Example #1
 * Installs the UAE LIBRARY
void emulib_install (void)
    uaecptr a = here ();
    org (RTAREA_BASE + 0xFF60);
//    dw (0x4eb9);
//    dw ((RTAREA_BASE >> 16) | get_word (RTAREA_BASE + 36));
//    dw (get_word (RTAREA_BASE + 38) + 12);
    calltrap (define_trap (uaelib_demux, 0, ""));
    dw (RTS);
    org (a);
Example #2
 * Install the server
void uaeexe_install (void)
	uaecptr loop;

	if (!uae_boot_rom)
	loop = here ();
	org (UAEEXE_ORG);
	calltrap (deftrapres (uaeexe_server, 0, _T("uaeexe_server")));
	dw (RTS);
	org (loop);
Example #3
void asm_prgm(void)
	int n;
	for(n = 0; n < sizeof(locations)/sizeof(locations[0]) - 1; ++n)
		mov_literal(GP0, locations[n + 1]);
Example #4
cv::Mat drawHist(const cv::Mat hist)
	cv::Mat r(256*3,256*3, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));

	cv::Mat nhist;
	cv::normalize(hist, nhist, 0.0, 0.9, cv::NORM_MINMAX);

	for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
					cv::Point(3*i, 256*3 - 30),		// 30 for tick
					cv::Point(3*i+1, (int)((256*3-30)*(1-nhist.at<float>(i)))),
					cv:: Scalar(255) );

	int font = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN;
	double scale = 1.0;
	int thickness = 1;
	for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
		int baseline;
		std::string text = xf::tostr<int>(i*32);
		cv::Size tsize = cv::getTextSize(text, font,
			scale, thickness, &baseline);
		// center the text
		cv::Point org(i*32*3 - tsize.width/2, 256*3 - 27 + tsize.height);
		cv::putText(r, text,  org, font, scale, cv::Scalar(255), 1, 8);
	return r;
Example #5
void initparallel (void) {
    write_log("initparallel uae_boot_rom = %d\n", uae_boot_rom);
#ifdef AHI
    if (uae_boot_rom) {
        write_log("installing ahi_winuae\n");
        uaecptr a = here (); //this install the ahisound
        org (rtarea_base + 0xFFC0);
        calltrap (deftrapres (ahi_demux, 0, _T("ahi_winuae")));
        dw (RTS);
        org (a);
#ifdef AHI_V2
        init_ahi_v2 ();
Example #6
void MxPropSlim::discontinuity_constraint(MxVertexID i, MxVertexID j, MxFaceID f)
	Vec3 org(m->vertex(i)), dest(m->vertex(j));
	Vec3 e = dest - org;

	Vec3 v1(m->vertex(m->face(f)(0)));
	Vec3 v2(m->vertex(m->face(f)(1)));
	Vec3 v3(m->vertex(m->face(f)(2)));
	Vec3 n = triangle_normal(v1,v2,v3);

	Vec3 n2 = e ^ n;

	MxQuadric3 Q3(n2, -(n2*org));
	Q3 *= boundary_weight;

	if( weighting_policy == MX_WEIGHT_AREA ||
		weighting_policy == MX_WEIGHT_AREA_AVG )
		Q3 *= Q3.area();

	MxQuadric Q(Q3, dim());

	quadric(i) += Q;
	quadric(j) += Q;
Example #7
shared_ptr<RandomAdjMatGen::AdjMatT> copyAndPermute(shared_ptr<RandomAdjMatGen::AdjMatT> org_ptr) {
    L("Generating random permutation...");
    RandomAdjMatGen::AdjMatT& org = *org_ptr;
    int n = org.size1();

    std::vector<int> idxs;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)

    int r = (int) pow(2,drand48()*n);
    std::vector<int>::iterator start=idxs.begin(),end=idxs.end();
    random_shuffle (idxs.begin(), idxs.end());

    cout << "Random Permutation: ";
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        cout << idxs[i]<<" ";
        idxmap[idxs[i]] = i;
    cout << endl;

