Example #1
   static INT32 _rtnParseQueryMeta( const BSONObj &meta, const CHAR *&scanType,
                                    const CHAR *&indexName, INT32 &indexLID,
                                    INT32 &direction, BSONObj &blockObj )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      BSONElement ele ;

      rc = rtnGetStringElement( meta, FIELD_NAME_SCANTYPE, &scanType ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                   FIELD_NAME_SCANTYPE, rc ) ;

      if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( scanType, VALUE_NAME_IXSCAN ) )
         ele = meta.getField( FIELD_NAME_INDEXBLOCKS ) ;

         rc = rtnGetStringElement( meta, FIELD_NAME_INDEXNAME, &indexName ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                      FIELD_NAME_INDEXNAME, rc ) ;

         rc = rtnGetIntElement( meta, FIELD_NAME_INDEXLID, indexLID ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                      FIELD_NAME_INDEXLID, rc ) ;

         rc = rtnGetIntElement( meta, FIELD_NAME_DIRECTION, direction ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                      FIELD_NAME_DIRECTION, rc ) ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( scanType, VALUE_NAME_TBSCAN ) )
         ele = meta.getField( FIELD_NAME_DATABLOCKS ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Query meta[%s] scan type error",
                 meta.toString().c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      if ( Array != ele.type() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Block field[%s] type error",
                 ele.toString().c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
      blockObj = ele.embeddedObject() ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Example #2
   void _SDB_DMSCB::dumpInfo ( std::set<monCollection> &collectionList,
                               BOOLEAN sys )
      dmsStorageUnit *su = NULL ;
      ossScopedLock _lock(&_mutex, SHARED) ;

#if defined (_WINDOWS)
      std::map<const CHAR*, dmsStorageUnitID, cmp_cscb>::const_iterator it ;
#elif defined (_LINUX)
      std::map<const CHAR*, dmsStorageUnitID>::const_iterator it ;
      for ( it = _cscbNameMap.begin(); it != _cscbNameMap.end(); it++ )
         su = NULL ;
         dmsStorageUnitID suID = (*it).second ;

         SDB_DMS_CSCB *cscb = _cscbVec[suID] ;
         if ( !cscb )
            continue ;
         su = cscb->_su ;
         SDB_ASSERT ( su, "storage unit pointer can't be NULL" ) ;

         if ( ( !sys && dmsIsSysCSName(su->CSName()) ) ||
              ( ossStrcmp ( su->CSName(), SDB_DMSTEMP_NAME ) == 0 ) )
            continue ;
         su->dumpInfo ( collectionList, sys ) ;
      } // for ( it = _cscbNameMap.begin(); it != _cscbNameMap.end(); it++ )
   }  // void dumpInfo
Example #3
      _pmdExternClient implement
   _pmdExternClient::_pmdExternClient( ossSocket *pSocket )
      SDB_ASSERT( pSocket, "Socket can't be NULL" ) ;

      _isAuthed      = FALSE ;
      _pSocket       = pSocket ;
      _pEDUCB        = NULL ;

      _localPort     = 0 ;
      _peerPort      = 0 ;
      ossMemset( _localIP, 0, sizeof( _localIP ) ) ;
      ossMemset( _peerIP, 0, sizeof( _peerIP ) ) ;
      ossMemset( _fromIP, 0, sizeof( _fromIP ) ) ;
      ossMemset( _clientName, 0, sizeof( _clientName ) ) ;

      if ( pSocket )
         _localPort = pSocket->getLocalPort() ;
         _peerPort = pSocket->getPeerPort() ;
         pSocket->getLocalAddress( _localIP, PMD_IPADDR_LEN ) ;
         pSocket->getPeerAddress( _peerIP, PMD_IPADDR_LEN ) ;

         ossStrcpy( _fromIP, _peerIP ) ;
#if defined ( SDB_ENGINE )
         if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( _peerIP, "" ) )
            ossIP2Str( _netFrame::getLocalAddress(), _fromIP, PMD_IPADDR_LEN ) ;
#endif // SDB_ENGINE

