Example #1
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	(void) setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
#if !defined(TEXT_DOMAIN)	/* Should be defined by cc -D */
#define	TEXT_DOMAIN "SYS_TEST"	/* Use this only if it weren't */
	(void) textdomain(TEXT_DOMAIN);

	setup(argc, argv); 		/* initialize and read productions */
	tbitset = NWORDS(ntokens*LKFACTOR);
	cpres(); 	/* make table of which productions yield a */
			/* given nonterminal */
	cempty(); 	/* make a table of which nonterminals can match	*/
			/* the empty string */
	cpfir(); 	/* make a table of firsts of nonterminals */
	stagen();	/* generate the states 	*/
	output();  	/* write the states and the tables */
	return (0);
Example #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "cstester", 0, KLocalizedString(), 0, KLocalizedString());

    KCmdLineOptions options;
    options.add("create", ki18n("create verification data for file"));
    options.add("indir <dir>", ki18n("directory to read the data from"));
    options.add("outdir <dir>", ki18n("directory to save the data to"));
    options.add("roundtrip", ki18n("load/save/load and check the document is the same after load and save/load"));
    options.add("verbose", ki18n("be verbose"));
    options.add("!verify", ki18n("verify the file"));
    options.add( "+file", ki18n("file to use"));

    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
    bool create = false;
    bool roundtrip = false;
    bool verify = false;
    int optionCount = 0;

    if (args->isSet("create")) {
        create = true;
    if (args->isSet("roundtrip")) {
        roundtrip = true;
    if (args->isSet("verify")) {
        verify = true;

    if (optionCount > 1) {
        kError() << "create, roundtrip and verify cannot be used the same time";
    else if (optionCount < 1) {
        kError() << "one of the options create, roundtrip or verify needs to be specified";

    QString outDir;
    if (args->isSet("outdir")) {
        // check if it is a directory
        QDir dir(args->getOption("outdir"));
        if (!dir.exists()) {
            kError() << "outdir" << args->getOption("outdir") << "does not exist";
        outDir = dir.path();

    QString inDir;
    if (args->isSet("indir")) {
        // check if it is a directory
        QDir dir(args->getOption("indir"));
        if (!dir.exists()) {
            kError() << "indir" << args->getOption("indir") << "does not exist";
        inDir = dir.path();

    bool verbose = args->isSet("verbose");

    int exitValue = 0;

    int successful = 0;
    int failed = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < args->count(); ++i) {
        QString filename(args->arg(i));
        QFileInfo file(filename);
        QString checkDir;
        if (!args->isSet("indir")) {
            checkDir = filename + ".check";
        else {
            checkDir = inDir + '/' + file.fileName() + ".check";

        // this is wrong for multiple files in different dirs
        if (!args->isSet("outdir")) {
            outDir = file.path();

        qDebug() << "filename" << filename << "path" << file.path() << file.completeBaseName() << checkDir << file.absoluteFilePath();
        qDebug() << "inDir" << inDir << "outDir" << outDir << "checkDir" << checkDir;

        // filename must be a absolute path
        KoDocument* document = openFile(file.absoluteFilePath());
        if (!document) {

        QList<QImage> thumbnails(createThumbnails(document, QSize(800,800)));

        qDebug() << "created" << thumbnails.size() << "thumbnails";
        if (create) {
            saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir);
        else if (verify) {
            if (args->isSet("outdir")) {
                saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir);
            if (checkThumbnails(thumbnails, checkDir, verbose)) {
            else {
                exitValue = 2;
        else if (roundtrip) {
            QString rFilename = saveFile(document, filename, "cstester-roundtrip");
            delete document;
            QFileInfo rFile(rFilename);
            qDebug() << roundtrip << "rFilename" << rFilename << rFile.absoluteFilePath();
            document = openFile(rFile.absoluteFilePath());
            QList<QImage> others(createThumbnails(document, QSize(800,800)));
            if (args->isSet("outdir")) {
                saveThumbnails(file, others, outDir);
                saveThumbnails(file, thumbnails, outDir + "/before");
            if (checkThumbnails(thumbnails, others, verbose)) {
            else {
                exitValue = 2;
        delete document;

    if (verify || roundtrip) {
        qDebug() << "Totals:" << successful << "passed" << failed << "failed";

