int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv); // check we have enough arguments if( argc - optind < 1 ) { printUsage(); exit (0); } // open infile for input std::ifstream infile( argv[ optind ], std::ios::in ); if( !infile ) { std::cerr << "\aError: could not open file " << argv[ optind ] << std::endl; return 1; } std::stringstream sstream; // stringstream to hold past context stream Simulator simulator(new SimulatorPresageCallback(sstream), sstream, config); simulator.silentMode(silent_mode); ForwardTokenizer tokenizer(infile, DEFAULT_BLANKSPACE_CHARS, DEFAULT_SEPARATOR_CHARS); tokenizer.lowercaseMode(case_insensitive); while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { simulator.simulate(tokenizer.nextToken()); } simulator.results(); infile.close(); return 0; }
void QDesigner::initialize() { // initialize the sub components QStringList files; QString resourceDir = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath); parseCommandLineArgs(files, resourceDir); QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(this); QTranslator *qtTranslator = new QTranslator(this); const QString localSysName = QLocale::system().name(); QString translatorFileName = QStringLiteral("designer_"); translatorFileName += localSysName; translator->load(translatorFileName, resourceDir); translatorFileName = QStringLiteral("qt_"); translatorFileName += localSysName; qtTranslator->load(translatorFileName, resourceDir); installTranslator(translator); installTranslator(qtTranslator); if (QLibraryInfo::licensedProducts() == QStringLiteral("Console")) { QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Qt Designer"), tr("This application cannot be used for the Console edition of Qt")); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "quit", Qt::QueuedConnection); return; } m_workbench = new QDesignerWorkbench(); emit initialized(); previousMessageHandler = qInstallMessageHandler(designerMessageHandler); // Warn when loading faulty forms Q_ASSERT(previousMessageHandler); m_suppressNewFormShow = m_workbench->readInBackup(); if (!files.empty()) { const QStringList::const_iterator cend = files.constEnd(); for (QStringList::const_iterator it = files.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) { // Ensure absolute paths for recent file list to be unique QString fileName = *it; const QFileInfo fi(fileName); if (fi.exists() && fi.isRelative()) fileName = fi.absoluteFilePath(); m_workbench->readInForm(fileName); } } if ( m_workbench->formWindowCount()) m_suppressNewFormShow = true; // Show up error box with parent now if something went wrong if (m_initializationErrors.isEmpty()) { if (!m_suppressNewFormShow && QDesignerSettings(m_workbench->core()).showNewFormOnStartup()) QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(callCreateForm())); // won't show anything if suppressed } else { showErrorMessageBox(m_initializationErrors); m_initializationErrors.clear(); } }
PlayPG::PlayPG(int argc, char *argv[]) : APG::SDLGame("PlayPG", 1280u, 720u, 4, 5), addr { argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "localhost" }, socket { addr, port } { PlayPG::logger = el::Loggers::getLogger("PlayPG"); parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool ret = true; s3ext_loglevel = EXT_ERROR; s3ext_logtype = STDERR_LOG; if (argc == 1) { printUsage(stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Prepare to receive interrupts */ registerSignalHandler(); map<char, string> optionPairs = parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv); validateCommandLineArgs(optionPairs); if (!optionPairs.empty()) { const char *arg = optionPairs.begin()->second.c_str(); switch (optionPairs.begin()->first) { case 'c': ret = checkConfig(arg); break; case 'd': ret = downloadS3(arg); break; case 'u': case 'f': ret = uploadS3(optionPairs['u'].c_str(), optionPairs['f'].c_str()); break; case 'h': printUsage(stdout); break; case 't': printTemplate(); break; default: printUsage(stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Abort should not print the failed info if (ret || S3QueryIsAbortInProgress()) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed. Please check the arguments and configuration file.\n\n"); printUsage(stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
