Example #1
				 const kep_toolbox::plantes::planet_ptr start,
				 const kep_toolbox::planet::planet_ptr end,
				 const kep_toolbox::epoch t_end,
				 double T_max,
				 bool discount_launcher
		):base(6), m_start(start), m_end(end), m_t_end(t_end), m_T_max(T_max), m_discount_launcher(discount_launcher)
	// We check that all planets have equal central body
	if (start->get_mu_central_body() != end->get_mu_central_body()) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The planets do not all have the same mu_central_body");  

	// We check that T_max is positive
	if (T_max <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"T_max must be larger than zero");

	// Now setting the problem bounds
	decision_vector lb(6,0.0), ub(6,1.0);
	lb[0] = 1.; lb[5] = 1e-5;
	ub[0] = T_max; ub[2] = 12000.0; ub[5] = 1-1e-5;

Example #2
static int __mo_dimension__(const pagmo::problem::base &original_problem,
							const pagmo::problem::con2mo::method_type method)
	if( method > 2 || method < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error, "The constrained to multi-objective method must be set to OBJ_CSTRS for Coello type constrained to multi-objective, to OBJ_CSTRSVIO for COMOGO type constrained to nobj+1 objectives problem or to OBJ_EQVIO_INEQVIO for COMOGO type constrained to nobj+2 objectives problem.");

	if(original_problem.get_c_dimension() <= 0){
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The original problem has no constraints.");

	case pagmo::problem::con2mo::OBJ_CSTRS:
		return original_problem.get_f_dimension() + original_problem.get_c_dimension();
	case pagmo::problem::con2mo::OBJ_CSTRSVIO:
		return original_problem.get_f_dimension() + 1;
	case pagmo::problem::con2mo::OBJ_EQVIO_INEQVIO:
		return original_problem.get_f_dimension() + 2;
		return 0.;
Example #3
 * Constructor using std::vector (for python exposition purposes)
 * @param[in] p base::problem to be rotated
 * @param[in] rotation std::vector<std::vector<double> > expressing the problem rotation
 * @see problem::base constructors.
rotated::rotated(const base &p,
				 const std::vector<std::vector<double> > &rotation):
	m_Rotate(),m_normalize_translation(), m_normalize_scale()
			pagmo_throw(value_error,"The input matrix dimensions seem incorrect");
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"Input problem has an integer dimension. Cannot rotate it.");
	for (base::size_type i = 0; i < rotation.size(); ++i) {
			pagmo_throw(value_error,"The input matrix seems not to be square");
		for (base::size_type j = 0; j < rotation[i].size(); ++j) {
			m_Rotate(i,j) = rotation[i][j];
	m_InvRotate = m_Rotate.transpose();
	Eigen::MatrixXd check = m_InvRotate * m_Rotate;
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The input matrix seems not to be orthonormal (to a tolerance of 1e-5)");
Example #4
// Write into retval the gradient of the continuous part of the objective function of prob calculated in input.
void gsl_gradient::objfun_numdiff_central(gsl_vector *retval, const problem::base &prob, const decision_vector &input, const double &step_size)
	if (input.size() != prob.get_dimension()) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"invalid input vector dimension in numerical differentiation of the objective function");
	if (prob.get_f_dimension() != 1) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"numerical differentiation of the objective function cannot work on multi-objective problems");
	// Size of the continuous part of the problem.
	const problem::base::size_type cont_size = prob.get_dimension() - prob.get_i_dimension();
	// Structure to pass data to the wrapper.
	objfun_numdiff_wrapper_params pars;
	pars.x = input;
	pars.prob = &prob;
	// GSL function.
	gsl_function F;
	F.function = &objfun_numdiff_wrapper;
	F.params = (void *)&pars;
	double result, abserr;
	// Numerical differentiation component by component.
	for (problem::base::size_type i = 0; i < cont_size; ++i) {
		pars.coord = i;
Example #5
cstrs_self_adaptive::cstrs_self_adaptive(const base &problem):
	population pop(*m_original_problem,0);

	if(m_original_problem->get_c_dimension() <= 0){
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The original problem has no constraints.");

