void ClientMap::renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass) { DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); bool is_transparent_pass = pass == scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT; std::string prefix; if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID) prefix = "CM: solid: "; else prefix = "CM: transparent: "; /* This is called two times per frame, reset on the non-transparent one */ if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID) { m_last_drawn_sectors.clear(); } bool use_trilinear_filter = g_settings->getBool("trilinear_filter"); bool use_bilinear_filter = g_settings->getBool("bilinear_filter"); bool use_anisotropic_filter = g_settings->getBool("anisotropic_filter"); /* Get time for measuring timeout. Measuring time is very useful for long delays when the machine is swapping a lot. */ int time1 = time(0); /* Get animation parameters */ float animation_time = m_client->getAnimationTime(); int crack = m_client->getCrackLevel(); u32 daynight_ratio = m_client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio(); m_camera_mutex.Lock(); v3f camera_position = m_camera_position; v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction; f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov; m_camera_mutex.Unlock(); /* Get all blocks and draw all visible ones */ v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS); v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1); v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d; v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d; // Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later // Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed. v3s16 p_blocks_min( p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3); v3s16 p_blocks_max( p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1); u32 vertex_count = 0; u32 meshbuffer_count = 0; // For limiting number of mesh animations per frame u32 mesh_animate_count = 0; u32 mesh_animate_count_far = 0; // Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh u32 blocks_drawn = 0; // Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0; // Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0; /* Draw the selected MapBlocks */ { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, prefix+"drawing blocks", SPT_AVG); MeshBufListList drawbufs; for(std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator i = m_drawlist.begin(); i != m_drawlist.end(); ++i) { MapBlock *block = i->second; // If the mesh of the block happened to get deleted, ignore it if(block->mesh == NULL) continue; float d = 0.0; if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position, camera_direction, camera_fov, 100000*BS, &d) == false) { continue; } // Mesh animation { //JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex); MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh; assert(mapBlockMesh); // Pretty random but this should work somewhat nicely bool faraway = d >= BS*50; //bool faraway = d >= m_control.wanted_range * BS; if(mapBlockMesh->isAnimationForced() || !faraway || mesh_animate_count_far < (m_control.range_all ? 200 : 50)) { bool animated = mapBlockMesh->animate( faraway, animation_time, crack, daynight_ratio); if(animated) mesh_animate_count++; if(animated && faraway) mesh_animate_count_far++; } else { mapBlockMesh->decreaseAnimationForceTimer(); } } /* Get the meshbuffers of the block */ { //JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex); MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh; assert(mapBlockMesh); scene::SMesh *mesh = mapBlockMesh->getMesh(); assert(mesh); u32 c = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); for(u32 i=0; i<c; i++) { scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(i); buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER, use_trilinear_filter); buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER, use_bilinear_filter); buf->getMaterial().setFlag(video::EMF_ANISOTROPIC_FILTER, use_anisotropic_filter); const video::SMaterial& material = buf->getMaterial(); video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd = driver->getMaterialRenderer(material.MaterialType); bool transparent = (rnd && rnd->isTransparent()); if(transparent == is_transparent_pass) { if(buf->getVertexCount() == 0) errorstream<<"Block ["<<analyze_block(block) <<"] contains an empty meshbuf"<<std::endl; drawbufs.add(buf); } } } } std::list<MeshBufList> &lists = drawbufs.lists; int timecheck_counter = 0; for(std::list<MeshBufList>::iterator i = lists.begin(); i != lists.end(); ++i) { { timecheck_counter++; if(timecheck_counter > 50) { timecheck_counter = 0; int time2 = time(0); if(time2 > time1 + 4) { infostream<<"ClientMap::renderMap(): " "Rendering takes ages, returning." <<std::endl; return; } } } MeshBufList &list = *i; driver->setMaterial(list.m); for(std::list<scene::IMeshBuffer*>::iterator j = list.bufs.begin(); j != list.bufs.end(); ++j) { scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = *j; driver->drawMeshBuffer(buf); vertex_count += buf->getVertexCount(); meshbuffer_count++; } #if 0 /* Draw the faces of the block */ { //JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex); MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh; assert(mapBlockMesh); scene::SMesh *mesh = mapBlockMesh->getMesh(); assert(mesh); u32 c = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); bool stuff_actually_drawn = false; for(u32 i=0; i<c; i++) { scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(i); const video::SMaterial& material = buf->getMaterial(); video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd = driver->getMaterialRenderer(material.MaterialType); bool transparent = (rnd && rnd->isTransparent()); // Render transparent on transparent pass and likewise. if(transparent == is_transparent_pass) { if(buf->getVertexCount() == 