int main( int argc, char** argv) { cv::Mat A = ( cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0.5,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0); cv::Mat B = orth(A); return 0; }
void Polar::bvmg(double bt_longitude,double bt_latitude, double wp_longitude, double wp_latitude, double w_angle, double w_speed, double *heading, double *wangle) { double maxwangle,twaOrtho; double maxheading; double wanted_heading; w_angle=degToRad(w_angle); Orthodromie orth(bt_longitude,bt_latitude,wp_longitude,wp_latitude); wanted_heading=orth.getAzimutRad(); twaOrtho = w_angle - wanted_heading; myBvmgWind(twaOrtho,w_speed,&maxwangle); maxheading = fmod((wanted_heading-maxwangle+twaOrtho), TWO_PI); if (maxheading < 0) { maxheading += TWO_PI; } maxwangle = fmod(maxwangle, TWO_PI); if (maxwangle > PI) { maxwangle -= TWO_PI; } else if (maxwangle < -PI) { maxwangle += TWO_PI; } #if 0 qWarning() << "BVMG: Wind " << w_speed << "kts " << radToDeg(w_angle); qWarning() << "BVMG Wind Angle : wanted_heading " << radToDeg(wanted_heading); qWarning() << "BVMG Wind Angle : heading " << radToDeg(maxheading) << ", wind angle " << radToDeg(maxwangle); #endif /* DEBUG */ *heading = radToDeg(maxheading); *wangle = radToDeg(maxwangle); }
vector<sp_mat> make_freebie_flow_bases_ignore_q(const sp_mat & value_basis, const vector<sp_mat> blocks){ vector<sp_mat> flow_bases; uint A = blocks.size(); for(uint a = 0; a < A; a++){ sp_mat raw_basis = * value_basis; flow_bases.push_back(sp_mat(orth(mat(raw_basis)))); // Orthonorm (TODO: do directly in sparse?) } return flow_bases; }
inline bool orth(Mat<typename T1::elem_type>& out, const Base<typename T1::elem_type, T1>& X, const typename T1::pod_type tol = 0.0, const typename arma_blas_type_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk = 0) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_ignore(junk); try { out = orth(X,tol); } catch (std::runtime_error&) { return false; } return true; }
vector<sp_mat> make_freebie_flow_bases(const sp_mat & value_basis, const vector<sp_mat> blocks, const mat & Q){ vector<sp_mat> flow_bases; uint A = blocks.size(); assert((A+1) == Q.n_cols); for(uint a = 0; a < A; a++){ mat raw_basis = join_horiz(mat( * value_basis), Q.col(a+1)); flow_bases.push_back(sp_mat(orth(raw_basis))); // Orthonorm (TODO: do directly in sparse?) } return flow_bases; }
void BattleField::addBorder(const Coord& pos) { Ship* ship = get(pos).parent(); if (ship) { Coord inc = ship->increment(); Coord orth(inc.y, inc.x); Coord p = pos - inc; set(p, Element::BORDER); for (; p != pos + inc * (ship->size() + 1); p += inc) { set(p + orth, Element::BORDER); set(p - orth, Element::BORDER); } p -= inc; set(p, Element::BORDER); } }
sp_mat make_radial_fourier_basis(const Points & points, uint K,double max_freq){ uint N = points.n_rows; mat basis = mat(N,2*K+1); vec r = lp_norm(points,2,1); double omega; for(uint k = 0; k < K; k++){ omega = ((double)k+1.0) * max_freq / (double) K; omega *= 2.0*datum::pi; basis.col(K-k-1) = sin(omega*r); basis.col(K+k+1) = cos(omega*r); } basis.col(K).fill(1/sqrt(N)); basis = orth(basis); // Explicitly orthonormalize return sp_mat(basis); }