    QTimer::singleShot(1, &app, SLOT(quit()));
    return exitValue;
Example #3
Graph::Graph(const int *cartan,
             const std::vector<Word>& gens, //namesake
             const std::vector<Word>& v_cogens,
             const std::vector<Word>& e_gens,
             const std::vector<Word>& f_gens,
             const Vect& weights)
    //define symmetry group relations
    std::vector<Word> words = words_from_cartan(cartan);
        const Logging::fake_ostream& os = logger.debug();
        os << "relations =";
        for (int w=0; w<6; ++w) {
            Word& word = words[w];
            os << "\n  ";
            for (unsigned i=0; i<word.size(); ++i) {
                os << word[i];
        os |0;

    //check vertex stabilizer generators
        const Logging::fake_ostream& os = logger.debug();
        os << "v_cogens =";
        for (unsigned w=0; w<v_cogens.size(); ++w) {
            const Word& jenn = v_cogens[w]; //namesake
            os << "\n  ";
            for (unsigned t=0; t<jenn.size(); ++t) {
                int j = jenn[t];
                os << j;
                Assert (0<=j and j<4,
                        "generator out of range: letter w["
                        << w << "][" << t << "] = " << j );
        os |0;

    //check edge generators
        const Logging::fake_ostream& os = logger.debug();
        os << "e_gens =";
        for (unsigned w=0; w<e_gens.size(); ++w) {
            const Word& edge = e_gens[w];
            os << "\n  ";
            for (unsigned t=0; t<edge.size(); ++t) {
                int j = edge[t];
                os << j;
                Assert (0<=j and j<4,
                        "generator out of range: letter w["
                        << w << "][" << t << "] = " << j );
        os |0;

    //check face generators
        const Logging::fake_ostream& os = logger.debug();
        os << "f_gens =";
        for (unsigned w=0; w<f_gens.size(); ++w) {
            const Word& face = f_gens[w];
            os << "\n  ";
            for (unsigned t=0; t<face.size(); ++t) {
                int j = face[t];
                os << j;
                Assert (0<=j and j<4,
                        "generator out of range: letter w["
                        << w << "][" << t << "] = " << j );
        os |0;

    //build symmetry group
    Group group(words);
    logger.debug() << "group.ord = " << group.ord |0;

    //build subgroup
    std::vector<int> subgroup;  subgroup.push_back(0);
    std::set<int> in_subgroup;  in_subgroup.insert(0);
    for (unsigned g=0; g<subgroup.size(); ++g) {
        int g0 = subgroup[g];
        for (unsigned j=0; j<gens.size(); ++j) {
            int g1 = group.left(g0,gens[j]);
            if (in_subgroup.find(g1) != in_subgroup.end()) continue;
    logger.debug() << "subgroup.ord = " << subgroup.size() |0;

    //build cosets and count ord
    std::map<int,int> coset; //maps group elements to cosets
    ord = 0; //used as coset number
    for (unsigned g=0; g<subgroup.size(); ++g) {
        int g0 = subgroup[g];
        if (coset.find(g0) != coset.end()) continue;

        int c0 = ord++;
        coset[g0] = c0;
        std::vector<int> members(1, g0);
        std::vector<int> others(0);
        for (unsigned i=0; i<members.size(); ++i) {
            int g1 = members[i];
            for (unsigned w=0; w<v_cogens.size(); ++w) {
                int g2 = group.left(g1, v_cogens[w]);
                if (coset.find(g2) != coset.end()) continue;
                coset[g2] = c0;
    logger.info() << "cosets table built: " << " ord = " << ord |0;

    //build edge lists
    std::vector<std::set<int> > neigh(ord);
    for (unsigned g=0; g<subgroup.size(); ++g) {
        int g0 = subgroup[g];
        int c0 = coset[g0];
        for (unsigned w=0; w<e_gens.size(); ++w) {
            int g1 = group.left(g0, e_gens[w]);
            Assert (in_subgroup.find(g1) != in_subgroup.end(),
                    "edge leaves subgroup");
            int c1 = coset[g1];
            if (c0 != c1) neigh[c0].insert(c1);
    //  make symmetric
    for (int c0=0; c0<ord; ++c0) {
        const std::set<int>& n = neigh[c0];
        for (std::set<int>::iterator c1=n.begin(); c1!=n.end(); ++c1) {
    //  build edge table
    for (int c=0; c<ord; ++c) {
        adj[c].insert(adj[c].begin(), neigh[c].begin(), neigh[c].end());
    deg = adj[0].size();
    logger.info() << "edge table built: deg = " << deg |0;

    //define faces
    for (unsigned g=0; g<f_gens.size(); ++g) {
        const Word& face = f_gens[g];
        logger.debug() << "defining faces on " << face |0;
        Logging::IndentBlock block;

