Example #1
File: bw12.c Project: risico/jsmess

/* Video */

static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( bw12_update_row )
	bw12_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<bw12_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());

	int column, bit;

	for (column = 0; column < x_count; column++)
		UINT8 code = state->m_video_ram[((ma + column) & BW12_VIDEORAM_MASK)];
		UINT16 addr = code << 4 | (ra & 0x0f);
		UINT8 data = state->m_char_rom[addr & BW12_CHARROM_MASK];

		if (column == cursor_x)
			data = 0xff;

		for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
			int x = (column * 8) + bit;
			int color = BIT(data, 7);

			bitmap.pix32(y, x) = palette[color];

			data <<= 1;
Example #2
File: ec65.c Project: risico/jsmess
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( ec65_update_row )
	ec65_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<ec65_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 chr,gfx,inv;
	UINT16 mem,x;
	UINT32 *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);

	for (x = 0; x < x_count; x++)
		inv = (x == cursor_x) ? 0xff : 0;
		mem = (ma + x) & 0x7ff;
		chr = state->m_p_videoram[mem];

		/* get pattern of pixels for that character scanline */
		gfx = state->m_p_chargen[(chr<<4) | (ra & 0x0f)] ^ inv;

		/* Display a scanline of a character */
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 7)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 6)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 5)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 4)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 3)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 2)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 1)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 0)];
Example #3


static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( trs80m2_update_row )
	trs80m2_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<trs80m2_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());

	for (int column = 0; column < x_count; column++)
		int bit;

		UINT16 address = (state->m_video_ram[(ma + column) & 0x7ff] << 4) | (ra & 0x0f);
		UINT8 data = state->m_char_rom[address & 0x7ff];

		if (column == cursor_x)
			data = 0xff;

		for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
			int x = (column * 8) + bit;

			bitmap.pix32(y, x) = palette[BIT(data, 7)];

			data <<= 1;
Example #4
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( hercules_gfx_update_row )
	isa8_hercules_device *herc  = downcast<isa8_hercules_device *>(device->owner());
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT32  *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);
	UINT16  gfx_base = ( ( herc->m_mode_control & 0x80 ) ? 0x8000 : 0x0000 ) | ( ( ra & 0x03 ) << 13 );
	int i;
	if ( y == 0 ) MDA_LOG(1,"hercules_gfx_update_row",("\n"));
	for ( i = 0; i < x_count; i++ )
		UINT8   data = herc->m_videoram[ gfx_base + ( ( ma + i ) << 1 ) ];

		*p = palette[( data & 0x80 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x40 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x20 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x10 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x08 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x04 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x02 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x01 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;

		data = herc->m_videoram[ gfx_base + ( ( ma + i ) << 1 ) + 1 ];

		*p = palette[( data & 0x80 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x40 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x20 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x10 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x08 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x04 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x02 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x01 ) ? 2 : 0]; p++;
Example #5

MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( v6809_update_row )
	v6809_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<v6809_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 chr,gfx;
	UINT16 mem,x;
	UINT32 *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);

	for (x = 0; x < x_count; x++)
		mem = (ma + x) & 0x7ff;
		chr = state->m_p_videoram[mem];
		gfx = state->m_p_chargen[(chr<<4) | ra] ^ ((x == cursor_x) ? 0xff : 0);

		/* Display a scanline of a character (8 pixels) */
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 7)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 6)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 5)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 4)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 3)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 2)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 1)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 0)];
Example #6
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( apricot_update_row )
	apricot_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<apricot_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 *ram = state->m_ram->pointer();
	int i, x;

	if (state->m_video_mode)
		/* text mode */
		for (i = 0; i < x_count; i++)
			UINT16 code = state->m_screen_buffer[(ma + i) & 0x7ff];
			UINT16 offset = ((code & 0x7ff) << 5) | (ra << 1);
			UINT16 data = ram[offset + 1] << 8 | ram[offset];
			int fill = 0;

			if (BIT(code, 12) && BIT(data, 14)) fill = 1; /* strike-through? */
			if (BIT(code, 13) && BIT(data, 15)) fill = 1; /* underline? */