int maxdirsterid(const T *p,int count,const T &dir,btAlignedObjectArray<int> &allow) { int m=-1; while(m==-1) { m = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir,allow); if(allow[m]==3) return m; T u = orth(dir); T v = cross(u,dir); int ma=-1; for(btScalar x = btScalar(0.0) ; x<= btScalar(360.0) ; x+= btScalar(45.0)) { btScalar s = sinf(SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG*(x)); btScalar c = cosf(SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG*(x)); int mb = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir+(u*s+v*c)*btScalar(0.025),allow); if(ma==m && mb==m) { allow[m]=3; return m; } if(ma!=-1 && ma!=mb) // Yuck - this is really ugly { int mc = ma; for(btScalar xx = x-btScalar(40.0) ; xx <= x ; xx+= btScalar(5.0)) { btScalar s = sinf(SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG*(xx)); btScalar c = cosf(SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG*(xx)); int md = maxdirfiltered(p,count,dir+(u*s+v*c)*btScalar(0.025),allow); if(mc==m && md==m) { allow[m]=3; return m; } mc=md; } } ma=mb; } allow[m]=0; m=-1; } btAssert(0); return m; }
mat make_rbf_basis(const Points & points, const Points & centers, double bandwidth, double cutoff_thresh){ uint N = points.n_rows; uint K = centers.n_rows; mat basis = zeros<mat>(N,K+1); basis.col(K) = ones<vec>(N); for(uint k = 0; k < K; k++){ basis.col(k) = gaussian(points,centers.row(k).t(),bandwidth); } //basis(find(basis < cutoff_thresh)).fill(0); basis = orth(basis); // Not ortho at all; need to do explicitly if(basis.n_cols < (K+1)){ cerr << "WARNING: Basis degenerate..." << endl; } return basis; }
sp_mat make_fourier_basis(const Points & points, uint K,double max_freq){ uint N = points.n_rows; mat basis = mat(N,K); basis.col(0) = ones<vec>(N); basis.col(1) = sin(datum::pi*sum(points,1)); basis.col(2) = sin(datum::pi*(points.col(0) - points.col(1))); for(uint i = 3; i < K; i++){ vec freq = 2.0*datum::pi * randi<vec>(2, distr_param(1,(uint)max_freq)); vec flip = randn<vec>(1); if(flip(0) > 0.5) basis.col(i) = sin(points * freq); else basis.col(i) = cos(points * freq); } basis = orth(basis); // Explicitly orthonormalize return sp_mat(basis); }
void boatReal::setWP(double la, double lo, double w) { WP=QPointF(lo,la); this->WPHd=w; Orthodromie orth(this->lon,this->lat,lo,la); this->dnm=qRound(orth.getDistance()*100)/100.00; this->loxo=qRound(orth.getLoxoCap()*100)/100.00; this->ortho=qRound(orth.getAzimutDeg()*100)/100.00; if(loxo<0) loxo+=360; if(ortho<0) ortho+=360; this->vmg=qRound(this->speed*cos(degToRad(qAbs(this->heading-this->loxo)))*100)/100.00; if(vmg<=0) eta=-1; else { eta=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toTime_t(); eta=eta+(3600/vmg)*dnm; } this->drawEstime(); }
void BattleField::addBorderSecondaryBoard(Ship* ship) { if ( !m_allow_adjacent_ships ) { Coord inc = ship->increment(); Coord orth(inc.y, inc.x); Coord p = ship->position() - inc; if ( valid (p) ) { m_secondary_board[p]=true; } for (; p != ship->position() + inc * (ship->size() + 1); p += inc) { if ( valid( p + orth ) ) { m_secondary_board[p + orth]=true; } if ( valid( p - orth ) ) { m_secondary_board[p - orth]=true; } } p -= inc; if ( valid (p) ) { m_secondary_board[p]=true; } } }
