Example #1
//------------------main function------------------------------//
int main(void){
        string filename("puz1.txt");
        ifstream origfile(filename);
        Game g(origfile,filename);
     }catch(FileNotOpen e){
     }catch(MalformedFile e){
    return 0;
Example #2
// Unhandled exception
void AegisubApp::OnUnhandledException() {
	// Attempt to recover file
	wxFileName origfile(AssFile::top->filename);
	wxString path = Options.AsText(_T("Auto recovery path"));
	if (path.IsEmpty()) path = folderName;
	wxFileName dstpath(path);
	if (!dstpath.IsAbsolute()) path = AegisubApp::folderName + path;
	path += _T("/");
	if (!dstpath.DirExists()) wxMkdir(path);
	wxString filename = folderName + origfile.GetName() + _T(".RECOVER.ass");

	// Inform user of crash
	wxMessageBox(_T("Aegisub has encountered an unhandled exception error and will terminate now. The subtitles you were working on were saved to \"") + filename + _T("\", but they might be corrupt."), _T("Unhandled exception"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, NULL);
void PointTracker::save(string filename, string newpoints, 
			const IplImage *frame) 
    vector<CvRect> faces = FaceDetector::facedetector.detect(frame);
    if (faces.size() == 1) {
	cvSaveImage((filename + "-orig-grey.png").c_str(), orig_grey.get());
	cvSaveImage((filename + "-orig-pyramid.png").c_str(), orig_pyramid.get());
	ofstream origfile((filename + "-orig-points.txt").c_str());
	origfile << origpoints;

	CvRect face = faces[0];
	ofstream facefile(newpoints.c_str());
	vector<Point> temppoints;
	convert(currentpoints, temppoints);
	facefile << pointbetweenrects(temppoints, face, cvRect(0, 0, 1, 1));
	throw ios_base::failure("No face found in the image");
void PointTracker::load(string filename, string newpoints, 
			const IplImage *frame) 
    vector<CvRect> faces = FaceDetector::facedetector.detect(frame);

    if (faces.size() == 1) {
	ifstream origfile((filename + "-orig-points.txt").c_str());
	ifstream facefile(newpoints.c_str());
	if (!origfile.is_open() || !facefile.is_open())
	    throw ios_base::failure("File not found");

	// todo: memory leak here, change to scoped_ptr!
	orig_grey.reset(cvLoadImage((filename + "-orig-grey.png").c_str(), 0));
	orig_pyramid.reset(cvLoadImage((filename + "-orig-pyramid.png").c_str(), 0));
	vector<Point> temppoints;
	origfile >> temppoints;
	convert(temppoints, origpoints);

	facefile >> temppoints;
	temppoints = pointbetweenrects(temppoints, cvRect(0,0,1,1), faces[0]);
	convert(temppoints, currentpoints);
	lastpoints = currentpoints;