int dc_init(int argc,wchar* argv[]) { setbuf(stdin,0); setbuf(stdout,0); setbuf(stderr,0); if (!_vmem_reserve()) { printf("Failed to alloc mem\n"); return -1; } #if !defined(TARGET_NO_WEBUI) webui_thd.Start(); #endif if(ParseCommandLine(argc,argv)) { return 69; } if(!cfgOpen()) { msgboxf("Unable to open config file",MBX_ICONERROR); return -4; } LoadSettings(); #ifndef _ANDROID os_CreateWindow(); #endif int rv= 0; #if HOST_OS != OS_DARWIN #define DATA_PATH "/data/" #else #define DATA_PATH "/" #endif if (settings.bios.UseReios || !LoadRomFiles(GetPath(DATA_PATH))) { if (!LoadHle(GetPath(DATA_PATH))) return -3; else printf("Did not load bios, using reios\n"); } #if FEAT_SHREC != DYNAREC_NONE if(settings.dynarec.Enable) { Get_Sh4Recompiler(&sh4_cpu); printf("Using Recompiler\n"); } else #endif { Get_Sh4Interpreter(&sh4_cpu); printf("Using Interpreter\n"); } InitAudio(); sh4_cpu.Init(); mem_Init(); plugins_Init(); mem_map_default(); #ifndef _ANDROID mcfg_CreateDevices(); #else mcfg_CreateDevices(); #endif plugins_Reset(false); mem_Reset(false); sh4_cpu.Reset(false); return rv; }
int dc_init(int argc,wchar* argv[]) { setbuf(stdin,0); setbuf(stdout,0); setbuf(stderr,0); if (!_vmem_reserve()) { printf("Failed to alloc mem\n"); return -1; } if(ParseCommandLine(argc,argv)) { return 69; } if(!cfgOpen()) { msgboxf("Unable to open config file",MBX_ICONERROR); return -4; } LoadSettings(); #ifndef _ANDROID os_CreateWindow(); #endif int rv= 0; if (!LoadRomFiles(GetPath("/data/"))) { return -3; } #if !defined(HOST_NO_REC) if(settings.dynarec.Enable) { Get_Sh4Recompiler(&sh4_cpu); printf("Using Recompiler\n"); } else #endif { Get_Sh4Interpreter(&sh4_cpu); printf("Using Interpreter\n"); } void InitAudio(); InitAudio(); sh4_cpu.Init(); mem_Init(); plugins_Init(); mem_map_default(); mcfg_CreateDevices(); plugins_Reset(false); mem_Reset(false); sh4_cpu.Reset(false); return rv; }