Example #1
OpenSMTContext::SetInfo( const Anode* attrs )
  assert( attrs );

  if ( attrs->type == AT_KEY && strcmp( attrs->value, ":status" ) == 0 )
    if ( attrs->children.size() > 0 && attrs->children[0]->type == AT_SYM ) {
      Anode& res = *(attrs->children[0]);
      if ( strcmp( res.value, "sat" ) == 0 )
        config.status = l_True;
      else if ( strcmp( res.value, "unsat" ) == 0 )
        config.status = l_False;
      else if ( strcmp( res.value, "unknown" ) == 0 )
        config.status = l_Undef;
        opensmt_error2( "unrecognized status", res.value );
      opensmt_error( "was expecting type symbol" );
  else if ( attrs->type == AT_KEY && strcmp( attrs->value, ":smt-lib-version" ) == 0 )
    ; // Do nothing
  else if ( attrs->type == AT_KEY && strcmp( attrs->value, ":category" ) == 0 )
    ; // Do nothing
  else if ( attrs->type == AT_KEY && strcmp( attrs->value, ":source" ) == 0 )
    ; // Do nothing
    opensmt_error2( "unrecognized key", attrs->value );
Example #2
Config::parseOpenSMTCMDLine( int argc
                              , char * argv[ ] )
  char config_name[ 64 ];
  for ( int i = 1 ; i < argc - 1 ; i ++ )
    const char * buf = argv[ i ];
    // Parsing of configuration options
    if ( sscanf( buf, "--config=%s", config_name ) == 1 )
      parseConfig( config_name );
    else if ( strcmp( buf, "--help" ) == 0 
	   || strcmp( buf, "-h" )     == 0 )
      printHelp( );
      exit( 1 );
      printHelp( );
      opensmt_error2( "unrecognized option", buf );

  if ( dump_log ) log_out.open( ".opensmt_log.smt2" );
Example #3
int process_bch(config const & config) {
    FILE * fin = nullptr;
    string filename = config.get_filename();
    // Make sure file exists
    if ((fin = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rt")) == nullptr) {
        opensmt_error2("can't open file", filename.c_str());
    OpenSMTContext & ctx = *bch_ctx;
    if (config.get_precision() > 0) {
    unordered_map<string, Enode *> var_map = bch_var_map;
    vector<Enode *> & costs = bch_costs;
    vector<Enode *> & ctrs_X = bch_ctrs;
    int const ret = process_main(ctx, config, costs, var_map, ctrs_X);
    return ret;
Example #4
void THandler::verifyCallWithExternalTool( bool res, size_t trail_size )
  // First stage: print declarations
  const char * name = "/tmp/verifycall.smt2";
  std::ofstream dump_out( name );

  core_solver.dumpHeaderToFile( dump_out );

  dump_out << "(assert" << endl;
  dump_out << "(and" << endl;
  for ( size_t j = 0 ; j <= trail_size ; j ++ )
    Var v = var( trail[ j ] );

    if ( v == var_True || v == var_False )

    // Enode * e = var_to_enode[ v ];
    Enode * e = varToEnode( v );
    assert( e );

    if ( !e->isTAtom( ) )

    bool negated = sign( trail[ j ] );
    if ( negated )
      dump_out << "(not ";
    e->print( dump_out );
    if ( negated )
      dump_out << ")";

    dump_out << endl;
  dump_out << "))" << endl;
  dump_out << "(check-sat)" << endl;
  dump_out << "(exit)" << endl;
  dump_out.close( );

  // Second stage, check the formula
  const bool tool_res = callCertifyingSolver( name );

  if ( res == false && tool_res == true )
    opensmt_error2( config.certifying_solver, " says SAT stack, but we say UNSAT" );

  if ( res == true && tool_res == false )
    opensmt_error2( config.certifying_solver, " says UNSAT stack, but we say SAT" );
Example #5
void THandler::verifyDeductionWithExternalTool( Enode * imp )
  assert( imp->isDeduced( ) );

  // First stage: print declarations
  const char * name = "/tmp/verifydeduction.smt2";
  std::ofstream dump_out( name );

  core_solver.dumpHeaderToFile( dump_out );

  dump_out << "(assert" << endl;
  dump_out << "(and" << endl;
  for ( int j = 0 ; j < trail.size( ) ; j ++ )
    Var v = var( trail[ j ] );

    if ( v == var_True || v == var_False )

    Enode * e = varToEnode( v );
    assert( e );

    if ( !e->isTAtom( ) )

    bool negated = sign( trail[ j ] );
    if ( negated )
      dump_out << "(not ";
    e->print( dump_out );
    if ( negated )
      dump_out << ")";

    dump_out << endl;

  if ( imp->getDeduced( ) == l_True )
    dump_out << "(not " << imp << ")" << endl;
    dump_out << imp << endl;

  dump_out << "))" << endl;
  dump_out << "(check-sat)" << endl;
  dump_out << "(exit)" << endl;
  dump_out.close( );

