int main() { double x[1000] ; // double y[8000] ; // if storage is sufficient, source and destination // can be same array int i ; outS("enter a word : ") ; inS(x) ; outS(x) ; outS("_hello\n") ; // unpack(y, x) ; unpack(x, x) ; i = 0 ; // while (y[i] != 0) { y[i] += 2.0 ; i++ ; } while (x[i] != 0) { x[i] += 2.0 ; i++ ; } // pack(x, y) ; pack(x, x) ; outS(x) ; outS("_goodbye\n") ; }
void outMap(tilemap_* map, FILE* fs, FILE* fh, char* id, int global) { int size; char temp[MAX_PATH_LEN]; if (map->packed != PACK_NONE) size = map->packedSize; else size = map->w * map->h * 2; // map data strcpy(temp, id); strcat(temp, "_map"); // declare decl(fs, fh, NULL, temp, 2, FALSE); // output data if (size == (map->w * map->h * 2)) outS((unsigned char*) map->data, 0, size, fs, 2); else outS((unsigned char*) map->data, 0, size, fs, 1); fprintf(fs, "\n"); // map structure decl(fs, fh, "Map", id, 2, global); // compression fprintf(fs, " dc.w %d\n", map->packed); // size fprintf(fs, " dc.w %d, %d\n", map->w, map->h); // map data pointer fprintf(fs, " dc.l %s\n", temp); fprintf(fs, "\n"); }
void outTS(Hmesg type, String *s) { outstart(type); outS(s); outsend(); }
void outPalette(unsigned short* palette, int startInd, int palSize, FILE* fs, FILE* fh, char* id, int global) { char temp[MAX_PATH_LEN]; int size; // we can't have more than 64 colors max size = MIN(64 - startInd, palSize); // palette data strcpy(temp, id); strcat(temp, "_pal"); // declare decl(fs, fh, NULL, temp, 2, FALSE); // output data outS((unsigned char*) palette, 0, size * 2, fs, 2); fprintf(fs, "\n"); // palette structure decl(fs, fh, "Palette", id, 2, global); // first color index and palette size fprintf(fs, " dc.w %d, %d\n", startInd, size); // set palette pointer fprintf(fs, " dc.l %s\n", temp); fprintf(fs, "\n"); }
void outBitmap(unsigned char* bitmap, int packed, int w, int h, int size, FILE* fs, FILE* fh, char* id, int global) { char temp[MAX_PATH_LEN]; // bitmap data strcpy(temp, id); strcat(temp, "_image"); // declare decl(fs, fh, NULL, temp, 2, FALSE); // output data outS(bitmap, 0, size, fs, 1); fprintf(fs, "\n"); // output Bitmap structure decl(fs, fh, "Bitmap", id, 2, global); // set compression info fprintf(fs, " dc.w %d\n", packed); // set size in pixel fprintf(fs, " dc.w %d, %d\n", w, h); // set palette pointer fprintf(fs, " dc.l %s_palette\n", id); // set image pointer fprintf(fs, " dc.l %s\n", temp); fprintf(fs, "\n"); }
void outTsS(Hmesg type, int s1, String *s) { outstart(type); outshort(s1); outS(s); outsend(); }
void outVGM(unsigned char* data, int size, int align, FILE* fs, FILE* fh, char* id, int global) { // declare declArray(fs, fh, "u8", id, size, align, TRUE); // output data outS(data, 0, size, fs, 1); fprintf(fs, "\n"); }
void Map::save(QString dir) { QDir qDir(dir); qDir.mkpath(dir); if(dir[dir.size() - 1] != '\\') dir += '\\'; leftPopulation -> savePopulation(dir + "LeftPopulation\\"); rightPopulation -> savePopulation(dir + "RightPopulation\\"); QFile *fileX = new QFile(dir + ""); QFile *fileY = new QFile(dir + ""); QFile *fileS = new QFile(dir + ""); if (! fileX -> open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text) || ! fileY -> open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text) || ! fileS -> open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text) ) { // Error while trying to write file } else { // Everything is OK QTextStream outX(fileX); QTextStream outY(fileY); QTextStream outS(fileS); outS << minDeltaX << "\n"; outS << maxDeltaX << "\n"; outS << minDeltaY << "\n"; outS << maxDeltaY << "\n"; outS << lengthStartEnd << "\n"; outS << lengthTotal << "\n"; outX << points.size() << "\n"; outY << points.size() << "\n"; for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { QString tmp; tmp = ""; tmp.setNum(points[i].x, 'f', 4); outX << tmp << "\n"; tmp = ""; tmp.setNum(points[i].y, 'f', 4); outY << tmp << "\n"; } } fileX -> close(); fileY -> close(); fileS -> close(); }
void outTslS(Hmesg type, int s1, Posn l1, String *s) { outstart(type); outshort(s1); journaln(1, s1); outlong(l1); journaln(1, l1); outS(s); outsend(); }
void TestParse::testParseCompareOutput() { QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testout.ssrf"), 0); QFile org(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/test40-42.xml");; QFile out("./testout.ssrf");; QTextStream orgS(&org); QTextStream outS(&out); QString readin = orgS.readAll(); QString written = outS.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); }
void TestParse::testParseCompareNewFormatOutput() { QCOMPARE(save_dives("./testsbnewout.ssrf"), 0); QFile org(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/TestDiveSeabearNewFormat.xml");; QFile out("./testsbnewout.ssrf");; QTextStream orgS(&org); QTextStream outS(&out); QString readin = orgS.readAll(); QString written = outS.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); clear_dive_file_data(); }
_String WriteFileDialogInput(void) { if (currentExecutionList && currentExecutionList->stdinRedirect) { _String outS (currentExecutionList->FetchFromStdinRedirect()); if (outS.sLength) { return outS; } } defFileNameValue = ProcessLiteralArgument (&defFileString,nil); _String resolvedFilePath; #ifdef __HEADLESS__ WarnError ("Unhandled standard input call in headless HYPHY. Only redirected standard input (via ExecuteAFile) is allowed"); return empty; #else #ifdef __MAC__ resolvedFilePath = MacSimpleFileSave(); #endif #ifdef __WINDOZE__ resolvedFilePath = ReturnFileDialogSelectionWin(true); #endif #ifdef __HYPHY_GTK__ if (PopUpFileDialog (dialogPrompt)) { resolvedFilePath = *argFileName; } #endif #ifdef __HYPHYQT__ resolvedFilePath = _hyQTFileDialog (dialogPrompt,defFileNameValue, true); #endif #if defined __UNIX__ && ! defined __HYPHYQT__ && ! defined __HYPHY_GTK__ resolvedFilePath = ReturnDialogInput(true); #endif #endif if (resolvedFilePath.sLength == 0) { terminateExecution = true; } defFileNameValue = empty; return resolvedFilePath; }
int main() { outS("Hello World!\n"); }