int pa_sound_file_too_big_to_cache(const char *fname) { SNDFILE*sf = NULL; SF_INFO sfi; pa_sample_spec ss; pa_assert(fname); pa_zero(sfi); if (!(sf = sf_open(fname, SFM_READ, &sfi))) { pa_log("Failed to open file %s", fname); return -1; } if (pa_sndfile_read_sample_spec(sf, &ss) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to determine file sample format."); sf_close(sf); return -1; } sf_close(sf); if ((pa_frame_size(&ss) * (size_t) sfi.frames) > PA_SCACHE_ENTRY_SIZE_MAX) { pa_log("File too large: %s", fname); return 1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pa_mainloop* m = NULL; int ret = 1, c; char *bn, *server = NULL; pa_time_event *time_event = NULL; const char *filename = NULL; static const struct option long_options[] = { {"record", 0, NULL, 'r'}, {"playback", 0, NULL, 'p'}, {"device", 1, NULL, 'd'}, {"server", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"client-name", 1, NULL, 'n'}, {"stream-name", 1, NULL, ARG_STREAM_NAME}, {"version", 0, NULL, ARG_VERSION}, {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'}, {"volume", 1, NULL, ARG_VOLUME}, {"rate", 1, NULL, ARG_SAMPLERATE}, {"format", 1, NULL, ARG_SAMPLEFORMAT}, {"channels", 1, NULL, ARG_CHANNELS}, {"channel-map", 1, NULL, ARG_CHANNELMAP}, {"fix-format", 0, NULL, ARG_FIX_FORMAT}, {"fix-rate", 0, NULL, ARG_FIX_RATE}, {"fix-channels", 0, NULL, ARG_FIX_CHANNELS}, {"no-remap", 0, NULL, ARG_NO_REMAP}, {"no-remix", 0, NULL, ARG_NO_REMIX}, {"latency", 1, NULL, ARG_LATENCY}, {"process-time", 1, NULL, ARG_PROCESS_TIME}, {"property", 1, NULL, ARG_PROPERTY}, {"raw", 0, NULL, ARG_RAW}, {"file-format", 2, NULL, ARG_FILE_FORMAT}, {"list-file-formats", 0, NULL, ARG_LIST_FILE_FORMATS}, {"latency-msec", 1, NULL, ARG_LATENCY_MSEC}, {"process-time-msec", 1, NULL, ARG_PROCESS_TIME_MSEC}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, PULSE_LOCALEDIR); bn = pa_path_get_filename(argv[0]); if (strstr(bn, "play")) { mode = PLAYBACK; raw = FALSE; } else if (strstr(bn, "record")) { mode = RECORD; raw = FALSE; } else if (strstr(bn, "cat")) { mode = PLAYBACK; raw = TRUE; } if (strstr(bn, "rec") || strstr(bn, "mon")) { mode = RECORD; raw = TRUE; } proplist = pa_proplist_new(); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "rpd:s:n:hv", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h' : help(bn); ret = 0; goto quit; case ARG_VERSION: printf(_("pacat %s\n" "Compiled with libpulse %s\n" "Linked with libpulse %s\n"), PACKAGE_VERSION, pa_get_headers_version(), pa_get_library_version()); ret = 0; goto quit; case 'r': mode = RECORD; break; case 'p': mode = PLAYBACK; break; case 'd': pa_xfree(device); device = pa_xstrdup(optarg); break; case 's': pa_xfree(server); server = pa_xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'n': { char *t; if (!(t = pa_locale_to_utf8(optarg)) || pa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, t) < 0) { pa_log(_("Invalid client name '%s'"), t ? t : optarg); pa_xfree(t); goto quit; } pa_xfree(t); break; } case ARG_STREAM_NAME: { char *t; if (!(t = pa_locale_to_utf8(optarg)) || pa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME, t) < 0) { pa_log(_("Invalid stream name '%s'"), t ? t : optarg); pa_xfree(t); goto quit; } pa_xfree(t); break; } case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case ARG_VOLUME: { int v = atoi(optarg); volume = v < 0 ? 0U : (pa_volume_t) v; volume_is_set = TRUE; break; } case ARG_CHANNELS: sample_spec.channels = (uint8_t) atoi(optarg); sample_spec_set = TRUE; break; case ARG_SAMPLEFORMAT: sample_spec.format = pa_parse_sample_format(optarg); sample_spec_set = TRUE; break; case ARG_SAMPLERATE: sample_spec.rate = (uint32_t) atoi(optarg); sample_spec_set = TRUE; break; case ARG_CHANNELMAP: if (!pa_channel_map_parse(&channel_map, optarg)) { pa_log(_("Invalid channel map '%s'"), optarg); goto quit; } channel_map_set = TRUE; break; case ARG_FIX_CHANNELS: flags |= PA_STREAM_FIX_CHANNELS; break; case ARG_FIX_RATE: flags |= PA_STREAM_FIX_RATE; break; case ARG_FIX_FORMAT: flags |= PA_STREAM_FIX_FORMAT; break; case ARG_NO_REMIX: flags |= PA_STREAM_NO_REMIX_CHANNELS; break; case