GEN nffactormod(GEN nf, GEN x, GEN pr) { long j, l, vx = varn(x), vn; pari_sp av = avma; GEN F, E, rep, xrd, modpr, T, p; nf = checknf(nf); vn = varn(nf[1]); if (typ(x)!=t_POL) pari_err(typeer,"nffactormod"); if (varncmp(vx,vn) >= 0) pari_err(talker,"polynomial variable must have highest priority in nffactormod"); modpr = nf_to_ff_init(nf, &pr, &T, &p); xrd = modprX(x, nf, modpr); rep = FqX_factor(xrd,T,p); settyp(rep, t_MAT); F = gel(rep,1); l = lg(F); E = gel(rep,2); settyp(E, t_COL); for (j = 1; j < l; j++) { gel(F,j) = modprX_lift(gel(F,j), modpr); gel(E,j) = stoi(E[j]); } return gerepilecopy(av, rep); }
void install0(char *name, char *code, char *gpname, char *lib) { void *f, *handle; if (! *lib) lib = DL_DFLT_NAME; if (! *gpname) gpname = name; if (lib) lib = expand_tilde(lib); #ifndef RTLD_GLOBAL /* OSF1 has dlopen but not RTLD_GLOBAL*/ # define RTLD_GLOBAL 0 #endif handle = dlopen(lib, RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (!handle) { const char *s = dlerror(); if (s) fprintferr("%s\n\n",s); if (lib) pari_err(talker,"couldn't open dynamic library '%s'",lib); pari_err(talker,"couldn't open dynamic symbol table of process"); } f = dlsym(handle, name); if (!f) { if (lib) pari_err(talker,"can't find symbol '%s' in library '%s'",name,lib); pari_err(talker,"can't find symbol '%s' in dynamic symbol table of process",name); } if (lib) free(lib); install(f, gpname, code); }
void install0(char *name, char *code, char *gpname, char *lib) { FARPROC f; HMODULE handle; #ifdef WINCE short wlib[256], wname[256]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lib, strlen(lib)+1, wlib, 256); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, name, strlen(name)+1, wname, 256); lib = wlib; name = wname; #endif #ifdef DL_DFLT_NAME if (! *lib) lib = DL_DFLT_NAME; #endif if (! *gpname) gpname=name; if (lib) lib = expand_tilde(lib); handle = LoadLibrary(lib); if (!handle) { if (lib) pari_err(talker,"couldn't open dynamic library '%s'",lib); pari_err(talker,"couldn't open dynamic symbol table of process"); } f = GetProcAddress(handle,name); if (!f) { if (lib) pari_err(talker,"can't find symbol '%s' in library '%s'",name,lib); pari_err(talker,"can't find symbol '%s' in dynamic symbol table of process",name); } if (lib) free(lib); install((void*)f,gpname,code); }
/* If flag = 0 (default): check if s existed in 1.39.15 and print verbosely * the answer. * If flag > 0: silently return n+1 if function changed, 0 otherwise. * (where n is the index of s in whatnowlist). * If flag < 0: -flag-1 is the index in whatnowlist */ int whatnow(char *s, int flag) { int n; char *def; whatnow_t wp; entree *ep; if (flag < 0) { n = -flag; flag = 0; } else { if (flag && strlen(s)==1) return 0; /* special case "i" and "o" */ if (!is_identifier(s) || !is_entry_intern(s,funct_old_hash,NULL)) { if (flag) return 0; pari_err(talker,"as far as I can recall, this function never existed"); } n = 0; do def = (oldfonctions[n++]).name; while (def && strcmp(def,s)); if (!def) { int m=0; do def = (functions_oldgp[m++]).name; while (def && strcmp(def,s)); n += m - 1; } } wp=whatnowlist[n-1];; if (def == SAME) { if (flag) return 0; pari_err(talker,"this function did not change"); } if (flag) return n; if (def == REMOV) pari_err(talker,"this function was suppressed"); if (!strcmp(def,"x*y")) { pariprintf(" %s is now called *.\n\n",s); pariprintf(" %s%s ===> %s%s\n\n",s,wp.oldarg,,wp.newarg); return 1; } ep = is_entry(; if (!ep) pari_err(bugparier,"whatnow"); pariputs("New syntax: "); term_color(c_ERR); pariprintf("%s%s ===> %s%s\n\n",s,wp.oldarg,,wp.newarg); term_color(c_HELP); print_text(ep->help); pariputc('\n'); term_color(c_NONE); return 1; }
static long check_proto(const char *code) { long arity = 0; const char *s = code, *old; if (*s == 'l' || *s == 'v' || *s == 'i' || *s == 'm' || *s == 'u') s++; while (*s && *s != '\n') switch (*s++) { case '&': case 'C': case 'G': case 'I': case 'J': case 'U': case 'L': case 'M': case 'P': case 'W': case 'f': case 'n': case 'p': case 'r': case 'x': arity++; break; case 'E': case 's': if (*s == '*') s++; arity++; break; case 'D': if (*s == 'G' || *s == '&' || *s == 'n' || *s == 'I' || *s == 'E' || *s == 'V' || *s == 'P' || *s == 's' || *s == 'r') { if (*s != 'V') arity++; s++; break; } old = s; while (*s && *s != ',') s++; if (*s != ',') pari_err(e_SYNTAX, "missing comma", old, code); break; case 'V': case '=': case ',': break; case '\n': break; /* Before the mnemonic */ case 'm': case 'l': case 'i': case 'v': pari_err(e_SYNTAX, "this code has to come first", s-1, code); default: pari_err(e_SYNTAX, "unknown parser code", s-1, code); } if (arity > 20) pari_err_IMPL("functions with more than 20 parameters"); return arity; }