0) errorstream<<"Block ["<<analyze_block(block) <<"] contains an empty meshbuf"<<std::endl; /* This *shouldn't* hurt too much because Irrlicht doesn't change opengl textures if the old material has the same texture. */ driver->setMaterial(buf->getMaterial()); driver->drawMeshBuffer(buf); vertex_count += buf->getVertexCount(); meshbuffer_count++; stuff_actually_drawn = true; } } if(stuff_actually_drawn) blocks_had_pass_meshbuf++; else blocks_without_stuff++; } #endif } } // ScopeProfiler // Log only on solid pass because values are the same if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID){ g_profiler->avg("CM: animated meshes", mesh_animate_count); g_profiler->avg("CM: animated meshes (far)", mesh_animate_count_far); } g_profiler->avg(prefix+"vertices drawn", vertex_count); if(blocks_had_pass_meshbuf != 0) g_profiler->avg(prefix+"meshbuffers per block", (float)meshbuffer_count / (float)blocks_had_pass_meshbuf); if(blocks_drawn != 0) g_profiler->avg(prefix+"empty blocks (frac)", (float)blocks_without_stuff / blocks_drawn); /*infostream<<"renderMap(): is_transparent_pass="******", rendered "<<vertex_count<<" vertices."<<std::endl;*/ }
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver) { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG); g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1); INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef(); for(std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator i = m_drawlist.begin(); i != m_drawlist.end(); ++i) { MapBlock *block = i->second; block->refDrop(); } m_drawlist.clear(); m_camera_mutex.Lock(); v3f camera_position = m_camera_position; v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction; f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov; m_camera_mutex.Unlock(); // Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements. // Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn. // Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever. camera_fov *= 1.2; v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS); v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1); v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d; v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d; // Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later // Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed. v3s16 p_blocks_min( p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3); v3s16 p_blocks_max( p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1); // Number of blocks in rendering range u32 blocks_in_range = 0; // Number of blocks occlusion culled u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0; // Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0; // Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to // rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in) u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0; // Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh u32 blocks_drawn = 0; // Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass //u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0; // Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn //u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0; for(std::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::iterator si = m_sectors.begin(); si != m_sectors.end(); ++si) { MapSector *sector = si->second; v2s16 sp = sector->getPos(); if(m_control.range_all == false) { if(sp.X < p_blocks_min.X || sp.X > p_blocks_max.X || sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z || sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z) continue; } std::list< MapBlock * > sectorblocks; sector->getBlocks(sectorblocks); /* Loop through blocks in sector */ u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0; std::list< MapBlock * >::iterator i; for(i=sectorblocks.begin(); i!=sectorblocks.end(); i++) { MapBlock *block = *i; /* Compare block position to camera position, skip if not seen on display */ float range = 100000 * BS; if(m_control.range_all == false) range = m_control.wanted_range * BS; float d = 0.0; if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position, camera_direction, camera_fov, range, &d) == false) { continue; } // This is ugly (spherical distance limit?) /*if(m_control.range_all == false && d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range) continue;*/ blocks_in_range++; /* Ignore if mesh doesn't exist */ { //JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex); if(block->mesh == NULL){ blocks_in_range_without_mesh++; continue; } } /* Occlusion culling */ // No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is // inside ground bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true; if(g_settings->getBool("free_move")){ MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes); if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE || nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2) occlusion_culling_enabled = false; } v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE; cpn += v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2); float step = BS*1; float stepfac = 1.1; float startoff = BS*1; float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42; v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0); s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1; u32 needed_count = 1; if( occlusion_culling_enabled && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) ) { blocks_occlusion_culled++; continue; } // This block is in range. Reset usage timer. block->resetUsageTimer(); // Limit block count in case of a sudden increase blocks_would_have_drawn++; if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks && m_control.range_all == false && d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS) continue; // Add to set block->refGrab(); m_drawlist[block->getPos()] = block; sector_blocks_drawn++; blocks_drawn++; } // foreach sectorblocks if(sector_blocks_drawn != 0) m_last_drawn_sectors.insert(sp); } m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn; m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn; g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled); if(blocks_in_range != 0) g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)", (float)blocks_in_range_without_mesh/blocks_in_range); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn); g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks); }
