static void
html_styled_ostream::free (html_styled_ostream_t stream)
  html_ostream_free (stream->html_destination);
  ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "</body>\n");
  ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "</html>\n");
Example #2
message_print_comment_dot (const message_ty *mp, ostream_t stream)
  if (mp->comment_dot != NULL)
      size_t j;

      begin_css_class (stream, class_extracted_comment);

      for (j = 0; j < mp->comment_dot->nitems; ++j)
	  const char *s = mp->comment_dot->item[j];
	  ostream_write_str (stream, "#.");
	  if (*s != '\0')
	    ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
	  ostream_write_str (stream, s);
	  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

      end_css_class (stream, class_extracted_comment);
Example #3
static void
emit_pending_spans (html_ostream_t stream, bool shrink_stack)
  if (stream->curr_class_stack_size > stream->last_class_stack_size)
      size_t i;

      for (i = stream->last_class_stack_size; i < stream->curr_class_stack_size; i++)
          char *classname = (char *) gl_list_get_at (stream->class_stack, i);

          ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "<span class=\"");
          ostream_write_str (stream->destination, classname);
          ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "\">");
      stream->last_class_stack_size = stream->curr_class_stack_size;
  else if (stream->curr_class_stack_size < stream->last_class_stack_size)
      size_t i = stream->last_class_stack_size;

      while (i > stream->curr_class_stack_size)
          char *classname;

          classname = (char *) gl_list_get_at (stream->class_stack, i);
          ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "</span>");
          if (shrink_stack)
              gl_list_remove_at (stream->class_stack, i);
              free (classname);
      stream->last_class_stack_size = stream->curr_class_stack_size;
Example #4
message_print_comment (const message_ty *mp, ostream_t stream)
  if (mp->comment != NULL)
      size_t j;

      begin_css_class (stream, class_translator_comment);

      for (j = 0; j < mp->comment->nitems; ++j)
	  const char *s = mp->comment->item[j];
	      const char *e;
	      ostream_write_str (stream, "#");
	      if (*s != '\0')
		ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
	      e = strchr (s, '\n');
	      if (e == NULL)
		  ostream_write_str (stream, s);
		  s = NULL;
		  ostream_write_mem (stream, s, e - s);
		  s = e + 1;
	      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
	  while (s != NULL);

      end_css_class (stream, class_translator_comment);
Example #5
static void
html_ostream::write_mem (html_ostream_t stream, const void *data, size_t len)
  if (len > 0)
      #define BUFFERSIZE 2048
      char inbuffer[BUFFERSIZE];
      size_t inbufcount;

      inbufcount = stream->buflen;
      if (inbufcount > 0)
        memcpy (inbuffer, stream->buf, inbufcount);
      for (;;)
          /* At this point, inbuffer[0..inbufcount-1] is filled.  */
            /* Combine the previous rest with a chunk of new input.  */
            size_t n =
              (len <= BUFFERSIZE - inbufcount ? len : BUFFERSIZE - inbufcount);

            if (n > 0)
                memcpy (inbuffer + inbufcount, data, n);
                data = (char *) data + n;
                inbufcount += n;
                len -= n;
            /* Handle complete UTF-8 characters.  */
            const char *inptr = inbuffer;
            size_t insize = inbufcount;

            while (insize > 0)
                unsigned char c0;
                ucs4_t uc;
                int nbytes;

                c0 = ((const unsigned char *) inptr)[0];
                if (insize < (c0 < 0xc0 ? 1 : c0 < 0xe0 ? 2 : c0 < 0xf0 ? 3 :
                              c0 < 0xf8 ? 4 : c0 < 0xfc ? 5 : 6))

                nbytes = u8_mbtouc (&uc, (const unsigned char *) inptr, insize);

                if (uc == '\n')
                    size_t prev_class_stack_size = stream->curr_class_stack_size;
                    stream->curr_class_stack_size = 0;
                    emit_pending_spans (stream, false);
                    ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "<br/>");
                    stream->curr_class_stack_size = prev_class_stack_size;
                    emit_pending_spans (stream, true);

