void partition(const RCP<PartitioningSolution<Adapter> > &solution)
    size_t nObj = adapter->getLocalNumIDs();
    ArrayRCP<part_t> partList(new part_t[nObj], 0, nObj, true);
    size_t nGlobalParts = solution->getTargetGlobalNumberOfParts();

    const Teuchos::ParameterEntry *pe = 
    int forTestingOnlyFlag = pe->getValue<int>(&forTestingOnlyFlag);
    switch (forTestingOnlyFlag) {
    case 0:
      // rank 0 has all objects in part 0
      // all other ranks assign to {0, nGlobalParts-1, 0, nGlobalParts-1, ..}
      if (comm->getRank() == 0) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nObj; i++) partList[i] = 0;
      else {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nObj; i++) 
          if (i % 2) partList[i] = nGlobalParts - 1;
          else partList[i] = 0;
    case 1:
      // rank 0 has all objects in part 0
      // all other ranks assign to {nGlobalParts-1, 0, nGlobalParts-1, 0, ..}
      if (comm->getRank() == 0) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nObj; i++) partList[i] = 0;
      else {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nObj; i++) 
          if (i % 2) partList[i] = 0;
          else partList[i] = nGlobalParts - 1;
      throw std::runtime_error("invalid forTestingOnlyFlag value");
    std::cout << comm->getRank() << " forTestingOnly " << forTestingOnlyFlag
              << " partList:  ";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nObj; i++)
      std::cout << partList[i] << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

void AlgPTScotch<Adapter>::partition(
  const RCP<PartitioningSolution<Adapter> > &solution

  size_t numGlobalParts = solution->getTargetGlobalNumberOfParts();

  SCOTCH_Num partnbr=0;
  TPL_Traits<SCOTCH_Num, size_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T(partnbr, numGlobalParts, env);

  int ierr = 0;
  int me = problemComm->getRank();

  const SCOTCH_Num  baseval = 0;  // Base value for array indexing.
                                  // GraphModel returns GNOs from base 0.

  SCOTCH_Strat stratstr;          // Strategy string
                                  // TODO:  Set from parameters

  // Allocate and initialize PTScotch Graph data structure.
  SCOTCH_Dgraph *gr = SCOTCH_dgraphAlloc();  // Scotch distributed graph
  ierr = SCOTCH_dgraphInit(gr, mpicomm);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "SCOTCH_dgraphInit", 
    !ierr, BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  // Get vertex info
  ArrayView<const gno_t> vtxID;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > xyz;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > vwgts;
  size_t nVtx = model->getVertexList(vtxID, xyz, vwgts);
  SCOTCH_Num vertlocnbr=0;
  TPL_Traits<SCOTCH_Num, size_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T(vertlocnbr, nVtx, env);
  SCOTCH_Num vertlocmax = vertlocnbr; // Assumes no holes in global nums.

  // Get edge info
  ArrayView<const gno_t> edgeIds;
  ArrayView<const int>   procIds;
  ArrayView<const lno_t> offsets;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > ewgts;

  size_t nEdge = model->getEdgeList(edgeIds, procIds, offsets, ewgts);

  SCOTCH_Num edgelocnbr=0;
  TPL_Traits<SCOTCH_Num, size_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T(edgelocnbr, nEdge, env);
  const SCOTCH_Num edgelocsize = edgelocnbr;  // Assumes adj array is compact.

