Example #1
// Send 1 bit of communication to the 1-Wire Net and verify that the
// response matches the 'applyPowerResponse' bit and apply power delivery
// to the 1-Wire net.  Note that some implementations may apply the power
// first and then turn it off if the response is incorrect.
// 'portnum'  - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number was provided to
//              OpenCOM to indicate the port number.
// 'applyPowerResponse' - 1 bit response to check, if correct then start
//                        power delivery 
// Returns:  TRUE: bit written and response correct, strong pullup now on
//           FALSE: response incorrect
SMALLINT owReadBitPower(int portnum, SMALLINT applyPowerResponse)
   if(owTouchBit(portnum,0x01) != applyPowerResponse)
      return FALSE;

   if(owLevel(portnum,MODE_STRONG5) != MODE_STRONG5)
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;
Example #2
// Send 8 bits of communication to the 1-Wire Net and return the
// result 8 bits read from the 1-Wire Net.  The parameter 'sendbyte'
// least significant 8 bits are used and the least significant 8 bits
// of the result is the return byte.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number is provided to
//                indicate the symbolic port number.
// 'sendbyte'   - 8 bits to send (least significant byte)
// Returns:  8 bytes read from sendbyte
SMALLINT owTouchByte(int portnum, SMALLINT sendbyte)
   int i;
   SMALLINT dat = 0;
   for (i=0; i<8; i++)
      dat |= owTouchBit(portnum,sendbyte & 0x1) << i;
      sendbyte >>= 1;
   return dat;
Example #3
// Send 8 bits of communication to the 1-Wire Net and return the
// result 8 bits read from the 1-Wire Net.  The parameter 'sendbyte'
// least significant 8 bits are used and the least significant 8 bits
// of the result is the return byte.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number is provided to
//                indicate the symbolic port number.
// 'sendbyte'   - 8 bits to send (least significant byte)
// Returns:  8 bytes read from sendbyte
SMALLINT owTouchByte(int portnum, SMALLINT sendbyte)
   int i;
   unsigned result = 0u;

   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){

      if (owTouchBit(portnum,sendbyte & 1) != 0)
         result |= (1u << i);
      sendbyte >>= 1;

   return (SMALLINT)result;
Example #4
File: ownet.c Project: ckgt/bladeRF
// The 'owNext' function does a general search.  This function
// continues from the previos search state. The search state
// can be reset by using the 'owFirst' function.
// This function contains one parameter 'alarm_only'.
// When 'alarm_only' is TRUE (1) the find alarm command
// 0xEC is sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0.
// Using the find alarm command 0xEC will limit the search to only
// 1-Wire devices that are in an 'alarm' state.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number is provided to
//                indicate the symbolic port number.
// 'do_reset'   - TRUE (1) perform reset before search, FALSE (0) do not
//                perform reset before search.
// 'alarm_only' - TRUE (1) the find alarm command 0xEC is
//                sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0
// Returns:   TRUE (1) : when a 1-Wire device was found and it's
//                       Serial Number placed in the global SerialNum[portnum]
//            FALSE (0): when no new device was found.  Either the
//                       last search was the last device or there
//                       are no devices on the 1-Wire Net.
SMALLINT owNext(int portnum, SMALLINT do_reset, SMALLINT alarm_only)
   uchar bit_test, search_direction, bit_number;
   uchar last_zero, serial_byte_number, next_result;
   uchar serial_byte_mask;
   uchar lastcrc8;

   // initialize for search
   bit_number = 1;
   last_zero = 0;
   serial_byte_number = 0;
   serial_byte_mask = 1;
   next_result = 0;

   // if the last call was not the last one
   if (!LastDevice[portnum])
      // check if reset first is requested
      if (do_reset)
         // reset the 1-wire
         // if there are no parts on 1-wire, return FALSE
         if (!owTouchReset(portnum))
            // printf("owTouchReset failed\r\n");
            // reset the search
            LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
            LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
            return FALSE;

