int switch_p_pack_jobinfo(switch_jobinfo_t *switch_job, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { sw_gen_step_info_t *gen_step_info = (sw_gen_step_info_t *) switch_job; sw_gen_node_t *node_ptr; sw_gen_ifa_t *ifa_ptr; int i, j; if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_SWITCH) info("switch_p_pack_jobinfo() starting"); xassert(gen_step_info); xassert(gen_step_info->magic == SW_GEN_STEP_INFO_MAGIC); pack32(gen_step_info->node_cnt, buffer); for (i = 0; i < gen_step_info->node_cnt; i++) { node_ptr = gen_step_info->node_array[i]; packstr(node_ptr->node_name, buffer); pack16(node_ptr->ifa_cnt, buffer); for (j = 0; j < node_ptr->ifa_cnt; j++) { ifa_ptr = node_ptr->ifa_array[j]; if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_SWITCH) { info("node=%s name=%s family=%s addr=%s", node_ptr->node_name, ifa_ptr->ifa_name, ifa_ptr->ifa_family, ifa_ptr->ifa_addr); } packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_addr, buffer); packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_family, buffer); packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_name, buffer); } } return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
static void job_option_info_pack (struct job_option_info *ji, Buf buf) { pack32 (ji->type, buf); packstr (ji->option, buf); packstr (ji->optarg, buf); /* packstr() handles NULL optarg */ return; }
int switch_p_pack_jobinfo(switch_jobinfo_t *switch_job, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { sw_gen_step_info_t *gen_step_info = (sw_gen_step_info_t *) switch_job; sw_gen_node_t *node_ptr; sw_gen_ifa_t *ifa_ptr; int i, j; if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_SWITCH) info("switch_p_pack_jobinfo() starting"); xassert(gen_step_info); xassert(gen_step_info->magic == SW_GEN_STEP_INFO_MAGIC); if (!libstate) { /* The function is being called from srun or slurmd. * There is no more need for moving this data. */ pack32((uint32_t) 0, buffer); return SLURM_SUCCESS; } pack32(gen_step_info->node_cnt, buffer); for (i = 0; i < gen_step_info->node_cnt; i++) { node_ptr = gen_step_info->node_array[i]; packstr(node_ptr->node_name, buffer); pack16(node_ptr->ifa_cnt, buffer); for (j = 0; j < node_ptr->ifa_cnt; j++) { ifa_ptr = node_ptr->ifa_array[j]; packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_addr, buffer); packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_family, buffer); packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_name, buffer); } } return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
/* * Marshall a credential for transmission over the network, according to * SLURM's marshalling protocol. */ int slurm_auth_pack( slurm_auth_credential_t *cred, Buf buf ) { if (cred == NULL) { plugin_errno = SLURM_AUTH_BADARG; return SLURM_ERROR; } if (buf == NULL) { cred->cr_errno = SLURM_AUTH_BADARG; return SLURM_ERROR; } xassert(cred->magic == MUNGE_MAGIC); /* * Prefix the credential with a description of the credential * type so that it can be sanity-checked at the receiving end. */ packstr( (char *) plugin_type, buf ); pack32( plugin_version, buf ); /* * Pack the data. */ packstr(cred->m_str, buf); return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
extern int name_publish_up(char *name, char *port) { Buf buf = NULL, resp_buf = NULL; uint32_t size, tmp_32; int rc; buf = init_buf(1024); pack16((uint16_t)TREE_CMD_NAME_PUBLISH, buf); packstr(name, buf); packstr(port, buf); size = get_buf_offset(buf); rc = tree_msg_to_srun_with_resp(size, get_buf_data(buf), &resp_buf); free_buf(buf); if (rc == SLURM_SUCCESS) { safe_unpack32(&tmp_32, resp_buf); rc = (int) tmp_32; } unpack_error: if (resp_buf) free_buf(resp_buf); return rc; }