  // Second stage, check the formula
  const bool tool_res = callCertifyingSolver( name );

  if ( tool_res )
    opensmt_error2( config.certifying_solver, " says this is not a valid deduction" );
Example #6
//TODO: more intelligent value parsing would be nice.
// Parse the bound value and the type of the constraint
void LAVar::setBounds( Enode * e, Enode * e_bound )
  assert( e->isAtom( ) );
  assert( e_bound->isConstant( ) );

  bool revert = false;

  if( !( e->get1st( )->isConstant( ) ) )
    revert = true;

  if( e_bound->isConstant( ) )
    setBounds( e, e_bound->getComplexValue( ), revert );
    opensmt_error2( "unexpected Num: ", e_bound );
Example #7
opensmt_context opensmt_mk_context( opensmt_logic l )
  OpenSMTContext * c = new OpenSMTContext( );
  OpenSMTContext & context = *c;
  // Any parameter in the config should be set
  // here, BEFORE SetLogic is called. In SetLogic
  // solvers are initialized with values taken
  // from the config ...
  SMTConfig & config = context.getConfig( );
  // When API is active incremental solving must be on
  config.incremental = 1;
  // Set ad-hoc default parameters
  if ( l == qf_ct )
    // Settings copied/adapted from pbct 0.1.2
    config.sat_polarity_mode = 1;
    config.sat_use_luby_restart = 1;
    config.sat_preprocess_booleans = 0;
    config.uf_disable = 1;
  // Set the right logic
  switch( l )
    case qf_uf:    context.SetLogic( QF_UF );    break;
    case qf_bv:    context.SetLogic( QF_BV );    break;
    case qf_rdl:   context.SetLogic( QF_RDL );   break;
    case qf_idl:   context.SetLogic( QF_IDL );   break;
    case qf_lra:   context.SetLogic( QF_LRA );   break;
    case qf_lia:   context.SetLogic( QF_LIA );   break;
    case qf_ufidl: context.SetLogic( QF_UFIDL ); break;
    case qf_uflra: context.SetLogic( QF_UFLRA ); break;
    case qf_nra:     context.SetLogic( QF_NRA ); break;
    case qf_nra_ode: context.SetLogic( QF_NRA_ODE ); break;
    case qf_bool:  context.SetLogic( QF_BOOL );  break;
    case qf_ct:    context.SetLogic( QF_CT );    break;
    opensmt_error2( "unsupported logic: ", l );

  // Return context
  return static_cast< void * >( c );
Example #8
int process_inv(config const & config) {
    FILE * fin = nullptr;
    string filename = config.get_filename();
    // Make sure file exists
    if ((fin = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rt")) == nullptr) {
        opensmt_error2("can't open file", filename.c_str());
    OpenSMTContext & ctx = *inv_ctx;
    if (inv_prec > 0) {
    if (config.get_precision() > 0) {
    int const ret = process_main(ctx, config);
    return ret;
Example #9
void THandler::verifyExplanationWithExternalTool( vector< Enode * > & expl )
  // First stage: print declarations
  const char * name = "/tmp/verifyexp.smt2";
  std::ofstream dump_out( name );

  core_solver.dumpHeaderToFile( dump_out );

  dump_out << "(assert " << endl;
  dump_out << "(and" << endl;

  for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < expl.size( ) ; j ++ )
    Enode * e = expl[ j ];
    assert( e->isTAtom( ) );
    assert( e->getPolarity( ) != l_Undef );
    bool negated = e->getPolarity( ) == l_False;
    if ( negated )
      dump_out << "(not ";
    e->print( dump_out );
    if ( negated )
      dump_out << ")";

    dump_out << endl;

  dump_out << "))" << endl;
  dump_out << "(check-sat)" << endl;
  dump_out << "(exit)" << endl;
  dump_out.close( );
  // Third stage, check the formula
  const bool tool_res = callCertifyingSolver( name );

  if ( tool_res == true )
    opensmt_error2( config.certifying_solver, " says this is not an explanation" );
Example #10
void Config::parseConfig ( char * f )
  FILE * filein = NULL;
  // Open configuration file
  if ( ( filein = fopen( f, "rt" ) ) == NULL )
    // No configuration file is found. Print out
    // the current configuration
    cerr << "# WARNING: No configuration file " << f << ". Dumping default setting to " << f << endl;
    ofstream fileout( f );
    printConfig( fileout );
    fileout.close( );
    int line = 0;

    while ( !feof( filein ) )
      line ++;
      char buf[ 128 ];
      char * res = fgets( buf, 128, filein );
      // Stop if finished
      if ( feof( filein ) )
      // Skip comments
      if ( buf[ 0 ] == '#' )

      char tmpbuf[ 32 ];

