Example #1
/* <proc> <string> kshow - */
static int
zkshow(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    gs_text_enum_t *penum;
    int code;

    check_read_type(*op, t_string);
     * Per PLRM Section xx.x, kshow is illegal if the current font is a
     * composite font.  The graphics library does not have this limitation,
     * so we check for it here.
    if (gs_currentfont(igs)->FontType == ft_composite)
    if ((code = op_show_setup(i_ctx_p, op)) != 0 ||
	(code = gs_kshow_begin(igs, op->value.bytes, r_size(op),
			       imemory, &penum)) < 0)
	return code;
    *(op_proc_t *)&penum->enum_client_data = zkshow;
    if ((code = op_show_finish_setup(i_ctx_p, penum, 2, finish_show)) < 0) {
	ifree_object(penum, "op_show_enum_setup");
	return code;
    sslot = op[-1];		/* save kerning proc */
    return op_show_continue_pop(i_ctx_p, 2);
Example #2
/* <cx> <cy> <char> <string> widthshow - */
static int
zwidthshow(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    gs_text_enum_t *penum;
    double cxy[2];
    int code;

    if ((code = op_show_setup(i_ctx_p, op)) != 0 )
	return code;
    check_type(op[-1], t_integer);
    if (gs_currentfont(igs)->FontType == ft_composite) {
        if ((gs_char) (op[-1].value.intval) != op[-1].value.intval)
    } else {
        if (op[-1].value.intval < 0 || op[-1].value.intval > 255)
	    return_error(e_rangecheck); /* per PLRM and CET 13-26 */
    if ((code = num_params(op - 2, 2, cxy)) < 0 )
        return code;
    if ((code = gs_widthshow_begin(igs, cxy[0], cxy[1],
				   (gs_char) op[-1].value.intval,
				   op->value.bytes, r_size(op),
				   imemory, &penum)) < 0)
	return code;
    *(op_proc_t *)&penum->enum_client_data = zwidthshow;
    if ((code = op_show_finish_setup(i_ctx_p, penum, 4, finish_show)) < 0) {
	ifree_object(penum, "op_show_enum_setup");
	return code;
    return op_show_continue_pop(i_ctx_p, 4);
Example #3
/* <charname> .glyphwidth <wx> <wy> */
static int
zglyphwidth(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    gs_glyph glyph;
    gs_text_enum_t *penum;
    int code;

    if ((code = glyph_show_setup(i_ctx_p, &glyph)) != 0 ||
        (code = gs_glyphwidth_begin(igs, glyph, imemory, &penum)) < 0)
        return code;
    if ((code = op_show_finish_setup(i_ctx_p, penum, 1, finish_stringwidth)) < 0) {
        ifree_object(penum, "zglyphwidth");
        return code;
    return op_show_continue_pop(i_ctx_p, 1);
Example #4
/* <string> show - */
static int
zshow(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    gs_text_enum_t *penum;
    int code = op_show_setup(i_ctx_p, op);

    if (code != 0 ||
	(code = gs_show_begin(igs, op->value.bytes, r_size(op), imemory, &penum)) < 0)
	return code;
    *(op_proc_t *)&penum->enum_client_data = zshow;
    if ((code = op_show_finish_setup(i_ctx_p, penum, 1, finish_show)) < 0) {
	ifree_object(penum, "op_show_enum_setup");
	return code;
    return op_show_continue_pop(i_ctx_p, 1);
Example #5
/* <charname> glyphshow - */
static int
zglyphshow(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    gs_glyph glyph;
    gs_text_enum_t *penum;
    int code;

    if ((code = glyph_show_setup(i_ctx_p, &glyph)) != 0 ||
        (code = gs_glyphshow_begin(igs, glyph, imemory_local, &penum)) < 0)
        return code;
    *(op_proc_t *)&penum->enum_client_data = zglyphshow;
    if ((code = op_show_finish_setup(i_ctx_p, penum, 1, NULL)) < 0) {
        ifree_object(penum, "zglyphshow");
        return code;
    return op_show_continue_pop(i_ctx_p, 1);
Example #6
/* <ax> <ay> <string> ashow - */
static int
zashow(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
    os_ptr op = osp;
    gs_text_enum_t *penum;
    double axy[2];
    int code = num_params(op - 1, 2, axy);

    if (code < 0 ||
	(code = op_show_setup(i_ctx_p, op)) != 0 ||
	(code = gs_ashow_begin(igs, axy[0], axy[1], op->value.bytes, r_size(op), imemory, &penum)) < 0)
	return code;
    *(op_proc_t *)&penum->enum_client_data = zashow;
    if ((code = op_show_finish_setup(i_ctx_p, penum, 3, finish_show)) < 0) {
	ifree_object(penum, "op_show_enum_setup");
	return code;
    return op_show_continue_pop(i_ctx_p, 3);
Example #7
/* Common code for charpath and .charboxpath. */
static int
zchar_path(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, op_proc_t proc, 
	   int (*begin)(gs_state *, const byte *, uint,
			bool, gs_memory_t *, gs_text_enum_t **))
    os_ptr op = osp;
    gs_text_enum_t *penum;
    int code;

    check_type(*op, t_boolean);
    code = op_show_setup(i_ctx_p, op - 1);
    if (code != 0 ||
	(code = begin(igs, op[-1].value.bytes, r_size(op - 1),
		      op->value.boolval, imemory, &penum)) < 0)
	return code;
    *(op_proc_t *)&penum->enum_client_data = proc;
    if ((code = op_show_finish_setup(i_ctx_p, penum, 2, finish_show)) < 0) {
	ifree_object(penum, "op_show_enum_setup");
	return code;
    return op_show_continue_pop(i_ctx_p, 2);