/* Kill ep, i.e free all memory it references, and reset to initial value */ void kill0(const char *e) { entree *ep = is_entry(e); if (!ep || EpSTATIC(ep)) pari_err(e_MISC,"can't kill that"); killep(ep); }
long fetch_var_higher(void) { if (nvar == max_avail) pari_err(e_MISC,"no more variables available"); varpriority[max_avail] = ++max_priority; return max_avail--; }
static void check_name(const char *name) { const char *s = name; if (isalpha((int)*s)) while (is_keyword_char(*++s)) /* empty */; if (*s) pari_err(e_SYNTAX,"not a valid identifier", s, name); }
/* assume x is squarefree */ int nfissplit(GEN nf, GEN x) { pari_sp av = avma; long l; if (typ(x) != t_POL) pari_err(typeer, "nfissplit"); l = lg(nfsqff(checknf(nf), x, 2)); avma = av; return l != 1; }
static void digit_help(char *s, long flag) { long n = atoi(s); if (n < 0 || n > MAX_SECTION+4) pari_err(e_SYNTAX,"no such section in help: ?",s,s); if (n == MAX_SECTION+1) community(); else if (flag & h_LONG) external_help(s,3); else commands(n); return; }
GEN varhigher(const char *s, long w) { long v; if (w >= 0) { hashentry *e = hash_select(h_polvar, (void*)s, (void*)w, _higher); if (e) return pol_x((long)e->val); } /* no luck: need to create */ if (nvar == max_avail) pari_err(e_MISC,"no more variables available"); v = nvar++; varpriority[v]= ++max_priority; return var_register(v, s); }
void alias0(const char *s, const char *old) { entree *ep, *e; GEN x; ep = fetch_entry(old); e = fetch_entry(s); if (EpVALENCE(e) != EpALIAS && EpVALENCE(e) != EpNEW) pari_err(e_MISC,"can't replace an existing symbol by an alias"); freeep(e); x = newblock(2); x[0] = evaltyp(t_STR)|_evallg(2); /* for getheap */ gel(x,1) = (GEN)ep; e->value=x; e->valence=EpALIAS; }
/* return the roots of pol in nf */ GEN nfroots(GEN nf,GEN pol) { pari_sp av = avma; GEN A,g, T; long d; if (!nf) return nfrootsQ(pol); nf = checknf(nf); T = gel(nf,1); if (typ(pol) != t_POL) pari_err(notpoler,"nfroots"); if (varncmp(varn(pol), varn(T)) >= 0) pari_err(talker,"polynomial variable must have highest priority in nfroots"); d = degpol(pol); if (d == 0) return cgetg(1,t_VEC); if (d == 1) { A = gneg_i(gdiv(gel(pol,2),gel(pol,3))); return gerepilecopy(av, mkvec( basistoalg(nf,A) )); } A = fix_relative_pol(nf,pol,0); A = Q_primpart( lift_intern(A) ); if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("test if polynomial is square-free\n"); g = nfgcd(A, derivpol(A), T, gel(nf,4)); if (degpol(g)) { /* not squarefree */ g = QXQX_normalize(g, T); A = RgXQX_div(A,g,T); } A = QXQX_normalize(A, T); A = Q_primpart(A); A = nfsqff(nf,A,1); A = RgXQV_to_mod(A, T); return gerepileupto(av, gen_sort(A, 0, cmp_pol)); }
long fetch_user_var(const char *s) { entree *ep = fetch_entry(s); long v; switch (EpVALENCE(ep)) { case EpVAR: return varn((GEN)initial_value(ep)); case EpNEW: break; default: pari_err(e_MISC, "%s already exists with incompatible valence", s); } v = pari_var_create(ep); ep->valence = EpVAR; ep->value = initial_value(ep); return v; }
static void choose_prime(primedata *S, GEN pol, GEN dpol) { byteptr di = diffptr + 1; long i, j, k, r, lcm, oldlcm, pp, N = degpol(pol), minp = N*N / 4; GEN Z, p, ff, oldff, n, oldn; pari_sp av; if (DEBUGLEVEL) (void)timer2(); p = utoipos(2); while (p[2] <= minp) NEXT_PRIME_VIADIFF(p[2], di); oldlcm = 0; oldff = oldn = NULL; pp = 0; /* gcc -Wall */ av = avma; for(k = 1; k < 11 || !oldlcm; k++,avma = av) { do NEXT_PRIME_VIADIFF(p[2], di); while (!smodis(dpol, p[2])); if (k > 5 * N) pari_err(talker,"sorry, too many block systems in nfsubfields"); ff = (GEN)FpX_factor(pol, p)[1]; r = lg(ff)-1; if (r == N || r >= BIL) continue; n = cgetg(r+1, t_VECSMALL); lcm = n[1] = degpol(ff[1]); for (j=2; j<=r; j++) { n[j] = degpol(ff[j]); lcm = clcm(lcm, n[j]); } if (lcm <= oldlcm) continue; /* false when oldlcm = 0 */ if (DEBUGLEVEL) fprintferr("p = %ld,\tlcm = %ld,\torbits: %Z\n",p[2],lcm,n); pp = p[2]; oldn = n; oldff = ff; oldlcm = lcm; if (r == 1) break; av = avma; } if (DEBUGLEVEL) fprintferr("Chosen prime: p = %ld\n", pp); S->ff = oldff; S->lcm= oldlcm; S->p = utoipos(pp); S->pol = FpX_red(pol, S->p); init_primedata(S); n = oldn; r = lg(n); Z = cgetg(r,t_VEC); for (k=0,i=1; i<r; i++) { GEN t = cgetg(n[i]+1, t_VECSMALL); gel(Z,i) = t; for (j=1; j<=n[i]; j++) t[j] = ++k; } S->Z = Z; }
/* return U list of polynomials s.t U[i] = 1 mod fk[i] and 0 mod fk[j] for all * other j */ static GEN get_bezout(GEN pol, GEN fk, GEN p) { long i, l = lg(fk); GEN A, B, d, u, v, U = cgetg(l, t_VEC); for (i=1; i<l; i++) { A = gel(fk,i); B = FpX_div(pol, A, p); d = FpX_extgcd(A,B,p, &u, &v); if (degpol(d) > 0) pari_err(talker, "relatively prime polynomials expected"); d = constant_term(d); if (!gcmp1(d)) v = FpX_Fp_mul(v, Fp_inv(d, p), p); gel(U,i) = FpX_mul(B,v, p); } return U; }