                    switch (uc)
                      case '"':
                        ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "&quot;");
                      case '&':
                        ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "&amp;");
                      case '<':
                        ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "&lt;");
                      case '>':
                        /* Needed to avoid "]]>" in the output.  */
                        ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "&gt;");
                      case ' ':
                        /* Needed because HTML viewers merge adjacent spaces
                           and drop spaces adjacent to <br> and similar.  */
                        ostream_write_str (stream->destination, "&nbsp;");
                        if (uc >= 0x20 && uc < 0x7F)
                            /* Output ASCII characters as such.  */
                            char bytes[1];
                            bytes[0] = uc;
                            ostream_write_mem (stream->destination, bytes, 1);
                            /* Output non-ASCII characters in #&nnn;
                               notation.  */
                            char bytes[32];
                            sprintf (bytes, "&#%d;", (int) uc);
                            ostream_write_str (stream->destination, bytes);

                inptr += nbytes;
                insize -= nbytes;
            /* Put back the unconverted part.  */
            if (insize > BUFSIZE)
              abort ();
            if (len == 0)
                if (insize > 0)
                  memcpy (stream->buf, inptr, insize);
                stream->buflen = insize;
            if (insize > 0)
              memmove (inbuffer, inptr, insize);
            inbufcount = insize;
      #undef BUFFERSIZE
Example #6
/* Print a color test page.  */
print_color_test ()
  /* Code copied from test-term-ostream.c.  */
  static struct { const char *name; term_color_t c; int r; int g; int b; }
         colors[] =
      { "black",   -2,   0,   0,   0 },
      { "blue",    -2,   0,   0, 255 },
      { "green",   -2,   0, 255,   0 },
      { "cyan",    -2,   0, 255, 255 },
      { "red",     -2, 255,   0,   0 },
      { "magenta", -2, 255,   0, 255 },
      { "yellow",  -2, 255, 255,   0 },
      { "white",   -2, 255, 255, 255 },
      { "default", COLOR_DEFAULT }
  term_ostream_t stream;
  int i, row, col;

  stream = term_ostream_create (1, "stdout");

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    colors[i].c =
      term_ostream_rgb_to_color (stream, colors[i].r, colors[i].g, colors[i].b);

  ostream_write_str (stream, "Colors (foreground/background):\n");
  ostream_write_str (stream, "       ");
  for (col = 0; col <= 8; col++)
      const char *name = colors[col].name;
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|");
      ostream_write_str (stream, name);
      ostream_write_mem (stream, "        ", 7 - strlen (name));
  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  for (row = 0; row <= 8; row++)
      const char *name = colors[row].name;
      ostream_write_str (stream, name);
      ostream_write_mem (stream, "        ", 7 - strlen (name));
      for (col = 0; col <= 8; col++)
          term_color_t row_color = colors[row].c;
          term_color_t col_color = colors[col].c;

          ostream_write_str (stream, "|");
          term_ostream_set_color (stream, row_color);
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, col_color);
          if (!(term_ostream_get_color (stream) == row_color
                && term_ostream_get_bgcolor (stream) == col_color))
            abort ();
          ostream_write_str (stream, " Words ");
          term_ostream_set_color (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
          if (!(term_ostream_get_color (stream) == COLOR_DEFAULT
                && term_ostream_get_bgcolor (stream) == COLOR_DEFAULT))
            abort ();
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

