
        ind_sizes[m+b*ninds] = nindirect[m]
                             - ind_offs[m+b*ninds];

    // now colour main set elements

    for (int e=b*bsize; e<b*bsize+bs; e++) OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e]=-1;

    int repeat  = 1;
    int ncolor  = 0;
    int ncolors = 0;

    while (repeat) {
      repeat = 0;

      for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++) {
        if (inds[m]>=0)
          for (int e=b*bsize; e<b*bsize+bs; e++)
            work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m]+e*maps[m]->dim]] = 0;  // zero out color array

      for (int e=b*bsize; e<b*bsize+bs; e++) {
        if (OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e] == -1) {
          int mask = 0;
          for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++)
            if (inds[m]>=0 && accs[m]==OP_INC)
              mask |= work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m]+e*maps[m]->dim]]; // set bits of mask

          int color = ffs(~mask) - 1;   // find first bit not set
          if (color==-1) {              // run out of colors on this pass
            repeat = 1;
          else {
            OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e] = ncolor+color;
            mask    = 1 << color;
            ncolors = MAX(ncolors, ncolor+color+1);

            for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++)
              if (inds[m]>=0 && accs[m]==OP_INC)
                work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m]+e*maps[m]->dim]] |= mask; // set color bit

      ncolor += 32;   // increment base level

    OP_plans[ip].nthrcol[b] = ncolors;  // number of thread colors in this block
    total_colors += ncolors;

    // if(ncolors>1) printf(" number of colors in this block = %d \n",ncolors);

    // reorder elements by color?


  // colour the blocks, after initialising colors to 0

  int *blk_col;
  blk_col = (int *) malloc(nblocks*sizeof(int));
  for (int b=0; b<nblocks; b++) blk_col[b] = -1;

  int repeat  = 1;
  int ncolor  = 0;
  int ncolors = 0;

  while (repeat) {
    repeat = 0;

    for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++) {
      if (inds[m]>=0) 
        for (int e=0; e<(maps[m]->to)->size; e++)
          work[inds[m]][e] = 0;               // zero out color arrays

    for (int b=0; b<nblocks; b++) {
      if (blk_col[b] == -1) {          // color not yet assigned to block
        int  bs   = MIN(bsize, set->size - b*bsize);
        uint mask = 0;

        for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++) {
          if (inds[m]>=0 && accs[m]==OP_INC) 
            for (int e=b*bsize; e<b*bsize+bs; e++)
              mask |= work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m]+e*maps[m]->dim]]; // set bits of mask

        int color = ffs(~mask) - 1;   // find first bit not set
        if (color==-1) {              // run out of colors on this pass
          repeat = 1;
        else {
          blk_col[b] = ncolor + color;
          mask    = 1 << color;
          ncolors = MAX(ncolors, ncolor+color+1);

          for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++) {
            if (inds[m]>=0 && accs[m]==OP_INC)
              for (int e=b*bsize; e<b*bsize+bs; e++)
                work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m]+e*maps[m]->dim]] |= mask;

    ncolor += 32;   // increment base level

  // store block mapping and number of blocks per color

  OP_plans[ip].ncolors = ncolors;

  for (int b=0; b<nblocks; b++)
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[blk_col[b]]++;  // number of blocks of each color

  for (int c=1; c<ncolors; c++)
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c] += OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c-1]; // cumsum

  for (int c=0; c<ncolors; c++) work2[c]=0;

  for (int b=0; b<nblocks; b++) {
    int c  = blk_col[b];
    int b2 = work2[c];     // number of preceding blocks of this color
    if (c>0) b2 += OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c-1];  // plus previous colors

    OP_plans[ip].blkmap[b2] = b;

    work2[c]++;            // increment counter

  for (int c=ncolors-1; c>0; c--)
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c] -= OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c-1]; // undo cumsum

  // reorder blocks by color?