			/* draw 10 pixels of the character */
			for (x = 0; x <= 10; x++)
				int color = fill ? 1 : BIT(data, x);
				if (BIT(code, 15)) color = !color; /* reverse? */
				bitmap.pix32(y, x + i*10) = palette[color ? 1 + BIT(code, 14) : 0];
		/* graphics mode */
		fatalerror("Graphics mode not implemented!\n");
Example #7
void comx_clm_device::crtc_update_row(mc6845_device *device, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, UINT16 ma, UINT8 ra, UINT16 y, UINT8 x_count, INT8 cursor_x, void *param)
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	for (int column = 0; column < x_count; column++)
		UINT8 code = m_video_ram[((ma + column) & 0x7ff)];
		UINT16 addr = (code << 3) | (ra & 0x07);
		UINT8 data = m_char_rom[addr & 0x7ff];

		if (BIT(ra, 3) && column == cursor_x)
			data = 0xff;

		for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
			int x = (column * 8) + bit;
			int color = BIT(data, 7) ? 7 : 0;

			bitmap.pix32(y, x) = palette[color];

			data <<= 1;
Example #8
static UPD7220_DRAW_TEXT_LINE( hgdc_draw_text )
	dmv_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<dmv_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 * chargen = state->memregion("maincpu")->base() + 0x1000;

	for( int x = 0; x < pitch; x++ )
		UINT8 tile = state->m_video_ram[((addr+x)*2) & 0x1ffff] & 0xff;

		for( int yi = 0; yi < lr; yi++)
			UINT8 tile_data = chargen[(tile*16+yi) & 0x7ff];

			if(cursor_on && cursor_addr == addr+x) //TODO

			for( int xi = 0; xi < 8; xi++)
				int res_x,res_y;
				int pen = (tile_data >> xi) & 1 ? 1 : 0;

				res_x = x * 8 + xi;
				res_y = y * lr + yi;

				if(!device->machine().primary_screen->visible_area().contains(res_x, res_y))

				if(yi >= 16) { pen = 0; }

				bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = palette[pen];
Example #9
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( h19_update_row )
	h19_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<h19_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 chr,gfx;
	UINT16 mem,x;
	UINT32 *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);

	for (x = 0; x < x_count; x++)
		UINT8 inv=0;
		if (x == cursor_x) inv=0xff;
		mem = (ma + x) & 0x7ff;
		chr = state->m_p_videoram[mem];

		if (chr & 0x80)
			inv ^= 0xff;
			chr &= 0x7f;

		/* get pattern of pixels for that character scanline */
		gfx = state->m_p_chargen[(chr<<4) | ra] ^ inv;

		/* Display a scanline of a character (8 pixels) */
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 7)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 6)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 5)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 4)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 3)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 2)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 1)];
		*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 0)];
Example #10
static void gfxset_draw_item(running_machine &machine, gfx_element *gfx, int index, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, int dstx, int dsty, int color, int rotate)
	static const pen_t default_palette[] =
		MAKE_RGB(0,0,0), MAKE_RGB(0,0,255), MAKE_RGB(0,255,0), MAKE_RGB(0,255,255),
		MAKE_RGB(255,0,0), MAKE_RGB(255,0,255), MAKE_RGB(255,255,0), MAKE_RGB(255,255,255)
	int width = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->height() : gfx->width();
	int height = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->width() : gfx->height();
	const rgb_t *palette = (machine.total_colors() != 0) ? palette_entry_list_raw(machine.palette) : NULL;
	UINT32 palette_mask = ~0;
	int x, y;

	if (palette != NULL)
		palette += gfx->colorbase() + color * gfx->granularity();
		palette = default_palette;
		palette_mask = 7;

	/* loop over rows in the cell */
	for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
		UINT32 *dest = &bitmap.pix32(dsty + y, dstx);
		const UINT8 *src = gfx->get_data(index);

		/* loop over columns in the cell */
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
			int effx = x, effy = y;
			const UINT8 *s;

			/* compute effective x,y values after rotation */
			if (!(rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY))
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx->width() - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx->height() - 1 - effy;
				int temp;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx->height() - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx->width() - 1 - effy;
				temp = effx; effx = effy; effy = temp;

			/* get a pointer to the start of this source row */
			s = src + effy * gfx->rowbytes();

