Example #1
static void
output_roots (xmlTextWriterPtr xo, char **roots)
  size_t i;

  XMLERROR (-1, xmlTextWriterStartElement (xo, BAD_CAST "operatingsystems"));
  for (i = 0; roots[i] != NULL; ++i)
    output_root (xo, roots[i]);
  XMLERROR (-1, xmlTextWriterEndElement (xo));
Example #2
std::string OutputFileHandler::GetRelativePath() const
    FileFinder output_root("", RelativeTo::ChasteTestOutput);
    std::string relative_path = FindFile("").GetRelativePath(output_root);
    if (!relative_path.empty() && *relative_path.rbegin() == '/')
        relative_path.erase(--relative_path.end()); // Remove trailing slash
    return relative_path;
Example #3
std::string OutputFileHandler::MakeFoldersAndReturnFullPath(const std::string& rDirectory) const
    fs::path output_root(GetChasteTestOutputDirectory());
    fs::path rel_path(rDirectory);

    if (!rel_path.empty() && (*(--rel_path.end())) == ".")
        // rDirectory has a trailing slash, which gives an unhelpful last component

    // Make master wait (because other processes may be checking whether a directory exists)
    // Are we the master process? Only the master should make any new directories
    if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
            // If necessary make the ChasteTestOutputDirectory - don't make it deleteable by Chaste
            fs::create_directories(output_root); // Note that this is a no-op if the folder exists already

            // Now make all the sub-folders requested one-by-one and add the .chaste_deletable_folder file to them
            fs::path next_folder(output_root);
            for (fs::path::iterator path_iter = rel_path.begin(); path_iter != rel_path.end(); ++path_iter)
                next_folder /= *path_iter;
                bool created_dir = fs::create_directory(next_folder);
                if (created_dir)
                    // Add the Chaste signature file
                    fs::ofstream sig_file(next_folder / SIG_FILE_NAME);
        // LCOV_EXCL_START
        catch (const fs::filesystem_error& e)
            TERMINATE("Error making test output folder: " << e.what());
        // LCOV_EXCL_STOP

    // Wait for master to finish before going on to use the directory.

    std::string path_with_slash = (output_root / rel_path).string();
    return path_with_slash;
Example #4
OutputFileHandler::OutputFileHandler(const FileFinder& rDirectory,
                                     bool cleanOutputDirectory)
    FileFinder output_root("", RelativeTo::ChasteTestOutput);
    std::string relative_path;
        relative_path = rDirectory.GetRelativePath(output_root);
    catch (const Exception&)
        EXCEPTION("The location provided to OutputFileHandler must be inside CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT; '"
                  << rDirectory.GetAbsolutePath() << "' is not under '"
                  << output_root.GetAbsolutePath() << "'.");
    if (*output_root.GetAbsolutePath().rbegin() != '/' && !relative_path.empty())
        assert(*relative_path.begin() == '/');
        relative_path.erase(0, 1); // Remove leading slash
    CommonConstructor(relative_path, cleanOutputDirectory);
    void TestHandler() throw(Exception)
        // Test that CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT always has a trailing slash even before
        // a class object is instantiated
        const std::string chaste_test_output(OutputFileHandler::GetChasteTestOutputDirectory());
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( *(chaste_test_output.end()-1), '/');

        // Make a handler that points straight to the CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT directory.
        OutputFileHandler handler("");
        const std::string handler_path(handler.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath());
        TS_ASSERT(handler_path.length() > 0);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(handler_path, handler.GetChasteTestOutputDirectory());
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(handler.GetRelativePath(), "");

        // Test that CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT always has a trailing slash
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( *(handler_path.end()-1), '/');

        // Make a handler that points to a sub-directory.
        std::string dir = "testhandler";
        OutputFileHandler handler2(dir);
        std::string full_dir = handler2.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(full_dir.substr(full_dir.length()-dir.length()-1), dir+"/");
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(full_dir.substr(0, full_dir.length()-dir.length()-1), handler_path);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(handler2.GetRelativePath(), dir);

        // We can also create handlers from a FileFinder (provided it points to a location in CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT)
        OutputFileHandler handler3(handler.FindFile("testhandler2"));
        full_dir = handler3.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath();
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(full_dir.substr(full_dir.length()-dir.length()-2), dir+"2/");
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(full_dir.substr(0, full_dir.length()-dir.length()-2), handler_path);
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(handler3.GetRelativePath(), "testhandler2");

        // Check that all three handlers can create files
        out_stream p_file_stream;
        p_file_stream = handler.OpenOutputFile("test_file", std::ios::out);
        TS_ASSERT(FileFinder(handler_path + "test_file").Exists());

        p_file_stream = handler.OpenOutputFile("test_file2");
        TS_ASSERT(FileFinder(handler_path + "test_file2").Exists());

        p_file_stream = handler2.OpenOutputFile("test_file");
        TS_ASSERT(FileFinder(handler2.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath() + "test_file").Exists());

        p_file_stream = handler2.OpenOutputFile("test_", 34, ".txt");
        TS_ASSERT(FileFinder(handler2.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath() + "test_34.txt").Exists());

        p_file_stream = handler3.OpenOutputFile("test_file");
        TS_ASSERT(FileFinder(handler3.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath() + "test_file").Exists());

        // This should try to write files to /, which isn't allowed (we hope!)
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_CONTAINS(OutputFileHandler bad_handler("../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../", false),
                                  "due to it potentially being above, and cleaning, CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT.");
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_CONTAINS(OutputFileHandler bad_handler("/", false),
                                  "The constructor argument to OutputFileHandler must be a relative path");
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_CONTAINS(OutputFileHandler bad_handler(FileFinder("/"), false),
                                  "The location provided to OutputFileHandler must be inside CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT");

        // Check the CopyFileTo method
        FileFinder source_file("global/test/TestOutputFileHandler.hpp", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
        FileFinder dest_file = handler2.CopyFileTo(source_file);
        FileFinder missing_file("global/no_file", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_CONTAINS(handler2.CopyFileTo(missing_file), "Can only copy single files");
        FileFinder global_dir("global", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
        TS_ASSERT_THROWS_CONTAINS(handler2.CopyFileTo(global_dir), "Can only copy single files");

        // We don't want other people using CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT whilst we are messing with it!