void ClientMap::renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass) { INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef(); //m_dout<<DTIME<<"Rendering map..."<<std::endl; DSTACK(__FUNCTION_NAME); bool is_transparent_pass = pass == scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT; std::string prefix; if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID) prefix = "CM: solid: "; else prefix = "CM: transparent: "; /* This is called two times per frame, reset on the non-transparent one */ if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID) { m_last_drawn_sectors.clear(); } /* Get time for measuring timeout. Measuring time is very useful for long delays when the machine is swapping a lot. */ int time1 = time(0); /* Get animation parameters */ float animation_time = m_client->getAnimationTime(); int crack = m_client->getCrackLevel(); u32 daynight_ratio = m_client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio(); m_camera_mutex.Lock(); v3f camera_position = m_camera_position; v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction; f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov; m_camera_mutex.Unlock(); /* Get all blocks and draw all visible ones */ v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS); v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1); v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d; v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d; // Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later // Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed. v3s16 p_blocks_min( p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3); v3s16 p_blocks_max( p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1); u32 vertex_count = 0; u32 meshbuffer_count = 0; // For limiting number of mesh animations per frame u32 mesh_animate_count = 0; u32 mesh_animate_count_far = 0; // Number of blocks in rendering range u32 blocks_in_range = 0; // Number of blocks occlusion culled u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0; // Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0; // Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to // rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in) u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0; // Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh u32 blocks_drawn = 0; // Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0; // Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0; /* Collect a set of blocks for drawing */ core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> drawset; { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, prefix+"collecting blocks for drawing", SPT_AVG); for(core::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::Iterator si = m_sectors.getIterator(); si.atEnd() == false; si++) { MapSector *sector = si.getNode()->getValue(); v2s16 sp = sector->getPos(); if(m_control.range_all == false) { if(sp.X < p_blocks_min.X || sp.X > p_blocks_max.X || sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z || sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z) continue; } core::list< MapBlock * > sectorblocks; sector->getBlocks(sectorblocks); /* Loop through blocks in sector */ u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0; core::list< MapBlock * >::Iterator i; for(i=sectorblocks.begin(); i!=sectorblocks.end(); i++) { MapBlock *block = *i; /* Compare block position to camera position, skip if not seen on display */ float range = 100000 * BS; if(m_control.range_all == false) range = m_control.wanted_range * BS; float d = 0.0; if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position, camera_direction, camera_fov, range, &d) == false) { continue; } // This is ugly (spherical distance limit?) /*if(m_control.range_all == false && d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range) continue;*/ blocks_in_range++; /* Ignore if mesh doesn't exist */ { //JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex); if(block->mesh == NULL){ blocks_in_range_without_mesh++; continue; } } /* Occlusion culling */ // No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is // inside ground bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true; if(g_settings->getBool("free_move")){ MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes); if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE || nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2) occlusion_culling_enabled = false; } v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE; cpn += v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2); float step = BS*1; float stepfac = 1.1; float startoff = BS*1; float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42; v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0); s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1; u32 needed_count = 1; if( occlusion_culling_enabled && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) ) { blocks_occlusion_culled++; continue; } // This block is in range. Reset usage timer. block->resetUsageTimer(); // Limit block count in case of a sudden increase blocks_would_have_drawn++; if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks && m_control.range_all == false && d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS) continue; // Mesh animation { //JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex); MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh; // Pretty random but this should work somewhat nicely bool faraway = d >= BS*50; //bool faraway = d >= m_control.wanted_range * BS; if(mapBlockMesh->isAnimationForced() || !faraway || mesh_animate_count_far < (m_control.range_all ? 