static gboolean deployment_get_gpg_verify (OstreeDeployment *deployment, OstreeRepo *repo) { /* XXX Something like this could be added to the OstreeDeployment * API in libostree if the OstreeRepo parameter is acceptable. */ GKeyFile *origin = ostree_deployment_get_origin (deployment); if (origin == NULL) return FALSE; g_autofree char *refspec = g_key_file_get_string (origin, "origin", "refspec", NULL); if (refspec == NULL) return FALSE; g_autofree char *remote = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, &remote, NULL, NULL)) return FALSE; gboolean gpg_verify = FALSE; if (remote) (void) ostree_repo_remote_get_gpg_verify (repo, remote, &gpg_verify, NULL); return gpg_verify; }
gboolean get_booted_refspec (gchar **booted_refspec, gchar **booted_remote, gchar **booted_ref, GError **error) { g_autoptr(OstreeDeployment) booted_deployment = NULL; g_autofree gchar *refspec = NULL; g_autofree gchar *remote = NULL; g_autofree gchar *ref = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE); booted_deployment = eos_updater_get_booted_deployment (error); if (!get_origin_refspec (booted_deployment, &refspec, error)) return FALSE; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, &remote, &ref, error)) return FALSE; g_message ("Using product branch %s", ref); if (booted_refspec != NULL) *booted_refspec = g_steal_pointer (&refspec); if (booted_remote != NULL) *booted_remote = g_steal_pointer (&remote); if (booted_ref != NULL) *booted_ref = g_steal_pointer (&ref); return TRUE; }
gboolean _ostree_repo_update_refs (OstreeRepo *self, GHashTable *refs, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GHashTableIter hash_iter; gpointer key, value; g_hash_table_iter_init (&hash_iter, refs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hash_iter, &key, &value)) { const char *refspec = key; const char *rev = value; g_autofree char *remote = NULL; g_autofree char *ref = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, &remote, &ref, error)) goto out; if (!_ostree_repo_write_ref (self, remote, ref, rev, cancellable, error)) goto out; } ret = TRUE; out: return ret; }
gboolean ostree_builtin_refs (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GOptionContext *context; gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; const char *refspec_prefix = NULL; gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *refs = NULL; GHashTableIter hashiter; gpointer hashkey, hashvalue; context = g_option_context_new ("[PREFIX] - List refs"); if (!ostree_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv, OSTREE_BUILTIN_FLAG_NONE, &repo, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (argc >= 2) refspec_prefix = argv[1]; if (!ostree_repo_list_refs (repo, refspec_prefix, &refs, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!opt_delete) { g_hash_table_iter_init (&hashiter, refs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hashiter, &hashkey, &hashvalue)) { const char *ref = hashkey; g_print ("%s\n", ref); } } else { g_hash_table_iter_init (&hashiter, refs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hashiter, &hashkey, &hashvalue)) { const char *refspec = hashkey; gs_free char *remote = NULL; gs_free char *ref = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, &remote, &ref, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_repo_set_ref_immediate (repo, remote, ref, NULL, cancellable, error)) goto out; } } ret = TRUE; out: if (context) g_option_context_free (context); if (repo) ostree_repo_abort_transaction (repo, cancellable, NULL); return ret; }
static GVariant * rpmostreed_deployment_gpg_results (OstreeRepo *repo, const gchar *origin_refspec, const gchar *csum) { GError *error = NULL; GVariant *ret = NULL; g_autofree gchar *remote = NULL; glnx_unref_object OstreeGpgVerifyResult *result = NULL; guint n_sigs, i; gboolean gpg_verify; GVariantBuilder builder; g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("av")); if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_refspec, &remote, NULL, &error)) goto out; if (!ostree_repo_remote_get_gpg_verify (repo, remote, &gpg_verify, &error)) goto out; if (!gpg_verify) goto out; result = ostree_repo_verify_commit_ext (repo, csum, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error); if (!result) goto out; n_sigs = ostree_gpg_verify_result_count_all (result); if (n_sigs < 1) goto out; for (i = 0; i < n_sigs; i++) { g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "v", ostree_gpg_verify_result_get_all (result, i)); } ret = g_variant_builder_end (&builder); out: /* NOT_FOUND just means the commit is not signed. */ if (error && !g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) g_warning ("error loading gpg verify result %s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); return ret; }
/** * ostree_repo_list_refs: * @self: Repo * @refspec_prefix: (allow-none): Only list refs which match this prefix * @out_all_refs: (out) (element-type utf8 utf8): Mapping from ref to checksum * @cancellable: Cancellable * @error: Error * * If @refspec_prefix is %NULL, list all local and remote refspecs, * with their current values in @out_all_refs. Otherwise, only list * refspecs which have @refspec_prefix as a prefix. */ gboolean ostree_repo_list_refs (OstreeRepo *self, const char *refspec_prefix, GHashTable **out_all_refs, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; g_autoptr(GHashTable) ret_all_refs = NULL; g_autofree char *remote = NULL; g_autofree char *ref_prefix = NULL; ret_all_refs = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); if (refspec_prefix) { g_autoptr(GFile) dir = NULL; g_autoptr(GFile) child = NULL; g_autoptr(GFileInfo) info = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec_prefix, &remote, &ref_prefix, error)) goto out; if (remote) dir = g_file_get_child (self->remote_heads_dir, remote); else dir = g_object_ref (self->local_heads_dir); child = g_file_resolve_relative_path (dir, ref_prefix); if (!ot_gfile_query_info_allow_noent (child, OSTREE_GIO_FAST_QUERYINFO, 0, &info, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (info) { if (g_file_info_get_file_type (info) == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { if (!enumerate_refs_recurse (self, remote, child, child, ret_all_refs, cancellable, error)) goto out; } else { if (!add_ref_to_set (remote, dir, child, ret_all_refs, cancellable, error)) goto out; } } } else { g_autoptr(GFileEnumerator) remote_enumerator = NULL; if (!enumerate_refs_recurse (self, NULL, self->local_heads_dir, self->local_heads_dir, ret_all_refs, cancellable, error)) goto out; remote_enumerator = g_file_enumerate_children (self->remote_heads_dir, OSTREE_GIO_FAST_QUERYINFO, 0, cancellable, error); while (TRUE) { GFileInfo *info; GFile *child; const char *name; if (!gs_file_enumerator_iterate (remote_enumerator, &info, &child, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!info) break; name = g_file_info_get_name (info); if (!enumerate_refs_recurse (self, name, child, child, ret_all_refs, cancellable, error)) goto out; } } ret = TRUE; ot_transfer_out_value (out_all_refs, &ret_all_refs); out: return ret; }