      _makeName() ;
Example #4
 BOOLEAN _pmdDMNProcInfo::isInit()
    if ( ossStrcmp( szTag, PMDDMN_SHM_TAG ) == 0 )
       return TRUE ;
    return FALSE ;
Example #5
   // PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB__DMSSU_GETINDEX, "_dmsStorageUnit::getIndex" )
   INT32 _dmsStorageUnit::getIndex( const CHAR *pName,
                                    const CHAR *pIndexName,
                                    _monIndex &resultIndex,
                                    dmsMBContext *context )
      INT32 rc                     = SDB_IXM_NOTEXIST ;
      BOOLEAN getContext           = FALSE ;
      UINT32 indexID               = 0 ;

      SDB_ASSERT( pIndexName, "Index name can't be NULL" ) ;

      if ( NULL == context )
         SDB_ASSERT( pName, "Collection name can't be NULL" ) ;

         rc = _pDataSu->getMBContext( &context, pName, SHARED ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Get collection[%s] mb context failed, "
                      "rc: %d", pName, rc ) ;
         getContext = TRUE ;
         rc = context->mbLock( SHARED ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "dms mb context lock failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      for ( indexID = 0 ; indexID < DMS_COLLECTION_MAX_INDEX ; ++indexID )
         if ( DMS_INVALID_EXTENT == context->mb()->_indexExtent[indexID] )
            break ;

         ixmIndexCB indexCB ( context->mb()->_indexExtent[indexID],
                              _pIndexSu, NULL ) ;
         if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( indexCB.getName(), pIndexName ) )
            resultIndex._indexFlag = indexCB.getFlag () ;
            resultIndex._scanExtLID = indexCB.scanExtLID () ;
            resultIndex._version = indexCB.version () ;
            resultIndex._indexDef = indexCB.getDef().copy () ;

            rc = SDB_OK ;
            break ;

   done :
      if ( context && getContext )
         _pDataSu->releaseMBContext( context ) ;
      return rc ;
   error :
      goto done ;
 bool operator<( const strContainner &right ) const
    if ( !right._pStr )
       return false ;
    else if ( !_pStr )
       return true ;
    return ossStrcmp( _pStr, right._pStr ) < 0 ? true : false ;
   INT32 _qgmOptiAggregation::parse( const qgmOpField &field,
                                     BOOLEAN &isFunc,
                                     BOOLEAN needRele )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      _qgmAggrSelector selector ;
      if ( SQL_GRAMMAR::FUNC == field.type )
         rc = qgmFindFieldFromFunc( field.value.attr().begin(),
                                    needRele ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            goto error ;

         isFunc = TRUE ;
         CHAR *pFuncName = NULL;
         rc = utilStrToUpper( field.value.attr().begin(), pFuncName ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            goto error ;
         if ( 0 != ossStrcmp( "MERGEARRAYSET", pFuncName ) )
            _hasAggrFunc = TRUE ;
         isFunc = FALSE ;
         selector.value.value = field.value ;

      if ( !field.alias.empty() )
         selector.value.alias = field.alias ;

      selector.value.type = field.type ;

      _selector.push_back( selector ) ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Example #8
 INT32 _ixmIndexCB::keyPatternOffset( const CHAR *key ) const
    SDB_ASSERT ( _isInitialized,
                 "index details must be initialized first" ) ;
    BSONObjIterator i ( keyPattern() ) ;
    INT32 n = 0 ;
    while ( i.more() )
       BSONElement e = i.next() ;
       if ( ossStrcmp ( key, e.fieldName() ) == 0 )
          return n ;
       n++ ;
    return -1 ;
Example #9
   BOOLEAN _coordShardKicker::_isUpdateReplace( const BSONObj &updator )
      BSONObjIterator iter( updator ) ;
      while ( iter.more() )
         BSONElement beTmp = iter.next() ;
         if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( beTmp.fieldName(),
                              CMD_ADMIN_PREFIX FIELD_OP_VALUE_REPLACE ) )
            return TRUE ;

      return FALSE ;
Example #10
   INT32 utilBuildFullPath( const CHAR *path, const CHAR *name,
                            UINT32 fullSize, CHAR *full )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      if ( ossStrlen( path ) + ossStrlen( name )
           + 2 > fullSize )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
      ossMemset( full, 0, fullSize );
      ossStrcpy( full, path ) ;
      if ( '\0' != path[0] &&
           0 != ossStrcmp(&path[ossStrlen(path)-1], OSS_FILE_SEP ) )
         ossStrncat( full, OSS_FILE_SEP, 1 ) ;
      ossStrncat( full, name, ossStrlen( name ) ) ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Example #11
INT32 ossEnumFiles( const string &dirPath,
                    map< string, string > &mapFiles,
                    const CHAR *filter,
                    UINT32 deep )
   string newFilter ;

