Example #1
void testInputFiles(int numFilenames, char* filename[]) {
  inputFilenames = (const char**)malloc((numFilenames+1)*sizeof(char*));
  int i;
  char achar;

  for (i = 0; i < numFilenames; i++) {
    if (!isRecognizedSource(filename[i])) {
      USR_FATAL(astr("file '",
                     "' does not have a recognized suffix"));
    // WE SHOULDN"T TRY TO OPEN .h files, just .c and .chpl and .o
    if (!isCHeader(filename[i])) {
      FILE* testfile = openInputFile(filename[i]);
      if (fscanf(testfile, "%c", &achar) != 1) {
        USR_FATAL(astr("source file '",
                       "' is either empty or a directory"));


    inputFilenames[i] = astr(filename[i]);

  inputFilenames[i] = NULL;

  if (!foundChplSource)
    USR_FATAL("Command line contains no .chpl source files");
Example #2
void readBigHouseCDF(vector<double> &CDF_Sample, vector<double> &CDF_Prob, const string fileName, ifstream &handle){

	openInputFile(fileName, handle);

	string line = "";
		while (getline(handle, line)){
			istringstream record(line);
			string last;
			record >> last;
			// BigHouse stores Google search CDF in "second" unit. Need to scale by 1000. 
			if (fileName.compare("search.service.cdf") == 0){
				CDF_Sample.push_back(1000 * stod(last));
			else if (fileName.compare("search.arrival.cdf") == 0){
				// Multiply by 16 because there are 16 servers. 
				CDF_Sample.push_back(1000 * 16 * stod(last));
			record >> last;
	catch (const ifstream::failure &e){
		assert(CDF_Prob.size() == CDF_Sample.size());

Example #3
void ModelInput::readInputFile(){

    // Unwrap the reference:
    auto &domain = domainRef.get();
    auto &solver = domain.getSolver();

    if (not ifs.is_open()){

    std::string dummy = "";

    // header
    readParams(ifs, dummy);

    // gravitational acceleration
    readParams(ifs, solver->g);

    // total number of timesteps
    readParams(ifs, solver->tnts);

    // one timestep in seconds
    readParams(ifs, solver->dt);

    // output parameters:
    readParams(ifs, dummy, domain.qOutput->qts, domain.pts);


Example #4
int main(){
	char allStar = '\0', regularMVP = '\0', worldMVP = '\0', goldGlove = '\0', silverSlug = '\0',
		homeRun = '\0', battingAve = '\0', gender = '\0';
	int bonus = 0, num1 = 0, num2 = 0, num3 = 0, num4 = 0, num5 = 0, 
		 activityLevel = 0, menuChoice = 0, i = 0;
	double weight = 0, height = 0, age = 0, bmr = 0, calories = 0, result = 0;
	FILE *inputFile = NULL;

	inputFile = openInputFile();
	gender = readCharacter(inputFile);
	age = readNumber(inputFile);
	weight = readNumber(inputFile);
	height = readNumber(inputFile);

	bmr = computeBMR(gender, weight, height, age);
	activityLevel = determineActivityLevel();
	calories = computeCalories(bmr, activityLevel);
	printf("Calories needed per day are: %.0lf\n", calories);

	allStar = getBaseballAchievements("All-Star Game appearance");
	bonus += determineBonus(allStar, 25000);
	regularMVP = getBaseballAchievements("Regular Season MVP");
	bonus += determineBonus(regularMVP, 75000);
	worldMVP = getBaseballAchievements("World Series MVP");
	bonus += determineBonus(worldMVP, 100000);
	goldGlove = getBaseballAchievements("Gold Glove award");
	bonus += determineBonus(goldGlove, 50000);
	silverSlug = getBaseballAchievements("Silver Slugger award");
	bonus += determineBonus(silverSlug, 35000);
	homeRun = getBaseballAchievements("Home run champ");
	bonus += determineBonus(homeRun, 25000);
	battingAve = getBaseballAchievements("Batting average champ");
	bonus += determineBonus(battingAve, 25000);

	printf("Total player bonus is %d\n", bonus);
		int i = 0;*/
	num1 = readInteger(inputFile);
	num2 = readInteger(inputFile);
	num3 = readInteger(inputFile);
	num4 = readInteger(inputFile);
	num5 = readInteger(inputFile);

	while (i < 3){
		menuChoice = displayMenu();
		result = calculateResult(menuChoice, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5);
		displayResult(menuChoice, result);
	return 0;
Example #5
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    parseArgs(argc, argv);
    fprintf(stdout, "Lines Skipped: %ld / Lines Processed: %llu\n", _linesSkipped, _linesProcessed);
Example #6
boost::shared_ptr<IqTexInputFile> IqTexInputFile::open(const boostfs::path& fileName)
	boost::shared_ptr<IqTexInputFile> file = openInputFile(guessFileType(fileName), fileName);
		return file;
		AQSIS_THROW_XQERROR(XqInvalidFile, EqE_BadFile, "Unknown file type for \""
				<< fileName << "\"");

	return boost::shared_ptr<IqTexInputFile>();
Example #7
void addSourceFiles(int numNewFilenames, const char* filename[]) {
  static int numInputFiles = 0;
  int cursor = numInputFiles;
  char achar;
  numInputFiles += numNewFilenames;
  inputFilenames = (const char**)realloc(inputFilenames,

  for (int i = 0; i < numNewFilenames; i++) {
    if (!isRecognizedSource(filename[i])) {
      USR_FATAL(astr("file '",
                     "' does not have a recognized suffix"));
    // WE SHOULDN"T TRY TO OPEN .h files, just .c and .chpl and .o
    if (!isCHeader(filename[i])) {
      FILE* testfile = openInputFile(filename[i]);
      if (fscanf(testfile, "%c", &achar) != 1) {
        USR_FATAL(astr("source file '",
                       "' is either empty or a directory"));