200 : 50)) { bool animated = mapBlockMesh->animate( faraway, animation_time, crack, daynight_ratio); if(animated) mesh_animate_count++; if(animated && faraway) mesh_animate_count_far++; } else { mapBlockMesh->decreaseAnimationForceTimer(); } } // Add to set drawset[block->getPos()] = block; sector_blocks_drawn++; blocks_drawn++; } // foreach sectorblocks if(sector_blocks_drawn != 0) m_last_drawn_sectors[sp] = true; } } // ScopeProfiler /* Draw the selected MapBlocks */ { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, prefix+"drawing blocks", SPT_AVG); int timecheck_counter = 0; for(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::Iterator i = drawset.getIterator(); i.atEnd() == false; i++) { { timecheck_counter++; if(timecheck_counter > 50) { timecheck_counter = 0; int time2 = time(0); if(time2 > time1 + 4) { infostream<<"ClientMap::renderMap(): " "Rendering takes ages, returning." <<std::endl; return; } } } MapBlock *block = i.getNode()->getValue(); /* Draw the faces of the block */ { //JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex); MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh; assert(mapBlockMesh); scene::SMesh *mesh = mapBlockMesh->getMesh(); assert(mesh); u32 c = mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); bool stuff_actually_drawn = false; for(u32 i=0; i<c; i++) { scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(i); const video::SMaterial& material = buf->getMaterial(); video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd = driver->getMaterialRenderer(material.MaterialType); bool transparent = (rnd && rnd->isTransparent()); // Render transparent on transparent pass and likewise. if(transparent == is_transparent_pass) { if(buf->getVertexCount() == 0) errorstream<<"Block ["<<analyze_block(block) <<"] contains an empty meshbuf"<<std::endl; /* This *shouldn't* hurt too much because Irrlicht doesn't change opengl textures if the old material has the same texture. */ driver->setMaterial(buf->getMaterial()); driver->drawMeshBuffer(buf); vertex_count += buf->getVertexCount(); meshbuffer_count++; stuff_actually_drawn = true; } } if(stuff_actually_drawn) blocks_had_pass_meshbuf++; else blocks_without_stuff++; } } } // ScopeProfiler // Log only on solid pass because values are the same if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID){ g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled); if(blocks_in_range != 0) g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)", (float)blocks_in_range_without_mesh/blocks_in_range); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn); g_profiler->avg("CM: animated meshes", mesh_animate_count); g_profiler->avg("CM: animated meshes (far)", mesh_animate_count_far); } g_profiler->avg(prefix+"vertices drawn", vertex_count); if(blocks_had_pass_meshbuf != 0) g_profiler->avg(prefix+"meshbuffers per block", (float)meshbuffer_count / (float)blocks_had_pass_meshbuf); if(blocks_drawn != 0) g_profiler->avg(prefix+"empty blocks (frac)", (float)blocks_without_stuff / blocks_drawn); m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn; m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn; /*infostream<<"renderMap(): is_transparent_pass="******", rendered "<<vertex_count<<" vertices."<<std::endl;*/ }
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver, float dtime, unsigned int max_cycle_ms) { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG); //g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1); TimeTaker timer_step("ClientMap::updateDrawList"); INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef(); if (!m_drawlist_last) m_drawlist_current = !m_drawlist_current; auto & drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? m_drawlist_1 : m_drawlist_0; if (!max_cycle_ms) max_cycle_ms = 300/getControl().fps_wanted; m_camera_mutex.Lock(); v3f camera_position = m_camera_position; f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov; //v3s16 camera_offset = m_camera_offset; m_camera_mutex.Unlock(); // Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements. // Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn. // Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever. camera_fov *= 1.2; v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS); v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1); v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d; v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d; // Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later // Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed. v3s16 p_blocks_min( p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3); v3s16 p_blocks_max( p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1); // Number of blocks in rendering range u32 blocks_in_range = 0; // Number of blocks occlusion culled u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0; // Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0; // Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to // rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in) u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0; // Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh u32 blocks_drawn = 0; // Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass //u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0; // Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn //u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0; // Distance to farthest drawn block float farthest_drawn = 0; int