	   if ( sscanf( buf, "incremental %d\n"                   , &incremental )                    == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "produce_stats %d\n"                 , &produce_stats )                  == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "print_stats %d\n"                   , &print_stats )                    == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "print_proofs_smtlib2 %d\n"          , &print_proofs_smtlib2 )           == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "print_proofs_dotty %d\n"            , &print_proofs_dotty )             == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "produce_models %d\n"                , &produce_models )                 == 1 )
	if ( produce_proofs != 0 )
	  opensmt_error( "You must configure code with --enable-proof to produce proofs" );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "produce_inter %d\n"                 , &produce_inter )                  == 1 )
	if ( produce_inter != 0 )
	  opensmt_error( "You must configure code with --enable-proof to produce interpolants" );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "regular_output_channel %s\n"        , tmpbuf )                          == 1 )
	setRegularOutputChannel( tmpbuf );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "diagnostic_output_channel %s\n"     , tmpbuf )                          == 1 )
	setDiagnosticOutputChannel( tmpbuf );                                                         
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "dump_formula %d\n"                  , &dump_formula )                   == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "dump_log %d\n"                      , &dump_log )                       == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "verbosity %d\n"                     , &verbosity )                      == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "print_success %d\n"                 , &print_success )                  == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "certification_level %d\n"           , &certification_level )            == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "certifying_solver %s\n"             , certifying_solver )               == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "split_equalities %d\n"              , &split_equalities )               == 1 );
      // SAT SOLVER CONFIGURATION                                                                     
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_theory_propagation %d\n"        , &(sat_theory_propagation))        == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_polarity_mode %d\n"             , &(sat_polarity_mode))             == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_initial_skip_step %lf\n"        , &(sat_initial_skip_step))         == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_skip_step_factor %lf\n"         , &(sat_skip_step_factor))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_restart_first %d\n"             , &(sat_restart_first))             == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_restart_increment %lf\n"        , &(sat_restart_inc))               == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_use_luby_restart %d\n"          , &(sat_use_luby_restart))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_learn_up_to_size %d\n"          , &(sat_learn_up_to_size))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_temporary_learn %d\n"           , &(sat_temporary_learn))           == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_preprocess_booleans %d\n"       , &(sat_preprocess_booleans))       == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_preprocess_theory %d\n"         , &(sat_preprocess_theory))         == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_centrality %d\n"                , &(sat_centrality))                == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_trade_off %d\n"                 , &(sat_trade_off))                 == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_minimize_conflicts %d\n"        , &(sat_minimize_conflicts))        == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_dump_cnf %d\n"                  , &(sat_dump_cnf))                  == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_dump_rnd_inter %d\n"            , &(sat_dump_rnd_inter))            == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_lazy_dtc %d\n"                  , &(sat_lazy_dtc))                  == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_lazy_dtc_burst %d\n"            , &(sat_lazy_dtc_burst))            == 1 );
      // PROOF PRODUCTION CONFIGURATION                                                               
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_reduce %d\n"                  , &(proof_reduce))                  == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_random_seed %d\n"             , &(proof_random_seed))             == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_ratio_red_solv %lf\n"         , &(proof_ratio_red_solv))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_red_time %lf\n"               , &(proof_red_time))                == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_num_graph_traversals %d\n"    , &(proof_num_graph_traversals))    == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_red_trans %d\n"               , &(proof_red_trans))               == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_reorder_pivots %d\n"          , &(proof_reorder_pivots))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_reduce_while_reordering %d\n" , &(proof_reduce_while_reordering)) == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_random_context_analysis %d\n" , &(proof_random_context_analysis)) == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_random_swap_application %d\n" , &(proof_random_swap_application)) == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_remove_mixed %d\n"            , &(proof_remove_mixed))            == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_set_inter_algo %d\n"          , &(proof_set_inter_algo))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_certify_inter %d\n"           , &(proof_certify_inter))           == 1 );
      // EUF SOLVER CONFIGURATION                                                                     
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "uf_disable %d\n"                    , &(uf_disable))                    == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "uf_theory_propagation %d\n"         , &(uf_theory_propagation))         == 1 );
      // BV SOLVER CONFIGURATION                                                                            
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "bv_disable %d\n"                    , &(bv_disable))                    == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "bv_theory_propagation %d\n"         , &(bv_theory_propagation))         == 1 );
      // DL SOLVER CONFIGURATION                                                                            
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "dl_disable %d\n"                    , &(dl_disable))                    == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "dl_theory_propagation %d\n"         , &(dl_theory_propagation))         == 1 );
      // LRA SOLVER CONFIGURATION                                                                           
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_disable %d\n"                   , &(lra_disable))                   == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_theory_propagation %d\n"        , &(lra_theory_propagation))        == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_poly_deduct_size %d\n"          , &(lra_poly_deduct_size))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_gaussian_elim %d\n"             , &(lra_gaussian_elim))             == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_integer_solver %d\n"            , &(lra_integer_solver))            == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_check_on_assert %d\n"           , &(lra_check_on_assert))           == 1 );
      // MCMT related options
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "node_limit %d\n"                    , &(node_limit))                    == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "depth_limit %d\n"                   , &(depth_limit))                   == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "verbosity %d\n"                     , &(verbosity))                     == 1 );      
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "simpl_level %d\n"                   , &(simpl_level))                   == 1 );      
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "e_simpl_level %d\n"                 , &(e_simpl_level))                 == 1 );      
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "fix_point_strategy %d\n"            , &(fix_point_strategy))            == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "fix_point_period %d\n"              , &(fix_point_period))              == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "check_compatible %d\n"              , &(check_compatible))              == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "invariant_nodes %d\n"               , &(invariant_nodes))               == 1 );
      else if ( (report_tex            = (strcmp( buf, "tex\n" )                      == 0)) );
      else if ( (flex_fix_point        = (strcmp( buf, "flex_fix_point\n" )           == 0)) );
      else if ( (predicate_abstr       = (strcmp( buf, "predicate_abstr\n" )          == 0)) );
      else if ( (constant_abstr        = (strcmp( buf, "constant_abstr\n" )           == 0)) ); 
      else if ( (log                   = (strcmp( buf, "log\n" )                      == 0)) );
      else if ( (weak_fix_point        = (strcmp( buf, "weak_fix_point\n" )           == 0)) );
      else if ( (incr_fix_point        = (strcmp( buf, "incr_fix_point\n" )           == 0)) ); 
      else if ( (breadth_search        = (strcmp( buf, "breadth_search\n" )           == 0)) );
      else if ( (breadth_search        = (strcmp( buf, "depth_search\n" )             == 0)) );
      else if ( (full_inv_search       = (strcmp( buf, "full_inv_search\n" )          == 0)) );
      else if ( (parsing_tests         = (strcmp( buf, "parsing_tests\n" )            == 0)) );  
      else if ( (simplify_preimages    = (strcmp( buf, "simplify_preimages\n" )       == 0)) );  
      else if ( (report                = (strcmp( buf, "report\n" )                   == 0)) );  
      else if ( (optimization          = (strcmp( buf, "optimization\n" )             == 0)) ); 
      else if ( (iterative             = (strcmp( buf, "iterative\n" )                == 0)) ); 
      else if ( (invariant_pattern     = (strcmp( buf, "invariant_pattern\n" )        == 0)) ); 
      else if ( (classic_invariant     = (strcmp( buf, "invariant\n" )                == 0)) ); 
      else if ( (counterexample        = (strcmp( buf, "counterexample\n" )           == 0)) ); 
      else if ( (generate_invariants   = (strcmp( buf, "generate_invariants\n" )      == 0)) ); 
	opensmt_error2( "unrecognized option ", buf );

