String System::getErrorMSG_NLS(int errorCode,int errorCode2) { LPVOID winErrorMsg = NULL; if (FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&winErrorMsg, 0, NULL)) { MessageLoaderParms parms( "Common.System.ERROR_MESSAGE.STANDARD", "$0 (error code $1)",(char*)winErrorMsg,errorCode); LocalFree(winErrorMsg); return MessageLoader::getMessage(parms); } MessageLoaderParms parms( "Common.System.ERROR_MESSAGE.STANDARD", "$0 (error code $1)","",errorCode); return MessageLoader::getMessage(parms); }
String IndicationFormatter::_localizeBooleanStr( const Boolean & booleanValue, const Locale & locale) { PEG_METHOD_ENTER (TRC_IND_FORMATTER, "IndicationFormatter::_localizeBooleanStr"); if (booleanValue) { MessageLoaderParms parms( "IndicationFormatter.IndicationFormatter._MSG_BOOLEAN_TRUE", "true"); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); return (MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); } else { MessageLoaderParms parms( "IndicationFormatter.IndicationFormatter._MSG_BOOLEAN_FALSE", "false"); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); return (MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); } }
/* PrintHelp - This is temporary until we expand the options manager to allow options help to be defined with the OptionRow entries and presented from those entries. */ void PrintHelp(const char* arg0) { String usage = String (USAGE); usage.append(COMMAND_NAME); usage.append(" [ [ options ] | [ configProperty=value, ... ] ]\n"); usage.append(" options\n"); usage.append(" -v, --version - displays CIM Server version number\n"); usage.append(" --status - displays the running status of" " the CIM Server\n"); usage.append(" -h, --help - prints this help message\n"); usage.append(" -s - shuts down CIM Server\n"); #if !defined(PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS) usage.append(" -D [home] - sets pegasus home directory\n"); #endif #if defined(PEGASUS_OS_TYPE_WINDOWS) usage.append(" -install [name] - installs pegasus as a Windows " "Service\n"); usage.append(" [name] is optional and overrides " "the\n"); usage.append(" default CIM Server Service Name\n"); usage.append(" by appending [name]\n"); usage.append(" -remove [name] - removes pegasus as a Windows " "Service\n"); usage.append(" [name] is optional and overrides " "the\n"); usage.append(" default CIM Server Service Name\n"); usage.append(" by appending [name]\n"); usage.append(" -start [name] - starts pegasus as a Windows Service\n"); usage.append(" [name] is optional and overrides " "the\n"); usage.append(" default CIM Server Service Name\n"); usage.append(" by appending [name]\n"); usage.append(" -stop [name] - stops pegasus as a Windows Service\n"); usage.append(" [name] is optional and overrides " "the\n"); usage.append(" default CIM Server Service Name\n"); usage.append(" by appending [name]\n\n"); #endif usage.append(" configProperty=value\n"); usage.append(" - sets CIM Server configuration " "property\n"); cout << endl; cout << _cimServerProcess->getProductName() << " " << _cimServerProcess->getCompleteVersion() << endl; cout << endl; #if defined(PEGASUS_OS_TYPE_WINDOWS) MessageLoaderParms parms("src.Server.cimserver.MENU.WINDOWS", usage); #elif defined(PEGASUS_USE_RELEASE_DIRS) MessageLoaderParms parms( "src.Server.cimserver.MENU.HPUXLINUXIA64GNU", usage); #else MessageLoaderParms parms("src.Server.cimserver.MENU.STANDARD", usage); #endif cout << MessageLoader::getMessage(parms) << endl; }
void SSLContextManager::reloadTrustStore(Uint32 contextType) { PEG_METHOD_ENTER(TRC_SSL, "SSLContextManager::reloadTrustStore()"); SSL_CTX* sslContext; String trustStore = String::EMPTY; if ( contextType == SERVER_CONTEXT && _sslContext ) { PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_SSL, Tracer::LEVEL4, "Context Type is Server Context."); sslContext = _sslContext->_rep->getContext(); trustStore = _sslContext->getTrustStore(); } else if ( contextType == EXPORT_CONTEXT && _exportSSLContext ) { PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_SSL, Tracer::LEVEL4, "Context Type is Export Context."); sslContext = _exportSSLContext->_rep->getContext(); trustStore = _exportSSLContext->getTrustStore(); } else { PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_SSL, Tracer::LEVEL2, "Could not reload the trust store, SSL Context is not initialized."); MessageLoaderParms parms( "Pegasus.Common.SSLContextManager.COULD_NOT_RELOAD_TRUSTSTORE_SSL_CONTEXT_NOT_INITIALIZED", "Could not reload the trust store, SSL Context is not initialized."); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw SSLException(parms); } if (trustStore == String::EMPTY) { PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_SSL, Tracer::LEVEL4, "Could not reload the trust store, the trust store is not configured."); MessageLoaderParms parms( "Pegasus.Common.SSLContextManager.TRUST_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED", "Could not reload the trust store, the trust store is not configured."); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw SSLException(parms); } X509_STORE* newStore = _getNewX509Store(trustStore); // // acquire write lock to Context object and then overwrite the trust // store cache // { WriteLock contextLock(_sslContextObjectLock); SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(sslContext, newStore); } PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); }
CIMPropertyList WQLSelectStatementRep::getPropertyList( const CIMObjectPath& inClassName) { if(_ctx == NULL){ MessageLoaderParms parms( "WQL.WQLSelectStatementRep.QUERY_CONTEXT_IS_NULL", "Trying to process a query with a NULL Query Context."); throw QueryRuntimeException(parms); } if(_allProperties) return CIMPropertyList(); CIMName className = inClassName.getClassName(); if (className.isNull()) { // If the caller passed in an empty className, then the // FROM class is to be used. className = _className; } // check if inClassName is the From class if(!(className == _className)){ // check if inClassName is a subclass of the From class if(!_ctx->isSubClass(_className,className)){ MessageLoaderParms parms( "WQL.WQLSelectStatementRep.CLASS_NOT_FROM_LIST_CLASS", "Class $0 does not match the FROM class or any of its" " subclasses.", className.getString()); throw QueryRuntimeException(parms); } } Array<CIMName> names = getWherePropertyList(inClassName).getPropertyNameArray(); Array<CIMName> selectList = getSelectPropertyList(inClassName).getPropertyNameArray(); // check for duplicates and remove them for(Uint32 i = 0; i < names.size(); i++){ for(Uint32 j = 0; j < selectList.size(); j++){ if(names[i] == selectList[j]) selectList.remove(j); } } names.appendArray(selectList); CIMPropertyList list = CIMPropertyList(); list.set(names); return list; }
void SSLContextManager::reloadCRLStore() { PEG_METHOD_ENTER(TRC_SSL, "SSLContextManager::reloadCRLStore()"); if (!_sslContext && !_exportSSLContext) { PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_SSL, Tracer::LEVEL2, "Could not reload the crl store, SSL Context is not initialized."); MessageLoaderParms parms( "Pegasus.Common.SSLContextManager.COULD_NOT_RELOAD_CRL_STORE_SSL_CONTEXT_NOT_INITIALIZED", "Could not reload the crl store, SSL Context is not initialized."); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw SSLException(parms); } String crlPath = _sslContext->getCRLPath(); if (crlPath == String::EMPTY) { PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_SSL, Tracer::LEVEL4, "Could not reload the crl store, the crl store is not configured."); MessageLoaderParms parms( "Pegasus.Common.SSLContextManager.CRL_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED", "Could not reload the crl store, the crl store is not configured."); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw SSLException(parms); } PEG_TRACE_STRING(TRC_SSL, Tracer::LEVEL4, "CRL store path is " + crlPath); //update the CRL store for both the server and the export server since they share the same CRL store X509_STORE* crlStore; { WriteLock contextLock(_sslContextObjectLock); if (_sslContext) { _sslContext->_rep->setCRLStore(_getNewX509Store(crlPath)); } if (_exportSSLContext) { _exportSSLContext->_rep->setCRLStore(_getNewX509Store(crlPath)); } } PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); }