  SCOTCH_Num *vertloctab;  // starting adj/vtx
  TPL_Traits<SCOTCH_Num, lno_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T_ARRAY(&vertloctab, offsets, env);

  SCOTCH_Num *edgeloctab;  // adjacencies
  TPL_Traits<SCOTCH_Num, gno_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T_ARRAY(&edgeloctab, edgeIds, env);

  // We don't use these arrays, but we need them as arguments to Scotch.
  SCOTCH_Num *vendloctab = NULL;  // Assume consecutive storage for adj
  SCOTCH_Num *vlblloctab = NULL;  // Vertex label array
  SCOTCH_Num *edgegsttab = NULL;  // Array for ghost vertices

  // Get weight info.
  SCOTCH_Num *velotab = NULL;  // Vertex weights
  SCOTCH_Num *edlotab = NULL;  // Edge weights

  int nVwgts = model->getNumWeightsPerVertex();
  int nEwgts = model->getNumWeightsPerEdge();
  if (nVwgts > 1 && me == 0) {
    std::cerr << "Warning:  NumWeightsPerVertex is " << nVwgts 
              << " but Scotch allows only one weight. "
              << " Zoltan2 will use only the first weight per vertex."
              << std::endl;
  if (nEwgts > 1 && me == 0) {
    std::cerr << "Warning:  NumWeightsPerEdge is " << nEwgts 
              << " but Scotch allows only one weight. "
              << " Zoltan2 will use only the first weight per edge."
              << std::endl;

  if (nVwgts) {
    velotab = new SCOTCH_Num[nVtx+1];  // +1 since Scotch wants all procs 
                                       // to have non-NULL arrays
    scale_weights(nVtx, vwgts[0], velotab);

  if (nEwgts) {
    edlotab = new SCOTCH_Num[nEdge+1];  // +1 since Scotch wants all procs 
                                         // to have non-NULL arrays
    scale_weights(nEdge, ewgts[0], edlotab);

  // Build PTScotch distributed data structure
  ierr = SCOTCH_dgraphBuild(gr, baseval, vertlocnbr, vertlocmax,
                            vertloctab, vendloctab, velotab, vlblloctab,
                            edgelocnbr, edgelocsize,
                            edgeloctab, edgegsttab, edlotab);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "SCOTCH_dgraphBuild", 
    !ierr, BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  // Create array for Scotch to return results in.
  ArrayRCP<part_t> partList(new part_t[nVtx], 0, nVtx,true);
  SCOTCH_Num *partloctab = NULL;
  if (nVtx && (sizeof(SCOTCH_Num) == sizeof(part_t))) {
    // Can write directly into the solution's memory
    partloctab = (SCOTCH_Num *) partList.getRawPtr();
  else {
    // Can't use solution memory directly; will have to copy later.
    // Note:  Scotch does not like NULL arrays, so add 1 to always have non-null.
    //        ParMETIS has this same "feature."  See Zoltan bug 4299.
    partloctab = new SCOTCH_Num[nVtx+1];

  // Get target part sizes
  float *partsizes = new float[numGlobalParts];
  if (!solution->criteriaHasUniformPartSizes(0))
    for (size_t i=0; i<numGlobalParts; i++)
      partsizes[i] = solution->getCriteriaPartSize(0, i);
    for (size_t i=0; i<numGlobalParts; i++)
      partsizes[i] = 1.0 / float(numGlobalParts);

  // Allocate and initialize PTScotch target architecture data structure
  SCOTCH_Arch archdat;

  SCOTCH_Num velosum = 0;
  SCOTCH_dgraphSize (gr, &velosum, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  SCOTCH_Num *goalsizes = new SCOTCH_Num[partnbr];
  // TODO: The goalsizes are set as in Zoltan; not sure it is correct there 
  // or here.
  // It appears velosum is global NUMBER of vertices, not global total 
  // vertex weight.  I think we should use the latter.
  // Fix this when we add vertex weights.
  for (SCOTCH_Num i = 0; i < partnbr; i++)
    goalsizes[i] = SCOTCH_Num(ceil(velosum * partsizes[i]));
  delete [] partsizes;

  SCOTCH_archCmpltw(&archdat, partnbr, goalsizes);

  // Call partitioning; result returned in partloctab.
  ierr = SCOTCH_dgraphMap(gr, &archdat, &stratstr, partloctab);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "SCOTCH_dgraphMap", 
    !ierr, BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  delete [] goalsizes;