/** * ostree_repo_resolve_rev: * @self: Repo * @refspec: A refspec * @allow_noent: Do not throw an error if refspec does not exist * @out_rev: (out) (transfer full): A checksum,or %NULL if @allow_noent is true and it does not exist * @error: Error * * Look up the given refspec, returning the checksum it references in * the parameter @out_rev. */ gboolean ostree_repo_resolve_rev (OstreeRepo *self, const char *refspec, gboolean allow_noent, char **out_rev, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; g_autofree char *ret_rev = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (refspec != NULL, FALSE); if (ostree_validate_checksum_string (refspec, NULL)) { ret_rev = g_strdup (refspec); } else if (!ostree_repo_resolve_partial_checksum (self, refspec, &ret_rev, error)) goto out; if (!ret_rev) { if (error != NULL && *error != NULL) goto out; if (g_str_has_suffix (refspec, "^")) { g_autofree char *parent_refspec = NULL; g_autofree char *parent_rev = NULL; g_autoptr(GVariant) commit = NULL; parent_refspec = g_strdup (refspec); parent_refspec[strlen(parent_refspec) - 1] = '\0'; if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (self, parent_refspec, allow_noent, &parent_rev, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_repo_load_variant (self, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT, parent_rev, &commit, error)) goto out; if (!(ret_rev = ostree_commit_get_parent (commit))) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "Commit %s has no parent", parent_rev); goto out; } } else { g_autofree char *remote = NULL; g_autofree char *ref = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, &remote, &ref, error)) goto out; if (!resolve_refspec (self, remote, ref, allow_noent, &ret_rev, error)) goto out; } } ret = TRUE; ot_transfer_out_value (out_rev, &ret_rev); out: return ret; }
gboolean rpmostree_builtin_rebase (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GOptionContext *context = g_option_context_new ("REFSPEC - Switch to a different tree"); const char *new_provided_refspec; gs_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; gs_free char *origin_refspec = NULL; gs_free char *origin_remote = NULL; gs_free char *origin_ref = NULL; gs_free char *new_remote = NULL; gs_free char *new_ref = NULL; gs_free char *new_refspec = NULL; gs_unref_object GFile *sysroot_path = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL; gboolean changed; GSConsole *console = NULL; gs_unref_keyfile GKeyFile *old_origin = NULL; gs_unref_keyfile GKeyFile *new_origin = NULL; if (!rpmostree_option_context_parse (context, option_entries, &argc, &argv, error)) goto out; if (argc < 2) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "REFSPEC must be specified"); goto out; } new_provided_refspec = argv[1]; sysroot_path = g_file_new_for_path (opt_sysroot); sysroot = ostree_sysroot_new (sysroot_path); if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error)) goto out; upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os_with_flags (sysroot, opt_osname, OSTREE_SYSROOT_UPGRADER_FLAGS_IGNORE_UNCONFIGURED, cancellable, error); if (!upgrader) goto out; old_origin = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin (upgrader); origin_refspec = g_key_file_get_string (old_origin, "origin", "refspec", NULL); if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, error)) goto out; /* Allow just switching remotes */ if (g_str_has_suffix (new_provided_refspec, ":")) { new_remote = g_strdup (new_provided_refspec); new_remote[strlen(new_remote)-1] = '\0'; new_ref = g_strdup (origin_ref); } else { if (!ostree_parse_refspec (new_provided_refspec, &new_remote, &new_ref, error)) goto out; } if (!new_remote) new_refspec = g_strconcat (origin_remote, ":", new_ref, NULL); else new_refspec = g_strconcat (new_remote, ":", new_ref, NULL); if (strcmp (origin_refspec, new_refspec) == 0) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "Old and new refs are equal: %s", new_refspec); goto out; } new_origin = ostree_sysroot_origin_new_from_refspec (sysroot, new_refspec); if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_set_origin (upgrader, new_origin, cancellable, error)) goto out; console = gs_console_get (); if (console) { gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL); progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ostree_repo_pull_default_console_progress_changed, console); } /* Always allow older...there's not going to be a chronological * relationship necessarily. */ if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, OSTREE_SYSROOT_UPGRADER_PULL_FLAGS_ALLOW_OLDER, progress, &changed, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (console) { if (!gs_console_end_status_line (console, cancellable, error)) { console = NULL; goto out; } console = NULL; } if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_sysroot_get_repo (sysroot, &repo, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error)) goto out; g_print ("Deleting ref '%s:%s'\n", origin_remote, origin_ref); ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (repo, origin_remote, origin_ref, NULL); if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!rpmostree_print_treepkg_diff (sysroot, cancellable, error)) goto out; ret = TRUE; out: if (console) (void) gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL); return ret; }