    // Don't add the same file twice -- it's unnecessary and can mess
    // up things like unprotected headers
    bool duplicate = false;
    const char* newFilename = astr(filename[i]);
    for (int j = 0; j < cursor; j++) {
      if (inputFilenames[j] == newFilename) {  // legal due to astr()
        duplicate = true;
    if (duplicate) {
    } else {
      inputFilenames[cursor++] = newFilename;
  inputFilenames[cursor] = NULL;

  if (!foundChplSource && fUseIPE == false)
    USR_FATAL("Command line contains no .chpl source files");
int main() {
  printf("start of program: "); heapReport();
  FILE *inputFile = openInputFile("input.txt");
  FILE *outputFile = openOutputFile("output.txt");

  LinkedList list;

  // Read 10 integers from the input file, adding them
  // alternately to the beginning and end of the list.
  // After each change to the list, write the contents of the
  // list to the output file.

  fprintf(outputFile, "CREATING LIST:\n");
  int count;
  for (count = 1; count <= 5; count++) {
    list = readAndAddToStart(list, inputFile);
    printList(list, outputFile);
    list = readAndAddToEnd(list, inputFile);
    printList(list, outputFile);
  } // end for

  // Show heap space used on standard input
  printf("after creating list: "); heapReport();

  fprintf(outputFile, "\nWHILE DELETING FROM LIST:\n");
  int start = 1; // 1 (true) means addint to start
  while (list != NULL) {
    if (start) 
      list = deleteFirst(list);
      list = deleteLast(list);
    start = !start;
    printList(list, outputFile);
  } // end for

  // Show heap space again; if delete functions have freed space
  // it should be zero.
  printf("after emptying list: "); heapReport();

  printf("after closing files: "); heapReport();

  return 0;
} // end main
Example #9
 * \brief MainWindow::MainWindow
 * \param parent
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
    : QMainWindow(parent),
      ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    ui->qwtPlot->setAxisTitle(ui->qwtPlot->xBottom, "Epoch");
    ui->qwtPlot->setAxisAutoScale( ui->qwtPlot->xBottom, true );
    ui->qwtPlot->setAxisAutoScale( ui->qwtPlot->yLeft, true );
    ui->stopButton->setVisible( false );
    ui->saveButton->setVisible( false );
    zoom = new QwtPlotZoomer(ui->qwtPlot->canvas());
    QPen pen = QPen( Qt::red );
    curve.setRenderHint( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased );
    curve.setPen( pen );
    curve.attach( ui->qwtPlot );

    // INFO connect ui to mainwindow
        QObject::connect( ui->saveImageButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
                          this, SLOT( saveImage() ) );
       QObject::connect( ui->inputOpenButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
                          this, SLOT( openInputFile() ) );
        QObject::connect( ui->saveButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
                          this, SLOT( openOutputFile() ) );
        QObject::connect( ui->startButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
                          this, SLOT( start() ) );
        QObject::connect( ui->startButton, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ),
                          ui->stopButton, SLOT( setVisible(bool) ) );
        QObject::connect( ui->alphaMantiss, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ),
                          this, SLOT( sendAlpha() ) );
        QObject::connect( ui->alphaDegree, SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ),
                          this, SLOT( sendAlpha() ) );

    // INFO connectio ui to ui
//    /* INFO connection ui to facade
        QObject::connect( ui->stopButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
                          &Facade::getInstance(), SLOT( stopProcess() ) );

        QObject::connect( ui->maxEpoch, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ),
                          &Facade::getInstance(), SLOT( setMaxNumberOfEpoh(int) ) );

        QObject::connect( ui->numberOfNeurons, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ),
                          &Facade::getInstance(), SLOT( setNumberOfNeurons(int) ) );

//    */
//    /* INFO connection facade to ui
        QObject::connect( &Facade::getInstance(), SIGNAL( processEnd() ),
                          ui->startButton, SLOT( show() ) );
        QObject::connect( &Facade::getInstance(), SIGNAL( processEnd() ),
                          ui->saveButton, SLOT( show() ) );
        QObject::connect( &Facade::getInstance(), SIGNAL( processEnd() ),
                          ui->stopButton, SLOT( hide() ) );
//    */
//    /* INFO connection facade to main window
//        QObject::connect( &Facade::getInstance(), SIGNAL( sendInitialLayerInfo(LayerDescription)),
//                          this, SLOT( setInitialLayerInfo( LayerDescription ) ) );
        QObject::connect( &Facade::getInstance(), SIGNAL( processEnd() ),
                          this, SLOT( displayResults() ) );
//    */
//    /* INFO connection main window to facade
        QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL( setInputFileName(QString) ),
                          &Facade::getInstance(), SLOT( setInputFileName(QString) ) );
        QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL( setOutputFileName(QString) ),
                          &Facade::getInstance(), SLOT( setOutputFileName(QString) ) );
        QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL( setAlpha( double ) ),
                          &Facade::getInstance(), SLOT( setAlhpa( double ) ) );
//    */
Example #10
void Server::run(const string rho_in, const string cdf_ser, const string cdf_arr){

	rho_in is the utilization log. cdf_ser and cdf_arr are cdf distributions used to generate workload. SleepScale is called every T mins
	and only when job log has accumulated JOB_LOG_LENGTH = 10,000 jobs.