      // If finding alarming devices issue a different command
      if (alarm_only)
         owWriteByte(portnum,0xEC);  // issue the alarming search command
         owWriteByte(portnum,0xF0);  // issue the search command

      //pause before beginning the search

      // loop to do the search
         // read a bit and its compliment
         bit_test = owTouchBit(portnum,1) << 1;
         bit_test |= owTouchBit(portnum,1);

         // check for no devices on 1-wire
         if (bit_test == 3)
            // all devices coupled have 0 or 1
            if (bit_test > 0)
              search_direction = !(bit_test & 0x01);  // bit write value for search
               // if this discrepancy if before the Last Discrepancy
               // on a previous next then pick the same as last time
               if (bit_number < LastDiscrepancy[portnum])
                  search_direction = ((SerialNum[portnum][serial_byte_number] & serial_byte_mask) > 0);
                  // if equal to last pick 1, if not then pick 0
                  search_direction = (bit_number == LastDiscrepancy[portnum]);

               // if 0 was picked then record its position in LastZero
               if (search_direction == 0)
                  last_zero = bit_number;

                  // check for Last discrepancy in family
                  if (last_zero < 9)
                     LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = last_zero;

            // set or clear the bit in the SerialNum[portnum] byte serial_byte_number
            // with mask serial_byte_mask
            if (search_direction == 1)
              SerialNum[portnum][serial_byte_number] |= serial_byte_mask;
              SerialNum[portnum][serial_byte_number] &= ~serial_byte_mask;

            // serial number search direction write bit

            // increment the byte counter bit_number
            // and shift the mask serial_byte_mask
            serial_byte_mask <<= 1;

            // if the mask is 0 then go to new SerialNum[portnum] byte serial_byte_number
            // and reset mask
            if (serial_byte_mask == 0)
               // The below has been added to accomidate the valid CRC with the
               // possible changing serial number values of the DS28E04.
               if (((SerialNum[portnum][0] & 0x7F) == 0x1C) && (serial_byte_number == 1))
                  lastcrc8 = docrc8(portnum,0x7F);
                  lastcrc8 = docrc8(portnum,SerialNum[portnum][serial_byte_number]);  // accumulate the CRC

               serial_byte_mask = 1;
      while(serial_byte_number < 8);  // loop until through all SerialNum[portnum] bytes 0-7

      // if the search was successful then
      if (!((bit_number < 65) || lastcrc8))
         // search successful so set LastDiscrepancy[portnum],LastDevice[portnum],next_result
         LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = last_zero;
         LastDevice[portnum] = (LastDiscrepancy[portnum] == 0);
         next_result = TRUE;

   // if no device found then reset counters so next 'next' will be
   // like a first
   if (!next_result || !SerialNum[portnum][0])
      LastDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
      LastDevice[portnum] = FALSE;
      LastFamilyDiscrepancy[portnum] = 0;
      next_result = FALSE;

   return next_result;
Example #5
// The 'owNext' function does a general search.  This function
// continues from the previos search state. The search state
// can be reset by using the 'owFirst' function.
// This function contains one parameter 'alarm_only'.
// When 'alarm_only' is TRUE (1) the find alarm command
// 0xEC is sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0.
// Using the find alarm command 0xEC will limit the search to only
// 1-Wire devices that are in an 'alarm' state.
// 'portnum'    - number 0 to MAX_PORTNUM-1.  This number is provided to
//                indicate the symbolic port number.
// 'do_reset'   - TRUE (1) perform reset before search, FALSE (0) do not
//                perform reset before search.
// 'alarm_only' - TRUE (1) the find alarm command 0xEC is
//                sent instead of the normal search command 0xF0
// Returns:   TRUE (1) : when a 1-Wire device was found and it's
//                       Serial Number placed in the global SerialNum[portnum]
//            FALSE (0): when no new device was found.  Either the
//                       last search was the last device or there
//                       are no devices on the 1-Wire Net.
BYTE owNext(BYTE portnum, BYTE do_reset, BYTE alarm_only)
   BYTE bit_test, search_direction, bit_number;
   BYTE last_zero, serial_byte_number, next_result;
   BYTE serial_byte_mask;
   BYTE lastcrc8;


