Example #1
// Write_Page:
// Write a page to a Touch Memory at a provided location (pg).
// portnum    the port number of the port being used for the
//            1-Wire Network.
// SNum       the serial number for the part that the read is
//            to be done on.
// buff       location of the write data
// pg         page number to write the packet
// len        the length of the packet
SMALLINT Write_Page(int portnum, uchar *SNum, uchar *buff, PAGE_TYPE pg, int len) 
	SMALLINT  bank;
	PAGE_TYPE page;
   uchar     addpg;
   // check for length too long for a page
   if (len > 29)
   	return FALSE;

   // Are program jobs possible
   // is there a job that has been opened 
         return TRUE;
   bank = getBank(portnum,SNum,pg,REGMEM);
   page = getPage(portnum,SNum,pg,REGMEM);

   	return FALSE;
		addpg = AddPage(portnum,SNum,pg,buff,len);
	return TRUE;
Example #2
 * Write a UDP packet to the specified page in the
 * provided PagedMemoryBank.
 * bank    PagedMemoryBank to write packet to
 * portnum port number for the device
 * SNum    serial number for the device
 * pg      page number to write packet to
 * data    data to write in a byte array
 * length  length of the data to be written
 * @return 'true' if the packet was written.
SMALLINT bankWritePacket(SMALLINT bank, int portnum, uchar SNum[8],
                         int pg, uchar *data, int length)
      return FALSE;

   printf("wrote packet length %d on page %d\n",length,pg);

   return TRUE;