   if ( !filter || filter[0] == 0 || 0 == ossStrcmp( filter, "*" ) )
      type = OSS_MATCH_NULL ;
   else if ( filter[0] != '*' && filter[ ossStrlen( filter ) - 1 ] != '*' )
      type = OSS_MATCH_ALL ;
      newFilter = filter ;
   else if ( filter[0] == '*' && filter[ ossStrlen( filter ) - 1 ] == '*' )
      type = OSS_MATCH_MID ;
      newFilter.assign( &filter[1], ossStrlen( filter ) - 2 ) ;
   else if ( filter[0] == '*' )
      type = OSS_MATCH_RIGHT ;
      newFilter.assign( &filter[1], ossStrlen( filter ) - 1 ) ;
      type = OSS_MATCH_LEFT ;
      newFilter.assign( filter, ossStrlen( filter ) -1 ) ;

   return _ossEnumFiles( dirPath, mapFiles, newFilter.c_str(),
                         newFilter.length(), type, deep ) ;
Example #12
   INT32 _coordShardKicker::_kickShardingKey( const CoordCataInfoPtr &cataInfo,
                                              const BSONObj &updator,
                                              BSONObj &newUpdator,
                                              BOOLEAN &hasShardingKey )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      UINT32 skSiteID = cataInfo->getShardingKeySiteID() ;

      if ( skSiteID > 0 )
         map< UINT32, BOOLEAN >::iterator it = _skSiteIDs.find( skSiteID );
         if ( it != _skSiteIDs.end() )
            newUpdator = updator ;
            hasShardingKey = it->second ;
            goto done ;

         BSONObjBuilder bobNewUpdator( updator.objsize() ) ;
         BSONObj boShardingKey ;
         BSONObj subObj ;

         BOOLEAN isReplace = _isUpdateReplace( updator ) ;
         cataInfo->getShardingKey( boShardingKey ) ;

         BSONObjIterator iter( updator ) ;
         while ( iter.more() )
            BSONElement beTmp = iter.next() ;
            if ( beTmp.type() != Object )
               rc = SDB_INVALIDARG;
               PD_LOG( PDERROR, "updator's element must be an Object type:"
                       "updator=%s", updator.toString().c_str() ) ;
               goto error ;

            subObj = beTmp.embeddedObject() ;
            if ( isReplace &&
                 0 == ossStrcmp( beTmp.fieldName(),
                                 CMD_ADMIN_PREFIX FIELD_OP_VALUE_KEEP ) )
               _addKeys( subObj ) ;
               continue ;

            BSONObjBuilder subBuilder( bobNewUpdator.subobjStart(
                                       beTmp.fieldName() ) ) ;
            BSONObjIterator iterField( subObj ) ;
            while( iterField.more() )
               BSONElement beField = iterField.next() ;
               BSONObjIterator iterKey( boShardingKey ) ;
               BOOLEAN isKey = FALSE ;
               while( iterKey.more() )
                  BSONElement beKey = iterKey.next();
                  const CHAR *pKey = beKey.fieldName();
                  const CHAR *pField = beField.fieldName();
                  while( *pKey == *pField && *pKey != '\0' )
                     ++pKey ;
                     ++pField ;

                  if ( *pKey == *pField ||
                       ( '\0' == *pKey && '.' == *pField ) ||
                       ( '.' == *pKey && '\0' == *pField ) )
                     isKey = TRUE ;
                     break ;
               if ( isKey )
                  hasShardingKey = TRUE;
                  subBuilder.append( beField ) ;
            } // while( iterField.more() )

            subBuilder.done() ;
         } // while ( iter.more() )

         if ( isReplace )
            UINT32 count = _addKeys( boShardingKey ) ;
            if ( count > 0 )
               hasShardingKey = TRUE ;