long pari_var_create(entree *ep) { GEN p = (GEN)initial_value(ep); long v; if (*p) return varn(p); if (nvar == max_avail) pari_err(e_MISC,"no more variables available"); v = nvar++; /* set p = pol_x(v) */ p[0] = evaltyp(t_POL) | _evallg(4); p[1] = evalsigne(1) | evalvarn(v); gel(p,2) = gen_0; gel(p,3) = gen_1; varentries_set(v, ep); varpriority[v]= min_priority--; return v; }
void name_var(long n, const char *s) { entree *ep; char *u; if (n < pari_var_next()) pari_err(e_MISC, "renaming a GP variable is forbidden"); if (n > (long)MAXVARN) pari_err_OVERFLOW("variable number"); ep = (entree*)pari_malloc(sizeof(entree) + strlen(s) + 1); u = (char *)initial_value(ep); ep->valence = EpVAR; ep->name = u; strcpy(u,s); ep->value = gen_0; /* in case geval is called */ varentries_reset(n, ep); }
entree * install(void *f, const char *name, const char *code) { long arity = check_proto(code); entree *ep; check_name(name); ep = fetch_entry(name); if (ep->valence != EpNEW) { if (ep->valence != EpINSTALL) pari_err(e_MISC,"[install] identifier '%s' already in use", name); pari_warn(warner, "[install] updating '%s' prototype; module not reloaded", name); if (ep->code) pari_free((void*)ep->code); } else { ep->value = f; ep->valence = EpINSTALL; } ep->code = pari_strdup(code); ep->arity = arity; return ep; }
/* return the characteristic polynomial of alpha over nf, where alpha is an element of the algebra nf[X]/(T) given as a polynomial in X */ GEN rnfcharpoly(GEN nf, GEN T, GEN alpha, long v) { long vnf, vT, lT; pari_sp av = avma; GEN p1; nf=checknf(nf); vnf = varn(nf[1]); if (v<0) v = 0; T = fix_relative_pol(nf,T,1); if (typ(alpha) == t_POLMOD) alpha = lift_to_pol(alpha); lT = lg(T); if (typ(alpha) != t_POL || varn(alpha) == vnf) return gerepileupto(av, gpowgs(gsub(pol_x[v], alpha), lT - 3)); vT = varn(T); if (varn(alpha) != vT || varncmp(v, vnf)>=0) pari_err(talker,"incorrect variables in rnfcharpoly"); if (lg(alpha) >= lT) alpha = RgX_rem(alpha, T); if (lT <= 4) return gerepileupto(av, gsub(pol_x[v], alpha)); p1 = caract2(T, unifpol(nf,alpha, t_POLMOD), v); return gerepileupto(av, unifpol(nf, p1, t_POLMOD)); }
/* query external help program for s. num < 0 [keyword] or chapter number */ static void external_help(const char *s, int num) { long nbli = term_height()-3, li = 0; char buf[256], *str; const char *opt = "", *ar = "", *cdir = ""; char *t, *help = GP_DATA->help; pariFILE *z; FILE *f; if (!has_ext_help()) pari_err(e_MISC,"no external help program"); t = filter_quotes(s); if (num < 0) opt = "-k"; else if (t[strlen(t)-1] != '@') ar = stack_sprintf("@%d",num); #ifdef _WIN32 if (*help=='@') { const char *basedir = win32_basedir(); help++; cdir = stack_sprintf("%c:& cd %s & ", *basedir, basedir); } #endif str=stack_sprintf("%s%s -fromgp %s %c%s%s%c",cdir,help,opt, SHELL_Q,t,ar,SHELL_Q); z = try_pipe(str,0); f = z->file; pari_free(t); while (fgets(buf, numberof(buf), f)) { if (!strncmp("ugly_kludge_done",buf,16)) break; pari_puts(buf); if (nl_read(buf) && ++li > nbli) { pari_hit_return(); li = 0; } } pari_fclose(z); }
/* return the factorization of x in nf */ GEN nffactor(GEN nf,GEN pol) { GEN A,g,y,p1,T, rep = cgetg(3, t_MAT); long l, j, dA; pari_sp av = avma; pari_timer ti; if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { TIMERstart(&ti); fprintferr("\nEntering nffactor:\n"); } nf = checknf(nf); T = gel(nf,1); if (typ(pol) != t_POL) pari_err(notpoler,"nffactor"); if (varncmp(varn(pol), varn(T)) >= 0) pari_err(talker,"polynomial variable must have highest priority in nffactor"); A = fix_relative_pol(nf,pol,0); dA = degpol(A); if (dA <= 0) { avma = (pari_sp)(rep + 3); return dA == 0? trivfact(): zerofact(varn(pol)); } A = Q_primpart( QXQX_normalize(A, T) ); if (dA == 1) { GEN c; A = gerepilecopy(av, A); c = gel(A,2); if (typ(c) == t_POL && degpol(c) > 0) gel(A,2) = mkpolmod(c, gcopy(T)); gel(rep,1) = mkcol(A); gel(rep,2) = mkcol(gen_1); return rep; } if (degpol(T) == 1) return gerepileupto(av, factpol(Q_primpart(simplify(pol)), 0)); A = Q_primpart( lift_intern(A) ); g = nfgcd(A, derivpol(A), T, gel(nf,4)); A = QXQX_normalize(A, T); A = Q_primpart(A); if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) msgTIMER(&ti, "squarefree test"); if (degpol(g)) { /* not squarefree */ pari_sp av1; GEN ex; g = QXQX_normalize(g, T); A = RgXQX_div(A,g, T); y = nfsqff(nf,A,0); av1 = avma; l = lg(y); ex=(GEN)gpmalloc(l * sizeof(long)); for (j=l-1; j>=1; j--) { GEN fact = lift(gel(y,j)), quo = g, q; long e = 0; for(e = 1;; e++) { q = RgXQX_divrem(quo,fact,T, ONLY_DIVIDES); if (!q) break; quo = q; } ex[j] = e; } avma = av1; y = gerepileupto(av, RgXQXV_to_mod(y,T)); p1 = cgetg(l, t_COL); for (j=l-1; j>=1; j--) gel(p1,j) = utoipos(ex[j]); free(ex); } else { y = gerepileupto(av, RgXQXV_to_mod(nfsqff(nf,A,0), T)); l = lg(y); p1 = cgetg(l, t_COL); for (j=l-1; j>=1; j--) gel(p1,j) = gen_1; } if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("number of factor(s) found: %ld\n", lg(y)-1); gel(rep,1) = y; gel(rep,2) = p1; return sort_factor(rep, cmp_pol); }