	// Open those files!
	this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Preparing SleepScale..." << endl;
	ifstream rhoIn;
	openInputFile(rho_in, rhoIn);

	ifstream rhoInOffline;
	openInputFile(rho_in, rhoInOffline);

	// arr_sample and arr_prob stores the histogram of inter-arrival time. The probability of each entry in arr_sample is stored in arr_prob 
	vector<double> CDF_arrSample;
	vector<double> CDF_arrProb;
	vector<double> CDF_serSample;
	vector<double> CDF_serProb;

	ifstream arrCdfFile;
	readBigHouseCDF(CDF_arrSample, CDF_arrProb, cdf_arr, arrCdfFile);

	ifstream serCdfFile;	
	readBigHouseCDF(CDF_serSample, CDF_serProb, cdf_ser, serCdfFile);
	this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] All files are open. CDFs are read!" << endl;

	this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Constructing the estimator..." << endl;
	// Construct the estimator
	this->estimator = make_shared<Estimator>(EST_LOOKBACK, rhoIn, this->logOut);

	this->logOut << "[SlEEPSCALE] Ensuring the clock is reset -- current minute # is " << this->minute << endl;
	this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] SleepScale is ready!" << endl;
	this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Starting SleepScale..." << endl;

	// Initialize the first policy
	shared_ptr<PowerState> lastBestPolicy = this->allPolicy.at(0);

	while (this->estimator->estimatorStatus && this->estimator->observorStatus){

		this->logOut << endl;
		// cout << "====== MINUTE # " << this->minute << endl;

		this->logOut << "====== STARTING MINUTE # " << this->minute << endl;

		// Estimate rho
		this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Estimating the utilization for minute # " << this->minute << endl;

#ifndef DO_OFFLINE
		this->estimator->estimateRho(this->logOut, rhoInOffline);

		// Run SleepScale only after job log size reaches JOB_LOG_LENGTH and every UPDATE_INTERVAL minutes
		if (this->minute > 0 && this->minute % UPDATE_INTERVAL == 0 && this->jobLog.readyForSleepScale()){

			assert(this->jobLog.getSize() == this->jobLog.size);

			this->logOut << "+++++++++++++++ Time to adjust policy at minute # " << this->minute << endl;
			Run the server in SleepScale. The server is ran at the end of every UPDATE_INTERVAL minutes, before calling SleepScale. 
			The policy it uses to run is calculated by the previous SleepScale process. 
			this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Run the server" << endl;
			this->doQueue(lastBestPolicy, this->jobQueue);			

			// Run the server using baseline. 
			this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Run the baseline" << endl;
			this->doQueueBaseline(this->allPolicy.at(0), this->jobQueue);

			// Workload queue is cleared. 
			this->jobQueue.clear(); // Clear job queue

			// Then do SleepScale. SleepScale only has access to the job log. It has to adjust their 
			// inter-arrival time to match the predicted utilization. 
			this->logOut << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now do SleepScale!" << endl;
			// Do SleepScale
			lastBestPolicy = this->doSleepScale();
			// Observe a new rho for the next minute. 
			this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Observe the utilization of minute # " << this->minute << endl;
			double newRho = this->estimator->observeRho(rhoIn, this->logOut);

			if (newRho >= 0){
				// Generate workload by sampling CDFs. 
				this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Generate workload for minute # " << this->minute << " under utilization " << newRho << "." << endl;
				generateWorkloadCDF(CDF_serProb, CDF_serSample, CDF_arrProb, CDF_arrSample, this->minute, newRho);
			else {
				this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Observer reached the EoF. Preparing to terminate!" << endl;


			// If SleepScale is not done in this minute, observe a new rho for the next minute. 
			this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Observe the utilization of minute # " << this->minute << endl;
			double newRho = this->estimator->observeRho(rhoIn, this->logOut);

			if (newRho >= 0){
				// Generate workload by sampling CDFs. Remember to keep track of the utilization
				this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Generate workload for minute # " << this->minute << " under utilization " << newRho << "." << endl;
				generateWorkloadCDF(CDF_serProb, CDF_serSample, CDF_arrProb, CDF_arrSample, this->minute, newRho);
			else { // If reaches the EoF, then run the server and terminate. 
				this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Observer reached the EoF. Preparing to terminate!" << endl;

				this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Run the server" << endl;
				this->doQueue(lastBestPolicy, this->jobQueue);


				// Run the server using baseline. 
				this->logOut << "[SLEEPSCALE] Run the baseline" << endl;
				this->doQueueBaseline(this->allPolicy.at(0), this->jobQueue);