            if ( !_setKeys.empty() )
               BSONObjBuilder keepBuilder( bobNewUpdator.subobjStart(
                                           CMD_ADMIN_PREFIX FIELD_OP_VALUE_KEEP ) ) ;
               SET_SHARDINGKEY::iterator itKey = _setKeys.begin() ;
               while( itKey != _setKeys.end() )
                  keepBuilder.append( itKey->_pStr, (INT32)1 ) ;
                  ++itKey ;
               keepBuilder.done() ;
         } // if ( isReplace )
         newUpdator = bobNewUpdator.obj() ;
      catch ( std::exception &e )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR,"Failed to kick sharding key from the record,"
                  "occured unexpected error: %s", e.what() ) ;

         goto error;

      if ( skSiteID > 0 )
                    pair< UINT32, BOOLEAN >( skSiteID, hasShardingKey ) ) ;

      return rc;
      goto done;
Example #13
   void _SDB_DMSCB::dumpInfo ( std::set<monCollectionSpace> &csList,
                               BOOLEAN sys )
      dmsStorageUnit *su = NULL ;
      INT64 totalDataFreeSize    = 0 ;
      INT64 totalIndexFreeSize   = 0 ;
      INT64 totalLobFreeSize     = 0 ;

      ossScopedLock _lock(&_mutex, SHARED) ;
#if defined (_WINDOWS)
      std::map<const CHAR*, dmsStorageUnitID, cmp_cscb>::const_iterator it ;
#elif defined (_LINUX)
      std::map<const CHAR*, dmsStorageUnitID>::const_iterator it ;
      for ( it = _cscbNameMap.begin(); it != _cscbNameMap.end(); it++ )
         dmsStorageUnitID suID = (*it).second ;

         SDB_DMS_CSCB *cscb = _cscbVec[suID] ;
         if ( !cscb )
            continue ;
         su = cscb->_su ;
         SDB_ASSERT ( su, "storage unit pointer can't be NULL" ) ;
         if ( !sys && dmsIsSysCSName(cscb->_name) )
            continue ;
         else if ( dmsIsSysCSName(cscb->_name) &&
                   0 == ossStrcmp(cscb->_name, SDB_DMSTEMP_NAME ) )
            continue ;
         monCollectionSpace cs ;
         dmsStorageUnitStat statInfo ;

         su->getStatInfo( statInfo ) ;
         totalDataFreeSize    = su->totalFreeSize( DMS_SU_DATA ) +
                                statInfo._totalDataFreeSpace ;
         totalIndexFreeSize   = su->totalFreeSize( DMS_SU_INDEX ) +
                                statInfo._totalIndexFreeSpace ;
         totalLobFreeSize     = su->totalFreeSize( DMS_SU_LOB ) ;

         ossMemset ( cs._name, 0, sizeof(cs._name) ) ;
         ossStrncpy ( cs._name, cscb->_name, DMS_COLLECTION_SPACE_NAME_SZ);
         cs._pageSize = su->getPageSize() ;
         cs._lobPageSize = su->getLobPageSize() ;
         cs._totalSize = su->totalSize() ;
         cs._clNum    = statInfo._clNum ;
         cs._totalRecordNum = statInfo._totalCount ;
         cs._freeSize = totalDataFreeSize + totalIndexFreeSize +
                        totalLobFreeSize ;
         cs._totalDataSize = su->totalSize( DMS_SU_DATA ) ;
         cs._freeDataSize  = totalDataFreeSize ;
         cs._totalIndexSize = su->totalSize( DMS_SU_INDEX ) ;
         cs._freeIndexSize = totalIndexFreeSize ;
         cs._totalLobSize = su->totalSize( DMS_SU_LOB ) ;
         cs._freeLobSize = totalLobFreeSize ;
         su->dumpInfo ( cs._collections, sys ) ;
         csList.insert ( cs ) ;
Example #14
   INT32 _coordShardKicker::_checkShardingKey( const CoordCataInfoPtr &cataInfo,
                                               const BSONObj &updator,
                                               BOOLEAN &hasInclude )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      UINT32 skSiteID = cataInfo->getShardingKeySiteID() ;

      if ( skSiteID > 0 )
         if ( _skSiteIDs.count( skSiteID ) > 0 )
            goto done ;
         _skSiteIDs.insert( pair< UINT32, BOOLEAN >( skSiteID, TRUE ) ) ;

         BSONObjBuilder bobNewUpdator( updator.objsize() ) ;
         BSONObj boShardingKey ;
         BSONObj subObj ;