        // Test that the environment variable actually influences the location of files
            setenv("CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT", "", 1/*Overwrite*/);
            // Check this folder is not present
            FileFinder test_folder("testoutput/whatever", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);


            // Make a folder and erase it - NB only master can erase files and check it is successful!
            OutputFileHandler handler4("whatever");
            if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
                // If we've not written anything else to the testoutput folder, remove that too
                // rather than leaving an empty folder lieing around in the source tree!
                FileFinder output_root("", RelativeTo::ChasteTestOutput);
                if (output_root.IsEmpty())

            setenv("CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT", "config__cyborg__T800__cooper", 1/*Overwrite*/);
            // Test that CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT always has a trailing slash even before
            // a class object is instantiated and when the directory does not exist
            const std::string nonexistent_test_path(OutputFileHandler::GetChasteTestOutputDirectory());
            TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( *(nonexistent_test_path.end()-1), '/');

            // Check this folder is not present
            std::string test_folder("somewhere_without_trailing_forward_slash");
            TS_ASSERT(!FileFinder(test_folder, RelativeTo::CWD).Exists());

            setenv("CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT", test_folder.c_str(), 1/*Overwrite*/);

            // Make a folder using a FileFinder, for coverage of the case where the root output folder doesn't exist
            FileFinder sub_folder("test_folder", RelativeTo::ChasteTestOutput);
            OutputFileHandler creating_handler(sub_folder);

            // Make a folder
            OutputFileHandler handler5("whatever");
            TS_ASSERT(FileFinder(test_folder, RelativeTo::CWD).Exists());

            // Erase it
            if (PetscTools::AmMaster())

        // Reset the location of CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT
        setenv("CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT", chaste_test_output.c_str(), 1/*Overwrite*/);

        // We don't want other people using CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT while we are messing with it!

        // Coverage of the case where we can't open a file for writing
        OutputFileHandler handler6("no_write_access");
        if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
            std::string dir_path =  handler6.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath();
#ifndef _MSC_VER
            // This test can never pass on modern Windows OS! See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/326549
            // You can't change DIRECTORY attributes
            chmod(dir_path.c_str(), CHASTE_READONLY);
            TS_ASSERT_THROWS_CONTAINS(p_file_stream = handler6.OpenOutputFile("test_file"),
                                      "Could not open file");
            chmod(dir_path.c_str(), CHASTE_READ_WRITE_EXECUTE);
            fs::remove(dir_path + ".chaste_deletable_folder");

        // Check behaviour of FindFile("")
        FileFinder handler_self = handler.FindFile("");
        TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(handler_self.GetAbsolutePath(), handler.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath());
Example #6
bool U6Lzw::decompress_buffer(unsigned char *source, uint32 source_length, unsigned char *destination, uint32 destination_length)
    const int max_codeword_length = 12;
    bool end_marker_reached = false;
    int codeword_size = 9;
    long bits_read = 0;
    int next_free_codeword = 0x102;
    int dictionary_size = 0x200;

    long bytes_written = 0;

    int cW;
    int pW = 0;  // get rid of uninitialized warning.
    unsigned char C;

    source += 4; //skip the filesize dword.

    while (! end_marker_reached)
       cW = get_next_codeword(&bits_read, source, codeword_size);
       switch (cW)
       // re-init the dictionary
       case 0x100:
           codeword_size = 9;
           next_free_codeword = 0x102;
           dictionary_size = 0x200;
           cW = get_next_codeword(&bits_read, source, codeword_size);
           output_root((unsigned char)cW, destination, &bytes_written);
       // end of compressed file has been reached
       case 0x101:
           end_marker_reached = true;
       // (cW <> 0x100) && (cW <> 0x101)
           if (cW < next_free_codeword)  // codeword is already in the dictionary
              // create the string associated with cW (on the stack)
              C = stack->gettop();
              // output the string represented by cW
              while (!stack->is_empty())
                 output_root(stack->pop(), destination, &bytes_written);
              // add pW+C to the dictionary

              if (next_free_codeword >= dictionary_size)
                 if (codeword_size < max_codeword_length)
                    codeword_size += 1;
                    dictionary_size *= 2;
           else  // codeword is not yet defined
              // create the string associated with pW (on the stack)
              C = stack->gettop();
              // output the string represented by pW
              while (!stack->is_empty())
                 output_root(stack->pop(), destination, &bytes_written);
              // output the char C
              output_root(C, destination, &bytes_written);
              // the new dictionary entry must correspond to cW
              // if it doesn't, something is wrong with the lzw-compressed data.
              if (cW != next_free_codeword)
                 DEBUG(0,LEVEL_ERROR,"cW != next_free_codeword!\n");
              // add pW+C to the dictionary

              if (next_free_codeword >= dictionary_size)
                 if (codeword_size < max_codeword_length)
                    codeword_size += 1;
                    dictionary_size *= 2;
       // shift roles - the current cW becomes the new pW
       pW = cW;

 return true;