QStringList q_parseCommandLineArgs(const QString &args) { std::list<std::string> list; std::list<std::string>::iterator it; list = parseCommandLineArgs(args.toStdString()); QStringList ret; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) { ret.push_back(QString::fromStdString(*it)); } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *finName = 0; char *foutName = 0; char *assemblyName = 0; FILE *fin; FILE *fout; Instruction text[MAX_CODE_LENGTH+1]; parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv, &foutName, &finName, "A virtual machine for running p-code."); fin = modified_fopen(finName, "r", stdin, NULL); fout = modified_fopen(foutName, "w", stdout, NULL); /* Read instructions into internal buffer */ int i=0; for (;;) { int items = fscanf(fin, "%d %d %d", &text[i].op, &text[i].l, &text[i].m); if(feof(fin)) break; if (items != 3) { char message[25]; int c = fgetc(fin); sprintf(message, "Illigal character 0x%02x", c); die(ERR_ILLIGAL_CHAR, message); } i++; if (i >= MAX_CODE_LENGTH) { char message[70]; sprintf(message, "This machine cannot run more " "than %d instructions\n", MAX_CODE_LENGTH); die(ERR_CODE_TOO_LARGE, message); } } text[i].op = 0; text[i].l = 0; text[i].m = 0; disassemble(fout, text); run(fout, text); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Pseudo command-line args; uncomment the following lines and replace the // main function's signature with "int main(void)" in order to hard-code // the file paths to input.txt and output.txt. #if 0 int argc = 5; char* argv[] = {"./plscan", "-i", "input.txt", "-o", "output.txt"}; #endif char *finName = NULL; char *foutName = NULL; FILE *fin; FILE *fout; parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv, &foutName, &finName, "A scanner for the PL/0 language."); fin = modified_fopen(finName, "r", stdin, NULL); fout = modified_fopen(foutName, "w", stdout, NULL); FileBuffer *file_buffer = createFileBuffer(fin); fclose(fin); TokenBuffer *token_buffer = tokenize(file_buffer); fputs("Source Program:\n", fout); printFileBuffer(file_buffer, fout); fputs("\n", fout); freeFileBuffer(file_buffer); printTokenTable(token_buffer, fout); fputs("\n", fout); printTokenList(token_buffer, fout); fputs("\n", fout); fclose(fout); freeTokenBuffer(token_buffer); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program main //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool doCPU = false; bool doGPU = false; bool doMultiGPU = false; bool doCPUGPU = false; bool doRef = false; int numSources = 100; int generateVerts = 100000; int generateEdgesPerVert = 10; parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv, doCPU, doGPU, doMultiGPU, doCPUGPU, doRef, &numSources, &generateVerts, &generateEdgesPerVert); cl_platform_id platform; cl_context gpuContext; cl_context cpuContext; cl_int errNum; // First, select an OpenCL platform to run on. For this example, we // simply choose the first available platform. Normally, you would // query for all available platforms and select the most appropriate one. cl_uint numPlatforms; errNum = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform, &numPlatforms); printf("Number of OpenCL Platforms: %d\n", numPlatforms); if (errNum != CL_SUCCESS || numPlatforms <= 0) { printf("Failed to find any OpenCL platforms.\n"); return 1; } // create the OpenCL context on available GPU devices gpuContext = clCreateContextFromType(0, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, NULL, NULL, &errNum); if (errNum != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("No GPU devices found.\n"); } // Create an OpenCL context on available CPU devices cpuContext = clCreateContextFromType(0, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, NULL, NULL, &errNum); if (errNum != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("No CPU devices found.\n"); } // Allocate memory for arrays GraphData graph; generateRandomGraph(&graph, generateVerts, generateEdgesPerVert); printf("Vertex Count: %d\n", graph.vertexCount); printf("Edge Count: %d\n", graph.edgeCount); std::vector<int> sourceVertices; for(int source = 0; source < numSources; source++) { sourceVertices.push_back(source % graph.vertexCount); } int *sourceVertArray = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * sourceVertices.size()); std::copy(sourceVertices.begin(), sourceVertices.end(), sourceVertArray); float *results = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * sourceVertices.size() * graph.vertexCount); // Run Dijkstra's algorithm pt::ptime startTimeCPU = pt::microsec_clock::local_time(); if (doCPU) { runDijkstra(cpuContext, getMaxFlopsDev(cpuContext), &graph, sourceVertArray, results, sourceVertices.size() ); } pt::time_duration timeCPU = pt::microsec_clock::local_time() - startTimeCPU; pt::ptime startTimeGPU = pt::microsec_clock::local_time(); if (doGPU) { runDijkstra(gpuContext, getMaxFlopsDev(gpuContext), &graph, sourceVertArray, results, sourceVertices.size() ); } pt::time_duration timeGPU = pt::microsec_clock::local_time() - startTimeGPU; pt::ptime startTimeMultiGPU = pt::microsec_clock::local_time(); if (doMultiGPU) { runDijkstraMultiGPU(gpuContext, &graph, sourceVertArray, results, sourceVertices.size() ); } pt::time_duration timeMultiGPU = pt::microsec_clock::local_time() - startTimeMultiGPU; pt::ptime startTimeGPUCPU = pt::microsec_clock::local_time(); if (doCPUGPU) { runDijkstraMultiGPUandCPU(gpuContext, cpuContext, &graph, sourceVertArray, results, sourceVertices.size() ); } pt::time_duration timeGPUCPU = pt::microsec_clock::local_time() - startTimeGPUCPU; pt::ptime startTimeRef = pt::microsec_clock::local_time(); if (doRef) { runDijkstraRef( &graph, sourceVertArray, results, sourceVertices.size() ); } pt::time_duration timeRef = pt::microsec_clock::local_time() - startTimeRef; if (doCPU) { printf("\nrunDijkstra - CPU Time: %f s\n", (float)timeCPU.total_milliseconds() / 1000.0f); } if (doGPU) { printf("\nrunDijkstra - Single GPU Time: %f s\n", (float)timeGPU.total_milliseconds() / 1000.0f); } if (doMultiGPU) { printf("\nrunDijkstra - Multi GPU Time: %f s\n", (float)timeMultiGPU.total_milliseconds() / 1000.0f); } if (doCPUGPU) { printf("\nrunDijkstra - Multi GPU and CPU Time: %f s\n", (float)timeGPUCPU.total_milliseconds() / 1000.0f); } if (doRef) { printf("\nrunDijkstra - Reference (CPU): %f s\n", (float)timeRef.total_milliseconds() / 1000.0f); } free(sourceVertArray); free(results); clReleaseContext(gpuContext); // finish //shrEXIT(argc, argv); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string usage = "Usage: runClassifier [options] optionFile testFile numTrainingInstances"; parseCommandLineArgs(&argc,&argv,usage,3,3); std::string optionFile = argv[1]; std::string testFile = argv[2]; unsigned int numTrainingInstances = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[3]); Json::Value options; if (! readJson(optionFile,options)) return 1; ClassifierPtr classifier = createClassifier(options); std::ifstream testIn(testFile.c_str()); ArffReader testReader(testIn); for (unsigned int count = 0; count < numTrainingInstances; count++) { if (testReader.isDone()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Insufficient training data" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Found " << count << " instances, expected " << numTrainingInstances << std::endl; exit(2); } InstancePtr instance =; classifier->addData(instance); } double trainingTime = 0.0; if (FLAGS_train) { double startTime = getTime(); classifier->train(false); trainingTime = getTime() - startTime; std::cout << "Training time: " << trainingTime << std::endl; } std::cout << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl; //std::cout << *classifier << std::endl; double correct = 0.0; int correctCount = 0; int count; for (count = 0; !testReader.isDone(); count++) { InstancePtr instance =; Classification c; classifier->classify(instance,c); //std::cout << *instance << std::endl; //std::cout << " "; //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) //std::cout << c[i] << " "; //std::cout << std::endl; // calculate the fraction correct correct += c[instance->label]; // calculate whether most probable was correct unsigned int maxInd = vectorMaxInd(c); if (maxInd == instance->label) correctCount++; } testIn.close(); std::cout << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "Target Training Insts: " << numTrainingInstances << std::endl; std::cout << "Testing Insts: " << count << std::endl; std::cout << "Frac Correct: " << correct << "(" << correct / count << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "Num Correct: " << correctCount << "(" << correctCount / (float)count << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "Training time: " << trainingTime << std::endl; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { cf = &cfg; config_init(cf); if (!config_read_file(cf, "./pmaxd.conf")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - %s\n", config_error_file(cf), config_error_line(cf), config_error_text(cf)); config_destroy(cf); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Our