    if ( invariant_pattern || classic_invariant )
      global_invariant = true;

    // Close
    fclose( filein );

  if ( produce_stats ) stats_out.open( ".stats.out" );
  if ( dump_log )      log_out.open( ".opensmt_log.smt2" );
Example #11
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
  opensmt::stop = false;
  // Allocates Command Handler (since SMT-LIB 2.0)
  OpenSMTContext context( argc, argv );
  // Catch SigTerm, so that it answers even on ctrl-c
  signal( SIGTERM, opensmt::catcher );
  signal( SIGINT , opensmt::catcher );
  // Initialize pointer to context for parsing
  parser_ctx    = &context;
  const char * filename = argv[ argc - 1 ];
  assert( filename );
  // Accepts file from stdin if nothing specified
  FILE * fin = NULL;
  // Print help if required
  if ( strcmp( filename, "--help" ) == 0
    || strcmp( filename, "-h" ) == 0 )
    context.getConfig( ).printHelp( );
    return 0;
  // File must be last arg
  if ( strncmp( filename, "--", 2 ) == 0
    || strncmp( filename, "-", 1 ) == 0 )
    opensmt_error( "input file must be last argument" );
  // Make sure file exists
  if ( argc == 1 )
    fin = stdin;
  else if ( (fin = fopen( filename, "rt" )) == NULL )
    opensmt_error( "can't open file" );

  // Parse
  // Parse according to filetype
  if ( fin == stdin )
    smt2set_in( fin );
    smt2parse( );
    const char * extension = strrchr( filename, '.' );
    // if ( strcmp( extension, ".smt" ) == 0 )
    // {
    //   opensmt_error( "SMTLIB 1.2 format is not supported in this version, sorry" );
    //   smtset_in( fin );
    //   smtparse( );
    // }
    // else if ( strcmp( extension, ".cnf" ) == 0 )
    // {
    //   context.SetLogic( QF_BOOL );
    //   cnfset_in( fin );
    //   cnfparse( );
    // }
    if ( strcmp( extension, ".smt2" ) == 0 )
      smt2set_in( fin );
      smt2parse( );
      opensmt_error2( extension, " extension not recognized. Please use one in { smt2, cnf } or stdin (smtlib2 is assumed)" );

  fclose( fin );

#ifndef SMTCOMP
  if ( context.getConfig( ).verbosity > 0 )
    const int len_pack = strlen( PACKAGE_STRING );
    const char * site = "http://verify.inf.usi.ch/opensmt";
    const int len_site = strlen( site );

    cerr << "#" << endl
         << "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl
         << "# " << PACKAGE_STRING;

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < 73 - len_site - len_pack ; i ++ )
      cerr << " ";

    cerr << site << endl
         << "# Compiled with gcc " << __VERSION__ << " on " << __DATE__ << endl
         << "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl
         << "#" << endl;

  // This trick (copied from Main.C of MiniSAT) is to allow
  // the repeatability of experiments that might be compromised
  // by the floating point unit approximations on doubles
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined( SMTCOMP )
  fpu_control_t oldcw, newcw;
  _FPU_GETCW(oldcw); newcw = (oldcw & ~_FPU_EXTENDED) | _FPU_DOUBLE; _FPU_SETCW(newcw);

  opensmt_warning("pedantic assertion checking enabled (very slow)");

#ifndef OPTIMIZE
//  opensmt_warning( "this binary is compiled with optimizations disabled (slow)" );
  // Execute accumulated commands
  // function defined in OpenSMTContext.C
  return context.executeCommands( );
Example #12
// Performs the actual cnfization
bool Tseitin::cnfize( Enode * formula, map< enodeid_t, Enode * > & cnf_cache )
  assert( formula );
  assert( !formula->isAnd( ) );

  Enode * arg_def = egraph.valDupMap1( formula );
  if ( arg_def != NULL )
    vector< Enode * > clause;
    clause.push_back( arg_def );
    if ( config.produce_inter > 0 )
      return solver.addSMTClause( clause, egraph.getIPartitions( formula ) );
    return solver.addSMTClause( clause );

  vector< Enode * > unprocessed_enodes;       // Stack for unprocessed enodes
  unprocessed_enodes.push_back( formula );    // formula needs to be processed
  // Visit the DAG of the formula from the leaves to the root
  while( !unprocessed_enodes.empty( ) )
    Enode * enode = unprocessed_enodes.back( );
    // Skip if the node has already been processed before
    if ( egraph.valDupMap1( enode ) != NULL )
      unprocessed_enodes.pop_back( );

    bool unprocessed_children = false;
    Enode * arg_list;
    for ( arg_list = enode->getCdr( ) ;
          arg_list != egraph.enil ;
          arg_list = arg_list->getCdr( ) )
      Enode * arg = arg_list->getCar( );