/* nf = K[y] / (P) [P irreducible / K]. Is nf Galois over K ? */ int nfisgalois(GEN nf, GEN P) { if (typ(P) != t_POL) pari_err(typeer, "nfissplit"); return degpol(P) <= 2 || nfissplit(nf, P); }
/* LOCATE GPRC */ static void err_gprc(const char *s, char *t, char *u) { err_printf("\n"); pari_err(e_SYNTAX,s,t,u); }
/* return the factorization of the square-free polynomial x. The coeffs of x are in Z_nf and its leading term is a rational integer. deg(x) > 1, deg(nfpol) > 1 If fl = 1, return only the roots of x in nf If fl = 2, as fl=1 if pol splits, [] otherwise */ static GEN nfsqff(GEN nf, GEN pol, long fl) { long n, nbf, dpol = degpol(pol); GEN pr, C0, polbase, init_fa = NULL; GEN N2, rep, polmod, polred, lt, nfpol = gel(nf,1); nfcmbf_t T; nflift_t L; pari_timer ti, ti_tot; if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { TIMERstart(&ti); TIMERstart(&ti_tot); } n = degpol(nfpol); polbase = unifpol(nf, pol, t_COL); if (typ(polbase) != t_POL) pari_err(typeer, "nfsqff"); polmod = lift_intern( unifpol(nf, pol, t_POLMOD) ); if (dpol == 1) return mkvec(QXQX_normalize(polmod, nfpol)); /* heuristic */ if (dpol*3 < n) { GEN z, t; long i; if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) fprintferr("Using Trager's method\n"); z = (GEN)polfnf(polmod, nfpol)[1]; if (fl) { long l = lg(z); for (i = 1; i < l; i++) { t = gel(z,i); if (degpol(t) > 1) break; gel(z,i) = gneg(gdiv(gel(t,2), gel(t,3))); } setlg(z, i); if (fl == 2 && i != l) return cgetg(1,t_VEC); } return z; } nbf = nf_pick_prime(5, nf, polbase, fl, <, &init_fa, &pr, &L.Tp); if (fl == 2 && nbf < dpol) return cgetg(1,t_VEC); if (nbf <= 1) { if (!fl) return mkvec(QXQX_normalize(polmod, nfpol)); /* irreducible */ if (!nbf) return cgetg(1,t_VEC); /* no root */ } if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { msgTIMER(&ti, "choice of a prime ideal"); fprintferr("Prime ideal chosen: %Z\n", pr); } pol = simplify_i(lift(polmod)); L.tozk = gel(nf,8); L.topow= Q_remove_denom(gel(nf,7), &L.topowden); T.ZC = L2_bound(nf, L.tozk, &(T.dn)); T.Br = nf_root_bounds(pol, nf); if (lt) T.Br = gmul(T.Br, lt); if (fl) C0 = normlp(T.Br, 2, n); else C0 = nf_factor_bound(nf, polbase); /* bound for T_2(Q_i), Q | P */ T.bound = mulrr(T.ZC, C0); /* bound for |Q_i|^2 in Z^n on chosen Z-basis */ N2 = mulsr(dpol*dpol, normlp(T.Br, 4, n)); /* bound for T_2(lt * S_2) */ T.BS_2 = mulrr(T.ZC, N2); /* bound for |S_2|^2 on chosen Z-basis */ if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { msgTIMER(&ti, "bound computation"); fprintferr(" 1) T_2 bound for %s: %Z\n", fl?"root":"factor", C0); fprintferr(" 2) Conversion from T_2 --> | |^2 bound : %Z\n", T.ZC); fprintferr(" 3) Final bound: %Z\n", T.bound); } L.p = gel(pr,1); if (L.Tp && degpol(L.Tp) == 1) L.Tp = NULL; bestlift_init(0, nf, pr, T.bound, &L); if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) TIMERstart(&ti); polred = ZqX_normalize(polbase, lt, &L); /* monic */ if (fl) { GEN z = nf_DDF_roots(pol, polred, nfpol, lt, init_fa, nbf, fl, &L); if (lg(z) == 1) return cgetg(1, t_VEC); return z; } { pari_sp av = avma; if (L.Tp) rep = FqX_split_all(init_fa, L.Tp, L.p); else { long d; rep = cgetg(dpol + 1, t_VEC); gel(rep,1) = FpX_red(polred,L.p); d = FpX_split_Berlekamp((GEN*)(rep + 1), L.p); setlg(rep, d + 1); } T.fact = gerepilecopy(av, sort_vecpol(rep, &cmp_pol)); } if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) msgTIMER(&ti, "splitting mod %Z", pr); = pr; T.L = &L; T.polbase = polbase; T.pol = pol; = nf; T.hint = 1; /* useless */ rep = nf_combine_factors(&T, polred, L.p, L.k, dpol-1); if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) fprintferr("Total Time: %ld\n===========\n", TIMER(&ti_tot)); return rep; }
void install0(char *name, char *code, char *gpname, char *lib) { pari_err(archer); }
