Example #1
rc_t open_read_cursor (const VTable * table, const VCursor ** cursor,
                       uint32_t * idx1, uint32_t * idx2, uint32_t * idx3, uint32_t * idx4,
                       const char * name1, const char * name2, const char * name3, const char * name4)
    rc_t rc;

    rc = VTableCreateCursorRead (table, cursor);
    if (rc)
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to create Cursor");
            rc = VCursorAddColumn (*cursor, idx1, name1);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to add column $(C)", PLOG_S(C), name1);

            rc = VCursorAddColumn (*cursor, idx2, name2);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to add column $(C)", PLOG_S(C), name2);

            rc = VCursorAddColumn (*cursor, idx3, name3);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to add column $(C)", PLOG_S(C), name3);

            rc = VCursorAddColumn (*cursor, idx4, name4);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to add column $(C)", PLOG_S(C), name4);

            rc = VCursorOpen (*cursor);
            if (rc)
                LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to open cursor");

            return 0;
        while (0);

        VCursorRelease (*cursor);
    *idx1 = *idx2 = *idx3 = *idx4 = 0;
    *cursor = NULL;
    return rc;
Example #2
rc_t ProcessOneDoFile (ProcessOne * self)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    KFile * mfile;
    PLOGMSG (klogInfo, "ProcessOneDoFile: $(F)", PLOG_S(F), self->path);

    rc = KFileMakeNewMD5Read (&mfile, self->file, self->md5, self->path);
    if (rc == 0)
	const KFile * bfile;
	rc = KFileMakeBuf (&bfile, mfile, 64*1024);
	if (rc == 0)
	    /* add more here */

	    KFileRelease (bfile);
	    pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failure to initiate buffer $(F)", PLOG_S(F), self->path);
	    KFileRelease (mfile);
	pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failure to initiate MD5 summing $(F)", PLOG_S(F), self->path);

    return rc;
Example #3
rc_t CCCopyMake (CCCopy ** p, const KDirectory * in,  KDirectory * out, 
		  KDirectory * xml, bool force, KMD5SumFmt * md5,
		  CCFileFormat * ff, CCTree * tree, const char * path)
    rc_t rc;
    size_t pathlen;
    CCCopy * self;
    char relpath [4096];

    assert (in != NULL);
    assert (out != NULL);
    assert (xml != NULL);
    assert (path != NULL);

    rc = KDirectoryVResolvePath (in, false, relpath, sizeof relpath, path, NULL);
    if (rc != 0)
	pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "unable to resolve path $(P)", PLOG_S(P), path);
	return rc;
    if ((relpath[0] == '.') && (relpath[1] == '.') && (relpath[2] == '/'))
	rc = RC (rcExe, rcDirectory, rcResolving, rcPath, rcOutOfKDirectory);
	pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Path must resolve to current directory or subdirectories $(P)",
		 PLOG_S(P), relpath);
	return rc;

    pathlen = strlen(relpath);
    self = malloc (sizeof (*self) - sizeof (*self->path) + pathlen + 1);
    if (self == NULL)
	rc = RC (rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
	atomic32_set (&self->refcount, 1);
	KDirectoryAddRef (in);
	KDirectoryAddRef (out);
	KDirectoryAddRef (xml);
	KMD5SumFmtAddRef (md5);
	CCFileFormatAddRef (ff);
	self->in = in;
	self->out = out;
	self->xml = xml;
	self->force = force;
	self->md5 = md5;
	self->ff = ff;
	self->tree = tree;
	memcpy (self->path, relpath, pathlen+1);
	*p = self;
    return rc;
Example #4
rc_t open_write_cursor (VTable * table, VCursor ** cursor,
                        uint32_t * dat, uint32_t * len, 
                        const char * dat_name, const char* len_name)
    rc_t rc;

    rc = VTableCreateCursorWrite (table, cursor, kcmInsert);
    if (rc)
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to create Cursor");
        *cursor = NULL;
            rc = VCursorAddColumn (*cursor, dat, dat_name);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to add column $(C)", PLOG_S(C), dat_name);

            rc = VCursorAddColumn (*cursor, len, len_name);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to add column $(C)", PLOG_S(C), len_name);

            rc = VCursorOpen (*cursor);
            if (rc)
                LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to open cursor");

            return 0;
        while (0);
    VCursorRelease (*cursor);
    *dat = 0;
    *len = 0;
    *cursor = NULL;
    return rc;
Example #5
rc_t KMain (int argc, char *argv[])
    int ix;
    rc_t rc;

    if (argc != 1)
        for (ix = 1; ix < argc; ++ix)

