Example #1
 * @brief VSpline constructor.
 * @param p1 first point spline.
 * @param p4 last point spline.
 * @param angle1 angle from first point to first control point.
 * @param angle2 angle from second point to second control point.
 * @param kCurve coefficient of curvature spline.
 * @param kAsm1 coefficient of length first control line.
 * @param kAsm2 coefficient of length second control line.
VSpline::VSpline (VPointF p1, VPointF p4, qreal angle1, qreal angle2, qreal kAsm1, qreal kAsm2, qreal kCurve,
                  quint32 idObject, Draw mode)
    :VAbstractCurve(GOType::Spline, idObject, mode), p1(p1), p2(QPointF()), p3(QPointF()), p4(p4), angle1(angle1),
      angle2(angle2), kAsm1(kAsm1), kAsm2(kAsm2), kCurve(kCurve)

    this->p1 = p1;
    this->p4 = p4;
    this->angle1 = angle1;
    this->angle2 = angle2;
    this->kAsm1 = kAsm1;
    this->kAsm2 = kAsm2;
    this->kCurve = kCurve;

    qreal L = 0, radius = 0, angle = 90;
    QPointF point1 = GetP1().toQPointF();
    QPointF point4 = GetP4().toQPointF();
    radius = QLineF(point1, point4).length()/1.414213;//1.414213=sqrt(2);
    L = kCurve * radius * 4 / 3 * tan( angle * M_PI / 180.0 / 4 );
    QLineF p1p2(GetP1().x(), GetP1().y(), GetP1().x() + L * kAsm1, GetP1().y());
    QLineF p4p3(GetP4().x(), GetP4().y(), GetP4().x() + L * kAsm2, GetP4().y());
    this->p2 = p1p2.p2();
    this->p3 = p4p3.p2();
Example #2
void Path::addArcTo(const FloatPoint& p1, const FloatPoint& p2, float radius)
    FloatPoint p0(m_path.currentPosition());

    FloatPoint p1p0((p0.x() - p1.x()), (p0.y() - p1.y()));
    FloatPoint p1p2((p2.x() - p1.x()), (p2.y() - p1.y()));
    float p1p0_length = sqrtf(p1p0.x() * p1p0.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p0.y());
    float p1p2_length = sqrtf(p1p2.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p2.y() * p1p2.y());

    double cos_phi = (p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (p1p0_length * p1p2_length);

    // The points p0, p1, and p2 are on the same straight line (HTML5,
    // We could have used areCollinear() here, but since we're reusing
    // the variables computed above later on we keep this logic.
    if (qFuzzyCompare(qAbs(cos_phi), 1.0)) {

    float tangent = radius / tan(acos(cos_phi) / 2);
    float factor_p1p0 = tangent / p1p0_length;
    FloatPoint t_p1p0((p1.x() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.y()));

    FloatPoint orth_p1p0(p1p0.y(), -p1p0.x());
    float orth_p1p0_length = sqrt(orth_p1p0.x() * orth_p1p0.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * orth_p1p0.y());
    float factor_ra = radius / orth_p1p0_length;

    // angle between orth_p1p0 and p1p2 to get the right vector orthographic to p1p0
    double cos_alpha = (orth_p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (orth_p1p0_length * p1p2_length);
    if (cos_alpha < 0.f)
        orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y());

    FloatPoint p((t_p1p0.x() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.x()), (t_p1p0.y() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.y()));

    // calculate angles for addArc
    orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y());
    float sa = acos(orth_p1p0.x() / orth_p1p0_length);
    if (orth_p1p0.y() < 0.f)
        sa = 2 * piDouble - sa;