	// check that the dimension of the problem is 1
	if (m_original_problem->get_f_dimension() != 1) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The original fitness dimension of the problem must be one, multi objective problems can't be handled with self adaptive meta problem.");
Example #6
 * Constructor of antibodies meta-problem
 * Note: This problem is not intended to be used by itself. Instead use the
 * cstrs_immune_system algorithm if you want to solve constrained problems.
 * @param[in] problem base::problem to be used to set up the boundaries
 * @param[in] method method_type to used for the distance computation.
 * Two posssibililties are available: HAMMING, EUCLIDEAN.
antibodies_problem::antibodies_problem(const base &problem, const algorithm::cstrs_immune_system::distance_method_type method):
	if(m_original_problem->get_c_dimension() <= 0){
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The original problem has no constraints.");

	// check that the dimension of the problem is 1
	if(m_original_problem->get_f_dimension() != 1) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The original fitness dimension of the problem must be one, multi objective problems can't be handled with co-evolution meta problem.");

	// encoding for hamming distance
	m_bit_encoding = 25;
	m_max_encoding_integer = int(std::pow(2., m_bit_encoding));

Example #7
 * Initialises the MPI environment with MPI_Init_thread. pagmo::mpi_environment objects should be created only in the main
 * thread of execution.
 * @throws std::runtime_error if another instance of this class has already been created,
 * or if the MPI implementation does not support at least the MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED thread level and this is the root node,
 * or if the world size is not at least 2.
	if (m_initialised) {
		pagmo_throw(std::runtime_error,"cannot re-initialise the MPI environment");
	m_initialised = true;
	int thread_level_provided;
	if (thread_level_provided >= MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE) {
		m_multithread = true;
	if (get_rank()) {
		// If this is a slave, it will have to stop here, listen for jobs, execute them, and exit()
		// when signalled to do so.
	// If this is the root node, it will need to be able to call MPI from multiple threads.
	if (thread_level_provided < MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED && get_rank() == 0) {
		pagmo_throw(std::runtime_error,"the master node must support at least the MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED thread level");
	// World sizes less than 2 are not allowed.
	if (get_size() < 2) {
		pagmo_throw(std::runtime_error,"the size of the MPI world must be at least 2");
Example #8
ipopt::ipopt(	const int &max_iter,
		const double &constr_viol_tol, 
		const double &dual_inf_tol, 
		const double &compl_inf_tol,
		const bool &nlp_scaling_method,
		const double &obj_scaling_factor,
		const double &mu_init) :
		m_dual_inf_tol(dual_inf_tol), m_compl_inf_tol(compl_inf_tol), 
		m_nlp_scaling_method(nlp_scaling_method), m_obj_scaling_factor(obj_scaling_factor), m_mu_init(mu_init)
	if (max_iter < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of maximum iterations cannot be negative");
	if (constr_viol_tol < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"tolerance is not in ]0,1[");
	if (dual_inf_tol < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"obj_tol is not in ]0,1[");
	if (compl_inf_tol < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"obj_tol is not in ]0,1[");
	if (mu_init <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"mu_init is not in ]0, inf[");

Example #9
 * Allows to specify in detail all the parameters of the algorithm.
 * @param[in] iter number of iterations.
 * @param[in] limit number of tries after which a source of food is dropped if not improved
 * @throws value_error if number of iterations or limit are negative
bee_colony::bee_colony(int iter, int limit):base(),m_iter(iter), m_limit(limit) {
	if (iter < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of iterations must be nonnegative");

	if (limit < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"limit value must be nonnegative");

