void eWidgetDesktop::paint() { m_require_redraw = 0; /* walk all root windows. */ for (ePtrList<eWidget>::iterator i(m_root.begin()); i != m_root.end(); ++i) { if (!(i->m_vis & eWidget::wVisShow)) continue; if (m_comp_mode == cmImmediate) paintLayer(i, 0); else for (int l = 0; l < MAX_LAYER; ++l) { paintLayer(i, l); paintBackground(i->m_comp_buffer[l]); } } if (m_comp_mode == cmImmediate) paintBackground(&m_screen); if (m_comp_mode == cmBuffered) { // redrawComposition(0); } else { gPainter painter(m_screen.m_dc); painter.flush(); } }
void WaveViewer::resetWavePath() { if (!background_.isValid()) return; wave_path_.clear(); if (wave_slider_ == nullptr) return; float amplitude = amplitude_slider_ ? amplitude_slider_->getValue() : 1.0f; float draw_width = getWidth(); float draw_height = getHeight() - 2.0f * PADDING; wave_path_.startNewSubPath(0, getHeight() / 2.0f); mopo::Wave::Type type = static_cast<mopo::Wave::Type>(static_cast<int>(wave_slider_->getValue())); for (int i = 1; i < resolution_ - 1; ++i) { float t = (1.0f * i) / resolution_; float val = amplitude * mopo::Wave::wave(type, t); wave_path_.lineTo(t * draw_width, PADDING + draw_height * ((1.0f - val) / 2.0f)); } wave_path_.lineTo(getWidth(), getHeight() / 2.0f); const Desktop::Displays::Display& display = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay(); float scale = display.scale; Graphics g(background_); g.addTransform(AffineTransform::scale(scale, scale)); paintBackground(g); repaint(); }
void GcScopeBar::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event) { // paint the darn thing! paintBackground(event); QWidget::paintEvent(event); }
void GcOverlayWidget::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event) { // paint the darn thing! paintBackground(event); QWidget::paintEvent(event); }
void Renderer::renderMetaTile(RenderAttributes& map, const shared_ptr<MetaTile>& tile) { const shared_ptr<MetaIdentifier>& id = tile->getIdentifier(); int width = id->getWidth() * TILE_SIZE; int height = id->getHeight() * TILE_SIZE; int zoom = id->getZoom(); TileIdentifier::Format format = id->getIdentifiers()[0]->getImageFormat(); shared_ptr<ImageWriter> writer = getWriter(format, width, height); FixedRect area; tileToMercator(id->getX(), id->getY(), zoom, area.minX, area.minY); tileToMercator(id->getX() + id->getWidth(), id->getY() + id->getHeight(), zoom, area.maxX, area.maxY); #if OLD_CAIRO renderLock.lock(); #endif AssetCache cache; CairoLayer layers[LAYER_NUM]; setupLayers(layers, writer, cache); paintBackground(layers[0], map.getCanvasStyle()); renderArea(area, layers, width, height, map, cache); #if OLD_CAIRO renderLock.unlock(); #endif tile->setData(layers[0].surface); }
void Renderer::renderEmptyTile(RenderAttributes& map, const shared_ptr<Tile>& tile) { const shared_ptr<TileIdentifier>& id = tile->getIdentifier(); shared_ptr<ImageWriter> writer = getWriter(id->getImageFormat(), TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE); Tile::ImageType buffer = boost::make_shared<Tile::ImageType::element_type>(); // optimized for png images in the default stylesheet buffer->reserve(10*1024); #if OLD_CAIRO renderLock.lock(); #endif CairoLayer layer(writer, buffer); paintBackground(layer, map.getCanvasStyle()); #if DEBUG_BUILD printTileId(layer.cr, tile->getIdentifier()); #endif #if OLD_CAIRO renderLock.unlock(); #endif writer->write(layer.surface); tile->setImage(buffer); }
void KasBar::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *ev) { offscreen.resize( ev->size() ); QPainter p( &offscreen ); paintBackground( &p, QRect(QPoint(0,0),size()) ); QWidget::resizeEvent(ev); emit layoutChanged(); }
void XYPad::resized() { const Desktop::Displays::Display& display = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay(); float scale = display.scale; background_ = Image(Image::ARGB, scale * getWidth(), scale * getHeight(), true); Graphics g(background_); g.addTransform(AffineTransform::scale(scale, scale)); paintBackground(g); }
void KoPAMasterPage::paintPage( QPainter & painter, KoZoomHandler & zoomHandler ) { paintBackground( painter, zoomHandler ); KoShapePainter shapePainter; shapePainter.setShapes( shapes() ); shapePainter.paint(painter, zoomHandler); }
void KasBar::setBackground( const QPixmap &newBg ) { bg = newBg; QPainter p( &offscreen ); paintBackground( &p, QRect(QPoint(0,0),size()) ); updateLayout(); }
// Event handlers void AnalogPad::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event) { // Set center position and pad to center m_Position = QPointF(qreal(event->size().width())/2, qreal(event->size().height())/2); m_PadPosition = m_Position; // Redraw background and update paintBackground(); update(); }
void QSplineEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); paintBackground(painter); paintSpline(painter); paintControlLines(painter); paintControlHandles(painter); }