         BOOLEAN isReplace = _isUpdateReplace( updator ) ;
         cataInfo->getShardingKey( boShardingKey ) ;

         BSONObjIterator iter( updator ) ;
         while ( iter.more() )
            BSONElement beTmp = iter.next() ;
            if ( beTmp.type() != Object )
               rc = SDB_INVALIDARG;
               PD_LOG( PDERROR, "updator's element must be an Object type:"
                       "updator=%s", updator.toString().c_str() ) ;
               goto error ;

            subObj = beTmp.embeddedObject() ;
            if ( isReplace &&
                 0 == ossStrcmp( beTmp.fieldName(),
                                 CMD_ADMIN_PREFIX FIELD_OP_VALUE_KEEP ) )
               _addKeys( subObj ) ;
               continue ;

            BSONObjIterator iterField( subObj ) ;
            while( iterField.more() )
               BSONElement beField = iterField.next() ;
               BSONObjIterator iterKey( boShardingKey ) ;
               BOOLEAN isKey = FALSE ;
               while( iterKey.more() )
                  BSONElement beKey = iterKey.next() ;
                  const CHAR *pKey = beKey.fieldName() ;
                  const CHAR *pField = beField.fieldName() ;
                  while( *pKey == *pField && *pKey != '\0' )
                     ++pKey ;
                     ++pField ;

                  if ( *pKey == *pField ||
                       ( '\0' == *pKey && '.' == *pField ) ||
                       ( '.' == *pKey && '\0' == *pField ) )
                     isKey = TRUE ;
                     break ;
               if ( isKey )
                  hasInclude = TRUE ;
                  goto done ;
            } // while( iterField.more() )
         } // while ( iter.more() )

         if ( isReplace && _addKeys( boShardingKey ) > 0 )
            hasInclude = TRUE ;
            goto done ;
      catch ( std::exception &e )
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG;
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR,"Failed to check the record is include sharding-key,"
                  "occured unexpected error: %s", e.what() ) ;
         goto error;

      return rc;
      goto done;
Example #15
   INT32  _rtnSQLFuncFactory::create( const CHAR *funcName,
                                      UINT32 paramNum,
                                       _rtnSQLFunc *&func )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      CHAR *name = NULL ;
      rc = utilStrToUpper( funcName, name ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         goto error ;
      if ( 0 == ossStrcmp("COUNT", name) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnSQLCount() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "SUM", name ) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnSQLSum() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "MIN", name ) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnSQLMin() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "MAX", name) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnSQLMax() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "AVG", name) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnSQLAvg() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "FIRST", name ) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnSQLFirst() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "LAST", name ) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW rtnSQLLast() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "PUSH", name ) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW rtnSQLPush() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "ADDTOSET", name ) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW rtnSQLAddToSet() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "BUILDOBJ", name ) && paramNum > 0 )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW rtnSQLBuildObj() ;
      else if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( "MERGEARRAYSET", name ) && 1 == paramNum )
         func = SDB_OSS_NEW rtnSQLMergeArraySet() ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      if ( NULL == func )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to allocated mem." ) ;
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         goto error ;

      if ( NULL != name )
         SDB_OSS_FREE( name ) ;
         name = NULL ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Example #16
 bool operator()( const CHAR *a, const CHAR *b )
    return ossStrcmp( a, b ) < 0 ;
Example #17
 BOOLEAN operator()( const CHAR *l, const CHAR *r )const
    return ossStrcmp( l, r ) == 0 ;
Example #18
static INT32 _ossEnumFiles( const string &dirPath,
                            map<string, string> &mapFiles,
                            const CHAR *filter, UINT32 filterLen,
                            OSS_MATCH_TYPE type, UINT32 deep )
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   const CHAR *pFind = NULL ;

      fs::path dbDir ( dirPath ) ;
      fs::directory_iterator end_iter ;

      if ( 0 == deep )
         goto done ;

      if ( fs::exists ( dbDir ) && fs::is_directory ( dbDir ) )
         for ( fs::directory_iterator dir_iter ( dbDir );
               dir_iter != end_iter; ++dir_iter )
               if ( fs::is_regular_file ( dir_iter->status() ) )
                  const std::string fileName =
                     dir_iter->path().filename().string() ;