gboolean ot_admin_builtin_set_origin (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GOptionContext *context; const char *remotename = NULL; const char *url = NULL; const char *branch = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL; OstreeDeployment *target_deployment = NULL; context = g_option_context_new ("REMOTENAME URL [BRANCH]"); if (!ostree_admin_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv, OSTREE_ADMIN_BUILTIN_FLAG_SUPERUSER, &sysroot, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (argc < 3) { ot_util_usage_error (context, "REMOTENAME and URL must be specified", error); goto out; } remotename = argv[1]; url = argv[2]; if (argc > 3) branch = argv[3]; if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_sysroot_get_repo (sysroot, &repo, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (opt_index == -1) { target_deployment = ostree_sysroot_get_booted_deployment (sysroot); if (target_deployment == NULL) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "Not currently booted into an OSTree system"); goto out; } } else { target_deployment = ot_admin_get_indexed_deployment (sysroot, opt_index, error); if (!target_deployment) goto out; } { char **iter; gs_unref_variant_builder GVariantBuilder *optbuilder = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}")); for (iter = opt_set; iter && *iter; iter++) { const char *keyvalue = *iter; gs_free char *subkey = NULL; gs_free char *subvalue = NULL; if (!ot_parse_keyvalue (keyvalue, &subkey, &subvalue, error)) goto out; g_variant_builder_add (optbuilder, "{s@v}", subkey, g_variant_new_variant (g_variant_new_string (subvalue))); } if (!ostree_repo_remote_change (repo, NULL, OSTREE_REPO_REMOTE_CHANGE_ADD_IF_NOT_EXISTS, remotename, url, g_variant_builder_end (optbuilder), cancellable, error)) goto out; } { GKeyFile *old_origin = ostree_deployment_get_origin (target_deployment); gs_free char *origin_refspec = g_key_file_get_string (old_origin, "origin", "refspec", NULL); gs_free char *new_refspec = NULL; gs_free char *origin_remote = NULL; gs_free char *origin_ref = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, error)) goto out; { gs_free char *new_refspec = g_strconcat (remotename, ":", branch ? branch : origin_ref, NULL); gs_unref_keyfile GKeyFile *new_origin = NULL; gs_unref_object GFile *origin_path = NULL; new_origin = ostree_sysroot_origin_new_from_refspec (sysroot, new_refspec); if (!ostree_sysroot_write_origin_file (sysroot, target_deployment, new_origin, cancellable, error)) goto out; } } ret = TRUE; out: if (context) g_option_context_free (context); return ret; }
static gboolean _ostree_repo_list_refs_internal (OstreeRepo *self, gboolean cut_prefix, const char *refspec_prefix, GHashTable **out_all_refs, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr(GHashTable) ret_all_refs = NULL; g_autofree char *remote = NULL; g_autofree char *ref_prefix = NULL; ret_all_refs = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); if (refspec_prefix) { struct stat stbuf; const char *prefix_path; const char *path; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec_prefix, &remote, &ref_prefix, error)) return FALSE; if (remote) { prefix_path = glnx_strjoina ("refs/remotes/", remote, "/"); path = glnx_strjoina (prefix_path, ref_prefix); } else { prefix_path = "refs/heads/"; path = glnx_strjoina (prefix_path, ref_prefix); } if (fstatat (self->repo_dir_fd, path, &stbuf, 0) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) return glnx_throw_errno (error); } else { if (S_ISDIR (stbuf.st_mode)) { glnx_fd_close int base_fd = -1; g_autoptr(GString) base_path = g_string_new (""); if (!cut_prefix) g_string_printf (base_path, "%s/", ref_prefix); if (!glnx_opendirat (self->repo_dir_fd, cut_prefix ? path : prefix_path, TRUE, &base_fd, error)) return FALSE; if (!enumerate_refs_recurse (self, remote, base_fd, base_path, base_fd, cut_prefix ? "." : ref_prefix, ret_all_refs, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } else { glnx_fd_close int prefix_dfd = -1; if (!glnx_opendirat (self->repo_dir_fd, prefix_path, TRUE, &prefix_dfd, error)) return FALSE; if (!add_ref_to_set (remote, prefix_dfd, ref_prefix, ret_all_refs, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } } } else { g_auto(GLnxDirFdIterator) dfd_iter = { 0, }; g_autoptr(GString) base_path = g_string_new (""); glnx_fd_close int refs_heads_dfd = -1; if (!glnx_opendirat (self->repo_dir_fd, "refs/heads", TRUE, &refs_heads_dfd, error)) return FALSE; if (!enumerate_refs_recurse (self, NULL, refs_heads_dfd, base_path, refs_heads_dfd, ".", ret_all_refs, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; g_string_truncate (base_path, 0); if (!glnx_dirfd_iterator_init_at (self->repo_dir_fd, "refs/remotes", TRUE, &dfd_iter, error)) return FALSE; while (TRUE) { struct dirent *dent; glnx_fd_close int remote_dfd = -1; if (!glnx_dirfd_iterator_next_dent_ensure_dtype (&dfd_iter, &dent, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (!dent) break; if (dent->d_type != DT_DIR) continue; if (!glnx_opendirat (dfd_iter.fd, dent->d_name, TRUE, &remote_dfd, error)) return FALSE; if (!enumerate_refs_recurse (self, dent->d_name, remote_dfd, base_path, remote_dfd, ".", ret_all_refs, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } } ot_transfer_out_value (out_all_refs, &ret_all_refs); return TRUE; }
gboolean ostree_builtin_pull (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GOptionContext *context; gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; gboolean ret = FALSE; gs_free char *remote = NULL; OstreeRepoPullFlags pullflags = 0; GSConsole *console = NULL; gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *refs_to_fetch = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL; context = g_option_context_new ("REMOTE [BRANCH...] - Download data from remote repository"); if (!ostree_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv, OSTREE_BUILTIN_FLAG_NONE, &repo, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (argc < 2) { ot_util_usage_error (context, "REMOTE must be specified", error); goto out; } if (opt_disable_fsync) ostree_repo_set_disable_fsync (repo, TRUE); if (opt_mirror) pullflags |= OSTREE_REPO_PULL_FLAGS_MIRROR; if (strchr (argv[1], ':') == NULL) { remote = g_strdup (argv[1]); if (argc > 2) { int i; refs_to_fetch = g_ptr_array_new (); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) g_ptr_array_add (refs_to_fetch, argv[i]); g_ptr_array_add (refs_to_fetch, NULL); } } else { char *ref_to_fetch; refs_to_fetch = g_ptr_array_new (); if (!ostree_parse_refspec (argv[1], &remote, &ref_to_fetch, error)) goto out; /* Transfer ownership */ g_ptr_array_add (refs_to_fetch, ref_to_fetch); g_ptr_array_add (refs_to_fetch, NULL); } console = gs_console_get (); if (console) { gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL); progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ostree_repo_pull_default_console_progress_changed, console); } { GVariantBuilder builder; g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}")); if (opt_subpath) g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{s@v}", "subdir", g_variant_new_variant (g_variant_new_string (opt_subpath))); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{s@v}", "flags", g_variant_new_variant (g_variant_new_int32 (pullflags))); if (refs_to_fetch) g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{s@v}", "refs", g_variant_new_variant (g_variant_new_strv ((const char *const*) refs_to_fetch->pdata, -1))); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{s@v}", "depth", g_variant_new_variant (g_variant_new_int32 (opt_depth))); if (!ostree_repo_pull_with_options (repo, remote, g_variant_builder_end (&builder), progress, cancellable, error)) goto out; } if (progress) ostree_async_progress_finish (progress); ret = TRUE; out: if (console) gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL); if (context) g_option_context_free (context); return ret; }