  // work out shared memory requirements

  OP_plans[ip].nshared = 0;
  float total_shared = 0;

  for (int b=0; b<nblocks; b++) {
    int nbytes = 0;
    for (int m=0; m<ninds; m++) {
      int m2 = 0;
      while(inds[m2]!=m) m2++;

      nbytes += ROUND_UP(ind_sizes[m+b*ninds]*dats[m2]->size);
    OP_plans[ip].nshared = MAX(OP_plans[ip].nshared,nbytes);
    total_shared += nbytes;

  // work out total bandwidth requirements

  OP_plans[ip].transfer  = 0;
  OP_plans[ip].transfer2 = 0;
  float transfer3 = 0;

  for (int b=0; b<nblocks; b++) {
    for (int m=0; m<nargs; m++) {
      if (inds[m]<0) {
        float fac = 2.0f;
        if (accs[m]==OP_READ) fac = 1.0f;
        if (dats[m]!=NULL) {
        OP_plans[ip].transfer  += fac*nelems[b]*dats[m]->size;
        OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac*nelems[b]*dats[m]->size;
        transfer3              += fac*nelems[b]*dats[m]->size; 
      else {
        OP_plans[ip].transfer  += nelems[b]*sizeof(short);
        OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += nelems[b]*sizeof(short);
        transfer3              += nelems[b]*sizeof(short);
    for (int m=0; m<ninds; m++) {
      int m2 = 0;
      while(inds[m2]!=m) m2++;
      float fac = 2.0f;
      if (accs[m2]==OP_READ) fac = 1.0f;
      OP_plans[ip].transfer +=

      // work out how many cache lines are used by indirect addressing

      int i_map, l_new, l_old;
      int e0 = ind_offs[m+b*ninds];
      int e1 = e0 + ind_sizes[m+b*ninds];

      l_old = -1;

      for (int e=e0; e<e1; e++) {
        i_map = ind_maps[m][e];
        l_new = (i_map*dats[m2]->size)/OP_cache_line_size;
        if (l_new>l_old) OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac*OP_cache_line_size;
        l_old = l_new;
        l_new = ((i_map+1)*dats[m2]->size-1)/OP_cache_line_size;
        OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac*(l_new-l_old)*OP_cache_line_size;
        l_old = l_new;

      l_old = -1;

      for (int e=e0; e<e1; e++) {
        i_map = ind_maps[m][e];
        l_new = (i_map*dats[m2]->size)/(dats[m2]->dim*OP_cache_line_size);
        if (l_new>l_old) transfer3 += fac*dats[m2]->dim*OP_cache_line_size;
        l_old = l_new;
        l_new = ((i_map+1)*dats[m2]->size-1)/(dats[m2]->dim*OP_cache_line_size);
        transfer3 += fac*(l_new-l_old)*dats[m2]->dim*OP_cache_line_size;
        l_old = l_new;

      // also include mappings to load/store data

      fac = 1.0f;
      if (accs[m2]==OP_RW) fac = 2.0f;
      OP_plans[ip].transfer  += fac*ind_sizes[m+b*ninds]*sizeof(int);
      OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac*ind_sizes[m+b*ninds]*sizeof(int);
      transfer3              += fac*ind_sizes[m+b*ninds]*sizeof(int);

  // print out useful information

  if (OP_diags>1) {
    printf(" number of blocks       = %d \n",nblocks);
    printf(" number of block colors = %d \n",OP_plans[ip].ncolors);
    printf(" maximum block size     = %d \n",bsize);
    printf(" average thread colors  = %.2f \n",total_colors/nblocks);
    printf(" shared memory required = %.2f KB \n",OP_plans[ip].nshared/1024.0f);
    printf(" average data reuse     = %.2f \n",maxbytes*(set->size/total_shared));
    printf(" data transfer (used)   = %.2f MB \n",
    printf(" data transfer (total)  = %.2f MB \n",
    printf(" SoA/AoS transfer ratio = %.2f \n\n",
                                       transfer3 / OP_plans[ip].transfer2);

  // validate plan info


  // free work arrays

  for (int m=0; m<ninds; m++) free(work[m]);

  // return pointer to plan

  return &(OP_plans[ip]);
Example #3
op_plan *op_plan_core(char const *name, op_set set, int set_offset, int part_size,
    int nargs, op_arg *args, int ninds, int *inds )
  //set exec length
  int exec_length = set->size;
  for(int i = 0; i< nargs; i++)
    if(args[i].idx != -1 && args[i].acc != OP_READ )
      exec_length += set->exec_size;