int zgesv_idrs( const size_t n, // A is a function which multiplies the matrix by the first argument // and returns the result in the second. The second argument must // be manually cleared. The third parameter is user data, passed in // through Adata. void (*A)(const std::complex<double>*, std::complex<double>*, void*), std::complex<double>* b, std::complex<double>* x, // Optional parameters void *Adata = NULL, size_t maxit = 0, // default is min(2*n,1000) const size_t s = 4, const double tol = 1e-8, bool x_initialized = false, // P is a precondition which simply solves P*x' = x, // where x i the first argument. The second parameter is user data, // which is passed in through Pdata. void (*P)(std::complex<double>*, void*) = NULL, void *Pdata = NULL, double angle = 0.7 ){ double normb = vecnorm(n, b); if(0 == normb){ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ x[i] = 0; } return 0; } const double tolb = tol*normb; // compute tolerance // Set initial x if(!x_initialized){ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ x[i] = 0; } } std::complex<double> *r = new std::complex<double>[n]; A(x,r,Adata); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ r[i] = b[i]-r[i]; } double normr = vecnorm(n, r); // Now, r = b-A*x std::complex<double> *Q = new std::complex<double>[n*s]; { // set up shadow space for(size_t j = 0; j < s; ++j){ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ Q[i+j*n] = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX - 0.5; } } // Orthogonalize Q orth(n, s, Q); } std::complex<double> *G = new std::complex<double>[n*s]; std::complex<double> *U = new std::complex<double>[n*s]; std::complex<double> *M = new std::complex<double>[s*s]; std::complex<double> *Mcopy = new std::complex<double>[s*s]; size_t *pivots = new size_t[s]; for(size_t j = 0; j < s; ++j){ for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ G[i+j*n] = 0; U[i+j*n] = 0; } for(size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i){ if(i == j){ M[i+j*s] = 1; }else{ M[i+j*s] = 0; } } } std::complex<double> *f = new std::complex<double>[s]; std::complex<double> *c = new std::complex<double>[s]; std::complex<double> *v = new std::complex<double>[n]; std::complex<double> *t = new std::complex<double>[n]; size_t iter = 0; std::complex<double> om = 1; if(0 == maxit){ maxit = 2*n; if(1000 < maxit){ maxit = 1000; } } int ret = 0; while(normr > tolb && iter < maxit){ std::cout << "iter = " << iter << std::endl; // generate RHS for small system for(size_t j = 0; j < s; ++j){ std::complex<double> sum = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ sum += r[i] * std::conj(Q[i+j*n]); } f[j] = sum; } for(size_t k = 0; k < s; ++k){ // solve small systems of M(k:s,k:s)*c(k:s) = f(k:s) { // Copy over stuff for a destructive LU solve in Mcopy for(size_t j = k; j < s; ++j){ for(size_t i = k; i < s; ++i){ Mcopy[i+j*s] = M[i+j*s]; } c[j] = f[j]; } // Perform LU solve... lu(s-k, s-k, s, &Mcopy[k+k*s], pivots); lu_solve(s-k, s-k, s, &Mcopy[k+k*s], pivots, &c[k]); } // v = r - G(:,k:s)*c; for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ std::complex<double> sum = 0; for(size_t j = k; j < s; ++j){ sum += G[i+j*n]*c[j]; } v[i] = r[i] - sum; } if(NULL != P){ P(v, Pdata); } //U(:,k) = U(:,k:s)*c + om*v; for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ std::complex<double> sum = 0; for(size_t j = k; j < s; ++j){ sum += U[i+j*n]*c[j]; } U[i+k*n] = sum + om*v[i]; } //G(:,k) = A*U(:,k); A(&U[0+k*n], &G[0+k*n], Adata); // Bi-Orthogonalise the new basis vectors for(size_t j = 0; j < k; ++j){ std::complex<double> alpha = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ alpha += std::conj(Q[i+j*n])*G[i+k*n]; } alpha /= M[j+j*s]; for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ G[i+k*n] -= alpha*G[i+j*n]; } for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ U[i+k*n] -= alpha*U[i+j*n]; } } // New column of M = (Q'*G)' (first k-1 entries are zero) for(size_t j = k; j < s; ++j){ std::complex<double> sum = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ sum += G[i+k*n]*std::conj(Q[i+j*n]); } M[j+k*s] = sum; } // Make r orthogonal to p_i, i = 1..k std::complex<double> beta = f[k]/M[k+k*s]; for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ r[i] -= beta*G[i+k*n]; } for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ x[i] += beta*U[i+k*n]; } ++iter; normr = vecnorm(n, r); if(normr < tolb || iter == maxit){ break; } // New f = Q'*r (first k components are zero) for(size_t j = k+1; j < s; ++j){ f[j] -= beta*M[j+k*s]; } } // end k loop // If we break'd out of the inner loop, do so again if(normr < tolb){ break; } // Now we have sufficient vectors in G_j to compute residual in G_j+1 // Note: r is already perpendicular to Q so v = r for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ v[i] = r[i]; } if(NULL != P){ P(v, Pdata); } A(v, t, Adata); { // compute new omega double norms = vecnorm(n, r), normt = vecnorm(n, t); std::complex<double> ts = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ ts += std::conj(t[i])*r[i]; } double rho = std::abs(ts/(normt*norms)); om = ts/(normt*normt); if(rho < angle){ om *= angle/rho; } } for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ r[i] -= om*t[i]; } for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i){ x[i] += om*v[i]; } normr = vecnorm(n, r); ++iter; } delete [] r; delete [] G; delete [] U; delete [] M; delete [] Mcopy; delete [] f; delete [] c; delete [] v; delete [] t; return ret; }
void mesh::output(file *xmshfile, int matid, int *allindices, int *allindpos, int *numprintedverts, float *min, float *max) { min[0] = 0; //-y min[1] = 0; //z min[2] = 0; //x max[0] = 0; max[1] = 0; max[2] = 0; struct record { int type; int refer; float x; float y; float z; }; float *v; float *tv; int vertposinface = 0; float vertnorm[3]; float tangent[3]; float tangent2[3]; int isrighthanded; int isrighthanded2; int tvert; int tvert2; int c; int *allind = &allindices[allindpos[0]]; int numnewprintedverts = 0; char *container; //int *face; int fmatid; float *vnorm; int vert; record *rdrec; record *rdrec2; //float rdfnorm[3]; record rec; twodim verts(((sizeof(record) + sizeof(int)) * 3 * facespermat[matid]), numverts); for (int i = 0;i < numfaces;i++) { fmatid = getfmatid(i); if (fmatid == matid) { rec.refer = i; for (int j = 0;j < 3;j++) { vert = faces[5 * i + j]; vnorm = &vnormals[vnfaces[i * 3 + j] * 3]; rec.x = vnorm[0]; rec.y = vnorm[1]; rec.z = vnorm[2]; rec.type = j; verts.adddata(vert, sizeof(record), ((char *) &rec)); } } } container = verts.getcontainer(); for (int i = 0;i < numverts;i++) { c = verts.getcount(i); for (int k = 0;k < c;k++) { rdrec = ((record *) verts.getdata(i, k)); if (rdrec->type >= 0) { vertnorm[0] = rdrec->x; vertnorm[1] = rdrec->y; vertnorm[2] = rdrec->z; tvert = tvfaces[3 * rdrec->refer + rdrec->type]; getftangent(tangent, rdrec->refer, &isrighthanded); for (int l = (k + 1);l < c;l++) { rdrec2 = ((record *) verts.getdata(i, l)); if (rdrec2->type >= 0) { tvert2 = tvfaces[3 * rdrec2->refer + rdrec2->type]; if ((abs(tverts[3 * tvert] - tverts[3 * tvert2]) < 0.00001) && (abs(tverts[3 * tvert + 1] - tverts[3 * tvert2 + 1]) < 0.00001)) //if (1 == 1)// { if (cosofangle(vertnorm,&rdrec2->x,1,1) > 0.98) //if (1 == 1)// { getftangent(tangent2, rdrec2->refer, &isrighthanded2); //if ((isrighthanded == isrighthanded2) && (cosofangle(tangent, tangent2, 1, 1) > 0.6)) if (1 == 1)// { if (rdrec->type < 3) { if (isrighthanded) { rdrec->type = 101; } else { rdrec->type = 100; } rdrec2->refer = rdrec->refer; rdrec->refer = verts.getcontainerpos(i, l); rdrec->x = tangent[0]; rdrec->y = tangent[1]; rdrec->z = tangent[2]; } rdrec2->type = ((verts.getcontainerpos(i, k)) * (-1) - 1); rdrec->x += tangent2[0]; rdrec->y += tangent2[1]; rdrec->z += tangent2[2]; } } } } } if (rdrec->type < 3) { rdrec->type = isrighthanded; } } } } for (int i = 0;i < numverts;i++)// { if (verts.getcount(i) == 0) { i = i; } } for (int i = 0;i < 3 * facespermat[matid];i++) { rdrec = ((record *) &container[i * (sizeof(record) + sizeof(int)) + sizeof(int)]); if (rdrec->type < 0) { rdrec2 = ((record *) &container[rdrec->type * (-1) - 1 + sizeof(int)]); allind[i] = rdrec2->refer; } else { if (rdrec->type > 1) { rdrec2 = ((record *) &container[rdrec->refer + sizeof(int)]); normalize(&rdrec->x); orth(&rdrec->x, &rdrec2->x, tangent); v = &this->verts[3 * faces[5 * rdrec2->refer + vertposinface]]; tv = &tverts[3 * tvfaces[3 * rdrec2->refer + vertposinface]]; xmshfile->writefloat(v[0]); xmshfile->writefloat(v[2]); xmshfile->writefloat(v[1]); //min / max if (i == 0) { min[0] = v[0]; min[1] = v[2]; min[2] = v[1]; max[0] = v[0]; max[1] = v[2]; max[2] = v[1]; } if (v[1] < min[2]) { min[2] = v[1]; } if (v[0] < min[0]) { min[0] = v[0]; } if (v[2] < min[1]) { min[1] = v[2]; } if (v[1] > max[2]) { max[2] = v[1]; } if (v[0] > max[0]) { max[0] = v[0]; } if (v[2] > max[1]) { max[1] = v[2]; } xmshfile->writefloat(rdrec2->x); xmshfile->writefloat(rdrec2->z); xmshfile->writefloat(rdrec2->y); if (rdrec->type == 101) { xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[0]); xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[2]); xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[1]); xmshfile->writelong(4294967295); //0 } else { xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[0] * (-1)); xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[2] * (-1)); xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[1] * (-1)); xmshfile->writelong(4294967295); //16711680 } xmshfile->writelong(4278190080); xmshfile->writefloat(tv[0]); xmshfile->writefloat(tv[1] * (-1)); rdrec->refer = (numnewprintedverts + numprintedverts[0]); } else { getftangent(tangent, rdrec->refer); memcpy(tangent2, tangent, 12); orth(tangent2, &rdrec->x, tangent); v = &this->verts[3 * faces[5 * rdrec->refer + vertposinface]]; tv = &tverts[3 * tvfaces[3 * rdrec->refer + vertposinface]]; xmshfile->writefloat(v[0]); xmshfile->writefloat(v[2]); xmshfile->writefloat(v[1]); //min / max if (i == 0) { min[0] = v[0]; min[1] = v[2]; min[2] = v[1]; max[0] = v[0]; max[1] = v[2]; max[2] = v[1]; } if (v[1] < min[2]) { min[2] = v[1]; } if (v[0] < min[0]) { min[0] = v[0]; } if (v[2] < min[1]) { min[1] = v[2]; } if (v[1] > max[2]) { max[2] = v[1]; } if (v[0] > max[0]) { max[0] = v[0]; } if (v[2] > max[1]) { max[1] = v[2]; } /* xmshfile->writefloat(rdrec->x); xmshfile->writefloat(rdrec->z); xmshfile->writefloat(rdrec->y); */ xmshfile->writefloat(0.0); xmshfile->writefloat(1.0); xmshfile->writefloat(0.0); if (rdrec->type == 1) { xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[0]); xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[2]); xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[1]); xmshfile->writelong(4294967295); //0 } else { xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[0] * (-1)); xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[2] * (-1)); xmshfile->writefloat(tangent[1] * (-1)); xmshfile->writelong(4294967295); //16711680 } xmshfile->writelong(4278190080); xmshfile->writefloat(tv[0]); xmshfile->writefloat(tv[1] * (-1)); } allind[i] = (numnewprintedverts + numprintedverts[0]); numnewprintedverts++; } vertposinface++; if (vertposinface == 3) { vertposinface = 0; } } allindpos[0] += (3 * facespermat[matid]); numprintedverts[0] += numnewprintedverts; }
//TODO Must make sure we always use 32F or 64F. void PCAMerge::computeAdd() { // Add checks for errors, Exceptions // TODO : Add checks against model, number of observations. Create eigenVals and eigenVecs accordingly. Refer Matlab code for possible checks to be implemented // // From here, going forward assuming no other errors possible // float eps = 1e-3; // New number of Observations nObs = N + M; // TODO add check for nObs being zero // New model's mean. mean = ( (N * m1.mean) + (M * m2.mean) ) / nObs; // Vector joining the centres cv::Mat dorg = m1.mean - m2.mean; // Note: // dorg : n x 1 // m1.eigenvectors : n x p // m2.eigenvectors : n x q // G : p x q // H : n x q // g : p x 1 // h : n x 1 //Note Eigenvectors from cv::PCA are stored as rows. We need to transpose them. //Note We should probably put the transposed vectors in other matrices, in order to leave the original models untouched (Luca) m1.eigenvectors = m1.eigenvectors.t(); m2.eigenvectors = m2.eigenvectors.t(); //New Basis cv::Mat G = m1.eigenvectors.t() * m2.eigenvectors; cv::Mat H = m2.eigenvectors - ( m1.eigenvectors * G );// H is orthogonal to m1.eigenvectors cv::Mat g = m1.eigenvectors.t() * dorg; cv::Mat h = dorg - (m1.eigenvectors * g); // h is orthogonal to dorg //Some vectors in H can be zero vectors. Must be removed cv::Mat sumH = cv::Mat::zeros( 1, H.cols, CV_64FC1 ); cv::reduce( H.mul(H), sumH, 0, cv::REDUCE_SUM ); // Even h can be a zero vector. Must not be used if so double sumh = 0; sumh =; // // Get indices of sumH > eps. use it to construct vector nu cv::Mat newH; for( int i=0; i < sumH.cols; i++ ) { if(<double>(i) > eps ) newH.push_back( H.col(i).t() ); } if (sumh > eps) newH.push_back( h.t() ); newH = newH.t(); // Dimension of newH must be n x t std::cout << newH.size() << std::endl; //TODO : Implement Gram Schmidt Orthonormalization. DONE cv::Mat nu = orth( newH ); //TODO : Forgetting about residues at the moment. //Residues are the eigenvalues which were not used in the model m1 / m2. //The following was used in matlab for including residues //resn1 = size( m1.vct, 1) - size(m1.vct,2 ); /* if resn1 > 0 rpern1 = m1.residue / resn1; else rpern1 = 0; end resn2 = size( m2.vct, 1) - size(m2.vct,2 ); if resn2 > 0 rpern2 = m2.residue / resn2; else rpern2 = 0; end */ //First part of the matrix in equation (20) in paper - Correlation of m1 // int n,p,t,q; n = m1.eigenvectors.rows; // = m2.eigenvectors.rows t = nu.cols; // p = m1.eigenvalues.rows; q = m2.eigenvalues.rows; cv::Mat tempeval = cv::Mat::zeros( (p + t) , 