bool Helper::handleGetSaveX( bool url ) { if( !readArguments( 4 )) return false; QString startDir = getArgument(); QString filter = getArgument().replace("/", "\\/"); // TODO: ignored int selectFilter = getArgument().toInt(); QString title = getArgument(); long wid = getArgumentParent(); if( !allArgumentsUsed()) return false; if (title.isEmpty()) title = i18n("Save As"); // TODO: confirm overwrite if (url) { QUrl result = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(nullptr, title, startDir); if (result.isValid()) { outputLine(QStringLiteral("0")); outputLine(result.url()); return true; } } else { QString result = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(nullptr, title, startDir); if (!result.isEmpty()) { KRecentDocument::add(QUrl::fromLocalFile(result)); outputLine(QStringLiteral("0")); outputLine(result); return true; } } return false; }
bool Helper::handleGetDirectoryX( bool url ) { if( !readArguments( 2 )) return false; QString startDir = getArgument(); QString title = getArgument(); long wid = getArgumentParent(); if( !allArgumentsUsed()) return false; if (url) { QUrl result = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectoryUrl(nullptr, title, startDir); if (result.isValid()) { outputLine(result.url()); return true; } } else { QString result = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(nullptr, title, startDir); if (!result.isEmpty()) { outputLine(QUrl::fromLocalFile(result).url()); return true; } } return false; }
void outputSuduku (US* suduku, US size) { US row; outputLine(size); for ( row = 0 ; row < size ; row++ ) { outputRow(&suduku[row*size], size); outputLine(size); }; }
static void outputPartSuduku (US *suduku, US size, US currentRow, US currentCol) { US i; outputLine(size); for ( i=0 ; i < currentRow ; i++ ) { outputRow(&(suduku[i*size]), size); printf("\b"); outputLine(size); }; outputRow(&(suduku[currentRow*size]), currentCol); }
bool Helper::writeMimeInfo( QMimeType mime ) { KService::Ptr service = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService(; if( service ) { outputLine(; outputLine( mime.comment()); outputLine( service->name()); return true; } return false; }
bool Helper::handleAppsDialog() { if( !readArguments( 1 )) return false; QString title = getArgument(); long wid = getArgumentParent(); if( !allArgumentsUsed()) return false; KOpenWithDialog dialog( NULL ); if( !title.isEmpty()) dialog.setWindowTitle( title ); dialog.hideNoCloseOnExit(); dialog.hideRunInTerminal(); // TODO if( wid != 0 ) KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( &dialog, wid ); if( dialog.exec()) { KService::Ptr service = dialog.service(); QString command; if( service ) command = service->exec(); else if( !dialog.text().isEmpty()) command = dialog.text(); else return false; command = command.split( " " ).first(); // only the actual command command = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(command); if( command.isEmpty()) return false; outputLine( QUrl::fromUserInput( command ).url()); return true; } return false; }
void Connection::processStream(const QDomDocument &xml) { if (xml.documentElement().attribute("encoding") == "base64") { /* We ignore the output type for now KDevelop::IRunProvider::OutputTypes outputType; if (xml->attributes().value("type") == "stdout") { outputType = KDevelop::IRunProvider::StandardOutput; } else if (xml->attributes().value("type") == "stderr") { outputType = KDevelop::IRunProvider::StandardError; } else { kWarning() << "unknown output type" << xml->attributes().value("type"); return; } */ QString c = m_codec->toUnicode(QByteArray::fromBase64(xml.documentElement().text().toAscii())); //kDebug() << c; emit output(c); m_outputLine += c; int pos = m_outputLine.indexOf('\n'); if (pos != -1) { emit outputLine(m_outputLine.left(pos)); m_outputLine = m_outputLine.mid(pos+1); } } else { kWarning() << "unknown encoding" << xml.documentElement().attribute("encoding"); } }