			/* extract the pixel */
			*dest++ = 0xff000000 | palette[s[effx] & palette_mask];
Example #11
static UPD7220_DISPLAY_PIXELS( hgdc_display_pixels )
	compis_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<compis_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 i,gfx = state->m_video_ram[address & 0x1ffff];

	for(i=0; i<8; i++)
		bitmap.pix32(y, x + i) = palette[BIT((gfx >> i), 0)];
Example #12
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( mycom_update_row )
	mycom_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<mycom_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 chr,gfx=0,z;
	UINT16 mem,x;
	UINT32 *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);

	if (state->m_0a & 0x40)
		for (x = 0; x < x_count; x++)                   // lores pixels
			UINT8 dbit=1;
			if (x == cursor_x) dbit=0;
			mem = (ma + x) & 0x7ff;
			chr = state->m_p_videoram[mem];
			z = ra / 3;
			*p++ = palette[BIT( chr, z ) ? dbit: dbit^1];
			*p++ = palette[BIT( chr, z ) ? dbit: dbit^1];
			*p++ = palette[BIT( chr, z ) ? dbit: dbit^1];
			*p++ = palette[BIT( chr, z ) ? dbit: dbit^1];
			z += 4;
			*p++ = palette[BIT( chr, z ) ? dbit: dbit^1];
			*p++ = palette[BIT( chr, z ) ? dbit: dbit^1];
			*p++ = palette[BIT( chr, z ) ? dbit: dbit^1];
			*p++ = palette[BIT( chr, z ) ? dbit: dbit^1];
		for (x = 0; x < x_count; x++)                   // text
			UINT8 inv=0;
			if (x == cursor_x) inv=0xff;
			mem = (ma + x) & 0x7ff;
			if (ra > 7)
				gfx = inv;  // some blank spacing lines
				chr = state->m_p_videoram[mem];
				gfx = state->m_p_chargen[(chr<<3) | ra] ^ inv;

			/* Display a scanline of a character */
			*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 7)];
			*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 6)];
			*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 5)];
			*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 4)];
			*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 3)];
			*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 2)];
			*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 1)];
			*p++ = palette[BIT(gfx, 0)];
Example #13
// draw a char in 80 char line mode
void ef9345_device::draw_char_80(UINT8 *c, UINT16 x, UINT16 y)
	// verify size limit
	if (y * 10 >= m_screen->height() || x * 6 >= m_screen->width())

	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(m_screen_out.palette());
	for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
				m_screen_out.pix32(y * 10 + i, x * 6 + j)  = palette[c[6 * i + j] & 0x07];
Example #14
	// defined in machine/victor9kb.c


//  MC6845_INTERFACE( hd46505s_intf )

#define CODE_NON_DISPLAY    0x1000
#define CODE_UNDERLINE      0x2000
#define CODE_LOW_INTENSITY  0x4000
#define CODE_REVERSE_VIDEO  0x8000

static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( victor9k_update_row )
	victor9k_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<victor9k_state>();
	address_space &program = state->m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM);
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());

	if (BIT(ma, 13))
		fatalerror("Graphics mode not supported!\n");
		UINT16 video_ram_addr = (ma & 0xfff) << 1;

		for (int sx = 0; sx < x_count; sx++)
			UINT16 code = (state->m_video_ram[video_ram_addr + 1] << 8) | state->m_video_ram[video_ram_addr];
			UINT32 char_ram_addr = (BIT(ma, 12) << 16) | ((code & 0xff) << 5) | (ra << 1);
			UINT16 data = program.read_word(char_ram_addr);

			for (int x = 0; x <= 10; x++)
				int color = BIT(data, x);

				if (sx == cursor_x) color = 1;

				bitmap.pix32(y, x + sx*10) = palette[color];

			video_ram_addr += 2;
			video_ram_addr &= 0xfff;
Example #15
static UPD7220_DISPLAY_PIXELS( hgdc_display_pixels )
	mz6500_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<mz6500_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	int gfx[3];
	UINT8 i,pen;

	gfx[0] = state->m_video_ram[address + 0x00000];
	gfx[1] = state->m_video_ram[address + 0x10000];
	gfx[2] = state->m_video_ram[address + 0x20000];

	for(i=0; i<8; i++)
		pen = (BIT(gfx[0], i)) | (BIT(gfx[1], i) << 1) | (BIT(gfx[2], i) << 2);

		bitmap.pix32(y, x + i) = palette[pen];
Example #16
static I8275_DISPLAY_PIXELS(sm1800_display_pixels)
	int i;
	sm1800_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<sm1800_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 *charmap = state->memregion("chargen")->base();
	UINT8 pixels = charmap[(linecount & 7) + (charcode << 3)] ^ 0xff;
	if (vsp)
		pixels = 0;

	if (lten)
		pixels = 0xff;

	if (rvv)
		pixels ^= 0xff;

		bitmap.pix32(y, x + i) = palette[(pixels >> (7-i)) & 1 ? (hlgt ? 2 : 1) : 0];
Example #17
void k001604_device::draw_back_layer( bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
    bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);

    if ((m_reg[0x60 / 4] & 0x40000000) == 0)

    int tile_size = m_roz_size ? 16 : 8;