Example #10
 * Allows to specify all the parameters needed to initialise a GSL minimiser without derivatives, as specified in the GSL documentation.
 * Will fail if max_iter is negative or if at least one of the other parameters is negative.
 * @param[in] max_iter maximum number of iterations the algorithm will be allowed to perform.
 * @param[in] tol desired tolerance in the localisation of the minimum.
 * @param[in] step_size initial step size for the simplex.
gsl_derivative_free::gsl_derivative_free(int max_iter, const double &tol, const double &step_size):
	if (step_size <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"step size must be positive");
	if (tol <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"tolerance must be positive");
Example #11
 * Allows to specify in detail all the parameters of the algorithm.
 * @param[in] gen Number of generations to evolve.
 * @param[in] ri Probability of performing a random invert (mutation probability)
inverover::inverover(int gen, double ri, initialization_type ini_type)
	if (gen < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of generations must be nonnegative");
	if (ri > 1 || ri < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"random invert probability must be in the [0,1] range");
Example #12
 * Build a BA network with clustering mechanism applied. The initial kernel has size m0 and the elements
 * being inserted after the construction of the kernel is completed are connected randomly to a maximum of m nodes. These nodes
 * are then connected to eachother with probability p.
 * Will fail if m0 < 2, if m < 1 or if m > m0 or if p < 0 or p > 1
 * @param[in] m0 size of the kernel
 * @param[in] m number of random connections to be established when a new node is added.
 * @param[in] p probability that a connection is established between two nodes that are adjacent to a new node.
clustered_ba::clustered_ba(int m0, int m, double p):
        m_m0(boost::numeric_cast<std::size_t>(m0)),m_m(boost::numeric_cast<std::size_t>(m)), m_p(double(p)),
	if (m0 < 2 || m < 1 || m > m0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"the value of m and m0 must be at least 1 and 2, and m must not be greater than m0");
        if(p < 0 || p > 1) {
                pagmo_throw(value_error,"the value of p must be between 0 and 1");
Example #13
 * Constructs a global optimization problem (box-bounded, continuous) representing an interplanetary trajectory modelled
 * as a Multiple Gravity Assist trajectory that allows one only Deep Space Manouvre between each leg.
 * @param[in] seq std::vector of kep_toolbox::planet_ptr containing the encounter sequence for the trajectoty (including the initial planet)
 * @param[in] t0_l kep_toolbox::epoch representing the lower bound for the launch epoch
 * @param[in] t0_u kep_toolbox::epoch representing the upper bound for the launch epoch
 * @param[in] tof time-of-flight vector containing lower and upper bounds (in days) for the various legs time of flights
 * @param[in] Tmax maximum time of flight
 * @param[in] Dmin minimum distance from Jupiter (for radiation protection)
 * @throws value_error if the planets in seq do not all have the same central body gravitational constant
 * @throws value_error if tof has a size different from seq.size()
			 const std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr> seq,
			 const kep_toolbox::epoch t0_l,
			 const kep_toolbox::epoch t0_u,
			 const std::vector<std::vector<double> > tof,
			 double Tmax,
			 double Dmin) : base(4*seq.size(),0,1,2,2,1E-3), m_tof(tof), m_tmax(Tmax), m_dmin(Dmin)
	// We check that all planets have equal central body
	std::vector<double> mus(seq.size());
	for (std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr>::size_type i = 0; i< seq.size(); ++i) {
		mus[i] = seq[i]->get_mu_central_body();
	if ((unsigned int)std::count(mus.begin(), mus.end(), mus[0]) != mus.size()) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The planets do not all have the same mu_central_body");  
	// We check the consistency of the time of flights
	if (tof.size() != seq.size()) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The time-of-flight vector (tof) has the wrong length");  
	for (size_t i = 0; i < tof.size(); ++i) {
		if (tof[i].size()!=2) pagmo_throw(value_error,"Each element of the time-of-flight vector (tof)  needs to have dimension 2 (lower and upper bound)"); 
	// Filling in the planetary sequence data member. This requires to construct the polymorphic planets via their clone method 
	for (std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr>::size_type i = 0; i < seq.size(); ++i) {
	// Now setting the problem bounds
	size_type dim(4*m_tof.size());
	decision_vector lb(dim), ub(dim);
	// First leg
	lb[0] = t0_l.mjd2000(); ub[0] = t0_u.mjd2000();
	lb[1] = 0; lb[2] = 0; ub[1] = 1; ub[2] = 1;
	lb[3] = m_tof[0][0]; ub[3] = m_tof[0][1];
	// Successive legs
	for (std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr>::size_type i = 1; i < m_tof.size(); ++i) {
		lb[4*i] = - 2 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>();    ub[4*i] = 2 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>();
		lb[4*i+1] = 1.1;  ub[4*i+1] = 30;
		lb[4*i+2] = 1e-5; ub[4*i+2] = 1-1e-5;
		lb[4*i+3] = m_tof[i][0]; ub[4*i+3] = m_tof[i][1];
	// Adjusting the minimum and maximum allowed fly-by rp to the one defined in the kep_toolbox::planet class
	for (std::vector<kep_toolbox::planets::planet_ptr>::size_type i = 0; i < m_tof.size()-1; ++i) {
		lb[4*i+5] = m_seq[i]->get_safe_radius() / m_seq[i]->get_radius();
		ub[4*i+5] = (m_seq[i]->get_radius() + 2000000) / m_seq[i]->get_radius(); //from gtoc6 problem description
Example #14
File: ihs.cpp Project: YS-L/pagmo
 * Allows to specify in detail the parameters of the algorithm.
 * @param[in] iterations number of iterations.
 * @param[in] phmcr rate of choosing from memory.
 * @param[in] ppar_min minimum pitch adjustment rate.
 * @param[in] ppar_max maximum pitch adjustment rate.
 * @param[in] bw_min minimum distance bandwidth.
 * @param[in] bw_max maximum distance bandwidth.
 * @throws value_error if phmcr is not in the ]0,1[ interval, ppar min/max are not in the ]0,1[ interval,
 * min/max quantities are less than/greater than max/min quantities.
ihs::ihs(int iterations, const double &phmcr, const double &ppar_min, const double &ppar_max, const double &bw_min, const double &bw_max):
	if (phmcr > 1 || phmcr < 0 || ppar_min > 1 || ppar_min < 0 || ppar_max > 1 || ppar_max < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"probability of choosing from memory and pitch adjustment rates must be in the [0,1] range");
	if (ppar_min > ppar_max) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"minimum pitch adjustment rate must not be greater than maximum pitch adjustment rate");
	if (bw_min <= 0 || bw_max < bw_min) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"bandwidth values must be positive, and minimum bandwidth must not be greater than maximum bandwidth");
Example #15
File: snopt.cpp Project: esa/pagmo
 * Allows to specify some of the parameters of the SNOPT solver.
 * @param[in] major Number of major iterations (refer to SNOPT manual).
 * @param[in] feas Feasibility tolerance (refer to SNOPT manual).
 * @param[in] opt Optimality tolerance (refer to SNOPT manual).
 * @throws value_error if major is not positive, and feas,opt are not in \f$]0,1[\f$
snopt::snopt(const int major,const double feas, const double opt) : m_major(major),m_feas(feas),m_opt(opt), m_file_out(false)
    if (major < 0) {
        pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of major iterations cannot be negative");
    if (feas < 0 || feas > 1) {
        pagmo_throw(value_error,"feasibility cireria ");
    if (opt < 0 || opt > 1) {
        pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of major iterations cannot be negative");