process ID and Session ID */ pid_t pid = 0, sid = 0; int helpOption = 0; int j=0; int k=0; struct PlinkBuffer testbuffer; parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv); /* Fork off the parent process */ if (foregroundOption==0) pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* If we got a good PID, then we can exit the parent process. */ if (pid > 0) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Change the file mode mask */ umask(0); initLog(verboseLevel); DEBUG (LOG_NOTICE, "Program started by User %d", getuid ()); DEBUG (LOG_INFO, "Setting SID"); /* Create a new SID for the child process */ if (foregroundOption==0) sid = setsid(); if (sid < 0) { /* Log the failure */ DEBUG (LOG_INFO, "Cannot set SID"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Change the current working directory */ if ((chdir("/")) < 0) { /* Log the failure */ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Close out the standard file descriptors */ if (foregroundOption==0) { DEBUG (LOG_INFO, "Closing std file descriptor"); close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); } /* Daemon-specific initialization goes here */ struct timeval tvLastSerialCharTime,tvCurrentTime; double lastSerialCharTime,currentTime; struct PlinkBuffer commandBuffer; commandBuffer.size=0; int eop=0; int loop=0; unsigned char *bufptr; /* Current char in buffer */ DEBUG(LOG_NOTICE,"Starting......"); gettimeofday(&tvLastSerialCharTime, NULL); lastSerialCharTime = tvLastSerialCharTime.tv_sec*1000000 + (tvLastSerialCharTime.tv_usec); initXpl(); initSocket(); // initSerialPort(); PmaxInit(); DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG,"Starting main loop...."); /* read characters into our string buffer until timeout */ while (!loop) { int maxMsgLength = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; if (foregroundOption==1) //manage keypress if interactive mode KeyPressHandling(); while ((read(fd, commandBuffer.size+commandBuffer.buffer, 1) == 1) && commandBuffer.size < maxMsgLength) { DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "Received char 0x%02x buf position %d", (int) (commandBuffer.size+commandBuffer.buffer)[0], commandBuffer.size); commandBuffer.size++; /* for "known" messages, limit read to corresponding size */ if (commandBuffer.size == 2) switch (commandBuffer.buffer[1]) { case 0x02: case 0x08: maxMsgLength = 5; break; case 0xA5: case 0xA7: case 0xAA: maxMsgLength = 15; break; } gettimeofday(&tvLastSerialCharTime, NULL); lastSerialCharTime = tvLastSerialCharTime.tv_sec*1000000 + (tvLastSerialCharTime.tv_usec); eop=1; } gettimeofday(&tvCurrentTime, NULL); currentTime = tvCurrentTime.tv_sec*1000000 + (tvCurrentTime.tv_usec); if (eop==1) { // if timeout, assume packet is finished, and manage it (check format/ deformat/......) if ((currentTime-lastSerialCharTime)> PACKET_TIMEOUT || commandBuffer.size == maxMsgLength) { DEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "Interpreting packet"); packetManager(&commandBuffer); maxMsgLength = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; eop=0; } } /* check if activity in the last MAX_IDLE_TIME (at the very least should be heartbeat message) */ if ((currentTime-lastSerialCharTime) > MAX_IDLE_TIME) { /* try to re-start the TCP connection */ DEBUG(LOG_INFO, "Reseting TCP connection"); initSocket(); lastSerialCharTime = currentTime; } usleep(IDLE_TIME); xPL_processMessages(0); } closelog (); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/* * Main function * @pram int argc * @pram char** argv */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { /* *Configure the program to use the command line args */ srand(time(NULL)); parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv, 0); /* * Timing Variables */ std::clock_t time_start; std::clock_t time_end; /* * Input/Result containers */ int total_comparisons; std::vector<IsoRank_Result> isoRank_results; std::vector<DenseMatrix1D<DataType>* >input_graphs; if(G_PRINT) std::cout << "Reading " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs from: " << G_DIR_PATH << std::endl; std::ostringstream itos_converter; time_start = std::clock(); /* * Reading the graphs and storing them */ for(int i = 1; i <= G_NUMBER_OF_FILES; i++) { try { itos_converter << G_DIR_PATH << i << G_FILE_EXTENSION; input_graphs.push_back(new DenseMatrix1D<DataType>(itos_converter.str())); itos_converter.str(""); //clearing