  // TODO - metrics

  int me = env->comm_->getRank();

  if (me == 0){
    size_t scotchBytes = SCOTCH_getMemoryMax();
    std::cout << "Rank " << me << ": Maximum bytes used by Scotch: ";
    std::cout << scotchBytes << std::endl;

  // Clean up PTScotch

  // Load answer into the solution.

  if ((sizeof(SCOTCH_Num) != sizeof(part_t)) || (nVtx == 0)) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nVtx; i++) partList[i] = partloctab[i];
    delete [] partloctab;


  env->memory("Zoltan2-Scotch: After creating solution");

  // Clean up copies made due to differing data sizes.
  TPL_Traits<SCOTCH_Num, lno_t>::DELETE_TPL_T_ARRAY(&vertloctab);
  TPL_Traits<SCOTCH_Num, gno_t>::DELETE_TPL_T_ARRAY(&edgeloctab);

  if (nVwgts) delete [] velotab;
  if (nEwgts) delete [] edlotab;

#else // DO NOT HAVE_MPI

  // TODO:  Handle serial case with calls to Scotch.
  // TODO:  For now, assign everything to rank 0 and assume only one part.
  // TODO:  Can probably use the code above for loading solution,
  // TODO:  instead of duplicating it here.
  // TODO
  // TODO:  Actual logic should call Scotch when number of processes == 1.
  ArrayView<const gno_t> vtxID;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > xyz;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > vwgts;
  size_t nVtx = model->getVertexList(vtxID, xyz, vwgts);

  ArrayRCP<part_t> partList(new part_t[nVtx], 0, nVtx, true);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < nVtx; i++) partList[i] = 0;


#endif // DO NOT HAVE_MPI
void AlgPTScotch(
  const RCP<const Environment> &env,        // parameters & app comm
  const RCP<const Comm<int> > &problemComm, // problem comm
  MPI_Comm mpicomm,
  const RCP<GraphModel<typename Adapter::base_adapter_t> > &model, // the graph
  RCP<PartitioningSolution<Adapter> > &solution

  typedef typename Adapter::lno_t lno_t;
  typedef typename Adapter::gno_t gno_t;
  typedef typename Adapter::scalar_t scalar_t;

  int ierr = 0;

  size_t numGlobalParts = solution->getTargetGlobalNumberOfParts();

  SCOTCH_Num partnbr;
  SCOTCH_Num_Traits<size_t>::ASSIGN_TO_SCOTCH_NUM(partnbr, numGlobalParts, env);


  const SCOTCH_Num  baseval = 0;  // Base value for array indexing.
                                  // GraphModel returns GNOs from base 0.

  SCOTCH_Strat stratstr;          // Strategy string
                                  // TODO:  Set from parameters

  // Allocate & initialize PTScotch data structure.
  SCOTCH_Dgraph *gr = SCOTCH_dgraphAlloc();  // Scotch distributed graph
  ierr = SCOTCH_dgraphInit(gr, mpicomm);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "SCOTCH_dgraphInit", 
    !ierr, BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  // Get vertex info
  ArrayView<const gno_t> vtxID;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > xyz;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > vtxWt;
  size_t nVtx = model->getVertexList(vtxID, xyz, vtxWt);
  SCOTCH_Num vertlocnbr;
  SCOTCH_Num_Traits<size_t>::ASSIGN_TO_SCOTCH_NUM(vertlocnbr, nVtx, env);
  SCOTCH_Num vertlocmax = vertlocnbr; // Assumes no holes in global nums.

  // Get edge info
  ArrayView<const gno_t> edgeIds;
  ArrayView<const int>   procIds;
  ArrayView<const lno_t> offsets;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > ewgts;

  size_t nEdges = model->getEdgeList(edgeIds, procIds, offsets, ewgts);

  SCOTCH_Num edgelocnbr;
  SCOTCH_Num_Traits<size_t>::ASSIGN_TO_SCOTCH_NUM(edgelocnbr, nEdges, env);
  const SCOTCH_Num edgelocsize = edgelocnbr;  // Assumes adj array is compact.