    INT32 x  = (INT16)((m_reg[0x08] >> 16) & 0xffff);
    INT32 y  = (INT16)((m_reg[0x08] >>  0) & 0xffff);
    INT32 xx = (INT16)((m_reg[0x09] >>  0) & 0xffff);
    INT32 xy = (INT16)((m_reg[0x09] >> 16) & 0xffff);
    INT32 yx = (INT16)((m_reg[0x0a] >>  0) & 0xffff);
    INT32 yy = (INT16)((m_reg[0x0a] >> 16) & 0xffff);

    int pivotx = (INT16)((m_reg[0x00] >> 16) & 0xffff);
    int pivoty = (INT16)((m_reg[0x00] >>  0) & 0xffff);

    int startx  = ((x - pivotx) * 256) * 32;
    int starty  = ((y - pivoty) * 256) * 32;
    int incxx = (xx) * 32;
    int incxy = (-xy) * 32;
    int incyx = (-yx) * 32;
    int incyy = (yy) * 32;

    bitmap_ind16& pixmap = m_layer_roz->pixmap();

    // extract start/end points
    int sx = cliprect.min_x;
    int sy = cliprect.min_y;
    int ex = cliprect.max_x;
    int ey = cliprect.max_y;

    const rgb_t *clut = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());

    int window_x, window_y, window_xmask, window_ymask;

    int layer_size = (m_reg[0x1b] >> 9) & 3;

    if (m_roz_size)
        window_x = ((m_reg[0x1b] >> 1) & 3) * 512;
Example #18
static I8275_DISPLAY_PIXELS( zorba_update_chr )
	int i;
	zorba_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<zorba_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 gfx = state->m_p_chargen[(linecount & 15) + (charcode << 4)];

	if (vsp)
		gfx = 0;

	if (lten)
		gfx = 0xff;

	if (rvv)
		gfx ^= 0xff;

		bitmap.pix32(y, x + 7 - i) = palette[BIT(gfx, i) ? (hlgt ? 2 : 1) : 0];
Example #19
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( update_row )
	othello_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<othello_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	int cx, x;
	UINT32 data_address;
	UINT32 tmp;

	const UINT8 *gfx = device->machine().region("gfx")->base();

	for(cx = 0; cx < x_count; ++cx)
		data_address = ((state->m_videoram[ma + cx] + state->m_tile_bank) << 4) | ra;
		tmp = gfx[data_address] | (gfx[data_address + 0x2000] << 8) | (gfx[data_address + 0x4000] << 16);

		for(x = 0; x < TILE_WIDTH; ++x)
			bitmap.pix32(y, (cx * TILE_WIDTH + x) ^ 1) = palette[tmp & 0x0f];
			tmp >>= 4;
Example #20
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( lynx128k_update_row )
	UINT8 *RAM = device->machine().root_device().memregion("maincpu")->base();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 r,g,b;
	UINT32 x, *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);

	for (x = (y << 6); x < x_count + (y << 6); x++)
		r = RAM[0x20100+x];
		g = RAM[0x28100+x];
		b = RAM[0x24100+x];

		*p++ = palette[(BIT(r, 7) << 1) | (BIT(g, 7) << 2) | (BIT(b, 7))];
		*p++ = palette[(BIT(r, 6) << 1) | (BIT(g, 6) << 2) | (BIT(b, 6))];
		*p++ = palette[(BIT(r, 5) << 1) | (BIT(g, 5) << 2) | (BIT(b, 5))];
		*p++ = palette[(BIT(r, 4) << 1) | (BIT(g, 4) << 2) | (BIT(b, 4))];
		*p++ = palette[(BIT(r, 3) << 1) | (BIT(g, 3) << 2) | (BIT(b, 3))];
		*p++ = palette[(BIT(r, 2) << 1) | (BIT(g, 2) << 2) | (BIT(b, 2))];
		*p++ = palette[(BIT(r, 1) << 1) | (BIT(g, 1) << 2) | (BIT(b, 1))];
		*p++ = palette[(BIT(r, 0) << 1) | (BIT(g, 0) << 2) | (BIT(b, 0))];
Example #21
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( alphatro_update_row )
	alphatro_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<alphatro_state>();
	const rgb_t *pens = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	bool palette = BIT(state->ioport("CONFIG")->read(), 5);
	UINT8 chr,gfx,attr,fg,inv;
	UINT16 mem,x;
	UINT32 *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);

	for (x = 0; x < x_count; x++)
		inv = (x == cursor_x) ? 0xff : 0;
		mem = (ma + x) & 0x7ff;
		chr = state->m_p_videoram[mem];
		attr = state->m_p_videoram[mem | 0x800];
		fg = (palette) ? 8 : attr & 7; // amber or RGB

		if (BIT(attr, 7)) // reverse video for fkey labels
			inv ^= 0xff;
			chr &= 0x7f;