extern void pack_slurm_step_layout(slurm_step_layout_t *step_layout, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { uint32_t i = 0; if (protocol_version >= SLURM_2_3_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { if (step_layout) i=1; pack16(i, buffer); if (!i) return; packstr(step_layout->front_end, buffer); packstr(step_layout->node_list, buffer); pack32(step_layout->node_cnt, buffer); pack32(step_layout->task_cnt, buffer); pack16(step_layout->task_dist, buffer); for (i=0; i<step_layout->node_cnt; i++) { pack32_array(step_layout->tids[i], step_layout->tasks[i], buffer); } } else { error("pack_slurm_step_layout: protocol_version " "%hu not supported", protocol_version); } }
/* * _dump_part_state - dump the state of a specific partition to a buffer * IN part_ptr - pointer to partition for which information * is requested * IN/OUT buffer - location to store data, pointers automatically advanced */ static void _dump_part_state(struct part_record *part_ptr, Buf buffer) { xassert(part_ptr); if (default_part_loc == part_ptr) part_ptr->flags |= PART_FLAG_DEFAULT; else part_ptr->flags &= (~PART_FLAG_DEFAULT); packstr(part_ptr->name, buffer); pack32(part_ptr->grace_time, buffer); pack32(part_ptr->max_time, buffer); pack32(part_ptr->default_time, buffer); pack32(part_ptr->max_cpus_per_node, buffer); pack32(part_ptr->max_nodes_orig, buffer); pack32(part_ptr->min_nodes_orig, buffer); pack16(part_ptr->flags, buffer); pack16(part_ptr->max_share, buffer); pack16(part_ptr->preempt_mode, buffer); pack16(part_ptr->priority, buffer); pack16(part_ptr->state_up, buffer); pack16(part_ptr->cr_type, buffer); packstr(part_ptr->allow_groups, buffer); packstr(part_ptr->allow_alloc_nodes, buffer); packstr(part_ptr->alternate, buffer); packstr(part_ptr->nodes, buffer); }
/* Assume that the slurmd and slurmstepd are the same version level when slurmd * starts slurmstepd, so we do not need to support different protocol versions * for the different message formats. */ extern void pack_slurmd_conf_lite(slurmd_conf_t *conf, Buf buffer) { xassert(conf != NULL); packstr(conf->hostname, buffer); pack16(conf->cpus, buffer); pack16(conf->boards, buffer); pack16(conf->sockets, buffer); pack16(conf->cores, buffer); pack16(conf->threads, buffer); pack32(conf->real_memory_size, buffer); pack16(conf->block_map_size, buffer); pack16_array(conf->block_map, conf->block_map_size, buffer); pack16_array(conf->block_map_inv, conf->block_map_size, buffer); packstr(conf->spooldir, buffer); packstr(conf->node_name, buffer); packstr(conf->logfile, buffer); packstr(conf->task_prolog, buffer); packstr(conf->task_epilog, buffer); packstr(conf->job_acct_gather_freq, buffer); packstr(conf->job_acct_gather_type, buffer); pack16(conf->propagate_prio, buffer); pack32(conf->debug_flags, buffer); pack32(conf->debug_level, buffer); pack32(conf->daemonize, buffer); pack32((uint32_t)conf->slurm_user_id, buffer); pack16(conf->use_pam, buffer); pack16(conf->task_plugin_param, buffer); packstr(conf->node_topo_addr, buffer); packstr(conf->node_topo_pattern, buffer); pack32((uint32_t)conf->port, buffer); pack16(conf->log_fmt, buffer); pack16(conf->mem_limit_enforce, buffer); }
static void _pack_cluster_tres_msg(dbd_cluster_tres_msg_t *msg, uint16_t rpc_version, Buf buffer) { if (rpc_version >= SLURM_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { packstr(msg->cluster_nodes, buffer); pack_time(msg->event_time, buffer); packstr(msg->tres_str, buffer); } }
/* * _dump_front_end_state - dump state of a specific front_end node to a buffer * IN front_end_ptr - pointer to node for which information is requested * IN/OUT buffer - location to store data, pointers automatically advanced */ static void _dump_front_end_state(front_end_record_t *front_end_ptr, Buf buffer) { packstr (front_end_ptr->name, buffer); pack16 (front_end_ptr->node_state, buffer); packstr (front_end_ptr->reason, buffer); pack_time(front_end_ptr->reason_time, buffer); pack32 (front_end_ptr->reason_uid, buffer); }