the stream itos_converter.clear(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr <<"Exception: " << e.what() << '\n' << std::endl; itos_converter.str(""); itos_converter.clear(); } } total_comparisons = (0.5*(input_graphs.size()-1)*input_graphs.size()); time_end = std::clock(); if(G_PRINT) std::cout << input_graphs.size() << " of " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs were successfully read in " << timeElapsed(time_start, time_end) << "(ms)." << std::endl; time_start = std::clock(); for (int i = 0; i < input_graphs.size(); i++) { for (int j = i +1; j < input_graphs.size(); j++) { try { if (G_USE_ISORANK) { isoRank_results.push_back(isoRank(*input_graphs[i], *input_graphs[j], G_GRAPH_MATCHING_ALGORITHM)); } if (G_USE_GPGM) { //GPGM(mat1,mat2); } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << " Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } } time_end = std::clock(); //printing the results if (G_PRINT) { std::cout << "Computed IsoRank successfully for " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs in " << timeElapsed(time_start, time_end) << "(ms)." << std::endl; std::cout << "Frob_norms: "; for (int i=0; i < isoRank_results.size(); i++) { std::cout<< isoRank_results[i].frob_norm << ", "; } std::cout<<std::endl; } typename std::vector<IsoRank_Result>::iterator res_it; for ( res_it = isoRank_results.begin() ; res_it < isoRank_results.end(); ++res_it ) { delete [] res_it->assignments; } typename std::vector<DenseMatrix1D<DataType>* >::iterator graph_it; for ( graph_it = input_graphs.begin() ; graph_it < input_graphs.end(); ++graph_it ) { delete *graph_it; } return 0; }
/* * Main function * @pram int argc * @pram char** argv */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { srand(time(NULL)); /* * MPI Variables */ int num_procs; int ID; MPI_Status stat; /* * MPI constant Tags */ const int MASTER_ID = 0; const int TAG_1 = 4; const int TAG_2 = 10; const int TAG_3 = 15; /* * MPI Initialization calls */ if (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) { std::cout << "Failed To Initialize MPI" << std::endl; //MPI_Abort(); } MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ID); /* *Configure the program to use the command line args */ parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv, ID); /* * Timing Variables */ std::clock_t time_start; std::clock_t time_end; /* * Result variables */ int total_comparisons; int number_of_graphs; std::vector<IsoRank_Result> isoRank_results; //======================================================================*MASTER NODE*============================================================================== if (ID == MASTER_ID) { if(G_PRINT) std::cout << "Reading " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs from: " << G_DIR_PATH << std::endl; time_start = std::clock(); std::ostringstream itos_converter; std::vector<SymMatrix<DataType>* >input_graphs; /* * Reading the graphs and storing them */ for(int i = 1; i <= G_NUMBER_OF_FILES; i++) { try { itos_converter << G_DIR_PATH << i << G_FILE_EXTENSION; input_graphs.push_back(new SymMatrix<DataType>(itos_converter.str())); itos_converter.str(""); //clearing the stream itos_converter.clear(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr <<"Exception: " << e.what() << '\n' << std::endl; itos_converter.str(""); itos_converter.clear(); } } number_of_graphs = input_graphs.size(); total_comparisons = (0.5*(number_of_graphs-1)*number_of_graphs); time_end = std::clock(); if(G_PRINT) std::cout << input_graphs.size() << " of " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs were successfully read in " << timeElapsed(time_start, time_end) << "(ms)." << std::endl; /* * Sending the graphs to worker nodes. */ time_start = std::clock(); MPI_Bcast (&number_of_graphs, 1 , MPI_INT, MASTER_ID, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: sending "<<number_of_graphs << " graphs to all"<< std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < input_graphs.size(); i++) { input_graphs[i]->MPI_Bcast_Send_Matrix(MASTER_ID); } /* * Collecting the results from the worker nodes. */ int recv_counter = 0; while (recv_counter < total_comparisons) { int dest; //Recv workers ID MPI_Recv(&dest, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, TAG_1 + TAG_2, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&stat); if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: received signal to receive result from: "<< dest<< std::endl; //Collect the result from worker isoRank_results.push_back(MPI_Recv_IsoRank_Result(dest, TAG_1 * dest + TAG_3, stat)); recv_counter++; if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: results were received."