/* might add logging and verbose options in the future */

            if ((strcmp (argv[ix], "-V") == 0) ||
                (strcmp (argv[ix], "--version") == 0))
                rc = KAppVersion();
            else if ((strcmp (argv[ix], "-?") == 0) ||
                     (strcmp (argv[ix], "-h") == 0) ||
                     (strcmp (argv[ix], "--help") == 0))
                Usage (argv[0]);

            if ((strcmp (argv[ix], "-v") == 0) ||
                (strcmp (argv[ix], "--verbose") == 0))
                verbose = true;
                rc = KAppVersion();

            if ((strcmp (argv[ix], "-k") == 0) ||
                (strcmp (argv[ix], "--iterations") == 0))
                Limit = atol (
                verbose = true;
                rc = KAppVersion();
                rc = RC (rcExe, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcUnknown);
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "unknown parameter $(p)", PLOG_S(p), argv[ix]);
                return rc;
    return run_tests ();
Example #6
rc_t KMain ( int argc, char *argv [] )
    VDBManager *vmgr;
    rc_t rc = VDBManagerMakeUpdate ( & vmgr, NULL );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to make update manager" );
        VSchema *vschema;
        rc = VDBManagerMakeSchema ( vmgr, & vschema );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to make empty schema" );
            const char *file = "align/align.vschema";
            VSchemaListSymtab ( vschema );
            rc = VSchemaParseFile ( vschema, "align/align.vschema" );
            VSchemaListSymtab ( vschema );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                pLOGERR ( klogErr, rc, "failed to parse schema file '$(file)'"
                          , "file=%s"
                          , file );
                VDatabase *vdb;
                const char *path = "test-ac-db";
                const char *typespec = "NCBI:align:db:alignment";
                rc = VDBManagerCreateDB ( vmgr, & vdb, vschema, typespec, kcmInit, path );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    pLOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to create '$(typespec)' db at '$(path)'"
                              , "typespec=%s,path=%s"
                              , typespec
                              , path
                    VTable *vtbl;
                    const char *member = "align";
                    path = member;
                    rc = VDatabaseCreateTable ( vdb, & vtbl, member, kcmInit, path );
                    if ( rc != 0 )
                        pLOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to create '$(member)' table at '$(path)'"
                                  , "member=%s,path=%s"
                                  , member
                                  , path
                        printf ( "done\n" );

                        VTableRelease ( vtbl );

                    VDatabaseRelease ( vdb );

            VSchemaRelease ( vschema );

        VDBManagerRelease ( vmgr );
    return rc;
Example #7
rc_t run_tests (void)
    VDBManager * mgr;
    rc_t rc;

    if (verbose)
        printf("%s call VDBManagerMakeUpdate\n", __func__);
    rc = VDBManagerMakeUpdate (&mgr, NULL);
    if (rc)
        LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "Failed to open VDBManager");
        return rc;
        VSchema  * schema;

        if (verbose)
            printf("%s call VDBManagerMakeSchema\n", __func__);
        rc = VDBManagerMakeSchema (mgr, &schema);
        printf("%s schema == %p\n", __func__, (void*)schema);
        if (rc)
            LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "Failed to make empty schema");
                printf("%s call VSchemaParseText\n", __func__);
            rc = VSchemaParseText (schema, "rowlen_schema", schema_text, string_size (schema_text));
            if (rc)
                LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "Failed to parse internal schema");
                int ix;

                for ( ix = 0; ix < 6; ++ix)
                    VTable * table;
                    rc_t orc;

                    if (verbose)
                        printf("%s call open_table\n", __func__);
                    rc = open_table (mgr, schema, &table);
                    if (rc)
                        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to open table");

                    if (verbose)
                        printf("%s call run_test\n", __func__);
                    rc = run_test (table, &tests[ix]);
                    if (rc)
                        pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed $(D)", PLOG_S(D), tests[ix].test_name);

                    if (verbose)
                        printf("%s call VTableRelease\n", __func__);
                    orc = VTableRelease (table);
                    if (orc)
                        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "failed to close table");
                    if (orc && (rc == 0))
                        rc = orc;
                    if (rc)

            if (verbose)
                printf("%s call VSchemaRelease\n", __func__);
            VSchemaRelease (schema);
        if (verbose)
            printf("%s call VDBManagerRelease\n", __func__);
        VDBManagerRelease (mgr);
    return rc;
Example #8
rc_t run_test (VTable * table, test_params * pb)
    VCursor * cursor;
    const VCursor * rcursor;
    int64_t ix;
    int64_t rowid;
    uint32_t dat;
    uint32_t len;
    uint32_t clen;
    uint32_t plen;
    rc_t rc;
    rc_t orc;
    uint8_t b [BUFSIZE];

    cursor = NULL;

