Example #1
int test_scen2_workerL(void *OS_UNUSED(param))
   int ret;

   /* take the ownership of mutex, as we would be owner of mtx H should boost
    * our prio during their lock for mtx */
   ret = os_mtx_lock(&test_mtx[0]);
   test_assert(0 == ret);

   /* now signalize/wake up the H and M */
   /* following call will cause context switch to H and prio boost of this task
   /* once H will call os_mtx_lock we will return here (since it will block on
    * mtx). Since now we have effective prio equal to H (prio boost) following
    * call should not cause context switch to M */

   /* unlock the mtx and reset the effective prio of this task to L
    * following call should switch context to H which ten will finish (exit the
    * task function). This should then cause context switch to M, which will
    * verify values in test_atomic[0] and also exit the task function. */

   /* finally after yet another context switch we should return here
    * verify that M finished task function */
   test_assert(2 == test_atomic[0]);

   return 0;
Example #2
static FFTW_WORKER worker(void *arg)
     struct worker *ego = (struct worker *)arg;
     struct work *w;

     for (;;) {
	  /* wait until work becomes available */

	  w = ego->w;

	  /* !w->proc ==> terminate worker */
	  if (!w->proc) break;

	  /* do the work */

	  /* signal that work is done */

     /* termination protocol */

     /* UNREACHABLE */
     return 0;
Example #3
int test_scen4_workerL(void *OS_UNUSED(param))
   int ret;

   test_assert(0 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 1;

   /* lock mtx0 and mtx1 */
   ret = os_mtx_lock(&test_mtx[0]);
   test_assert(0 == ret);
   ret = os_mtx_lock(&test_mtx[1]);
   test_assert(0 == ret);

   test_assert(1 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 2;

   /* switch context to M */

   /* we will return from M */
   test_assert(4 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 5;

   /* switch context to HM */

   /* we will return from HM */
   test_assert(6 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 7;

   /* switch context to H */

   /* we will return from H */
   test_assert(8 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 9;

   /* unlock mtx1, this should not cause switch to HM since we still holds mtx0
    * on which M is blocked which in turn holds mtx2 on which H is blocked. So
    * following call should not make context switch since L should remain on
    * boosted prio = p(H) */

   test_assert(9 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 10;
   /* the effective priority of this task should still be on H level */
   test_assert(4 == task_worker[3].prio_current);

   /* unlock mtx0, there should be context switch to M */

   /* we should switch from M */
   test_assert(17 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 18;

   return 0;
Example #4
int test_scen3_workerL(void *OS_UNUSED(param))
   int ret;

   test_assert(0 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 1;

   /* lock mtx1 */
   ret = os_mtx_lock(&test_mtx[1]);
   test_assert(0 == ret);

   test_assert(1 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 2;

   /* switch context to LM */

   /* we will return here when LM will lock on mtx1 */
   test_assert(4 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 5;
   /* also this means that L should now have p(LM) */
   test_assert(2 == task_worker[3].prio_current);

   /* switch context to LM */

   /* we will return here when H will lock on mtx1 */
   test_assert(6 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 7;
   /* also this means that L should now have p(H) and LM also should have p(H)
   test_assert(4 == task_worker[2].prio_current);
   test_assert(4 == task_worker[3].prio_current);

   /* try to woke up the M but this should not cause context switch */

   test_assert(7 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 8;

   /* release mtx2, whis should cause switch to LM */

   /* we will return here when all task will finish */
   test_assert(13 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 14;
   /* also this means that L should now have original prio */
   test_assert(1 == task_worker[3].prio_current);

   return 0;
Example #5
 * test procedure for test1 task2
int test1_task_proc2(void *OS_UNUSED(param))
   int ret;

   /* wait until timeout - (if still exist the bug will not update the priomax
    * while wakup by timeout) */
   ret = os_sem_down(&(worker_tasks[0].sem), 10);
   test_assert(OS_TIMEOUT == ret);
   /* signalize the same sem to wake up the task1 */

   return 0;
Example #6
int task_proc(void* param)
   int ret;
   unsigned idx = (unsigned)(size_t)param;

   while(task_data[idx].loop < TEST_CYCLES)
      os_sem_up(&(task_data[(idx + 1) % 2].sem));
      ret = os_sem_down(&(task_data[idx].sem), OS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE);
      test_assert(0 == ret);

   return 0;
Example #7
int test_scen6_workerM(void *OS_UNUSED(param))
   int ret;

   /* block on sem, allow L to progress */
   ret = os_sem_down(&test_sem[0], OS_TIMEOUT_INFINITE);
   test_assert(0 == ret);

   test_assert(2 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 3;

   /* switch context to H */

   /* finish test */
   test_assert(7 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 8;

   return 0;
Example #8
int test_scen6_workerL(void *OS_UNUSED(param))
   int ret;

   test_assert(0 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 1;

   /* lock mtx0 and mtx1 */
   ret = os_mtx_lock(&test_mtx[0]);
   test_assert(0 == ret);
   ret = os_mtx_lock(&test_mtx[1]);
   test_assert(0 == ret);

   test_assert(1 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 2;

   /* switch context to M */

   /* we will return from H */
   test_assert(4 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 5;

   /* unlock mtx0 we want to release mtx in the same order as we lock them (not
    * reverse order), in properly implemented priority inversion this should
    * wake up the task H since nothing more block it from running This is
    * allowed since mutex does not enforce any locking sequence. User should
    * prevent from making deadlock possible */

   test_assert(8 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 9;

   /* finish test */
   test_assert(9 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 10;

   return 0;
Example #9
int test_scen5_workerL(void *OS_UNUSED(param))
   int ret;

   test_assert(0 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 1;

   /* lock mtx0 and mtx1 */
   ret = os_mtx_lock(&test_mtx[0]);
   test_assert(0 == ret);
   ret = os_mtx_lock(&test_mtx[1]);
   test_assert(0 == ret);

   test_assert(1 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 2;

   /* switch context to M */

   /* we will return from H */
   test_assert(4 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 5;

   /* unlock mtx1. In properly implemented priority inversion this should wake
    * up the task H since nothing more block it from running */

   test_assert(8 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 9;

   /* finish test */
   test_assert(9 == test_atomic[0]);
   test_atomic[0] = 10;

   return 0;