        //define basic face in group
        Ring basic(1,0);
//        g = 0;
        int g0 = 0;
        for (unsigned c=0; true; ++c) {
            g0 = group.left(g0, face[c%face.size()]);
            if (c >= face.size() and g0 == 0) break;
            if (in_subgroup.find(g0) != in_subgroup.end() and g0 != basic.back()) {
        for (unsigned c=0; c<basic.size(); ++c) {
            logger.debug() << "  corner: " << basic[c] |0;
        logger.debug() << "sides/face (free) = " << basic.size() |0;

        //build orbit of basic face
        std::vector<Ring> faces_g;  faces_g.push_back(basic);
        FaceRecognizer recognized;  recognized(basic);
        for (unsigned i=0; i<faces_g.size(); ++i) {
            const Ring f = faces_g[i];
            for (unsigned j=0; j<gens.size(); ++j) {

                //right action of group on faces
                Ring f_j(f.size());
                for (unsigned c=0; c<f.size(); ++c) {
                    f_j[c] = group.right(f[c],gens[j]);

                //add face
                if (not recognized(f_j)) {
                    //logger.debug() << "new face: " << f_j |0;
                } else {
                    //logger.debug() << "old face: " << f_j|0;

        //hom face down to quotient graph
        for (unsigned f=0; f<faces_g.size(); ++f) {
            const Ring face_g = faces_g[f];
            Ring face;
            for (unsigned i=1; i<face_g.size(); ++i) {
                int c = coset[face_g[i]];
                if (c != face.back() and c != face[0]) {
            if (face.size() < 3) continue;
            if (not recognized(face)) {
    ord_f = faces.size();
    logger.info() << "faces defined: order = " << ord_f |0;

    //define vertex coset
    std::vector<Word> vertex_coset;
    for (unsigned g=0; g<subgroup.size(); ++g) {
        int g0 = subgroup[g];
        if (coset[g0]==0) vertex_coset.push_back(group.parse(g0));

    //build geometry
    std::vector<Mat> gen_reps(gens.size());
    build_geom(cartan, vertex_coset, gens, v_cogens, weights,
               gen_reps, points[0]);
    std::vector<int> pointed(ord,0);
    pointed[0] = true;
    logger.debug() << "geometry built" |0;

    //build point sets
    std::vector<int> reached(1,0);
    std::set<int> is_reached;
    for (unsigned g=0; g<subgroup.size(); ++g) {
        int g0 = reached[g];
        for (unsigned j=0; j<gens.size(); ++j) {
            int g1 = group.right(g0,gens[j]);
            if (is_reached.find(g1) == is_reached.end()) {
                if (not pointed[coset[g1]]) {
                    vect_mult(gen_reps[j], points[coset[g0]],
                    pointed[coset[g1]] = true;
    logger.debug() << "point set built." |0;

    //build face normals
    for (int f=0; f<ord_f; ++f) {
        Ring& face = faces[f];
        Vect &a = points[face[0]];
        Vect &b = points[face[1]];
        Vect &c = points[face[2]];
        Vect &n = normals[f];
        cross4(a,b,c, n);

        Assert1(fabs(inner(a,n)) < 1e-6,
                "bad normal: <n,a> = " << fabs(inner(a,n)));
        Assert1(fabs(inner(b,n)) < 1e-6,
                "bad normal: <n,b> = " << fabs(inner(b,n)));
        Assert1(fabs(inner(c,n)) < 1e-6,
                "bad normal: <n,b> = " << fabs(inner(c,n)));
    logger.debug() << "face normals built." |0;
Example #4
void Main::InitCommands()
	// コマンド
	m_commands = CreateCommands(COMMANDS, sizeof(COMMANDS) / sizeof(COMMANDS[0]));
	function current(this, &Main::ForwardToCurrent);
	function all    (this, &Main::ForwardToAll);
	function shown  (this, &Main::ForwardToShown);
	function hidden (this, &Main::ForwardToHidden);
	function left   (this, &Main::ForwardToLeft);
	function right  (this, &Main::ForwardToRight);
	function others (this, &Main::ForwardToOthers);
	function dups   (this, &Main::ForwardToDuplicate);
	function anyFolder(this, &Main::EnableIfAnyFolder);
	function anySelect(this, &Main::EnableIfAnySelection);

	// System
	CommandProcess(L"System.Exit"	, m_form, CommandClose);
	CommandProcess(L"System.Restart", &Main::SystemRestart);
	CommandProcess(L"System.About"	, &Main::SystemAbout);