Element LanguageBuiltinImplementation::Interpret_( Environment& environment , std::vector<Element> const& parmsIn , Element const& // additional_parameters ) { Element out; if (false == parmsIn.empty()) { Element parm1 = parmsIn[0]; std::vector<Element> parms(parmsIn.begin() + 1, parmsIn.end()); bool isSuperString = false; SuperString SS = CastToSuperString(parm1, isSuperString); bool isString = false; String S = CastToString(parm1, isString); std::string id; if (isSuperString) { id = SS.Value(); } if (isString) { id = S.Value(); } Translator& translator = this->translators.Get(id); out = Translate_(environment, parms, translator); } return out; }
void CIMOperationResponseEncoder::enqueue(Message* message) { try { handleEnqueue(message); } catch(PEGASUS_STD(bad_alloc)&) { MessageLoaderParms parms( "Server.CIMOperationResponseEncoder.OUT_OF_MEMORY", "A System error has occurred. Please retry the CIM Operation " "at a later time."); Logger::put_l( Logger::ERROR_LOG, System::CIMSERVER, Logger::SEVERE, parms); CIMResponseMessage* response = dynamic_cast<CIMResponseMessage*>(message); Uint32 queueId = response->; MessageQueue* queue = MessageQueue::lookup(queueId); HTTPConnection* httpQueue = dynamic_cast<HTTPConnection*>(queue); PEGASUS_ASSERT(httpQueue); // Handle internal error on this connection. httpQueue->handleInternalServerError( response->getIndex(), response->isComplete()); delete message; } }
int main (int argc, char* argv []) { OSInfoCommand command = OSInfoCommand (); int rc; MessageLoader::setPegasusMsgHomeRelative(argv[0]); try { command.setCommand (argc, argv); } catch (const CommandFormatException& cfe) { cerr << OSInfoCommand::COMMAND_NAME << ": " << cfe.getMessage() << endl; MessageLoaderParms parms(ERR_USAGE_KEY,ERR_USAGE); parms.msg_src_path = MSG_PATH; cerr << OSInfoCommand::COMMAND_NAME << ": " << MessageLoader::getMessage(parms) << endl; exit (Command::RC_ERROR); } catch (const InvalidLocatorException &ile) { cerr << OSInfoCommand::COMMAND_NAME << ": " << ile.getMessage() << endl; exit (Command::RC_ERROR); } rc = command.execute (cout, cerr); exit (rc); return 0; }
void cimmofMessages::getMessage(String &out, MsgCode code, const arglist &args) { //l10n Array<String> _args; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(i < args.size()) _args.append(args[i]); else _args.append(""); } MessageLoaderParms parms(_cimmofMessagesKeys[(unsigned int)code], _cimmofMessages[(unsigned int)code], _args[0],_args[1],_args[2],_args[3],_args[4], _args[5],_args[6],_args[7],_args[8],_args[9]); out = MessageLoader::getMessage(parms); //String s = msgCodeToString(code); //out = s; //int pos; //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { //int state = 0; //char buf[40]; //sprintf(buf, "%d", i + 1); //String srchstr = "%"; //srchstr.append(buf); //if ( (pos = find(out, srchstr)) != -1 ) { //replace(out, pos, srchstr.size(), args[i]); //} //} }
int main (int argc, char* argv []) { WbemExecCommand command = WbemExecCommand (); int rc; MessageLoader::setPegasusMsgHomeRelative(argv[0]); #ifdef PEGASUS_OS_ZOS // for z/OS set stdout and stderr to EBCDIC setEBCDICEncoding(STDOUT_FILENO); setEBCDICEncoding(STDERR_FILENO); #endif try { command.setCommand (argc, argv); } catch (const CommandFormatException& cfe) { cerr << WbemExecCommand::COMMAND_NAME << ": " << cfe.getMessage() << endl; MessageLoaderParms parms(ERR_USAGE_KEY,ERR_USAGE); parms.msg_src_path = MSG_PATH; cerr << WbemExecCommand::COMMAND_NAME << ": " << MessageLoader::getMessage(parms) << endl; exit (Command::RC_ERROR); } rc = command.execute (cout, cerr); exit (rc); return 0; }
void EmailListenerDestination::_writeStrToFile( const String & mailHdrStr, FILE * filePtr) { PEG_METHOD_ENTER (TRC_IND_HANDLER, "EmailListenerDestination::_writeStrToFile"); String exceptionStr; if (fprintf(filePtr, "%s\n", (const char *)mailHdrStr.getCString()) < 0) { Tracer::trace(TRC_IND_HANDLER, Tracer::LEVEL4, "Failed to write the %s to the file: %s.", (const char *)mailHdrStr.getCString(), strerror(errno)); MessageLoaderParms parms( "Handler.EmailListenerDestination.EmailListenerDestination._MSG_WRITE_TO_THE_FILE_FAILED", "Failed to write the $0 to the file: $1.", mailHdrStr, strerror(errno)); exceptionStr.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION (CIM_ERR_FAILED, exceptionStr); } PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); }