m_mesh_queued = 0; bool free_move = g_settings->getBool("free_move"); float range_max = 100000 * BS; if(m_control.range_all == false) range_max = m_control.wanted_range * BS; if (draw_nearest.empty()) { //ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList() make list", SPT_AVG); TimeTaker timer_step("ClientMap::updateDrawList make list"); auto lock = m_blocks.try_lock_shared_rec(); if (!lock->owns_lock()) return; draw_nearest.clear(); for(auto & ir : m_blocks) { auto bp = ir.first; if(m_control.range_all == false) { if(bp.X < p_blocks_min.X || bp.X > p_blocks_max.X || bp.Z > p_blocks_max.Z || bp.Z < p_blocks_min.Z || bp.Y < p_blocks_min.Y || bp.Y > p_blocks_max.Y) continue; } v3s16 blockpos_nodes = bp * MAP_BLOCKSIZE; // Block center position v3f blockpos( ((float)blockpos_nodes.X + MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2) * BS, ((float)blockpos_nodes.Y + MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2) * BS, ((float)blockpos_nodes.Z + MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2) * BS ); f32 d = radius_box(blockpos, camera_position); //blockpos_relative.getLength(); if (d> range_max) continue; int range = d / (MAP_BLOCKSIZE * BS); draw_nearest.emplace_back(std::make_pair(bp, range)); } } const int maxq = 1000; // No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is // inside ground bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true; if(free_move) { MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes); if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE || nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2) occlusion_culling_enabled = false; } u32 calls = 0, end_ms = porting::getTimeMs() + u32(max_cycle_ms); std::unordered_map<v3POS, bool, v3POSHash, v3POSEqual> occlude_cache; while (!draw_nearest.empty()) { auto ir = draw_nearest.back(); auto bp = ir.first; int range = ir.second; draw_nearest.pop_back(); ++calls; //auto block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(bp); auto block = m_blocks.get(bp); if (!block) continue; int mesh_step = getFarmeshStep(m_control, getNodeBlockPos(cam_pos_nodes), bp); /* Compare block position to camera position, skip if not seen on display */ auto mesh = block->getMesh(mesh_step); if (mesh) mesh->updateCameraOffset(m_camera_offset); blocks_in_range++; auto smesh_size = block->mesh_size; /* Ignore if mesh doesn't exist */ { if(!mesh) { blocks_in_range_without_mesh++; if (m_mesh_queued < maxq || range <= 2) { m_client->addUpdateMeshTask(bp, false); ++m_mesh_queued; } continue; } if(mesh_step == mesh->step && block->getTimestamp() <= mesh->timestamp && !smesh_size) { blocks_in_range_without_mesh++; continue; } } /* Occlusion culling */ v3s16 cpn = bp * MAP_BLOCKSIZE; cpn += v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2); float step = BS*1; float stepfac = 1.2; float startoff = BS*1; float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE; //*1.42; //*1.42; v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0); s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1; u32 needed_count = 1; if( range > 1 && smesh_size && occlusion_culling_enabled && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) ) { blocks_occlusion_culled++; continue; } // This block is in range. Reset usage timer. block->resetUsageTimer(); // Limit block count in case of a sudden increase blocks_would_have_drawn++; /* if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks && m_control.range_all == false && d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS) continue; */ if (mesh_step != mesh->step && (m_mesh_queued < maxq*1.2 || range <= 2)) { m_client->addUpdateMeshTask(bp); ++m_mesh_queued; } if (block->getTimestamp() > mesh->timestamp + (smesh_size ? 0 : range >= 1 ? 60 : 5) && (m_mesh_queued < maxq*1.5 || range <= 2)) { m_client->addUpdateMeshTaskWithEdge(bp); ++m_mesh_queued; } if(!smesh_size) continue; mesh->incrementUsageTimer(dtime); // Add to set //block->refGrab(); block->resetUsageTimer(); drawlist.set(bp, block); blocks_drawn++; if(range * MAP_BLOCKSIZE > farthest_drawn) farthest_drawn = range * MAP_BLOCKSIZE; if (farthest_drawn > m_control.farthest_drawn) m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn; if (porting::getTimeMs() > end_ms) { break; } } m_drawlist_last = draw_nearest.size(); //if (m_drawlist_last) infostream<<"breaked UDL "<<m_drawlist_last<<" collected="<<drawlist.size()<<" calls="<<calls<<" s="<<m_blocks.size()<<" maxms="<<max_cycle_ms<<" fw="<<getControl().fps_wanted<<" morems="<<porting::getTimeMs() - end_ms<< " meshq="<<m_mesh_queued<<" occache="<<occlude_cache.size()<<std::endl; if (m_drawlist_last) return; //for (auto & ir : *m_drawlist) // ir.second->refDrop(); auto m_drawlist_old = !m_drawlist_current ? &m_drawlist_1 : &m_drawlist_0; m_drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? &m_drawlist_1 : &m_drawlist_0; m_drawlist_old->clear(); m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn; m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn; m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn; g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks total", m_blocks.size()); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled); if(blocks_in_range != 0) g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)", (float)blocks_in_range_without_mesh/blocks_in_range); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn); g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn); g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks); }