	// File
	CommandProcess(L"Explorer.Clone"	, &Main::ExplorerImport, 0);
	CommandProcess(L"Explorer.Import"	, &Main::ExplorerImport, 1);
	CommandProcess(L"File.Open"			, &Main::FileOpen, 0);
	CommandProcess(L"File.Load"			, &Main::FileLoad);
	CommandHandler(L"File.Save"			, &Main::FileSave			, null, &Main::EnableIfAnyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"File.MRU"			, &Main::FileMRU			, null, &Main::ObserveMRU, null);
	CommandHandler(L"RecycleBin.Empty"	, &Main::ProcessRecycleBin	, null, &Main::ObserveRecycleBin, null);

	// Current
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Lock(true)"	, &Main::CurrentLock, BoolTrue		, &Main::ObserveLock, BoolTrue);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Lock(false)"	, &Main::CurrentLock, BoolFalse		, &Main::ObserveLock, BoolFalse);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Lock(toggle)"	, &Main::CurrentLock, BoolUnknown	, &Main::ObserveLock, BoolUnknown);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Menu"			, CommandMenu);

	CommandToFocus(L"Current.New"				, AVESTA_New);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.NewFolder"			, AVESTA_NewFolder);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.SelectPattern"		, AVESTA_SelectPattern);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Close"				, CommandClose);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Show(false)"		, AVESTA_Hide);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Export"			, AVESTA_Export);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Refresh"			, CommandUpdate);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Find"				, AVESTA_Find);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.PatternMask"		, AVESTA_PatternMask);

	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Cut"				, CommandCut);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Copy"				, CommandCopy);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Copy.Base"		, AVESTA_CopyBase);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Copy.Name"		, AVESTA_CopyName);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Copy.Path"		, AVESTA_CopyPath);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Copy.Here"		, AVESTA_CopyHere);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Delete"			, CommandDelete);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Bury"				, CommandBury);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Rename"			, CommandRename);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Rename.Dialog"	, AVESTA_RenameDialog);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.Property"			, CommandProperty);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.CopyTo"			, AVESTA_CopyTo);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.MoveTo"			, AVESTA_MoveTo);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.CopyToOther"		, AVESTA_CopyToOther);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.MoveToOther"		, AVESTA_MoveToOther);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.CopyCheckedTo"	, AVESTA_CopyCheckedTo);
	CommandToSelect(L"Current.MoveCheckedTo"	, AVESTA_MoveCheckedTo);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.SyncDescendants"	, AVESTA_SyncDesc);

	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.Up"		, CommandKeyUp);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.Down"		, CommandKeyDown);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.Left"		, CommandKeyLeft);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.Right"		, CommandKeyRight);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.Home"		, CommandKeyHome);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.End"		, CommandKeyEnd);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.PageUp"	, CommandKeyPageUp);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.PageDown"	, CommandKeyPageDown);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.Space"		, CommandKeySpace);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Key.Enter"		, CommandKeyEnter);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Current.Cursor.Up"		, L"Current.Key.Up"			);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Current.Cursor.Down"	, L"Current.Key.Down"		);	
	m_commands->Alias(L"Current.Cursor.Left"	, L"Current.Key.Left"		);	
	m_commands->Alias(L"Current.Cursor.Right"	, L"Current.Key.Right"		);	
	m_commands->Alias(L"Current.Cursor.Home"	, L"Current.Key.Home"		);	
	m_commands->Alias(L"Current.Cursor.End"		, L"Current.Key.End"		);	
	m_commands->Alias(L"Current.Cursor.PageUp"	, L"Current.Key.PageUp"		);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Current.Cursor.PageDown", L"Current.Key.PageDown"	);	

	CommandToSelect(L"Current.SelectNone"		, CommandSelectNone);
	CommandToCheck(L"Current.CheckAll"			, CommandCheckAll);
	CommandToCheck(L"Current.CheckNone"			, CommandCheckNone);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.SelectAll"			, CommandSelectAll);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.SelectChecked"		, CommandSelectChecked);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.SelectReverse"		, CommandSelectReverse);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.SelectToFirst"		, CommandSelectToFirst);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.SelectToLast"		, CommandSelectToLast);

	CommandToFocus(L"Current.Undo"				, CommandUndo);

	CommandProcess(L"Current.SyncFileDialog"	, &Main::ProcessSyncFileDialog);