                  if ( ( OSS_MATCH_NULL == type ) ||
                       ( OSS_MATCH_LEFT == type &&
                         0 == ossStrncmp( fileName.c_str(), filter,
                                          filterLen ) ) ||
                       ( OSS_MATCH_MID == type &&
                         ossStrstr( fileName.c_str(), filter ) ) ||
                       ( OSS_MATCH_RIGHT == type &&
                         ( pFind = ossStrstr( fileName.c_str(), filter ) ) &&
                         pFind[filterLen] == 0 ) ||
                       ( OSS_MATCH_ALL == type &&
                         0 == ossStrcmp( fileName.c_str(), filter ) )
                     mapFiles[ fileName ] = dir_iter->path().string() ;
               else if ( fs::is_directory( dir_iter->path() ) && deep > 1 )
                  _ossEnumFiles( dir_iter->path().string(), mapFiles,
                                 filter, filterLen, type, deep - 1 ) ;
            catch( std::exception &e )
               PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "File or dir[%s] occur exception: %s",
                       e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;
   catch( std::exception &e )
      PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Occur exception: %s", e.what() ) ;
      rc = SDB_SYS ;
      goto error ;

   return rc ;
   goto done ;
Example #19
   INT32 catSplitPrepare( const BSONObj &splitInfo, const CHAR *clFullName,
                          clsCatalogSet *cataSet, INT32 &groupID,
                          pmdEDUCB *cb )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;

      BSONObj splitQuery ;
      BOOLEAN existQuery = TRUE ;
      FLOAT64 percent = 0.0 ;
      const CHAR* sourceName = NULL ;
      const CHAR* dstName = NULL ;
      BOOLEAN dstInCSDomain = FALSE ;

      rc = rtnGetObjElement( splitInfo, CAT_SPLITQUERY_NAME, splitQuery ) ;
      if ( SDB_FIELD_NOT_EXIST == rc )
         existQuery = FALSE ;
         rc = SDB_OK ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc , PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                   CAT_SPLITQUERY_NAME, rc ) ;

      percent = splitInfo.getField( CAT_SPLITPERCENT_NAME ).numberDouble() ;

      rc = rtnGetStringElement( splitInfo, CAT_SOURCE_NAME, &sourceName ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                   CAT_SOURCE_NAME, rc ) ;
      rc = catGroupNameValidate( sourceName, FALSE ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Source group name[%s] is not valid, rc: %d",
                   sourceName, rc ) ;

      rc = rtnGetStringElement( splitInfo, CAT_TARGET_NAME, &dstName ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                   CAT_TARGET_NAME, rc ) ;
      rc = catGroupNameValidate( dstName, FALSE ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Target group name[%s] is not valid, rc: %d",
                   dstName, rc ) ;

      PD_CHECK( 0 != ossStrcmp( dstName, sourceName ), SDB_INVALIDARG, error,
                PDERROR, "Target group name can not the same with source group"
                " name" ) ;

      rc = _checkDstGroupInCSDomain( dstName, clFullName, dstInCSDomain, cb ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDWARNING, "Check destination group in collection space"
                   "domain failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;
                "Split target group[%s] is not in collection space domain",
                dstName ) ;

      if ( FALSE == existQuery )
         PD_CHECK( percent > 0.0 && percent <= 100.0, SDB_INVALIDARG, error,
                   PDERROR, "Split percent value[%f] error", percent ) ;

      rc = catGroupName2ID( sourceName, groupID, cb ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Group name[%s] to id failed, rc: %d",
                   sourceName, rc ) ;

      PD_CHECK( isGroupInCataSet( groupID, *cataSet ), SDB_CL_NOT_EXIST_ON_GROUP,
                error, PDWARNING, "The collection[%s] does not exist on source "
                "group[%s]", clFullName, sourceName ) ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Example #20
   INT32 catSplitReady( const BSONObj & splitInfo, const CHAR * clFullName,
                        clsCatalogSet * cataSet, INT32 & groupID,
                        clsTaskMgr &taskMgr, pmdEDUCB * cb, INT16 w,
                        UINT64 *pTaskID )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;