		/* get pattern of pixels for that character scanline */
		gfx = state->m_p_chargen[(chr<<4) | ra] ^ inv;

		/* Display a scanline of a character (8 pixels) */
		*p++ = pens[BIT(gfx, 7) ? fg : 0];
		*p++ = pens[BIT(gfx, 6) ? fg : 0];
		*p++ = pens[BIT(gfx, 5) ? fg : 0];
		*p++ = pens[BIT(gfx, 4) ? fg : 0];
		*p++ = pens[BIT(gfx, 3) ? fg : 0];
		*p++ = pens[BIT(gfx, 2) ? fg : 0];
		*p++ = pens[BIT(gfx, 1) ? fg : 0];
		*p++ = pens[BIT(gfx, 0) ? fg : 0];
Example #22
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( v1050_update_row )
	v1050_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<v1050_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());

	int column, bit;

	for (column = 0; column < x_count; column++)
		UINT16 address = (((ra & 0x03) + 1) << 13) | ((ma & 0x1fff) + column);
		UINT8 data = state->m_video_ram[address & V1050_VIDEORAM_MASK];
		UINT8 attr = (state->m_attr & 0xfc) | (state->m_attr_ram[address] & 0x03);

		for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
			int x = (column * 8) + bit;
			int color = BIT(data, 7);

			/* blinking */
			if ((attr & V1050_ATTR_BLINKING) && !(attr & V1050_ATTR_BLINK)) color = 0;

			/* reverse video */
			color ^= BIT(attr, 4);

			/* bright */
			if (color && (!(attr & V1050_ATTR_BOLD) ^ (attr & V1050_ATTR_BRIGHT))) color = 2;

			/* display blank */
			if (attr & V1050_ATTR_BLANK) color = 0;

			bitmap.pix32(y, x) = palette[color];

			data <<= 1;
Example #23
static void palette_handler(running_machine &machine, render_container *container, ui_gfx_state *state)
	int total = state->palette.which ? colortable_palette_get_size(machine.colortable) : machine.total_colors();
	const char *title = state->palette.which ? "COLORTABLE" : "PALETTE";
	const rgb_t *raw_color = palette_entry_list_raw(machine.palette);
	render_font *ui_font = ui_get_font(machine);
	float cellwidth, cellheight;
	float chwidth, chheight;
	float titlewidth;
	float x0, y0;
	render_bounds cellboxbounds;
	render_bounds boxbounds;
	int x, y, skip;

	/* add a half character padding for the box */
	chheight = ui_get_line_height(machine);
	chwidth = ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), '0');
	boxbounds.x0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.x1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chwidth;
	boxbounds.y0 = 0.0f + 0.5f * chheight;
	boxbounds.y1 = 1.0f - 0.5f * chheight;

	/* the character cell box bounds starts a half character in from the box */
	cellboxbounds = boxbounds;
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.x1 -= 0.5f * chwidth;
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 0.5f * chheight;
	cellboxbounds.y1 -= 0.5f * chheight;

	/* add space on the left for 5 characters of text, plus a half character of padding */
	cellboxbounds.x0 += 5.5f * chwidth;

	/* add space on the top for a title, a half line of padding, a header, and another half line */
	cellboxbounds.y0 += 3.0f * chheight;

	/* figure out the title and expand the outer box to fit */
	titlewidth = ui_font->string_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title);
	x0 = 0.0f;
	if (boxbounds.x1 - boxbounds.x0 < titlewidth + chwidth)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 - (0.5f - 0.5f * (titlewidth + chwidth));

	/* go ahead and draw the outer box now */
	ui_draw_outlined_box(container, boxbounds.x0 - x0, boxbounds.y0, boxbounds.x1 + x0, boxbounds.y1, UI_GFXVIEWER_BG_COLOR);

	/* draw the title */
	x0 = 0.5f - 0.5f * titlewidth;
	y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 0.5f * chheight;
	for (x = 0; title[x] != 0; x++)
		container->add_char(x0, y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, title[x]);
		x0 += ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), title[x]);