    // create new matrix
    shared_ptr<RandomAdjMatGen::AdjMatT> ret_ptr(new RandomAdjMatGen::AdjMatT(org.size1(),org.size2()));
    RandomAdjMatGen::AdjMatT& ret = *ret_ptr;

    // fill with values
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
            ret(i,j) = org(idxmap[i],idxmap[j]);

    return ret_ptr;
Example #8
void ShapeDrawer::drawShape(const btCollisionShape* shape)
	const btBoxShape* boxShape = static_cast<const btBoxShape*>(shape);
	btVector3 halfExtent = boxShape->getHalfExtentsWithMargin();
	btVector3 org(0,0,0);
	btVector3 dx(1,0,0);
	btVector3 dy(0,1,0);
	btVector3 dz(0,0,1);
	dx *= halfExtent[0];
	dy *= halfExtent[1];
	dz *= halfExtent[2];
	glDrawVector(org - dx - dy - dz);
	glDrawVector(org + dx - dy - dz);
	glDrawVector(org + dx + dy - dz);
	glDrawVector(org - dx + dy - dz);
	glDrawVector(org - dx + dy + dz);
	glDrawVector(org + dx + dy + dz);
	glDrawVector(org + dx - dy + dz);
	glDrawVector(org - dx - dy + dz);
	glDrawVector(org + dx - dy - dz);
	glDrawVector(org + dx - dy + dz);
	glDrawVector(org + dx + dy - dz);
	glDrawVector(org + dx + dy + dz);
	glDrawVector(org - dx - dy - dz);
	glDrawVector(org - dx + dy - dz);
	glDrawVector(org - dx - dy + dz);
	glDrawVector(org - dx + dy + dz);
Example #9
HUB_MSG *TelnetProtocol::Encode(HUB_MSG *pMsg)
  _ASSERTE(started == TRUE);

  DWORD len = pMsg->u.buf.size;
  BYTE_string org(pMsg->u.buf.pBuf, len);
  const BYTE *pBuf = org.data();

  // discard original data from the stream
  if (!pMsgReplaceBuf(pMsg, HUB_MSG_TYPE_LINE_DATA, NULL, 0))
    return NULL;

  for (; len ; len--) {
    BYTE ch = *pBuf++;

    if (ch == cdIAC)
      streamEncoded += ch;

    streamEncoded += ch;

    if (ch == 13 /*CR*/ && ascii_cr_padding.size()) {
      if (options[0 /*TRANSMIT-BINARY*/] == NULL || options[0 /*TRANSMIT-BINARY*/]->stateLocal != TelnetOption::osYes)
        streamEncoded += ascii_cr_padding;

  return FlushEncodedStream(pMsg);
// Purpose: 
static void CC_ListDeaths( const CCommand &args )
	Ep2LevelStats_t *map = s_CEP2GameStats_Singleton.FindOrAddMapStats( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) );
	if ( !map )

	int nRendered = 0;
	for ( int i = map->m_aPlayerDeaths.Count() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i, ++nRendered )
		Vector org( map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 0 ],
			map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 1 ],
			map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 2 ] + 36.0f );

		// FIXME: This might overflow
		NDebugOverlay::Box( org, Vector( -8, -8, -8 ), Vector( 8, 8, 8 ), 0, 255, 0, 128, 10.0f );

		Msg( "%s killed %s with %s at (%d,%d,%d)\n",
			g_aClassNames[ map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iAttackClass ],
			g_aClassNames[ map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iTargetClass ],
			WeaponIdToAlias( map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].iWeapon ), 
			map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 0 ],
			map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 1 ],
			map->m_aPlayerDeaths[ i ].nPosition[ 2 ] );

		if ( nRendered > 150 )
	Msg( "\nlisted %d deaths\n", map->m_aPlayerDeaths.Count() );
Example #11
const mydefs::Triangle3d TriangleIterator::operator*()
int plus1mod3[3] = {1, 2, 0};
int minus1mod3[3] = {2, 0, 1};