/** * rpmostreed_refspec_parse_partial: * @new_provided_refspec: The provided refspec * @base_refspec: The refspec string to base on. * @out_refspec: Pointer to the new refspec * @error: Pointer to an error pointer. * * Takes a refspec string and adds any missing bits based on the * base_refspec argument. Errors if a full valid refspec can't * be derived. * * Returns: True on success. */ gboolean rpmostreed_refspec_parse_partial (const gchar *new_provided_refspec, const gchar *base_refspec, gchar **out_refspec, GError **error) { g_autofree gchar *ref = NULL; g_autofree gchar *remote = NULL; gboolean infer_remote = TRUE;; /* Allow just switching remotes */ if (g_str_has_suffix (new_provided_refspec, ":")) { remote = g_strndup (new_provided_refspec, strlen(new_provided_refspec)-1); } /* Allow switching to a local branch */ else if (g_str_has_prefix (new_provided_refspec, ":")) { infer_remote = FALSE; ref = g_strdup (new_provided_refspec + 1); } else { g_autoptr(GError) parse_error = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (new_provided_refspec, &remote, &ref, &parse_error)) { g_set_error_literal (error, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR_INVALID_REFSPEC, parse_error->message); return FALSE; } } g_autofree gchar *origin_ref = NULL; g_autofree gchar *origin_remote = NULL; if (base_refspec != NULL) { g_autoptr(GError) parse_error = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (base_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, &parse_error)) { g_set_error_literal (error, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR_INVALID_REFSPEC, parse_error->message); return FALSE; } } if (ref == NULL) { if (origin_ref) { ref = g_strdup (origin_ref); } else { g_set_error (error, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR_INVALID_REFSPEC, "Could not determine default ref to pull."); return FALSE; } } else if (infer_remote && remote == NULL) { if (origin_remote) { remote = g_strdup (origin_remote); } } if (g_strcmp0 (origin_remote, remote) == 0 && g_strcmp0 (origin_ref, ref) == 0) { g_set_error (error, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR_INVALID_REFSPEC, "Old and new refs are equal: %s:%s", remote, ref); return FALSE; } if (remote == NULL) *out_refspec = g_steal_pointer (&ref); else *out_refspec = g_strconcat (remote, ":", ref, NULL); return TRUE; }
gboolean ot_admin_builtin_switch (int argc, char **argv, OstreeSysroot *sysroot, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GOptionContext *context; const char *new_provided_refspec = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; gs_free char *origin_refspec = NULL; gs_free char *origin_remote = NULL; gs_free char *origin_ref = NULL; gs_free char *new_remote = NULL; gs_free char *new_ref = NULL; gs_free char *new_refspec = NULL; gs_free char *new_revision = NULL; gs_unref_object GFile *deployment_path = NULL; gs_unref_object GFile *deployment_origin_path = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeDeployment *merge_deployment = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeDeployment *new_deployment = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL; gboolean changed; GSConsole *console = NULL; gboolean in_status_line = FALSE; GKeyFile *old_origin; GKeyFile *new_origin = NULL; context = g_option_context_new ("REF - Construct new tree from current origin and deploy it, if it changed"); g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, options, NULL); if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, error)) goto out; if (argc < 2) { ot_util_usage_error (context, "REF must be specified", error); goto out; } new_provided_refspec = argv[1]; if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error)) goto out; upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os (sysroot, opt_osname, cancellable, error); if (!upgrader) goto out; old_origin = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin (upgrader); origin_refspec = g_key_file_get_string (old_origin, "origin", "refspec", NULL); if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, error)) goto out; /* Allow just switching remotes */ if (g_str_has_suffix (new_provided_refspec, ":")) { new_remote = g_strdup (new_provided_refspec); new_remote[strlen(new_remote)-1] = '\0'; new_ref = g_strdup (origin_ref); } else { if (!ostree_parse_refspec (new_provided_refspec, &new_remote, &new_ref, error)) goto out; } if (!new_remote) new_refspec = g_strconcat (origin_remote, ":", new_ref, NULL); else new_refspec = g_strconcat (new_remote, ":", new_ref, NULL); if (strcmp (origin_refspec, new_refspec) == 0) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "Old and new refs are equal: %s", new_refspec); goto out; } new_origin = ostree_sysroot_origin_new_from_refspec (sysroot, new_refspec); if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_set_origin (upgrader, new_origin, cancellable, error)) goto out; console = gs_console_get (); if (console) { gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL); in_status_line = TRUE; progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ot_common_pull_progress, console); } /* Always allow older...there's not going to be a chronological * relationship necessarily. */ if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, OSTREE_SYSROOT_UPGRADER_PULL_FLAGS_ALLOW_OLDER, progress, &changed, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (in_status_line) { gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL); in_status_line = FALSE; } if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_sysroot_get_repo (sysroot, &repo, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error)) goto out; g_print ("Deleting ref '%s:%s'\n", origin_remote, origin_ref); ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (repo, origin_remote, origin_ref, NULL); if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error)) goto out; { gs_unref_object GFile *real_sysroot = g_file_new_for_path ("/"); if (opt_reboot && g_file_equal (ostree_sysroot_get_path (sysroot), real_sysroot)) { gs_subprocess_simple_run_sync (NULL, GS_SUBPROCESS_STREAM_DISPOSITION_INHERIT, cancellable, error, "systemctl", "reboot", NULL); } } ret = TRUE; out: if (in_status_line) gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL); if (new_origin) g_key_file_unref (new_origin); if (context) g_option_context_free (context); return ret; }