  ostream_write_str (stream, "Colors (hue/saturation):\n");
  /* Hue from 0 to 1.  */
  for (row = 0; row <= 17; row++)
      ostream_write_str (stream, row == 0 ? "red:     " : "         ");
      for (col = 0; col <= 64; col++)
          int r = 255;
          int b = (int) (255.0f / 64.0f * col + 0.5f);
          int g = b + (int) (row / 17.0f * (r - b) + 0.5f);
          term_color_t c = term_ostream_rgb_to_color (stream, r, g, b);
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, c);
          ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  /* Hue from 1 to 2.  */
  for (row = 17; row >= 0; row--)
      ostream_write_str (stream, row == 17 ? "yellow:  " : "         ");
      for (col = 0; col <= 64; col++)
          int g = 255;
          int b = (int) (255.0f / 64.0f * col + 0.5f);
          int r = b + (int) (row / 17.0f * (g - b) + 0.5f);
          term_color_t c = term_ostream_rgb_to_color (stream, r, g, b);
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, c);
          ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  /* Hue from 2 to 3.  */
  for (row = 0; row <= 17; row++)
      ostream_write_str (stream, row == 0 ? "green:   " : "         ");
      for (col = 0; col <= 64; col++)
          int g = 255;
          int r = (int) (255.0f / 64.0f * col + 0.5f);
          int b = r + (int) (row / 17.0f * (g - r) + 0.5f);
          term_color_t c = term_ostream_rgb_to_color (stream, r, g, b);
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, c);
          ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  /* Hue from 3 to 4.  */
  for (row = 17; row >= 0; row--)
      ostream_write_str (stream, row == 17 ? "cyan:    " : "         ");
      for (col = 0; col <= 64; col++)
          int b = 255;
          int r = (int) (255.0f / 64.0f * col + 0.5f);
          int g = r + (int) (row / 17.0f * (b - r) + 0.5f);
          term_color_t c = term_ostream_rgb_to_color (stream, r, g, b);
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, c);
          ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  /* Hue from 4 to 5.  */
  for (row = 0; row <= 17; row++)
      ostream_write_str (stream, row == 0 ? "blue:    " : "         ");
      for (col = 0; col <= 64; col++)
          int b = 255;
          int g = (int) (255.0f / 64.0f * col + 0.5f);
          int r = g + (int) (row / 17.0f * (b - g) + 0.5f);
          term_color_t c = term_ostream_rgb_to_color (stream, r, g, b);
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, c);
          ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  /* Hue from 5 to 6.  */
  for (row = 17; row >= 0; row--)
      ostream_write_str (stream, row == 17 ? "magenta: " :
                                 row == 0 ? "red:     " : "         ");
      for (col = 0; col <= 64; col++)
          int r = 255;
          int g = (int) (255.0f / 64.0f * col + 0.5f);
          int b = g + (int) (row / 17.0f * (r - g) + 0.5f);
          term_color_t c = term_ostream_rgb_to_color (stream, r, g, b);
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, c);
          ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
          term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

  ostream_write_str (stream, "Weights:\n");
  term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
  if (term_ostream_get_weight (stream) != WEIGHT_NORMAL)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "normal, ");
  term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_BOLD);
  if (term_ostream_get_weight (stream) != WEIGHT_BOLD)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "bold, ");
  term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_DEFAULT);
  if (term_ostream_get_weight (stream) != WEIGHT_DEFAULT)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "default \n");
  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

  ostream_write_str (stream, "Postures:\n");
  term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_NORMAL);
  if (term_ostream_get_posture (stream) != POSTURE_NORMAL)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "normal, ");
  term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_ITALIC);
  if (term_ostream_get_posture (stream) != POSTURE_ITALIC)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "italic, ");
  term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_DEFAULT);
  if (term_ostream_get_posture (stream) != POSTURE_DEFAULT)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "default \n");
  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

  ostream_write_str (stream, "Text decorations:\n");
  term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_OFF);
  if (term_ostream_get_underline (stream) != UNDERLINE_OFF)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "normal, ");
  term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_ON);
  if (term_ostream_get_underline (stream) != UNDERLINE_ON)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "underlined, ");
  term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_DEFAULT);
  if (term_ostream_get_underline (stream) != UNDERLINE_DEFAULT)
    abort ();
  ostream_write_str (stream, "default \n");
  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

  ostream_write_str (stream, "Colors (foreground) mixed with attributes:\n");
  for (row = 0; row <= 8; row++)
      const char *name = colors[row].name;
      ostream_write_str (stream, name);
      ostream_write_mem (stream, "        ", 7 - strlen (name));
      term_ostream_set_color (stream, colors[row].c);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_BOLD);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "bold");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_ITALIC);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "italic");
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_NORMAL);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_ON);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "underlined");
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_OFF);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_color (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n       ");
      term_ostream_set_color (stream, colors[row].c);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_BOLD);
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_ITALIC);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "bold+italic");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_NORMAL);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_BOLD);
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_ON);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "bold+underl");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_OFF);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_ITALIC);
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_ON);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "italic+underl");
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_NORMAL);
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_OFF);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_color (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

  ostream_write_str (stream, "Colors (background) mixed with attributes:\n");
  for (row = 0; row <= 8; row++)
      const char *name = colors[row].name;
      ostream_write_str (stream, name);
      ostream_write_mem (stream, "        ", 7 - strlen (name));
      term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, colors[row].c);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_BOLD);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "bold");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_ITALIC);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "italic");
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_NORMAL);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_ON);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "underlined");
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_OFF);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n       ");
      term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, colors[row].c);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_BOLD);
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_ITALIC);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "bold+italic");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_NORMAL);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_BOLD);
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_ON);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "bold+underl");
      term_ostream_set_weight (stream, WEIGHT_NORMAL);
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_OFF);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_ITALIC);
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_ON);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "italic+underl");
      term_ostream_set_posture (stream, POSTURE_NORMAL);
      term_ostream_set_underline (stream, UNDERLINE_OFF);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "|normal|");
      term_ostream_set_bgcolor (stream, COLOR_DEFAULT);
      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