Example #11
//Opens user specified file, compares data, and prints results
void printStockValue()
	int fdIn = openInputFile();//Stores file descriptor
	char temp[4096] = "NULL";//Stores input data
	int res = read(fdIn,&temp[0],1);
	int count = 1;//Array index
	char symbol[50] = "NULL";
	double price;
	Node * cur;
	double CV;//Current value
	double PV;//Purchase value
	double PL;//Profit/Loss
	int count2 = 0;//Line feeds in file
	while(res != 0)
		res = read(fdIn,&temp[count],1);
		if(temp[count] == 10)//Line feed

	//Begin parse
	char * t = strtok(temp," ");
	int j;
	for(j=0; j < count2;j++)//Go until count reaches number of lines read
		t = strtok(NULL,"\n");
		price = atof(t);
		for(cur=head;cur!=NULL;cur = cur->next)
			if(strcmp(((Stock*)(cur->data))->c.symbol,symbol) == 0)//Same symbol
				//Compare and print results
				CV = (price)*((Stock*)(cur->data))->shares;
				PV = (((Stock*)(cur->data))->shares)*(((Stock*)(cur->data))->price);
				PL = CV-PV;
				printf("%s current price: %.2lf\n",((Stock*)(cur->data))->c.name,price);
				printf("	Current Value:	$%.2lf\n",CV);
				printf("	Puchase Value:	$%.2lf\n",PV);
				if(PL < 0)//Lost value
					PL = (PL)*(-1);
					printf("	Profit/Loss:	$(%.2lf)\n",PL);
					printf("	Profit/Loss:	$%.2lf\n",PL);
		t = strtok(NULL," ");
		if(t != NULL)
Example #12
void SFVGridInput::readInputFile(){

    // Unwrap the reference:
    auto &domain = domainRef.get();
    auto &grid = domain.getSolver()->getGrid();

    if (not ifs.is_open()){

    if (fileFormat=="asmfv-1D"){

        std::string dummy = "";

        // Boundary layer thickness (hard-coded)
        grid->nbt = 1;

        // header
        readParams(ifs, dummy);

        // domain type
        readParams(ifs, dummy);

        // ni: number of columns (x-direction)
        readParams(ifs, grid->ni);

        // nj: number of rows (y-direction)
        grid->nj = 1;

        // x0: x-coordinate of the lower left cell
        readParams(ifs, grid->x0);

        // dx: x-coordinate of the lower left cell
        readParams(ifs, grid->dx);

        // lbtype, rbtype
        readParams(ifs, grid->lbtype, grid->rbtype);

        // zd: default z value
        readParams(ifs, grid->zd);

        // generate the cell instances:
        for (unsigned int id=0; id<grid->get_ninj(); ++id){
            grid->cells.back().z = grid->zd;

        // Read in non-default z values
        std::string line;
        std::vector<std::string> sline;
        auto cellTypeIndex = std::type_index(typeid(Cell));
        while (getline( ifs, line)){
            sline = splitLine(line);
            int id = atoi((sline[0]).c_str());
            grid->cells[grid->id2pos[cellTypeIndex][id]].z = atof((sline[1]).c_str());

        // Construct the adjacency
        for (unsigned int pos=1; pos<grid->get_ninj(); ++pos){
            grid->cells[pos].left = &(grid->cells[pos-1]);
            grid->cells[pos-1].right = &(grid->cells[pos]);

    else if (fileFormat=="esri"){
        Report::error("SFVGridInput!","esri format not implemented yet");
        Report::error("SFVGridInput!","Invalid grid format: "+fileFormat);

Example #13
bool EfmProcess::process(QString inputEfmFilename, QString outputAudioFilename, QString outputDataFilename, bool verboseDebug)
    // Open the input file
    if (!openInputFile(inputEfmFilename)) {
        qCritical("Could not open input file!");
        return false;

    bool processAudio = false;
    bool processData = false;
    if (!outputAudioFilename.isEmpty()) processAudio = true;
    if (!outputDataFilename.isEmpty()) processData = true;

    qint64 inputFileSize = inputFileHandle->size();
    qint64 inputBytesProcessed = 0;
    qint32 lastPercent = 0;

    // Open the audio output file
    if (processAudio) f2FramesToAudio.openOutputFile(outputAudioFilename);

    // Open the data decode output file
    if (processData) sectorsToData.openOutputFile(outputDataFilename);

    // Open the metadata JSON file
    if (processAudio) sectionToMeta.openOutputFile(outputAudioFilename + ".subcode.json");
    if (processData) sectorsToMeta.openOutputFile(outputDataFilename + ".data.json");

    // Turn on verbose debug if required
    if (verboseDebug) efmToF3Frames.setVerboseDebug(true);

    QByteArray efmBuffer;
    while ((efmBuffer = readEfmData()).size() != 0) {
        inputBytesProcessed += efmBuffer.size();

        // Convert the EFM buffer data into F3 frames
        QVector<F3Frame> f3Frames = efmToF3Frames.convert(efmBuffer);

        // Convert the F3 frames into F2 frames
        QVector<F2Frame> f2Frames = f3ToF2Frames.convert(f3Frames);