static void _pack_alloc(struct bb_alloc *bb_alloc, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { if (protocol_version >= SLURM_16_05_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { packstr(bb_alloc->account, buffer); pack32(bb_alloc->array_job_id, buffer); pack32(bb_alloc->array_task_id, buffer); pack_time(bb_alloc->create_time, buffer); pack32(bb_alloc->job_id, buffer); packstr(bb_alloc->name, buffer); packstr(bb_alloc->partition, buffer); packstr(bb_alloc->pool, buffer); packstr(bb_alloc->qos, buffer); pack64(bb_alloc->size, buffer); pack16(bb_alloc->state, buffer); pack32(bb_alloc->user_id, buffer); } else { packstr(bb_alloc->account, buffer); pack32(bb_alloc->array_job_id, buffer); pack32(bb_alloc->array_task_id, buffer); pack_time(bb_alloc->create_time, buffer); pack32((uint32_t)0, buffer); pack32(bb_alloc->job_id, buffer); packstr(bb_alloc->name, buffer); packstr(bb_alloc->partition, buffer); packstr(bb_alloc->qos, buffer); pack64(bb_alloc->size, buffer); pack16(bb_alloc->state, buffer); pack32(bb_alloc->user_id, buffer); } }
static void _pack_node_state_msg(dbd_node_state_msg_t *msg, uint16_t rpc_version, Buf buffer) { if (rpc_version >= SLURM_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { packstr(msg->hostlist, buffer); packstr(msg->reason, buffer); pack32(msg->reason_uid, buffer); pack16(msg->new_state, buffer); pack_time(msg->event_time, buffer); pack32(msg->state, buffer); packstr(msg->tres_str, buffer); } }
/* * _pack_front_end - dump all configuration information about a specific * front_end node in machine independent form (for network transmission) * IN dump_front_end_ptr - pointer to front_end node for which information is * requested * IN/OUT buffer - buffer where data is placed, pointers automatically updated * IN protocol_version - slurm protocol version of client * NOTE: if you make any changes here be sure to make the corresponding * changes to load_front_end_config in api/node_info.c */ static void _pack_front_end(struct front_end_record *dump_front_end_ptr, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { if (protocol_version >= SLURM_2_6_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { packstr(dump_front_end_ptr->allow_groups, buffer); packstr(dump_front_end_ptr->allow_users, buffer); pack_time(dump_front_end_ptr->boot_time, buffer); packstr(dump_front_end_ptr->deny_groups, buffer); packstr(dump_front_end_ptr->deny_users, buffer); packstr(dump_front_end_ptr->name, buffer); pack16(dump_front_end_ptr->node_state, buffer); packstr(dump_front_end_ptr->reason, buffer); pack_time(dump_front_end_ptr->reason_time, buffer); pack32(dump_front_end_ptr->reason_uid, buffer); pack_time(dump_front_end_ptr->slurmd_start_time, buffer); } else if (protocol_version >= SLURM_2_5_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { pack_time(dump_front_end_ptr->boot_time, buffer); packstr(dump_front_end_ptr->name, buffer); pack16(dump_front_end_ptr->node_state, buffer); packstr(dump_front_end_ptr->reason, buffer); pack_time(dump_front_end_ptr->reason_time, buffer); pack32(dump_front_end_ptr->reason_uid, buffer); pack_time(dump_front_end_ptr->slurmd_start_time, buffer); } else { error("_pack_front_end: Unsupported slurm version %u", protocol_version); } }
static void _save_dbd_state(void) { char *dbd_fname; Buf buffer; int fd, rc, wrote = 0; uint16_t msg_type; uint32_t offset; dbd_fname = slurm_get_state_save_location(); xstrcat(dbd_fname, "/dbd.messages"); (void) unlink(dbd_fname); /* clear save state */ fd = open(dbd_fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600); if (fd < 0) { error("slurmdbd: Creating state save file %s", dbd_fname); } else if (agent_list && list_count(agent_list)) { char curr_ver_str[10]; snprintf(curr_ver_str, sizeof(curr_ver_str), "VER%d", SLURM_PROTOCOL_VERSION); buffer = init_buf(strlen(curr_ver_str)); packstr(curr_ver_str, buffer); rc = _save_dbd_rec(fd, buffer); free_buf(buffer); if (rc != SLURM_SUCCESS) goto end_it; while ((buffer = list_dequeue(agent_list))) { /* * We do not want to store registration messages. If an * admin puts in an incorrect cluster name we can get a * deadlock unless they add the bogus cluster name to * the accounting system. */ offset = get_buf_offset(buffer); if (offset < 2) { free_buf(buffer); continue; } set_buf_offset(buffer, 0); (void) unpack16(&msg_type, buffer); /* checked by offset */ set_buf_offset(buffer, offset); if (msg_type == DBD_REGISTER_CTLD) { free_buf(buffer); continue; } rc = _save_dbd_rec(fd, buffer); free_buf(buffer); if (rc != SLURM_SUCCESS) break; wrote++; } } end_it: if (fd >= 0) { verbose("slurmdbd: saved %d pending RPCs", wrote); (void) close(fd); } xfree(dbd_fname); }
extern void slurm_persist_pack_rc_msg( persist_rc_msg_t *msg, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { packstr(msg->comment, buffer); pack32(msg->rc, buffer); pack16(msg->ret_info, buffer); }
/* * Pack all accumulated options into Buffer "buf" */ int job_options_pack (job_options_t opts, Buf buf) { uint32_t count = 0; ListIterator i; struct job_option_info *opt; packstr (JOB_OPTIONS_PACK_TAG, buf); if (opts == NULL) { pack32 (0, buf); return (0); } xassert (opts->magic == JOB_OPTIONS_MAGIC); xassert (opts->options != NULL); xassert (opts->iterator != NULL); count = list_count (opts->options); pack32 (count, buf); i = list_iterator_create (opts->options); while ((opt = list_next (i))) job_option_info_pack (opt, buf); list_iterator_destroy (i); return (count); }
extern int slurm_ckpt_pack_job(check_jobinfo_t jobinfo, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { struct check_job_info *check_ptr = (struct check_job_info *)jobinfo; if (protocol_version >= SLURM_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { uint32_t x; uint32_t y; uint32_t z; uint32_t size; size = 0; pack16(CHECK_POE, buffer); x = get_buf_offset(buffer); pack32(size, buffer); y = get_buf_offset(buffer); pack16(check_ptr->disabled, buffer); pack16(check_ptr->node_cnt, buffer); pack16(check_ptr->reply_cnt, buffer); pack16(check_ptr->wait_time, buffer); pack32(check_ptr->error_code, buffer); packstr(check_ptr->error_msg, buffer); pack_time(check_ptr->time_stamp, buffer); z = get_buf_offset(buffer); set_buf_offset(buffer, x); pack32(z - y, buffer); set_buf_offset(buffer, z); } return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
/* * long double has no standard format, so pass the data as a string */ void packlongdouble(long double val, Buf buffer) { char val_str[256]; snprintf(val_str, sizeof(val_str), "%Lf", val); packstr(val_str, buffer); }
/* * Pack current burst buffer state information for network transmission to * user (e.g. "scontrol show burst") * * Returns a SLURM errno. */ extern int bb_p_state_pack(uid_t uid, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { uint32_t rec_count = 0; int eof, offset; pthread_mutex_lock(&bb_state.bb_mutex); packstr(, buffer); offset = get_buf_offset(buffer); pack32(rec_count, buffer); bb_pack_state(&bb_state, buffer, protocol_version); if (bb_state.bb_config.private_data == 0) uid = 0; /* User can see all data */ rec_count = bb_pack_bufs(uid, bb_state.bb_hash,buffer,protocol_version); if (rec_count != 0) { eof = get_buf_offset(buffer); set_buf_offset(buffer, offset); pack32(rec_count, buffer); set_buf_offset(buffer, eof); } if (bb_state.bb_config.debug_flag) { debug("%s: %s: record_count:%u", plugin_type, __func__, rec_count); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&bb_state.bb_mutex); return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