<< dest<< std::endl; } time_end = std::clock(); //printing the results if (G_PRINT) { std::cout << "Master: Computed IsoRank successfully for " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs in " << timeElapsed(time_start, time_end) << "(ms)." << std::endl; std::cout<< "Master: " << isoRank_results.size() << " results were received.\n frob_norms: "; for (int i=0; i < isoRank_results.size(); i++) { std::cout<< isoRank_results[i].frob_norm << ", "; } std::cout<<std::endl; } typename std::vector<IsoRank_Result>::iterator res_it; for ( res_it = isoRank_results.begin() ; res_it < isoRank_results.end(); ++res_it ) { delete [] res_it->assignments; } typename std::vector<SymMatrix<DataType>* >::iterator graph_it; for ( graph_it = input_graphs.begin() ; graph_it < input_graphs.end(); ++graph_it ) { delete *graph_it; } } //======================================================================*WORKER NODES*============================================================================== else { std::vector<DenseMatrix1D<DataType>* > recv_graphs; MPI_Bcast (&number_of_graphs, 1, MPI_INT, MASTER_ID, MPI_COMM_WORLD); for (int i = 0; i < number_of_graphs; i++) { recv_graphs.push_back(new DenseMatrix1D<DataType>(MASTER_ID, stat)); } if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process "<< ID << " : received " << number_of_graphs << " graphs from master"<< std::endl; Offset offset; offset.setValues(ID, num_procs, number_of_graphs); int A, B; for (int i = offset.i_start; i <= offset.i_end; i++) { if (i == offset.i_start) { A = offset.j_start; } else { A = i+1; } if (i == offset.i_end) { B = offset.j_end; } else { B = number_of_graphs - 1; } for (int j = A; j <= B; j++) { struct IsoRank_Result result; try { if (G_USE_ISORANK) { if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process " << ID << ": isoRank: started." << i << " " << j << std::endl; result = isoRank(*recv_graphs[i], *recv_graphs[j], G_GRAPH_MATCHING_ALGORITHM); if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process " << ID << ": isoRank: end." << std::endl; } if (G_USE_GPGM) { //GPGM(mat1,mat2); } //Sending the ID to master for more graphs MPI_Send(&ID, 1, MPI_INT, MASTER_ID, TAG_1 + TAG_2, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process "<< ID << " :sending result to master" << std::endl; //Sending results to master MPI_Send_IsoRank_Result(result, MASTER_ID , TAG_1 * ID + TAG_3); delete []result.assignments; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Process "<< ID << " Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } } typename std::vector<DenseMatrix1D<DataType>* >::iterator graph_it; for ( graph_it = recv_graphs.begin() ; graph_it < recv_graphs.end(); ++graph_it ) { delete *graph_it; } } if(G_PRINT) std::cout << "Process: "<< ID << " terminated." << std::endl; MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
/* * Main function * @pram int argc * @pram char** argv */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { srand(time(NULL)); /* * MPI Variables */ int num_procs; int ID; MPI_Status stat; /* * MPI constant Tags */ const int MASTER_ID = 0; const int TAG_1 = 4; const int TAG_2 = 10; const int TAG_3 = 15; /* * MPI Initialization calls */ if (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) { std::cout << "Failed To Initialize MPI" << std::endl; //MPI_Abort(); } MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ID); /* *Configure the program to use the command line args */ parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv, ID); /* * Timing Variables */ std::clock_t time_start; std::clock_t time_end; /* * Result variables */ int total_comparisons; std::vector<IsoRank_Result> isoRank_results; //======================================================================*MASTER NODE*============================================================================== if (ID == MASTER_ID) { if(G_PRINT) std::cout << "Reading " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs from: " << G_DIR_PATH << std::endl; time_start = std::clock(); std::ostringstream itos_converter; std::vector<SymMatrix<DataType>* >input_graphs; /* * Reading the graphs and storing them */ for(int i = 1; i <= G_NUMBER_OF_FILES; i++) { try { itos_converter << G_DIR_PATH << i << G_FILE_EXTENSION; input_graphs.push_back(new SymMatrix<DataType>(itos_converter.str())); itos_converter.str(""); //clearing the stream itos_converter.clear(); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr <<"Exception: " << e.what() << '\n' << std::endl; itos_converter.str(""); itos_converter.clear(); } } total_comparisons = (0.5*(input_graphs.size()-1)*input_graphs.size()); time_end = std::clock(); if(G_PRINT) std::cout << input_graphs.size() << " of " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs were successfully read in " << timeElapsed(time_start, time_end) << "(ms)." << std::endl; /* * Sending the graphs to worker nodes. */ time_start = std::clock(); int dest_ID = 1; int recv_counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input_graphs.size(); i++) { for(int j = i + 1; j < input_graphs.size(); j++) { // Send a pair of graphs to all the worker nodes if (dest_ID < num_procs) { input_graphs[i]->MPI_Send_Matrix(dest_ID, TAG_1 * dest_ID); input_graphs[j]->MPI_Send_Matrix(dest_ID, TAG_1 * dest_ID + TAG_2); if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: sending matrix to ID: " << dest_ID << std::endl; dest_ID++; } // Send additional pairs upon worker node's request else { int dest; //Recv workers ID MPI_Recv(&dest, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, TAG_1 + TAG_2, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&stat); if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: received request for more graphs from: "<< dest<< std::endl; //Collect the result from worker isoRank_results.push_back(MPI_Recv_IsoRank_Result(dest, TAG_1 * dest + TAG_3, stat)); recv_counter++; if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: results were received "<< dest<< std::endl; //Send more graphs to worker node input_graphs[i]->MPI_Send_Matrix(dest, TAG_1 * dest); input_graphs[j]->MPI_Send_Matrix(dest, TAG_1 * dest + TAG_2); if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: sending more graphs to: "<< dest<< std::endl; } } } // Recv the remaining result while (recv_counter < total_comparisons) { int dest; //Recv workers ID MPI_Recv(&dest, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, TAG_1 + TAG_2, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&stat); if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: received request for more graphs from: "<< dest<< std::endl; //Collect the result from worker isoRank_results.push_back(MPI_Recv_IsoRank_Result(dest, TAG_1 * dest + TAG_3, stat)); recv_counter++; if(G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: results were received."<< dest<< std::endl; } //Terminating the slaves by sending a 0*0 matrix to nodes for(int i=1; i < num_procs; i++) { SymMatrix<DataType> emptyMat(0); emptyMat.MPI_Send_Matrix (i, TAG_1*i); emptyMat.MPI_Send_Matrix (i, TAG_1*i+ TAG_2); if (G_DEBUG) std::cout <<"Master: sending terminate signal to ID: " << i << std::endl; } time_end = std::clock(); //printing the results if (G_PRINT) { std::cout << "Master: Computed IsoRank successfully for " << G_NUMBER_OF_FILES << " graphs in " << timeElapsed(time_start, time_end) << "(ms)." << std::endl; std::cout<< "Master: " <<isoRank_results.size() << " results were received.\n frob_norms: "; for (int i=0; i < isoRank_results.size(); i++) { std::cout<< isoRank_results[i].frob_norm << ", "; } std::cout<<std::endl; } typename std::vector<IsoRank_Result>::iterator res_it; for ( res_it = isoRank_results.begin() ; res_it < isoRank_results.end(); ++res_it ) { delete [] res_it->assignments; } typename std::vector<SymMatrix<DataType>* >::iterator graph_it; for ( graph_it = input_graphs.begin() ; graph_it < input_graphs.end(); ++graph_it ) { delete *graph_it; } } //======================================================================*WORKER NODES*============================================================================== else { while(true) { //Recv graphs from the master DenseMatrix1D<DataType> mat1 (MASTER_ID, TAG_1 * ID ,stat); DenseMatrix1D<DataType> mat2 (MASTER_ID, TAG_1 * ID + TAG_2 ,stat); if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process "<< ID << " : received graphs from master"<< std::endl; //Terminating the while loop if the matrices are 0*0 if (mat1.getNumberOfRows() == 0 && mat2.getNumberOfRows() == 0) { if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process "<< ID << ": received terminate