void EmailListenerDestination::_openFile( FILE **filePtr, char * mailFile) { PEG_METHOD_ENTER (TRC_IND_HANDLER, "EmailListenerDestination::_openFile"); String exceptionStr; *filePtr = fopen(tmpnam(mailFile), "w"); if (*filePtr == NULL) { Tracer::trace(TRC_IND_HANDLER, Tracer::LEVEL4, "fopen of %s failed: %s.", mailFile, strerror(errno)); MessageLoaderParms parms( "Handler.EmailListenerDestination.EmailListenerDestination._MSG_FAILED_TO_OPEN_THE_FILE", "fopen of $0 failed: $1.", mailFile, strerror(errno)); exceptionStr.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION (CIM_ERR_FAILED, exceptionStr); } PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); }
void QueryExpression::setQueryContext(QueryContext& inCtx) { if(_ss == NULL){ MessageLoaderParms parms("Query.QueryExpression.SS_IS_NULL", "Trying to process a query with a NULL SelectStatement."); throw QueryException(parms); } // SelectStatement only allows this to be called once. _ss->setQueryContext(inCtx); #ifndef PEGASUS_DISABLE_CQL String cql("CIM:CQL"); if (_queryLang == cql) { // Now that we have a QueryContext, we can finish compiling // the CQL statement. CQLSelectStatement* tempSS = dynamic_cast<CQLSelectStatement*>(_ss); if (tempSS != NULL) { CQLParser::parse(getQuery(), *tempSS); tempSS->applyContext(); } } #endif }
void get_token_vector(const CAnimData& animData, int begin, int end, std::vector<CToken>& tokensOut, bool preLock) { std::set<CPrimitive> prims; for (int i = begin; i < end; ++i) { CAnimPlaybackParms parms(i, -1, 1.f, true); animData.GetAnimationPrimitives(parms, prims); } primitive_set_to_token_vector(animData, prims, tokensOut, preLock); }
/** Constructs an UnexpectedOptionException using the value of the unexpected option string. @param optionValue the string representing the long option that was unexpected */ UnexpectedOptionException::UnexpectedOptionException (const String& optionValue) : CommandFormatException (String ()) { MessageLoaderParms parms("Clients.cliutils.CommandException.UNEXPECTED_OPTION", "option \"-$0\" was unexpected", optionValue); _rep->message.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); }
void JPlotFitExp::GenerateFit() { CalculateFirstPass(); JVector parms(2); parms.SetElement(1, itsAParm); parms.SetElement(2, itsBParm); JPlotFitBase::GenerateFit(parms, itsChi2Start); }
void UILabel::AddToMenu( UIMenu *menu, UIObject *parent ) { const Posef pose( Quatf( Vector3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), 0.0f ), Vector3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); VRMenuObjectParms parms( VRMENU_STATIC, Array< VRMenuComponent* >(), VRMenuSurfaceParms(), "", pose, Vector3f( 1.0f ), FontParms, menu->AllocId(), VRMenuObjectFlags_t(), VRMenuObjectInitFlags_t( VRMENUOBJECT_INIT_FORCE_POSITION ) ); AddToMenuWithParms( menu, parent, parms ); }
void launch_renderTile (int numTiles, int* pixels, const int width, const int height, const float time, const Vec3fa& vx, const Vec3fa& vy, const Vec3fa& vz, const Vec3fa& p, const int numTilesX, const int numTilesY) { TaskScheduler::EventSync event; RenderTileTask parms(pixels,width,height,time,vx,vy,vz,p,numTilesX,numTilesY); TaskScheduler::Task task(&event,(TaskScheduler::runFunction)renderTile_parallel,&parms,numTiles,NULL,NULL,"render"); TaskScheduler::addTask(-1,TaskScheduler::GLOBAL_FRONT,&task); event.sync(); }
void CScriptPlayerActor::SetupOnlineModelData() { if (x310_loadedCharIdx != x2e8_suitRes.GetCharacterNodeId() || !x64_modelData || !x64_modelData->HasAnimData()) { x2e8_suitRes.SetCharacterNodeId(x310_loadedCharIdx); SetModelData(std::make_unique<CModelData>(x2e8_suitRes)); CAnimPlaybackParms parms(x2e8_suitRes.GetDefaultAnim(), -1, 1.f, true); x64_modelData->AnimationData()->SetAnimation(parms, false); if (x354_24_setBoundingBox) SetBoundingBox(x64_modelData->GetBounds(GetTransform().getRotation())); } }