  /* first look for an existing execution plan */

  int ip = 0, match = 0;

  while ( match == 0 && ip < OP_plan_index )
    if ( ( strcmp ( name, OP_plans[ip].name ) == 0 )
        && ( set == OP_plans[ip].set )
        && ( set_offset == OP_plans[ip].set_offset )
        && ( nargs == OP_plans[ip].nargs )
        && ( ninds == OP_plans[ip].ninds )
        && ( part_size == OP_plans[ip].part_size ) )
      match = op_plan_args_match ( nargs, args, OP_plans[ip] );

  if ( match )
    if ( OP_diags > 3 )
      printf ( " old execution plan #%d\n", ip );
    return &( OP_plans[ip] );
    if ( OP_diags > 1 )
      printf ( " new execution plan #%d for kernel %s\n", ip, name );

  /* work out worst case shared memory requirement per element */

  int maxbytes = 0;
  for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ )
    if ( inds[m] >= 0 )
      maxbytes += args[m].dat->size;

  /* set blocksize and number of blocks; adaptive size based on 48kB of shared memory */

  int bsize = part_size;        // blocksize
  if ( bsize == 0 )
    bsize = ( 48 * 1024 / ( 64 * maxbytes ) ) * 64;
  int nblocks = ( exec_length - 1 ) / bsize + 1;

  /* enlarge OP_plans array if needed */

  if ( ip == OP_plan_max )
    //printf("allocating more memory for OP_plans %d\n", OP_plan_max);
    OP_plan_max += 10;
    OP_plans = ( op_plan * ) realloc ( OP_plans, OP_plan_max * sizeof ( op_plan ) );
    if ( OP_plans == NULL )
      printf ( " op_plan error -- error reallocating memory for OP_plans\n" );
      exit ( -1 );

  /* allocate memory for new execution plan and store input arguments */

  OP_plans[ip].dats = ( op_dat * ) malloc ( nargs * sizeof ( op_dat ) );
  OP_plans[ip].mats = ( op_mat * ) malloc ( nargs * sizeof ( op_mat ) );
  OP_plans[ip].idxs = ( int * ) malloc ( nargs * sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].idxs2 = ( int * ) malloc ( nargs * sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].maps = ( op_map * ) malloc ( nargs * sizeof ( op_map ) );
  OP_plans[ip].maps2 = ( op_map * ) malloc ( nargs * sizeof ( op_map ) );
  OP_plans[ip].accs = ( op_access * ) malloc ( nargs * sizeof ( op_access ) );

  OP_plans[ip].nthrcol = ( int * ) malloc ( nblocks * sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].thrcol = ( int * ) malloc ( exec_length * sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].offset = ( int * ) malloc ( nblocks * sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].ind_maps = ( int ** ) malloc ( ninds * sizeof ( int * ) );
  OP_plans[ip].ind_offs = ( int * ) malloc ( nblocks * ninds * sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].ind_sizes = ( int * ) malloc ( nblocks * ninds * sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].nindirect = ( int * ) calloc ( ninds, sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].loc_maps = ( short ** ) malloc ( nargs * sizeof ( short * ) );
  OP_plans[ip].nelems = ( int * ) malloc ( nblocks * sizeof ( int ) );
  OP_plans[ip].ncolblk = ( int * ) calloc ( exec_length, sizeof ( int ) );  /* max possibly needed */
  OP_plans[ip].blkmap = ( int * ) calloc ( nblocks, sizeof ( int ) );

  for ( int m = 0; m < ninds; m++ )
    int count = 0;
    for ( int m2 = 0; m2 < nargs; m2++ )
      if ( inds[m2] == m )
    OP_plans[ip].ind_maps[m] = ( int * ) malloc ( count * exec_length * sizeof ( int ) );

  for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ )
    if ( inds[m] >= 0 )
      OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m] = ( short * ) malloc ( exec_length * sizeof ( short ) );
      OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m] = NULL;

    OP_plans[ip].dats[m] = args[m].dat;
    OP_plans[ip].idxs[m] = args[m].idx;
    OP_plans[ip].maps[m] = args[m].map;
    OP_plans[ip].accs[m] = args[m].acc;

  OP_plans[ip].name = name;
  OP_plans[ip].set = set;
  OP_plans[ip].set_offset = set_offset;
  OP_plans[ip].nargs = nargs;
  OP_plans[ip].ninds = ninds;
  OP_plans[ip].part_size = part_size;
  OP_plans[ip].nblocks = nblocks;
  OP_plans[ip].count = 1;