        // Convert the F2 frames into F1 frames
        QVector<F1Frame> f1Frames = f2ToF1Frames.convert(f2Frames);

        if (processData) {
            // Convert the F1 frames to data sectors
            QVector<Sector> sectors = f1ToSectors.convert(f1Frames);

            // Write the sectors as data

            // Process the sector meta data

        // Convert the F2 frames into audio
        if (processAudio) f2FramesToAudio.convert(f2Frames);

        // Convert the F3 frames into subcode sections
        QVector<Section> sections = f3ToSections.convert(f3Frames);

        // Process the sections to audio metadata
        if (processAudio) sectionToMeta.process(sections);

        // Show EFM processing progress update to user
        qreal percent = (100.0 / static_cast<qreal>(inputFileSize)) * static_cast<qreal>(inputBytesProcessed);
        if (static_cast<qint32>(percent) > lastPercent) qInfo().nospace() << "Processed " << static_cast<qint32>(percent) << "% of the input EFM";
        lastPercent = static_cast<qint32>(percent);

    // Report on the status of the various processes
    reportStatus(processAudio, processData);

    // Close the input file

    // Close the output files
    if (processAudio) f2FramesToAudio.closeOutputFile();
    if (processAudio) sectionToMeta.closeOutputFile();
    if (processData) sectorsToData.closeOutputFile();
    if (processData) sectorsToMeta.closeOutputFile();

    return true;
Example #14
int QgsRelief::processRaster( QgsFeedback *feedback )
  //open input file
  int xSize, ySize;
  GDALDatasetH  inputDataset = openInputFile( xSize, ySize );
  if ( !inputDataset )
    return 1; //opening of input file failed

  //output driver
  GDALDriverH outputDriver = openOutputDriver();
  if ( !outputDriver )
    return 2;

  GDALDatasetH outputDataset = openOutputFile( inputDataset, outputDriver );
  if ( !outputDataset )
    return 3; //create operation on output file failed

  //initialize dependency filters with cell sizes
  mHillshadeFilter285->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mHillshadeFilter285->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mHillshadeFilter285->setZFactor( mZFactor );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setZFactor( mZFactor );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setZFactor( mZFactor );
  mSlopeFilter->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mSlopeFilter->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mSlopeFilter->setZFactor( mZFactor );
  mAspectFilter->setCellSizeX( mCellSizeX );
  mAspectFilter->setCellSizeY( mCellSizeY );
  mAspectFilter->setZFactor( mZFactor );

  //open first raster band for reading (operation is only for single band raster)
  GDALRasterBandH rasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( inputDataset, 1 );
  if ( !rasterBand )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 4;
  mInputNodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( rasterBand, nullptr );
  mSlopeFilter->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );
  mAspectFilter->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter285->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setInputNodataValue( mInputNodataValue );

  GDALRasterBandH outputRedBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset, 1 );
  GDALRasterBandH outputGreenBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset, 2 );
  GDALRasterBandH outputBlueBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset, 3 );

  if ( !outputRedBand || !outputGreenBand || !outputBlueBand )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 5;
  //try to set -9999 as nodata value
  GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( outputRedBand, -9999 );
  GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( outputGreenBand, -9999 );
  GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( outputBlueBand, -9999 );
  mOutputNodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( outputRedBand, nullptr );
  mSlopeFilter->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );
  mAspectFilter->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter285->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter300->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );
  mHillshadeFilter315->setOutputNodataValue( mOutputNodataValue );

  if ( ySize < 3 ) //we require at least three rows (should be true for most datasets)
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 6;

  //keep only three scanlines in memory at a time
  float *scanLine1 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );
  float *scanLine2 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );
  float *scanLine3 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );

  unsigned char *resultRedLine = ( unsigned char * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * xSize );
  unsigned char *resultGreenLine = ( unsigned char * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * xSize );
  unsigned char *resultBlueLine = ( unsigned char * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( unsigned char ) * xSize );

  bool resultOk;

  //values outside the layer extent (if the 3x3 window is on the border) are sent to the processing method as (input) nodata values
  for ( int i = 0; i < ySize; ++i )
    if ( feedback )
      feedback->setProgress( 100.0 * i / static_cast< double >( ySize ) );

    if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )

    if ( i == 0 )
      //fill scanline 1 with (input) nodata for the values above the first row and feed scanline2 with the first row
      for ( int a = 0; a < xSize; ++a )
        scanLine1[a] = mInputNodataValue;
      if ( GDALRasterIO( rasterBand, GF_Read, 0, 0, xSize, 1, scanLine2, xSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 )  != CE_None )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Raster IO Error" );
      //normally fetch only scanLine3 and release scanline 1 if we move forward one row
      CPLFree( scanLine1 );
      scanLine1 = scanLine2;
      scanLine2 = scanLine3;
      scanLine3 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );

    if ( i == ySize - 1 ) //fill the row below the bottom with nodata values
      for ( int a = 0; a < xSize; ++a )
        scanLine3[a] = mInputNodataValue;
      if ( GDALRasterIO( rasterBand, GF_Read, 0, i + 1, xSize, 1, scanLine3, xSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Raster IO Error" );