bool Helper::handleGetOpenX( bool url ) { if( !readArguments( 4 )) return false; QString startDir = getArgument(); QString filter = getArgument().replace("/", "\\/"); // TODO: not used int selectFilter = getArgument().toInt(); QString title = getArgument(); bool multiple = isArgument( "MULTIPLE" ); long wid = getArgumentParent(); if( !allArgumentsUsed()) return false; if (title.isEmpty()) title = i18n("Open"); if (url) { QList<QUrl> result; if (multiple) result = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrls(nullptr, title, startDir); else result << QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(nullptr, title, startDir); result.removeAll(QUrl()); if (!result.isEmpty()) { outputLine(QStringLiteral("0")); // filter is not implemented, so always 0 (All Files) for (const QUrl &url : result) outputLine(url.url()); return true; } } else { QStringList result; if (multiple) result = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(nullptr, title, startDir); else result << QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(nullptr, title, startDir); result.removeAll(QString()); if (!result.isEmpty()) { outputLine(QStringLiteral("0")); for (const QString &str : result) outputLine(str); return true; } } return false; }
static void runDir(MaQueue *q) { MaConn *conn; MaResponse *resp; MaRequest *req; MprList *list; MprDirEntry *dp; Dir *dir; cchar *filename; uint nameSize; int next; conn = q->conn; req = conn->request; resp = conn->response; dir = q->stage->stageData; filename = resp->filename; mprAssert(filename); maDontCacheResponse(conn); maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate); maPutForService(q, maCreateHeaderPacket(q), 0); parseQuery(conn); list = mprGetPathFiles(conn, filename, 1); if (list == 0) { maWrite(q, "<h2>Can't get file list</h2>\r\n"); outputFooter(q); return; } if (dir->pattern) { filterDirList(conn, list); } sortList(conn, list); /* * Get max filename */ nameSize = 0; for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) { nameSize = max((int) strlen(dp->name), nameSize); } nameSize = max(nameSize, 22); outputHeader(q, req->url, nameSize); for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) { outputLine(q, dp, filename, nameSize); } outputFooter(q); maPutForService(q, maCreateEndPacket(conn), 1); mprFree(list); }
/* Start the request (and complete it) */ static void startDir(HttpQueue *q) { HttpConn *conn; HttpTx *tx; HttpRx *rx; MprList *list; MprDirEntry *dp; HttpDir *dir; cchar *path; uint nameSize; int next; conn = q->conn; rx = conn->rx; tx = conn->tx; if ((dir = conn->reqData) == 0) { httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot get directory listing"); return; } assert(tx->filename); if (!(rx->flags & (HTTP_GET | HTTP_HEAD))) { httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_BAD_METHOD, "Bad method"); return; } httpSetContentType(conn, "text/html"); httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Last-Modified", conn->http->currentDate); parseQuery(conn); if ((list = mprGetPathFiles(tx->filename, MPR_PATH_RELATIVE)) == 0) { httpWrite(q, "<h2>Cannot get file list</h2>\r\n"); outputFooter(q); return; } if (dir->pattern) { filterDirList(conn, list); } sortList(conn, list); /* Get max filename size */ nameSize = 0; for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) { nameSize = max((int) strlen(dp->name), nameSize); } nameSize = max(nameSize, 22); path = rx->route->prefix ? sjoin(rx->route->prefix, rx->pathInfo, NULL) : rx->pathInfo; outputHeader(q, path, nameSize); for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) { outputLine(q, dp, tx->filename, nameSize); } outputFooter(q); httpFinalize(conn); }
void KSircIODCC::cancelTransfer(QString filename) { if(DlgList[filename]){ emit outputLine(DCCStatus[filename]->cancelMessage); delete DlgList[filename]; DlgList.remove(filename); delete DCCStatus[filename]; DCCStatus.remove(filename); } }
