bool DateComponents::parseWeek(const UChar* src, unsigned length, unsigned start, unsigned& end) { ASSERT(src); unsigned index; if (!parseYear(src, length, start, index)) return false; // 4 characters ('-' 'W' digit digit) are needed. if (index + 3 >= length) return false; if (src[index] != '-') return false; ++index; if (src[index] != 'W') return false; ++index; int week; if (!toInt(src, length, index, 2, week) || week < 1 || week > maxWeekNumberInYear()) return false; if (m_year == maximumYear && week > maximumWeekInMaximumYear) return false; m_week = week; end = index + 2; m_type = Week; return true; }
bool DateComponents::parseWeek(const String& src, unsigned start, unsigned& end) { unsigned index; if (!parseYear(src, start, index)) return false; // 4 characters ('-' 'W' digit digit) are needed. if (index + 3 >= src.length()) return false; if (src[index] != '-') return false; ++index; if (src[index] != 'W') return false; ++index; int week; if (!toInt(src, index, 2, week) || week < minimumWeekNumber || week > maxWeekNumberInYear()) return false; if (m_year == maximumYear() && week > maximumWeekInMaximumYear) return false; m_week = week; end = index + 2; m_type = Week; return true; }
void AnalyzeTask::parseProperty(const QString &value, const MI_propertyId_t propertyIdx, AudioFileModel &audioFile, QString &coverMimeType) { #if MUTILS_DEBUG qDebug("Property #%d = \"%s\"", propertyIdx, MUTILS_UTF8(value.left(24))); #endif switch (propertyIdx) { case propertyId_container: audioFile.techInfo().setContainerType(value); return; case propertyId_container_profile: audioFile.techInfo().setContainerProfile(value); return; case propertyId_duration: SET_OPTIONAL(double, parseFloat(value, _tmp), audioFile.techInfo().setDuration(qRound(_tmp))); return; case propertyId_title: audioFile.metaInfo().setTitle(value); return; case propertyId_artist: audioFile.metaInfo().setArtist(value); return; case propertyId_album: audioFile.metaInfo().setAlbum(value); return; case propertyId_genre: audioFile.metaInfo().setGenre(value); return; case propertyId_released_date: SET_OPTIONAL(quint32, parseYear(value, _tmp), audioFile.metaInfo().setYear(_tmp)); return; case propertyId_track_position: SET_OPTIONAL(quint32, parseUnsigned(value, _tmp), audioFile.metaInfo().setPosition(_tmp)); return; case propertyId_comment: audioFile.metaInfo().setComment(value); return; case propertyId_format: audioFile.techInfo().setAudioType(value); return; case propertyId_format_version: audioFile.techInfo().setAudioVersion(value); return; case propertyId_format_profile: audioFile.techInfo().setAudioProfile(value); return; case propertyId_channel_s_: SET_OPTIONAL(quint32, parseUnsigned(value, _tmp), audioFile.techInfo().setAudioChannels(_tmp)); return; case propertyId_samplingrate: SET_OPTIONAL(quint32, parseUnsigned(value, _tmp), audioFile.techInfo().setAudioSamplerate(_tmp)); return; case propertyId_bitdepth: SET_OPTIONAL(quint32, parseUnsigned(value, _tmp), audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitdepth(_tmp)); return; case propertyId_bitrate: SET_OPTIONAL(quint32, parseUnsigned(value, _tmp), audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitrate(DIV_RND(_tmp, 1000U))); return; case propertyId_bitrate_mode: SET_OPTIONAL(quint32, parseRCMode(value, _tmp), audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitrateMode(_tmp)); return; case propertyId_encoded_library: audioFile.techInfo().setAudioEncodeLib(cleanAsciiStr(value)); return; case propertyId_cover_mime: coverMimeType = value; return; case propertyId_cover_data: retrieveCover(audioFile, coverMimeType, value); return; default: MUTILS_THROW_FMT("Invalid property ID: %d", propertyIdx); } }
bool DateComponents::parseMonth(const String& src, unsigned start, unsigned& end) { unsigned index; if (!parseYear(src, start, index)) return false; if (index >= src.length() || src[index] != '-') return false; ++index; int month; if (!toInt(src, index, 2, month) || month < 1 || month > 12) return false; --month; if (!withinHTMLDateLimits(m_year, month)) return false; m_month = month; end = index + 2; m_type = Month; return true; }
void AnalyzeTask::updateInfo(AudioFileModel &audioFile, bool &skipNext, QPair<quint32, quint32> &id_val, quint32 &coverType, QByteArray &coverData, const QString &key, const QString &value) { //qWarning("'%s' -> '%s'", MUTILS_UTF8(key), MUTILS_UTF8(value)); /*New Stream*/ if(IS_KEY("Gen_ID") || IS_KEY("Aud_ID")) { if(value.isEmpty()) { skipNext = false; } else { //We ignore all ID's, except for the lowest one! bool ok = false; unsigned int id = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) { if(IS_KEY("Gen_ID")) { id_val.first = qMin(id_val.first, id); skipNext = (id > id_val.first); } if(IS_KEY("Aud_ID")) { id_val.second = qMin(id_val.second, id); skipNext = (id > id_val.second); } } else { skipNext = true; } } if(skipNext) { qWarning("Skipping info for non-primary stream!"); } return; } /*Skip or empty?*/ if((skipNext) || value.isEmpty()) { return; } /*Playlist file?