    // anticlockwise logic
    bool anticlockwise = false;

    float factor_p1p2 = tangent / p1p2_length;
    FloatPoint t_p1p2((p1.x() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.y()));
    FloatPoint orth_p1p2((t_p1p2.x() - p.x()), (t_p1p2.y() - p.y()));
    float orth_p1p2_length = sqrtf(orth_p1p2.x() * orth_p1p2.x() + orth_p1p2.y() * orth_p1p2.y());
    float ea = acos(orth_p1p2.x() / orth_p1p2_length);
    if (orth_p1p2.y() < 0)
        ea = 2 * piDouble - ea;
    if ((sa > ea) && ((sa - ea) < piDouble))
        anticlockwise = true;
    if ((sa < ea) && ((ea - sa) > piDouble))
        anticlockwise = true;


    addArc(p, radius, sa, ea, anticlockwise);
Example #3
void InputCommandTemplateUnitTests::run()
    assert( test1(L"", 1, L"") );
    assert( test1(L"aaaa;#bbbb dd ff gg;cccc", 3, L"aaaa", L"#bbbb dd ff gg", L"cccc") );
    assert( test1(L"  {aaaa \"fff;vvv\" {'':; }gg}", 1, L"  aaaa \"fff;vvv\" {'':; }gg" ) );
    assert( test1(L"#abc {asdasd};  def xxx;  #eee 'aaa' 'bbb' ", 3, L"#abc {asdasd}", L"  def xxx", L"#eee 'aaa' 'bbb' ") );
    assert( test1(L" #ddd {fff} 'f;f{f;f}f;f' {{fd;fd}f;f}", 1, L"#ddd {fff} 'f;f{f;f}f;f' {{fd;fd}f;f}") );
    assert( test1(L"#ddd {fff} ; {ffff 'f;f{f;f}f;f'}", 2, L"#ddd {fff} ", L" ffff 'f;f{f;f}f;f'") );
    assert( test1(L"#bbb '{};fff;\"aaa\"'", 1, L"#bbb '{};fff;\"aaa\"'") );

    InputCommands g1;
    g1.push_back(makecmd(false, L" ", L"", L" ", 0));
    assert(test2(L" ", 0, &g1));

    InputCommands g2;
    g2.push_back(makecmd(false, L"тест", L"  123 456  789", L"тест", 3, L"  123", L" 456", L"  789" ));
    assert(test2(L"тест  123 456  789", 3, &g2));

    InputCommands g3;
    g3.push_back(makecmd(false, L"тест2", L" aaa  bbb  ccc  ", L"тест2", 4, L" aaa", L"  bbb", L"  ccc", L"  "));
    assert(test2(L"тест2 aaa  bbb  ccc  ", 4, &g3));

    InputCommands t1;
    t1.push_back( makecmd(true, L"# wout", L" 1 test test2", L" wout", 3, L"1", L"test", L"test2") );
    assert( test2(L"# wout 1 test test2", 0, &t1) );

    InputCommands t2;
    t2.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#wout", L" 1 {red} blue", L"wout", 3, L"1", L"red", L"blue"));
    assert(test2(L"#wout 1 {red} blue", 0, &t2));

    InputCommands t3;
    t3.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#wout", L" 'a;b;c\"\"'", L"wout", 1, L"a;b;c\"\""));
    t3.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#ex", L" {v;d's}", L"ex", 1, L"v;d's"));
    assert(test2(L"#wout 'a;b;c\"\"';#ex {v;d's}", 0, &t3));

    InputCommands t4;
    t4.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#wout", L" %0", L"wout", 1, param0));
    assert(test2(L"#wout %0", 0, &t4));

    InputCommands t5;
    tstring p1p2(param1);
    t5.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#test", L" '%1%2' %3 %4 %0", L"test", 4, p1p2.c_str(), param3, param4, param0));
    assert(test2(L"#test '%1%2' %3 %4 %0", 4, &t5));