    for ( int j = 0; j < xSize; ++j )
      if ( j == 0 )
        resultOk = processNineCellWindow( &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine1[j], &scanLine1[j + 1], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine2[j], \
                                          &scanLine2[j + 1], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine3[j], &scanLine3[j + 1], \
                                          &resultRedLine[j], &resultGreenLine[j], &resultBlueLine[j] );
      else if ( j == xSize - 1 )
        resultOk = processNineCellWindow( &scanLine1[j - 1], &scanLine1[j], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine2[j - 1], &scanLine2[j], \
                                          &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine3[j - 1], &scanLine3[j], &mInputNodataValue, \
                                          &resultRedLine[j], &resultGreenLine[j], &resultBlueLine[j] );
        resultOk = processNineCellWindow( &scanLine1[j - 1], &scanLine1[j], &scanLine1[j + 1], &scanLine2[j - 1], &scanLine2[j], \
                                          &scanLine2[j + 1], &scanLine3[j - 1], &scanLine3[j], &scanLine3[j + 1], \
                                          &resultRedLine[j], &resultGreenLine[j], &resultBlueLine[j] );

      if ( !resultOk )
        resultRedLine[j] = mOutputNodataValue;
        resultGreenLine[j] = mOutputNodataValue;
        resultBlueLine[j] = mOutputNodataValue;

    if ( GDALRasterIO( outputRedBand, GF_Write, 0, i, xSize, 1, resultRedLine, xSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Raster IO Error" );
    if ( GDALRasterIO( outputGreenBand, GF_Write, 0, i, xSize, 1, resultGreenLine, xSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Raster IO Error" );
    if ( GDALRasterIO( outputBlueBand, GF_Write, 0, i, xSize, 1, resultBlueLine, xSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Raster IO Error" );

  if ( feedback )
    feedback->setProgress( 100 );

  CPLFree( resultRedLine );
  CPLFree( resultBlueLine );
  CPLFree( resultGreenLine );
  CPLFree( scanLine1 );
  CPLFree( scanLine2 );
  CPLFree( scanLine3 );

  GDALClose( inputDataset );

  if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )
    //delete the dataset without closing (because it is faster)
    GDALDeleteDataset( outputDriver, mOutputFile.toUtf8().constData() );
    return 7;
  GDALClose( outputDataset );

  return 0;
Example #15
QList< QgsRelief::ReliefColor > QgsRelief::calculateOptimizedReliefClasses()
  QList< QgsRelief::ReliefColor > resultList;

  int nCellsX, nCellsY;
  GDALDatasetH inputDataset = openInputFile( nCellsX, nCellsY );
  if ( !inputDataset )
    return resultList;

  //open first raster band for reading (elevation raster is always single band)
  GDALRasterBandH elevationBand = GDALGetRasterBand( inputDataset, 1 );
  if ( !elevationBand )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return resultList;

  //1. get minimum and maximum of elevation raster -> 252 elevation classes
  int minOk, maxOk;
  double minMax[2];
  minMax[0] = GDALGetRasterMinimum( elevationBand, &minOk );
  minMax[1] = GDALGetRasterMaximum( elevationBand, &maxOk );

  if ( !minOk || !maxOk )
    GDALComputeRasterMinMax( elevationBand, true, minMax );

  //2. go through raster cells and get frequency of classes

  //store elevation frequency in 256 elevation classes
  double frequency[252];
  double frequencyClassRange = ( minMax[1] - minMax[0] ) / 252.0;
  //initialize to zero
  for ( int i = 0; i < 252; ++i )
    frequency[i] = 0;

  float *scanLine = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) *  nCellsX );
  int elevationClass = -1;

  for ( int i = 0; i < nCellsY; ++i )
    if ( GDALRasterIO( elevationBand, GF_Read, 0, i, nCellsX, 1,
                       scanLine, nCellsX, 1, GDT_Float32,
                       0, 0 ) != CE_None )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Raster IO Error" );
    for ( int j = 0; j < nCellsX; ++j )
      elevationClass = frequencyClassForElevation( scanLine[j], minMax[0], frequencyClassRange );
      if ( elevationClass < 0 )
        elevationClass = 0;
      else if ( elevationClass >= 252 )
        elevationClass = 251;
      frequency[elevationClass] += 1.0;

  CPLFree( scanLine );

  //log10 transformation for all frequency values
  for ( int i = 0; i < 252; ++i )
    frequency[i] = std::log10( frequency[i] );

  //start with 9 uniformly distributed classes
  QList<int> classBreaks;
  classBreaks.append( 0 );
  classBreaks.append( 28 );
  classBreaks.append( 56 );
  classBreaks.append( 84 );
  classBreaks.append( 112 );
  classBreaks.append( 140 );
  classBreaks.append( 168 );
  classBreaks.append( 196 );
  classBreaks.append( 224 );
  classBreaks.append( 252 );

  for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
    optimiseClassBreaks( classBreaks, frequency );

  //debug, print out all the classbreaks
  for ( int i = 0; i < classBreaks.size(); ++i )
    qWarning( "%d", classBreaks[i] );