   // initialize for search
   bit_number = 1;
   last_zero = 0;
   serial_byte_number = 0;
   serial_byte_mask = 1;
   next_result = 0;
   setcrc8(portnum, 0);

   // if the last call was not the last one
   if(!owNetCurrent.LastDevice) {
     // check if reset first is requested
     if(do_reset) {
       // reset the 1-wire
       // if there are no parts on 1-wire, return FALSE
       if(!owTouchReset(owCurrentPortnum)) {
         // reset the search
         owNetCurrent.LastDiscrepancy       = 0;
         owNetCurrent.LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
         return FALSE;

     // If finding alarming devices issue a different command
     if(alarm_only) {
       owWriteByte(owCurrentPortnum, 0xEC);  // issue the alarming search command
     } else {
       owWriteByte(owCurrentPortnum, 0xF0);  // issue the search command

     //pause before beginning the search

     // loop to do the search
     do {
       // read a bit and its compliment
       bit_test  = owTouchBit(owCurrentPortnum, 1) << 1;
       bit_test |= owTouchBit(owCurrentPortnum, 1);

       // check for no devices on 1-wire
       if(bit_test == 3) {

       // all devices coupled have 0 or 1
       if(bit_test > 0) {
         search_direction = !(bit_test & 0x01);  // bit write value for search
       } else {
         // if this discrepancy if before the Last Discrepancy
         // on a previous next then pick the same as last time
         if(bit_number < owNetCurrent.LastDiscrepancy) {
           search_direction = ((owNetCurrent.SerialNum[serial_byte_number] & serial_byte_mask) > 0);
         } else {
           // if equal to last pick 1, if not then pick 0
           search_direction = (bit_number == owNetCurrent.LastDiscrepancy);
         // if 0 was picked then record its position in LastZero
         if(search_direction == 0) {
           last_zero = bit_number;

           // check for Last discrepancy in family
           if(last_zero < 9) {
             owNetCurrent.LastFamilyDiscrepancy = last_zero;

       // set or clear the bit in the SerialNum byte serial_byte_number
       // with mask serial_byte_mask
       if(search_direction == 1) {
         owNetCurrent.SerialNum[serial_byte_number] |= serial_byte_mask;
       } else {
         owNetCurrent.SerialNum[serial_byte_number] &= ~serial_byte_mask;
       // serial number search direction write bit
       owTouchBit(owCurrentPortnum, search_direction);

       // increment the byte counter bit_number
       // and shift the mask serial_byte_mask
       serial_byte_mask <<= 1;

       // if the mask is 0 then go to new SerialNum byte serial_byte_number
       // and reset mask
       if(serial_byte_mask == 0) {
         lastcrc8 = docrc8(owCurrentPortnum, owNetCurrent.SerialNum[serial_byte_number]);  // accumulate the CRC
         serial_byte_mask = 1;
     } while(serial_byte_number < 8);  // loop until through all SerialNum bytes 0-7

     // if the search was successful then
     if(!((bit_number < 65) || lastcrc8)) {
       // search successful so set LastDiscrepancy, LastDevice, next_result
       owNetCurrent.LastDiscrepancy = last_zero;
       if(last_zero == 0) {
         owNetCurrent.LastDevice = TRUE;
       } else {
         owNetCurrent.LastDevice = FALSE;
//         owNetCurrent.LastDevice = (last_zero == 0);
       next_result = TRUE;

   // if no device found then reset counters so next 'next' will be
   // like a first
   if(!next_result || !owNetCurrent.SerialNum[0]) {
     owNetCurrent.LastDiscrepancy = 0;
     owNetCurrent.LastDevice = FALSE;
     owNetCurrent.LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0;
     next_result = FALSE;

   return next_result;