1, m1.eigenvalues.type() ); m1.eigenvalues.copyTo( tempeval.rowRange(0,m1.eigenvalues.rows) ); cv::Mat A1 = ( N / nObs ) * cv::Mat::diag(tempeval); // Correlation of m2 cv::Mat Gamma = nu.t() * m2.eigenvectors; cv::Mat D = G * cv::Mat::diag( m2.eigenvalues ); cv::Mat E = Gamma * cv::Mat::diag( m2.eigenvalues); cv::Mat A2 = cv::Mat::zeros( A1.size(), A1.type() ); A2( cv::Range(0,p), cv::Range(0, p) ) = D * G.t(); A2( cv::Range(0,p), cv::Range(p, A1.cols) ) = D * Gamma.t(); A2( cv::Range(p, A1.rows), cv::Range(0,p) ) = E * G.t(); A2( cv::Range(p, A1.rows), cv::Range(p, A1.cols) ) = E * Gamma.t(); A2 = A2 * ( M / nObs ); //Third Part : term for diff between means cv::Mat gamma = nu.t() * dorg; cv::Mat A3 = cv::Mat( A1.size(), A1.type() ); A3( cv::Range(0,p), cv::Range(0,p) ) = g * g.t(); A3( cv::Range(0,p), cv::Range(p, A1.cols) ) = g * gamma.t(); A3( cv::Range(p, A1.rows), cv::Range(0,p) ) = gamma * g.t(); A3( cv::Range(p, A1.rows), cv::Range(p, A1.cols) ) = gamma * gamma.t(); A3 = ( N * M / (nObs*nObs) ) * A3; // Guard against rounding errors cv::Mat A = A1 + A2 + A3; A = ( A + A.t() ) / 2.0; /* (Luca) Is this step right? Because PCA expects A to have samples inside, not correlation matrices. We should probably call cv::eigen instead [m3.vct m3.val] = eig( A ); % the eigen-solution m3.vct = [m1.vct nu]* m3.vct; % rotate the basis set into place - can fail for v.high dim data m3.val = diag(m3.val); % keep only the diagonal */ m3 = cv::PCA( A, cv::noArray(), cv::PCA::DATA_AS_ROW ); eigenVals = m3.eigenvalues; m3.eigenvectors = m3.eigenvectors.t(); cv::Mat m3Temp = cv::Mat::zeros( n, A.cols, A.type() ); m3Temp( cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(0,p)) = m1.eigenvectors; m3Temp( cv::Range::all(), cv::Range(p, A.cols)) = nu; eigenVecs = m3Temp * m3.eigenvectors; //Look at how many eigenvalues must be returned. Call that function as required. //Calling the function like the matlab code. //I'd try not to transpose the eigenvectors in order to be more OpenCV friendly. int nValsToKeep = keepVals(KEEP_T,eigenVals,eps); eigenVals = eigenVals(cv::Range(0,nValsToKeep),cv::Range::all()).clone(); eigenVecs = eigenVecs(cv::Range::all(),cv::Range(0,nValsToKeep)).clone(); }
void GRASTA_training(const mat &D, mat &Uhat, struct STATUS &status, const struct GRASTA_OPT &options, mat &W, mat &Outlier ) { int rows, cols; rows = D.n_rows; cols = D.n_cols; if ( !status.init ){ status.init = 1; status.curr_iter = 0; status.last_mu = options.MIN_MU; status.level = 0; status.step_scale = 0.0; status.last_w = zeros(options.RANK, 1); status.last_gamma = zeros(options.DIM, 1); if (!Uhat.is_finite()){ Uhat = orth(randn(options.DIM, options.RANK)); } } Outlier = zeros<mat>(rows, cols); W = zeros<mat>(options.RANK, cols); mat U_Omega, y_Omega, y_t, s, w, dual, gt; uvec idx, col_order; ADMM_OPT admm_opt; double SCALE, t, rel; bool bRet; admm_opt.lambda = options.lambda; //if (!options.QUIET) int maxIter = options.maxCycles * cols; // 20 passes through the data set status.hist_rel.reserve( maxIter); // Order of examples to process arma_rng::set_seed_random(); col_order = conv_to<uvec>::from(floor(cols*randu(maxIter, 1))); for (int k=0; k<maxIter; k++){ int iCol = col_order(k); //PRINTF("%d / %d\n",iCol, cols); y_t = D.col(iCol); idx = find_finite(y_t); y_Omega = y_t.elem(idx); SCALE = norm(y_Omega); y_Omega = y_Omega/SCALE; // the following for-loop is for U_Omega = U(idx,:) in matlab U_Omega = zeros<mat>(idx.n_elem, Uhat.n_cols); for (int i=0; i<idx.n_elem; i++) U_Omega.row(i) = Uhat.row(idx(i)); // solve L-1 regression admm_opt.MAX_ITER = options.MAX_ITER; if (options.NORM_TYPE == L1_NORM) bRet = ADMM_L1(U_Omega, y_Omega, admm_opt, s, w, dual); else if (options.NORM_TYPE == L21_NORM){ w = solve(U_Omega, y_Omega); s = y_Omega - U_Omega*w; dual = -s/norm(s, 2); } else { PRINTF("Error: norm type does not support!