  //set colors according to optimised class breaks
  QVector<QColor> colorList;
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 7, 165, 144 ) );
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 12, 221, 162 ) );
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 33, 252, 183 ) );
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 247, 252, 152 ) );
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 252, 196, 8 ) );
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 252, 166, 15 ) );
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 175, 101, 15 ) );
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 255, 133, 92 ) );
  colorList.push_back( QColor( 204, 204, 204 ) );

  resultList.reserve( classBreaks.size() );
  for ( int i = 1; i < classBreaks.size(); ++i )
    double minElevation = minMax[0] + classBreaks[i - 1] * frequencyClassRange;
    double maxElevation = minMax[0] + classBreaks[i] * frequencyClassRange;
    resultList.push_back( QgsRelief::ReliefColor( colorList.at( i - 1 ), minElevation, maxElevation ) );

  return resultList;
Example #16
//this function is mainly there for debugging
bool QgsRelief::exportFrequencyDistributionToCsv( const QString &file )
  int nCellsX, nCellsY;
  GDALDatasetH inputDataset = openInputFile( nCellsX, nCellsY );
  if ( !inputDataset )
    return false;

  //open first raster band for reading (elevation raster is always single band)
  GDALRasterBandH elevationBand = GDALGetRasterBand( inputDataset, 1 );
  if ( !elevationBand )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    return false;

  //1. get minimum and maximum of elevation raster -> 252 elevation classes
  int minOk, maxOk;
  double minMax[2];
  minMax[0] = GDALGetRasterMinimum( elevationBand, &minOk );
  minMax[1] = GDALGetRasterMaximum( elevationBand, &maxOk );

  if ( !minOk || !maxOk )
    GDALComputeRasterMinMax( elevationBand, true, minMax );

  //2. go through raster cells and get frequency of classes

  //store elevation frequency in 256 elevation classes
  double frequency[252];
  double frequencyClassRange = ( minMax[1] - minMax[0] ) / 252.0;
  //initialize to zero
  for ( int i = 0; i < 252; ++i )
    frequency[i] = 0;

  float *scanLine = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) *  nCellsX );
  int elevationClass = -1;

  for ( int i = 0; i < nCellsY; ++i )
    if ( GDALRasterIO( elevationBand, GF_Read, 0, i, nCellsX, 1,
                       scanLine, nCellsX, 1, GDT_Float32,
                       0, 0 ) != CE_None )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Raster IO Error" );

    for ( int j = 0; j < nCellsX; ++j )
      elevationClass = frequencyClassForElevation( scanLine[j], minMax[0], frequencyClassRange );
      if ( elevationClass >= 0 )
        frequency[elevationClass] += 1.0;

  CPLFree( scanLine );

  //log10 transformation for all frequency values
  for ( int i = 0; i < 252; ++i )
    frequency[i] = std::log10( frequency[i] );

  //write out frequency values to csv file for debugging
  QFile outFile( file );
  if ( !outFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate ) )
    return false;

  QTextStream outstream( &outFile );
  for ( int i = 0; i < 252; ++i )
    outstream << QString::number( i ) + ',' + QString::number( frequency[i] ) << endl;
  return true;
Example #17
int main(void){

	FILE *inputFile = NULL, *outputFileStats = NULL, *outputFileAscii = NULL;
	char c1 = '\0', c2 = '\0', c3 = '\0', c4 = '\0', c5 = '\0', c6 = '\0', c7 = '\0', c8 = '\0', c9 = '\0', c10 = '\0';
	int num1 = 0, num2 = 0, num3 = 0, num4 = 0, num5 = 0, num6 = 0, num7 = 0, num8 = 0, num9 = 0, num10 = 0, numLines = 0, 
		numVowels = 0, numDigits = 0, numAlpha = 0, numLower = 0, numUpper = 0, numSpace = 0, numAlnum = 0, numPunct = 0;

	inputFile = openInputFile();
	outputFileStats = fopen("output_stats.dat", "w");
	outputFileAscii = fopen("output_ascii.dat", "w");

	if (inputFile != NULL && outputFileStats != NULL && outputFileAscii != NULL){
		c1 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c2 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c3 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c4 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c5 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c6 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c7 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c8 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c9 = readCharacter(inputFile);
		c10 = readCharacter(inputFile);

		num1 = determineAsciiValue(c1);
		num2 = determineAsciiValue(c2);
		num3 = determineAsciiValue(c3);
		num4 = determineAsciiValue(c4);
		num5 = determineAsciiValue(c5);
		num6 = determineAsciiValue(c6);
		num7 = determineAsciiValue(c7);
		num8 = determineAsciiValue(c8);
		num9 = determineAsciiValue(c9);
		num10 = determineAsciiValue(c10);

		printInt(outputFileAscii, num1);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num2);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num3);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num4);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num5);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num6);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num7);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num8);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num9);
		printInt(outputFileAscii, num10);

		numLines = numberLines(c1, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c2, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c3, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c4, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c5, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c6, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c7, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c8, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c9, numLines);
		numLines = numberLines(c10, numLines);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Lines: ", numLines);

		numVowels = numberVowels(c1, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c2, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c3, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c4, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c5, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c6, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c7, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c8, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c9, numVowels);
		numVowels = numberVowels(c10, numVowels);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Vowels: ", numVowels);

		numDigits = numberDigits(c1, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c2, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c3, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c4, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c5, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c6, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c7, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c8, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c9, numDigits);
		numDigits = numberDigits(c10, numDigits);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Digits: ", numDigits);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c1, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c2, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c3, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c4, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c5, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c6, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c7, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c8, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c9, numAlpha);
		numAlpha = numberAlphas(c10, numAlpha);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Alpha Characters: ", numAlpha);