	CommandHandler(L"Current.Paste"			, current, CommandPaste			, &Main::ObserveClipboard		, CF_SHELLIDLIST);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.PasteTo"		, current, AVESTA_PasteTo		, &Main::ObserveClipToSelect	, CF_HDROP);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Rename.Paste"	, current, AVESTA_RenamePaste	, &Main::ObserveClipToSelect	, CF_UNICODETEXT);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Go.Up"			, current, CommandGoUp			, &Main::ObserveGo	, DirNorth);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Go.Back"		, current, CommandGoBack		, &Main::ObserveGo	, DirWest);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Go.Forward"	, current, CommandGoForward		, &Main::ObserveGo	, DirEast);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Go.Location"	, &Main::FileOpen, 1, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.AutoArrange"	, current, AVESTA_AutoArrange	, current, AVEOBS_AutoArrange);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Grouping"		, current, AVESTA_Grouping		, current, AVEOBS_Grouping);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.ShowAllFiles"	, current, AVESTA_ShowAllFiles	, current, AVEOBS_ShowAllFiles);

	CommandHandler(L"Current.Mode.Icon"		, current, StyleMsg(ListStyleIcon)		, &Main::ObserveMode, ListStyleIcon);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Mode.List"		, current, StyleMsg(ListStyleList)		, &Main::ObserveMode, ListStyleList);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Mode.Details"	, current, StyleMsg(ListStyleDetails)	, &Main::ObserveMode, ListStyleDetails);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Mode.Thumbnail", current, StyleMsg(ListStyleThumnail)	, &Main::ObserveMode, ListStyleThumnail);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.Mode.Tile"		, current, StyleMsg(ListStyleTile)		, &Main::ObserveMode, ListStyleTile);

	CommandToFocus(L"Current.AdjustToItem"	, CommandAdjustToItem);
	CommandToFocus(L"Current.AdjustToWindow", CommandAdjustToWindow);

	// All
	CommandHandler(L"All.Close"				, all, CommandClose			, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"All.Refresh"			, all, CommandUpdate		, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"All.Export"			, all, AVESTA_Export		, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"All.Show(true)"		, all, AVESTA_Show			, anyFolder, null);

	// Shown
	CommandHandler(L"Shown.Close"			, shown	, CommandClose			, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Shown.Refresh"			, shown	, CommandUpdate			, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Shown.Export"			, shown	, AVESTA_Export			, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Shown.AdjustToItem"	, shown	, CommandAdjustToItem	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Shown.AdjustToWindow"	, shown	, CommandAdjustToWindow	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Shown.ToLeft"			, m_tab, CommandShownToLeft		, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Shown.ToRight"			, m_tab, CommandShownToRight	, anyFolder, null);

	// Locked
	CommandHandler(L"Locked.ToLeft"		, m_tab	, CommandLockedToLeft	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Locked.ToRight"	, m_tab	, CommandLockedToRight	, anyFolder, null);

	// Hidden
	CommandHandler(L"Hidden.Close"		, hidden, CommandClose	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Hidden.Refresh"	, hidden, CommandUpdate	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Hidden.Export"		, hidden, AVESTA_Export	, anyFolder, null);

	// Duplicate
	CommandHandler(L"Duplicate.Close"	, dups	, CommandClose	, anyFolder, null);

	// Left
	CommandHandler(L"Left.Close"		, left	, CommandClose	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Left.Show(false)"	, left	, AVESTA_Hide	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Left.Show(true)"	, left	, AVESTA_Show	, anyFolder, null);

	// Right
	CommandHandler(L"Right.Close"		, right	, CommandClose	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Right.Show(false)"	, right	, AVESTA_Hide	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Right.Show(true)"	, right	, AVESTA_Show	, anyFolder, null);

	// Others
	CommandHandler(L"Others.Close"		, others, CommandClose	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Others.Show(false)", others, AVESTA_Hide	, anyFolder, null);

	// Tab
	CommandProcess(L"Tab.Focus"	, m_tab, &IWindow::Focus);
	CommandHandler(L"Tab.Sort"	, &Main::ProcessTabSort, null, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Tab.Next"	, m_tab, CommandGoForward	, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Tab.Next2"	, m_tab, CommandGoDown		, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Tab.Prev"	, m_tab, CommandGoBack		, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Tab.Prev2"	, m_tab, CommandGoUp		, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.ToLeft"	, &Main::ProcessTabMove, -1, anyFolder, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Current.ToRight"	, &Main::ProcessTabMove, +1, anyFolder, null);

	// Single Tab
	for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		wsprintf(name, L"Tab[%d].Show(toggle)", (i+1));
		CommandHandler(name, &Main::ProcessTabShow , i, &Main::ObserveTabShow , i);
		wsprintf(name, L"Tab[%d].Focus", (i+1));
		CommandHandler(name, &Main::ProcessTabFocus, i, &Main::ObserveTabFocus, i);