*/ if(IS_KEY("Aud_Source")) { skipNext = true; audioFile.techInfo().setContainerType(QString()); audioFile.techInfo().setAudioType(QString()); qWarning("Skipping info for playlist file!"); return; } /*General Section*/ if(IS_SEC("Gen")) { if(IS_KEY("Gen_Format")) { audioFile.techInfo().setContainerType(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Format_Profile")) { audioFile.techInfo().setContainerProfile(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Title") || IS_KEY("Gen_Track")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setTitle(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Duration")) { unsigned int tmp = parseDuration(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.techInfo().setDuration(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Artist") || IS_KEY("Gen_Performer")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setArtist(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Album")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setAlbum(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Genre")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setGenre(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Released_Date") || IS_KEY("Gen_Recorded_Date")) { unsigned int tmp = parseYear(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.metaInfo().setYear(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Comment")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setComment(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Track/Position")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.metaInfo().setPosition(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover") || IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Type")) { if(coverType == UINT_MAX) { coverType = 0; } } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Mime")) { QString temp = FIRST_TOK(value); for (quint32 i = 0; MIME_TYPES[i].type; i++) { if ([i].type), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { coverType = i; break; } } } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Data")) { if(!coverData.isEmpty()) coverData.clear(); coverData.append(QByteArray::fromBase64(FIRST_TOK(value).toLatin1())); } else { qWarning("Unknown key '%s' with value '%s' found!", MUTILS_UTF8(key), MUTILS_UTF8(value)); } return; } /*Audio Section*/ if(IS_SEC("Aud")) { if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format")) { audioFile.techInfo().setAudioType(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format_Profile")) { audioFile.techInfo().setAudioProfile(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format_Version")) { audioFile.techInfo().setAudioVersion(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Channel(s)")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioChannels(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_SamplingRate")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioSamplerate(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitDepth")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitdepth(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Duration")) { unsigned int tmp = parseDuration(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.techInfo().setDuration(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitRate")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitrate(tmp/1000); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitRate_Mode")) { if(!"CBR", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitrateMode(AudioFileModel::BitrateModeConstant); if(!"VBR", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitrateMode(AudioFileModel::BitrateModeVariable); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Encoded_Library")) { audioFile.techInfo().setAudioEncodeLib(value); } else { qWarning("Unknown key '%s' with value '%s' found!", MUTILS_UTF8(key), MUTILS_UTF8(value)); } return; } /*Section not recognized*/ qWarning("Unknown section: %s", MUTILS_UTF8(key)); }
int readCarsFromFile(Car *car, char *path) { FILE *inputFile = fopen(path, "r"); if (inputFile != NULL) { int amount = 0; char in; int step = 1, carIndex = 0; //printf("WORD MALLOC\n"); char word[30]; //printf("START INPUT\n"); Car carTemp; while (fscanf(inputFile, "%s", &word) != EOF) { //printf("WORD %s LENGHT: %d\n",word, strlen(word)); switch (step) { case 1: //printf("\nINSERTING BRAND %s\n",word); amount++; carTemp.brand = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(word) + 1)); strcpy(carTemp.brand, word); break; case 2: //printf("INSERTING TYPE %s\n",word); carTemp.type = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(word) + 1)); strcpy(carTemp.type, word); break; case 3: //printf("INSERTING COLOR %s\n",word); carTemp.color = parseColor(word); break; case 4: //printf("INSERTING YEAR %s\n",word); carTemp.year = parseYear(word); break; case 5: //printf("INSERTING FUEL %c\n",word[0]); carTemp.fuel = word[0]; break; case 6: //printf("INSERTING DATE %s\n",word); carTemp.evidDate = parseDate(word); break; case 7: //printf("INSERTING LICANSE PLATE %s\n",word); carTemp.licansePlate = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(word) + 1)); strcpy(carTemp.licansePlate, word); break; case 8: //printf("INSERTING PERFORMANCE %s\n",word); carTemp.performance = parsePerformance(word); break; case 9: //printf("INSERTING DRIVEN %s\n",word); carTemp.driven = parseDriven(word); break; } step++; if (step > 9) { step = 1; copyCar(&car[amount - 1], &carTemp); } } return amount; } //printf("ERROR OPENNING FILE."); return 0; }