  SCOTCH_Num *vertloctab;  // starting adj/vtx
  SCOTCH_Num_Traits<lno_t>::ASSIGN_SCOTCH_NUM_ARRAY(&vertloctab, offsets, env);

  SCOTCH_Num *edgeloctab;  // adjacencies
  SCOTCH_Num_Traits<gno_t>::ASSIGN_SCOTCH_NUM_ARRAY(&edgeloctab, edgeIds, env);

  // We don't use these arrays, but we need them as arguments to Scotch.
  SCOTCH_Num *vendloctab = NULL;  // Assume consecutive storage for adj
  SCOTCH_Num *vlblloctab = NULL;  // Vertex label array
  SCOTCH_Num *edgegsttab = NULL;  // Array for ghost vertices

  // Get weight info.
  // TODO:  Actually get the weights; for now, not using weights.
  SCOTCH_Num *veloloctab = NULL;  // Vertex weights
  SCOTCH_Num *edloloctab = NULL;  // Edge weights
  //TODO int vwtdim = model->getVertexWeightDim();
  //TODO int ewtdim = model->getEdgeWeightDim();
  //TODO if (vwtdim) veloloctab = new SCOTCH_Num[nVtx];
  //TODO if (ewtdim) edloloctab = new SCOTCH_Num[nEdges];
  //TODO scale weights to SCOTCH_Nums.

  // Build PTScotch distributed data structure
  ierr = SCOTCH_dgraphBuild(gr, baseval, vertlocnbr, vertlocmax,
                            vertloctab, vendloctab, veloloctab, vlblloctab,
                            edgelocnbr, edgelocsize,
                            edgeloctab, edgegsttab, edloloctab);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "SCOTCH_dgraphBuild", 
    !ierr, BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  // Create array for Scotch to return results in.
  ArrayRCP<partId_t> partList(new partId_t [nVtx], 0, nVtx,true);
  SCOTCH_Num *partloctab = NULL;
  if (nVtx && (sizeof(SCOTCH_Num) == sizeof(partId_t))) {
    // Can write directly into the solution's memory
    partloctab = (SCOTCH_Num *) partList.getRawPtr();
  else {
    // Can't use solution memory directly; will have to copy later.
    // Note:  Scotch does not like NULL arrays, so add 1 to always have non-null.
    //        ParMETIS has this same "feature."  See Zoltan bug 4299.
    partloctab = new SCOTCH_Num[nVtx+1];

  // Call partitioning; result returned in partloctab.
  // TODO:  Use SCOTCH_dgraphMap so can include a machine model in partitioning

  ierr = SCOTCH_dgraphPart(gr, partnbr, &stratstr, partloctab);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "SCOTCH_dgraphPart", 
    !ierr, BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  // TODO - metrics

  int me = env->comm_->getRank();

  if (me == 0){
    size_t scotchBytes = SCOTCH_getMemoryMax();
    std::cout << "Rank " << me << ": Maximum bytes used by Scotch: ";
    std::cout << scotchBytes << std::endl;

  // Clean up PTScotch
  delete gr;

  // Load answer into the solution.

  if ((sizeof(SCOTCH_Num) != sizeof(partId_t)) || (nVtx == 0)) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nVtx; i++) partList[i] = partloctab[i];
    delete [] partloctab;

  ArrayRCP<const gno_t> gnos = arcpFromArrayView(vtxID);

  solution->setParts(gnos, partList, true);

  env->memory("Zoltan2-Scotch: After creating solution");

  //if (me == 0) cout << " done." << endl;
  // Clean up Zoltan2
  //TODO if (vwtdim) delete [] velotab;
  //TODO if (ewtdim) delete [] edlotab;

  // Clean up copies made due to differing data sizes.