      BSONObj bKey ;
      BSONObj eKey ;
      BOOLEAN usePercent = FALSE ;
      FLOAT64 percent = 0.0 ;
      const CHAR* sourceName = NULL ;
      const CHAR* dstName = NULL ;
      INT32 sourceID = CAT_INVALID_GROUPID ;
      BOOLEAN dstInCSDomain = FALSE ;

      rc = rtnGetObjElement( splitInfo, CAT_SPLITVALUE_NAME, bKey ) ;
      if ( SDB_FIELD_NOT_EXIST == rc ||
           ( SDB_OK == rc && bKey.isEmpty() ) )
         usePercent = TRUE ;
         rc = SDB_OK ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                   CAT_SPLITVALUE_NAME, rc ) ;

      percent = splitInfo.getField( CAT_SPLITPERCENT_NAME ).numberDouble() ;

      if ( !usePercent )
         rc = rtnGetObjElement( splitInfo, CAT_SPLITENDVALUE_NAME, eKey ) ;
         if ( SDB_FIELD_NOT_EXIST == rc )
            rc = SDB_OK ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                      CAT_SPLITENDVALUE_NAME, rc ) ;
         PD_CHECK( percent > 0.0 && percent <= 100.0, SDB_INVALIDARG, error,
                   PDERROR, "Split percent value[%f] error", percent ) ;
         PD_CHECK( cataSet->isHashSharding(), SDB_SYS, error,
                   PDERROR, "Split by percent must be hash sharding" ) ;

      rc = rtnGetStringElement( splitInfo, CAT_SOURCE_NAME, &sourceName ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                   CAT_SOURCE_NAME, rc ) ;
      rc = catGroupNameValidate( sourceName, FALSE ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Source group name[%s] is not valid, rc: %d",
                   sourceName, rc ) ;

      rc = rtnGetStringElement( splitInfo, CAT_TARGET_NAME, &dstName ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get field[%s], rc: %d",
                   CAT_TARGET_NAME, rc ) ;
      rc = catGroupNameValidate( dstName, FALSE ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Target group name[%s] is not valid, rc: %d",
                   dstName, rc ) ;

      PD_CHECK( 0 != ossStrcmp( dstName, sourceName ), SDB_INVALIDARG, error,
                PDERROR, "Target group name can not the same with source group"
                " name" ) ;

      rc = _checkDstGroupInCSDomain( dstName, clFullName, dstInCSDomain, cb ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDWARNING, "Check destination group in collection space"
                   "domain failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;
                "Split target group[%s] is not in collection space domain",
                dstName ) ;

      rc = catGroupName2ID( sourceName, sourceID, cb ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Group name[%s] to id failed, rc: %d",
                   sourceName, rc ) ;

      PD_CHECK( isGroupInCataSet( sourceID, *cataSet ),
                error, PDWARNING, "The collection[%s] does not exist on source "
                "group[%s]", clFullName, sourceName ) ;

      rc = catGroupName2ID( dstName, groupID, cb ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Group name[%s] to id failed, rc: %d",
                   dstName, rc ) ;

      if ( !usePercent  )
         rc = _checkSplitKey( bKey, *cataSet, sourceID, FALSE, FALSE ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Check split key failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

         rc = _checkSplitKey( eKey, *cataSet, sourceID, TRUE, TRUE ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Check split end key failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

         BSONObj match ;
         BSONObj taskObj ;
         BOOLEAN conflict = FALSE ;
         clsSplitTask splitTask( taskMgr.getTaskID() ) ;
         if ( usePercent )
            rc = splitTask.calcHashPartition( *cataSet, sourceID, percent,
                                              bKey, eKey ) ;
            PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Calc hash percent partition split key "
                         "falied, rc: %d", rc ) ;
         rc = splitTask.init( clFullName, sourceID, sourceName, groupID,
                              dstName, bKey, eKey, percent, *cataSet ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Init split task failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

         match = splitTask.toBson( CLS_SPLIT_MASK_CLNAME ) ;
         rc = catSplitCheckConflict( match, splitTask, conflict, cb ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Check task conflict failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;
         PD_CHECK( FALSE == conflict, SDB_CLS_MUTEX_TASK_EXIST, error, PDERROR,
                   "Exist task not compatible with the new task" ) ;

         taskObj = splitTask.toBson( CLS_MASK_ALL ) ;
         rc = catAddTask( taskObj, cb, w ) ;
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Add split task failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

         if ( pTaskID )
            *pTaskID = splitTask.taskID() ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
Example #21
   void _sptInvoker::_reportError( JSContext *cx,
                                   INT32 rc,
                                   const bson::BSONObj &detail )
      sdbSetErrno( rc ) ;