gboolean xdg_app_builtin_repo_contents (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GOptionContext *context; g_autoptr(XdgAppDir) dir = NULL; OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; g_autoptr(GHashTable) refs = NULL; g_autofree char *title = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; gpointer value; g_autoptr(GPtrArray) names = NULL; int i; const char *repository; g_autofree char *url = NULL; g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = NULL; context = g_option_context_new (" REPOSITORY - Show available runtimes and applications"); if (!xdg_app_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv, 0, &dir, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (argc < 2) { usage_error (context, "REPOSITORY must be specified", error); goto out; } repository = argv[1]; repo = xdg_app_dir_get_repo (dir); if (!ostree_repo_remote_get_url (repo, repository, &url, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_repo_load_summary (url, &refs, &title, cancellable, error)) goto out; names = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, refs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) { const char *refspec = key; const char *checksum = value; g_autofree char *remote = NULL; g_autofree char *ref = NULL; char *name = NULL; char *p; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, &remote, &ref, error)) goto out; if (remote != NULL && !g_str_equal (remote, repository)) continue; if (opt_only_updates) { g_autofree char *deployed = NULL; deployed = xdg_app_dir_read_active (dir, ref, cancellable); if (deployed == NULL) continue; if (g_strcmp0 (deployed, checksum) == 0) continue; } if (g_str_has_prefix (ref, "runtime/") && !opt_only_apps) { if (!opt_show_details) { name = g_strdup (ref + strlen ("runtime/")); p = strchr (name, '/'); if (p) *p = 0; } else { name = g_strdup (ref); } } if (g_str_has_prefix (ref, "app/") && !opt_only_runtimes) { if (!opt_show_details) { name = g_strdup (ref + strlen ("app/")); p = strchr (name, '/'); if (p) *p = 0; } else { name = g_strdup (ref); } } if (name) { gboolean found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < names->len; i++) { if (strcmp (name, g_ptr_array_index (names, i)) == 0) found = TRUE; break; } if (!found) g_ptr_array_add (names, name); else g_free (name); } } g_ptr_array_sort (names, (GCompareFunc)strcmp); for (i = 0; i < names->len; i++) g_print ("%s\n", (char *)g_ptr_array_index (names, i)); ret = TRUE; out: if (context) g_option_context_free (context); return ret; }
/** * rpmostreed_refspec_parse_partial: * @new_provided_refspec: The provided refspec * @base_refspec: The refspec string to base on. * @out_refspec: Pointer to the new refspec * @error: Pointer to an error pointer. * * Takes a refspec string and adds any missing bits based on the * base_refspec argument. Errors if a full valid refspec can't * be derived. * * Returns: True on success. */ gboolean rpmostreed_refspec_parse_partial (const gchar *new_provided_refspec, gchar *base_refspec, gchar **out_refspec, GError **error) { g_autofree gchar *ref = NULL; g_autofree gchar *remote = NULL; g_autofree gchar *origin_ref = NULL; g_autofree gchar *origin_remote = NULL; GError *parse_error = NULL; gboolean ret = FALSE; /* Allow just switching remotes */ if (g_str_has_suffix (new_provided_refspec, ":")) { remote = g_strdup (new_provided_refspec); remote[strlen (remote) - 1] = '\0'; } else { if (!ostree_parse_refspec (new_provided_refspec, &remote, &ref, &parse_error)) { g_set_error_literal (error, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR_INVALID_REFSPEC, parse_error->message); g_clear_error (&parse_error); goto out; } } if (base_refspec != NULL) { if (!ostree_parse_refspec (base_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, &parse_error)) goto out; } if (ref == NULL) { if (origin_ref) { ref = g_strdup (origin_ref); } else { g_set_error (error, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR_INVALID_REFSPEC, "Could not determine default ref to pull."); goto out; } } else if (remote == NULL) { if (origin_remote) { remote = g_strdup (origin_remote); } else { g_set_error (error, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR_INVALID_REFSPEC, "Could not determine default remote to pull."); goto out; } } if (g_strcmp0 (origin_remote, remote) == 0 && g_strcmp0 (origin_ref, ref) == 0) { g_set_error (error, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR, RPM_OSTREED_ERROR_INVALID_REFSPEC, "Old and new refs are equal: %s:%s", remote, ref); goto out; } *out_refspec = g_strconcat (remote, ":", ref, NULL); ret = TRUE; out: return ret; }
gboolean rpmostree_builtin_upgrade (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GOptionContext *context = g_option_context_new ("- Perform a system upgrade"); gs_unref_object GFile *sysroot_path = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeSysrootUpgrader *upgrader = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeAsyncProgress *progress = NULL; GSConsole *console = NULL; gboolean changed; OstreeSysrootUpgraderPullFlags upgraderpullflags = 0; gs_free char *origin_description = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, option_entries, NULL); if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, error)) goto out; sysroot_path = g_file_new_for_path (opt_sysroot); sysroot = ostree_sysroot_new (sysroot_path); if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error)) goto out; upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os (sysroot, opt_osname, cancellable, error); if (!upgrader) goto out; origin_description = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin_description (upgrader); if (origin_description) g_print ("Updating from: %s\n", origin_description); if (!ostree_sysroot_get_repo (sysroot, &repo, cancellable, error)) goto out; console = gs_console_get (); if (console) { gs_console_begin_status_line (console, "", NULL, NULL); progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (_rpmostree_pull_progress, console); } if (opt_allow_downgrade) upgraderpullflags |= OSTREE_SYSROOT_UPGRADER_PULL_FLAGS_ALLOW_OLDER; if (opt_check_diff) { if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull_one_dir (upgrader, "/usr/share/rpm", 0, 0, progress, &changed, cancellable, error)) goto out; } else { if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, 0, progress, &changed, cancellable, error)) goto out; } if (console) { if (!gs_console_end_status_line (console, cancellable, error)) { console = NULL; goto out; } console = NULL; } if (!changed) { g_print ("No updates available.