void AnalyzeTask::updateInfo(AudioFileModel &audioFile, bool *skipNext, unsigned int *id_val, cover_t *coverType, QByteArray *coverData, const QString &key, const QString &value) { //qWarning("'%s' -> '%s'", QUTF8(key), QUTF8(value)); /*New Stream*/ if(IS_KEY("Gen_ID") || IS_KEY("Aud_ID")) { if(value.isEmpty()) { *skipNext = false; } else { //We ignore all ID's, except for the lowest one! bool ok = false; unsigned int id = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) { if(IS_KEY("Gen_ID")) { id_val[0] = qMin(id_val[0], id); *skipNext = (id > id_val[0]); } if(IS_KEY("Aud_ID")) { id_val[1] = qMin(id_val[1], id); *skipNext = (id > id_val[1]); } } else { *skipNext = true; } } if(*skipNext) { qWarning("Skipping info for non-primary stream!"); } return; } /*Skip or empty?*/ if((*skipNext) || value.isEmpty()) { return; } /*Playlist file?*/ if(IS_KEY("Aud_Source")) { *skipNext = true; audioFile.techInfo().setContainerType(QString()); audioFile.techInfo().setAudioType(QString()); qWarning("Skipping info for playlist file!"); return; } /*General Section*/ if(IS_SEC("Gen")) { if(IS_KEY("Gen_Format")) { audioFile.techInfo().setContainerType(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Format_Profile")) { audioFile.techInfo().setContainerProfile(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Title") || IS_KEY("Gen_Track")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setTitle(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Duration")) { unsigned int tmp = parseDuration(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.techInfo().setDuration(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Artist") || IS_KEY("Gen_Performer")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setArtist(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Album")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setAlbum(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Genre")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setGenre(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Released_Date") || IS_KEY("Gen_Recorded_Date")) { unsigned int tmp = parseYear(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.metaInfo().setYear(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Comment")) { audioFile.metaInfo().setComment(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Track/Position")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.metaInfo().setPosition(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover") || IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Type")) { if(*coverType == coverNone) { *coverType = coverJpeg; } } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Mime")) { QString temp = FIRST_TOK(value); if(!"image/jpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) *coverType = coverJpeg; else if(!"image/png", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) *coverType = coverPng; else if(!"image/gif", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) *coverType = coverGif; } else if(IS_KEY("Gen_Cover_Data")) { if(!coverData->isEmpty()) coverData->clear(); coverData->append(QByteArray::fromBase64(FIRST_TOK(value).toLatin1())); } else { qWarning("Unknown key '%s' with value '%s' found!", QUTF8(key), QUTF8(value)); } return; } /*Audio Section*/ if(IS_SEC("Aud")) { if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format")) { audioFile.techInfo().setAudioType(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format_Profile")) { audioFile.techInfo().setAudioProfile(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Format_Version")) { audioFile.techInfo().setAudioVersion(value); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Channel(s)")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioChannels(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_SamplingRate")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioSamplerate(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitDepth")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitdepth(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Duration")) { unsigned int tmp = parseDuration(value); if(tmp > 0) audioFile.techInfo().setDuration(tmp); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitRate")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int tmp = value.toUInt(&ok); if(ok) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitrate(tmp/1000); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_BitRate_Mode")) { if(!"CBR", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitrateMode(AudioFileModel::BitrateModeConstant); if(!"VBR", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) audioFile.techInfo().setAudioBitrateMode(AudioFileModel::BitrateModeVariable); } else if(IS_KEY("Aud_Encoded_Library")) { audioFile.techInfo().setAudioEncodeLib(value); } else { qWarning("Unknown key '%s' with value '%s' found!", QUTF8(key), QUTF8(value)); } return; } /*Section not recognized*/ qWarning("Unknown section: %s", QUTF8(key)); }