void Node::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *item, QWidget *widget) { painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true); paintBackground(painter); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true); QGraphicsPixmapItem::paint(painter, item, widget); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true); paintForegroundOverlay(painter); }
void UIGChooserItemMachine::paintDecorations(QPainter *pPainter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *pOption) { /* Prepare variables: */ QRect fullRect = pOption->rect; /* Paint background: */ paintBackground(pPainter, fullRect); /* Paint frame: */ paintFrameRectangle(pPainter, fullRect); }
void GraphicalStepSequencer::resetBackground() { if (!background_.isValid()) return; const Desktop::Displays::Display& display = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay(); float scale = display.scale; Graphics g(background_); g.addTransform(AffineTransform::scale(scale, scale)); paintBackground(g); repaint(); }
void FilterResponse::resized() { const Desktop::Displays::Display& display = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay(); float scale = display.scale; background_ = Image(Image::ARGB, scale * getWidth(), scale * getHeight(), true); Graphics g(background_); g.addTransform(AffineTransform::scale(scale, scale)); paintBackground(g); computeFilterCoefficients(); resetResponsePath(); }
void SkinListDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex &index) const { painter->save(); paintBackground(painter, option); paintIcon(painter, option, index); paintText(painter, option, index); painter->restore(); }
void SynthSection::resized() { Component::resized(); const Desktop::Displays::Display& display = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay(); float scale = display.scale; Image background = Image(Image::ARGB, scale * getWidth(), scale * getHeight(), true); Graphics g(background); g.addTransform(AffineTransform::scale(scale, scale)); paintBackground(g); background_ = background; }
void KoPAPage::paintPage( QPainter & painter, KoZoomHandler & zoomHandler ) { paintBackground( painter, zoomHandler ); KoShapePainter shapePainter( getPaintingStrategy() ); if ( displayMasterShapes() ) { shapePainter.setShapes( masterPage()->shapes() ); shapePainter.paint(painter, zoomHandler); } shapePainter.setShapes( shapes() ); shapePainter.paint(painter, zoomHandler); }
void ExtenderButton::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * option, QWidget * widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); // if (Plasma::FrameSvg * svg = group()->backgroundSvg()) { // if (isHovered() && (d->extenderPosition != NoExtender)) { // svg->setEnabledBorders(d->borders); // } else { // svg->setEnabledBorders(Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders); // } // } if (d->checked && !isDown()) { paintBackground(painter, "checked"); } else { paintBackground(painter); } paintForeground(painter); }
void RadioButton::render(Graphics* graphics) { int x = getLocation().x; int y = getLocation().y; int w = getDimension().w; int h = getDimension().h; paintBackground(graphics); paintButtonIcon(graphics, isSelected(), isStatePressed(), isStateHover(), x, y, min(w, h)); label->setDimension(label->getDimension().x, h); label->render(graphics); }
void BasicBlockItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget /*= 0*/) { if (_needRepaint == true || _width == 0.0 || _height == 0.0) { _cache = QPixmap(QSize(_width, _height)); QPainter cachedPainter(&_cache); paintBackground(cachedPainter); cachedPainter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); paintText(cachedPainter); _needRepaint = false; } painter->drawPixmap(0, 0, _cache); }
void KasBar::updateItem( KasItem *i ) { if ( !i ) return; if ( !isShown() ) return; QPainter p( &offscreen ); QPoint pos = i->pos(); paintBackground( &p, QRect( pos, QSize( itemExtent(), itemExtent() ) ) ); i->paint( &p, pos.x(), pos.y() ); update( QRect( pos, QSize( itemExtent(), itemExtent() ) ) ); }
void KasBar::repaintItem(KasItem *i, bool erase ) { if ( !i ) return; if ( !isShown() ) return; QPainter p( &offscreen ); QPoint pos = i->pos(); paintBackground( &p, QRect( pos, QSize( itemExtent(), itemExtent() ) ) ); i->paint( &p, pos.x(), pos.y() ); repaint( QRect( pos, QSize( itemExtent(), itemExtent() ) ), transparent_ || erase ); }
void iniciar_SDL(){ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { printf("No se pudo iniciar SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } // Activamos modo de video screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_W,SCREEN_H,24,SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF ); if (screen == NULL) { printf("No se puede inicializar el modo gráfico: %s\n",SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } cargar_img_nodos(); paintBackground(); }