#else // DO NOT HAVE_MPI

  // TODO:  Handle serial case with calls to Scotch.
  // TODO:  For now, assign everything to rank 0 and assume only one part.
  // TODO:  Can probably use the code above for loading solution,
  // TODO:  instead of duplicating it here.
  // TODO
  // TODO:  Actual logic should call Scotch when number of processes == 1.
  ArrayView<const gno_t> vtxID;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > xyz;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > vtxWt;
  size_t nVtx = model->getVertexList(vtxID, xyz, vtxWt);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < nVtx; i++) partList[i] = 0;

#endif // DO NOT HAVE_MPI
Example #4
void AlgZoltan<Adapter>::partition(
  const RCP<PartitioningSolution<Adapter> > &solution
  char paramstr[128];

  size_t numGlobalParts = solution->getTargetGlobalNumberOfParts();

  sprintf(paramstr, "%lu", numGlobalParts);
  zz->Set_Param("NUM_GLOBAL_PARTS", paramstr);

  int wdim = adapter->getNumWeightsPerID();
  sprintf(paramstr, "%d", wdim);
  zz->Set_Param("OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", paramstr);

  const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl = env->getParameters();

  double tolerance;
  const Teuchos::ParameterEntry *pe = pl.getEntryPtr("imbalance_tolerance");
  if (pe){
    char str[30];
    tolerance = pe->getValue<double>(&tolerance);
    sprintf(str, "%f", tolerance);
    zz->Set_Param("IMBALANCE_TOL", str);
  pe = pl.getEntryPtr("partitioning_approach");
  if (pe){
    std::string approach;
    approach = pe->getValue<std::string>(&approach);
    if (approach == "partition")
      zz->Set_Param("LB_APPROACH", "PARTITION");
      zz->Set_Param("LB_APPROACH", "REPARTITION");

  // Look for zoltan_parameters sublist; pass all zoltan parameters to Zoltan
  try {
    const Teuchos::ParameterList &zpl = pl.sublist("zoltan_parameters");
    for (ParameterList::ConstIterator iter =  zpl.begin();
                                      iter != zpl.end(); iter++) {
      const std::string &zname = pl.name(iter);
      // Convert the value to a string to pass to Zoltan
      std::string zval = pl.entry(iter).getValue(&zval);
      zz->Set_Param(zname.c_str(), zval.c_str());      
  catch (std::exception &e) {
    // No zoltan_parameters sublist found; no Zoltan parameters to register

  // Get target part sizes
  int pdim = (wdim > 1 ? wdim : 1);
  for (int d = 0; d < pdim; d++) {
    if (!solution->criteriaHasUniformPartSizes(d)) {
      float *partsizes = new float[numGlobalParts];
      int *partidx = new int[numGlobalParts];
      int *wgtidx = new int[numGlobalParts];
      for (size_t i=0; i<numGlobalParts; i++) partidx[i] = i;
      for (size_t i=0; i<numGlobalParts; i++) wgtidx[i] = d;
      for (size_t i=0; i<numGlobalParts; i++)
        partsizes[i] = solution->getCriteriaPartSize(0, i);
      zz->LB_Set_Part_Sizes(1, numGlobalParts, partidx, wgtidx, partsizes);
      delete [] partsizes;
      delete [] partidx;
      delete [] wgtidx;

  // Make the call to LB_Partition
  int changed = 0;
  int nGidEnt = 1, nLidEnt = 1;
  int nDummy = -1;                         // Dummy vars to satisfy arglist
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR dGids = NULL, dLids = NULL;
  int *dProcs = NULL, *dParts = NULL;
  int nObj = -1;                           // Output vars with new part info
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR oGids = NULL, oLids = NULL;
  int *oProcs = NULL, *oParts = NULL;