signal from master"<< std::endl; break; } struct IsoRank_Result result; try { if (G_USE_ISORANK) { if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process " << ID << ": isoRank: started." << std::endl; result = isoRank(mat1, mat2, G_GRAPH_MATCHING_ALGORITHM); if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process " << ID << ": isoRank: end." << std::endl; } if (G_USE_GPGM) { //GPGM(mat1,mat2); } if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process "<< ID << " :requesting for more graphs from master" << std::endl; //Sending the ID to master for more graphs MPI_Send(&ID, 1, MPI_INT, MASTER_ID, TAG_1 + TAG_2, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (G_DEBUG) std::cout << "Process "<< ID << ": :sending result to master" << std::endl; //Sending results to master MPI_Send_IsoRank_Result(result, MASTER_ID , TAG_1 * ID + TAG_3); delete [] result.assignments; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Process "<< ID << " Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } } if(G_PRINT) std::cout << "Process: "<< ID << " terminated." << std::endl; MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }
/** Demo program using curses. * * This demo displays the text entered in a top windows that stretches * across the screen. The current prediction is displayed immediately * underneath the text window, at the leftmost position. * * The previous predictions are displayed in cronological order to the * right of the current prediction. * * Subsequent predictions shifted to the right, so that the current * prediction is always on the left hand side. * Context switches are marked in some way (either a vertical bar or a * box enclosing the other prediction boxes). * */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv); // magic starts here PresageCallback* callback = new PresageDemoCallback(buffer); Presage presage(callback, config); // configuration variable may be read and written programmatically if (suggestions.empty()) { suggestions = presage.config("Presage.Selector.SUGGESTIONS"); } else { presage.config("Presage.Selector.SUGGESTIONS", suggestions); } // curses initscr(); noecho(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); clear(); refresh(); disclaimer(); // curses title window const int TITLE_WIN_HEIGHT = 6; const int TITLE_WIN_WIDTH = COLS; const int TITLE_WIN_BEGIN_Y = 0; const int TITLE_WIN_BEGIN_X = 0; WINDOW* title_win = newwin(TITLE_WIN_HEIGHT, TITLE_WIN_WIDTH, TITLE_WIN_BEGIN_Y, TITLE_WIN_BEGIN_X); draw_title_win(title_win); // curses context window const int CONTEXT_WIN_HEIGHT = 5; const int CONTEXT_WIN_WIDTH = COLS; const int CONTEXT_WIN_BEGIN_Y = TITLE_WIN_BEGIN_Y + TITLE_WIN_HEIGHT + 1; const int CONTEXT_WIN_BEGIN_X = 0; WINDOW* context_win = newwin(CONTEXT_WIN_HEIGHT, CONTEXT_WIN_WIDTH, CONTEXT_WIN_BEGIN_Y, CONTEXT_WIN_BEGIN_X); draw_context_win(context_win, std::string("")); // curses function keys window const int FUNCTION_WIN_HEIGHT = atoi(suggestions.c_str()) + 2; const int FUNCTION_WIN_WIDTH = 4; const int FUNCTION_WIN_BEGIN_Y = CONTEXT_WIN_BEGIN_Y + CONTEXT_WIN_HEIGHT + 1; const int FUNCTION_WIN_BEGIN_X = 0; WINDOW* function_win = newwin(FUNCTION_WIN_HEIGHT, FUNCTION_WIN_WIDTH, FUNCTION_WIN_BEGIN_Y, FUNCTION_WIN_BEGIN_X); draw_function_keys(function_win); mvprintw(LINES - 1, 0, "Press F12 to quit."); refresh(); std::vector<std::string> words; int c = ' '; do { size_t size = words.size(); if ((KEY_F0 < c) && (c <= KEY_F(size)) && (c - KEY_F0 <= size)) { // prediction was successful. user pressed the function // key corresponding to desired token. selecting // suggestion. std::string message = "Last selected word: " + words[c - KEY_F0 - 1]; mvprintw(LINES - 3, 0, message.c_str()); clrtoeol(); move(LINES, COLS); // update buffer with prediction completion buffer << presage.completion(words[c - KEY_F0 - 1]); // ask presage to predict next token words = presage.predict(); } else { // prediction unsuccessful. get next character from user // and elaborate a new prediction. buffer << static_cast<char>(c); words = presage.predict(); // refresh curses screen refresh(); } draw_context_win(context_win, presage.context()); draw_previous_suggestions(words, presage.context_change(), CONTEXT_WIN_BEGIN_Y + CONTEXT_WIN_HEIGHT + 1, FUNCTION_WIN_BEGIN_X + FUNCTION_WIN_WIDTH + 1 ); c = getch(); } while( c != KEY_F(12) ); delwin(title_win); delwin(context_win); delwin(function_win); endwin(); return 0; }