String QueryExpression::getQuery() const { if(_ss == NULL){ MessageLoaderParms parms("Query.QueryExpression.SS_IS_NULL", "Trying to process a query with a NULL SelectStatement."); throw QueryException(parms); } return _ss->getQuery(); }
ProviderManagerContainer( const String& physicalName, const String& logicalName, const String& interfaceName, PEGASUS_INDICATION_CALLBACK_T indicationCallback, PEGASUS_RESPONSE_CHUNK_CALLBACK_T responseChunkCallback, Boolean subscriptionInitComplete) : _manager(0) { #if defined (PEGASUS_OS_VMS) String provDir = ConfigManager::getInstance()-> getCurrentValue("providerDir"); _physicalName = ConfigManager::getHomedPath(provDir) + "/" + FileSystem::buildLibraryFileName(physicalName); #else _physicalName = physicalName; // providerMgrPath comes with full path //_physicalName = ConfigManager::getHomedPath(PEGASUS_DEST_LIB_DIR) + // String("/") + FileSystem::buildLibraryFileName(physicalName); #endif _logicalName = logicalName; _interfaceName = interfaceName; _module.reset(new ProviderManagerModule(_physicalName)); Boolean moduleLoaded = _module->load(); if (moduleLoaded) { _manager = _module->getProviderManager(_logicalName); } else { PEG_TRACE_CSTRING(TRC_PROVIDERMANAGER, Tracer::LEVEL2, "ProviderManagerModule load failed."); } if (_manager == 0) { MessageLoaderParms parms( "ProviderManager.BasicProviderManagerRouter." "PROVIDERMANAGER_LOAD_FAILED", "Failed to load the Provider Manager for interface " "type \"$0\" from library \"$1\".", _interfaceName, _physicalName); Logger::put_l( Logger::ERROR_LOG, System::CIMSERVER, Logger::SEVERE, parms); throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION_L(CIM_ERR_FAILED, parms); } _manager->setIndicationCallback(indicationCallback); _manager->setResponseChunkCallback(responseChunkCallback); _manager->setSubscriptionInitComplete (subscriptionInitComplete); }
void IndicationFormatter::validateTextFormatParameters ( const CIMPropertyList & propertyList, const CIMClass & indicationClass, const Array<String> & textFormatParams) { PEG_METHOD_ENTER (TRC_IND_FORMATTER, "IndicationFormatter::validateTextFormatParameters"); Array <String> indicationClassProperties; String exceptionStr; // All the properties are selected if (propertyList.isNull ()) { for (Uint32 i = 0; i < indicationClass.getPropertyCount (); i++) { indicationClassProperties.append( indicationClass.getProperty (i).getName ().getString()); } } // partial properties are selected else { Array<CIMName> propertyNames = propertyList.getPropertyNameArray(); for (Uint32 j = 0; j < propertyNames.size(); j++) { indicationClassProperties.append(propertyNames[j].getString()); } } // check if the textFormatParams is contained in the // indicationClassProperties for (Uint32 k = 0; k < textFormatParams.size(); k++) { if (!Contains(indicationClassProperties, textFormatParams[k])) { // The property name in TextFormatParameters is not // included in the select clause of the associated filter query MessageLoaderParms parms( "IndicationFormatter.IndicationFormatter._MSG_MISS_MATCHED_PROPERTY_NAME", "The property name $0 in $1 does not match the properties in the select clause", textFormatParams[k], _PROPERTY_TEXTFORMATPARAMETERS.getString()); exceptionStr.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); throw PEGASUS_CIM_EXCEPTION ( CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, exceptionStr); } } PEG_METHOD_EXIT(); }
/** Constructs an UnexpectedArgumentException using the value of the argument string. @param argumentValue the string containing the unexpected argument */ UnexpectedArgumentException::UnexpectedArgumentException (const String& argumentValue) : CommandFormatException (String ()) { //l10n //_rep->message = _MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_ARG1; //_rep->message.append (argumentValue); //_rep->message.append (_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_ARG2); MessageLoaderParms parms("Clients.cliutils.CommandException.UNEXPECTED_ARG", "argument \"$0\" was unexpected", argumentValue); _rep->message.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); }
