int opus_tags_get_track_gain(const OpusTags *_tags,int *_gain_q8){ char **comments; int ncomments; int ci; comments=_tags->user_comments; ncomments=_tags->comments; /*Look for the first valid R128_TRACK_GAIN tag and use that.*/ for(ci=0;ci<ncomments;ci++){ if(opus_tagncompare("R128_TRACK_GAIN",15,comments[ci])==0){ char *p; opus_int32 gain_q8; int negative; p=comments[ci]+16; negative=0; if(*p=='-'){ negative=-1; p++; } else if(*p=='+')p++; gain_q8=0; while(*p>='0'&&*p<='9'){ gain_q8=10*gain_q8+*p-'0'; if(gain_q8>32767-negative)break; p++; } /*This didn't look like a signed 16-bit decimal integer. Not a valid R128_TRACK_GAIN tag.*/ if(*p!='\0')continue; *_gain_q8=(int)(gain_q8+negative^negative); return 0; } } return OP_FALSE; }
int opus_tags_query_count(const OpusTags *_tags,const char *_tag){ char **user_comments; int tag_len; int found; int ncomments; int ci; tag_len=strlen(_tag); ncomments=_tags->comments; user_comments=_tags->user_comments; found=0; for(ci=0;ci<ncomments;ci++){ if(!opus_tagncompare(_tag,tag_len,user_comments[ci]))found++; } return found; }
const char *opus_tags_query(const OpusTags *_tags,const char *_tag,int _count){ char **user_comments; int tag_len; int found; int ncomments; int ci; tag_len=strlen(_tag); ncomments=_tags->comments; user_comments=_tags->user_comments; found=0; for(ci=0;ci<ncomments;ci++){ if(!opus_tagncompare(_tag,tag_len,user_comments[ci])){ /*We return a pointer to the data, not a copy.*/ if(_count==found++)return user_comments[ci]+tag_len+1; } } /*Didn't find anything.*/ return NULL; }
int opus_tagcompare(const char *_tag_name,const char *_comment){ return opus_tagncompare(_tag_name,strlen(_tag_name),_comment); }
void VoiceMessagesLoader::onLoad(AudioData *audio) { bool started = false; int32 audioindex = -1; Loader *l = 0; Loaders::iterator j = _loaders.end(); { QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (!voice) return; for (int32 i = 0; i < AudioVoiceMsgSimultaneously; ++i) { VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[i]); if ( != audio || !m.loading) continue; audioindex = i; j = _loaders.find(audio); if (j != _loaders.end() && (j.value()->fname != m.fname || j.value()->data.size() != { delete j.value(); _loaders.erase(j); j = _loaders.end(); } if (j == _loaders.end()) { l = (j = _loaders.insert(audio, new Loader())).value(); l->fname = m.fname; l->data =; int ret; if ( { l->file = op_open_file(m.fname.toUtf8().constData(), &ret); } else { l->file = op_open_memory((const unsigned char*),, &ret); } if (!l->file) { LOG(("Audio Error: op_open_file failed for '%1', data size '%2', error code %3").arg(m.fname).arg(; m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } ogg_int64_t duration = op_pcm_total(l->file, -1); if (duration < 0) { LOG(("Audio Error: op_pcm_total failed to get full duration for '%1', data size '%2', error code %3").arg(m.fname).arg(; m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } m.duration = duration; m.skipStart = 0; m.skipEnd = duration; m.position = 0; m.started = 0; started = true; } else { if (!m.skipEnd) continue; l = j.value(); } break; } } if (j == _loaders.end()) { LOG(("Audio Error: trying to load part of audio, that is not playing at the moment")); emit error(audio); return; } if (started) { l->pcm_offset = op_pcm_tell(l->file); l->pcm_print_offset = l->pcm_offset - AudioVoiceMsgFrequency; } bool finished = false; DEBUG_LOG(("Audio Info: reading buffer for file '%1', data size '%2', current pcm_offset %3").arg(l->fname).arg(l->data.size()).arg(l->pcm_offset)); QByteArray result; int64 samplesAdded = 0; while (result.size() < AudioVoiceMsgBufferSize) { opus_int16 pcm[AudioVoiceMsgFrequency * AudioVoiceMsgChannels]; int ret = op_read_stereo(l->file, pcm, sizeof(pcm) / sizeof(*pcm)); if (ret < 0) { { QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (voice) { VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[audioindex]); if ( == audio) { m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; } } } LOG(("Audio Error: op_read_stereo failed, error code %1").arg(ret)); return loadError(j); } int li = op_current_link(l->file); if (li != l->prev_li) { const OpusHead *head = op_head(l->file, li); const OpusTags *tags = op_tags(l->file, li); for (int32 ci = 0; ci < tags->comments; ++ci) { const char *comment = tags->user_comments[ci]; if (opus_tagncompare("METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE", 22, comment) == 0) { OpusPictureTag pic; int err = opus_picture_tag_parse(&pic, comment); if (err >= 0) { opus_picture_tag_clear(&pic); } } } if (!op_seekable(l->file)) { l->pcm_offset = op_pcm_tell(l->file) - ret; } } if (li != l->prev_li || l->pcm_offset >= l->pcm_print_offset + AudioVoiceMsgFrequency) { l->pcm_print_offset = l->pcm_offset; } l->pcm_offset = op_pcm_tell(l->file); if (!ret) { DEBUG_LOG(("Audio Info: read completed")); finished = true; break; } result.append((const char*)pcm, sizeof(*pcm) * ret * AudioVoiceMsgChannels); l->prev_li = li; samplesAdded += ret; { QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (!voice) return; VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[audioindex]); if ( != audio || !m.loading || m.fname != l->fname || != l->data.size()) { LOG(("Audio Error: playing changed while loading")); m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } } } QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (!voice) return; VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[audioindex]); if ( != audio || !m.loading || m.fname != l->fname || != l->data.size()) { LOG(("Audio Error: playing changed while loading")); m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } if (started) { if (m.source) { alSourceStop(m.source); for (int32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (m.samplesCount[i]) { alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m.source, 1, m.buffers + i); m.samplesCount[i] = 0; } } m.nextBuffer = 0; } } if (samplesAdded) { if (!m.source) { alGenSources(1, &m.source); alSourcef(m.source, AL_PITCH, 1.f); alSourcef(m.source, AL_GAIN, 1.f); alSource3f(m.source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0); alSource3f(m.source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0); alSourcei(m.source, AL_LOOPING, 0); } if (!m.buffers[m.nextBuffer]) alGenBuffers(3, m.buffers); if (!_checkALError()) { m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } if (m.samplesCount[m.nextBuffer]) { alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m.source, 1, m.buffers + m.nextBuffer); m.skipStart += m.samplesCount[m.nextBuffer]; } m.samplesCount[m.nextBuffer] = samplesAdded; alBufferData(m.buffers[m.nextBuffer], AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, result.constData(), result.size(), AudioVoiceMsgFrequency); alSourceQueueBuffers(m.source, 1, m.buffers + m.nextBuffer); m.skipEnd -= samplesAdded; m.nextBuffer = (m.nextBuffer + 1) % 3; if (!_checkALError()) { m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } } else { finished = true; } if (finished) { m.skipEnd = 0; m.duration = m.skipStart + m.samplesCount[0] + m.samplesCount[1] + m.samplesCount[2]; } m.loading = false; if (m.state == VoiceMessageResuming || m.state == VoiceMessagePlaying || m.state == VoiceMessageStarting) { ALint state = AL_INITIAL; alGetSourcei(m.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if (_checkALError()) { if (state != AL_PLAYING) { alSourcePlay(m.source); emit needToCheck(); } } } }