	// Form
	CommandProcess(L"Form.Show(true)"	, &Main::WindowVisibleTrue);
	CommandProcess(L"Form.Show(false)"	, m_form, CommandMinimize);
	CommandProcess(L"Form.Show(toggle)"	, &Main::WindowVisibleToggle);
	CommandProcess(L"Form.Maximize"		, m_form, CommandMaximize);
	CommandProcess(L"Form.Restore"		, m_form, CommandRestore);
	CommandProcess(L"Form.Resize"		, m_form, CommandResize);
	CommandProcess(L"Form.Move"			, m_form, CommandMove);
	CommandProcess(L"Form.Menu"			, m_form, CommandMenu);
	CommandHandler(L"Form.DropMode"		, &Main::ProcessDropMode, null, &Main::ObserveDropMode, null);

	m_commands->Alias(L"Form.Zoom"		, L"Form.Maximize");
	m_commands->Alias(L"Form.Minimize"	, L"Form.Show(false)");
	m_commands->Alias(L"Form.Close"		, L"System.Exit");

	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Show(true)"		, L"Form.Show(true)"	);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Show(false)"		, L"Form.Show(false)"	);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Show(toggle)"	, L"Form.Show(toggle)"	);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Maximize"		, L"Form.Maximize"		);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Restore"			, L"Form.Restore"		);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Resize"			, L"Form.Resize"		);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Move"			, L"Form.Move"			);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Menu"			, L"Form.Menu"			);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Zoom"			, L"Form.Maximize"		);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Minimize"		, L"Form.Show(false)"	);
	m_commands->Alias(L"Window.Close"			, L"System.Exit"		);

	// Address
	CommandToFocus(L"Address.Focus"	, CommandFocusAddress);
	// Header
	CommandToFocus(L"Header.Focus"	, FocusHeaderMessage());
	// Tree
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Refresh"		, &Main::ProcessTreeRefresh);
	CommandHandler(L"Tree.Sync"			, &Main::ProcessTreeSync	, null, &Main::ObserveTreeSync		, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Tree.Reflect"		, &Main::ProcessTreeReflect	, null, &Main::ObserveTreeReflect	, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Tree.AutoSync"		, &Main::OptionBoolean	, BoolTreeAutoSync		, &Main::ObserveBoolean	, BoolTreeAutoSync);
	CommandHandler(L"Tree.AutoReflect"	, &Main::OptionBoolean	, BoolTreeAutoReflect	, &Main::ObserveBoolean	, BoolTreeAutoReflect);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Cut"			, m_tree, CommandCut);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Copy"			, m_tree, CommandCopy);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Copy.Base"	, m_tree, AVESTA_CopyBase);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Copy.Name"	, m_tree, AVESTA_CopyName);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Copy.Path"	, m_tree, AVESTA_CopyPath);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Copy.Here"	, m_tree, AVESTA_CopyHere);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Delete"		, m_tree, CommandDelete);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Bury"			, m_tree, CommandBury);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Rename"		, m_tree, CommandRename);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Paste"		, m_tree, CommandPaste);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.Property"		, m_tree, CommandProperty);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.MoveTo"		, m_tree, AVESTA_MoveTo);
	CommandProcess(L"Tree.CopyTo"		, m_tree, AVESTA_CopyTo);

	// Option
	CommandProcess(L"Option.Reload"			, &Main::OptionReload);
	CommandProcess(L"Option.Font"			, &Main::OptionFont);
	CommandProcess(L"FolderOptions.Show"	, &Main::ProcessFolderOptionsShow);

