Example #1
int NCP_Path(int n, double* z, FuncEvalPtr F, JacEvalPtr jacobianF, int* iparam, double* dparam)
  /* Lower bounds on the variables = 0 for NCP */
  double *lb  = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n);
  /* Upper bounds on the variables = +inf for NCP */
  double *ub = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n);
  /* Function evaluation */
  double *f = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * n);;
  /* Number of nonzeros */
  int nnz = n * n;
  /* Termination status from PATH */
  int status;
  int j;

  /* Connect F and its jacobian to input functions */

  /* Fill in the lower and upper bounds */

  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
    lb[j] = 0;
    ub[j] = 1e20;

  /* Set fill_structure to true (we ALWAYS need to fill in the structure  */
  /* of the jacobian at least once per call to PATH).                     */

  fill_structure = 1;

  /* Call PATH.                                                           */

  pathMain(n, nnz, &status, z, f, lb, ub);

  /* Deallocate memory.                                                   */

  return 0;
Example #2
int main()
     double *lb;		/* Lower bounds on the variables             */
     double *ub;		/* Upper bounds on the variables             */
     double *z;			/* Solution vector                           */
     double *f;			/* Function evaluation                       */
     int n;			/* Number of variable (N*N)                  */
     int nnz;			/* Number of nonzeros (5*N*N - 4*N)          */
     int status;		/* Termination status from PATH              */
     int i, j;
     /* Read in the number of elements to use on the X and Y axes.           */

     printf("Input n: ");
     status = scanf("%d", &N);
     if ((status != 1) || (N < 2))
	  N = 2;
     /* Determine n (number of variables) and nnz (number of nonzeros)       */

     n = N*N;
     nnz = 5*N*N - 4*N;
     /* Allocate space for the bounds, starting point, and function value.   */

     lb = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n);
     ub = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n);
     z = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n);
     f = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n);

     /* Fill in the lower and upper bounds and a starting point.             */

     for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	       lb[i + j*N] = 
		    pow(sin(9.2*i/(N+1.0))*sin(9.3*j/(N+1.0)), 3.0);
	       ub[i + j*N] = 
		    pow(sin(9.2*i/(N+1.0))*sin(9.3*j/(N+1.0)), 2.0) + 0.02;
	       z[i + j*N] = 0.1;

     /* Set fill_structure to true (we ALWAYS need to fill in the structure  */
     /* of the jacobian at least once per call to PATH).                     */

     fill_structure = 1;

     /* Call PATH.                                                           */

     pathMain(n, nnz, &status, z, f, lb, ub);

     /* Deallocate memory.                                                   */


     return 0;