      assert( arg->isTerm( ) );
      // Push only if it is an unprocessed boolean operator
      if ( enode->isBooleanOperator( )
        && egraph.valDupMap1( arg ) == NULL )
        unprocessed_enodes.push_back( arg );
        unprocessed_children = true;
      // If it is an atom (either boolean or theory) just
      // store it in the cache
      else if ( arg->isAtom( ) )
        egraph.storeDupMap1( arg, arg );
    // SKip if unprocessed_children
    if ( unprocessed_children )

    unprocessed_enodes.pop_back( );
    Enode * result = NULL;
    // At this point, every child has been processed
    // Do the actual cnfization, according to the node type
    char def_name[ 32 ];

    if ( enode->isLit( ) )
      result = enode;
    else if ( enode->isNot( ) )
      Enode * arg_def = egraph.valDupMap1( enode->get1st( ) );
      assert( arg_def );
      result = egraph.mkNot( egraph.cons( arg_def ) ); // Toggle the literal
      Enode * arg_def = NULL;
      Enode * new_arg_list = egraph.copyEnodeEtypeListWithCache( enode->getCdr( ) );
      // If the enode is not top-level it needs a definition
      if ( formula != enode )
        sprintf( def_name, CNF_STR, formula->getId( ), enode->getId( ) );
        egraph.newSymbol( def_name, sstore.mkBool( ) );
        arg_def = egraph.mkVar( def_name );
        if ( config.produce_inter > 0 )
          // Tag Positive and negative literals
          egraph.tagIFormula( arg_def
                            , egraph.getIPartitions( enode ) );
          egraph.tagIFormula( egraph.mkNot( egraph.cons( arg_def ) )
                            , egraph.getIPartitions( enode ) );
      uint64_t partitions = 0;
      if ( config.produce_inter > 0 )
        partitions = egraph.getIPartitions( enode );
        assert( partitions != 0 );
      // Handle boolean operators
      if ( enode->isAnd( ) )
        cnfizeAnd( new_arg_list, arg_def
        , partitions
      else if ( enode->isOr( ) )
        cnfizeOr( new_arg_list, arg_def
        , partitions
      else if ( enode->isIff( ) )
        cnfizeIff( new_arg_list, arg_def
        , partitions
      else if ( enode->isXor( ) )
        cnfizeXor( new_arg_list, arg_def
        , partitions
        opensmt_error2( "operator not handled ", enode->getCar( ) );

      if ( arg_def != NULL )
        result = arg_def;

    assert( egraph.valDupMap1( enode ) == NULL );
    egraph.storeDupMap1( enode, result );

  if ( formula->isNot( ) )
    // Retrieve definition of argument
    Enode * arg_def = egraph.valDupMap1( formula->get1st( ) );
    assert( arg_def );
    vector< Enode * > clause;
    clause.push_back( toggleLit( arg_def ) );
    if ( config.produce_inter > 0 )
      return solver.addSMTClause( clause, egraph.getIPartitions( formula ) );
    return solver.addSMTClause( clause );

  return true;
Example #13
void SMTConfig::parseConfig ( char * f )
  FILE * filein = NULL;
  // Open configuration file
  if ( ( filein = fopen( f, "rt" ) ) == NULL )
    // No configuration file is found. Print out
    // the current configuration
    // cerr << "# " << endl;
    cerr << "# WARNING: No configuration file " << f << ". Dumping default setting to " << f << endl;
    ofstream fileout( f );
    printConfig( fileout );
    fileout.close( );
    int line = 0;

    while ( !feof( filein ) )
      line ++;
      char buf[ 128 ];
      char * res = fgets( buf, 128, filein );
      // Stop if finished
      if ( feof( filein ) )
      // Skip comments
      if ( buf[ 0 ] == '#' )

      char tmpbuf[ 32 ];