\n"); } else { if (!opt_check_diff) { if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (opt_reboot) gs_subprocess_simple_run_sync (NULL, GS_SUBPROCESS_STREAM_DISPOSITION_INHERIT, cancellable, error, "systemctl", "reboot", NULL); else { #ifdef HAVE_PATCHED_HAWKEY_AND_LIBSOLV if (!rpmostree_print_treepkg_diff (sysroot, cancellable, error)) goto out; #endif g_print ("Updates prepared for next boot; run \"systemctl reboot\" to start a reboot\n"); } } else { gs_unref_object GFile *rpmdbdir = NULL; _cleanup_rpmrev_ struct RpmRevisionData *rpmrev1 = NULL; _cleanup_rpmrev_ struct RpmRevisionData *rpmrev2 = NULL; gs_free char *tmpd = g_mkdtemp (g_strdup ("/tmp/rpm-ostree.XXXXXX")); gs_free char *ref = NULL; // location of this rev gs_free char *remote = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_description, &remote, &ref, error)) goto out; if (rpmReadConfigFiles (NULL, NULL)) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "rpm failed to init: %s", rpmlogMessage()); goto out; } rpmdbdir = g_file_new_for_path (tmpd); if (!(rpmrev1 = rpmrev_new (repo, rpmdbdir, ostree_deployment_get_csum (ostree_sysroot_get_booted_deployment (sysroot)), NULL, cancellable, error))) goto out; if (!(rpmrev2 = rpmrev_new (repo, rpmdbdir, ref, NULL, cancellable, error))) goto out; rpmhdrs_diff_prnt_diff (rpmrev1->root, rpmrev2->root, rpmhdrs_diff (rpmrev1->rpmdb, rpmrev2->rpmdb), cancellable, error); } } ret = TRUE; out: if (console) (void) gs_console_end_status_line (console, NULL, NULL); return ret; }
/** * rpmostreed_repo_pull_ancestry: * @repo: Repo * @refspec: Repository branch * @visitor: (allow-none): Visitor function to call on each commit * @visitor_data: (allow-none): User data for @visitor * @progress: (allow-none): Progress * @cancellable: Cancellable * @error: Error * * Downloads an ancestry of commit objects starting from @refspec. * * If a @visitor function pointer is given, commit objects are downloaded * in batches and the @visitor function is called for each commit object. * The @visitor function can stop the recursion, such as when looking for * a particular commit. * * Returns: %TRUE on success, %FALSE on failure */ gboolean rpmostreed_repo_pull_ancestry (OstreeRepo *repo, const char *refspec, RpmostreedCommitVisitor visitor, gpointer visitor_data, OstreeAsyncProgress *progress, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { OstreeRepoPullFlags flags; GVariantDict options; GVariant *refs_value; const char *refs_array[] = { NULL, NULL }; g_autofree char *remote = NULL; g_autofree char *ref = NULL; g_autofree char *checksum = NULL; int depth, ii; gboolean ret = FALSE; g_return_val_if_fail (OSTREE_IS_REPO (repo), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (refspec != NULL, FALSE); if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, &remote, &ref, error)) goto out; /* If no visitor function was provided then we won't be short-circuiting * the recursion, so pull everything in one shot. Otherwise pull commits * in increasingly large batches. */ depth = (visitor != NULL) ? 10 : -1; flags = OSTREE_REPO_PULL_FLAGS_COMMIT_ONLY; /* It's important to use the ref name instead of a checksum on the first * pass because we want to search from the latest available commit on the * remote server, which is not necessarily what the ref name is currently * pointing at in our local repo. */ refs_array[0] = ref; while (TRUE) { /* Floating reference, transferred to dictionary. */ refs_value = g_variant_new_strv ((const char * const *) refs_array, -1); g_variant_dict_init (&options, NULL); g_variant_dict_insert (&options, "depth", "i", depth); g_variant_dict_insert (&options, "flags", "i", flags); g_variant_dict_insert_value (&options, "refs", refs_value); if (!ostree_repo_pull_with_options (repo, remote, g_variant_dict_end (&options), progress, cancellable, error)) goto out; /* First pass only. Now we can resolve the ref to a checksum. */ if (checksum == NULL) { if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (repo, ref, FALSE, &checksum, error)) goto out; } /* If depth is negative (no visitor), this loop is skipped. */ for (ii = 0; ii < depth && checksum != NULL; ii++) { g_autoptr(GVariant) commit = NULL; gboolean stop = FALSE; if (!ostree_repo_load_commit (repo, checksum, &commit, NULL, error)) goto out; if (!visitor (repo, checksum, commit, visitor_data, &stop, error)) goto out; g_clear_pointer (&checksum, g_free); if (!stop) checksum = ostree_commit_get_parent (commit); } /* Break if no visitor, or visitor told us to stop. */ if (depth < 0 || checksum == NULL) break; /* Pull the next batch of commits, twice as many. */ refs_array[0] = checksum; depth = depth * 2; } ret = TRUE; out: return ret; }
gboolean rpmostree_builtin_upgrade (int argc, char **argv, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GOptionContext *context = g_option_context_new ("- Perform a system upgrade"); glnx_unref_object RPMOSTreeOS *os_proxy = NULL; glnx_unref_object RPMOSTreeSysroot *sysroot_proxy = NULL; g_autoptr(GVariant) default_deployment = NULL; g_autofree char *transaction_address = NULL; if (!rpmostree_option_context_parse (context, option_entries, &argc, &argv, RPM_OSTREE_BUILTIN_FLAG_NONE, cancellable, &sysroot_proxy, error)) goto out; if (opt_check_diff && opt_reboot) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "cannot specify both --reboot and --check-diff"); goto out; } if (!rpmostree_load_os_proxy (sysroot_proxy, opt_osname, cancellable, &os_proxy, error)) goto out; if (opt_check_diff) { if (!rpmostree_os_call_download_update_rpm_diff_sync (os_proxy, &transaction_address, cancellable, error)) goto out; } else { g_signal_connect (os_proxy, "notify::default-deployment", G_CALLBACK (default_changed_callback), &default_deployment); if (!rpmostree_os_call_upgrade_sync (os_proxy, get_args_variant (), &transaction_address, cancellable, error)) goto out; } if (!rpmostree_transaction_get_response_sync (sysroot_proxy, transaction_address, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (opt_check_diff) { /* yes, doing