#define org(otri, vertexptr)                                                  \
  vertexptr = (vertex) (otri).tri[plus1mod3[(otri).orient] + 3]

#define dest(otri, vertexptr)                                                 \
  vertexptr = (vertex) (otri).tri[minus1mod3[(otri).orient] + 3]

#define apex(otri, vertexptr)                                                 \
  vertexptr = (vertex) (otri).tri[(otri).orient + 3]
	mydefs::Triangle3d triangle;
	TVertex v1;
	TVertex v2;
	TVertex v3;
	if( validTriangle() )
		org(mCurrentTriangle, v1);
		dest(mCurrentTriangle, v2);
		apex(mCurrentTriangle, v3);
		triangle = wykobi::make_triangle( v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 
			v2[0], v2[1], v2[2],
			v3[0], v3[1], v3[2]);
	return triangle;
Example #12
  for (int i=0; i<mNumOrgs; i++) {
    nsAutoString org(mTreeArray[i].orgName);
    PR_LOG(gPIPNSSLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("ORG[%s]", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(org).get()));
    PR_LOG(gPIPNSSLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("OPEN[%d]", mTreeArray[i].open));
    PR_LOG(gPIPNSSLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("INDEX[%d]", mTreeArray[i].certIndex));
    PR_LOG(gPIPNSSLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("NCHILD[%d]", mTreeArray[i].numChildren));
  for (int i=0; i<mNumRows; i++) {
    treeArrayEl *el = GetThreadDescAtIndex(i);
    if (el != nsnull) {
      nsAutoString td(el->orgName);
      PR_LOG(gPIPNSSLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("thread desc[%d]: %s", i, NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(td).get()));
    nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert> ct = GetCertAtIndex(i);
    if (ct != nsnull) {
      PRUnichar *goo;
      nsAutoString doo(goo);
      PR_LOG(gPIPNSSLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("cert [%d]: %s", i, NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(doo).get()));
Example #13
void AggregateTest::Render(const Scene *scene) {
    RNG rng;
    ProgressReporter prog(nIterations, "Aggregate Test");
    // Compute bounding box of region used to generate random rays
    BBox bbox = scene->WorldBound();
    bbox.Expand(bbox.pMax[bbox.MaximumExtent()] -
    Point lastHit;
    float lastEps = 0.f;
    for (int i = 0; i < nIterations; ++i) {
        // Choose random rays, _rayAccel_ and _rayAll_ for testing

        // Choose ray origin for testing accelerator
        Point org(Lerp(rng.RandomFloat(), bbox.pMin.x, bbox.pMax.x),
                  Lerp(rng.RandomFloat(), bbox.pMin.y, bbox.pMax.y),
                  Lerp(rng.RandomFloat(), bbox.pMin.z, bbox.pMax.z));
        if ((rng.RandomUInt() % 4) == 0) org = lastHit;

        // Choose ray direction for testing accelerator
        Vector dir = UniformSampleSphere(rng.RandomFloat(), rng.RandomFloat());
        if ((rng.RandomUInt() % 32) == 0) dir.x = dir.y = 0.f;
        else if ((rng.RandomUInt() % 32) == 0) dir.x = dir.z = 0.f;
        else if ((rng.RandomUInt() % 32) == 0) dir.y = dir.z = 0.f;

        // Choose ray epsilon for testing accelerator
        float eps = 0.f;
        if (rng.RandomFloat() < .25) eps = lastEps;
        else if (rng.RandomFloat() < .25) eps = 1e-3f;
        Ray rayAccel(org, dir, eps);
        Ray rayAll = rayAccel;

