static void *audio_thread(void *param) { struct audio_output *audio = param; uint64_t buffer_time = audio->info.buffer_ms * 1000000; uint64_t prev_time = os_gettime_ns() - buffer_time; uint64_t audio_time; os_set_thread_name("audio-io: audio thread"); const char *audio_thread_name = profile_store_name(obs_get_profiler_name_store(), "audio_thread(%s)", audio->; while (os_event_try(audio->stop_event) == EAGAIN) { os_sleep_ms(AUDIO_WAIT_TIME); profile_start(audio_thread_name); pthread_mutex_lock(&audio->line_mutex); audio_time = os_gettime_ns() - buffer_time; audio_time = mix_and_output(audio, audio_time, prev_time); prev_time = audio_time; pthread_mutex_unlock(&audio->line_mutex); profile_end(audio_thread_name); profile_reenable_thread(); } return NULL; }
static void source_output_audio_line(obs_source_t source, const struct audio_data *data) { struct audio_data in = *data; if (!in.timestamp) { in.timestamp = os_gettime_ns(); if (!source->timing_set) { source->timing_set = true; source->timing_adjust = 0; } } if (!source->timing_set) { source->timing_set = true; source->timing_adjust = in.timestamp - os_gettime_ns(); /* detects 'directly' set timestamps as long as they're within * a certain threashold */ if ((source->timing_adjust+MAX_VARIANCE) < MAX_VARIANCE*2) source->timing_adjust = 0; } in.timestamp += source->timing_adjust; audio_line_output(source->audio_line, &in); }
static bool send_remaining_packets(struct rtmp_stream *stream) { struct encoder_packet packet; uint64_t max_ns = (uint64_t)stream->max_shutdown_time_sec * 1000000000; uint64_t begin_time_ns = os_gettime_ns(); if (!stream->sent_headers) { if (!send_headers(stream)) return false; } while (get_next_packet(stream, &packet)) { if (send_packet(stream, &packet, false, packet.track_idx) < 0) return false; /* Just disconnect if it takes too long to shut down */ if ((os_gettime_ns() - begin_time_ns) > max_ns) { info("Took longer than %d second(s) to shut down, " "automatically stopping connection", stream->max_shutdown_time_sec); return false; } } return true; }
static void *sinewave_thread(void *pdata) { struct sinewave_data *swd = pdata; uint64_t last_time = os_gettime_ns(); uint64_t ts = 0; double cos_val = 0.0; uint8_t bytes[480]; while (event_try(swd->event) == EAGAIN) { if (!os_sleepto_ns(last_time += 10000000)) last_time = os_gettime_ns(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 480; i++) { cos_val += rate * M_PI_X2; if (cos_val > M_PI_X2) cos_val -= M_PI_X2; double wave = cos(cos_val) * 0.5; bytes[i] = (uint8_t)((wave+1.0)*0.5 * 255.0); } struct source_audio data;[0] = bytes; data.frames = 480; data.speakers = SPEAKERS_MONO; data.samples_per_sec = 48000; data.timestamp = ts; data.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_U8BIT; obs_source_output_audio(swd->source, &data); ts += 10000000; } return NULL; }
void OBSBasicStatusBar::UpdateBandwidth() { if (!streamOutput) return; if (++bitrateUpdateSeconds < BITRATE_UPDATE_SECONDS) return; uint64_t bytesSent = obs_output_get_total_bytes(streamOutput); uint64_t bytesSentTime = os_gettime_ns(); uint64_t bitsBetween = (bytesSent - lastBytesSent) * 8; double timePassed = double(bytesSentTime - lastBytesSentTime) / 1000000000.0; double kbitsPerSec = double(bitsBetween) / timePassed / 1000.0; QString text; text += QString("kb/s: ") + QString::number(kbitsPerSec, 'f', 0); kbps->setText(text); kbps->setMinimumWidth(kbps->width()); lastBytesSent = bytesSent; lastBytesSentTime = bytesSentTime; bitrateUpdateSeconds = 0; }