Example #16
 * Verifies whether basic requirements are met for the initial set of points.
 * @throws value_error if point size is empty or when the dimensions among the points differ
void hypervolume::verify_after_construct() const
	if ( m_points.size() == 0 ) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error, "Point set cannot be empty.");
	fitness_vector::size_type f_dim = m_points[0].size();
	if (f_dim <= 1) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error, "Points of dimension > 1 required.");
	for (std::vector<fitness_vector>::size_type idx = 1 ; idx < m_points.size() ; ++idx) {
		if ( m_points[idx].size() != f_dim ) {
			pagmo_throw(value_error, "All point set dimensions must be equal.");
Example #17
 * Remove the edge connecting n to m. Will fail if are_adjacent() returns false.
 * @param[in] n index of the first vertex.
 * @param[in] m index of the second vertex.
void base::remove_edge(const vertices_size_type &n, const vertices_size_type &m)
	if (!are_adjacent(n,m)) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"cannot remove edge, vertices are not connected");
Example #18
cs::cs(const int& max_eval, const double &stop_range, const double &start_range, const double &reduction_coeff)
	if (reduction_coeff >= 1 || reduction_coeff <=0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"the reduction coefficient must be smaller than one and positive, You Fool!!");
	if (start_range > 1 || start_range <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"the starting range must be smaller than one and positive, You Fool!!");
	if (stop_range > 1 || stop_range <= 0 || stop_range>start_range) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"the minimum range must be smaller than one, positive and smaller than the starting range, (o44portebat studuisse)!!");
	if (max_eval < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"Maximum number of function evaluations needs to be positive");
Example #19
void antibodies_problem::set_antigens(const std::vector<decision_vector> &pop_antigens)
	if(pop_antigens.size() == 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The size of the antigens population must be different from 0.");
	m_pop_antigens = pop_antigens;
Example #20
 * Allows to specify in detail all the parameters of the algorithm.
 * @param[in] algorithm pagmo::algorithm for the multistarts
 * @param[in] starts number of multistarts
 * @throws value_error if starts is negative
ms::ms(const base &algorithm, int starts):base(),m_starts(starts)
	m_algorithm = algorithm.clone();
	if (starts < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of multistarts needs to be larger than zero");
Example #21
 * Verifies whether reference point and the hypervolume method meet certain criteria.
 * @param[in] r_point fitness vector describing the reference point
 * @throws value_error if reference point's and point set dimension do not agree
void hypervolume::verify_before_compute(const fitness_vector &r_point, hv_algorithm::base_ptr hv_algorithm) const
	if ( m_points[0].size() != r_point.size() ) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error, "Point set dimensions and reference point dimension must be equal.");
	hv_algorithm->verify_before_compute(m_points, r_point);
Example #22
static int __check__(int N){
	if (N < 8 || (N) % 4)
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"problem dimension N needs to be at least 8 and a multiple of 4");
	return N;
Example #23
 * Configure parameters for the noise distribution
 * param[in] param_first Mean of the Gaussian noise / Lower bound of the uniform noise
 * param[in] param_second Standard deviation of the Gaussian noise / Upper bound of the uniform noise
void noisy::set_noise_param(double param_first, double param_second)
	if(m_noise_type == UNIFORM && param_first > param_second){
		pagmo_throw(value_error, "Bounds specified for the uniform noise are not valid.");
	m_param_first = param_first;
	m_param_second = param_second;
Example #24
 * Verifies whether given algorithm suits the requested data.
 * @param[in] points vector of points containing the d dimensional points for which we compute the hypervolume
 * @param[in] r_point reference point for the vector of points
 * @throws value_error when trying to compute the hypervolume for the dimension other than 3 or non-maximal reference point
void hv3d::verify_before_compute(const std::vector<fitness_vector> &points, const fitness_vector &r_point) const
	if (r_point.size() != 3) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error, "Algorithm hv3d works only for 3-dimensional cases");

