Example #1
ast::Expr *parseExpr(TokenIt &it, const TokenIt &end)
  ast::Expr *lhs = parsePrimary(it, end);
  if(!lhs) return NULL;

  return parseBinOpRHS(NULL, lhs, it, end);
Example #2
// <binoprhs>           ::= ( operator <expression>)*
IAstExpression *Parser::parseBinOpRhs(int precedence, IAstExpression *lhs) {
    while (true) {
        if (_curTokenType == ';') {
            return lhs;

        if (_curTokenType == '[') {
            lhs = parsePostfixUnaryExpr(lhs);

        int tokPrec = getTokenPrecedence();
        if (tokPrec < precedence) {
            return lhs;

        std::string operStr = _curToken->Value();
        int binOp = _curTokenType;
        next(); // eat binop
        IAstExpression *rhs = parsePrimary();
        if (rhs == nullptr) {
            return Error("Failed to parse right hand side of expression.");

        int nextPrec = getTokenPrecedence();
        if (tokPrec < nextPrec) {
            rhs = parseBinOpRhs(tokPrec + 1, rhs);
            if (rhs == nullptr) {
                return Error("Failed to parse right hand side of expression.");
        lhs = new AstBinaryOperatorExpr(operStr, (TokenType)binOp, lhs, rhs, _curToken->Line(), _curToken->Column());
Example #3
ast::Expr *parseBinOpRHS(int exprPrecendence, ast::Expr *lhs, TokenIt &it, const TokenIt &end)
    Token *current = currentToken(it, end);
    char binOp = current ? current->value.c_str()[0] : 0;
    int precendence = opPrecedence(binOp);
    if(precendence < exprPrecendence)
      return lhs;
    nextToken(it, end);
    ast::Expr *rhs = parsePrimary(it, end);
      return NULL;

    current = currentToken(it, end);

    int nextPrecedence = opPrecedence(current ? current->value.c_str()[0] : 0);
    if(precendence < nextPrecedence)
      rhs = parseBinOpRHS(precendence + 1, rhs, it, end);
        return NULL;

    lhs = new ast::BinaryExpr(binOp, lhs, rhs);
Example #4
std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> Parser::parseBinOpRHS(int prec,
                                               std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> lhs,
                                               s_cursor_t &it, const s_cursor_t &end) {
    while (true) {
        int prec_ = currentTokPrecedence();

        if (prec_ < prec) {
            return lhs;

        int binOp = _curTok;
        getNextToken(it, end);

        auto rhs = parsePrimary(it, end);

        if (!rhs)
            return nullptr;

        int nextPrec = currentTokPrecedence();
        if (prec_ < nextPrec) {
            rhs = parseBinOpRHS(prec_ + 1, std::move(rhs), it, end);

            if (!rhs)
                return nullptr;

        lhs = llvm::make_unique<BinaryExprAST>(&_builder, binOp, std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs));
Example #5
std::unique_ptr<ExprAST> Parser::parseExpression(s_cursor_t &it, const s_cursor_t &end) {
    auto lhs = parsePrimary(it, end);
    if (!lhs)
        return nullptr;

    return parseBinOpRHS(0, std::move(lhs), it, end);
Example #6
// Parse a complete expression
ExprAST *Parser::parseExpression ()
	ExprAST *LHS = parsePrimary ();
	if (!LHS)
		return NULL;
	return parseBinOpRHS (0, LHS);
Example #7
// <expression>         ::= <primary> <binoprhs>
//                      |   <unaryop> <primary>
//                      |   <primary> <unaryop>
IAstExpression *Parser::parseExpression() {
    IAstExpression *unaryPre = parsePrefixUnaryExpr();
    if (unaryPre != nullptr) { // if we parsed a unary expression, see if it's used in a binary operation
        return parseBinOpRhs(0, unaryPre);