long eval_mnemonic(GEN str, const char *tmplate) { pari_sp av=avma; ulong retval = 0; const char *etmplate = NULL; const char *arg; if (typ(str)==t_INT) return itos(str); if (typ(str)!=t_STR) pari_err_TYPE("eval_mnemonic",str); arg=GSTR(str); etmplate = strchr(tmplate, '\n'); if (!etmplate) etmplate = tmplate + strlen(tmplate); while (1) { long numarg; const char *e, *id; const char *negated; /* action found with 'no'-ID */ int negate; /* Arg has 'no' prefix removed */ ulong l, action = 0, first = 1, singleton = 0; char *buf, *inibuf; static char b[80]; while (isspace((int)*arg)) arg++; if (!*arg) break; e = arg; while (IS_ID(*e)) e++; /* Now the ID is whatever is between arg and e. */ l = e - arg; if (l >= sizeof(b)) pari_err(e_MISC,"id too long in a stringified flag"); if (!l) /* Garbage after whitespace? */ pari_err(e_MISC,"a stringified flag does not start with an id"); strncpy(b, arg, l); b[l] = 0; arg = e; e = inibuf = buf = b; while (('0' <= *e) && (*e <= '9')) e++; if (*e == 0) pari_err(e_MISC,"numeric id in a stringified flag"); negate = 0; negated = NULL; find: id = tmplate; while ((id = strstr(id, buf)) && id < etmplate) { if (IS_ID(id[l])) { /* We do not allow abbreviations yet */ id += l; /* False positive */ continue; } if ((id >= tmplate + 2) && (IS_ID(id[-1]))) { const char *s = id; if ( !negate && s >= tmplate+3 && ((id[-1] == '_') || (id[-1] == '-')) ) s--; /* Check whether we are preceeded by "no" */ if ( negate /* buf initially started with "no" */ || (s < tmplate+2) || (s[-1] != 'o') || (s[-2] != 'n') || (s >= tmplate+3 && IS_ID(s[-3]))) { id += l; /* False positive */ continue; } /* Found noID in the template! */ id += l; negated = id; continue; /* Try to find without 'no'. */ } /* Found as is */ id += l; break; } if ( !id && !negated && !negate && (l > 2) && buf[0] == 'n' && buf[1] == 'o' ) { /* Try to find the flag without the prefix "no". */ buf += 2; l -= 2; if ((buf[0] == '_') || (buf[0] == '-')) { buf++; l--; } negate = 1; if (buf[0]) goto find; } if (!id && negated) /* Negated and AS_IS forms, prefer AS_IS */ { id = negated; /* Otherwise, use negated form */ negate = 1; } if (!id) pari_err(e_MISC,"Unrecognized id '%s' in a stringified flag", inibuf); if (singleton && !first) pari_err(e_MISC,"Singleton id non-single in a stringified flag"); if (id[0] == '=') { if (negate) pari_err(e_MISC,"Cannot negate id=value in a stringified flag"); if (!first) pari_err(e_MISC,"Assign action should be first in a stringified flag"); action = A_ACTION_ASSIGN; id++; if (id[0] == '=') { singleton = 1; id++; } } else if (id[0] == '^') { if (id[1] != '~') pari_err(e_MISC, "Unrecognized action in a template"); id += 2; if (negate) action = A_ACTION_SET; else action = A_ACTION_UNSET; } else if (id[0] == '|') { id++; if (negate) action = A_ACTION_UNSET; else action = A_ACTION_SET; } e = id; while ((*e >= '0' && *e <= '9')) e++; while (isspace((int)*e)) e++; if (*e && (*e != ';') && (*e != ',')) pari_err(e_MISC, "Non-numeric argument of an action in a template"); numarg = atol(id); /* Now it is safe to get it... */ switch (action) { case A_ACTION_SET: retval |= numarg; break; case A_ACTION_UNSET: retval &= ~numarg; break; case A_ACTION_ASSIGN: retval = numarg; break; default: pari_err(e_MISC,"error in parse_option_string"); } first = 0; while (isspace((int)*arg)) arg++; if (*arg && !(ispunct((int)*arg) && *arg != '-')) pari_err(e_MISC,"Junk after an id in a stringified flag"); /* Skip punctuation */ if (*arg) arg++; } avma=av; return retval; }
int invmod(GEN a, GEN b, GEN *res) #endif { GEN v,v1,d,d1,q,r; pari_sp av, av1, lim; long s; ulong g; ulong xu,xu1,xv,xv1; /* Lehmer stage recurrence matrix */ int lhmres; /* Lehmer stage return value */ if (typ(a) != t_INT || typ(b) != t_INT) pari_err(arither1); if (!signe(b)) { *res=absi(a); return 0; } av = avma; if (lgefint(b) == 3) /* single-word affair */ { ulong d1 = umodiu(a, (ulong)(b[2])); if (d1 == 0) { if (b[2] == 1L) { *res = gen_0; return 1; } else { *res = absi(b); return 0; } } g = xgcduu((ulong)(b[2]), d1, 1, &xv, &xv1, &s); #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER fprintferr(" <- %lu,%lu\n", (ulong)(b[2]), (ulong)(d1[2])); fprintferr(" -> %lu,%ld,%lu; %lx\n", g,s,xv1,avma); #endif avma = av; if (g != 1UL) { *res = utoipos(g); return 0; } xv = xv1 % (ulong)(b[2]); if (s < 0) xv = ((ulong)(b[2])) - xv; *res = utoipos(xv); return 1; } (void)new_chunk(lgefint(b)); d = absi(b); d1 = modii(a,d); v=gen_0; v1=gen_1; /* general case */ #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER fprintferr("INVERT: -------------------------\n"); output(d1); #endif av1 = avma; lim = stack_lim(av,1); while (lgefint(d) > 3 && signe(d1)) { #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER fprintferr("Calling Lehmer:\n"); #endif lhmres = lgcdii((ulong*)d, (ulong*)d1, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, MAXULONG); if (lhmres != 0) /* check progress */ { /* apply matrix */ #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER fprintferr("Lehmer returned %d [%lu,%lu;%lu,%lu].\n", lhmres, xu, xu1, xv, xv1); #endif if ((lhmres == 1) || (lhmres == -1)) { if (xv1 == 1) { r = subii(d,d1); d=d1; d1=r; a = subii(v,v1); v=v1; v1=a; } else { r = subii(d, mului(xv1,d1)); d=d1; d1=r; a = subii(v, mului(xv1,v1)); v=v1; v1=a; } } else { r = subii(muliu(d,xu), muliu(d1,xv)); a = subii(muliu(v,xu), muliu(v1,xv)); d1 = subii(muliu(d,xu1), muliu(d1,xv1)); d = r; v1 = subii(muliu(v,xu1), muliu(v1,xv1)); v = a; if (lhmres&1) { setsigne(d,-signe(d)); setsigne(v,-signe(v)); } else { if (signe(d1)) { setsigne(d1,-signe(d1)); } setsigne(v1,-signe(v1)); } } } #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER else fprintferr("Lehmer returned 0.