Example #1
void CConnection::LogOutgoing()
	if ( ! theApp.IsLogDisabled( MSG_DEBUG | MSG_FACILITY_OUTGOING ) )
		CLockedBuffer pOutput( GetOutput() );
		if ( pOutput->m_nLength )
			CStringA msg( (const char*)pOutput->m_pBuffer, pOutput->m_nLength );
			theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG | MSG_FACILITY_OUTGOING, _T("%s << %s"), (LPCTSTR)m_sAddress, (LPCTSTR)CString( msg ) );
Example #2
// Compress data and send it to the connected computer
BOOL CNeighbour::OnWrite()
	// If we're not sending compressed data to the remote computer, just call CConnection::OnWrite to send the output buffer
	if ( m_pZOutput == NULL ) return CConnection::OnWrite();	// Return the result and leave now

	// Start or continue using zlib with m_pZSInput and pStream pointers
	BOOL bNew = ( m_pZSOutput == NULL );		// Make bNew true if zlib compression isn't setup yet
	if ( bNew ) m_pZSOutput = new z_stream;		// Create a new z_stream structure and point m_pZSOutput and pStream at it

	// If we are starting to use zlib now
	if ( bNew )
		// Zero the z_stream structure and set it up for compression
		ZeroMemory( m_pZSOutput, sizeof(z_stream) );
		if ( deflateInit( m_pZSOutput, Settings.Connection.ZLibCompressionLevel ) != Z_OK )
			// There was an error setting up zlib, clean up and leave now
			delete m_pZSOutput;
			delete m_pZOutput;
			m_pZOutput = NULL;
			m_pZSOutput = NULL;
			return TRUE;	// Report success anyway

	CLockedBuffer pOutput( GetOutput() );

	// If there is data in the output buffer already
	if ( pOutput->m_nLength )
		// Send it to the other computer
		if ( pOutput->m_nLength )
			return TRUE;	// Return true if there is still more to send after this (do)

	// If it's been more than 2 seconds since we've flushed the compressed output buffer to the remote computer, set the flag to do it next
	const DWORD tNow = GetTickCount();
	if ( tNow >= m_tZOutput + Z_TIMER )
		m_bZFlush = TRUE;

	// Loop until all the data in ZOutput has been compressed into Output
	while ( ( m_pZOutput->m_nLength && ! pOutput->m_nLength )		// ZOutput has data to compress and Output is empty
		|| m_pZSOutput->avail_out == 0 )							// Or, zlib says it has no more room left (do)
		// Make sure the output buffer is 1 KB (do)
		if ( ! pOutput->EnsureBuffer( 1024u ) )
			return FALSE;

		// Tell zlib where the data to compress is, and where it should put the compressed data
		m_pZSOutput->next_in	= m_pZOutput->m_pBuffer;					// Start next_in and avail_in on the data in ZOutput
		m_pZSOutput->avail_in	= m_pZOutput->m_nLength;
		m_pZSOutput->next_out	= pOutput->m_pBuffer + pOutput->m_nLength;	// Start next_out and avail_out on the empty space in Output
		m_pZSOutput->avail_out	= pOutput->GetBufferSize() - pOutput->m_nLength;

		// Call zlib inflate to decompress the contents of m_pInput into the end of m_pZInput
		CBuffer::Deflate( m_pZSOutput, m_bZFlush ? Z_SYNC_FLUSH : Z_NO_FLUSH );		// Zlib adjusts next in, avail in, next out, and avail out to record what it did

		// Add the number of uncompressed bytes that zlib compressed to the m_nZOutput count
		m_nZOutput += m_pZOutput->m_nLength - m_pZSOutput->avail_in;

		// Remove the chunk that zlib compressed from the start of ZOutput
		m_pZOutput->Remove( m_pZOutput->m_nLength - m_pZSOutput->avail_in );

		// Set nOutput to the size of the new compressed block in the output buffer between the data already there, and the empty space afterwards
		int nOutput = ( pOutput->GetBufferSize() - pOutput->m_nLength ) - m_pZSOutput->avail_out;

		// Zlib compressed something
		if ( nOutput )
			// Add the new block to the length, and record when this happened
			pOutput->m_nLength += nOutput;
			m_tZOutput = tNow;
		else if ( m_bZFlush )
			// Zlib didn't compress anything, and the flush flag is true
			m_bZFlush = FALSE;		// Make the flush flag false

		// Send the contents of the output buffer to the remote computer

	return TRUE;
BOOL CUploadTransferDC::OnUpload(const std::string& strType, const std::string& strFilename, QWORD nOffset, QWORD nLength, const std::string& strOptions)
	ASSERT( m_pClient );

	if ( m_nState >= upsUploading )
		// Drop unsent data
		CLockedBuffer pOutput( m_pClient->GetOutput() );

		m_nState = upsRequest;


	m_sUserAgent = m_pClient->GetUserAgent();
	m_pHost = m_pClient->m_pHost;
	m_sAddress = m_pClient->m_sAddress;

	m_pClient->m_mInput.pLimit  = &Settings.Bandwidth.Request;
	m_pClient->m_mOutput.pLimit = &m_nBandwidth;

	m_tRequest = GetTickCount();