  zz->Set_Param("RETURN_LISTS", "PARTS");  // required format for Zoltan2;
                                           // results in last five arguments
  int ierr = zz->LB_Partition(changed, nGidEnt, nLidEnt,
                              nDummy, dGids, dLids, dProcs, dParts,
                              nObj,   oGids, oLids, oProcs, oParts);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Zoltan LB_Partition", 
    (ierr==ZOLTAN_OK || ierr==ZOLTAN_WARN), BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  int numObjects=nObj;
  // The number of objects may be larger than zoltan knows due to copies that 
  // were removed by the hypergraph model
  if (model!=RCP<const Model<Adapter> >() &&
      dynamic_cast<const HyperGraphModel<Adapter>* >(&(*model)) &&
      !(dynamic_cast<const HyperGraphModel<Adapter>* >(&(*model))->areVertexIDsUnique())) {

  // Load answer into the solution.
  ArrayRCP<part_t> partList(new part_t[numObjects], 0, numObjects, true);
  for (int i = 0; i < nObj; i++) partList[oLids[i]] = oParts[i];
  if (model!=RCP<const Model<Adapter> >() &&
      dynamic_cast<const HyperGraphModel<Adapter>* >(&(*model)) &&
      !(dynamic_cast<const HyperGraphModel<Adapter>* >(&(*model))->areVertexIDsUnique())) {
    // Setup the part ids for copied entities removed by ownership in 
    // hypergraph model.
    const HyperGraphModel<Adapter>* mdl = 
                    static_cast<const HyperGraphModel<Adapter>* >(&(*model));
    typedef typename HyperGraphModel<Adapter>::map_t map_t;
    Teuchos::RCP<const map_t> mapWithCopies;
    Teuchos::RCP<const map_t> oneToOneMap;
    typedef Tpetra::Vector<scalar_t, lno_t, gno_t> vector_t;
    vector_t vecWithCopies(mapWithCopies);
    vector_t oneToOneVec(oneToOneMap);

    // Set values in oneToOneVec:  each entry == rank
    assert(nObj == lno_t(oneToOneMap->getNodeNumElements()));
    for (lno_t i = 0; i < nObj; i++)
      oneToOneVec.replaceLocalValue(i, oParts[i]);
    // Now import oneToOneVec's values back to vecWithCopies
    Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra::Import<lno_t, gno_t> > importer = 
      Tpetra::createImport<lno_t, gno_t>(oneToOneMap, mapWithCopies);
    vecWithCopies.doImport(oneToOneVec, *importer, Tpetra::REPLACE);

    // Should see copied vector values when print VEC WITH COPIES
    lno_t nlocal = lno_t(mapWithCopies->getNodeNumElements());
    for (lno_t i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
      partList[i] = vecWithCopies.getData()[i];


  // Clean up
  zz->LB_Free_Part(&oGids, &oLids, &oProcs, &oParts);
Example #5
void AlgPuLP<Adapter>::partition(
  const RCP<PartitioningSolution<Adapter> > &solution

  size_t numGlobalParts = solution->getTargetGlobalNumberOfParts();

  int num_parts = (int)numGlobalParts;
  //TPL_Traits<int, size_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T(num_parts, numGlobalParts, env);

  //#ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN2_MPI
  // TODO: XtraPuLP

  int ierr = 0;
  //int np = problemComm->getSize();

  // Get number of vertices and edges
  const size_t modelVerts = model->getLocalNumVertices();
  const size_t modelEdges = model->getLocalNumEdges();
  int num_verts = (int)modelVerts;
  long num_edges = (long)modelEdges;
  //TPL_Traits<int, size_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T(num_verts, modelVerts, env);
  //TPL_Traits<long, size_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T(num_edges, modelEdges, env);

  // Get adjacency list and offset pointers 
  ArrayView<const gno_t> adjs;
  ArrayView<const lno_t> offsets;
  ArrayView<StridedData<lno_t, scalar_t> > ewgts; // ignore this for now
  model->getEdgeList(adjs, offsets, ewgts);