\n"); output(d); output(d1); output(v); output(v1); sleep(1); #endif if (lhmres <= 0 && signe(d1)) { q = dvmdii(d,d1,&r); #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER fprintferr("Full division:\n"); printf(" q = "); output(q); sleep (1); #endif a = subii(v,mulii(q,v1)); v=v1; v1=a; d=d1; d1=r; } if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1))) { GEN *gptr[4]; gptr[0]=&d; gptr[1]=&d1; gptr[2]=&v; gptr[3]=&v1; if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"invmod"); gerepilemany(av1,gptr,4); } } /* end while */ /* Postprocessing - final sprint */ if (signe(d1)) { /* Assertions: lgefint(d)==lgefint(d1)==3, and * gcd(d,d1) is nonzero and fits into one word */ g = xxgcduu((ulong)d[2], (ulong)d1[2], 1, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s); #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER output(d);output(d1);output(v);output(v1); fprintferr(" <- %lu,%lu\n", (ulong)d[2], (ulong)d1[2]); fprintferr(" -> %lu,%ld,%lu; %lx\n", g,s,xv1,avma); #endif if (g != 1UL) { avma = av; *res = utoipos(g); return 0; } /* (From the xgcduu() blurb:) * For finishing the multiword modinv, we now have to multiply the * returned matrix (with properly adjusted signs) onto the values * v' and v1' previously obtained from the multiword division steps. * Actually, it is sufficient to take the scalar product of [v',v1'] * with [u1,-v1], and change the sign if s==1. */ v = subii(muliu(v,xu1),muliu(v1,xv1)); if (s > 0) setsigne(v,-signe(v)); avma = av; *res = modii(v,b); #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER output(*res); fprintfderr("============================Done.\n"); sleep(1); #endif return 1; } /* get here when the final sprint was skipped (d1 was zero already) */ avma = av; if (!equalii(d,gen_1)) { *res = icopy(d); return 0; } *res = modii(v,b); #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER output(*res); fprintferr("============================Done.\n"); sleep(1); #endif return 1; }
int ratlift(GEN x, GEN m, GEN *a, GEN *b, GEN amax, GEN bmax) { GEN d,d1,v,v1,q,r; pari_sp av = avma, av1, lim; long lb,lr,lbb,lbr,s,s0; ulong vmax; ulong xu,xu1,xv,xv1; /* Lehmer stage recurrence matrix */ int lhmres; /* Lehmer stage return value */ if ((typ(x) | typ(m) | typ(amax) | typ(bmax)) != t_INT) pari_err(arither1); if (signe(bmax) <= 0) pari_err(talker, "ratlift: bmax must be > 0, found\n\tbmax=%Z\n", bmax); if (signe(amax) < 0) pari_err(talker, "ratilft: amax must be >= 0, found\n\tamax=%Z\n", amax); /* check 2*amax*bmax < m */ if (cmpii(shifti(mulii(amax, bmax), 1), m) >= 0) pari_err(talker, "ratlift: must have 2*amax*bmax < m, found\n\tamax=%Z\n\tbmax=%Z\n\tm=%Z\n", amax,bmax,m); /* we _could_ silently replace x with modii(x,m) instead of the following, * but let's leave this up to the caller */ avma = av; s = signe(x); if (s < 0 || cmpii(x,m) >= 0) pari_err(talker, "ratlift: must have 0 <= x < m, found\n\tx=%Z\n\tm=%Z\n", x,m); /* special cases x=0 and/or amax=0 */ if (s == 0) { if (a != NULL) *a = gen_0; if (b != NULL) *b = gen_1; return 1; } else if (signe(amax)==0) return 0; /* assert: m > x > 0, amax > 0 */ /* check here whether a=x, b=1 is a solution */ if (cmpii(x,amax) <= 0) { if (a != NULL) *a = icopy(x); if (b != NULL) *b = gen_1; return 1; } /* There is no special case for single-word numbers since this is * mainly meant to be used with large moduli. */ (void)new_chunk(lgefint(bmax) + lgefint(amax)); /* room for a,b */ d = m; d1 = x; v = gen_0; v1 = gen_1; /* assert d1 > amax, v1 <= bmax here */ lb = lgefint(bmax); lbb = bfffo(*int_MSW(bmax)); s = 1; av1 = avma; lim = stack_lim(av, 1); /* general case: Euclidean division chain starting with m div x, and * with bounds on the sequence of convergents' denoms v_j. * Just to be different from what invmod and bezout are doing, we work * here with the all-nonnegative matrices [u,u1;v,v1]=prod_j([0,1;1,q_j]). * Loop invariants: * (a) (sign)*[-v,v1]*x = [d,d1] (mod m) (componentwise) * (sign initially +1, changes with each Euclidean step) * so [a,b] will be obtained in the form [-+d,v] or [+-d1,v1]; * this congruence is a consequence of * (b) [x,m]~ = [u,u1;v,v1]*[d1,d]~, * where u,u1 is the usual numerator sequence starting with 1,0 * instead of 0,1 (just multiply the eqn on the left by the inverse * matrix, which is det*[v1,-u1;-v,u], where "det" is the same as the * "(sign)" in (a)). From m = v*d1 + v1*d and * (c) d > d1 >= 0, 0 <= v < v1, * we