  /* define aliases */

  op_dat * dats = OP_plans[ip].dats;
  int * idxs = OP_plans[ip].idxs;
  op_map * maps = OP_plans[ip].maps;
  op_access * accs = OP_plans[ip].accs;

  int * offset = OP_plans[ip].offset;
  int * nelems = OP_plans[ip].nelems;
  int ** ind_maps = OP_plans[ip].ind_maps;
  int * ind_offs = OP_plans[ip].ind_offs;
  int * ind_sizes = OP_plans[ip].ind_sizes;
  int * nindirect = OP_plans[ip].nindirect;

  /* allocate working arrays */
  //printf("ninds = %d\n",ninds);
  uint **work;
  work = (uint **)malloc(ninds * sizeof(uint *));

  for ( int m = 0; m < ninds; m++ )
    int m2 = 0;
    while ( inds[m2] != m )

    int to_size = (maps[m2]->to)->exec_size + (maps[m2]->to)->nonexec_size + (maps[m2]->to)->size;
    work[m] = ( uint * )malloc( to_size * sizeof (uint));

  int *work2;
  work2 = ( int * ) malloc ( nargs * bsize * sizeof ( int ) );  /* max possibly needed */

  /* process set one block at a time */

  float total_colors = 0;

  for ( int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++ )
    int bs = MIN ( bsize, exec_length - b * bsize );/****/

    offset[b] = b * bsize;  /* offset for block */
    nelems[b] = bs;   /* size of block */

    /* loop over indirection sets */

    for ( int m = 0; m < ninds; m++ )

      /* build the list of elements indirectly referenced in this block */

      int ne = 0;/* number of elements */
      for ( int m2 = 0; m2 < nargs; m2++ )
        if ( inds[m2] == m )
          for ( int e = set_offset + b * bsize; e < set_offset + b * bsize + bs; e++ )
            work2[ne++] = maps[m2]->map[idxs[m2] + e * maps[m2]->dim];

      /* sort them, then eliminate duplicates */

      qsort(work2, ne, sizeof(int), comp);

      int nde = 0;
      int p = 0;
      while ( p < ne )
        work2[nde] = work2[p];
        while ( p < ne && work2[p] == work2[nde] )
      ne = nde; /* number of distinct elements */

         if (OP_diags > 5) { printf(" indirection set %d: ",m); for (int e=0; e<ne; e++) printf("
         %d",work2[e]); printf(" \n"); } */

      /* store mapping and renumbered mappings in execution plan */

      for ( int e = 0; e < ne; e++ )
        ind_maps[m][nindirect[m]++] = work2[e];
        work[m][work2[e]] = e;  // inverse mapping

      for ( int m2 = 0; m2 < nargs; m2++ )
        if ( inds[m2] == m )
          for ( int e = b * bsize; e < b * bsize + bs; e++ )
            OP_plans[ip].loc_maps[m2][e] = (short)(work[m][maps[m2]->map[idxs[m2] + (set_offset + e) * maps[m2]->dim]]);

      if ( b == 0 )
        ind_offs[m + b * ninds] = 0;
        ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] = nindirect[m];
        ind_offs[m + b * ninds] = ind_offs[m + ( b - 1 ) * ninds]
          + ind_sizes[m + ( b - 1 ) * ninds];
        ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] = nindirect[m] - ind_offs[m + b * ninds];

    /* now colour main set elements */

    for ( int e = b * bsize; e < b * bsize + bs; e++ )
      OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e] = -1;

    int repeat = 1;
    int ncolor = 0;
    int ncolors = 0;

    while ( repeat )
      repeat = 0;

      for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ )
        if ( inds[m] >= 0 )
          for ( int e = b * bsize; e < b * bsize + bs; e++ )
            work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] + e * maps[m]->dim]] = 0; /* zero out color array */
        //work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] + (set_offset+e) * maps[m]->dim]] = 0; /* zero out color array */

      for ( int e = b * bsize; e < b * bsize + bs; e++ )
        if ( OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e] == -1 )
          int mask = 0;
          for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ )
            if ( inds[m] >= 0 && accs[m] == OP_INC )
              mask |= work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] + (set_offset+e) * maps[m]->dim]]; /* set bits of mask

          int color = ffs ( ~mask ) - 1;  /* find first bit not set */
          if ( color == -1 )
          {                     /* run out of colors on this pass */
            repeat = 1;
            OP_plans[ip].thrcol[e] = ncolor + color;
            mask = 1 << color;
            ncolors = MAX ( ncolors, ncolor + color + 1 );

            for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ )
              if ( inds[m] >= 0 && accs[m] == OP_INC )
                work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] + (set_offset+e) * maps[m]->dim]] |= mask; /* set color bit */

      ncolor += 32;             /* increment base level */

    OP_plans[ip].nthrcol[b] = ncolors;  /* number of thread colors in this block */
    total_colors += ncolors;