/* * Pack current burst buffer state information for network transmission to * user (e.g. "scontrol show burst") * * Returns a SLURM errno. */ extern int bb_p_state_pack(Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { struct bb_alloc *bb_next; uint32_t rec_count = 0; int i, eof, offset; pthread_mutex_lock(&bb_mutex); if (debug_flag) info("%s: %s", __func__, plugin_type); packstr((char *)plugin_type, buffer); /* Remove "const" qualifier */ offset = get_buf_offset(buffer); pack32(rec_count, buffer); packstr(allow_users_str, buffer); packstr(deny_users_str, buffer); packstr(get_sys_state, buffer); packstr(start_stage_in, buffer); packstr(start_stage_out, buffer); packstr(stop_stage_in, buffer); packstr(stop_stage_out, buffer); pack32(job_size_limit, buffer); pack32(prio_boost, buffer); pack32(total_space, buffer); pack32(user_size_limit, buffer); if (bb_hash) { for (i = 0; i < BB_HASH_SIZE; i++) { bb_next = bb_hash[i]; while (bb_next) { pack32(bb_next->array_job_id, buffer); pack32(bb_next->array_task_id, buffer); pack32(bb_next->job_id, buffer); packstr(bb_next->name, buffer); pack32(bb_next->size, buffer); pack16(bb_next->state, buffer); pack32(bb_next->user_id, buffer); rec_count++; bb_next = bb_next->next; } } if (rec_count != 0) { eof = get_buf_offset(buffer); set_buf_offset(buffer, offset); pack32(rec_count, buffer); set_buf_offset(buffer, eof); } } info("%s: record_count:%u", __func__, rec_count); pthread_mutex_unlock(&bb_mutex); return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
extern void slurm_persist_pack_init_req_msg( persist_init_req_msg_t *msg, Buf buffer) { /* always send version field first for backwards compatibility */ pack16(msg->version, buffer); if (msg->version >= SLURM_17_11_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { packstr(msg->cluster_name, buffer); pack16(msg->persist_type, buffer); pack16(msg->port, buffer); } else if (msg->version >= SLURM_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { packstr(msg->cluster_name, buffer); pack16(msg->port, buffer); } else { error("%s: invalid protocol version %u", __func__, msg->version); } }
/** * Pack filehandles * @param buf Buffer * @return If buf is NULL return needed size */ size_t _fs_pack_filehandles(pack_t buf) { struct filelist_item *file; struct fslist_item *fs; size_t i; if (buf==NULL) { // Prepare filesystems size_t size = sizeof(size_t)+llist_size(fslist)*sizeof(int)*2; // id, pid for (i=0;(fs = llist_get(fslist,i));i++) size += strlen(fs->mountpoint_str)+1; // mountpoint // Prepare files size += sizeof(size_t)+llist_size(filelist)*sizeof(int)*8; // fh, fs_fh, stfl, fdfl, shmid, type, mode for (i=0;(file = llist_get(filelist,i));i++) size += strlen(file->path)+1; // path return size; } else { // Pack filesystems packi(buf,llist_size(fslist)); for (i=0;(fs = llist_get(fslist,i));i++) { packi(buf,fs->id); packi(buf,fs->pid); packstr(buf,fs->mountpoint_str); } // Pack files packi(buf,llist_size(filelist)); for (i=0;(file = llist_get(filelist,i));i++) { if (file->type!=FL_DIR && !FLAG_ISSET(file->fdfl,FD_CLOEXEC)) { packi(buf,file->fh); packi(buf,file->fs_fh); packi(buf,file->shmid); packi(buf,file->type); packi(buf,file->mode); packi(buf,file->stfl); packi(buf,file->fdfl); packi(buf,file->fs->id); packstr(buf,file->path); } } return 0; } }
static void _pack_job_complete_msg(dbd_job_comp_msg_t *msg, uint16_t rpc_version, Buf buffer) { if (rpc_version >= SLURM_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { packstr(msg->admin_comment, buffer); pack32(msg->assoc_id, buffer); packstr(msg->comment, buffer); pack64(msg->db_index, buffer); pack32(msg->derived_ec, buffer); pack_time(msg->end_time, buffer); pack32(msg->exit_code, buffer); pack32(msg->job_id, buffer); pack32(msg->job_state, buffer); packstr(msg->nodes, buffer); pack32(msg->req_uid, buffer); pack_time(msg->start_time, buffer); pack_time(msg->submit_time, buffer); packstr(msg->system_comment, buffer); packstr(msg->tres_alloc_str, buffer); } }
