Example #1
/* parse the root config .ini file. it is located in
 * ~/.android/avd/<name>.ini or Windows equivalent
static int
_avdInfo_getRootIni( AvdInfo*  i )
    char*  iniPath = path_getRootIniPath( i->deviceName );

    if (iniPath == NULL) {
        derror("unknown virtual device name: '%s'", i->deviceName);
        return -1;

    D("Android virtual device file at: %s", iniPath);

    i->rootIni = iniFile_newFromFile(iniPath);

    if (i->rootIni == NULL) {
        derror("Corrupt virtual device config file!");
        return -1;
    return 0;
static char*
_getAvdContentPath(const char* avdName)
    char temp[PATH_MAX], *p=temp, *end=p+sizeof(temp);
    IniFile* ini = NULL;
    char*    iniPath = path_getRootIniPath(avdName);
    char*    avdPath = NULL;

    if (iniPath != NULL) {
        ini = iniFile_newFromFile(iniPath);

    if (ini == NULL) {
        APANIC("Could not open: %s\n", iniPath == NULL ? avdName : iniPath);

    avdPath = iniFile_getString(ini, ROOT_ABS_PATH_KEY, NULL);

    if (!path_is_dir(avdPath)) {
        // If the absolute path doesn't match an actual directory, try
        // the relative path if present.
        const char* relPath = iniFile_getString(ini, ROOT_REL_PATH_KEY, NULL);
        if (relPath != NULL) {
            p = bufprint_config_path(temp, end);
            p = bufprint(p, end, PATH_SEP "%s", relPath);
            if (p < end && path_is_dir(temp)) {
                avdPath = ASTRDUP(temp);


    return avdPath;