	/* compute the cell size */
	cellwidth = (cellboxbounds.x1 - cellboxbounds.x0) / (float)state->palette.count;
	cellheight = (cellboxbounds.y1 - cellboxbounds.y0) / (float)state->palette.count;

	/* draw the top column headers */
	skip = (int)(chwidth / cellwidth);
	for (x = 0; x < state->palette.count; x += 1 + skip)
		x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 6.0f * chwidth + (float)x * cellwidth;
		y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 2.0f * chheight;
		container->add_char(x0 + 0.5f * (cellwidth - chwidth), y0, chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, "0123456789ABCDEF"[x & 0xf]);

		/* if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which */
		/* one it's referring to */
		if (skip != 0)
			container->add_point(x0 + 0.5f * cellwidth, 0.5f * (y0 + chheight + cellboxbounds.y0), UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	/* draw the side column headers */
	skip = (int)(chheight / cellheight);
	for (y = 0; y < state->palette.count; y += 1 + skip)

		/* only display if there is data to show */
		if (state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count < total)
			char buffer[10];

			/* if we're skipping, draw a point between the character and the box to indicate which */
			/* one it's referring to */
			x0 = boxbounds.x0 + 5.5f * chwidth;
			y0 = boxbounds.y0 + 3.5f * chheight + (float)y * cellheight;
			if (skip != 0)
				container->add_point(0.5f * (x0 + cellboxbounds.x0), y0 + 0.5f * cellheight, UI_LINE_WIDTH, ARGB_WHITE, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

			/* draw the row header */
			sprintf(buffer, "%5X", state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count);
			for (x = 4; x >= 0; x--)
				x0 -= ui_font->char_width(chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), buffer[x]);
				container->add_char(x0, y0 + 0.5f * (cellheight - chheight), chheight, machine.render().ui_aspect(), ARGB_WHITE, *ui_font, buffer[x]);

	/* now add the rectangles for the colors */
	for (y = 0; y < state->palette.count; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < state->palette.count; x++)
			int index = state->palette.offset + y * state->palette.count + x;
			if (index < total)
				pen_t pen = state->palette.which ? colortable_palette_get_color(machine.colortable, index) : raw_color[index];
				container->add_rect(cellboxbounds.x0 + x * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + y * cellheight,
									cellboxbounds.x0 + (x + 1) * cellwidth, cellboxbounds.y0 + (y + 1) * cellheight,
									0xff000000 | pen, PRIMFLAG_BLENDMODE(BLENDMODE_ALPHA));

	/* handle keys */
	palette_handle_keys(machine, state);
Example #24
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( abc802_update_row )

        PAL16R4 equation:

        IF (VCC)    *OS   = FC + RF / RC
                    *RG:  = HS / *RG + *ATE / *RG + ATD / *RG + LL /
                            *RG + AT1 / *RG + AT0 / ATE + *ATD + *LL +
                            *AT1 + *AT0
                    *RI:  = *RI + *INV / *RI + LL / *INV + *LL
                    *RF:  = HS / *RF + *ATE / *RF + ATD / *RF + LL /
                            *RF + AT1 / *RF + AT0 / ATE + *ATD + *LL +
                            *AT1 + AT0
                    *RC:  = HS / *RC + *ATE / *RC + *ATD / *RC + LL /
                            *RC + *ATI / *RC + AT0 / ATE + *LL + *AT1 +
        IF (VCC)    *O0   = *CUR + *AT0 / *CUR + ATE
                    *O1   = *CUR + *AT1 / *CUR + ATE

        + = AND
        / = OR
        * = Inverted

        ATD     Attribute data
        ATE     Attribute enable
        AT0,AT1 Attribute address
        CUR     Cursor
        FC      FLSH clock
        HS      Horizontal sync
        INV     Inverted signal input
        LL      Load when Low
        OEL     Output Enable when Low
        RC      Row clear
        RF      Row flash
        RG      Row graphic
        RI      Row inverted


	abc802_state *state =  device->machine().driver_data<abc802_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());

	int rf = 0, rc = 0, rg = 0;