extern int switch_p_pack_node_info(switch_node_info_t *switch_node, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { sw_gen_node_info_t *gen_node_info = (sw_gen_node_info_t *) switch_node; sw_gen_ifa_t *ifa_ptr; int i; if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_SWITCH) info("switch_p_pack_node_info() starting"); xassert(gen_node_info); xassert(gen_node_info->magic == SW_GEN_NODE_INFO_MAGIC); pack16(gen_node_info->ifa_cnt, buffer); packstr(gen_node_info->node_name, buffer); for (i = 0; i < gen_node_info->ifa_cnt; i++) { ifa_ptr = gen_node_info->ifa_array[i]; packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_addr, buffer); packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_family, buffer); packstr(ifa_ptr->ifa_name, buffer); } return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
extern void spawn_resp_pack(spawn_resp_t *resp, Buf buf) { int i; pack32(resp->seq, buf); pack32((uint32_t)resp->rc, buf); packstr(resp->jobid, buf); pack32(resp->error_cnt, buf); for (i = 0; i < resp->error_cnt; i ++) { pack32((uint32_t)resp->error_codes[i], buf); } }
extern void slurm_persist_pack_rc_msg( persist_rc_msg_t *msg, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { if (protocol_version >= SLURM_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { packstr(msg->comment, buffer); pack16(msg->flags, buffer); pack32(msg->rc, buffer); pack16(msg->ret_info, buffer); } else { error("%s: invalid protocol version %u", __func__, protocol_version); } }
extern int select_nodeinfo_pack(select_nodeinfo_t *nodeinfo, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { ListIterator itr; node_subgrp_t *subgrp = NULL; uint16_t count = 0; if (protocol_version >= SLURM_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { pack16(nodeinfo->bitmap_size, buffer); packstr(nodeinfo->extra_info, buffer); packstr(nodeinfo->failed_cnodes, buffer); if (nodeinfo->ba_mp) packstr(nodeinfo->ba_mp->loc, buffer); else packstr(nodeinfo->rack_mp, buffer); if (nodeinfo->subgrp_list) count = list_count(nodeinfo->subgrp_list); pack16(count, buffer); if (count > 0) { itr = list_iterator_create(nodeinfo->subgrp_list); while ((subgrp = list_next(itr))) { _pack_node_subgrp(subgrp, buffer, protocol_version); } list_iterator_destroy(itr); } } else { error("select_nodeinfo_pack: protocol_version " "%hu not supported", protocol_version); } return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
extern int temp_kvs_add(char *key, char *val) { Buf buf; uint32_t size; if ( key == NULL || val == NULL ) return SLURM_SUCCESS; buf = init_buf(PMI2_MAX_KEYLEN + PMI2_MAX_VALLEN + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)); packstr(key, buf); packstr(val, buf); size = get_buf_offset(buf); if (temp_kvs_cnt + size > temp_kvs_size) { temp_kvs_size += TEMP_KVS_SIZE_INC; xrealloc(temp_kvs_buf, temp_kvs_size); } memcpy(&temp_kvs_buf[temp_kvs_cnt], get_buf_data(buf), size); temp_kvs_cnt += size; free_buf(buf); return SLURM_SUCCESS; }
static void _pack_step_start_msg(dbd_step_start_msg_t *msg, uint16_t rpc_version, Buf buffer) { if (rpc_version >= SLURM_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { pack32(msg->assoc_id, buffer); pack64(msg->db_index, buffer); pack32(msg->job_id, buffer); packstr(msg->name, buffer); packstr(msg->nodes, buffer); packstr(msg->node_inx, buffer); pack32(msg->node_cnt, buffer); pack_time(msg->start_time, buffer); pack_time(msg->job_submit_time, buffer); pack32(msg->req_cpufreq_min, buffer); pack32(msg->req_cpufreq_max, buffer); pack32(msg->req_cpufreq_gov, buffer); pack32(msg->step_id, buffer); pack32(msg->task_dist, buffer); pack32(msg->total_tasks, buffer); packstr(msg->tres_alloc_str, buffer); } }
extern int slurm_ckpt_pack_job(check_jobinfo_t jobinfo, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version) { struct check_job_info *check_ptr = (struct check_job_info *)jobinfo; if (protocol_version >= SLURM_2_5_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { pack16(check_ptr->disabled, buffer); pack_time(check_ptr->time_stamp, buffer); pack32(check_ptr->error_code, buffer); packstr(check_ptr->error_msg, buffer); } return SLURM_SUCCESS; }