	BOOL bZip = ( strOptions.find("ZL1") != std::string::npos );

	if ( strType == "tthl" )
		m_bGet = FALSE;

		if ( strFilename.substr( 0, 4 ) == "TTH/" )
			Hashes::TigerHash oTiger;
			if ( oTiger.fromString( CA2W( strFilename.substr( 4 ).c_str() ) ) )
				CSingleLock oLock( &Library.m_pSection );
				if ( oLock.Lock( 1000 ) )
					if ( CLibraryFile* pFile = LibraryMaps.LookupFileByTiger( oTiger, TRUE, TRUE ) )
						if ( RequestTigerTree( pFile, nOffset, nLength ) )
							return TRUE;
	else if ( strType == "file" || strType =="get" )
		m_bGet = ( strType == "get" );

		if ( strFilename == "files.xml" || strFilename == "files.xml.bz2" )
			if ( RequestFileList( TRUE, bZip, strFilename, nOffset, nLength ) )
				return TRUE;
		else if ( strFilename.substr( 0, 4 ) == "TTH/" )
			Hashes::TigerHash oTiger;
			if ( oTiger.fromString( CA2W( strFilename.substr( 4 ).c_str() ) ) )
				CSingleLock oLock( &Library.m_pSection );
				if ( oLock.Lock( 1000 ) )
					if ( CLibraryFile* pFile = LibraryMaps.LookupFileByTiger( oTiger, TRUE, TRUE ) )
						if ( RequestFile( pFile, nOffset, nLength ) )
							return TRUE;
	else if ( strType == "list" )
		m_bGet = FALSE;

		if ( RequestFileList( FALSE, bZip, strFilename, nOffset, nLength ) )
			return TRUE;
	else if ( strType == "send" )
		if ( m_bGet )
			if ( m_pXML.GetCount() )
				// Send cached file list
				m_bGet = FALSE;

				StartSending( upsBrowse );

				m_pClient->Write( &m_pXML );


				return TRUE;
			else if ( SendFile() )
				// Send already requested file
				return TRUE;
		// else $Send without $Get
		// Invalid request type
		theApp.Message( MSG_ERROR, _T("DC++ Invalid request type from %s"), (LPCTSTR)m_sAddress );
		return FALSE;

	theApp.Message( MSG_ERROR, IDS_UPLOAD_FILENOTFOUND, (LPCTSTR)m_sAddress, (LPCTSTR)CA2CT( strFilename.c_str() ) );

	m_pClient->SendCommand( FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE );

	return TRUE;
Example #4
Logger::Test( )
    bool ok = true;
    cout << "Testing Logger" << endl;

    cout << "Five lines of log output should follow:" << endl;
    Talk( );

    ostringstream lss;
    cout << "log1.SetOutputStream( lss )" << endl;
    log1.SetOutputStream( lss );
    cout << "Two lines of log output (just [Two]) should follow:" << endl;
    Talk( );
    TESTCHECK( lss.str(),
               string( "[One] >>ALERT<< An alert\n"
                       "[One] ERROR: Can't do something\n"
                       "[One] Warning: This could be bad\n" ),
               &ok );

    cout << "log2.SetOutputStream( lss )" << endl;
    log2.SetOutputStream( lss );
    lss.str( "" );
    cout << "No more lines of log output outside of TESTCHECK." << endl;
    Talk( );
    TESTCHECK( lss.str(),
               string( "[One] >>ALERT<< An alert\n"
                       "[Two] >>ALERT<< Alert #2\n"
                       "[One] ERROR: Can't do something\n"
                       "[Two] ERROR: Uh oh!\n"
                       "[One] Warning: This could be bad\n" ),
               &ok );

    cout << "log2.SetVerbosity( Info )" << endl;
    log2.SetVerbosity( Logger::Info );
    lss.str( "" );
    Talk( );
    TESTCHECK( lss.str(),
               string( "[One] >>ALERT<< An alert\n"
                       "[Two] >>ALERT<< Alert #2\n"
                       "[One] ERROR: Can't do something\n"
                       "[Two] ERROR: Uh oh!\n"
                       "[One] Warning: This could be bad\n"
                       "[Two] Info: Interestingly...\n" ),
               &ok );

    cout << "log1.SetVerbosity( Error )" << endl;
    log1.SetVerbosity( Logger::Error );
    lss.str( "" );
    Talk( );
    TESTCHECK( lss.str(),
               string( "[One] >>ALERT<< An alert\n"
                       "[Two] >>ALERT<< Alert #2\n"
                       "[One] ERROR: Can't do something\n"
                       "[Two] ERROR: Uh oh!\n"
                       "[Two] Info: Interestingly...\n" ),
               &ok );

    shared_ptr< string > pStr2( new string );
    shared_ptr< OutputToString > pOutput( new OutputToString( pStr2 ) );
    cout << "log2.SetOutputFunc()" << endl;
    log2.SetOutputFunc( pOutput );
    lss.str( "" );
    Talk( );
    TESTCHECK( lss.str(),
               string( "[One] >>ALERT<< An alert\n"
                       "[One] ERROR: Can't do something\n" ),
               &ok );
    TESTCHECK( *pStr2,
               string( "(Two) {level 1} Alert #2\n"
                       "(Two) {level 3} Uh oh!\n"
                       "(Two) {level 6} Interestingly...\n" ),
               &ok );

    if ( ok )
        cout << "Logger PASSED." << endl << endl;
        cout << "Logger FAILED." << endl << endl;
    return ok;