	// prevent wraparound
	if (y >= 240) return;


	for (int column = 0; column < x_count; column++)
		UINT8 code = state->m_char_ram[(ma + column) & 0x7ff];
		UINT16 address = code << 4;
		UINT8 ra_latch = ra;
		UINT8 data;

		int ri = (code & ABC802_INV) ? 1 : 0;

		if (column == cursor_x)
			ra_latch = 0x0f;

		if ((state->m_flshclk && rf) || rc)
			ra_latch = 0x0e;

		if (rg)
			address |= 0x800;

		data = state->m_char_rom[(address + ra_latch) & 0xfff];

		if (data & ABC802_ATE)
			int attr = data & 0x03;
			int value = (data & ABC802_ATD) ? 1 : 0;

			switch (attr)
			case 0x00:
				// Row Graphic
				rg = value;

			case 0x01:
				// Row Flash
				rf = value;

			case 0x02:
				// Row Clear
				rc = value;

			case 0x03:
				// undefined
			data <<= 2;

			if (state->m_80_40_mux)
				for (int bit = 0; bit < ABC800_CHAR_WIDTH; bit++)
					int x = HORIZONTAL_PORCH_HACK + ((column + 3) * ABC800_CHAR_WIDTH) + bit;
					int color = BIT(data, 7) ^ ri;

					bitmap.pix32(y, x) = palette[color];

					data <<= 1;
				for (int bit = 0; bit < ABC800_CHAR_WIDTH; bit++)
					int x = HORIZONTAL_PORCH_HACK + ((column + 3) * ABC800_CHAR_WIDTH) + (bit << 1);
					int color = BIT(data, 7) ^ ri;

					bitmap.pix32(y, x) = palette[color];
					bitmap.pix32(y, x + 1) = palette[color];

					data <<= 1;

Example #25
File: mbc55x.c Project: clobber/UME
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( vid_update_row )
	mbc55x_state *mstate = device->machine().driver_data<mbc55x_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());

	UINT8   *ram    = &mstate->m_ram->pointer()[0];
	UINT8   *red    = &mstate->m_video_mem[RED_PLANE_OFFSET];
	UINT8   *blue   = &mstate->m_video_mem[BLUE_PLANE_OFFSET];
	UINT8   *green;
	int     offset;
	UINT8   rpx,gpx,bpx;
	UINT8   rb,gb,bb;

	int     x_pos;
	int     pixelno;
	UINT8   bitno;
	UINT8   shifts;
	UINT8   colour;

		case 4  : green=&ram[0x08000]; break;
		case 5  : green=&ram[0x1C000]; break;
		case 6  : green=&ram[0x2C000]; break;
		case 7  : green=&ram[0x3C000]; break;
		default :

		logerror("MC6845_UPDATE_ROW: ma=%d, ra=%d, y=%d, x_count=%d\n",ma,ra,y,x_count);

	offset=((ma*4) + ra) % COLOUR_PLANE_SIZE;


	for(x_pos=0; x_pos<x_count; x_pos++)
		UINT16 mem = (offset+(x_pos*4)) % COLOUR_PLANE_SIZE;


		for(pixelno=0; pixelno<8; pixelno++)

			rb=(rpx & bitno) >> shifts;
			gb=(gpx & bitno) >> shifts;
			bb=(bpx & bitno) >> shifts;

			colour=(rb<<2) | (gb<<1) | (bb<<0);

			bitmap.pix32(y, (x_pos*8)+pixelno)=palette[colour];
			//logerror("set pixel (%d,%d)=%d\n",y, ((x_pos*8)+pixelno),colour);
Example #26
static void gfxset_draw_item(running_machine *machine, const gfx_element *gfx, int index, bitmap_t *bitmap, int dstx, int dsty, int color, int rotate)
	static const pen_t default_palette[] =
		MAKE_RGB(0,0,0), MAKE_RGB(0,0,255), MAKE_RGB(0,255,0), MAKE_RGB(0,255,255),
		MAKE_RGB(255,0,0), MAKE_RGB(255,0,255), MAKE_RGB(255,255,0), MAKE_RGB(255,255,255)
	int width = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->height : gfx->width;
	int height = (rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? gfx->width : gfx->height;
	const rgb_t *palette = (machine->config->total_colors != 0) ? palette_entry_list_raw(machine->palette) : NULL;
	UINT32 rowpixels = bitmap->rowpixels;
	UINT32 palette_mask = ~0;
	int x, y;

	if (palette != NULL)
		palette += gfx->color_base + color * gfx->color_granularity;
		palette = default_palette;
		palette_mask = 7;

	/* loop over rows in the cell */
	for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
		UINT32 *dest = (UINT32 *)bitmap->base + (dsty + y) * rowpixels + dstx;
		const UINT8 *src = gfx_element_get_data(gfx, index);