	CommandHandler(L"Option.Thumbnail.64"	, &Main::ProcessThumbSize, 64 , &Main::ObserveThumbSize, 64 );
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Thumbnail.96"	, &Main::ProcessThumbSize, 96 , &Main::ObserveThumbSize, 96 );
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Thumbnail.128"	, &Main::ProcessThumbSize, 128, &Main::ObserveThumbSize, 128);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Thumbnail.192"	, &Main::ProcessThumbSize, 192, &Main::ObserveThumbSize, 192);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Thumbnail.256"	, &Main::ProcessThumbSize, 256, &Main::ObserveThumbSize, 256);
	CommandHandler(L"Arrange.Auto"			, &Main::ProcessArrange, ArrangeAuto, &Main::ObserveArrange, ArrangeAuto);
	CommandHandler(L"Arrange.Horz"			, &Main::ProcessArrange, ArrangeHorz, &Main::ObserveArrange, ArrangeHorz);
	CommandHandler(L"Arrange.Vert"			, &Main::ProcessArrange, ArrangeVert, &Main::ObserveArrange, ArrangeVert);
	CommandHandler(L"Keybind.Normal"		, &Main::ProcessKeybind, afx::KeybindNormal , &Main::ObserveKeybind, afx::KeybindNormal );
	CommandHandler(L"Keybind.Atok"			, &Main::ProcessKeybind, afx::KeybindAtok , &Main::ObserveKeybind, afx::KeybindAtok );
	CommandHandler(L"Keybind.Emacs"			, &Main::ProcessKeybind, afx::KeybindEmacs, &Main::ObserveKeybind, afx::KeybindEmacs);
	CommandHandler(L"MiddleClick.Disable"	, &Main::ProcessMiddleClick, ModifierNone   , &Main::ObserveMiddleClick, ModifierNone   );
	CommandHandler(L"MiddleClick.Control"	, &Main::ProcessMiddleClick, ModifierControl, &Main::ObserveMiddleClick, ModifierControl);
	CommandHandler(L"MiddleClick.Shift"		, &Main::ProcessMiddleClick, ModifierShift  , &Main::ObserveMiddleClick, ModifierShift  );
	CommandHandler(L"AutoCopy.None"			, &Main::ProcessAutoCopy, CopyNone, &Main::ObserveAutoCopy, CopyNone);
	CommandHandler(L"AutoCopy.Base"			, &Main::ProcessAutoCopy, CopyBase, &Main::ObserveAutoCopy, CopyBase);
	CommandHandler(L"AutoCopy.Name"			, &Main::ProcessAutoCopy, CopyName, &Main::ObserveAutoCopy, CopyName);
	CommandHandler(L"AutoCopy.Path"			, &Main::ProcessAutoCopy, CopyPath, &Main::ObserveAutoCopy, CopyPath);

	// あとでなくなるもの
	CommandProcess(L"Option.WallPaper"		, &Main::OptionWallPaper);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Insert.Head"	, &Main::OptionInsert, InsertHead, &Main::ObserveInsert, InsertHead);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Insert.Tail"	, &Main::OptionInsert, InsertTail, &Main::ObserveInsert, InsertTail);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Insert.Prev"	, &Main::OptionInsert, InsertPrev, &Main::ObserveInsert, InsertPrev);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Insert.Next"	, &Main::OptionInsert, InsertNext, &Main::ObserveInsert, InsertNext);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.TaskTray"		, &Main::OptionTaskTray		, null, &Main::ObserveTaskTray		, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.AlwaysTray"		, &Main::OptionAlwaysTray	, null, &Main::ObserveAlwaysTray	, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.CloseToTray"	, &Main::OptionCloseToTray	, null, &Main::ObserveCloseToTray	, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.AlwaysTop"		, &Main::OptionAlwaysTop	, null, &Main::ObserveAlwaysTop		, null);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.CheckBox"			, &Main::OptionCheckBox		, BoolCheckBox			, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolCheckBox);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.DnDCopyInterDrive"	, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolDnDCopyInterDrv	, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolDnDCopyInterDrv);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.DistinguishTab"		, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolDistinguishTab	, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolDistinguishTab);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.FullRowSelect"		, &Main::OptionFullRowSelect, BoolFullRowSelect		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolFullRowSelect);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.GestureOnName"		, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolGestureOnName		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolGestureOnName);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.GridLine"			, &Main::OptionGridLine		, BoolGridLine			, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolGridLine);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.OpenDups"			, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolOpenDups			, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolOpenDups);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.OpenNotify"			, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolOpenNotify		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolOpenNotify);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.RestoreConditions"	, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolRestoreCond		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolRestoreCond);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.LazyExecute"		, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolLazyExecute		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolLazyExecute);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.LockClose"			, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolLockClose			, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolLockClose);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.LoopCursor"			, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolLoopCursor		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolLoopCursor);
	CommandHandler(L"MiddleClick.SingleExecute"	, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolMiddleSingle		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolMiddleSingle);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.RenameExtension"	, &Main::OptionRenameExtension, null, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolRenameExtension);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.PasteInFolder"		, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolPasteInFolder		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolPasteInFolder);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.Python"				, &Main::OptionPython		, BoolPython			, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolPython);
	CommandHandler(L"Option.QuietProgress"		, &Main::OptionBoolean		, BoolQuietProgress		, &Main::ObserveBoolean, BoolQuietProgress);
Example #5
int main()
    graphics::Graphics* gfx = new graphics::Graphics;

    events::Events ev;
    bool cont = true;

        std::cout << "Couldn't load SDL : " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
        return 1;

    cont = gfx->openWindow("Test events::Events joysticks handling", 800, 600);
        return 1;