have d >= m/(2*v1), so while v1 remains smaller than m/(2*amax), * the pair [-(sign)*d,v] satisfies (1) but violates (2) (d > amax). * Conversely, v1 > bmax indicates that no further solutions will be * forthcoming; [-(sign)*d,v] will be the last, and first, candidate. * Thus there's at most one point in the chain division where a solution * can live: v < bmax, v1 >= m/(2*amax) > bmax, and this is acceptable * iff in fact d <= amax (e.g. m=221, x=34 or 35, amax=bmax=10 fail on * this count while x=32,33,36,37 succeed). However, a division may leave * a zero residue before we ever reach this point (consider m=210, x=35, * amax=bmax=10), and our caller may find that gcd(d,v) > 1 (numerous * examples -- keep m=210 and consider any of x=29,31,32,33,34,36,37,38, * 39,40,41). * Furthermore, at the start of the loop body we have in fact * (c') 0 <= v < v1 <= bmax, d > d1 > amax >= 0, * (and are never done already). * * Main loop is similar to those of invmod() and bezout(), except for * having to determine appropriate vmax bounds, and checking termination * conditions. The signe(d1) condition is only for paranoia */ while (lgefint(d) > 3 && signe(d1)) { /* determine vmax for lgcdii so as to ensure v won't overshoot. * If v+v1 > bmax, the next step would take v1 beyond the limit, so * since [+-d1,v1] is not a solution, we give up. Otherwise if v+v1 * is way shorter than bmax, use vmax=MAXULUNG. Otherwise, set vmax * to a crude lower approximation of bmax/(v+v1), or to 1, which will * allow the inner loop to do one step */ r = addii(v,v1); lr = lb - lgefint(r); lbr = bfffo(*int_MSW(r)); if (cmpii(r,bmax) > 0) /* done, not found */ { avma = av; return 0; } else if (lr > 1) /* still more than a word's worth to go */ { vmax = MAXULONG; } else /* take difference of bit lengths */ { lr = (lr << TWOPOTBITS_IN_LONG) - lbb + lbr; if ((ulong)lr > BITS_IN_LONG) vmax = MAXULONG; else if (lr == 0) vmax = 1UL; else vmax = 1UL << (lr-1); /* the latter is pessimistic but faster than a division */ } /* do a Lehmer-Jebelean round */ lhmres = lgcdii((ulong *)d, (ulong *)d1, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, vmax); if (lhmres != 0) /* check progress */ { /* apply matrix */ if ((lhmres == 1) || (lhmres == -1)) { s = -s; if (xv1 == 1) { /* re-use v+v1 computed above */ v=v1; v1=r; r = subii(d,d1); d=d1; d1=r; } else { r = subii(d, mului(xv1,d1)); d=d1; d1=r; r = addii(v, mului(xv1,v1)); v=v1; v1=r; } } else { r = subii(muliu(d,xu), muliu(d1,xv)); d1 = subii(muliu(d,xu1), muliu(d1,xv1)); d = r; r = addii(muliu(v,xu), muliu(v1,xv)); v1 = addii(muliu(v,xu1), muliu(v1,xv1)); v = r; if (lhmres&1) { setsigne(d,-signe(d)); s = -s; } else if (signe(d1)) { setsigne(d1,-signe(d1)); } } /* check whether we're done. Assert v <= bmax here. Examine v1: * if v1 > bmax, check d and return 0 or 1 depending on the outcome; * if v1 <= bmax, check d1 and return 1 if d1 <= amax, otherwise * proceed. */ if (cmpii(v1,bmax) > 0) /* certainly done */ { avma = av; if (cmpii(d,amax) <= 0) /* done, found */ { if (a != NULL) { *a = icopy(d); setsigne(*a,-s); /* sign opposite to s */ } if (b != NULL) *b = icopy(v); return 1; } else /* done, not found */ return 0; } else if (cmpii(d1,amax) <= 0) /* also done, found */ { avma = av; if (a != NULL) { if (signe(d1)) { *a = icopy(d1); setsigne(*a,s); /* same sign as s */ } else *a = gen_0; } if (b != NULL) *b = icopy(v1); return 1; } } /* lhmres != 0 */ if (lhmres <= 0 && signe(d1)) { q = dvmdii(d,d1,&r); #ifdef DEBUG_LEHMER fprintferr("Full division:\n"); printf(" q = "); output(q); sleep (1); #endif d=d1; d1=r; r = addii(v,mulii(q,v1)); v=v1; v1=r; s = -s; /* check whether we are done now. Since we weren't before the div, it * suffices to examine v1 and d1 -- the new d (former d1) cannot cut it */ if (cmpii(v1,bmax) > 0) /* done, not found */ { avma = av; return 0; } else if (cmpii(d1,amax) <= 0) /* done, found */ { avma = av; if (a != NULL) { if (signe(d1)) { *a = icopy(d1); setsigne(*a,s); /* same sign as s */ } else *a = gen_0; } if (b != NULL) *b = icopy(v1); return 1; } } if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1))) { GEN *gptr[4]; gptr[0]=&d; gptr[1]=&d1; gptr[2]=&v; gptr[3]=&v1; if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"ratlift"); gerepilemany(av1,gptr,4); } } /* end while */ /* Postprocessing - final sprint. Since we usually underestimate vmax, * this function needs a loop here instead of a simple conditional. * Note we can only get here when amax fits into one word (which will * typically not be the case!). The condition is bogus -- d1 is never * zero at the start of the loop. There will be at most a few iterations, * so we don't bother collecting garbage */ while (signe(d1)) { /* Assertions: lgefint(d)==lgefint(d1)==3. * Moreover, we aren't done already, or we would have returned by now. * Recompute vmax... */ #ifdef DEBUG_RATLIFT fprintferr("rl-fs: d,d1=%Z,%Z\n", d, d1); fprintferr("rl-fs: v,v1=%Z,%Z\n", v, v1); #endif r = addii(v,v1); lr = lb - lgefint(r); lbr = bfffo(*int_MSW(r)); if (cmpii(r,bmax) > 0) /* done, not found */ { avma = av; return 0; } else if (lr > 1) /* still more than a word's worth to go */ { vmax = MAXULONG; /* (cannot in fact happen) */ } else /* take difference of bit lengths */ { lr = (lr << TWOPOTBITS_IN_LONG) - lbb + lbr; if ((ulong)lr > BITS_IN_LONG) vmax = MAXULONG; else if (lr == 0) vmax = 1UL; else vmax = 1UL << (lr-1); /* as above */ } #ifdef DEBUG_RATLIFT fprintferr("rl-fs: vmax=%lu\n", vmax); #endif /* single-word "Lehmer", discarding the gcd or whatever it returns */ (void)rgcduu((ulong)*int_MSW(d), (ulong)*int_MSW(d1), vmax, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s0); #ifdef DEBUG_RATLIFT fprintferr("rl-fs: [%lu,%lu; %lu,%lu] %s\n", xu, xu1, xv, xv1, s0 < 0 ? "-" : "+"); #endif if (xv1 == 1) /* avoid multiplications */ { /* re-use v+v1 computed above */ v=v1; v1=r; r = subii(d,d1); d=d1; d1=r; s = -s; } else if (xu == 0) /* and xv==1, xu1==1, xv1 > 1 */ { r = subii(d, mului(xv1,d1)); d=d1; d1=r; r = addii(v, mului(xv1,v1)); v=v1; v1=r; s = -s; } else { r = subii(muliu(d,xu), muliu(d1,xv)); d1 = subii(muliu(d,xu1), muliu(d1,xv1)); d = r; r = addii(muliu(v,xu), muliu(v1,xv)); v1 = addii(muliu(v,xu1), muliu(v1,xv1)); v = r; if (s0 < 0) { setsigne(d,-signe(d)); s = -s; } else if (signe(d1)) /* sic: might vanish now */ { setsigne(d1,-signe(d1)); } } /* check whether we're done, as above. Assert v <= bmax. Examine v1: * if v1 > bmax, check d and return 0 or 1 depending on the outcome; * if v1 <= bmax, check d1 and return 1 if d1 <= amax, otherwise proceed. */ if (cmpii(v1,bmax) > 0) /* certainly done */ { avma = av; if (cmpii(d,amax) <= 0) /* done, found */ { if (a != NULL) { *a = icopy(d); setsigne(*a,-s); /* sign opposite to s */ } if (b != NULL) *b = icopy(v); return 1; } else /* done, not found */ return 0; } else if (cmpii(d1,amax) <= 0) /* also done, found */ { avma = av; if (a != NULL) { if (signe(d1)) { *a = icopy(d1); setsigne(*a,s); /* same sign as s */ } else *a = gen_0; } if (b != NULL) *b = icopy(v1); return 1; } } /* while */ /* get here when we have run into d1 == 0 before returning... in fact, * this cannot happen. */ pari_err(talker, "ratlift failed to catch d1 == 0\n"); /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; }
/* Computation of potential block systems of given size d associated to a * rational prime p: give a row vector of row vectors containing the * potential block systems of imprimitivity; a potential block system is a * vector of row vectors (enumeration of the roots). */ static GEN calc_block(blockdata *B, GEN Z, GEN Y, GEN SB) { long r = lg(Z), lK, i, j, t, tp, T, u, nn, lnon, lY; GEN K, n, non, pn, pnon, e, Yp, Zp, Zpp; pari_sp av0 = avma; if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) { fprintferr("lg(Z) = %ld, lg(Y) = %ld\n", r,lg(Y)); if (DEBUGLEVEL > 5) { fprintferr("Z = %Z\n",Z); fprintferr("Y = %Z\n",Y); } } lnon = min(BIL, r); e = new_chunk(BIL); n = new_chunk(r); non = new_chunk(lnon); pnon = new_chunk(lnon); pn = new_chunk(lnon); Zp = cgetg(lnon,t_VEC); Zpp = cgetg(lnon,t_VEC); nn = 0; for (i=1; i<r; i++) { n[i] = lg(Z[i])-1; nn += n[i]; } lY = lg(Y); Yp = cgetg(lY+1,t_VEC); for (j=1; j<lY; j++) Yp[j] = Y[j]; { pari_sp av = avma; long k = nn / B->size; for (j = 1; j < r; j++) if (n[j] % k) break; if (j == r) { gel(Yp,lY) = Z; SB = print_block_system(B, Yp, SB); avma = av; } } gel(Yp,lY) = Zp; K = divisors(utoipos(n[1])); lK = lg(K); for (i=1; i<lK; i++) { long ngcd = n[1], k = itos(gel(K,i)), dk = B->size*k, lpn = 0; for (j=2; j<r; j++) if (n[j]%k == 0) { if (++lpn >= BIL) pari_err(talker,"overflow in calc_block"); pn[lpn] = n[j]; pnon[lpn] = j; ngcd = cgcd(ngcd, n[j]); } if (dk % ngcd) continue; T = 1<<lpn; if (lpn == r-2) { T--; /* done already above --> print_block_system */ if (!T) continue; } if (dk == n[1]) { /* empty subset, t = 0. Split out for clarity */ Zp[1] = Z[1]; setlg(Zp, 2); for (u=1,j=2; j<r; j++) Zpp[u++] = Z[j]; setlg(Zpp, u); SB = calc_block(B, Zpp, Yp, SB); } for (t = 1; t < T; t++) { /* loop through all non-empty subsets of [1..lpn] */ for (nn=n[1],tp=t, u=1; u<=lpn; u++,tp>>=1) { if (tp&1) { nn += pn[u]; e[u] = 1; } else e[u] = 0; } if (dk != nn) continue; for (j=1; j<r; j++) non[j]=0; Zp[1] = Z[1]; for (u=2,j=1; j<=lpn; j++) if (e[j]) { Zp[u] = Z[pnon[j]]; non[pnon[j]] = 1; u++; } setlg(Zp, u); for (u=1,j=2; j<r; j++) if (!non[j]) Zpp[u++] = Z[j]; setlg(Zpp, u); SB = calc_block(B, Zpp, Yp, SB); } } avma = av0; return SB; }