           if ( sscanf( buf, "incremental %d\n"              , &incremental )                   == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "produce_stats %d\n"            , &produce_stats )                 == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "produce_models %d\n"           , &produce_models )                == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "produce_proofs %d\n"           , &produce_proofs )                == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "produce_inter %d\n"            , &produce_inter )                 == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "regular_output_channel %s\n"   , tmpbuf )                         == 1 )
        setRegularOutputChannel( tmpbuf );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "diagnostic_output_channel %s\n", tmpbuf )                         == 1 )
        setDiagnosticOutputChannel( tmpbuf );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "dump_formula %d\n"             , &dump_formula )                  == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "verbosity %d\n"                , &verbosity )                     == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "certification_level %d\n"      , &certification_level )                     == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "certifying_solver %s\n"        , certifying_solver )                     == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_theory_propagation %d\n"   , &(sat_theory_propagation))       == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_polarity_mode %d\n"        , &(sat_polarity_mode))            == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_initial_skip_step %lf\n"   , &(sat_initial_skip_step))        == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_skip_step_factor %lf\n"    , &(sat_skip_step_factor))         == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_restart_first %d\n"        , &(sat_restart_first))            == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_restart_increment %lf\n"   , &(sat_restart_inc))              == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_use_luby_restart %d\n"     , &(sat_use_luby_restart))         == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_learn_up_to_size %d\n"     , &(sat_learn_up_to_size))         == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_temporary_learn %d\n"      , &(sat_temporary_learn))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_preprocess_booleans %d\n"  , &(sat_preprocess_booleans))      == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_preprocess_theory %d\n"    , &(sat_preprocess_theory))        == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_centrality %d\n"           , &(sat_centrality))               == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_trade_off %d\n"            , &(sat_trade_off))                == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_minimize_conflicts %d\n"   , &(sat_minimize_conflicts))       == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_dump_cnf %d\n"             , &(sat_dump_cnf))                 == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_dump_rnd_inter %d\n"       , &(sat_dump_rnd_inter))           == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_lazy_dtc %d\n"             , &(sat_lazy_dtc))                 == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "sat_lazy_dtc_burst %d\n"       , &(sat_lazy_dtc_burst))           == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_reduce %d\n"             , &(proof_reduce))                 == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_ratio_red_solv %lf\n"    , &(proof_ratio_red_solv))         == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_red_time %lf\n"          , &(proof_red_time))               == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_red_trans %d\n"          , &(proof_red_trans))              == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_reorder_pivots %d\n"     , &(proof_reorder_pivots))         == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_remove_mixed %d\n"       , &(proof_remove_mixed))           == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_use_sym_inter %d\n"      , &(proof_use_sym_inter))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "proof_certify_inter %d\n"      , &(proof_certify_inter))          == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "uf_disable %d\n"               , &(uf_disable))                   == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "uf_theory_propagation %d\n"    , &(uf_theory_propagation))        == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "bv_disable %d\n"               , &(bv_disable))                   == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "bv_theory_propagation %d\n"    , &(bv_theory_propagation))        == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "dl_disable %d\n"               , &(dl_disable))                   == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "dl_theory_propagation %d\n"    , &(dl_theory_propagation))        == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_disable %d\n"              , &(lra_disable))                  == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_theory_propagation %d\n"   , &(lra_theory_propagation))       == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_poly_deduct_size %d\n"     , &(lra_poly_deduct_size))         == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_gaussian_elim %d\n"        , &(lra_gaussian_elim))            == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_integer_solver %d\n"       , &(lra_integer_solver))           == 1 );
      else if ( sscanf( buf, "lra_check_on_assert %d\n"      , &(lra_check_on_assert))          == 1 );
        opensmt_error2( "unrecognized option ", buf );

    // Close
    fclose( filein );

  if ( produce_stats )  stats_out.open( "stats.out" );
Example #14
Enode * Egraph::canonizeDTC( Enode * formula
                           , bool split_eqs )
  assert( config.sat_lazy_dtc != 0 );
  assert( config.logic == QF_UFLRA
       || config.logic == QF_UFIDL );

  list< Enode * > dtc_axioms;
  vector< Enode * > unprocessed_enodes;
  initDupMap1( );

  unprocessed_enodes.push_back( formula );
  // Visit the DAG of the formula from the leaves to the root
  while( !unprocessed_enodes.empty( ) )
    Enode * enode = unprocessed_enodes.back( );
    // Skip if the node has already been processed before
    if ( valDupMap1( enode ) != NULL )
      unprocessed_enodes.pop_back( );

    bool unprocessed_children = false;
    Enode * arg_list;
    for ( arg_list = enode->getCdr( )
	; arg_list != enil
	; arg_list = arg_list->getCdr( ) )
      Enode * arg = arg_list->getCar( );
      assert( arg->isTerm( ) );
      // Push only if it is unprocessed
      if ( valDupMap1( arg ) == NULL )
	unprocessed_enodes.push_back( arg );
	unprocessed_children = true;
    // SKip if unprocessed_children
    if ( unprocessed_children )

    unprocessed_enodes.pop_back( );
    Enode * result = NULL;
    // Replace arithmetic atoms with canonized version
    if (  enode->isTAtom( ) 
      && !enode->isIff( )
      && !enode->isUp( ) )
      // No need to do anything if node is purely UF
      if ( isRootUF( enode ) )
	if ( config.verbosity > 2 )
	  cerr << "# Egraph::Skipping canonization of " << enode << " as it's root is purely UF" << endl;
	result = enode;
	LAExpression a( enode );
	result = a.toEnode( *this );
	if ( split_eqs && result->isEq( ) )
	  if ( config.produce_inter != 0 )
	    opensmt_error2( "can't compute interpolant for equalities at the moment ", enode );
	  LAExpression aa( enode );
	  Enode * e = aa.toEnode( *this );
	  Enode * lhs = e->get1st( );
	  Enode * rhs = e->get2nd( );
	  Enode * leq = mkLeq( cons( lhs, cons( rhs ) ) );
	  LAExpression b( leq );
	  leq = b.toEnode( *this );
	  Enode * geq = mkGeq( cons( lhs, cons( rhs ) ) );
	  LAExpression c( geq );
	  geq = c.toEnode( *this );
	  Enode * not_e = mkNot( cons( enode ) );
	  Enode * not_l = mkNot( cons( leq ) );
	  Enode * not_g = mkNot( cons( geq ) );
	  // Add clause ( !x=y v x<=y )
	  Enode * c1 = mkOr( cons( not_e
		           , cons( leq ) ) );
	  // Add clause ( !x=y v x>=y )
	  Enode * c2 = mkOr( cons( not_e
		           , cons( geq ) ) );
	  // Add clause ( x=y v !x>=y v !x<=y )
	  Enode * c3 = mkOr( cons( enode
		           , cons( not_l
		           , cons( not_g ) ) ) );
	  // Add conjunction of clauses
	  Enode * ax = mkAnd( cons( c1
		            , cons( c2
		            , cons( c3 ) ) ) );

	  dtc_axioms.push_back( ax );
	  result = enode;
    // If nothing have been done copy and simplify
    if ( result == NULL )
      result = copyEnodeEtypeTermWithCache( enode );

    assert( valDupMap1( enode ) == NULL );
    storeDupMap1( enode, result );