	base::assert_minimisation(points, r_point);
Example #25
 * This setter changes the problem bounds as to define a minimum and a maximum allowed total time of flight
 * @param[in] tof vector of times of flight 
void mga_incipit_cstrs::set_tof(const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& tof) {
	if (tof.size() != (m_seq.size())) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The time-of-flight vector (tof) has the wrong length");  
	m_tof = tof;
	for (size_t i=0; i< m_seq.size(); ++i) {
Example #26
 * Allows to specify all the parameters needed to initialise a GSL minimiser with derivatives, as specified in the GSL documentation.
 * Will fail if max_iter is negative or if at least one of the other parameters is negative.
 * @param[in] max_iter maximum number of iterations allowed.
 * @param[in] grad_tol tolerance when testing the norm of the gradient as stopping criterion.
 * @param[in] numdiff_step_size step size for the numerical computation of the gradient.
 * @param[in] tol accuracy of the line minimisation.
 * @param[in] step_size size of the first trial step.
gsl_gradient::gsl_gradient(int max_iter, const double &grad_tol, const double &numdiff_step_size, const double &step_size, const double &tol):
	if (step_size <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"step size must be positive");
	if (tol <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"tolerance must be positive");
	if (numdiff_step_size <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"step size for numerical differentiation must be positive");
	if (grad_tol <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"gradient tolerance must be positive");
Example #27
File: levy5.cpp Project: YS-L/pagmo
 * Will construct an n dimensional Levy problem.
 * @param[in] n integer dimension of the problem.
 * @see problem::base constructors.
levy5::levy5(int n):base(n)
	if (n < 2) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"the Levy5 problem's dimension must be at least 2");
	// Set bounds.
Example #28
double worhp::get_param(const std::string name) const
	// We check that the key exists
	auto el = m_param_map.find(name);
	if (el == m_param_map.end()) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"Unknown parameter name, cannot get it.");