    InputCommands t6;
    t6.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#wait", L" 1.2 {#out {light red} {Время идти!};встать}", L"wait", 2, L"1.2", L"#out {light red} {Время идти!};встать"));
    assert(test2(L"#wait 1.2 {#out {light red} {Время идти!};встать}", 2, &t6));
Example #4
// cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
QVector<QPointF> VSpline::SplinePoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p4, qreal angle1, qreal angle2, qreal kAsm1,
                                       qreal kAsm2, qreal kCurve)
    QLineF p1pX(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.x() + 100, p1.y());
    p1pX.setAngle( angle1 );
    qreal L = 0, radius = 0, angle = 90;
    radius = QLineF(QPointF(p1.x(), p4.y()), p4).length();
    L = kCurve * radius * 4 / 3 * tan( angle * M_PI / 180.0 / 4 );
    QLineF p1p2(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.x() + L * kAsm1, p1.y());
    QLineF p4p3(p4.x(), p4.y(), p4.x() + L * kAsm2, p4.y());
    QPointF p2 = p1p2.p2();
    QPointF p3 = p4p3.p2();
    return GetPoints(p1, p2, p3, p4);
smReal Distance(QLineF line, QPointF point)
    QPointF p1 = line.p1();
    QPointF p2 = line.p2();
    smReal upperDistanceQuad = (
        Quad( point.x() - p1.x() ) +
        Quad( point.y() - p1.y() )
    smReal lowerDistanceQuad = (
        Quad( point.x() - p2.x() ) +
        Quad( point.y() - p2.y() )
    smReal lineLenghtQuad = (
        Quad( p1.x() - p2.x() ) +
        Quad( p1.y() - p2.y() )
    if (upperDistanceQuad > lowerDistanceQuad + lineLenghtQuad)
        return sqrt(lowerDistanceQuad);
    if (lowerDistanceQuad > upperDistanceQuad + lineLenghtQuad)
        return sqrt(upperDistanceQuad);
    QLineF p1p2(p1,p2);
    smReal m = getRectM(p1p2);// (p2.y()-p1.y()) / (p2.x() -p1.x());
    smReal q = getRectQ(p1p2,m);// p1.y() -(p1.x()*m);
    smReal heightToPoint = (
        //distanza punto retta ->  |y0 -m*x0 -q |/ sqrt(1+m*m)
        abs(point.y() - m*point.x() - q)
    return heightToPoint;
Example #6
template<typename PointInT> std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f>
pcl::TextureMapping<PointInT>::mapTexture2Face (
    const Eigen::Vector3f &p1, 
    const Eigen::Vector3f &p2, 
    const Eigen::Vector3f &p3)
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> tex_coordinates;
  // process for each face
  Eigen::Vector3f p1p2 (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1], p2[2] - p1[2]);
  Eigen::Vector3f p1p3 (p3[0] - p1[0], p3[1] - p1[1], p3[2] - p1[2]);
  Eigen::Vector3f p2p3 (p3[0] - p2[0], p3[1] - p2[1], p3[2] - p2[2]);

  // Normalize
  p1p2 = p1p2 / std::sqrt (p1p2.dot (p1p2));
  p1p3 = p1p3 / std::sqrt (p1p3.dot (p1p3));
  p2p3 = p2p3 / std::sqrt (p2p3.dot (p2p3));

  // compute vector normal of a face
  Eigen::Vector3f f_normal = p1p2.cross (p1p3);
  f_normal = f_normal / std::sqrt (f_normal.dot (f_normal));

  // project vector field onto the face: vector v1_projected = v1 - Dot(v1, n) * n;
  Eigen::Vector3f f_vector_field = vector_field_ - vector_field_.dot (f_normal) * f_normal;

  // Normalize
  f_vector_field = f_vector_field / std::sqrt (f_vector_field.dot (f_vector_field));

  // texture coordinates
  Eigen::Vector2f tp1, tp2, tp3;

  double alpha = std::acos (f_vector_field.dot (p1p2));

  // distance between 3 vertices of triangles
  double e1 = (p2 - p3).norm () / f_;
  double e2 = (p1 - p3).norm () / f_;
  double e3 = (p1 - p2).norm () / f_;

  // initialize
  tp1[0] = 0.0;
  tp1[1] = 0.0;

  tp2[0] = static_cast<float> (e3);
  tp2[1] = 0.0;

  // determine texture coordinate tp3;
  double cos_p1 = (e2 * e2 + e3 * e3 - e1 * e1) / (2 * e2 * e3);
  double sin_p1 = sqrt (1 - (cos_p1 * cos_p1));

  tp3[0] = static_cast<float> (cos_p1 * e2);
  tp3[1] = static_cast<float> (sin_p1 * e2);