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver, float dtime) { ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG); //g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1); INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef(); if (!m_drawlist_last) m_drawlist_current = !m_drawlist_current; auto & drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? m_drawlist_1 : m_drawlist_0; float max_cycle_ms = 0.1/getControl().fps_wanted; u32 n = 0, calls = 0, end_ms = porting::getTimeMs() + max_cycle_ms; m_camera_mutex.Lock(); v3f camera_position = m_camera_position; v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction; f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov; v3s16 camera_offset = m_camera_offset; m_camera_mutex.Unlock(); // Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements. // Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn. // Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever. camera_fov *= 1.2; v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS); v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1); v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d; v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d; // Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later // Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed. v3s16 p_blocks_min( p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3, p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3); v3s16 p_blocks_max( p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1, p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1); // Number of blocks in rendering range u32 blocks_in_range = 0; // Number of blocks occlusion culled u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0; // Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0; // Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to // rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in) u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0; // Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh u32 blocks_drawn = 0; // Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass //u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0; // Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn //u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0; // Distance to farthest drawn block float farthest_drawn = 0; { auto lock = m_blocks.lock_shared_rec(); for(auto & ir : m_blocks) { if (n++ < m_drawlist_last) continue; else m_drawlist_last = 0; ++calls; MapBlock *block = ir.second; auto bp = block->getPos(); if(m_control.range_all == false) { if(bp.X < p_blocks_min.X || bp.X > p_blocks_max.X || bp.Z > p_blocks_max.Z || bp.Z < p_blocks_min.Z || bp.Y < p_blocks_min.Y || bp.Y > p_blocks_max.Y) continue; } int mesh_step = getFarmeshStep(m_control, getNodeBlockPos(cam_pos_nodes).getDistanceFrom(block->getPos())); /* Compare block position to camera position, skip if not seen on display */ if (block->getMesh(mesh_step) != NULL) block->getMesh(mesh_step)->updateCameraOffset(m_camera_offset); float range = 100000 * BS; if(m_control.range_all == false) range = m_control.wanted_range * BS; float d = 0.0; if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position, camera_direction, camera_fov, range, &d) == false) { continue; } // This is ugly (spherical distance limit?) /*if(m_control.range_all == false && d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range) continue;*/ blocks_in_range++; /* Ignore if mesh doesn't exist */ { //JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex); if(block->getMesh(mesh_step) == NULL){ blocks_in_range_without_mesh++; continue; } } /* Occlusion culling */ // No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is // inside ground bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true; if(g_settings->getBool("free_move")){ MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes); if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE || nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2) occlusion_culling_enabled = false; } v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE; cpn += v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2); float step = BS*1; float stepfac = 1.1; float startoff = BS*1; float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42; v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0); s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1; u32 needed_count = 1; if( occlusion_culling_enabled && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) && isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2), step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) ) { blocks_occlusion_culled++; continue; } // This block is in range. Reset usage timer. block->resetUsageTimer(); // Limit block count in case of a sudden increase blocks_would_have_drawn++; if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks && m_control.range_all == false && d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS) continue; if (m_control.farmesh && mesh_step != block->getMesh(mesh_step)->step) { //&& !block->mesh->transparent m_client->addUpdateMeshTask(block->getPos(), false, mesh_step == 1); } block->getMesh(mesh_step)->incrementUsageTimer(dtime); // Add to set block->refGrab(); drawlist[block->getPos()] = block; blocks_drawn++; if(d/BS > farthest_drawn) farthest_drawn = d/BS; if (porting::getTimeMs() > end_ms) { m_drawlist_last = n; break; } } } if (!calls) m_drawlist_last = 0; if (m_drawlist_last) return; for (auto & ir : *m_drawlist) ir.second->refDrop(); m_drawlist->clear(); m_drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? &m_drawlist_1 : &m_drawlist_0; m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn; m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn; m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn; g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled); if(blocks_in_range != 0) g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)", (float)blocks_in_range_without_mesh/blocks_in_range); g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn); g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn); g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks); }