void DisassemblyView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * evt) { if (_needRepaint == true) { _cache = QPixmap(viewport()->size()); QPainter cachedPainter(&_cache); paintBackground(cachedPainter); paintSelection(cachedPainter); cachedPainter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); cachedPainter.setFont(font()); paintText(cachedPainter); _needRepaint = false; } QPainter p(viewport()); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _cache); paintCursor(p); }
void UIPopupPane::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { /* Compose painting rectangle, * Shifts are required for the antialiasing support: */ const QRect rect(1, 1, width() - 2, height() - 2); /* Create painter: */ QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); /* Configure clipping: */ configureClipping(rect, painter); /* Paint background: */ paintBackground(rect, painter); /* Paint frame: */ paintFrame(painter); }
void WaDigit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { paintBackground(); const char *time = timeString.latin1(); int len = strlen(time); if (len == 0) return; // Declare all these variables after we check for zero-length WaSkinModel *waSkinModel = WaSkinModel::instance(); int x = waSkinModel->getMapGeometry(mapping).x(); int y = waSkinModel->getMapGeometry(mapping).y(); QRect mapRect; // We expect strings either in the form "xx:yy", or "-xx:yy" // If the string length is 6, we have it in the form of "-xx:yy" // Remove the -, move the string forward one character, and // continue parsing mapRect = waSkinModel->getMapGeometry(_WA_MAPPING_MINUS); if (len == 6) { waSkinModel->getDigit('-', this, mapRect.x() - x, mapRect.y() - y); time++; } else { waSkinModel->getDigit(' ', this, mapRect.x() - x, mapRect.y() - y); } mapRect = waSkinModel->getMapGeometry(_WA_MAPPING_DIGIT_1); waSkinModel->getDigit(time[0], this, mapRect.x() - x, mapRect.y() - y); mapRect = waSkinModel->getMapGeometry(_WA_MAPPING_DIGIT_2); waSkinModel->getDigit(time[1], this, mapRect.x() - x, mapRect.y() - y); mapRect = waSkinModel->getMapGeometry(_WA_MAPPING_DIGIT_3); waSkinModel->getDigit(time[3], this, mapRect.x() - x, mapRect.y() - y); mapRect = waSkinModel->getMapGeometry(_WA_MAPPING_DIGIT_4); waSkinModel->getDigit(time[4], this, mapRect.x() - x, mapRect.y() - y); }
void PianorollTrackView::paintMainContent(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect) { paintBackground(painter, rect); ui->mainContent->paintMeasureLines(painter, rect); if (mutex) { mutex->lock(); paintItems(painter, rect); mutex->unlock(); } else { paintItems(painter, rect); } ui->mainContent->paintSongPosition(painter, rect); // 矩形選択の範囲を描画する if (mouseStatus.mode == MouseStatus::LEFTBUTTON_SELECT_ITEM) { QRect selectRect = mouseStatus.rect(); static QColor fillColor(0, 0, 0, 100); static QColor borderColor(0, 0, 0, 200); static QColor shadowColor(0, 0, 0, 40); painter->fillRect(selectRect, fillColor); painter->setPen(borderColor); painter->drawRect(selectRect); // 選択範囲の周囲に影を描く painter->setPen(shadowColor); // 上側 painter->drawLine( selectRect.left(), selectRect.top() - 1, selectRect.right() + 1, selectRect.top() - 1); // 下側 painter->drawLine( selectRect.left(), selectRect.bottom() + 2, selectRect.right() + 1, selectRect.bottom() + 2); // 左側 painter->drawLine( selectRect.left() - 1, selectRect.top(), selectRect.left() - 1, selectRect.bottom() + 1); // 右側 painter->drawLine( selectRect.right() + 2, selectRect.top(), selectRect.right() + 2, selectRect.bottom() + 1); } }
// NOTE: This is not the most time-efficient implementation, but it saves space by not caching unnecessary data // This is a deliberate trade-off. (-> selectFmt creation, data() call) void ChatItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); painter->save(); painter->setClipRect(boundingRect()); paintBackground(painter); layout()->draw(painter, pos(), additionalFormats(), boundingRect()); // layout()->draw(painter, QPointF(0,0), formats, boundingRect()); // Debuging Stuff // uncomment partially or all of the following stuff: // // 0) alternativ painter color for debug stuff // if(row() % 2) // painter->setPen(Qt::red); // else // painter->setPen(Qt::blue); // 1) draw wordwrap points in the first line // if(column() == 2) { // ChatLineModel::WrapList wrapList = data(ChatLineModel::WrapListRole).value<ChatLineModel::WrapList>(); // foreach(ChatLineModel::Word word, wrapList) { // if(word.endX > width()) // break; // painter->drawLine(word.endX, 0, word.endX, height()); // } // } // 2) draw MsgId over the time column // if(column() == 0) { // QString msgIdString = QString::number(data(MessageModel::MsgIdRole).value<MsgId>().toInt()); // QPointF bottomPoint = boundingRect().bottomLeft(); // bottomPoint.ry() -= 2; // painter->drawText(bottomPoint, msgIdString); // } // 3) draw bounding rect // painter->drawRect(_boundingRect.adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1)); painter->restore(); }