  // rotating by alpha (angle between V and pp1 & pp2)
  Eigen::Vector2f r_tp2, r_tp3;
  r_tp2[0] = static_cast<float> (tp2[0] * std::cos (alpha) - tp2[1] * std::sin (alpha));
  r_tp2[1] = static_cast<float> (tp2[0] * std::sin (alpha) + tp2[1] * std::cos (alpha));

  r_tp3[0] = static_cast<float> (tp3[0] * std::cos (alpha) - tp3[1] * std::sin (alpha));
  r_tp3[1] = static_cast<float> (tp3[0] * std::sin (alpha) + tp3[1] * std::cos (alpha));

  // shifting
  tp1[0] = tp1[0];
  tp2[0] = r_tp2[0];
  tp3[0] = r_tp3[0];
  tp1[1] = tp1[1];
  tp2[1] = r_tp2[1];
  tp3[1] = r_tp3[1];

  float min_x = tp1[0];
  float min_y = tp1[1];
  if (min_x > tp2[0])
    min_x = tp2[0];
  if (min_x > tp3[0])
    min_x = tp3[0];
  if (min_y > tp2[1])
    min_y = tp2[1];
  if (min_y > tp3[1])
    min_y = tp3[1];

  if (min_x < 0)
    tp1[0] = tp1[0] - min_x;
    tp2[0] = tp2[0] - min_x;
    tp3[0] = tp3[0] - min_x;
  if (min_y < 0)
    tp1[1] = tp1[1] - min_y;
    tp2[1] = tp2[1] - min_y;
    tp3[1] = tp3[1] - min_y;

  tex_coordinates.push_back (tp1);
  tex_coordinates.push_back (tp2);
  tex_coordinates.push_back (tp3);
  return (tex_coordinates);
Example #7
void Path::addArcTo(const FloatPoint& p1, const FloatPoint& p2, float radius)
    if (isEmpty())

    cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context();

    double x0, y0;
    cairo_get_current_point(cr, &x0, &y0);
    FloatPoint p0(x0, y0);

    // Draw only a straight line to p1 if any of the points are equal or the radius is zero
    // or the points are collinear (triangle that the points form has area of zero value).
    if ((p1.x() == p0.x() && p1.y() == p0.y()) || (p1.x() == p2.x() && p1.y() == p2.y()) || !radius
        || !areaOfTriangleFormedByPoints(p0, p1, p2)) {
        cairo_line_to(cr, p1.x(), p1.y());

    FloatPoint p1p0((p0.x() - p1.x()),(p0.y() - p1.y()));
    FloatPoint p1p2((p2.x() - p1.x()),(p2.y() - p1.y()));
    float p1p0_length = sqrtf(p1p0.x() * p1p0.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p0.y());
    float p1p2_length = sqrtf(p1p2.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p2.y() * p1p2.y());

    double cos_phi = (p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (p1p0_length * p1p2_length);
    // all points on a line logic
    if (cos_phi == -1) {
        cairo_line_to(cr, p1.x(), p1.y());
    if (cos_phi == 1) {
        // add infinite far away point
        unsigned int max_length = 65535;
        double factor_max = max_length / p1p0_length;
        FloatPoint ep((p0.x() + factor_max * p1p0.x()), (p0.y() + factor_max * p1p0.y()));
        cairo_line_to(cr, ep.x(), ep.y());

    float tangent = radius / tan(acos(cos_phi) / 2);
    float factor_p1p0 = tangent / p1p0_length;
    FloatPoint t_p1p0((p1.x() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.y()));

    FloatPoint orth_p1p0(p1p0.y(), -p1p0.x());
    float orth_p1p0_length = sqrt(orth_p1p0.x() * orth_p1p0.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * orth_p1p0.y());
    float factor_ra = radius / orth_p1p0_length;

    // angle between orth_p1p0 and p1p2 to get the right vector orthographic to p1p0
    double cos_alpha = (orth_p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (orth_p1p0_length * p1p2_length);
    if (cos_alpha < 0.f)
        orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y());

    FloatPoint p((t_p1p0.x() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.x()), (t_p1p0.y() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.y()));

    // calculate angles for addArc
    orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y());
    float sa = acos(orth_p1p0.x() / orth_p1p0_length);
    if (orth_p1p0.y() < 0.f)
        sa = 2 * piDouble - sa;