/** Constructs an UnexpectedOptionException using the value of the unexpected option character. @param optionValue the character representing the option that was unexpected */ UnexpectedOptionException::UnexpectedOptionException (char optionValue) : CommandFormatException (String ()) { //l10n //_rep->message = _MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_OPT1; //_rep->message.append (optionValue); //_rep->message.append (_MESSAGE_UNEXPECTED_OPT2); MessageLoaderParms parms("Clients.cliutils.CommandException.UNEXPECTED_OPTION", "option \"-$0\" was unexpected", String().append(optionValue)); _rep->message.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); }
/** Constructs a MissingOptionException using the value of the missing required option character. @param missingOption the character representing the missing required option */ MissingOptionException::MissingOptionException (char missingOption) : CommandFormatException (String ()) { //l10n //_rep->message = _MESSAGE_MISSING_OPTION1; //_rep->message.append (missingOption); //_rep->message.append (_MESSAGE_MISSING_OPTION2); MessageLoaderParms parms("Clients.cliutils.CommandException.MISSING_OPTION", "the \"-$0\" option is required", String().append(missingOption)); _rep->message.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); }
/** Constructs a MissingOptionArgumentException using the value of the option character whose argument is missing. @param option the character representing the option whose argument is missing */ MissingOptionArgumentException::MissingOptionArgumentException (char option) : CommandFormatException (String ()) { //l10n //_rep->message = _MESSAGE_MISSING_OPTARG1; //_rep->message.append (option); //_rep->message.append (_MESSAGE_MISSING_OPTARG2); MessageLoaderParms parms("Clients.cliutils.CommandException.MISSING_OPTION_ARG", "missing argument value for \"-$0\" option", String().append(option)); _rep->message.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); }
/** Constructs an InvalidOptionException using the value of the invalid option character. @param invalidOption the character representing the invalid option */ InvalidOptionException::InvalidOptionException (char invalidOption) : CommandFormatException (String ()) { //l10n //_rep->message = _MESSAGE_INVALID_OPTION1; //_rep->message.append (invalidOption); //_rep->message.append (_MESSAGE_INVALID_OPTION2); MessageLoaderParms parms("Clients.cliutils.CommandException.INVALID_OPTION", "option \"-$0\" is not valid for this command", String().append(invalidOption)); _rep->message.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); }
/** Constructs a DuplicateOptionException using the value of the duplicate option character. @param duplicateOption the character representing the duplicate option */ DuplicateOptionException::DuplicateOptionException (char duplicateOption) : CommandFormatException (String ()) { //l10n //_rep->message = _MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_OPTION1; //_rep->message.append (duplicateOption); //_rep->message.append (_MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_OPTION2); MessageLoaderParms parms("Clients.cliutils.CommandException.DUPLICATE_OPTION", "duplicate \"-$0\" option", String().append(duplicateOption)); _rep->message.append(MessageLoader::getMessage(parms)); }
void UIImage::AddToMenuFlags( UIMenu *menu, UIWidget *parent, VRMenuObjectFlags_t const flags ) { const Posef pose( Quatf( Vector3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), 0.0f ), Vector3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); Vector3f defaultScale( 1.0f ); VRMenuFontParms fontParms( true, true, false, false, false, 1.0f ); VRMenuObjectParms parms( VRMENU_BUTTON, Array< VRMenuComponent* >(), VRMenuSurfaceParms(), "", pose, defaultScale, fontParms, menu->AllocId(), flags, VRMenuObjectInitFlags_t( VRMENUOBJECT_INIT_FORCE_POSITION ) ); AddToMenuWithParms( menu, parent, parms ); }