		/* loop over columns in the cell */
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
			int effx = x, effy = y;
			rgb_t pixel;
			const UINT8 *s;

			/* compute effective x,y values after rotation */
			if (!(rotate & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY))
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx->width - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx->height - 1 - effy;
				int temp;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_X)
					effx = gfx->height - 1 - effx;
				if (rotate & ORIENTATION_FLIP_Y)
					effy = gfx->width - 1 - effy;
				temp = effx; effx = effy; effy = temp;

			/* get a pointer to the start of this source row */
			s = src + effy * gfx->line_modulo;

			/* extract the pixel */
			if (gfx->flags & GFX_ELEMENT_PACKED)
				pixel = (s[effx/2] >> ((effx & 1) * 4)) & 0xf;
				pixel = s[effx];
			*dest++ = 0xff000000 | palette[pixel & palette_mask];
Example #27
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( dgnbeta_update_row )
	dgn_beta_state *state = device->machine().driver_data<dgn_beta_state>();
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT8 *videoram = state->m_videoram;
	UINT32  *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);
	int i;
		UINT8 *chr_gen = state->memregion("gfx1")->base();
		for ( i = 0; i < x_count; i++ )
			UINT32 offset = ( ( ma + i ) | ((state->m_GCtrl & GCtrlAddrLines)<<8)) << 1;
			UINT8 chr = videoram[ offset ];
			UINT8 attr = videoram[ offset +1 ];

			/* Extract non-colour attributes, in character set 1, undeline is used */
			/* We will extract the colours below, when we have decoded inverse */
			/* to indicate a double height character */
			int UnderLine=(attr & 0x40) >> 6; // Underline active
			int	FlashChar=(attr & 0x80) >> 7; // Flashing char

			// underline is active for character set 0, on character row 9
			int ULActive=(UnderLine && (ra==9) && ~SWChar);

			/* Invert forground and background if flashing char and flash acive */
			int Invert=(FlashChar & state->m_FlashBit);

			/* Underline inverts flash */
			if (ULActive)

			/* Cursor on also inverts */
			if (i == cursor_x)

			UINT16 fg = 0;
			UINT16 bg = 0;

			/* Invert colours if invert is true */
				fg	= (attr & 0x38) >> 3;
				bg	= (attr & 0x07);
				bg	= (attr & 0x38) >> 3;
				fg	= (attr & 0x07);

			UINT8 data = chr_gen[ chr * 16 + ra ];

			*p = palette[( data & 0x80 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x80 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x40 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x40 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x20 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x20 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x10 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x10 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x08 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x08 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x04 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x04 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x02 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x02 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x01 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[( data & 0x01 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
Example #28
static MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( mda_text_blink_update_row )
	isa8_mda_device *mda  = downcast<isa8_mda_device *>(device->owner());
	const rgb_t *palette = palette_entry_list_raw(bitmap.palette());
	UINT32  *p = &bitmap.pix32(y);
	UINT16  chr_base = ( ra & 0x08 ) ? 0x800 | ( ra & 0x07 ) : ra;
	int i;

	if ( y == 0 ) MDA_LOG(1,"mda_text_blink_update_row",("\n"));
	for ( i = 0; i < x_count; i++ )
		UINT16 offset = ( ( ma + i ) << 1 ) & 0x0FFF;
		UINT8 chr = mda->m_videoram[ offset ];
		UINT8 attr = mda->m_videoram[ offset + 1 ];
		UINT8 data = mda->m_chr_gen[ chr_base + chr * 8 ];
		UINT8 fg = ( attr & 0x08 ) ? 3 : 2;
		UINT8 bg = 0;

		if ( ( attr & ~0x88 ) == 0 )
			data = 0x00;

		switch( attr )
		case 0x70:
		case 0xF0:
			bg = 2;
			fg = 0;
		case 0x78:
		case 0xF8:
			bg = 2;
			fg = 1;

		if ( ( attr & 0x07 ) == 0x01 )
			data = 0xFF;

		if ( i == cursor_x )
			if ( mda->m_framecnt & 0x08 )
				data = 0xFF;
			if ( ( attr & 0x80 ) && ( mda->m_framecnt & 0x10 ) )
				data = 0x00;

		*p = palette[( data & 0x80 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x40 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x20 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x10 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x08 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x04 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x02 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
		*p = palette[( data & 0x01 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
		if ( ( chr & 0xE0 ) == 0xC0 )
			*p = palette[( data & 0x01 ) ? fg : bg]; p++;
			*p = palette[bg]; p++;