ARG_NO_REMAP: flags |= PA_STREAM_NO_REMAP_CHANNELS; break; case ARG_LATENCY: if (((latency = (size_t) atoi(optarg))) <= 0) { pa_log(_("Invalid latency specification '%s'"), optarg); goto quit; } break; case ARG_PROCESS_TIME: if (((process_time = (size_t) atoi(optarg))) <= 0) { pa_log(_("Invalid process time specification '%s'"), optarg); goto quit; } break; case ARG_LATENCY_MSEC: if (((latency_msec = (int32_t) atoi(optarg))) <= 0) { pa_log(_("Invalid latency specification '%s'"), optarg); goto quit; } break; case ARG_PROCESS_TIME_MSEC: if (((process_time_msec = (int32_t) atoi(optarg))) <= 0) { pa_log(_("Invalid process time specification '%s'"), optarg); goto quit; } break; case ARG_PROPERTY: { char *t; if (!(t = pa_locale_to_utf8(optarg)) || pa_proplist_setp(proplist, t) < 0) { pa_xfree(t); pa_log(_("Invalid property '%s'"), optarg); goto quit; } pa_xfree(t); break; } case ARG_RAW: raw = TRUE; break; case ARG_FILE_FORMAT: raw = FALSE; if (optarg) { if ((file_format = pa_sndfile_format_from_string(optarg)) < 0) { pa_log(_("Unknown file format %s."), optarg); goto quit; } } raw = FALSE; break; case ARG_LIST_FILE_FORMATS: pa_sndfile_dump_formats(); ret = 0; goto quit; default: goto quit; } } if (!pa_sample_spec_valid(&sample_spec)) { pa_log(_("Invalid sample specification")); goto quit; } if (optind+1 == argc) { int fd; filename = argv[optind]; if ((fd = open(argv[optind], mode == PLAYBACK ? O_RDONLY : O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0) { pa_log(_("open(): %s"), strerror(errno)); goto quit; } if (dup2(fd, mode == PLAYBACK ? STDIN_FILENO : STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) { pa_log(_("dup2(): %s"), strerror(errno)); goto quit; } pa_close(fd); } else if (optind+1 <= argc) { pa_log(_("Too many arguments.")); goto quit; } if (!raw) { SF_INFO sfi; pa_zero(sfi); if (mode == RECORD) { /* This might patch up the sample spec */ if (pa_sndfile_write_sample_spec(&sfi, &sample_spec) < 0) { pa_log(_("Failed to generate sample specification for file.")); goto quit; } /* Transparently upgrade classic .wav to wavex for multichannel audio */ if (file_format <= 0) { if ((sample_spec.channels == 2 && (!channel_map_set || ([0] == PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_LEFT &&[1] == PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_RIGHT))) || (sample_spec.channels == 1 && (!channel_map_set || ([0] == PA_CHANNEL_POSITION_MONO)))) file_format = SF_FORMAT_WAV; else file_format = SF_FORMAT_WAVEX; } sfi.format |= file_format; } if (!(sndfile = sf_open_fd(mode == RECORD ? STDOUT_FILENO : STDIN_FILENO, mode == RECORD ? SFM_WRITE : SFM_READ, &sfi, 0))) { pa_log(_("Failed to open audio file.")); goto quit; } if (mode == PLAYBACK) { if (sample_spec_set) pa_log(_("Warning: specified sample specification will be overwritten with specification from file.")); if (pa_sndfile_read_sample_spec(sndfile, &sample_spec) < 0) { pa_log(_("Failed to determine sample specification from file.")); goto quit; } sample_spec_set = TRUE; if (!channel_map_set) { /* Allow the user to overwrite the channel map on the command line */ if (pa_sndfile_read_channel_map(sndfile, &channel_map) < 0) { if (sample_spec.channels > 2) pa_log(_("Warning: Failed to determine channel map from file.")); } else channel_map_set = TRUE; } } } if (!channel_map_set) pa_channel_map_init_extend(&channel_map, sample_spec.channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_DEFAULT); if (!pa_channel_map_compatible(&channel_map, &sample_spec)) { pa_log(_("Channel map doesn't match sample specification")); goto quit; } if (!raw) { pa_proplist *sfp; if (mode == PLAYBACK) readf_function = pa_sndfile_readf_function(&sample_spec); else { if (pa_sndfile_write_channel_map(sndfile, &channel_map) < 0) pa_log(_("Warning: failed to write channel map to file.")); writef_function = pa_sndfile_writef_function(&sample_spec); } /* Fill in libsndfile prop list data */ sfp = pa_proplist_new(); pa_sndfile_init_proplist(sndfile, sfp); pa_proplist_update(proplist, PA_UPDATE_MERGE, sfp); pa_proplist_free(sfp); } if (verbose) { char