\n"); return; } vec tmp_col = zeros<vec>(rows); tmp_col.elem(idx) = SCALE * s; Outlier.col(iCol) = tmp_col; W.col(iCol) = SCALE * w; // take gradient step over Grassmannian t = GRASTA_update(Uhat, status, w, dual, idx, options); if (!options.QUIET){ rel = subspace(options.GT_mat, Uhat); status.hist_rel.push_back(rel); if (rel < options.TOL){ PRINTF("%d/%d: subspace angle %.2e\n",k,maxIter, rel); break; } } if (k % cols ==0){ if (!options.QUIET) PRINTF("Pass %d/%d: step-size %.2e, level %d, last mu %.2f\n", k % cols, options.maxCycles, t, status.level, status.last_mu); } if (status.level >= options.convergeLevel){ // Must cycling around the dataset twice to get the correct regression weight W if (!options.QUIET) PRINTF("Converge at level %d, last mu %.2f\n",status.level,status.last_mu); break; } } }
bool Polyangle::split(Polyangle & p1, Polyangle & p2, const Droite & d) const { Vector2D pointIntersection1; int iBeforeInter1; int iAfterInter1; Vector2D pointIntersection2; int iBeforeInter2 = -1; int iAfterInter2 = -1; bool inter2=false; for(int i = 0; i < lesPoints.size(); i++) { Vector2D pointIntersection; Vector2D pointCote1 = lesPoints[i]; Vector2D pointCote2 = lesPoints[(i+1)%lesPoints.size()]; Droite cote(pointCote1, (pointCote2-pointCote1)); if(d.getIntersection(cote, pointIntersection)) { if(pointCote1.distanceToPoint2DSquared(pointIntersection) < pointCote1.distanceToPoint2DSquared(pointCote2) && pointCote2.distanceToPoint2DSquared(pointIntersection) < pointCote1.distanceToPoint2DSquared(pointCote2)) { if(!inter2) { pointIntersection1 = pointIntersection; iBeforeInter1=i; iAfterInter1 = (i+1)%lesPoints.size(); inter2=true; } else { pointIntersection2 = pointIntersection; iBeforeInter2=i; iAfterInter2 = (i+1)%lesPoints.size(); break; } } } } if(!inter2) { return false; } QVector<Vector2D> lesPoints1; if(iAfterInter1 <= iBeforeInter2) { for(int i = iAfterInter1; i <= iBeforeInter2; i++) { lesPoints1.push_back(lesPoints[i]); } } else { for(int i = iAfterInter1; i < lesPoints.size(); i++) { lesPoints1.push_back(lesPoints[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < iBeforeInter2; i++) { lesPoints1.push_back(lesPoints[i]); } } lesPoints1.push_back(pointIntersection2); lesPoints1.push_back(pointIntersection1); QVector<Vector2D> lesPoints2; if(iAfterInter2 <= iBeforeInter1) { for(int i = iAfterInter2; i <= iBeforeInter1; i++) { lesPoints2.push_back(lesPoints[i]); } } else { for(int i = iAfterInter2; i < lesPoints.size(); i++) { lesPoints2.push_back(lesPoints[i]); } for(int i = 0; i <= iBeforeInter1; i++) { lesPoints2.push_back(lesPoints[i]); } } lesPoints2.push_back(pointIntersection1); lesPoints2.push_back(pointIntersection2); Vector2D orth(-d.getD().y(), d.getD().x()); Vector2D point1(lesPoints1[0]- d.getO()); if(orth*point1 > 0) { p1 = Polyangle(lesPoints1); p2 = Polyangle(lesPoints2); } else { p2 = Polyangle(lesPoints1); p1 = Polyangle(lesPoints2); } return true; }