// optimization : This code don´t wait for data, only proccess the data available // We can call this function on the main loop (50Hz loop) // If we get a complete packet this function calls parse_ubx_gps() to parse and update the GPS info. void GPS_MTK_Class::Read(void) { static unsigned long GPS_timer=0; byte data; int numc; #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) // If AtMega1280/2560 then Serial port 1... numc = Serial1.available(); #else numc = Serial.available(); #endif if (numc > 0) for (int i=0;i<numc;i++) // Process bytes received { #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) data = Serial1.read(); #else data = Serial.read(); #endif switch(UBX_step) //Normally we start from zero. This is a state machine { case 0: if(data==0xB5) // UBX sync char 1 UBX_step++; //OH first data packet is correct, so jump to the next step break; case 1: if(data==0x62) // UBX sync char 2 UBX_step++; //ooh! The second data packet is correct, jump to the step 2 else UBX_step=0; //Nop, is not correct so restart to step zero and try again. break; case 2: UBX_class=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_class); UBX_step++; break; case 3: UBX_id=data; UBX_step=4; UBX_payload_length_hi=26; UBX_payload_length_lo=0; UBX_payload_counter=0; ubx_checksum(UBX_id); break; case 4: if (UBX_payload_counter < UBX_payload_length_hi) // We stay in this state until we reach the payload_length { UBX_buffer[UBX_payload_counter] = data; ubx_checksum(data); UBX_payload_counter++; if (UBX_payload_counter==UBX_payload_length_hi) UBX_step++; } break; case 5: UBX_ck_a=data; // First checksum byte UBX_step++; break; case 6: UBX_ck_b=data; // Second checksum byte // We end the GPS read... if((ck_a==UBX_ck_a)&&(ck_b==UBX_ck_b)) // Verify the received checksum with the generated checksum.. parse_ubx_gps(); // Parse the new GPS packet else { if (PrintErrors) Serial.println("ERR:GPS_CHK!!"); } // Variable initialization UBX_step=0; ck_a=0; ck_b=0; GPS_timer=millis(); //Restarting timer... break; } } // End for... // If we don´t receive GPS packets in 2 seconds => Bad FIX state if ((millis() - GPS_timer)>2000) { Fix = 0; if (PrintErrors) Serial.println("ERR:GPS_TIMEOUT!!"); } }
// optimization : This code don´t wait for data, only proccess the data available // We can call this function on the main loop (50Hz loop) // If we get a complete packet this function calls parse_ubx_gps() to parse and update the GPS info. void GPS_UBLOX_Class::Read(void) { static unsigned long GPS_timer=0; byte data; int numc; numc = Serial.available(); if (numc > 0) for (int i=0; i<numc; i++) // Process bytes received { data = Serial.read(); switch(UBX_step) //Normally we start from zero. This is a state machine { case 0: if(data==0xB5) // UBX sync char 1 UBX_step++; //OH first data packet is correct, so jump to the next step break; case 1: if(data==0x62) // UBX sync char 2 UBX_step++; //ooh! The second data packet is correct, jump to the step 2 else UBX_step=0; //Nop, is not correct so restart to step zero and try again. break; case 2: UBX_class=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_class); UBX_step++; break; case 3: UBX_id=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_id); UBX_step++; break; case 4: UBX_payload_length_hi=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_payload_length_hi); UBX_step++; // We check if the payload lenght is valid... if (UBX_payload_length_hi>=UBX_MAXPAYLOAD) { if (PrintErrors) Serial.println("ERR:GPS_BAD_PAYLOAD_LENGTH!!"); UBX_step=0; //Bad data, so restart to step zero and try again. ck_a=0; ck_b=0; } break; case 5: UBX_payload_length_lo=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_payload_length_lo); UBX_step++; UBX_payload_counter=0; break; case 6: // Payload data read... if (UBX_payload_counter < UBX_payload_length_hi) // We stay in this state until we reach the payload_length { UBX_buffer[UBX_payload_counter] = data; ubx_checksum(data); UBX_payload_counter++; if (UBX_payload_counter==UBX_payload_length_hi) UBX_step++; } break; case 7: UBX_ck_a=data; // First checksum byte UBX_step++; break; case 8: UBX_ck_b=data; // Second checksum byte // We end the GPS read... if((ck_a==UBX_ck_a)&&(ck_b==UBX_ck_b)) // Verify the received checksum with the generated checksum.. parse_ubx_gps(); // Parse the new GPS packet else { if (PrintErrors) Serial.println("ERR:GPS_CHK!!"); } // Variable initialization UBX_step=0; ck_a=0; ck_b=0; GPS_timer=millis(); //Restarting timer... break; } } // End for... // If we don´t receive GPS packets in 2 seconds => Bad FIX state if ((millis() - GPS_timer)>2000) { Fix = 0; if (PrintErrors) Serial.println("ERR:GPS_TIMEOUT!!"); } }
void Read(void) { static unsigned long GPS_timer=0; uint8_t data; int numc; numc = ((getdataz())/(getdataz())); if (numc > 0) //i = 0; for (i=0;i<numc;i++) // Process bytes received { getdataz(); data = getdataz(); switch(UBX_step) { case 0: if(data==0xB5) UBX_step++; break; case 1: if(data==0x62) UBX_step++; else UBX_step=0; break; case 2: UBX_class=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_class); UBX_step++; break; case 3: UBX_id=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_id); UBX_step++; break; case 4: UBX_length_hi=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_length_hi); UBX_step++; if (UBX_length_hi>=UBX_MAX_SIZE) { if (PrintErrors) UARTprintf("ERR:GPS_BAD_PAYLOAD_LENGTH!!"); UBX_step=0; ck_a=0; ck_b=0; } break; case 5: UBX_length_lo=data; ubx_checksum(UBX_length_lo); UBX_step++; UBX_counter=0; break; case 6: if (UBX_counter < UBX_length_hi) { UBX_buffer[UBX_counter] = data; ubx_checksum(data); UBX_counter++; if (UBX_counter==UBX_length_hi) UBX_step++; } break; case 7: UBX_ck_a=data; // Serial.println(UBX_ck_a); UBX_step++; break; case 8: UBX_ck_b=data; // Serial.println(UBX_ck_b); if((ck_a==UBX_ck_a)&&(ck_b==UBX_ck_b)) parse_ubx_gps(); else { if (PrintErrors) UARTprintf("ERR:GPS_CHK!!"); } UBX_step=0; ck_a=0; ck_b=0; GPS_timer=millis(); break; } } if ((millis() - GPS_timer)>2000) { Fix = 0; if (PrintErrors) UARTprintf("ERR:GPS_TIMEOUT!!"); } }