        // Compute intersections using accelerator and exhaustive testing
        Intersection isectAccel, isectAll;
        bool hitAccel = scene->Intersect(rayAccel, &isectAccel);
        bool hitAll = false;
        bool inconsistentBounds = false;
        for (u_int j = 0; j < primitives.size(); ++j) {
            if (bboxes[j].IntersectP(rayAll))
                hitAll |= primitives[j]->Intersect(rayAll, &isectAll);
            else if (primitives[j]->Intersect(rayAll, &isectAll))
                inconsistentBounds = true;

        // Report any inconsistencies between intersections
        if (!inconsistentBounds &&
            ((hitAccel != hitAll) || (rayAccel.maxt != rayAll.maxt)))
            Warning("Disagreement: t accel %.16g [%a] t exhaustive %.16g [%a]\n"
                    "Ray: org [%a, %a, %a], dir [%a, %a, %a], mint = %a",
                    rayAccel.maxt, rayAll.maxt, rayAccel.maxt, rayAll.maxt,
                    rayAll.o.x, rayAll.o.y, rayAll.o.z,
                    rayAll.d.x, rayAll.d.y, rayAll.d.z, rayAll.mint);
        if (hitAll) {
            lastHit = rayAll(rayAll.maxt);
            lastEps = isectAll.RayEpsilon;
float Trans_Mesh::Ray_Tri_Intersect(const vec3& rayorig, const vec3& raydir, mat4& world, uint16_t startindex, uint16_t numindices) const{
	vec3 org(rayorig*world), di(raydir);// transform these to the mesh's space so the checks are in object space, not world space
	TransformNormal(di, world);
	// do all checks in OBJECT SPACE!!!
	di*=20000.0f;//make sure the ray is long enough
	return RayTriangleIntersect(org, di, &Vertices[0], &Indices[startindex],numindices);
ofVec3f ofxBulletRigidBody::getBulletPosition() {
	if(!isBody()) return 0;
	btScalar m[16];
	btDefaultMotionState* myMotionState = (btDefaultMotionState*)body->getMotionState();
	btVector3 org(m[12], m[13], m[14]);
	return ofVec3f(org.x(), org.y(), org.z());
float Animated_Mesh::Ray_BV_Intersect(const vec3& rayorig, const vec3& raydir) {
	mat4 inverseW(GetWorld());
	vec3 org(rayorig*inverseW), di(raydir);// transform these to the mesh's space so the checks are in object space, not world space
	TransformNormal(di, inverseW);
	// do all checks in OBJECT SPACE!!!
	di*=20000.0f;//make sure the ray is long enough
	return Bounding_Volume.RayIntersect(org, di);
ofPoint RagDoll::getBodyPos() {
	btScalar m[16];
	btDefaultMotionState* myMotionState = (btDefaultMotionState*)m_bodies[BODYPART_SPINE]->getMotionState();
	btVector3 org(m[12], m[13], m[14]);
	return ofPoint(org.x(), org.y(), org.z());

int process(int argc, char**argv)
  if(argc < 2) throw std::string("Usage:") + argv[0] + " EITHER_camera-number_OR_input-video-file-name [video-out-file-name]";

  cv::VideoCapture cap(argv[1]);                // try to open as a video file or image sequence.
  if (!cap.isOpened()) cap.open(atoi(argv[1])); // try to open as a video camera.
  if (!cap.isOpened())
    throw "Failed to open the video device, video file or image sequence!\n";

  int    w   = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
  int    h   = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
  double fps = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
  std::cout << "Frame size : " << w << " x " << h << std::endl;

  cv::VideoWriter writer;
  if(argc > 2) // NOTE: XVID is MPEG-4
    writer.open(argv[2], cv::VideoWriter::fourcc('X','V','I','D'), fps==-1.? 24.: fps, cv::Size(w,h));

  const char* title = "video";
  cv::namedWindow(title, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //create a window called "MyVideo"