  Enode * new_formula = valDupMap1( formula );
  assert( new_formula );
  doneDupMap1( );

  if ( !dtc_axioms.empty( ) )
    dtc_axioms.push_back( new_formula );
    new_formula = mkAnd( cons( dtc_axioms ) );

  return new_formula;
Example #15
OpenSMTContext::SetOption( const char * key )
  opensmt_error2( "command not supported (yet)", key );
Example #16
SMTConfig::parseCMDLine( int argc
                       , char * argv[ ] )
  char config_name[ 64 ];
  for ( int i = 1 ; i < argc - 1 ; i ++ )
    const char * buf = argv[ i ];
    // Parsing of configuration options
    if ( sscanf( buf, "--config=%s", config_name ) == 1 )
      parseConfig( config_name );
    if ( sscanf( buf, "--precision=%lf", &nra_precision ) == 1)
        if(nra_precision <= 0.0)
            printHelp( );
            exit( 1 );
    if ( sscanf( buf, "--ode-step=%lf", &nra_ODE_step ) == 1)
        if(nra_ODE_step <= 0.0)
            printHelp( );
            exit( 1 );

    if ( sscanf( buf, "--ode-order=%d", &nra_ODE_taylor_order ) == 1)

    if ( sscanf( buf, "--ode-grid=%d", &nra_ODE_grid_size ) == 1)

    if ( strcmp( buf, "--ode-parallel" ) == 0 )
        nra_parallel_ODE = true;

    if ( strcmp( buf, "--help" ) == 0 )
        printHelp( );
        exit( 1 );

    if ( strcmp( buf, "--proof" ) == 0 )
        nra_proof = true;
        /* Open file stream */
        nra_proof_out_name = string(argv[ argc - 1 ]) + ".proof";
        nra_proof_out.open (nra_proof_out_name.c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
            cout << "Cannot create a file: " << nra_proof_out_name << endl;
            exit( 1 );

    if ( strcmp( buf, "--visualize" ) == 0 )
        nra_json = true;
        string filename = string(argv[ argc - 1 ]) + ".json";
        /* Open file stream */
        nra_json_out.open (filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc );
            cout << "Cannot create a file: " << filename << endl;
            exit( 1 );

    if ( strcmp( buf, "--verbose" ) == 0)
        nra_verbose = true;
      printHelp( );
      opensmt_error2( "unrecognized option", buf );
Example #17
void THandler::verifyInterpolantWithExternalTool( vector< Enode * > & expl
                                                , Enode * interp_list )
  uint64_t mask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEULL;
  for ( unsigned in = 1 ; in < core_solver.getNofPartitions( ) ; in ++ )
    Enode * args = interp_list;
    // Advance in the interpolants list
    for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < in - 1 ; i ++ )
      args = args->getCdr( );
    Enode * interp = args->getCar( );
    mask &= ~SETBIT( in );
    // Check A -> I, i.e., A & !I
    // First stage: print declarations
    const char * name = "/tmp/verifyinterp.smt2";
    std::ofstream dump_out( name );
    core_solver.dumpHeaderToFile( dump_out );
    // Print only A atoms
    dump_out << "(assert " << endl;
    dump_out << "(and" << endl;
    for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < expl.size( ) ; j ++ )
      Enode * e = expl[ j ];
      assert( e->isTAtom( ) );
      assert( e->getPolarity( ) != l_Undef );
      assert( (core_solver.getIPartitions( e ) &  mask) != 0
           || (core_solver.getIPartitions( e ) & ~mask) != 0 );
      if ( (core_solver.getIPartitions( e ) & ~mask) != 0 )
        bool negated = e->getPolarity( ) == l_False;
        if ( negated )
          dump_out << "(not ";
        e->print( dump_out );
        if ( negated )
          dump_out << ")";
        dump_out << endl;

    dump_out << "(not " << interp << ")" << endl;
    dump_out << "))" << endl;
    dump_out << "(check-sat)" << endl;
    dump_out << "(exit)" << endl;
    dump_out.close( );
    // Check !
    bool tool_res;
    if ( int pid = fork() )
      int status;
      waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
      switch ( WEXITSTATUS( status ) )
        case 0:
          tool_res = false;
        case 1:
          tool_res = true;
          perror( "Tool" );
          exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      execlp( "tool_wrapper.sh", "tool_wrapper.sh", name, 0 );
      perror( "Tool" );
      exit( 1 );