static inline void video_sleep(struct obs_core_video *video, bool raw_active, const bool gpu_active, uint64_t *p_time, uint64_t interval_ns) { struct obs_vframe_info vframe_info; uint64_t cur_time = *p_time; uint64_t t = cur_time + interval_ns; int count; if (os_sleepto_ns(t)) { *p_time = t; count = 1; } else { count = (int)((os_gettime_ns() - cur_time) / interval_ns); *p_time = cur_time + interval_ns * count; } video->total_frames += count; video->lagged_frames += count - 1; vframe_info.timestamp = cur_time; vframe_info.count = count; if (raw_active) circlebuf_push_back(&video->vframe_info_buffer, &vframe_info, sizeof(vframe_info)); if (gpu_active) circlebuf_push_back(&video->vframe_info_buffer_gpu, &vframe_info, sizeof(vframe_info)); }
static void *video_thread(void *param) { struct video_output *video = param; uint64_t cur_time = os_gettime_ns(); while (os_event_try(video->stop_event) == EAGAIN) { /* wait half a frame, update frame */ cur_time += (video->frame_time/2); os_sleepto_ns(cur_time); video->cur_video_time = cur_time; os_event_signal(video->update_event); /* wait another half a frame, swap and output frames */ cur_time += (video->frame_time/2); os_sleepto_ns(cur_time); pthread_mutex_lock(&video->data_mutex); video_swapframes(video); video_output_cur_frame(video); pthread_mutex_unlock(&video->data_mutex); } return NULL; }
int jack_process_callback(jack_nframes_t nframes, void* arg) { struct jack_data* data = (struct jack_data*)arg; if (data == 0) return 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&data->jack_mutex); struct obs_source_audio out; out.speakers = jack_channels_to_obs_speakers(data->channels); out.samples_per_sec = jack_get_sample_rate (data->jack_client); /* format is always 32 bit float for jack */ out.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_FLOAT_PLANAR; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->channels; ++i) { jack_default_audio_sample_t *jack_buffer = (jack_default_audio_sample_t *)jack_port_get_buffer( data->jack_ports[i], nframes);[i] = (uint8_t *)jack_buffer; } out.frames = nframes; out.timestamp = os_gettime_ns() - jack_frames_to_time(data->jack_client, nframes); obs_source_output_audio(data->source, &out); pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->jack_mutex); return 0; }
static void droptest_cap_data_rate(struct rtmp_stream *stream, size_t size) { uint64_t ts = os_gettime_ns(); struct droptest_info info; info.ts = ts; info.size = size; circlebuf_push_back(&stream->droptest_info, &info, sizeof(info)); stream->droptest_size += size; if (stream->droptest_info.size) { circlebuf_peek_front(&stream->droptest_info, &info, sizeof(info)); if (stream->droptest_size > DROPTEST_MAX_BYTES) { uint64_t elapsed = ts - info.ts; if (elapsed < 1000000000ULL) { elapsed = 1000000000ULL - elapsed; os_sleepto_ns(ts + elapsed); } while (stream->droptest_size > DROPTEST_MAX_BYTES) { circlebuf_pop_front(&stream->droptest_info, &info, sizeof(info)); stream->droptest_size -= info.size; } } } }
void OBSBasicStatusBar::ReconnectSuccess() { showMessage(QTStr("Basic.StatusBar.ReconnectSuccessful"), 4000); retries = 0; bitrateUpdateSeconds = -1; lastBytesSent = 0; lastBytesSentTime = os_gettime_ns(); }
static void *audio_thread(void *param) { struct audio_output *audio = param; size_t rate = audio->info.samples_per_sec; uint64_t samples = 0; uint64_t start_time = os_gettime_ns(); uint64_t prev_time = start_time; uint64_t audio_time = prev_time; uint32_t audio_wait_time = (uint32_t)(audio_frames_to_ns(rate, AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES) / 1000000); os_set_thread_name("audio-io: audio thread"); const char *audio_thread_name = profile_store_name(obs_get_profiler_name_store(), "audio_thread(%s)", audio->; while (os_event_try(audio->stop_event) == EAGAIN) { uint64_t cur_time; os_sleep_ms(audio_wait_time); profile_start(audio_thread_name); cur_time = os_gettime_ns(); while (audio_time <= cur_time) { samples += AUDIO_OUTPUT_FRAMES; audio_time = start_time + audio_frames_to_ns(rate, samples); input_and_output(audio, audio_time, prev_time); prev_time = audio_time; } profile_end(audio_thread_name); profile_reenable_thread(); } return NULL; }