        if (verbose)
            printf ("%s call open_write_cursot\n", __func__);
        rc = open_write_cursor (table, &cursor,
                                &dat, &len,
                                pb->dat_name, pb->len_name);
        if (rc)
            LOGERR (klogDebug1, rc, "failed to create write cursor");
            cursor = NULL;
        for (ix = 0; ix < Limit; ++ix)
            if (verbose)
                printf ("%s call VCursorOpenRow\n", __func__);
            rc = VCursorOpenRow (cursor);
            if (rc)
                LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Failed to Open Cursor");
                uint32_t c[1];

                pb->func(ix, b, c);
                if (verbose)
                    printf ("%s call VCursorWrite %" LD64 "\n", __func__, ix);
                rc = VCursorWrite (cursor, dat, pb->bits, b, 0, *c);
                if (rc)
                    pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Write fail dat row $(R)", PLOG_I64(R), ix);

                if (verbose)
                    printf ("%s call VCursorWrite %" LD64 "\n", __func__, ix);
                rc = VCursorWrite (cursor, len, 32, &c, 0, 1);
                if (rc)
                    pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Write fail len row $(R)", PLOG_I64(R), ix);

                if (verbose)
                    printf ("%s call VCursorCommitRow\n", __func__);
                rc = VCursorCommitRow (cursor);
                if (rc)
                    pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Commit fail row $(R)", PLOG_I64(R), ix);

                if (verbose)
                    printf ("%s call VCursorCloseRow\n", __func__);
                rc = VCursorCloseRow (cursor);
                if (rc)
                    pLOGERR (klogErr, orc, "Commit fail row $(R)", PLOG_I64(R), ix);
            if (rc)
        } /* for (ix = 0; ix < Limit; ++ix) */
        if (ix != Limit)
            fprintf (stderr, "Quit early %d\n", (int)ix);
        if (rc)
            pLOGERR (klogInfo, rc, "failed in loop $(T) $(R)", 
                     PLOG_2(PLOG_S(T),PLOG_I64(R)), pb->test_name, ix);
            if (verbose)
                printf ("%s call VCursorCommit\n", __func__);
            orc = VCursorCommit (cursor);
            if (orc && (rc == 0))
                rc = orc;
        if (verbose)
            printf ("%s call VCursorRelease\n", __func__);
        orc = VCursorRelease (cursor);
        if (orc && (rc == 0))
            rc = orc;
        if (rc)

        if (verbose)
            printf ("%s call open_read_cursor\n",__func__);
        rc = open_read_cursor (table, &rcursor, 
                               &len, &plen, &clen, &dat,
                               pb->len_name, pb->plen_name, pb->clen_name, pb->dat_name);
        if (rc)
            LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "failed to open read cursor");

        for (ix = 0; ix < Limit; ++ix)
            uint32_t l;
            uint32_t p;
            uint32_t c;
            uint32_t r;
            uint32_t x;

            rc = VCursorRowId (rcursor, &rowid);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "failed to get rowid $(R)", PLOG_I64(R), ix);

            if (rowid != ix+1)
                fprintf (stderr, "ROWID failure %" LD64 ":%" LD64 "\n", ix, rowid);
                failed = true;

            rc = VCursorOpenRow (rcursor);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "failed to open row $(R)", PLOG_I64(R), ix);

            rc = VCursorRead (rcursor, len, 32, &l, 1, &r);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "failed to read column $(N) $(R)", PLOG_2(PLOG_S(N),PLOG_I64(R)), pb->len_name, ix);

            rc = VCursorRead (rcursor, clen, 32, &c, 1, &r);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "failed to read column $(N) $(R)", PLOG_2(PLOG_S(N),PLOG_I64(R)), pb->clen_name, ix);

            rc = VCursorRead (rcursor, plen, 32, &p, 1, &r);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "failed to read column $(N) $(R)", PLOG_2(PLOG_S(N),PLOG_I64(R)), pb->plen_name, ix);

/*            rc = VCursorReadBits (rcursor, dat, pb->bits, 0, b, 0, (BUFSIZE*8)/pb->bits, &r, &x);
            if (rc)
                pLOGERR (klogErr, rc, "failed to read column $(N) $(R)", PLOG_2(PLOG_S(N),PLOG_I64(R)), pb->dat_name, ix);

            VCursorCloseRow (rcursor);

            if (l != p)
                fprintf (stderr, "error in physical column row_len() %u != %u\n", l, p);
                failed = true;
            if (l != c)
                fprintf (stderr, "error in physical column row_len() %u != %u\n", l, c);
                failed = true;

        if (verbose)
            printf ("%s call VCursorRelease\n",__func__);
        orc = VCursorRelease (rcursor);
        if (orc)
            LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "release was funky");
        if (orc && (rc == 0))
            rc = orc;
        if (rc)

    while (0);
    return rc;
Example #9
rc_t CCCopyDoFile (CCCopy * self)
    const KFile * original;
    rc_t rc = 0;
    enum KCreateMode mode;
    PLOGMSG (klogDebug9, "CCCopyDoFile $(f)", PLOG_S(f), self->path);