  ostream_free (stream);
Example #7
message_print_comment_flags (const message_ty *mp, ostream_t stream, bool debug)
  if ((mp->is_fuzzy && mp->msgstr[0] != '\0')
      || has_significant_format_p (mp->is_format)
      || has_range_p (mp->range)
      || mp->do_wrap == no)
      bool first_flag = true;
      size_t i;

      begin_css_class (stream, class_flag_comment);

      ostream_write_str (stream, "#,");

      /* We don't print the fuzzy flag if the msgstr is empty.  This
	 might be introduced by the user but we want to normalize the
	 output.  */
      if (mp->is_fuzzy && mp->msgstr[0] != '\0')
	  ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
	  begin_css_class (stream, class_flag);
	  begin_css_class (stream, class_fuzzy_flag);
	  ostream_write_str (stream, "fuzzy");
	  end_css_class (stream, class_fuzzy_flag);
	  end_css_class (stream, class_flag);
	  first_flag = false;

      for (i = 0; i < NFORMATS; i++)
	if (significant_format_p (mp->is_format[i]))
	    if (!first_flag)
	      ostream_write_str (stream, ",");

	    ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
	    begin_css_class (stream, class_flag);
	    ostream_write_str (stream,
			       make_format_description_string (mp->is_format[i],
	    end_css_class (stream, class_flag);
	    first_flag = false;

      if (has_range_p (mp->range))
	  char *string;

	  if (!first_flag)
	    ostream_write_str (stream, ",");

	  ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
	  begin_css_class (stream, class_flag);
	  string = make_range_description_string (mp->range);
	  ostream_write_str (stream, string);
	  free (string);
	  end_css_class (stream, class_flag);
	  first_flag = false;

      if (mp->do_wrap == no)
	  if (!first_flag)
	    ostream_write_str (stream, ",");

	  ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
	  begin_css_class (stream, class_flag);
	  ostream_write_str (stream,
			     make_c_width_description_string (mp->do_wrap));
	  end_css_class (stream, class_flag);
	  first_flag = false;

      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

      end_css_class (stream, class_flag_comment);
Example #8
message_print_comment_filepos (const message_ty *mp, ostream_t stream,
			       bool uniforum, size_t page_width)
  if (mp->filepos_count != 0)
      begin_css_class (stream, class_reference_comment);

      if (uniforum)
	  size_t j;

	  for (j = 0; j < mp->filepos_count; ++j)
	      lex_pos_ty *pp = &mp->filepos[j];
	      const char *cp = pp->file_name;
	      char *str;

	      while (cp[0] == '.' && cp[1] == '/')
		cp += 2;
	      ostream_write_str (stream, "# ");
	      begin_css_class (stream, class_reference);
	      /* There are two Sun formats to choose from: SunOS and
		 Solaris.  Use the Solaris form here.  */
	      str = xasprintf ("File: %s, line: %ld",
			       cp, (long) pp->line_number);
	      ostream_write_str (stream, str);
	      end_css_class (stream, class_reference);
	      ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");
	      free (str);
	  size_t column;
	  size_t j;

	  ostream_write_str (stream, "#:");
	  column = 2;
	  for (j = 0; j < mp->filepos_count; ++j)
	      lex_pos_ty *pp;
	      char buffer[21];
	      const char *cp;
	      size_t len;

	      pp = &mp->filepos[j];
	      cp = pp->file_name;
	      while (cp[0] == '.' && cp[1] == '/')
		cp += 2;
	      /* Some xgettext input formats, like RST, lack line numbers.  */
	      if (pp->line_number == (size_t)(-1))
		buffer[0] = '\0';
		sprintf (buffer, ":%ld", (long) pp->line_number);
	      len = strlen (cp) + strlen (buffer) + 1;
	      if (column > 2 && column + len >= page_width)
		  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n#:");
		  column = 2;
	      ostream_write_str (stream, " ");
	      begin_css_class (stream, class_reference);
	      ostream_write_str (stream, cp);
	      ostream_write_str (stream, buffer);
	      end_css_class (stream, class_reference);
	      column += len;
	  ostream_write_str (stream, "\n");

      end_css_class (stream, class_reference_comment);