/* * run the test case * return 0 for pass. -1 for fail. */ inline int runTestCase( TestCase & test, TestContext & context, std::ostream & log) { int rst = 0; try {; log << << " Passed " << std::endl; rst = 0; } catch (XTestFailure& e) { log << outputLine(e.m_file, e.m_line) << e.what() << '\n' << "FAILED: "; rst = -1; } catch (std::exception& e) { log << outputLine(__FILE__, __LINE__) << "caught standard exception - " << e.what() << '\n' << "FAILED: "; rst = -1; } return rst; }
bool Helper::handleGetFromType() { if( !readArguments( 1 )) return false; QString type = getArgument(); if( !allArgumentsUsed()) return false; QMimeType mime = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName(type); if (mime.isValid()) return writeMimeInfo(mime); // firefox also asks for protocol handlers using getfromtype QString app = getAppForProtocol( type ); if( !app.isEmpty()) { outputLine( type ); outputLine( type ); // TODO probably no way to find a good description outputLine( app ); return true; } return false; }
bool Helper::handleGetDefaultFeedReader() { if( !readArguments( 0 )) return false; // firefox wants the full path QString reader = QStandardPaths::findExecutable("akregator"); // TODO there is no KDE setting for this if( !reader.isEmpty()) { outputLine( reader ); return true; } return false; }
void ExtraRptDumpReport( // DUMP REPORT INTO FILE const char *name ) // - name to use for generating file name { RPTREG *reg; FILE *fp; char *base; auto char make_buff[_MAX_PATH]; auto char split_buff[_MAX_PATH2]; _splitpath2( name, split_buff, NULL, NULL, &base, NULL ); _makepath( make_buff, NULL, NULL, base, ".rpt" ); fp = fopen( make_buff, "w" ); if( fp == NULL ) { return; } outputLine( fp, "" ); outputLine( fp, "Statistics Report" ); outputLine( fp, "=================" ); outputLine( fp, "" ); RingIterBeg( reportList, reg ) { (reg->base.processor)( fp, reg ); } RingIterEnd( reg )
static void processDir(HttpQueue *q) { HttpConn *conn; HttpTx *tx; HttpRx *rx; MprList *list; MprDirEntry *dp; Dir *dir; uint nameSize; int next; conn = q->conn; rx = conn->rx; tx = conn->tx; dir = conn->data; mprLog(5, "processDir"); mprAssert(tx->filename); httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Last-Modified", conn->http->currentDate); parseQuery(conn); list = mprGetPathFiles(tx->filename, 1); if (list == 0) { httpWrite(q, "<h2>Can't get file list</h2>\r\n"); outputFooter(q); return; } if (dir->pattern) { filterDirList(conn, list); } sortList(conn, list); /* Get max filename */ nameSize = 0; for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) { nameSize = max((int) strlen(dp->name), nameSize); } nameSize = max(nameSize, 22); outputHeader(q, rx->pathInfo, nameSize); for (next = 0; (dp = mprGetNextItem(list, &next)) != 0; ) { outputLine(q, dp, tx->filename, nameSize); } outputFooter(q); httpFinalize(conn); }
bool Helper::handleGetProxy() { if( !readArguments( 1 )) return false; QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput( getArgument()); if( !allArgumentsUsed()) return false; QString proxy; KProtocolManager::slaveProtocol( url, proxy ); if( proxy.isEmpty() || proxy == "DIRECT" ) // TODO return DIRECT if empty? { outputLine( "DIRECT" ); return true; } QUrl proxyurl = QUrl::fromUserInput( proxy ); if( proxyurl.isValid()) { // firefox wants this format outputLine( "PROXY" " " + + ":" + QString::number( proxyurl.port())); // TODO there is also "SOCKS " type return true; } return false; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool Console::execute(const std::string& cmdLine /*= ""*/) { std::string line = cmdLine.empty() ? mUi->getCmdLine() : cmdLine; StringUtil::trim(line); if (line.empty()) return false; sgLogger.logMessage( "************************************************************"); sgLogger.logMessage("executing command \"" + line + "\""); fakeOutputDirAndCmd(line); mCmdHistory->push(line); mUi->setCmdLine(""); boost::regex reCmd2("^\\s*(\\w+)(\\s*.