this without using dbus */ gs_unref_object OstreeSysroot *sysroot = NULL; gs_unref_object OstreeRepo *repo = NULL; gs_unref_object GFile *rpmdbdir = NULL; gs_unref_object GFile *sysroot_file = NULL; g_autofree char *origin_description = NULL; g_autoptr(GVariant) cached_update = NULL; const char *sysroot_path; GVariantDict upgrade_dict; _cleanup_rpmrev_ struct RpmRevisionData *rpmrev1 = NULL; _cleanup_rpmrev_ struct RpmRevisionData *rpmrev2 = NULL; gs_free char *ref = NULL; /* location of this rev */ gs_free char *remote = NULL; if (!rpmostree_os_get_has_cached_update_rpm_diff (os_proxy)) goto out; sysroot_path = rpmostree_sysroot_get_path (sysroot_proxy); sysroot_file = g_file_new_for_path (sysroot_path); sysroot = ostree_sysroot_new (sysroot_file); if (!ostree_sysroot_load (sysroot, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_sysroot_get_repo (sysroot, &repo, cancellable, error)) goto out; cached_update = rpmostree_os_dup_cached_update(os_proxy); g_variant_dict_init (&upgrade_dict, cached_update); if (!g_variant_dict_lookup (&upgrade_dict, "origin", "s", &origin_description)) goto out; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_description, &remote, &ref, error)) goto out; if (rpmReadConfigFiles (NULL, NULL)) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "rpm failed to init: %s", rpmlogMessage ()); goto out; } if (!(rpmrev1 = rpmrev_new (repo, ostree_deployment_get_csum (ostree_sysroot_get_booted_deployment (sysroot)), NULL, cancellable, error))) goto out; if (!(rpmrev2 = rpmrev_new (repo, ref, NULL, cancellable, error))) goto out; rpmhdrs_diff_prnt_diff (rpmhdrs_diff (rpmrev_get_headers (rpmrev1), rpmrev_get_headers (rpmrev2))); } else { /* nothing changed */ if (default_deployment == NULL) { goto out; } if (!opt_reboot) { const char *sysroot_path; sysroot_path = rpmostree_sysroot_get_path (sysroot_proxy); if (!rpmostree_print_treepkg_diff_from_sysroot_path (sysroot_path, cancellable, error)) goto out; g_print ("Run \"systemctl reboot\" to start a reboot\n"); } } ret = TRUE; out: /* Does nothing if using the message bus. */ rpmostree_cleanup_peer (); return ret; }
gboolean ot_admin_builtin_switch (int argc, char **argv, OstreeCommandInvocation *invocation, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr(GOptionContext) context = g_option_context_new ("REF"); g_autoptr(OstreeSysroot) sysroot = NULL; if (!ostree_admin_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv, OSTREE_ADMIN_BUILTIN_FLAG_SUPERUSER, invocation, &sysroot, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (argc < 2) { ot_util_usage_error (context, "REF must be specified", error); return FALSE; } const char *new_provided_refspec = argv[1]; g_autoptr(OstreeSysrootUpgrader) upgrader = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_new_for_os_with_flags (sysroot, opt_osname, OSTREE_SYSROOT_UPGRADER_FLAGS_IGNORE_UNCONFIGURED, cancellable, error); if (!upgrader) return FALSE; GKeyFile *old_origin = ostree_sysroot_upgrader_get_origin (upgrader); g_autofree char *origin_refspec = g_key_file_get_string (old_origin, "origin", "refspec", NULL); g_autofree char *origin_remote = NULL; g_autofree char *origin_ref = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (origin_refspec, &origin_remote, &origin_ref, error)) return FALSE; g_autofree char *new_remote = NULL; g_autofree char *new_ref = NULL; /* Allow just switching remotes */ if (g_str_has_suffix (new_provided_refspec, ":")) { new_remote = g_strdup (new_provided_refspec); new_remote[strlen(new_remote)-1] = '\0'; new_ref = g_strdup (origin_ref); } else { if (!ostree_parse_refspec (new_provided_refspec, &new_remote, &new_ref, error)) return FALSE; } const char* remote = new_remote ?: origin_remote; g_autofree char *new_refspec = NULL; if (remote) new_refspec = g_strconcat (remote, ":", new_ref, NULL); else new_refspec = g_strdup (new_ref); if (strcmp (origin_refspec, new_refspec) == 0) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "Old and new refs are equal: %s", new_refspec); return FALSE; } g_autoptr(GKeyFile) new_origin = ostree_sysroot_origin_new_from_refspec (sysroot, new_refspec); if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_set_origin (upgrader, new_origin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; { g_auto(GLnxConsoleRef) console = { 0, }; glnx_console_lock (&console); g_autoptr(OstreeAsyncProgress) progress = NULL; if (console.is_tty) progress = ostree_async_progress_new_and_connect (ostree_repo_pull_default_console_progress_changed, &console); /* Always allow older...there's not going to be a chronological * relationship necessarily. */ gboolean changed; if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_pull (upgrader, 0, OSTREE_SYSROOT_UPGRADER_PULL_FLAGS_ALLOW_OLDER, progress, &changed, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (progress) ostree_async_progress_finish (progress); } if (!ostree_sysroot_upgrader_deploy (upgrader, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; OstreeRepo *repo = ostree_sysroot_repo (sysroot); if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; g_print ("Deleting ref '%s:%s'\n", origin_remote, origin_ref); ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (repo, origin_remote, origin_ref, NULL); if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (repo, NULL, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (opt_reboot) { if (!ot_admin_execve_reboot (sysroot, error)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
gboolean ostree_builtin_fsck (int argc, char **argv, OstreeCommandInvocation *invocation, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr(OstreeRepo) repo = NULL; gboolean found_corruption = FALSE; g_autoptr(GOptionContext) context = g_option_context_new (""); if (!ostree_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv, invocation, &repo, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (!opt_quiet) g_print ("Validating refs...\n"); /* Validate that the commit for each ref is available */ g_autoptr(GHashTable) all_refs = NULL; if (!ostree_repo_list_refs (repo, NULL, &all_refs, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; GHashTableIter hash_iter; gpointer key, value; g_hash_table_iter_init (&hash_iter, all_refs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hash_iter, &key, &value)) { const char *refspec = key; const char *checksum = value; g_autofree char *ref_name = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, NULL, &ref_name, error)) return FALSE; if (!fsck_commit_for_ref (repo, checksum, NULL, ref_name, &found_corruption, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } if (!opt_quiet) g_print ("Validating refs in collections...