Example #1
void Device::onPropertiesChanged(const QString& interface, const QVariantMap& changed_properties, const QStringList& invalidated_properties)
	if (changed_properties.contains("Paired") && changed_properties["Paired"].toBool()) {
		emit paired(deviceInterface->path());
pair<Sam,Sam> SamPairIterator::fetch_next_pair() {
  if (!m_supp_alignments.empty())                                                     // pending supplementary alignments have priority
    return next_supplementary_alignment();
  if (!read_sam(m_sam_record_ptr1))
    return make_pair(Sam{}, Sam{});                                                   // we have reached the end of file
  const auto read1 = make_sam(m_sam_record_ptr1);
  if (!primary(m_sam_record_ptr1) || !read1.paired() || !read_sam(m_sam_record_ptr2)) // unpaired reads go in immediately and by themselves
    return make_pair(read1, Sam{});
  if (primary(m_sam_record_ptr2))                                                     // proper paired alignments return here
    return make_pair(read1, make_sam(m_sam_record_ptr2));
  return make_pair(read1, next_primary_alignment(m_sam_record_ptr2));                 // still haven't found the second primary alignment so search for it while pushing all the secondary/supplementary alignments to the queue