*)$"); boost::smatch m; if (boost::regex_match(line, m, reCmd2)) { Command* cmd = sgCmdLib.createCommand(m[1]); if (cmd) { cmd->setArgsAndOptions(m[2]); if (cmd->execute()) { sgLogger.logMessage("finished executing command \"" + line + "\""); sgLogger.logMessage( "************************************************************"); return true; } } else { outputLine("unknown command : " + m[1]); } } else { outputLine("unknown input"); } sgLogger.logMessage("failed executing command \"" + line + "\""); sgLogger.logMessage( "************************************************************"); return false; }
bool Helper::handleGetAppDescForScheme() { if( !readArguments( 1 )) return false; QString scheme = getArgument(); if( !allArgumentsUsed()) return false; QString app = getAppForProtocol( scheme ); if( !app.isEmpty()) { outputLine( app ); return true; } return false; }
void DebugSession::incomingConnection() { kDebug(); QTcpSocket* client = m_server->nextPendingConnection(); if (m_connection) { m_connection->disconnect(); m_connection->deleteLater(); m_connection = 0; } m_connection = new Connection(client, this); connect(m_connection, SIGNAL(output(QString)), SIGNAL(output(QString))); connect(m_connection, SIGNAL(outputLine(QString)), SIGNAL(outputLine(QString))); connect(m_connection, SIGNAL(initDone(QString)), SIGNAL(initDone(QString))); connect(m_connection, SIGNAL(stateChanged(KDevelop::IDebugSession::DebuggerState)), SIGNAL(stateChanged(KDevelop::IDebugSession::DebuggerState))); connect(m_connection, SIGNAL(stateChanged(KDevelop::IDebugSession::DebuggerState)), SLOT(_stateChanged(KDevelop::IDebugSession::DebuggerState))); connect(m_connection, SIGNAL(currentPositionChanged(KUrl, int)), SLOT(currentPositionChanged(KUrl,int))); connect(m_connection, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(connectionClosed())); if (!m_acceptMultipleConnections) { closeServer(); } }
void KSircIODCC::forgetFile() { QString text = pending->fileListing()->text(pending->fileListing()->currentItem()); int pos = text.find(" ", 0); QString nick = text.mid(0, pos); pos = text.find(" ", pos+1) + 1; QString filename = text.mid(pos, text.length() - pos); QString command = "/dcc close get " + nick + " " + filename + "\n"; emit outputLine(command); for(uint i = 0; i < pending->fileListing()->count(); i++) if(QString(pending->fileListing()->text(i)) == (nick + " offered " + filename)) pending->fileListing()->removeItem(i); if(pending->fileListing()->count() == 0) pending->hide(); }
void SearchIndex::getRecord(int offset){ //-------------------------------------------------------------- //Preconditions: An integer is passed to the method // //Postconditions: The record referenced by the passed integer is // printed to the screen // //Variables used: inputFile: reference to an input file stream // &item reference to an Item object //-------------------------------------------------------------- Item item; fstream inputFile("prog5bin.dat", ios::in|ios::binary); inputFile.seekg(offset*sizeof(item));<char * >(&item), sizeof(Item)); outputLine(item); inputFile.close(); }
void parseLine(char *line) { char *paren, *parenEnd; char *ident, *identEnd; char *arglist, *arglistEnd; char *function; paren = strchr(line, '('); if (paren == NULL) goto syntax_error; for (identEnd = paren - 1; !isIdentifier(*identEnd); identEnd--) continue; for (ident = identEnd; isIdentifier(*ident); ident--) continue; ident++; *++identEnd = '\0'; paren++; parenEnd = strchr(paren, ')'); if (parenEnd == NULL) goto syntax_error; *parenEnd = '\0'; arglist = parenEnd + 1; while (isspace(*arglist)) arglist++; arglistEnd = strchr(arglist, ';'); if (arglistEnd == NULL) goto syntax_error; *arglistEnd = '\0'; function = strdup(ident); *ident = '\0'; outputLine(line, function, paren, arglist); free(function); return; syntax_error: fprintf(stderr, "Syntax error at line %d\n",lineNumber); return; }