/* * Ensures that cached frames are displayed on time. If multiple frames * were cached between renders, then releases the unnecessary frames and uses * the frame with the closest timing to ensure sync. */ struct source_frame *obs_source_getframe(obs_source_t source) { uint64_t last_frame_time = source->last_frame_timestamp; struct source_frame *frame = NULL; struct source_frame *next_frame; uint64_t sys_time, frame_time; pthread_mutex_lock(&source->video_mutex); if (!source->video_frames.num) goto unlock; next_frame = source->video_frames.array[0]; sys_time = os_gettime_ns(); frame_time = next_frame->timestamp; if (!source->last_frame_timestamp) { frame = next_frame; da_erase(source->video_frames, 0); source->last_frame_timestamp = frame_time; } else { uint64_t sys_offset, frame_offset; sys_offset = sys_time - source->last_sys_timestamp; frame_offset = frame_time - last_frame_time; source->last_frame_timestamp += sys_offset; while (frame_offset <= sys_offset) { if (frame) source_frame_destroy(frame); frame = next_frame; da_erase(source->video_frames, 0); if (!source->video_frames.num) break; next_frame = source->video_frames.array[0]; frame_time = next_frame->timestamp; frame_offset = frame_time - last_frame_time; } } source->last_sys_timestamp = sys_time; unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock(&source->video_mutex); if (frame != NULL) obs_source_addref(source); return frame; }
static inline bool mp_media_sleepto(mp_media_t *m) { bool timeout = false; if (!m->next_ns) { m->next_ns = os_gettime_ns(); } else { uint64_t t = os_gettime_ns(); const uint64_t timeout_ns = 200000000; if (m->next_ns > t && (m->next_ns - t) > timeout_ns) { os_sleepto_ns(t + timeout_ns); timeout = true; } else { os_sleepto_ns(m->next_ns); } } return timeout; }
static inline bool can_shutdown_stream(struct rtmp_stream *stream, struct encoder_packet *packet) { uint64_t cur_time = os_gettime_ns(); bool timeout = cur_time >= stream->shutdown_timeout_ts; if (timeout) info("Stream shutdown timeout reached (%d second(s))", stream->max_shutdown_time_sec); return timeout || packet->sys_dts_usec >= (int64_t)stream->stop_ts; }
static void *audio_thread(void *param) { struct audio_output *audio = param; uint64_t buffer_time = audio->info.buffer_ms * 1000000; uint64_t prev_time = os_gettime_ns() - buffer_time; uint64_t audio_time; while (os_event_try(audio->stop_event) == EAGAIN) { os_sleep_ms(AUDIO_WAIT_TIME); pthread_mutex_lock(&audio->line_mutex); audio_time = os_gettime_ns() - buffer_time; audio_time = mix_and_output(audio, audio_time, prev_time); prev_time = audio_time; pthread_mutex_unlock(&audio->line_mutex); } return NULL; }
static void ft2_video_tick(void *data, float seconds) { struct ft2_source *srcdata = data; if (srcdata == NULL) return; if (!srcdata->from_file || !srcdata->text_file) return; if (os_gettime_ns() - srcdata->last_checked >= 1000000000) { time_t t = get_modified_timestamp(srcdata->text_file); srcdata->last_checked = os_gettime_ns(); if (srcdata->m_timestamp != t) { if (srcdata->log_mode) read_from_end(srcdata, srcdata->text_file); else load_text_from_file(srcdata, srcdata->text_file); set_up_vertex_buffer(srcdata); } } UNUSED_PARAMETER(seconds); }
void OBSBasicStatusBar::StreamStarted(obs_output_t *output) { streamOutput = output; signal_handler_connect(obs_output_get_signal_handler(streamOutput), "reconnect", OBSOutputReconnect, this); signal_handler_connect(obs_output_get_signal_handler(streamOutput), "reconnect_success", OBSOutputReconnectSuccess, this); retries = 0; lastBytesSent = 0; lastBytesSentTime = os_gettime_ns(); IncRef(); }