  // Create PuLP's graph structure
  int *out_edges;
  long *out_offsets;
  TPL_Traits<int, const gno_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T_ARRAY(&out_edges, adjs);
  TPL_Traits<long, const lno_t>::ASSIGN_TPL_T_ARRAY(&out_offsets, offsets);

  pulp_graph_t g = {num_verts, num_edges, out_edges, out_offsets};

  // Create array for PuLP to return results in.
  // Or write directly into solution parts array
  ArrayRCP<part_t> partList(new part_t[num_verts], 0, num_verts, true);
  int* parts = NULL;
  if (num_verts && (sizeof(int) == sizeof(part_t))) {
    // Can write directly into the solution's memory
    parts = (int *) partList.getRawPtr();
  else {
    // Can't use solution memory directly; will have to copy later.
    parts = new int[num_verts];

  // TODO
  // Implement vertex and edge weights

  // TODO
  // Implement target part sizes

  // Grab options from parameter list
  const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl = env->getParameters();
  const Teuchos::ParameterEntry *pe;

  // figure out which parts of the algorithm we're going to run
  // Default to PuLP with BFS init
  // PuLP - do_edge_min = false, do_maxcut_min = false
  // PuLP-M - do_edge_bal = true, do_maxcut_min = false
  // PuLP-MM - do_edge_bal = true/false, do_maxcut_min = true
  int do_lp_init = 0;
  int do_bfs_init = 1;
  int do_edge_bal = 0;
  int do_maxcut_min = 0;
  int verbose_output = 0;

  // Do label propagation initialization instead of bfs?
  pe = pl.getEntryPtr("pulp_lp_init");
  if (pe) do_lp_init = pe->getValue<int>(&do_lp_init);
  if (do_lp_init) do_bfs_init = 0;

  // Now look at additional objective
  pe = pl.getEntryPtr("pulp_minimize_maxcut");
  if (pe) {
    do_maxcut_min = pe->getValue<int>(&do_maxcut_min);
    // If we're doing the secondary objective, 
    //   set the additional constraint as well
    if (do_maxcut_min) do_edge_bal = 1;

  // Now grab vertex and edge imbalances, defaults at 10%
  double vert_imbalance = 1.1;
  double edge_imbalance = 1.1;

  pe = pl.getEntryPtr("pulp_vert_imbalance");
  if (pe) vert_imbalance = pe->getValue<double>(&vert_imbalance);
  pe = pl.getEntryPtr("pulp_edge_imbalance");
  if (pe) {
    edge_imbalance = pe->getValue<double>(&edge_imbalance);
    // if manually set edge imbalance, add do_edge_bal flag to true
    do_edge_bal = 1;

  if (vert_imbalance < 1.0)
    throw std::runtime_error("pulp_vert_imbalance must be '1.0' or greater.");
  if (edge_imbalance < 1.0)
    throw std::runtime_error("pulp_edge_imbalance must be '1.0' or greater.");

  // verbose output?  
  // TODO: fully implement verbose flag throughout PuLP
  pe = pl.getEntryPtr("pulp_verbose");
  if (pe) verbose_output = pe->getValue<int>(&verbose_output);

  // Create PuLP's partitioning data structure
  pulp_part_control_t ppc = {vert_imbalance, edge_imbalance,
    (bool)do_lp_init, (bool)do_bfs_init, 
    (bool)do_edge_bal, (bool)do_maxcut_min,

  if (verbose_output) {
    printf("n: %i, m: %li, vb: %lf, eb: %lf, p: %i\n",
      num_verts, num_edges, vert_imbalance, edge_imbalance, num_parts);

  // Call partitioning; result returned in parts array
  ierr = pulp_run(&g, &ppc, parts, num_parts);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "pulp_run", 
    !ierr, BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  // Load answer into the solution if necessary
  if ((sizeof(int) != sizeof(part_t)) || (num_verts == 0)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) partList[i] = parts[i];
    delete [] parts;


  env->memory("Zoltan2-PuLP: After creating solution");