    /* Background */
    geometry::AABB bgaabb(800.0f, 600.0f);
    graphics::Color bgc;
    bgc.r = bgc.g = 127;
    bgc.b = 255;

    /* Particular events. */
    events::KeySave kqs (events::Key('Q'));
    events::KeySave others (events::Key(' '));
    size_t kq = ev.addSaved(&kqs);

    events::Joystick* joystick = ev.openJoystick(0);
    if(!joystick) {
        std::cout << "There must be a joystick." << std::endl;
        return 1;
    events::JoyButtonSave jbs;
    jbs.set(joystick, 0);
    events::JoyHatSave jhs;
    jhs.set(joystick, 0, events::JoyHatState::Up);
    events::JoyAxisSave jas;
    jas.set(joystick, 0, -32768);

    while(cont) {
        if(ev.closed() || ev.quit() || ev.isSavedValid(kq))
            cont = false;

        std::vector<size_t> l = ev.lastSavedValidated();
        if(!l.empty()) {
            std::cout << l.size() << " events have been validated." << std::endl;
            for(size_t id : l) {
                std::cout << "\t> " << id << " : " << ev.getSaved(id)->save() << " at " << ev.lastSavedValid(id) << std::endl;
        l = ev.lastSavedReleased();
        if(!l.empty()) {
            std::cout << l.size() << " events have been released." << std::endl;
            for(size_t id : l) {
                std::cout << "\t> " << id << " : " << ev.getSaved(id)->save() << " at " << ev.lastSavedRelease(id) << std::endl;

        gfx->draw(bgaabb, bgc);


    delete gfx;
    return 0;
Example #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct stat st;
	char *file_type_mode[] =
		"charactr device",
		"block device",
		"regular file",
		"symbolic link",
	#if 0
      // int stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf);
	 struct stat {
               dev_t     st_dev;     /* ID of device containing file */
               ino_t     st_ino;     /* inode number */
               mode_t    st_mode;    /* protection */
               nlink_t   st_nlink;   /* number of hard links */
               uid_t     st_uid;     /* user ID of owner */
               gid_t     st_gid;     /* group ID of owner */
               dev_t     st_rdev;    /* device ID (if special file) */
               off_t     st_size;    /* total size, in bytes */
               blksize_t st_blksize; /* blocksize for file system I/O */
               blkcnt_t  st_blocks;  /* number of 512B blocks allocated */
               time_t    st_atime;   /* time of last access */
               time_t    st_mtime;   /* time of last modification */
               time_t    st_ctime;   /* time of last status change */
	   S_IFMT     0170000   bit mask for the file type bit fields
           S_IFSOCK   0140000   socket
           S_IFLNK    0120000   symbolic link
           S_IFREG    0100000   regular file
           S_IFBLK    0060000   block device
           S_IFDIR    0040000   directory
           S_IFCHR    0020000   character device
           S_IFIFO    0010000   FIFO
           S_ISUID    0004000   set UID bit
           S_ISGID    0002000   set-group-ID bit (see below)
           S_ISVTX    0001000   sticky bit (see below)
           S_IRWXU    00700     mask for file owner permissions
           S_IRUSR    00400     owner has read permission
           S_IWUSR    00200     owner has write permission
           S_IXUSR    00100     owner has execute permission
           S_IRWXG    00070     mask for group permissions
           S_IRGRP    00040     group has read permission
           S_IWGRP    00020     group has write permission
           S_IXGRP    00010     group has execute permission
           S_IRWXO    00007     mask for permissions for others (not in group)
           S_IROTH    00004     others have read permission
           S_IWOTH    00002     others have write permission
           S_IXOTH    00001     others have execute permission


	if(argc != 2)
		fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s <pathname>\n", argv[0]);
//	int open(const char *pathname, int flags);
     //  int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
	int fd;

	if((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) < 0)
	if(fstat(fd, &st))
	fprintf(stdout, "  File: \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
	fprintf(stdout, "  Size: %ld            Blocks: %ld          IO block: %ld  %s\n",\
		 st.st_size, st.st_blocks, st.st_blksize, file_type_mode[(st.st_mode & S_IFMT) >> 12]);
	fprintf(stdout, "Device: ?/?            Inode: %ld           Links: %ld\n", (long)st.st_ino, (long)st.st_nlink);

	return 0;