tss[PA_SAMPLE_SPEC_SNPRINT_MAX], tcm[PA_CHANNEL_MAP_SNPRINT_MAX]; pa_log(_("Opening a %s stream with sample specification '%s' and channel map '%s'."), mode == RECORD ? _("recording") : _("playback"), pa_sample_spec_snprint(tss, sizeof(tss), &sample_spec), pa_channel_map_snprint(tcm, sizeof(tcm), &channel_map)); } /* Fill in client name if none was set */ if (!pa_proplist_contains(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME)) { char *t; if ((t = pa_locale_to_utf8(bn))) { pa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, t); pa_xfree(t); } } /* Fill in media name if none was set */ if (!pa_proplist_contains(proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME)) { const char *t; if ((t = filename) || (t = pa_proplist_gets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME))) pa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME, t); } /* Set up a new main loop */ if (!(m = pa_mainloop_new())) { pa_log(_("pa_mainloop_new() failed.")); goto quit; } mainloop_api = pa_mainloop_get_api(m); pa_assert_se(pa_signal_init(mainloop_api) == 0); pa_signal_new(SIGINT, exit_signal_callback, NULL); pa_signal_new(SIGTERM, exit_signal_callback, NULL); #ifdef SIGUSR1 pa_signal_new(SIGUSR1, sigusr1_signal_callback, NULL); #endif pa_disable_sigpipe(); if (raw) { if (!(stdio_event = mainloop_api->io_new(mainloop_api, mode == PLAYBACK ? STDIN_FILENO : STDOUT_FILENO, mode == PLAYBACK ? PA_IO_EVENT_INPUT : PA_IO_EVENT_OUTPUT, mode == PLAYBACK ? stdin_callback : stdout_callback, NULL))) { pa_log(_("io_new() failed.")); goto quit; } } /* Create a new connection context */ if (!(context = pa_context_new_with_proplist(mainloop_api, NULL, proplist))) { pa_log(_("pa_context_new() failed.")); goto quit; } pa_context_set_state_callback(context, context_state_callback, NULL); /* Connect the context */ if (pa_context_connect(context, server, 0, NULL) < 0) { pa_log(_("pa_context_connect() failed: %s"), pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context))); goto quit; } if (verbose) { if (!(time_event = pa_context_rttime_new(context, pa_rtclock_now() + TIME_EVENT_USEC, time_event_callback, NULL))) { pa_log(_("pa_context_rttime_new() failed.")); goto quit; } } /* Run the main loop */ if (pa_mainloop_run(m, &ret) < 0) { pa_log(_("pa_mainloop_run() failed.")); goto quit; } quit: if (stream) pa_stream_unref(stream); if (context) pa_context_unref(context); if (stdio_event) { pa_assert(mainloop_api); mainloop_api->io_free(stdio_event); } if (time_event) { pa_assert(mainloop_api); mainloop_api->time_free(time_event); } if (m) { pa_signal_done(); pa_mainloop_free(m); } pa_xfree(buffer); pa_xfree(server); pa_xfree(device); if (sndfile) sf_close(sndfile); if (proplist) pa_proplist_free(proplist); return ret; }
int pa_sound_file_load( pa_mempool *pool, const char *fname, pa_sample_spec *ss, pa_channel_map *map, pa_memchunk *chunk, pa_proplist *p) { SNDFILE *sf = NULL; SF_INFO sfi; int ret = -1; size_t l; sf_count_t (*readf_function)(SNDFILE *sndfile, void *ptr, sf_count_t frames) = NULL; void *ptr = NULL; int fd; pa_assert(fname); pa_assert(ss); pa_assert(chunk); pa_memchunk_reset(chunk); if ((fd = pa_open_cloexec(fname, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to open file %s: %s", fname, pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto finish; } #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE if (posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL) < 0) { pa_log_warn("POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto finish; } else pa_log_debug("POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL succeeded."); #endif pa_zero(sfi); if (!