  // Clean up copies made due to differing data sizes.
  TPL_Traits<int, const lno_t>::DELETE_TPL_T_ARRAY(&out_edges);
  TPL_Traits<long, const gno_t>::DELETE_TPL_T_ARRAY(&out_offsets);

//#endif // DO NOT HAVE_MPI
void AlgZoltan<Adapter>::partition(
  const RCP<PartitioningSolution<Adapter> > &solution
  char paramstr[128];

  size_t numGlobalParts = solution->getTargetGlobalNumberOfParts();

  sprintf(paramstr, "%lu", numGlobalParts);
  zz->Set_Param("NUM_GLOBAL_PARTS", paramstr);

  int wdim = adapter->getNumWeightsPerID();
  sprintf(paramstr, "%d", wdim);
  zz->Set_Param("OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM", paramstr);

  const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl = env->getParameters();

  double tolerance;
  const Teuchos::ParameterEntry *pe = pl.getEntryPtr("imbalance_tolerance");
  if (pe){
    char str[30];
    tolerance = pe->getValue<double>(&tolerance);
    sprintf(str, "%f", tolerance);
    zz->Set_Param("IMBALANCE_TOL", str);

  // Look for zoltan_parameters sublist; pass all zoltan parameters to Zoltan
  try {
    const Teuchos::ParameterList &zpl = pl.sublist("zoltan_parameters");
    for (ParameterList::ConstIterator iter =  zpl.begin();
                                      iter != zpl.end(); iter++) {
      const std::string &zname = pl.name(iter);
      // Convert the value to a string to pass to Zoltan
      std::string &zval = pl.entry(iter).getValue(&zval);
      zz->Set_Param(zname.c_str(), zval.c_str());
  catch (std::exception &e) {
    // No zoltan_parameters sublist found; no Zoltan parameters to register

  // Get target part sizes
  int pdim = (wdim > 1 ? wdim : 1);
  for (int d = 0; d < pdim; d++) {
    if (!solution->criteriaHasUniformPartSizes(d)) {
      float *partsizes = new float[numGlobalParts];
      int *partidx = new int[numGlobalParts];
      int *wgtidx = new int[numGlobalParts];
      for (size_t i=0; i<numGlobalParts; i++) partidx[i] = i;
      for (size_t i=0; i<numGlobalParts; i++) wgtidx[i] = d;
      for (size_t i=0; i<numGlobalParts; i++)
        partsizes[i] = solution->getCriteriaPartSize(0, i);
      zz->LB_Set_Part_Sizes(1, numGlobalParts, partidx, wgtidx, partsizes);
      delete [] partsizes;
      delete [] partidx;
      delete [] wgtidx;

  // Make the call to LB_Partition
  int changed = 0;
  int nGidEnt = 1, nLidEnt = 1;
  int nDummy = -1;                         // Dummy vars to satisfy arglist
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR dGids = NULL, dLids = NULL;
  int *dProcs = NULL, *dParts = NULL;
  int nObj = -1;                           // Output vars with new part info
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR oGids = NULL, oLids = NULL;
  int *oProcs = NULL, *oParts = NULL;

  zz->Set_Param("RETURN_LISTS", "PARTS");  // required format for Zoltan2;
                                           // results in last five arguments
  int ierr = zz->LB_Partition(changed, nGidEnt, nLidEnt,
                              nDummy, dGids, dLids, dProcs, dParts,
                              nObj,   oGids, oLids, oProcs, oParts);

  env->globalInputAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Zoltan LB_Partition", 
    (ierr==ZOLTAN_OK || ierr==ZOLTAN_WARN), BASIC_ASSERTION, problemComm);

  // Load answer into the solution.
  ArrayRCP<part_t> partList(new part_t[nObj], 0, nObj, true);
  for (int i = 0; i < nObj; i++) partList[i] = oParts[oLids[i]];

  // Clean up
  zz->LB_Free_Part(&oGids, &oLids, &oProcs, &oParts);