void OBSBasicStatusBar::ReconnectSuccess() { showMessage(QTStr("Basic.StatusBar.ReconnectSuccessful"), 4000); retries = 0; reconnectTimeout = 0; bitrateUpdateSeconds = -1; lastBytesSent = 0; lastBytesSentTime = os_gettime_ns(); if (streamOutput) { delaySecTotal = obs_output_get_active_delay(streamOutput); UpdateDelayMsg(); } }
void os_sleepto_ns(uint64_t time_target) { uint64_t t = os_gettime_ns(); uint32_t milliseconds; if (t >= time_target) return; milliseconds = (uint32_t)((time_target - t)/1000000); if (milliseconds > 1) os_sleep_ms(milliseconds); for (;;) { t = os_gettime_ns(); if (t >= time_target) return; #if 1 Sleep(1); #else Sleep(0); #endif } }
bool os_sleepto_ns(uint64_t time_target) { uint64_t t = os_gettime_ns(); uint32_t milliseconds; if (t >= time_target) return false; milliseconds = (uint32_t)((time_target - t)/1000000); if (milliseconds > 1) Sleep(milliseconds-1); for (;;) { t = os_gettime_ns(); if (t >= time_target) return true; #if 1 Sleep(1); #else Sleep(0); #endif } }
static void obs_source_render_async_video(obs_source_t source) { struct source_frame *frame = obs_source_getframe(source); if (!frame) return; source->timing_adjust = frame->timestamp - os_gettime_ns(); if (!source->timing_set && source->audio_wait_buffer.num) obs_source_flush_audio_wait_buffer(source); if (set_texture_size(source, frame)) obs_source_draw_texture(source->output_texture, frame); obs_source_releaseframe(source, frame); }
/** * Callback for pulse which gets executed when new audio data is available * * @warning The function may be called even after disconnecting the stream */ static void pulse_stream_read(pa_stream *p, size_t nbytes, void *userdata) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(p); UNUSED_PARAMETER(nbytes); PULSE_DATA(userdata); const void *frames; size_t bytes; int64_t latency; if (!data->stream) goto exit; pa_stream_peek(data->stream, &frames, &bytes); // check if we got data if (!bytes) goto exit; if (!frames) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "pulse-input: Got audio hole of %u bytes", (unsigned int) bytes); pa_stream_drop(data->stream); goto exit; } if (pulse_get_stream_latency(data->stream, &latency) < 0) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "pulse-input: Failed to get timing info !"); pa_stream_drop(data->stream); goto exit; } struct source_audio out; out.speakers = data->speakers; out.samples_per_sec = data->samples_per_sec; out.format = pulse_to_obs_audio_format(data->format);[0] = (uint8_t *) frames; out.frames = bytes / data->bytes_per_frame; out.timestamp = os_gettime_ns() - (latency * 1000ULL); obs_source_output_audio(data->source, &out); data->packets++; data->frames += out.frames; pa_stream_drop(data->stream); exit: pulse_signal(0); }
static int interrupt_callback(void *data) { mp_media_t *m = data; bool stop = false; uint64_t ts = os_gettime_ns(); if ((ts - m->interrupt_poll_ts) > 20000000) { pthread_mutex_lock(&m->mutex); stop = m->kill || m->stopping; pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex); m->interrupt_poll_ts = ts; } return stop; }
void os_sleepto_ns(uint64_t time_target) { uint64_t current = os_gettime_ns(); if(time_target < current) return; time_target -= current; struct timespec req, remain; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memset(&remain, 0, sizeof(remain)); req.tv_sec = time_target/1000000000; req.tv_nsec = time_target%1000000000; while(nanosleep(&req, &remain)) { req = remain; memset(&remain, 0, sizeof(remain)); } }