\n"); g_autoptr(GHashTable) all_collection_refs = NULL; /* (element-type OstreeCollectionRef utf8) */ if (!ostree_repo_list_collection_refs (repo, NULL, &all_collection_refs, OSTREE_REPO_LIST_REFS_EXT_EXCLUDE_REMOTES, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; g_hash_table_iter_init (&hash_iter, all_collection_refs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hash_iter, &key, &value)) { const OstreeCollectionRef *ref = key; if (!fsck_commit_for_ref (repo, value, ref->collection_id, ref->ref_name, &found_corruption, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } if (!opt_quiet) g_print ("Enumerating objects...\n"); g_autoptr(GHashTable) objects = NULL; if (!ostree_repo_list_objects (repo, OSTREE_REPO_LIST_OBJECTS_ALL, &objects, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; g_autoptr(GHashTable) commits = g_hash_table_new_full (ostree_hash_object_name, g_variant_equal, (GDestroyNotify)g_variant_unref, NULL); g_autoptr(GPtrArray) tombstones = NULL; if (opt_add_tombstones) tombstones = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); if (opt_verify_back_refs) opt_verify_bindings = TRUE; guint n_partial = 0; g_hash_table_iter_init (&hash_iter, objects); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hash_iter, &key, &value)) { GVariant *serialized_key = key; const char *checksum; OstreeObjectType objtype; OstreeRepoCommitState commitstate = 0; g_autoptr(GVariant) commit = NULL; ostree_object_name_deserialize (serialized_key, &checksum, &objtype); if (objtype == OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT) { if (!ostree_repo_load_commit (repo, checksum, &commit, &commitstate, error)) return FALSE; /* If requested, check that all the refs listed in the ref-bindings * for this commit resolve back to this commit. */ if (opt_verify_back_refs) { g_autoptr(GVariant) metadata = g_variant_get_child_value (commit, 0); const char *collection_id = NULL; if (!g_variant_lookup (metadata, OSTREE_COMMIT_META_KEY_COLLECTION_BINDING, "&s", &collection_id)) collection_id = NULL; g_autofree const char **refs = NULL; if (g_variant_lookup (metadata, OSTREE_COMMIT_META_KEY_REF_BINDING, "^a&s", &refs)) { for (const char **iter = refs; *iter != NULL; ++iter) { g_autofree char *checksum_for_ref = NULL; if (collection_id != NULL) { const OstreeCollectionRef collection_ref = { (char *) collection_id, (char *) *iter }; if (!ostree_repo_resolve_collection_ref (repo, &collection_ref, TRUE, OSTREE_REPO_RESOLVE_REV_EXT_NONE, &checksum_for_ref, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } else { if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (repo, *iter, TRUE, &checksum_for_ref, error)) return FALSE; } if (checksum_for_ref == NULL) { if (collection_id != NULL) return glnx_throw (error, "Collection–ref (%s, %s) in bindings for commit %s does not exist", collection_id, *iter, checksum); else return glnx_throw (error, "Ref ‘%s’ in bindings for commit %s does not exist", *iter, checksum); } else if (g_strcmp0 (checksum_for_ref, checksum) != 0) { if (collection_id != NULL) return glnx_throw (error, "Collection–ref (%s, %s) in bindings for commit %s does not resolve to that commit", collection_id, *iter, checksum); else return glnx_throw (error, "Ref ‘%s’ in bindings for commit %s does not resolve to that commit", *iter, checksum); } } } } if (opt_add_tombstones) { GError *local_error = NULL; g_autofree char *parent = ostree_commit_get_parent (commit); if (parent) { g_autoptr(GVariant) parent_commit = NULL; if (!ostree_repo_load_variant (repo, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT, parent, &parent_commit, &local_error)) { if (g_error_matches (local_error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) { g_ptr_array_add (tombstones, g_strdup (checksum)); g_clear_error (&local_error); } else { g_propagate_error (error, local_error); return FALSE; } } } } if (commitstate & OSTREE_REPO_COMMIT_STATE_PARTIAL) n_partial++; else g_hash_table_add (commits, g_variant_ref (serialized_key)); } } g_clear_pointer (&objects, (GDestroyNotify) g_hash_table_unref); if (!opt_quiet) g_print ("Verifying content integrity of %u commit objects...\n", (guint)g_hash_table_size (commits)); if (!fsck_reachable_objects_from_commits (repo, commits, &found_corruption, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (opt_add_tombstones) { guint i; if (tombstones->len) { if (!ot_enable_tombstone_commits (repo, error)) return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < tombstones->len; i++) { const char *checksum = tombstones->pdata[i]; g_print ("Adding tombstone for commit %s\n", checksum); if (!ostree_repo_delete_object (repo, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT, checksum, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } } else if (n_partial > 0) { g_print ("%u partial commits not verified\n", n_partial); } if (found_corruption) return glnx_throw (error, "Repository corruption encountered"); return TRUE; }
static gboolean _ostree_repo_resolve_rev_internal (OstreeRepo *self, const char *refspec, gboolean allow_noent, gboolean fallback_remote, char **out_rev, GError **error) { g_autofree char *ret_rev = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (refspec != NULL, FALSE); if (ostree_validate_checksum_string (refspec, NULL)) { ret_rev = g_strdup (refspec); } else if (!ostree_repo_resolve_partial_checksum (self, refspec, &ret_rev, error)) return FALSE; if (!ret_rev) { if (error != NULL && *error != NULL) return FALSE; if (g_str_has_suffix (refspec, "^")) { g_autofree char *parent_refspec = NULL; g_autofree char *parent_rev = NULL; g_autoptr(GVariant) commit = NULL; parent_refspec = g_strdup (refspec); parent_refspec[strlen(parent_refspec) - 1] = '\0'; if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (self, parent_refspec, allow_noent, &parent_rev, error)) return FALSE; if (!ostree_repo_load_variant (self, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT, parent_rev, &commit, error)) return FALSE; if (!(ret_rev = ostree_commit_get_parent (commit))) return glnx_throw (error, "Commit %s has no parent", parent_rev); } else { g_autofree char *remote = NULL; g_autofree char *ref = NULL; if (!ostree_parse_refspec (refspec, &remote, &ref, error)) return FALSE; if (!resolve_refspec (self, remote, ref, allow_noent, fallback_remote, &ret_rev, error)) return FALSE; } } ot_transfer_out_value (out_rev, &ret_rev); return TRUE; }