    IAstExpression *primary = parsePrimary();
    if (primary != nullptr) {
        IAstExpression *unaryPost = parsePostfixUnaryExpr(primary); 
        if (unaryPost != nullptr) { // if we parsed a unary expression, see if it's used in a binary operation
            return parseBinOpRhs(0, unaryPost);
        return parseBinOpRhs(0, primary); // otherwise just keep parsing the binop
    return nullptr;
Example #8
void Parser::parseCastExpr() {
  Token t = lex.peek();
  switch(t.type) {
    case Token::FLOAT:
    case Token::STRING:
    case Token::COLOR:
    case Token::POINT:
    case Token::VECTOR:
    case Token::NORMAL:
    case Token::MATRIX:
Example #9
// <prefixunary>        ::= unaryoper <primary>
IAstExpression *Parser::parsePrefixUnaryExpr() {
    if (!_curToken->IsUnaryOperator()) { // short curcuit if not an unary operator.
        return nullptr;

    std::string oper = _curToken->Value();
    int tokenType = _curTokenType;
    IAstExpression *operand;
    if (tokenType == tok_new) {
        return parseNewMallocExpression();
    else {
        next(); // eat unaryoper
        operand = parsePrimary();
        if (operand == nullptr) {
            return nullptr;
    return new AstUnaryOperatorExpr(oper, (TokenType)tokenType, operand, false, _curToken->Line(), _curToken->Column());
Example #10
ExprAST* Parser::parseBinOpRHS(int exprPrecedence, ExprAST* LHS) {
	while (1) {
		int TokPrec = getOpPrecedence();
		if (TokPrec < exprPrecedence)
			return LHS;

		int binOp = lexer->token;

		ExprAST* RHS = parsePrimary();
		if (!RHS) return 0;

		int NextPrec = getOpPrecedence();
		if (TokPrec < NextPrec) {
			RHS = parseBinOpRHS(TokPrec + 1, RHS);
			if (!RHS) return 0;

		LHS = new BinaryExprAST(LHS, RHS, binOp);
Example #11
ExprAST *Parser::parseBinOpRHS (int exprPrecedence, ExprAST *LHS)
	while (1)
		// This should be either an operator, a close-paren, comma,
		// or the end of the formula.
		if (currentToken != TOKEN_OPERATOR &&
		    currentToken != TOKEN_PAREN_CLOSE &&
		    currentToken != TOKEN_COMMA &&
		    currentToken != TOKEN_END)
			error (boost::format ("Attempting to parse the RHS of a binary operator, "
			                      "and got %1%!") % formatToken ());
			return NULL;
		// Get the precedence
		int tokenPrecedence = -1;
		for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_OPERATORS ; i++)
			if (strToken == operators[i].name)
				tokenPrecedence = operators[i].precedence;
		// We're done if we run into an equivalent or lower-precedence binary
		// operator (or, notably, something that's not an operator at all, like
		// the end of the formula)
		if (tokenPrecedence < exprPrecedence)
			return LHS;
		// Pull off the operator
		std::string binOp = strToken;
		getNextToken ();
		// Parse the primary after the operator
		ExprAST *RHS = parsePrimary ();
		if (!RHS)
			return NULL;
		// We've now parsed a full binary operator pair, "A op B".  If the next
		// thing is a binary operator (which it should be, or it should be
		// nothing at all), we need to see whether we want "(A op B) op2 ..." or
		// "A op (B op2 ...)" by precedence rules.  Look ahead:
		int nextPrecedence = -1;
		for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_OPERATORS ; i++)
			if (strToken == operators[i].name)
				nextPrecedence = operators[i].precedence;
		if (tokenPrecedence < nextPrecedence)
			// Next precedence is greater, we want "A op (B op2 ...)".  Do that by
			// parsing B op2 ... into a new RHS.
			RHS = parseBinOpRHS (tokenPrecedence + 1, RHS);
			if (RHS == NULL)
				return NULL;
		// Next precedence is lower, we want "(A op B) op2 ...", so make a new LHS
		LHS = new BinaryExprAST (binOp, LHS, RHS);
		// And loop back to the beginning