    //if(ncolors>1) printf(" number of colors in this block = %d \n",ncolors);

    /* reorder elements by color? */

  /* colour the blocks, after initialising colors to 0 */

  int * blk_col;

  blk_col = ( int * ) malloc ( nblocks * sizeof ( int ) );
  for ( int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++ )
    blk_col[b] = -1;

  int repeat = 1;
  int ncolor = 0;
  int ncolors = 0;

  while ( repeat )
    repeat = 0;

    for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ )
      if ( inds[m] >= 0 )
        int to_size = (maps[m]->to)->exec_size + (maps[m]->to)->nonexec_size + (maps[m]->to)->size;
        for ( int e = 0; e < to_size; e++ )
          work[inds[m]][e] = 0; // zero out color arrays

    for ( int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++ )
      if ( blk_col[b] == -1 )
      { // color not yet assigned to block
        int bs = MIN( bsize, exec_length - b * bsize );
        uint mask = 0;

        for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ )
          if ( inds[m] >= 0 && accs[m] == OP_INC )
            for ( int e = b * bsize; e < b * bsize + bs; e++ )
              mask |= work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] +
                (set_offset + e) * maps[m]->dim]]; // set bits of mask

        int color = ffs( ~mask ) - 1; // find first bit not set
        if ( color == -1 )
        { //run out of colors on this pass
          repeat = 1;
          blk_col[b] = ncolor + color;
          mask = 1 << color;
          ncolors = MAX( ncolors, ncolor + color + 1 );

          for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ )
            if ( inds[m] >= 0 && accs[m] == OP_INC )
              for ( int e = b * bsize; e < b * bsize + bs; e++ )
                work[inds[m]][maps[m]->map[idxs[m] +
                  (set_offset+e) * maps[m]->dim]] |= mask;

    ncolor += 32;               // increment base level

  /* store block mapping and number of blocks per color */

  OP_plans[ip].ncolors = ncolors;

  /*for(int col = 0; col = OP_plans[ip].ncolors;col++) //should initialize to zero because calloc returns garbage!!
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[col] = 0;

  for ( int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++ )
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[blk_col[b]]++; // number of blocks of each color

  for ( int c = 1; c < ncolors; c++ )
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c] += OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c - 1]; // cumsum

  for ( int c = 0; c < ncolors; c++ )
    work2[c] = 0;

  for ( int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++ )
    int c = blk_col[b];
    int b2 = work2[c]; // number of preceding blocks of this color
    if ( c > 0 )
      b2 += OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c - 1];  // plus previous colors

    OP_plans[ip].blkmap[b2] = b;

    work2[c]++; //increment counter

  for ( int c = ncolors - 1; c > 0; c-- )
    OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c] -= OP_plans[ip].ncolblk[c - 1]; // undo cumsum

  /* reorder blocks by color? */

  /* work out shared memory requirements */

  OP_plans[ip].nshared = 0;
  float total_shared = 0;

  for ( int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++ )
    int nbytes = 0;
    for ( int m = 0; m < ninds; m++ )
      int m2 = 0;
      while ( inds[m2] != m )

      nbytes += ROUND_UP ( ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] * dats[m2]->size );
    OP_plans[ip].nshared = MAX ( OP_plans[ip].nshared, nbytes );
    total_shared += nbytes;