    if ( tool_res == true )
      opensmt_error2( config.certifying_solver, " says A -> I does not hold" );
    // Now check B & I
    dump_out.open( name );
    core_solver.dumpHeaderToFile( dump_out );
    // Print only B atoms
    dump_out << "(assert " << endl;
    dump_out << "(and" << endl;
    for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < expl.size( ) ; j ++ )
      Enode * e = expl[ j ];
      assert( e->isTAtom( ) );
      assert( e->getPolarity( ) != l_Undef );
      assert( (core_solver.getIPartitions( e ) &  mask) != 0
           || (core_solver.getIPartitions( e ) & ~mask) != 0 );
      if ( (core_solver.getIPartitions( e ) & mask) != 0 )
        bool negated = e->getPolarity( ) == l_False;
        if ( negated )
          dump_out << "(not ";
        e->print( dump_out );
        if ( negated )
          dump_out << ")";
        dump_out << endl;
    dump_out << interp << endl;
    dump_out << "))" << endl;
    dump_out << "(check-sat)" << endl;
    dump_out << "(exit)" << endl;
    dump_out.close( );
    // Check !
    if ( int pid = fork() )
      int status;
      waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
      switch ( WEXITSTATUS( status ) )
        case 0:
          tool_res = false;
        case 1:
          tool_res = true;
          perror( "Tool" );
          exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
      execlp( "tool_wrapper.sh", "tool_wrapper.sh", name, 0 );
      perror( "Tool" );
      exit( 1 );
    if ( tool_res == true )
      opensmt_error2( config.certifying_solver, " says B & I does not hold" );
Example #18
// Resolves the PTRef for name s taking into account polymorphism
// Creates the term.
// Returns PTRef_Undef if the name is not defined anywhere
SymRef PtStore::lookupSymbol(const char* s, const vec<PTRef>& args) {
    if (symstore.contains(s)) {
        const vec<SymRef>& trefs = symstore.nameToRef(s);
        if (symstore[trefs[0]].noScoping()) {
            // No need to look forward, this is the only possible term
            // list
            for (int i = 0; i < trefs.size(); i++) {
                SymRef ctr = trefs[i];
                const Symbol& t = symstore[ctr];
                if (t.nargs() == args.size_()) {
                    // t is a potential match.  Check that arguments match
                    uint32_t j = 0;
                    for (; j < t.nargs(); j++) {
                        SymRef argt = pta[args[j]].symb();
                        if (t[j] != symstore[argt].rsort()) break;
                    if (j == t.nargs()) {
                        // Create / lookup the proper term and return the reference
                        return ctr;
                // The term might still be one of the special cases:
                // left associative
                // - requires that the left argument and the return value have the same sort
                else if (t.left_assoc() && symstore[pta[args[0]].symb()].rsort() == t.rsort()) {
                    int j = 1;
                    for (; j < args.size(); j++) {
                        SymRef argt = pta[args[j]].symb();
                        if (symstore[argt].rsort() != t[1]) break;
                    if (j == args.size())
                        return ctr;
                else if (t.right_assoc()) {
                    opensmt_error2("right assoc term not implemented yet", symstore.getName(ctr));
                    return SymRef_Undef;
                else if (t.nargs() < args.size_() && t.chainable()) {
                    opensmt_error2("chainable term not implemented yet", symstore.getName(ctr));
                    return SymRef_Undef;
                else if (t.nargs() < args.size_() && t.pairwise()) {
                    int j = 0;
                    for (; j < args.size(); j++) {
                        SymRef argt = pta[args[j]].symb();
                        if (symstore[argt].rsort() != t[0]) break;
                    if (j == args.size()) return ctr;
                    return SymRef_Undef;

    // We get here if it was not in let branches either
    if (symstore.contains(s)) {
        const vec<SymRef>& trefs = symstore.nameToRef(s);
        for (int i = 0; i < trefs.size(); i++) {
            SymRef ctr = trefs[i];
            const Symbol& t = symstore[ctr];
            if (t.nargs() == args.size_()) {
                // t is a potential match.  Check that arguments match
                uint32_t j = 0;
                for (; j < t.nargs(); j++) {
                    SymRef argt = pta[args[j]].symb();
                    if (t[j] != symstore[argt].rsort()) break;
                if (j == t.nargs())
                    return ctr;
    // Not found
    return SymRef_Undef;
Example #19
MiniSATP::popBacktrackPoint ( ) 
  // Force restart, but retain assumptions
  // Shrink back trail
  int new_trail_size = undo_trail_size.back( );
  undo_trail_size.pop_back( );
  for ( int i = trail.size( ) - 1 ; i >= new_trail_size ; i -- )
    Var     x  = var(trail[i]);
    assigns[x] = toInt(l_Undef);
    reason [x] = NULL;
  trail.shrink(trail.size( ) - new_trail_size);
  assert( trail_lim.size( ) == 0 );
  qhead = trail.size( );
  // Undo operations
  size_t new_stack_size = undo_stack_size.back( );
  undo_stack_size.pop_back( );
  while ( undo_stack_oper.size( ) > new_stack_size )
    const oper_t op = undo_stack_oper.back( );

    if ( op == NEWVAR )
#ifdef BUILD_64
      long xl = reinterpret_cast< long >( undo_stack_elem.back( ) );
      const Var x = static_cast< Var >( xl );
      const Var x = reinterpret_cast< int >( undo_stack_elem.back( ) );

      // Undoes insertVarOrder( )
      assert( order_heap.inHeap(x) );
      order_heap  .remove(x);
      // Undoes decision_var ... watches
      polarity    .pop();
      seen        .pop();
      activity    .pop();
      level       .pop();
      assigns     .pop();
      reason      .pop();
      watches     .pop();
      watches     .pop();
    else if ( op == NEWUNIT )
    else if ( op == NEWCLAUSE )
      Clause * c = (Clause *)undo_stack_elem.back( );
      assert( clauses.last( ) == c );
      // assert( c->id + 1 == (int)clause_id_to_enode.size( ) );
      clauses.pop( );
      removeClause( *c );
      // clause_id_to_enode.pop_back( );
      opensmt_error2( "unknown undo operation in BitBlaster", op );

    undo_stack_oper.pop_back( );
    undo_stack_elem.pop_back( );

  while( learnts.size( ) > 0 )
    Clause * c = learnts.last( );
    learnts.pop( );
    removeClause( *c );

  while( removed.size( ) > 0 )
    Clause * c = removed.last( );
    removed.pop( );
    free( c ); 
  assert( undo_stack_elem.size( ) == undo_stack_oper.size( ) );
  assert( learnts.size( ) == 0 );
  assert( removed.size( ) == 0 );