    // anticlockwise logic
    bool anticlockwise = false;

    float factor_p1p2 = tangent / p1p2_length;
    FloatPoint t_p1p2((p1.x() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.y()));
    FloatPoint orth_p1p2((t_p1p2.x() - p.x()),(t_p1p2.y() - p.y()));
    float orth_p1p2_length = sqrtf(orth_p1p2.x() * orth_p1p2.x() + orth_p1p2.y() * orth_p1p2.y());
    float ea = acos(orth_p1p2.x() / orth_p1p2_length);
    if (orth_p1p2.y() < 0)
        ea = 2 * piDouble - ea;
    if ((sa > ea) && ((sa - ea) < piDouble))
        anticlockwise = true;
    if ((sa < ea) && ((ea - sa) > piDouble))
        anticlockwise = true;

    cairo_line_to(cr, t_p1p0.x(), t_p1p0.y());

    addArc(p, radius, sa, ea, anticlockwise);
Example #8
void Path::addArcTo(const FloatPoint& p1, const FloatPoint& p2, float radius)
    FloatPoint p0(m_path->currentPosition());

    if ((p1.x() == p0.x() && p1.y() == p0.y()) || (p1.x() == p2.x() && p1.y() == p2.y()) || radius == 0.f) {

    FloatPoint p1p0((p0.x() - p1.x()),(p0.y() - p1.y()));
    FloatPoint p1p2((p2.x() - p1.x()),(p2.y() - p1.y()));
    float p1p0_length = sqrtf(p1p0.x() * p1p0.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p0.y());
    float p1p2_length = sqrtf(p1p2.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p2.y() * p1p2.y());

    double cos_phi = (p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (p1p0_length * p1p2_length);
    // all points on a line logic
    if (cos_phi == -1) {
    if (cos_phi == 1) {
        // add infinite far away point
        unsigned int max_length = 65535;
        double factor_max = max_length / p1p0_length;
        FloatPoint ep((p0.x() + factor_max * p1p0.x()), (p0.y() + factor_max * p1p0.y()));

    float tangent = radius / tan(acos(cos_phi) / 2);
    float factor_p1p0 = tangent / p1p0_length;
    FloatPoint t_p1p0((p1.x() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p0 * p1p0.y()));

    FloatPoint orth_p1p0(p1p0.y(), -p1p0.x());
    float orth_p1p0_length = sqrt(orth_p1p0.x() * orth_p1p0.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * orth_p1p0.y());
    float factor_ra = radius / orth_p1p0_length;

    // angle between orth_p1p0 and p1p2 to get the right vector orthographic to p1p0
    double cos_alpha = (orth_p1p0.x() * p1p2.x() + orth_p1p0.y() * p1p2.y()) / (orth_p1p0_length * p1p2_length);
    if (cos_alpha < 0.f)
        orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y());

    FloatPoint p((t_p1p0.x() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.x()), (t_p1p0.y() + factor_ra * orth_p1p0.y()));

    // calculate angles for addArc
    orth_p1p0 = FloatPoint(-orth_p1p0.x(), -orth_p1p0.y());
    float sa = acos(orth_p1p0.x() / orth_p1p0_length);
    if (orth_p1p0.y() < 0.f)
        sa = 2 * piDouble - sa;

    // anticlockwise logic
    bool anticlockwise = false;

    float factor_p1p2 = tangent / p1p2_length;
    FloatPoint t_p1p2((p1.x() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.x()), (p1.y() + factor_p1p2 * p1p2.y()));
    FloatPoint orth_p1p2((t_p1p2.x() - p.x()),(t_p1p2.y() - p.y()));
    float orth_p1p2_length = sqrtf(orth_p1p2.x() * orth_p1p2.x() + orth_p1p2.y() * orth_p1p2.y());
    float ea = acos(orth_p1p2.x() / orth_p1p2_length);
    if (orth_p1p2.y() < 0)
        ea = 2 * piDouble - ea;
    if ((sa > ea) && ((sa - ea) < piDouble))
        anticlockwise = true;
    if ((sa < ea) && ((ea - sa) > piDouble))
        anticlockwise = true;


    addArc(p, radius, sa, ea, anticlockwise);