(sf = sf_open_fd(fd, SFM_READ, &sfi, 1))) { pa_log("Failed to open file %s", fname); goto finish; } fd = -1; if (pa_sndfile_read_sample_spec(sf, ss) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to determine file sample format."); goto finish; } if ((map && pa_sndfile_read_channel_map(sf, map) < 0)) { if (ss->channels > 2) pa_log("Failed to determine file channel map, synthesizing one."); pa_channel_map_init_extend(map, ss->channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_DEFAULT); } if (p) pa_sndfile_init_proplist(sf, p); if ((l = pa_frame_size(ss) * (size_t) sfi.frames) > PA_SCACHE_ENTRY_SIZE_MAX) { pa_log("File too large"); goto finish; } chunk->memblock = pa_memblock_new(pool, l); chunk->index = 0; chunk->length = l; readf_function = pa_sndfile_readf_function(ss); ptr = pa_memblock_acquire(chunk->memblock); if ((readf_function && readf_function(sf, ptr, sfi.frames) != sfi.frames) || (!readf_function && sf_read_raw(sf, ptr, (sf_count_t) l) != (sf_count_t) l)) { pa_log("Premature file end"); goto finish; } ret = 0; finish: if (sf) sf_close(sf); if (ptr) pa_memblock_release(chunk->memblock); if (ret != 0 && chunk->memblock) pa_memblock_unref(chunk->memblock); if (fd >= 0) pa_close(fd); return ret; }
int pa_play_file( pa_sink *sink, const char *fname, const pa_cvolume *volume) { file_stream *u = NULL; pa_sample_spec ss; pa_channel_map cm; pa_sink_input_new_data data; int fd; SF_INFO sfi; pa_memchunk silence; pa_assert(sink); pa_assert(fname); u = pa_msgobject_new(file_stream); u-> = file_stream_free; u->parent.process_msg = file_stream_process_msg; u->core = sink->core; u->sink_input = NULL; u->sndfile = NULL; u->readf_function = NULL; u->memblockq = NULL; if ((fd = pa_open_cloexec(fname, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to open file %s: %s", fname, pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto fail; } /* FIXME: For now we just use posix_fadvise to avoid page faults * when accessing the file data. Eventually we should move the * file reader into the main event loop and pass the data over the * asyncmsgq. */ #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE if (posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL) < 0) { pa_log_warn("POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto fail; } else pa_log_debug("POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL succeeded."); if (posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED) < 0) { pa_log_warn("POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED failed: %s", pa_cstrerror(errno)); goto fail; } else pa_log_debug("POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED succeeded."); #endif pa_zero(sfi); if (!(u->sndfile = sf_open_fd(fd, SFM_READ, &sfi, 1))) { pa_log("Failed to open file %s", fname); goto fail; } fd = -1; if (pa_sndfile_read_sample_spec(u->sndfile, &ss) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to determine file sample format."); goto fail; } if (pa_sndfile_read_channel_map(u->sndfile, &cm) < 0) { if (ss.channels > 2) pa_log_info("Failed to determine file channel map, synthesizing one."); pa_channel_map_init_extend(&cm, ss.channels, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_DEFAULT); } u->readf_function = pa_sndfile_readf_function(&ss); pa_sink_input_new_data_init(&data); pa_sink_input_new_data_set_sink(&data, sink, FALSE); data.driver = __FILE__; pa_sink_input_new_data_set_sample_spec(&data, &ss); pa_sink_input_new_data_set_channel_map(&data, &cm); pa_sink_input_new_data_set_volume(&data, volume); pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_NAME, pa_path_get_filename(fname)); pa_proplist_sets(data.proplist, PA_PROP_MEDIA_FILENAME, fname); pa_sndfile_init_proplist(u->sndfile, data.proplist); pa_sink_input_new(&u->sink_input, sink->core, &data); pa_sink_input_new_data_done(&data); if (!u->sink_input) goto fail; u->sink_input->pop = sink_input_pop_cb; u->sink_input->process_rewind = sink_input_process_rewind_cb; u->sink_input->update_max_rewind = sink_input_update_max_rewind_cb; u->sink_input->kill = sink_input_kill_cb; u->sink_input->state_change = sink_input_state_change_cb; u->sink_input->userdata = u; pa_sink_input_get_silence(u->sink_input, &silence); u->memblockq = pa_memblockq_new("sound-file-stream memblockq", 0, MEMBLOCKQ_MAXLENGTH, 0, &ss, 1, 1, 0, &silence); pa_memblock_unref(silence.memblock); pa_sink_input_put(u->sink_input); /* The reference to u is dangling here, because we want to keep * this stream around until it is fully played. */ return 0; fail: file_stream_unref(u); if (fd >= 0) pa_close(fd); return -1; }