    if (! self->force)
	/* if not forced replace mode we fail on existing file */
	mode = kcmCreate;
	uint32_t tt;

	tt = KDirectoryPathType (self->out, self->path);
	switch (tt)
	    PLOGMSG (klogWarn, "File exists and will be replaced in output directory $(f)",
		     PLOG_S(f), self->path);
	    /* if the path to the file or the file do not exist no warning */
	case kptNotFound:
	case kptBadPath:
	tt = KDirectoryPathType (self->xml, self->path);
	switch (tt)
	    PLOGMSG (klogWarn, "File exists and might be replaced in xml directory $(f)",
		     PLOG_S(f), self->path);
	    /* if the path to the file or the file do not exist no warning */
	case kptNotFound:
	case kptBadPath:

	/* forced mode we create with init instead of create forcing a delete/create effect */
	mode = kcmInit;

    /* open original source for read */
    rc = KDirectoryVOpenFileRead (self->in, &original, self->path, NULL);
    if (rc == 0)
	KFile * copy;

	/* create copy output for write */
	rc = KDirectoryVCreateFile (self->out, &copy, false, 0644, mode|kcmParents,
				    self->path, NULL);
	if (rc == 0)
	    KFile * fm;

	    /* create parallel <path>.md5 */
	    rc = KDirectoryCreateFile (self->out, &fm, true, 0644, mode, "%s.md5",
	    if (rc == 0)
		KMD5SumFmt * md5f;

		/* make the .md5 an MD5 sum format file */
		rc = KMD5SumFmtMakeUpdate (&md5f, fm);
		if (rc == 0)
		    union u
			KFile * kf;
			KMD5File * mf;
		    } outf;

		    /* combine the copy and MD5 file into our special KFile */
		    rc = KMD5FileMakeWrite (&outf.mf, copy, md5f, self->path);
		    if (rc == 0)
			const KFile * inf;

			/* release this outside reference to the MD5SumFMT leaving
			 * only the one internal to the KMD5File */
			KMD5SumFmtRelease (md5f);

			/* create the KTeeFile that copies reads from the
			 * original as writes to the copy.  Reads will be
			 * made by the cataloging process */
			rc = KFileMakeTeeRead (&inf, original, outf.kf);
			if (rc == 0)
			    CCCat * po;
			    KTime_t mtime;

			    /* try to get a modification time for this pathname */
			    rc = KDirectoryVDate (self->in, &mtime, self->path, NULL);
			    if (rc != 0)
				mtime = 0;	/* default to ? 0? */

			    /* create the cataloger giving it the infile which
			     * is the KTeeFile, Indirectory, the XML directory,
			     * and the original path for the file */

			    rc = CCCatMake (&po, self->in, self->xml, inf, self->md5,
					    self->ff, mtime, self->tree, false, 0, self->path);
			    if (rc == 0)
				/* do the catalog (and thus copy) */
				rc = CCCatDo(po);
				/* release the cataloger object */
				CCCatRelease (po);
				pLOGERR (klogDebug6, rc, "failure in CCCatMake $(P)",
				     PLOG_S(P), self->path);
			    /* release the infile which will complete a  copy 
			     * regardless of the state of the cataloger */
			    KFileRelease (inf);
/* 			    return rc; */
			    KFileRelease (outf.kf);
			    KFileRelease (original);
			    pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with kfilemaketeeread $(P)",
				     PLOG_S(P), self->path);
			} /* rc = KFileMakeTeeRead (&inf, original, outf.kf);*/
			KFileRelease (copy);
			KMD5SumFmtRelease (md5f);
			pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KMD5FileMakeWrite $(P)",
				 PLOG_S(P), self->path);
		    } /* KMD5FileMakeWrite (&outf.mf, copy, md5f, self->path); */
		} /* KDirectoryCreateFile (self->out, &fm, true, 0644, mode, "%s.md5", */
		    pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KMD5SumFmtMakeUpdate $(P)",
			     PLOG_S(P), self->path);

		KFileRelease (fm);
	    } /* KDirectoryCreateFile (self->out, &fm, true, 0644, mode, "%s.md5", */
		pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KDirectoryCreateFile $(P).md5",
			 PLOG_S(P), self->path);
	    KFileRelease (copy);
	} /* rc = KDirectoryVCreateFile (self->out, &copy, false, 0644, mode|kcmParents, */
	    pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KDirectoryVCreateFile $(P)",
		     PLOG_S(P), self->path);
	KFileRelease (original);
    } /* rc = KDirectoryVOpenFileRead (self->in, &original, self->path, NULL); */
	pLOGERR (klogDebug4, rc, "failure with KDirectoryVOpenFileRead $(pP)",
		 PLOG_S(P), self->path);
    return rc;