  /* work out total bandwidth requirements */

  OP_plans[ip].transfer = 0;
  OP_plans[ip].transfer2 = 0;
  float transfer3 = 0;

  for ( int b = 0; b < nblocks; b++ )
    for ( int m = 0; m < nargs; m++ ) //for each argument
      if ( inds[m] < 0 ) //if it is directly addressed
        float fac = 2.0f;
        if ( accs[m] == OP_READ ) //if you only read it - only write???
          fac = 1.0f;
        if ( dats[m] != NULL )
          OP_plans[ip].transfer += fac * nelems[b] * dats[m]->size; //cost of reading it all
          OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac * nelems[b] * dats[m]->size;
          transfer3 += fac * nelems[b] * dats[m]->size;
      else //if it is indirectly addressed: cost of reading the pointer to it
        OP_plans[ip].transfer += nelems[b] * sizeof ( short );
        OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += nelems[b] * sizeof ( short );
        transfer3 += nelems[b] * sizeof ( short );
    for ( int m = 0; m < ninds; m++ ) //for each indirect mapping
      int m2 = 0;
      while ( inds[m2] != m ) //find the first argument that uses this mapping
      float fac = 2.0f;
      if ( accs[m2] == OP_READ ) //only read it (write??)
        fac = 1.0f;
      OP_plans[ip].transfer += fac * ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] * dats[m2]->size; //simply read all data one by one

      /* work out how many cache lines are used by indirect addressing */

      int i_map, l_new, l_old;
      int e0 = ind_offs[m + b * ninds]; //where it starts
      int e1 = e0 + ind_sizes[m + b * ninds]; //where it ends

      l_old = -1;

      for ( int e = e0; e < e1; e++ ) //iterate through every indirectly accessed data element
        i_map = ind_maps[m][e]; //the pointer to the data element
        l_new = ( i_map * dats[m2]->size ) / OP_cache_line_size; //which cache line it is on (full size, dim*sizeof(type))
        if ( l_new > l_old ) //if it is on a further cache line (that is not yet loaded, - i_map is ordered)
          OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac * OP_cache_line_size; //load the cache line
        l_old = l_new;
        l_new = ( ( i_map + 1 ) * dats[m2]->size - 1 ) / OP_cache_line_size; //the last byte of the data
        OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac * ( l_new - l_old ) * OP_cache_line_size; //again, if not loaded, load it (can be multiple cache lines)
        l_old = l_new;

      l_old = -1;

      for ( int e = e0; e < e1; e++ )
        i_map = ind_maps[m][e]; //pointer to the data element
        l_new = ( i_map * dats[m2]->size ) / ( dats[m2]->dim * OP_cache_line_size ); //which cache line the first dimension of the data is on
        if ( l_new > l_old )
          transfer3 += fac * dats[m2]->dim * OP_cache_line_size; //if not loaded yet, load all cache lines
        l_old = l_new;
        l_new = ( ( i_map + 1 ) * dats[m2]->size - 1 ) / ( dats[m2]->dim * OP_cache_line_size ); //primitve type's last byte
        transfer3 += fac * ( l_new - l_old ) * dats[m2]->dim * OP_cache_line_size; //load it
        l_old = l_new;

      /* also include mappings to load/store data */

      fac = 1.0f;
      if ( accs[m2] == OP_RW )
        fac = 2.0f;
      OP_plans[ip].transfer += fac * ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] * sizeof ( int );
      OP_plans[ip].transfer2 += fac * ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] * sizeof ( int );
      transfer3 += fac * ind_sizes[m + b * ninds] * sizeof ( int );

  /* print out useful information */

  if ( OP_diags > 1 )
    printf( " number of blocks       = %d \n", nblocks );
    printf( " number of block colors = %d \n", OP_plans[ip].ncolors );
    printf( " maximum block size     = %d \n", bsize );
    printf( " average thread colors  = %.2f \n", total_colors / nblocks );
    printf( " shared memory required = %.2f KB \n", OP_plans[ip].nshared / 1024.0f );
    printf( " average data reuse     = %.2f \n", maxbytes * ( exec_length / total_shared ) );
    printf( " data transfer (used)   = %.2f MB \n",
        OP_plans[ip].transfer / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );
    printf( " data transfer (total)  = %.2f MB \n",
        OP_plans[ip].transfer2 / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );
    printf( " SoA/AoS transfer ratio = %.2f \n\n", transfer3 / OP_plans[ip].transfer2 );

  /* validate plan info */

  op_plan_check ( OP_plans[ip], ninds, inds );

  /* free work arrays */

  for ( int m = 0; m < ninds; m++ )
    free ( work[m] );
  free ( work );
  free ( work2 );
  free ( blk_col );

  /* return pointer to plan */

  return &( OP_plans[ip] );