	// We make a copy for const correctness
	std::map<std::string, int> map_copy = m_param_map;

	double retval = 0;

	// According to the input we return the appropriate parameter
	switch ( map_copy[name] ) {
	case 1:
		retval = m_params.AcceptTolFeas;
	case 2:
		retval = m_params.AcceptTolOpti;
	case 3:
		retval = m_params.TolFeas;
	case 4:
		retval = m_params.TolComp;
	case 5:
		retval = m_params.TolOpti;
	case 6:
		retval = m_params.NLPprint;
	case 7:
		retval = m_params.InitialLMest;
	case 8:
		retval = m_params.MaxIter;
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"You should not be here!!");
	return retval;
Example #29
 * Constructs a co-evolution adaptive algorithm
 * @param[in] original_algo pagmo::algorithm to use as 'original' optimization method
 * @param[in] original_algo_penalties pagmo::algorithm to use as 'original' optimization method 
 * for population representing the penaltiesweights
 * @param[in] pop_penalties_size population size for the penalty encoding population.
 * @param[in] gen number of generations.
 * @param[in] method the method used for the population 2.
 * Three possibililties are available: SIMPLE, SPLIT_NEQ_EQ and SPLIT_CONSTRAINTS.
 * The simple one is the original version of the Coello/He implementation. The SPLIT_NEQ_EQ,
 * splits the equalities and inequalities constraints in two different sets for the
 * penalty weigths, containing respectively inequalities and equalities weigths. The
 * SPLIT_CONSTRAINTS splits the constraints in M set of weigths with M the number of
 * constraints.
 * @param[in] pen_lower_bound the lower boundary used for penalty.
 * @param[in] pen_upper_bound the upper boundary used for penalty.
 * @param[in] ftol stopping criteria on the f tolerance.
 * @param[in] xtol stopping criteria on the x tolerance.
 * @throws value_error if stop is negative
cstrs_co_evolution::cstrs_co_evolution(const base &original_algo, 
									   const base &original_algo_penalties, int pop_penalties_size,
									   int gen,method_type method, double pen_lower_bound,
									   double pen_upper_bound,
									   double ftol, double xtol):
	base(),m_original_algo(original_algo.clone()), m_original_algo_penalties(original_algo_penalties.clone()),
	if(gen < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of generations must be nonnegative");
	if(pop_penalties_size <= 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"the population size of the penalty weights must be greater than 0");
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"Lower Bound of penalty coefficients must be smaller than Upper Bound");
Example #30
 * Allows to specify in detail all the parameters of the algorithm.
 * @param[in] niter number of total iterations.
 * @param[in] Ts starting temperature
 * @param[in] Tf final temperature
 * @param[in] niterT
 * @param[in] niterR
 * @param[in] range
 * @throws value_error niter is non positive, Ts is greater than Tf, Ts is non positive, Tf is non positive,
 * niterT or niterR are negative, range is not in the [0,1] interval
sa_corana::sa_corana(int niter, const double &Ts, const double &Tf, int niterT, int niterR, const double &range):
	if (niter < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of iterations must be nonnegative");
	if (Ts <= 0 || Tf <= 0 || Ts <= Tf) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"temperatures must be positive and Ts must be greater than Tf");
	if (niterT < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of iteration before adjusting the temperature must be positive");
	if (niterR < 0) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"number of iteration before adjusting the neighbourhood must be positive");
	if (range < 0 || range >1) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"Initial range must be between 0 and 1");