  // cv::putText parameters
  std::ostringstream      text;
  cv::Point               org(20,20);
  int fontFace          = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN;  // choose one of:
  double fontScale      = 1.; 
  cv::Scalar              color(0,255,0);   // green
  int thickness         = 1; 
  int lineType          = 8; 
  bool bottomLeftOrigin = false;  // up-side-down text if true

  std::cout << "Press Esc key to quit" << std::endl;
  cv::Mat frame;
  for(int frameCount = 0; ; frameCount++) {
    cap >> frame;
    if (frame.empty()) break;  // EOF if reading video file

    // add some text to the image
    text.seekp(0);  // - Operator '<<' will append to 'text' if we don't do this!
    text << "frame: " << frameCount;
    cv::putText(frame, text.str(), org, fontFace, fontScale, color, thickness, lineType, bottomLeftOrigin);

      writer << frame;

    cv::imshow(title, frame); // show frame
    if (cv::waitKey(1) == 27) // wait up to 1 ms for 'Esc' key, ascii decimal 27, press.
  return 0;
Example #19
CRef<CTaxon3_reply> CTaxon3::SendOrgRefList(const vector<CRef< COrg_ref> >& list)
    // Open connection to Taxonomy service
    CTaxon3_request request;
	ITERATE (vector<CRef< COrg_ref> >, it, list) {
        CRef<CT3Request> rq(new CT3Request);			
		CRef<COrg_ref> org(new COrg_ref);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> TestSaddle()
	osg::Vec3 org(0, 0, 0);
	osg::Vec3 xLen(200, 0, 0), zLen(0, 0, 150);
	double yLen = 100, radius = 30;
	osg::Vec4 color(1, 1, 1, 0);

	osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode;
	geode->addDrawable(Geometry::BuildSaddle(org, xLen, yLen, zLen, radius, color));
	return geode;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> TestPyramid()
	osg::Vec3 org(0, 0, 0);
	osg::Vec3 height(0, 0, 500);
	osg::Vec3 xAxis(1, 0, 0);
	osg::Vec3 offset(100, 0, 0);
	double bottomXLen = 300, bottomYLen = 100;
	double topXLen = 200, topYlen = 50;

	osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode;
	geode->addDrawable(Geometry::BuildPyramid(org, height, xAxis, offset, bottomXLen, bottomYLen, topXLen, topYlen, osg::Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0)));
	return geode;
 void info_getter_org::process_ip_info(ip_info& info) {
     if (!info.organization) {
         char const* rezult = GeoIP_name_by_addr(db, info.ip_string.c_str());
         if (rezult) {
             std::string org(rezult);
             boost::replace_all(org, ",", " ");
             boost::erase_all(org, "(");
             boost::erase_all(org, ")");
vector<ofPoint> RagDoll::getPartsPos() {

	vector<ofPoint> ret;
	for (int i = 0; i < BODYPART_COUNT; i++) {
		btScalar m[16];
		btDefaultMotionState* myMotionState = (btDefaultMotionState*)m_bodies[i]->getMotionState();
		btVector3 org(m[12], m[13], m[14]);
		ret.push_back(ofPoint(org.x(), org.y(), org.z()));		
	return ret;
Example #24
void TestParse::testParseCompareOutput()
	QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testout.ssrf"), 0);
	QFile org(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/test40-42.xml");
	QFile out("./testout.ssrf");
	QTextStream orgS(&org);
	QTextStream outS(&out);
	QString readin = orgS.readAll();
	QString written = outS.readAll();
	QCOMPARE(readin, written);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> TestSCylinder()
	osg::Vec3 org(0, 0, 0);
	osg::Vec3 height(0, 0, 200);
	osg::Vec3 bottomNormal(0, -1, -1);
	double radius = 50;
	osg::Vec4 color(1, 1, 1, 0);

	osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode;
	geode->addDrawable(Geometry::BuildSCylinder(org, height, bottomNormal, radius, color));
	return geode;
Example #26
void rtarea_init (void)
    rtarea_init_mem ();

    uae_u32 a;
    char uaever[32];
    snprintf (uaever, 32, "uae-%d.%d.%d", UAEMAJOR, UAEMINOR, UAESUBREV);