void outputArray (pixel **array, int altura, int largura, int indice) { /* Imprime a grade */ int i; for (i = 0; i < altura; i ++) /* Imprime cada linha, de trĂ¡s para frente */ outputLine(array[(i+indice)%altura], largura); }
void KSircIOLAG::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * ) { QString cmd = "/lag\n"; emit outputLine(cmd); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Console::fakeOutputDirAndCmd(const std::string& cmdLine) { outputLine(mDir->getFullPath() + " " + cmdLine); }
int inputLoop(){ char * buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * BUFFER_SIZE); rInput = 1; while(rInput){ clearBuffer(buffer); cleanInputLine(); char * line = readLine(buffer,BUFFER_SIZE); if(line){ //Analyse and do something with this line... if(!strcmp(line,"help")){ outputLine(HELP_MAIN); continue; } if(!strncmp(line,"help",4)){ //something was called with help line += 5; if(!strcmp(line,"new")){ outputLine(HELP_NEW); } if(!strcmp(line,"quit")){ outputLine(HELP_QUIT); } if(!strcmp(line,"rnew")){ outputLine(HELP_RNEW); } if(!strcmp(line,"autonew")){ outputLine(HELP_AUTONEW); } // ... more help continue; } // NEW PASSENGER if(!strncmp(line,"new",3)){ line += 4; int a, b, c = 1; sscanf(line,"%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); while(c--){ createNew(a,b); } continue; } //NEW RANDOM PASSENGER: if(!strncmp(line,"rnew",4)){ line += 5; int a = 1; sscanf(line,"%d",&a); createRandom(a); } if(!strncmp(line,"autonew",7)){ line += 8; if(!strcmp(line,"on") || !strcmp(line,"off")){ toggleAutonew(*(line+1) == 'n'); } else { outputLine(HELP_AUTONEW); } continue; } // QUIT if(!strcmp(line,"quit")){ stopInputLoop(); continue; } } } free(buffer); return rInput; }
void Helper::readCommand() { QString command = readLine(); if( input.atEnd()) { #ifdef DEBUG_KDE QTextStream( stderr ) << "EOF, existing." << endl; #endif QCoreApplication::exit(); return; } #ifdef DEBUG_KDE QTextStream( stderr ) << "COMMAND:" << command << endl; #endif bool status; if( command == "CHECK" ) status = handleCheck(); else if( command == "GETPROXY" ) status = handleGetProxy(); else if( command == "HANDLEREXISTS" ) status = handleHandlerExists(); else if( command == "GETFROMEXTENSION" ) status = handleGetFromExtension(); else if( command == "GETFROMTYPE" ) status = handleGetFromType(); else if( command == "GETAPPDESCFORSCHEME" ) status = handleGetAppDescForScheme(); else if( command == "APPSDIALOG" ) status = handleAppsDialog(); else if( command == "GETOPENFILENAME" ) status = handleGetOpenX( false ); else if( command == "GETOPENURL" ) status = handleGetOpenX( true ); else if( command == "GETSAVEFILENAME" ) status = handleGetSaveX( false ); else if( command == "GETSAVEURL" ) status = handleGetSaveX( true ); else if( command == "GETDIRECTORYFILENAME" ) status = handleGetDirectoryX( false ); else if( command == "GETDIRECTORYURL" ) status = handleGetDirectoryX( true ); else if( command == "OPEN" ) status = handleOpen(); else if( command == "REVEAL" ) status = handleReveal(); else if( command == "RUN" ) status = handleRun(); else if( command == "GETDEFAULTFEEDREADER" ) status = handleGetDefaultFeedReader(); else if( command == "OPENMAIL" ) status = handleOpenMail(); else if( command == "OPENNEWS" ) status = handleOpenNews(); else if( command == "ISDEFAULTBROWSER" ) status = handleIsDefaultBrowser(); else if( command == "SETDEFAULTBROWSER" ) status = handleSetDefaultBrowser(); else if( command == "DOWNLOADFINISHED" ) status = handleDownloadFinished(); else { QTextStream( stderr ) << "Unknown command for KDE helper: " << command << endl; status = false; } // status done as \1 (==ok) and \0 (==not ok), because otherwise this cannot happen // in normal data (\ is escaped otherwise) outputLine( status ? "\\1" : "\\0", false ); // do not escape }