		numLower = numberLowers(c1, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c2, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c3, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c4, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c5, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c6, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c7, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c8, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c9, numLower);
		numLower = numberLowers(c10, numLower);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Lowercase Characters: ", numLower);

		numUpper = numberUppers(c1, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c2, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c3, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c4, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c5, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c6, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c7, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c8, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c9, numUpper);
		numUpper = numberUppers(c10, numUpper);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Uppercase Characters: ", numUpper);

		numSpace = numberSpaces(c1, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c2, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c3, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c4, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c5, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c6, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c7, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c8, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c9, numSpace);
		numSpace = numberSpaces(c10, numSpace);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Whitespaces: ", numSpace);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c1, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c2, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c3, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c4, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c5, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c6, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c7, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c8, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c9, numAlnum);
		numAlnum = numberAlnums(c10, numAlnum);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Alphanumeric Characters: ", numAlnum);

		numPunct = numberPuncts(c1, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c2, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c3, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c4, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c5, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c6, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c7, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c8, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c9, numPunct);
		numPunct = numberPuncts(c10, numPunct);
		printStats(outputFileStats, "Number Punctuation Characters: ", numPunct);


	return 0;
Example #18
int QgsNineCellFilter::processRaster( QProgressDialog* p )

  //open input file
  int xSize, ySize;
  GDALDatasetH  inputDataset = openInputFile( xSize, ySize );
  if ( inputDataset == NULL )
    return 1; //opening of input file failed

  //output driver
  GDALDriverH outputDriver = openOutputDriver();
  if ( outputDriver == 0 )
    return 2;

  GDALDatasetH outputDataset = openOutputFile( inputDataset, outputDriver );
  if ( outputDataset == NULL )
    return 3; //create operation on output file failed

  //open first raster band for reading (operation is only for single band raster)
  GDALRasterBandH rasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( inputDataset, 1 );
  if ( rasterBand == NULL )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 4;
  mInputNodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( rasterBand, NULL );

  GDALRasterBandH outputRasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset, 1 );
  if ( outputRasterBand == NULL )
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 5;
  //try to set -9999 as nodata value
  GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( outputRasterBand, -9999 );
  mOutputNodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( outputRasterBand, NULL );

  if ( ySize < 3 ) //we require at least three rows (should be true for most datasets)
    GDALClose( inputDataset );
    GDALClose( outputDataset );
    return 6;

  //keep only three scanlines in memory at a time
  float* scanLine1 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );
  float* scanLine2 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );
  float* scanLine3 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );

  float* resultLine = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );

  if ( p )
    p->setMaximum( ySize );

  //values outside the layer extent (if the 3x3 window is on the border) are sent to the processing method as (input) nodata values
  for ( int i = 0; i < ySize; ++i )
    if ( p )
      p->setValue( i );

    if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )

    if ( i == 0 )
      //fill scanline 1 with (input) nodata for the values above the first row and feed scanline2 with the first row
      for ( int a = 0; a < xSize; ++a )
        scanLine1[a] = mInputNodataValue;
      GDALRasterIO( rasterBand, GF_Read, 0, 0, xSize, 1, scanLine2, xSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
      //normally fetch only scanLine3 and release scanline 1 if we move forward one row
      CPLFree( scanLine1 );
      scanLine1 = scanLine2;
      scanLine2 = scanLine3;
      scanLine3 = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * xSize );

    if ( i == ySize - 1 ) //fill the row below the bottom with nodata values
      for ( int a = 0; a < xSize; ++a )
        scanLine3[a] = mInputNodataValue;
      GDALRasterIO( rasterBand, GF_Read, 0, i + 1, xSize, 1, scanLine3, xSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

    for ( int j = 0; j < xSize; ++j )
      if ( j == 0 )
        resultLine[j] = processNineCellWindow( &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine1[j], &scanLine1[j+1], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine2[j], \
                                               &scanLine2[j+1], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine3[j], &scanLine3[j+1] );
      else if ( j == xSize - 1 )
        resultLine[j] = processNineCellWindow( &scanLine1[j-1], &scanLine1[j], &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine2[j-1], &scanLine2[j], \
                                               &mInputNodataValue, &scanLine3[j-1], &scanLine3[j], &mInputNodataValue );
        resultLine[j] = processNineCellWindow( &scanLine1[j-1], &scanLine1[j], &scanLine1[j+1], &scanLine2[j-1], &scanLine2[j], \
                                               &scanLine2[j+1], &scanLine3[j-1], &scanLine3[j], &scanLine3[j+1] );

    GDALRasterIO( outputRasterBand, GF_Write, 0, i, xSize, 1, resultLine, xSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

  if ( p )
    p->setValue( ySize );

  CPLFree( resultLine );
  CPLFree( scanLine1 );
  CPLFree( scanLine2 );
  CPLFree( scanLine3 );

  GDALClose( inputDataset );

  if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
    //delete the dataset without closing (because it is faster)
    GDALDeleteDataset( outputDriver, mOutputFile.toLocal8Bit().data() );
    return 7;
  GDALClose( outputDataset );

  return 0;