    EXPANSION_uaeversion = ds (uaever);
    EXPANSION_explibname = ds ("expansion.library");
    EXPANSION_doslibname = ds ("dos.library");
    EXPANSION_uaedevname = ds ("uae.device");

    deftrap (NULL); /* Generic emulator trap */
    lasttrap = 0;

    EXPANSION_nullfunc = here ();
    calltrap (deftrap (nullfunc));
    dw (RTS);

    a = here();
    /* Standard "return from 68k mode" trap */
    org (RTAREA_BASE + 0xFF00);
    calltrap (deftrap2 (m68k_mode_return, TRAPFLAG_NO_RETVAL, ""));

    org (RTAREA_BASE + 0xFF80);
    calltrap (deftrap2 (getchipmemsize, TRAPFLAG_DORET, ""));

    org (RTAREA_BASE + 0xFF10);
    calltrap (deftrap2 (uae_puts, TRAPFLAG_NO_RETVAL, ""));
    dw (RTS);

    org (a);
    filesys_install_code ();
Example #27
void TestParse::testParseCompareNewFormatOutput()
	QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testsbnewout.ssrf"), 0);
	QFile org(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/TestDiveSeabearNewFormat.xml");
	QFile out("./testsbnewout.ssrf");
	QTextStream orgS(&org);
	QTextStream outS(&out);
	QString readin = orgS.readAll();
	QString written = outS.readAll();
	QCOMPARE(readin, written);
float Animated_Mesh::Ray_Tri_Intersect(const vec3& rayorig, const vec3& raydir) {
	mat4 inverseW(GetWorld());
	vec3 org(rayorig*inverseW), di(raydir);// transform these to the mesh's space so the checks are in object space, not world space
	TransformNormal(di, inverseW);
	// do all checks in OBJECT SPACE!!!
	di*=20000.0f;//make sure the ray is long enough
	if(Bounding_Volume.RayIntersect(org, di) == INFINITY) return INFINITY;// did not hit the aabb, therefore, we did not hit the object
	if(IB.Stride == 4){
		return RayTriangleIntersect(org, di, &Vertices[0], reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(&Indices[0]),Indices.size()/2);
	} else {
		return RayTriangleIntersect(org, di, &Vertices[0],&Indices[0],Indices.size());
void SolutionViewer::WriteDigit(int col, int row, int num)
	int cell_width  = (int)floor(output_img.size().width /9.0);
	int cell_height = (int)floor(output_img.size().height/9.0);
	int font_face = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX;
	double font_scale = 1.5;
	int thickness = 3;

	cv::Point org((int)(col*cell_width+0.3*cell_width), 
		          (int)((row+1)*cell_height - 0.3*cell_height));
	char tmp[2];
	sprintf_s(tmp, "%d", num);
	putText(output_img, tmp, org, font_face, font_scale, cv::Scalar::all(0), thickness);
Example #30
void QgsAuthIdentCertEdit::populateIdentityComboBox()
  cmbIdentityCert->addItem( tr( "Select identity..." ), "" );

  QList<QSslCertificate> certs( QgsAuthManager::instance()->getCertIdentities() );
  if ( !certs.isEmpty() )
    cmbIdentityCert->setIconSize( QSize( 26, 22 ) );
    QgsStringMap idents;
    Q_FOREACH ( const QSslCertificate &cert, certs )
      QString org( SSL_SUBJECT_INFO( cert, QSslCertificate::Organization ) );
      if ( org.isEmpty() )
        org = tr( "Organization not defined" );
      idents.insert( QStringLiteral( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( QgsAuthCertUtils::resolvedCertName( cert ), org ),
                     QgsAuthCertUtils::shaHexForCert( cert ) );