void *obs_video_thread(void *param) { uint64_t last_time = 0; uint64_t cur_time = os_gettime_ns(); uint64_t interval = video_output_get_frame_time(obs->; os_set_thread_name("libobs: graphics thread"); while (!video_output_stopped(obs-> { last_time = tick_sources(cur_time, last_time); render_displays(); output_frame(&cur_time, interval); } UNUSED_PARAMETER(param); return NULL; }
static void *video_thread(void *param) { struct video_output *video = param; uint64_t cur_time = os_gettime_ns(); while (event_try(&video->stop_event) == EAGAIN) { /* wait half a frame, update frame */ os_sleepto_ns(cur_time += (video->frame_time/2)); video->cur_video_time = cur_time; event_signal(&video->update_event); /* wait another half a frame, swap and output frames */ os_sleepto_ns(cur_time += (video->frame_time/2)); video_swapframes(video); if (video->cur_frame) media_output_data(video->output, video->cur_frame); } return NULL; }
static inline bool frame_ready(uint64_t interval) { static uint64_t last_time = 0; uint64_t elapsed; uint64_t t; if (!interval) { return true; } t = os_gettime_ns(); elapsed = t - last_time; if (elapsed < interval) { return false; } last_time = (elapsed > interval * 2) ? t : last_time + interval; return true; }
static inline void video_sleep(struct obs_core_video *video, uint64_t *p_time, uint64_t interval_ns) { struct obs_vframe_info vframe_info; uint64_t cur_time = *p_time; uint64_t t = cur_time + interval_ns; int count; if (os_sleepto_ns(t)) { *p_time = t; count = 1; } else { count = (int)((os_gettime_ns() - cur_time) / interval_ns); *p_time = cur_time + interval_ns * count; } vframe_info.timestamp = cur_time; vframe_info.count = count; circlebuf_push_back(&video->vframe_info_buffer, &vframe_info, sizeof(vframe_info)); }
/* * Ensures that cached frames are displayed on time. If multiple frames * were cached between renders, then releases the unnecessary frames and uses * the frame with the closest timing to ensure sync. Also ensures that timing * with audio is synchronized. */ struct source_frame *obs_source_getframe(obs_source_t source) { struct source_frame *frame = NULL; uint64_t sys_time; if (!source) return NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&source->video_mutex); if (!source->video_frames.num) goto unlock; sys_time = os_gettime_ns(); if (!source->last_frame_ts) { frame = source->video_frames.array[0]; da_erase(source->video_frames, 0); source->last_frame_ts = frame->timestamp; } else { frame = get_closest_frame(source, sys_time); } /* reset timing to current system time */ if (frame) { source->timing_adjust = sys_time - frame->timestamp; source->timing_set = true; } source->last_sys_timestamp = sys_time; unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock(&source->video_mutex); if (frame) obs_source_addref(source); return frame; }
void *obs_video_thread(void *param) { uint64_t last_time = 0; uint64_t interval = video_output_get_frame_time(obs->; obs->video.video_time = os_gettime_ns(); os_set_thread_name("libobs: graphics thread"); const char *video_thread_name = profile_store_name(obs_get_profiler_name_store(), "obs_video_thread(%g ms)", interval / 1000000.); profile_register_root(video_thread_name, interval); while (!video_output_stopped(obs-> { profile_start(video_thread_name); profile_start(tick_sources_name); last_time = tick_sources(obs->video.video_time, last_time); profile_end(tick_sources_name); profile_start(render_displays_name); render_displays(); profile_end(render_displays_name); profile_start(output_frame_name); output_frame(); profile_end(output_frame_name); profile_end(video_thread_name); profile_reenable_thread(); video_sleep(&obs->video, &obs->video.video_time, interval); } UNUSED_PARAMETER(param); return NULL; }