      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         stringstream ss ;
         BSONObjIterator itr( detail) ;
         INT32 fieldNum = detail.nFields() ;
         INT32 count = 0 ;
         while ( itr.more() )
            if ( count > 0 )
               ss << ", " ;
            BSONElement e = itr.next() ;
            if ( fieldNum > 1 ||
                 0 != ossStrcmp( SPT_ERR, e.fieldName() ) )
               ss << e.fieldName() << ": " ;

            if ( String == e.type() )
               ss << e.valuestr() ;
            else if ( NumberInt == e.type() )
               ss << e.numberInt() ;
            else if ( NumberLong == e.type() )
               ss << e.numberLong() ;
            else if ( NumberDouble == e.type() )
               ss << e.numberDouble() ;
            else if ( Bool == e.type() )
               ss << ( e.boolean() ? "true" : "false" ) ;
               ss << e.toString( false, false ) ;
            ++count ;
         sdbSetErrMsg( ss.str().c_str() ) ;

         if ( sdbIsErrMsgEmpty() )
            sdbSetErrMsg( getErrDesp( rc ) ) ;

         JS_SetPendingException( cx , INT_TO_JSVAL( rc ) ) ;
         sdbSetErrMsg( NULL ) ;

      return ;
Example #22
   INT32 _coordCMDGetIndexes::generateResult( rtnContext *pContext,
                                              pmdEDUCB *cb )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;

      CoordIndexMap indexMap ;
      rtnContextBuf buffObj ;

      while( TRUE )
         rc = pContext->getMore( 1, buffObj, cb ) ;
         if ( rc )
            if ( SDB_DMS_EOC == rc )
               rc = SDB_OK ;
               break ;
               PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to get index data, rc: %d", rc ) ;
               goto error ;

            BSONObj boTmp( buffObj.data() ) ;
            BSONObj boIndexDef ;
            BSONElement ele ;
            string strIndexName ;
            CoordIndexMap::iterator iter ;

            ele = boTmp.getField( IXM_FIELD_NAME_INDEX_DEF ) ;
            PD_CHECK ( ele.type() == Object, SDB_INVALIDARG, error,
                       PDERROR, "Failed to get the field(%s)",
                       IXM_FIELD_NAME_INDEX_DEF ) ;

            boIndexDef = ele.embeddedObject() ;
            ele = boIndexDef.getField( IXM_NAME_FIELD ) ;
            PD_CHECK ( ele.type() == String, SDB_INVALIDARG, error,
                       PDERROR, "Failed to get the field(%s)",
                       IXM_NAME_FIELD ) ;

            strIndexName = ele.valuestr() ;
            iter = indexMap.find( strIndexName ) ;
            if ( indexMap.end() == iter )
               indexMap[ strIndexName ] = boTmp.getOwned() ;
               BSONObjIterator newIter( boIndexDef ) ;
               BSONObj boOldDef ;

               ele = iter->second.getField( IXM_FIELD_NAME_INDEX_DEF ) ;
               PD_CHECK ( ele.type() == Object, SDB_INVALIDARG, error,
                          PDERROR, "Failed to get the field(%s)",
                          IXM_FIELD_NAME_INDEX_DEF ) ;
               boOldDef = ele.embeddedObject() ;

               BSONElement beTmp1, beTmp2 ;
               while( newIter.more() )
                  beTmp1 = newIter.next() ;
                  if ( 0 == ossStrcmp( beTmp1.fieldName(), "_id" ) )
                     continue ;
                  beTmp2 = boOldDef.getField( beTmp1.fieldName() ) ;
                  if ( 0 != beTmp1.woCompare( beTmp2 ) )
                     PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "Corrupted index(name:%s, define1:%s, "
                             "define2:%s)", strIndexName.c_str(),
                             boOldDef.toString().c_str() ) ;
                     break ;
         catch ( std::exception &e )
            PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get index, occured unexpected"
                         "error:%s", e.what() ) ;

         CoordIndexMap::iterator iterMap = indexMap.begin();
         while( iterMap != indexMap.end() )
            rc = pContext->append( iterMap->second ) ;
            PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to get index, append the data "
                         "failed(rc=%d)", rc ) ;
            ++iterMap ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;